Decide on the choice of future place of study - a difficult task. Future school graduates are often simply lost, meeting with many still unknown concepts. For example, some rushes to enter any department, considering that its name is the name of the specialty or training program. Others are interested in what to take exams for admission to one or another faculty, not knowing that the faculty may have several specialties with their specializations and different introductory requirements. One of the most popular issues of applicants are, perhaps, questions about where to do with a certain set of EGE and is it possible to go to the "budget" with the sum of the scored points.

Schoolchildren's answers are primarily looking for on the Internet. But even now, when each university and college has its own website, finding the necessary information is problematic.

But in what teenagers are dealt with, perhaps, better than many adults, so it is in mobile applications. They will not be much difficult to find and install something interesting and useful on their smartphone or tablet. And the most popular applications for users of this age are not only games. Schoolchildren are actively downloading applications useful for study . And high school students, in particular, are interested in applications related to preparing for the exam and other exams.

Recently, universities began to produce their own applications in which the user can quickly find the necessary information. Using mobile applications, universities can supply users the following information:

  • various information about the university
  • contact details
  • news
  • lists of faculties (institutions) of university and preparation directions
  • schedule, etc.

There are also university applications that are created specifically for applicants and contain data, useful for this category of users:

  • news and contact details of the admission committee
  • announcements of Events for Applicants
  • location of buildings
  • lists of training programs and entrance tests
  • exam Point Calculator.

In addition to containing the information necessary to applicant during the preparation for admission to the university, some applications themselves are tools for training. For example, in the Application "Application TPU" of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, you can find a simulator with more than 10,000 questions that will help test their knowledge of profile subjects.

A good service such applications will serve not only during preparation for admission, but also during the period of enrollment, when all documents are filed and remains only to wait.

- Here, applicants and students can track their position in the ranking list, watch the number of points from "competitors "entering the same directions and specialty- They tell representatives of the Tomsk Polytechnic University about the mobile application "Application TPU".

However, the practice of creating mobile applications is not yet too common among domestic educational organizations. For example, fifty years old on Google Play of such applications created by Russian universities. Whereas in foreign universities, this topic is quite popular. Therefore, the presence of a mobile application at the university can be a good indicator of its modernity and technological.

Admission to the university, after the end of the eleventh grade of high school, is the inevitable and necessary step, for all those who want to achieve more than a simple working specialty. Not all schoolchildren want to become cashiers in supermarkets, plumbers or dig under the bottoms of foreign cars in the car service garage. This becomes the reason why a person wants to enter the university. Admission to the institute means that a person decided to become a professional of his business and is going to master it at a bachelor's level or even a master. But before carrying the documents, the first university, it is worth a pretty think about whether it is a university.

Dough passing remotely - from 999.99 rub. *

Passing exam remotely - from 1000 rub. *

Protection of the graduation work on Skype - from 2500 rubles. *

All final calculations for this service are produced only after the service is provided (the test or exam is handed over, the graduate protection has passed successfully). The total cost depends on the complexity of the task, discipline and urgency. Send an application for calculation.

How to choose a university for receipt

Often, we receive appeals from the guys who could not decide where to come. This is a very responsible moment and we are pleased to assist applicants in choosing the future place of study. Tell our managers to our interests, the city where you would like to live and learn. And also, what form of learning are you going to choose - budget full-time, budget absentee or paid training and we will pick you up the most suitable university, the training in which will be easy to be given to you, and the years spent in it will replenish the number of the best years of your life. We can choose a humanitarian or technical university for you, and we can and medical about which it is worth saying separately.

Admission to the university, after the end of the eleventh grade of high school, is the inevitable and necessary step, for all those who want to achieve more than a simple working specialty.

Admission to medical university

Stopping your choice on the profession of a doctor, it is worth a clearly aware that it is not just a job, but a calling. Therefore, admission to the medical school should be your own choice, and not to be dictated by the pressure of circumstances or persuasion of friends, girlfriends, parents or other friends and relatives. If you independently decided with your future specialty, if you want to help people get rid of diseases, if you like chemistry and biology lessons, then entering the medical school will be the best solution for you. If you do not know how to enter a medical university yourself, then we are ready to help you.

