Students in grades 10 and 11 are thinking about where they will go after graduation, what subjects they will need to take to enter a higher educational institution, and how best to prepare for the exam in history, mathematics, Russian language and physics.

Most of the students belong to the humanities, which means that, in addition to the Russian language, they pass social studies, literature and history. However, preparation for these subjects is no easier than an exam in physics or chemistry, so it is worth knowing a few important points in order to successfully pass the exam.

What are the features?

How to prepare for the exam in history? Every year the structure of assignments in various subjects, including history, changes, but the essence remains the same. For example, considering the features of the history exam in 2017, it is worth noting that it will consist of 2 parts and 25 tasks, where 19 questions need to be answered briefly, and 6 - detailed. All tasks have their own level of difficulty: from basic to high, each is assessed by points.

For a correct answer to a simple question, you can get 1 point (for example, for the first task), and for a complete, correct and detailed answer to the last questions of the list (for example, for task 25), you can get from 1 to 11 points, so it is important to understand how to prepare for the exam in history.

4 hours are allotted for the entire examination work, and the student needs to correctly allocate his time, spending from 1 to 7 minutes on simple questions, and up to 40-60 minutes on complex ones.

Features of preparation for the second part in history

Separately, it is worth noting that the second part of the history exam is more difficult and requires a detailed answer to the question. It will not be enough to know the exact date of the event, the student will be required to reason on various topics, so it is important to decide how to prepare for the exam in history.

For example, you need to analyze a specific event or problem. To do this, it is necessary to identify historical facts and phenomena, point to historical objects, draw a causal relationship, compare objects or processes, and draw a definite conclusion.

The second part of the exam requires a long and special preparation, a deep knowledge of history with the points of view of several experts and the expression of one's opinion.

How long do you need to prepare for the exam in history

The questions that come up on the exam can be very different, including topics that were covered back in the 5th or 6th grade (for example, about Ancient Egypt, Greece or Rome). Therefore, you need to give yourself the installation that we are preparing for the exam in history from scratch, studying the most ancient worlds. It is recommended to start in the 10th grade in order to slowly work through all the issues: read the information, solve various tests, complete assignments.

Before starting the study, it is worth drawing up a work plan, creating a chronological table where important dates and events will be recorded, which may be a hint for repeating the material covered.

In the process of studying a certain period, it is recommended to look for information not only from the textbook. A good addition to gaining knowledge would be watching a documentary or listening to a report by a famous scientist.

If preparation for the exam begins only in the 11th grade, then it is more than likely that there will be no time left for an in-depth study of the subject. Then the material must be divided into large periods in which it is important to remember the main events, key persons, wars and reforms.

What are the ways to prepare

Each student knows that Someone is able to study independently and does not need extraneous control. Someone remembers the material better if they study with a tutor. Before you start preparing for the exam, decide how you feel comfortable studying the subject and what result you expect in the end. Some will be satisfied with the minimum score, others need a high score, for which it is better to prepare for the exam with a teacher.

In any case, you need to read, constantly solve tests, watch movies. You can work through the tasks of past years, which are publicly available on the Internet. This will help to understand their structure, determine your level of knowledge and evaluate your own training.

Preparing for the exam in history from scratch on our own

Independent learning requires some effort, faith in your knowledge and the ability to properly allocate time. Before you start studying the material, you need to understand how to prepare for the exam in history, stock up on textbooks, maps, tests, a notebook and a pen.

The next step is to determine how much time it will take to study a topic where it is important not only to read, but also to carefully analyze the information received, comparing it with a map of the time being studied, writing out important dates, names and events. Then you can take a test that will help consolidate knowledge.

You do not need to memorize all the dates in a row, because it is unrealistic to remember all of them. It is important to create a system by linking dates to periods of history and key personalities that figured at that time. Such associative memory will help to remember the material much more and more widely.

Using time management in preparation

Time management is the science of time management, which can be used both at work and in life, in particular, when preparing for exams. You can use different techniques, but they all come down to a few simple rules:

  1. If you have to analyze a large topic, then it is better to break it into several small ones, which will allow you to study it deeper and more thoughtfully.
  2. It is worth doing it “correctly”, measuring, for example, 30 minutes for mastering the material. Even if during this time it was not possible to study the entire topic, then you should definitely take a break for 5 minutes, and then, after a short rest, continue learning again.
  3. It is definitely recommended to create a working mood, for example, to settle in a place where the topic is best remembered. Not everyone can study while lying on the couch or listening to music. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a desktop where books, notebooks with pens and cards will lie.

