The couturier tweeted his "glamorous down jackets" for the soldiers - and caused a flurry of ridicule

A new form from YUDASHKIN was created from May 2007 to 2010 to replace the "Afghan" of the 1990s. From the previous one, it differed very significantly: material, insulation, the location of shoulder straps (on the chest, and not on the shoulders), the presence of Velcro elements. With the introduction of the new uniform into the army, problems began: the soldiers complained that it was cold in winter, and the location of pockets and buttons was extremely inconvenient to use. With the advent of the new Defense Minister Sergei SHOIGU, it was decided to abandon the "Yudashkin" uniform.

In the winter of 2011, Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said that the military department had no complaints about the uniform made jointly by the Central Research Institute of the Garment Industry and the Central Clothing Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. However, despite this, the military uniform, one of the developers of which is Valentin Yudashkin, several times became the cause of scandals due to mass diseases of the military in the winter.

According to media reports, the new Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu intends to change the uniform of the military by the summer of 2013 - it will differ significantly from the current one. It turns out that 170 million rubles, which were allocated to "dress" the soldiers in new uniforms from a famous designer, were wasted! True, later the Ministry of Defense clarified that it was only about improving individual elements of the current uniform.
Meanwhile, Yudashkin himself recently officially "renounced" his creation for the Ministry of Defense. The famous designer claims that what the soldiers are now wearing is fundamentally different from the model he created.
- I officially declare that what they wear in the army now is not the uniform that my employees and I developed in 2007 by order of the Ministry of Defense, - Yudashkin said in an interview with Izvestia, - You know, as if you wanted a jacket well-known brand, and they give you from the Chinese market - like everything is the same. But it's actually fake! The current uniform has a different color, composition of fabrics, dyes. Accessories are different, buttons, Velcro, insulation - everything else.

According to the couturier, he still did not raise the issue of forgery, because “until the last he hoped that the military would nevertheless admit, publish some letter, a statement that“ Valentin Yudashkin has nothing to do with our uniform, we ourselves “Dolci and Gabany”, they themselves invented everything, made it, they are happy and we will be responsible for the quality.” However, the Ministry of Defense did not do this. In addition to the couturier's statement, the Valentin Yudashkin LLC company issued an official statement that the field uniform currently being supplied to the Russian army has nothing to do with the models developed by the company and approved by the Ministry of Defense and the Supreme High Command.
The company's management emphasizes that when transferring the right to obtain patents for industrial designs to the military department, Valentin Yudashkin LLC initiated an exception from the Treaty on the alienation of the right to obtain patents (dated November 30, 2011) samples of summer and winter field military uniforms, since "this military uniforms are not subject to copyright.

"Yudashkin, don't dishonor the army!"

Meanwhile, today the scandal with the form received an unexpected continuation. Wanting to protect the samples he created and prove that they have nothing to do with what the military is wearing now, Yudashkin posted pictures of the uniform he invented on his blog. And immediately drew a barrage of criticism.

Morning. I'm going to the office. If not for the scandal around the Ministry of Defense! Finally we can show our samples,” the fashion designer tweeted. The designer posted about a dozen shots of uniforms for various purposes, created by the Yudashkin Fashion House.
In response, Internet users burst into caustic comments, discovering the similarity of Yudashkin's field uniform with the products of a well-known sportswear manufacturer, with camouflage for fans of extreme games, and even with fishermen's equipment.
- Did Yudashkin develop a uniform for paintball? - wrote one of the bloggers. - The new Columbia line, straight...
- Mdaa ... this is already sold in fishing stores! - blogger Alexander Smolensky quipped and urged Yudashkin "not to dishonor the army."

The soldiers listed "Rosbalt" ten reasons why the new field uniform "from Yudashkin" is hated in the Russian army. The army command sees no reason for concern.

The form "from Yudashkin" is not as bad as they say about it, they just wear it incorrectly. This was stated at a press conference in St. Petersburg by the commander of the Western Military District, Colonel-General Arkady Bakhin. The Rosbalt reporter spoke to the soldiers who are now forced to wear this uniform and summarized the claims against it.

Claim #1. The material from which the “form from Yudashkin” is made is less dense and less durable than that used in the form of the old model. The paint also sticks to it much worse. Therefore, soldiers complain that the new fabric tears more often and fades much faster after washing.

“There is an opportunity to compare, because we are now wearing both versions of the form. So, the new one has already faded and torn, but the old one is holding up quite decently, ”the soldiers say.

Claim #2. The seams of the new form are disgustingly executed - they spread everywhere, where there is even the slightest tension, i.e. on pockets, armpits, etc. Most likely, this is due to the low quality of the threads that were used when sewing the uniform.

“Once a week, you definitely have to hem the seams, otherwise the uniform will completely unravel,” the soldiers complain.