Assistance in admission to graduate school

Have you already graduated from the university and do you have a specialist or master's diploma? Do not stop there. Modern life requires people to continuously develop their professional skills, permanent learning. If you want to increase your educational level to genuine skill and develop your talents, then entering the graduate school will be the best solution for you. It's not easy to enter a graduate school, only the best of university graduates to do this, based on your strength, and all the rest requires help. We are ready to assist when entering the graduate school, it is quite simple if you know how.

What to do to the university

Is it worth saying that not everyone is able to enter a university or graduate school independently? Of course, someone independent arrival may not be on the shoulder. In such situations, many young men and girls are required for this reason, they contact organizations providing such services. We provide support to everyone who wants to enroll in graduate school or university. To get this service, you have enough to contact one of our managers, through the feedback form presented on the site. You can also contact us by phone or email that are listed below.

Them. CM. Kirov has existed for more than 200 years, and all this time it produces highly qualified medicine professionals who save human lives every day around the world. Many of the university graduates are rightfully considered leading physicians of modernity.


The official date of creation of the Academy is considered to be the end of December 1798, it was then that Emperor Paul I signed a decree on creating medical schools with existing hospitals. Then she wore the status of the School, however, it was not long. Since 1808, the university has been called "Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy".

Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov at one time has influenced the development of pharmaceutical and veterinary education, it is there that you can find the original medical textbooks that are considered the fundamental basis for modern medicine. In the period from 1808 to 1904, the Academy was actively developed, she actively helped the holders of the throne, as well as titled advisers and officials.

At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a split, some of the teachers did not support the new power and left to work abroad. All the remaining helped the new power to build relationships with the people and assisted the wounded as a result of the civil war. In the early 20s of the 20th century, the Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov focused on developing and further teaching military-type specialdiceciplines.

In the entire history of the existence of the Academy of about 300, its graduates became outstanding scientists in various fields of science, for which the university was awarded the title of the establishment of world importance. In 1998, the Academy became one of the particularly valuable objects of the cultural heritage of all peoples of the Russian Federation.

Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov: what to do?

To receive an applicant, you will need to provide a standard package of documents: a copy of the passport, a copy of the school certificate or other document, testifying to the presence of higher education, certificate of delivery of a single state exam, two photos 3x4, as well as fill out a statement on the established university form.

Students can become citizens of the Russian Federation aged 16 to 22, provided that they did not pass military service. If they still served, then the age plank increases to 24 years. If we are talking about servicemen who serve under the contract, they can go to the Academy to 25 years. If the applicant comes to get a secondary vocational education, its age should be less than 30 years.


Them. Kirov, which changes annually, offers to applicants that did not pass for one other state exam for one or another, to pass it upon admission. For each specialty there are certain thresholds in points that must be overcome by an applicant to participate in the competition.

In total, there are four specialties in the Academy: "therapeutic matter", "Medical and prophylactic matter", "Pharmacy" and "Dentistry". To go on the first specialty, it is necessary to recruit 55 points on the chemistry to the chemistry, in Russian and biology - 50.

For a successful passage to the specialty "Dentistry" it is necessary for all three subjects to gain 50 points. At the specialty "Pharmacy" it is necessary to gain 45 points in chemistry and 40 in Russian language and biology. For admission to the specialty "Medical and prophylactic case" enough for all three subjects to score 40 points.

Help Novikom

Military Medical Academy. Kirov, the assistance in which it turns out constantly, invites everyone to pass preparatory courses. It is there that you can pull out our own knowledge of Russian language, chemistry and biology - those subjects that must be handed over to the exam for admission.

There are several methods and preparatory programs for which you can study at the Academy. Training is a paid, detailed cost and schedule of classes can be clarified in the university's admission committee, which has been operating from May to August. Among other things, you can seek help to the university students themselves, they will gladly prompt all the necessary nuances and will help to cope with the solution of all urgent issues.

Reviews of universities

Military Medical Academy. Kirov, reviews about which even foreign students and guests leave, is a real field for experiments, which can take advantage of those who crave to improve their own knowledge, skills and skills. That is why students from other countries often come here, wanting to get high-quality medical education.