Basic Mistakes

All students make certain mistakes in preparing for the exam, but they can be avoided if you approach the study of the subject correctly. Let this be the history of Russia. We prepare for the exam and do not make common mistakes.

You should not start preparing a week before the exam, even if you need to score the minimum number of points. When reading all the material in a few days, memory will retain little information.

If you just read the materials on history, without fixing them, then, most likely, most of them will be forgotten. Therefore, after studying the topic, you can take a test on the topic studied or ask friends or parents to ask specific questions, and you give detailed answers.

If you start preparing for the exam in advance, you should not study all day first, and then take a break for several days. Spend 2 hours every day, and the information will be easier to digest.

History in 2020 is an elective exam. Preparing for the exam in history, as well as preparing for other exams, first of all requires responsibility, organization, competent distribution of time and effort.

Start preparing for the exam as early as 10th grade. To have a good knowledge base in two years for the exam.

Changes in KIM USE 2020 in history:

  • There are no changes in the structure and content of KIM.
  • In task 25, the conditions for scoring according to criteria K6 and K7 have been changed: points for these criteria are set only if at least 5 points are given according to criteria K1–K4.
  • According to criterion K6, the maximum score can be set - 3, and not 2, as it was before.

How to start studying history?

1. Theory. To study the theory, use additional literature in printed and electronic form, documentaries, materials on web resources. On our web resource in the "Assignments" section, over 10 typical assignments developed by teachers, based on demos from FIPI(official draft) of past years.

For each task, it is written what you need to know to complete it. will direct you which topics to study for each assignment.

How to remember all this?

The abundance of dates, titles, names, events is a feature of history. But how to remember everything and not “lose” it before the end of the exam?

Exists a number of effective ways lay out all the necessary information "on the shelves":

  • Draw an analogy, visualize, draw diagrams.
  • Work through the topics in chronological order only.
  • Plan your response to each one.
  • Study online - on our website you will find the necessary tasks.

2. Solving training tasks different types gives great experience and self-confidence. Solve online tests with answers based on the theory you read, this will help you learn and reinforce the topic.

3. Practice writing an essay. Sharpen your craft and writing skills. There are three periods from the history of Russia to choose from.

Mini essay requirements:

  • Indicate at least two processes that relate to the selected date;
  • Mention should be made of people who influenced or participated in events, processes or phenomena;
  • It is necessary to mention causal relationships;
  • Use historical terminology in the essay;
  • Mistakes in facts are prohibited.

Historical writing should be connected, with correct logical conclusions.

4. Correctly allocate time on the exam.
To complete the examination work in history, 3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).

The examination paper consists of two parts:

  • 1 part- 19 tasks with a short answer (word, phrase, date, name and surname of a historical figure);
  • part 2– 6 tasks with a detailed answer (analysis of a problem, a fragment of a historical document, an assessment of an event, a statement of a point of view).

Estimated time to complete individual tasks is:

  • for each task of part 1 - 3-7 minutes;
  • for each task of part 2 (except task 25) - 5–20 minutes;
  • for the task 25 - 40-80 minutes.

Points for each story task

The minimum passing score is 32.
The maximum you can score on the exam in history is 55.

  • 1 point - for 1, 4, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19 tasks.
  • 2 points - 2, 3, 5-9, 12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22.
  • 3 points - 11, 23.
  • 4 points - 24.
  • 11 points - 25.

Evaluation system for the performance of individual tasks and work in general

A task with a short answer is considered completed correctly if the sequence of numbers, the required word (phrase) are correctly indicated.

The complete correct answer to tasks 1, 4, 10, 13–15, 18.19 is assessed 1 point; incomplete, incorrect answer or its absence - 0 points.

The complete correct answer to tasks 2, 3, 5–9, 12, 16, 17 is assessed 2 points; if one mistake is made (including one of the digits is missing or there is one extra digit) - 1 point; if two or more errors are made (including missing two or more digits or there are two or more extra digits) or there is no answer - 0 points.

A complete correct answer to task 11 is worth 3 points; if one mistake is made - 2 points; if two or three mistakes are made - 1 point; if four or more errors are made or there is no answer - 0 points.