Claim #3. Velcro is used in the new form to fix pockets and shoulder straps. These Velcro turned out to be of extremely poor quality - the wool, which the Velcro hooks cling to, delaminates and spreads, as a result, the Velcro stops holding.

“We have to sew shoulder straps with threads, and sew buttons on pockets to keep their contents,” the soldiers explained to Rosbalt.

Claim #4. The buttons that are used in the new form are defective - their internal jumpers are made with sharp edges that fray the threads. As a result, where buttons are often used, such as on pea coats, they fly off in a couple of weeks and have to be sewn on again.

“We have to constantly sew on buttons, but they rub the threads with which they are sewn over and over again. It was necessary to think of it, to sew such stupid buttons on the army uniform! ”, The soldiers are indignant.

Claim #5. In the new form, it is really very cold, even in a pea coat. The reason is that in the old form a high fur collar was used, which, when cold and windy, the soldiers lifted up. In the new uniform, the collar is very short and does not even cover the neck, so in frost and wind the soldiers freeze.

“The new uniform is suitable for cold weather until late autumn, it protects from rain, there is a hood. But in frost over 15 degrees, it is useless - you freeze very quickly in it, ”the soldiers explained.

Claim #6. "Berets", high lace-up boots, are good and comfortable, but not in winter. In winter, the feet in them are very cold and at the same time get wet from sweat.

“Those who have the opportunity to wear boots with footcloths wear them in winter, because boots are warmer and more comfortable. The ankle boots are thin, and even with a winter insole they freeze instantly, ”the soldiers said.

Claim #7. Trouser pockets in a new form are located on the hips. This is probably beautiful, but in army conditions it turned out to be non-functional.

“We recently participated in exercises. So, as soon as we crawled in the field once in the field, all the hip pockets just fell off, ”the soldiers complained.

Claim #8. In the new form, epaulettes are located not on the shoulders, as before, but in front, on the chest and forearm, according to the model adopted by NATO.

“We don’t know how it is in NATO, but as a result, we have embarrassment - it’s impossible to identify from the back whether a soldier is in front of you or an officer, you can’t see the insignia. It is very inconvenient,” the soldiers explained.

Claim #9. The army charter assumes the uniform wearing of uniforms, however, for the form from Yudashkin, a solution has not yet been found on how to wear a trouser belt and tunic. In some parts, the belt is worn over a pea jacket, in others it is hung on trousers. The reason is that Yudashkin's pea jacket does not involve the use of a belt, but according to the old Charter, the belt should still be fastened from above. In addition, it is surprising that in the new form the tunic has to be tucked into trousers.

“In our unit, the belt is worn under a pea coat, and the tunic is not tucked in, but when we arrive in other units, for example, for exercises, we have to do as is customary there. But in the army, everything should be according to the Charter, and not according to the concepts, ”the soldiers are surprised.

Claim #10. The most recent complaint concerns the price. According to various sources, the cost of the new form exceeds the cost of the old one by three to four times. The army leadership explains the high cost of the new uniform by “the use by manufacturers of advanced technologies, the latest materials and progressive design and technical solutions”, as well as the cost of the services of the eminent couturier.

On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the soldiers asked all participants in the “new army uniform” project - manufacturers of crappy threads, suppliers of low-quality accessories and a separately eminent couturier - to convey warm greetings and various wishes, which we will not give here for censorship reasons.

Evgeny Zubarev

The soldiers listed "Rosbalt" ten reasons why the new field uniform "from Yudashkin" is hated in the Russian army. The army command sees no reason for concern.

The form "from Yudashkin" is not as bad as they say about it, they just wear it incorrectly. This was stated at a press conference in St. Petersburg by the commander of the Western Military District, Colonel-General Arkady Bakhin. The Rosbalt reporter spoke to the soldiers who are now forced to wear this uniform and summarized the claims against it.

Claim #1. The material from which the “form from Yudashkin” is made is less dense and less durable than that used in the form of the old model. The paint also sticks to it much worse. Therefore, soldiers complain that the new fabric tears more often and fades much faster after washing.

“There is an opportunity to compare, because we are now wearing both versions of the form. So, the new one has already faded and torn, but the old one is holding up quite decently, ”the soldiers say.

Claim #2. The seams of the new form are disgustingly executed - they spread everywhere, where there is even the slightest tension, i.e. on pockets, armpits, etc. Most likely, this is due to the low quality of the threads that were used when sewing the uniform.

“Once a week, you have to hem the seams, otherwise the uniform will completely unravel,” the soldiers complain.

Claim number 3. Velcro is used in the new form to fix pockets and shoulder straps. These Velcro turned out to be of extremely poor quality - the wool, which the Velcro hooks cling to, delaminates and spreads, as a result, the Velcro stops holding.