All students and graduates speak positively about the educational institution, which gave them a favorite profession. Most of the graduates work in the specialty, some of them are engaged in private practice. Quite often graduates come to the university for advice to their former teachers, and they never refuse them.

University structure

If we talk about the structure of the university, then the Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov for its more than 200 years of history has grown very much. As of 2015, there are 7 faculties, more than 40 secondary vocational education, two medical college, their own reception office.

In addition, there are many laboratories in the university, where clinical studies are being conducted, an experimental clinic, a center of pharmaceuticals, nihs of military medicine, a consultative center, a dental clinic, and a large number of other medical institutions, each of which is open to students and patients around the clock.

Taking patients

Military Medical Academy. Kirov is engaged not only by learning students, but also to provide free assistance to the right of grace contingents of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as other citizens of the Russian Federation, the right to this service which are guaranteed by federal legislation.

In the event that a patient on emergency testimony comes to the Academy, he will be provided for medical assistance within the framework of the OMS. All other categories of citizens have the right to take advantage of medical care on the general reasons and within the framework of the DMS. In this case, the provision of medical services will be carried out in a fee, according to the existing price list, with which you can find in the university's admission department.

Scientific work

CM. Kirov constantly leads scientific activity, which for many years has remained at the highest level. More than 80 graduates and university employees are proud of the "Honored Science Worker of the Russian Federation", two became members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and 28 - RAMS. All this became possible thanks to the conduct of numerous studies and experiments aimed at improving the medical industry.

The teaching staff with which the military medical academy has. Kirov in St. Petersburg includes highly professional professionals. In total, more than 250 professors, 450 associate professors, 430 doctors and more than 1,200 candidates of science, which are supported by joint efforts to support the work of scientific schools involved in the study of leading directions of modern medicine to joint efforts.

Extracurricular activities

In addition to the active scientific and educational activities, students of the university have time to take part in the extracurricular life of the university. Military Medical Academy. Kirov has repeatedly become a laureate of urban and all-Russian student Spring, the winner of the regional competitions of KVN and the participant of various entertainment events.

Each university student can count on help from a local trade union organization. Military Medical Academy. Kirov, whose photo is reminded of the first majesty of Tsarist Russia, periodically conducts excursions for everyone. Students actively participate in conducting these excursions, seeking to learn about their university as much as possible.

The trade units also periodically propose to students work in existing medical institutions in the region, which can be combined with study. Since training is the main responsibility of the student, the trade union committee strictly ensures that the work does not interfere with their studies and, if necessary, helps the student.

After school, many become applicants. Now rarely who finishes his training only by 9-11 classes. However, few of the applicants understand how the process of admission to the university or the institute flows. As part of this article, we want to help enter the university this year.

We set ourselves the following goal: to give you a full description of the procedure for admission to the Higher Educational Institution. Therefore, for a more visual representation of the material, the entire article will be divided into several subsections. This will allow you to step by step to understand the entire mechanism of this excitement process - the process admission to university.

To be published in front of you, for a start, we will talk a little about preparing for exams (EGE) a little about the preparation for exams (EGE), the most passage of a single statework, waiting for the results, then we will raise the issue of submission of documents to the university. In some universities, additional introductory tests (prestigious Moscow and St. Petersburg Universities, theatrical universities are left for incoming). This question will also be disassembled in the article. And in the final part, we will tell you about, probably, the most excited stage receipts in university - enrollment.

If you are ready to get a certificate from those who have already passed and the fire and water, then went

1. Rent exams (EGE) + Olympiad

Any receipt begins for a long time until the filing of documents. At long-sighted schoolchildren, it begins with a 9th grade. Now the list of exams for receipt for different specialties is already practically not changed, so you can prepare in advance for those or other items. Therefore, for 1.5-2 years, orient in choosing the exam exam. It is very important to do in advance, because Allows you to cut off everything too much and concentrate only on what is really important for admission. In this case, you independently affect yourself assistance in admission.

How to choose how to choose additional exam exams, you can read.