“We have to sew shoulder straps with threads, and sew buttons on pockets to keep their contents,” the soldiers explained to Rosbalt.

Claim number 4. The buttons that are used in the new form are defective - their internal jumpers are made with sharp edges that fray the threads. As a result, where buttons are often used, such as on pea coats, they fly off in a couple of weeks and have to be sewn on again.

“We have to constantly sew on buttons, but they rub the threads with which they are sewn over and over again. It was necessary to think of it, to sew such stupid buttons on the army uniform! ”, - the soldiers are indignant.

Claim number 5. In the new form, it is really very cold, even in a pea coat. The reason is that in the old form a high fur collar was used, which, when cold and windy, the soldiers lifted up. In the new uniform, the collar is very short and does not even cover the neck, so in frost and wind the soldiers freeze.

“The new uniform is suitable for cold weather until late autumn, it protects from rain, there is a hood. But in frost over 15 degrees, it is useless - you freeze very quickly in it, ”the soldiers explained.

Claim number 6. "Berets", high lace-up boots, are good and comfortable, but not in winter. In winter, the feet in them are very cold and at the same time get wet from sweat.

“Those who have the opportunity to wear boots with footcloths wear them in winter, because boots are warmer and more comfortable. The ankle boots are thin, and even with a winter insole they freeze instantly,” the soldiers said.

Claim number 7. Trouser pockets in a new form are located on the hips. This is probably beautiful, but in army conditions it turned out to be non-functional.

“We recently participated in exercises. So, as soon as we crawled in the field once in the field, all the hip pockets simply fell off, ”the soldiers complained.

Claim number 8. In the new form, epaulettes are located not on the shoulders, as before, but in front, on the chest and forearm, according to the model adopted by NATO.

“We don’t know how it is in NATO, but as a result, we have embarrassment - from the back it’s impossible to identify whether a soldier is in front of you or an officer, you can’t see the insignia. It is very inconvenient,” the soldiers explained.

Claim number 9. The army charter assumes the uniform wearing of uniforms, however, for the form from Yudashkin, a solution has not yet been found on how to wear a trouser belt and tunic. In some parts, the belt is worn over a pea jacket, in others it is hung on trousers. The reason is that Yudashkin's pea jacket does not involve the use of a belt, but according to the old Charter, the belt should still be fastened from above. In addition, it is surprising that in the new form the tunic has to be tucked into trousers.

“In our unit, the belt is worn under a pea coat, and the tunic is not tucked in, but when we arrive in other units, for example, for exercises, we have to do as is customary there. But in the army, everything should be according to the Charter, and not according to concepts, ”the soldiers are surprised.

Claim number 10. The most recent complaint concerns the price. According to various sources, the cost of the new form exceeds the cost of the old one by three to four times. The army leadership explains the high cost of the new uniform by “the use by manufacturers of advanced technologies, the latest materials and progressive design and technical solutions”, as well as the cost of the services of the eminent couturier.

On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, soldiers asked all participants in the “new army uniform” project - manufacturers of crappy threads, suppliers of low-quality accessories and a separately eminent couturier - to convey their warm greetings and various wishes, which we will not give here for censorship reasons.

The scandal associated with the military uniform developed for the Russian army does not subside. The fashion designer said that his original idea was ruined, and instead of innovative clothing for soldiers, a fake turned out. “I hoped to the last that the military would nevertheless admit, publish some letter, a statement that Valentin Yudashkin had nothing to do with our uniform, we ourselves are Dolci and Gabana, we ourselves came up with everything, did it, are happy and will answer for quality, but they didn't do it, so I do it," said the designer.

“What they wear in the army now is not the uniform that my employees and I developed in 2007 by order of the Ministry of Defense,” he said. The difference, according to the fashion designer, is that the current uniform has a different color, composition of fabrics, accessories and dyes.

“I had an artistic interest - to make a large-scale national project to create a beautiful, functional, modern, technological form. We hoped that this would breathe new life into our textile enterprises, allow them to purchase new machines, new technologies. Personally, I spent two years of my life on this business, studied the history of military uniforms, ”complains Yudashkin.

According to the fashion designer, he has letters in which the Ministry of Defense confirms that it has independently finalized the winter and summer uniforms. Therefore, Yudashkin believes, neither he nor his team can be responsible for the quality of these clothes. “It never occurred to me that they would pervert a good idea like that,” the designer laments.

“Of course, finishing what they wear now is out of the question. And if we return to what we did and what was accepted, then we are ready to help. And of course, I feel sorry for the boys who were freezing in this form, ”concluded Valentin.

In turn, the Main Military Prosecutor's Office revealed numerous violations committed in the manufacture of uniforms. As the source said, after the frequent complaints of massive colds in the troops, an inspection was carried out. It turned out that at the first stage, prototypes were created by Valentin Yudashkin LLC.

But then officials of the Ministry of Defense made "constructive changes" to the project, and this was not agreed with the fashion designer. In addition, the newly minted Dolci and Gabbana did not conduct any tests of the updated products. As a result, the prosecutor's office made a corresponding submission to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. According to an insider, the agency has already ordered the reworking of the scandalous military clothing.

And Yudashkin posted the original version of the form on his microblog. The pictures caused a mixed reaction from the public. What do you say?

Sergei Shoigu, who took the helm of the Ministry of Defense in early November this year, intends to carry out a new reform. In addition, it became known that couturier Valentin Yudashkin, whose name is strongly associated with the creation of a new form, denied his involvement in its development.

This "dismantling" partly began in February 1992. Then, according to the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the CIS Armed Forces Yevgeny Shaposhnikov, for military servicemen, instead of the parade uniform and everyday tunic, a unified tunic with sewn-in shoulder straps was introduced. At the same time, the wearing of buttonholes was canceled.

On May 23, 1994, Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree "On military uniforms and insignia for military ranks" - formally, on that day, the Soviet military uniform was canceled.

The appearance of the servicemen underwent significant changes after the signing of this document: for example, olive became the main color of both the dress and everyday uniforms. The overcoats were replaced with "winter coats", the tunic - with jackets with patch pockets. Chevrons and stripes appeared on the military uniform, indicating belonging to one or another branch of the military, a specific unit. Although at the same time critics said that in fact the reform was reduced to simplifying the uniform set to a minimum.

On January 27, 1997, a new decree on military uniform was issued, but the modifications affected only a narrow group of military personnel: the generals of the army on shoulder straps replaced one large star with four smaller ones.

After 8 years, in May 2005, a new presidential decree was issued. As a result of Vladimir Putin's initiative, hats "returned" as winter hats for colonels and generals. The blue daily uniform for the Air Force was changed to the standard "olive" one. The only possible color for socks and gloves was black.

The novelty of the 2005 decree was that it prohibited the wearing of military uniforms by those who did not belong to the military.

May 2007 is a new round in the history of military uniform reform. Then a number of statements were made by the Ministry of Defense. First, the head of the department (at that time - Anatoly Serdyukov) took the initiative to modernize the form. Then Deputy Defense Minister General Vladimir Isakov told the media that the reform was indeed in the plans of the department, and Valentin Yudashkin was named among the developers of the sketches.

Who else, besides Yudashkin, participated in the development?

Fashion designer Igor Chapurin, specialists from the Central Research Institute of the Garment Industry, the Central Research Institute of Leather and Footwear, and the Central Clothing Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry.

Sketches "from Yudashkin" won, then for two years the development of new uniforms was carried out.

. In 2010, a new uniform was introduced.

What changed?

Shoulder straps, instead of their traditional placement on the shoulders, were moved to the chest and sleeves;

Velcro elements appeared;

Overcoats became narrow and fitted;

Boots with footcloths were abolished, as well as the subject of many anecdotes - the famous drawstring pants;

For the first time in the history of the Russian armed forces, officers had sweaters.

The form from Yudashkin did not pass all military tests (clothes rustled when moving, melted from open fire, etc.) in the Ministry of Defense, in particular, for winter clothes for the domestic one. That is why the thesis began to circulate in the media that, in fact, only elements of the cut remained from the couturier Yudashkin in the new form.

Who and what did not like the new form?

Shortcomings were revealed in the course of a survey of military personnel in the winter of 2011-2012 - after the final transition of the army to a new military uniform, the soldiers began to get massive colds.

The Ministry of Defense conducted a survey of military personnel (there were more than 6 thousand of them) about the new uniform. Most often in the answers there was a claim to the location of shoulder straps "on the belly, as in NATO, but we are used to - on the shoulders."

The main disadvantages of the new form was that it absorbs moisture well and evaporates it reluctantly, and does not keep heat well at air temperatures below minus 15 ° C.

Yudashkin or not?

On November 21, 2012, Valentin Yudashkin stated that he had nothing to do with the new military uniform, explaining this by the fact that the Ministry of Defense at one time made significant adjustments to its samples.

“I hoped to the last that the military would nevertheless admit, publish some kind of letter, a statement that“ we ourselves are Dolci and Gabans, we ourselves invented everything, did it and are happy and will be responsible for the quality, ”but they don’t did, so I do it. I officially declare that what is worn in the army now is not the uniform that my employees and I developed in 2007 by order of the Ministry of Defense, ”the fashion designer said.

Will the new form be cancelled?

Let's pay attention: in general, about 25 billion rubles were spent.