Entering university There may also facilitate their lives if they, in addition to early preparations for the exams, will in parallel will participate in various universities held by universities. And then, not even so important to participate in the Olympics of the university, in which you want to do how much just participation in this kind of events. Even if you and do not win anything, it is still, in any case, you will receive an invaluable experience, which will help you adjust your preparation for the exam. So do not sit at home, go, if possible, on all Olympics, conducted by universities that concern your future direction of professional activities.

During the exam, we strongly recommend that you forget about phones, netbooks, cribs and other prompts. Now with this very strictly, do not risk. After all, you just imagine if you caught you for writing off, then you can say goodbye. You will have to go, and there it will also be a mood, and the result, respectively, too. Therefore, inject your spurs better than the university, and the exam summarize on your own. Lada?

When you expect the exam results, then, first of all, do not register yourself for those "shoals", which, as you think, committed by executing exam tasks. Life is a solid error series. In the end, there is no man who is not mistaken. Wait for results with a calm soul, proud of yourself that you finally passed this ege! Well done!

2. Submission of documents to the reception commission.

And some, particularly demanding universities require more and so that the photos were matte. It is rare, of course, but there are such requirements, so stock photos and matte photos. To all this makes 10 copies of the exam and the certificate (with a question where to assure copies, contact the reception commission on the phone, because some universities require notarization, others themselves are assured, the third is asked that you assure copies at school).

In general, according to the new rules of reception, the copies should be certified only in the university, i.e. Where you feed documents. But you never know what. After all, we live in Russia, where the order "is very respectful." Therefore, princess and ask in advance how to assure copies.

IN assistance comingit will also be useful to know that some universities require (although they have no right) medical certificate in form No. 086 / y (see Fig.). It may (and obliged) to demand after your enrollment, but not during the submission of documents. But still make it in advance and better in several copies (only the originals are needed here, i.e. you have to defeat doctors to subscribe several times).

When you directly apply to the university, then it's better to go to the first days of reception.

{The best time to submit documents is a period of 2-3 weeks after the start of the reception.}

Just if you go before, you will stand in huge queues. We do not know why people think that if they faste the documents faster, then they will have more chances to do. That's bullshit. You are not in a hurry, you will have enough to file everything, the benefit of this is given quite an impressive time (almost a month).

Also, do not forget that you have the right to submit your documents by sending them by mail. Here they are hurried, because Our mail Oooooochen works quickly.

3. Additional competition.

What other additional contest you ask? Universities are only received. Yes, this is the case, but in some higher educational institutions you also need to pass additional entry tests. The right to its own additional exams have about 20 universities, mainly theatrical, artistic, i.e. Those where you need to show your talent and the most prestigious metropolitan and St. Petersburg universities.

It seems that if you decide to file documents in one of these universities, it will not be news for you. Most likely you, in addition to preparing for the exam, also prepared for additional testing. Here you do not need our help. Manage yourself all the hundred, do not rob in front of the jury and always remember that you will not have the second opportunity to make the first impression. Do not miss your chance!

4. Enrollment.

Finish line for applicants. The most exciting moment in all arrivals is enrollment in the ranks of students. In fact, this process should be the most pleasant for all the time of your receipt. Why? Yes, because if you passed the exam on a high score, successfully passed an additional test, you know how nice to see your last name in the lists of the university's website or on the information booth. This will then talk about you: "Won, look how many points he has! The guy / girl is visible well cooked / la. "

And then you can relax normally, still summer!

Assistance to the incoming can only be applied. Or, otherwise, applicant - help yourself!

Conclusion: Now, I hope, you understand that the process of admission to the university is a purely technical procedure (except for delivery of additional tests). The most important thing is to be prepared very hard for the exams, attend all school electives for the subject. But the most important thing is an internal desire and self-education. If you yourself do not want to get ready, then no one can get you.

Guys, dare, smaller sit on the Internet, more! And then assistance in admission to applicants You just will be without need.

We wish you to do where you planned! As soon as we become students, in September, do not forget to visit our website and you will find a lot of useful for yourself, already in the status of a full-fledged student.