Tasks of part 2 are evaluated depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer. For completing tasks 20, 21, 22, from 0 to 2 points; for task 23 - from 0 to 3 points; for task 24 - from 0 to 4 points; for task 25 - from 0 to 11 points. Task 25 is graded on .

Remember the time, the plan, and then you will certainly be able to pass the exam in history.

Happy preparation!

Increasingly, the question becomes relevant - what is needed to prepare for the exam in history? After all, this is not such an easy subject as it might seem at first glance. It is very easy to get confused in events and dates. And the exam in this subject requires good preparation. How to prepare for the exam in history, what methods will be the most effective and efficient? Moreover, many do not even know where to start. But with great diligence, you can cope with any difficult task.

Quite often there are situations when there is 1-2 years to prepare for the exam, and the head on the historical topic is empty. It is very difficult for teenagers to decide where they want to go, and often they decide it at the last moment. It seems that preparing for the exam in history from scratch is unrealistic. But it's not. The issue is the effort put into it.

test part

First, you need to know the dates. But remembering them all is very difficult. There is an option that will help make this task easier.

It is easy to confuse which of the proposed events happened first. Associations are needed to remember dates and events effectively. For example, you teach the 11th century. First remember all the rulers of this century in order: Vladimir, Svyatopolk the Accursed, etc. Then learn the events that occurred during their reign. So it will be easier to remember that the baptism was earlier than the compilation of the Russian Truth, because Vladimir ruled earlier.

By the same principle, contemporaries of rulers should be remembered. For example, Metropolitan Macarius was a contemporary of Ivan the Terrible, and Patriarch Nikon was a contemporary of Alexei Mikhailovich. If you memorize a subject using this technique, you will easily pass not only the test, but it will help you in other tasks as well.

Secondly, you need to study cartography. Omitting this point is an unforgivable mistake. Because of it, you can lose a lot of points on the exam. Cartography is especially needed for those who prioritize self-training.

What is the best way to learn cartography? For example, you repeat the period of activity of some ruler. In parallel, see all the described actions on the cards:

  • how the territory of the state changed;
  • with whom he fought;
  • what kind of trips he took;
  • troop movements during battles.

Pay special attention to the last point when studying important historical battles, for example, the battle of Borodino.

Thirdly, do not lose sight of cultural studies and terminology. Questions on terms often come across in assignments.

Tasks B

To cope with the tasks from the 2nd part, you need to read a lot, especially if you are starting to prepare from scratch. Moreover, it is desirable to read not school textbooks, but special manuals for applicants or, even better, monographs.

Also in the 2nd part there are tasks where you will need to write arguments in support or refutation of a position regarding a particular situation.

To prepare for this kind of assignments, group sessions and discussion of discussion questions are ideal. For students, this is not a problem. Surely they have additional classes to prepare for the exam. But what about people who are no longer in school? On the Internet you can find a site with courses to prepare for the exam in history. In most cases, you can choose between group or private lessons. Even a short visit to such courses will give an impetus to your studies. But on the Internet, you need to be careful. Before contacting a company, read reviews about it.

Tasks C

One of the most difficult tasks in the exam is the essay. What does it take to deal with it with dignity? It will be necessary to describe the historical event, its causes and consequences. To write an essay well, you only need knowledge of dates, events, rulers, that is, what was mentioned above.

When writing, do not go to extremes. For example, refrain from phrases like this: "Stalin was a despotic tyrant."

Note! Some insecure students refuse to write an essay. Never do that! Even if you are not very well prepared, you have a chance to get at least 1 point, which can be decisive.

Useful video: preparing for the exam in history from scratch


Not everyone is lucky with history teachers. Usually, people who, for some reason, are not tired of preparing for the Unified State Exam in history under the program of a school teacher, place great emphasis on self-study. Fortunately, in today's world this is not a problem. There are many sites for preparing for the exam, you can download or buy the necessary materials, you can watch educational films at any time.

To get started, be sure to purchase a book for preparation with trial options. Solving them is necessary not only to improve the quality of knowledge, but also in order to fill your hand and not get confused during the exam.

Then it is important to choose textbooks of various levels of complexity. Below are examples of options.

  • School textbooks. If you are preparing from scratch, learn the school curriculum first.
  • Reference books: Orlova, Barabanova, Kavtsy.
  • University textbooks: Sakharova, Pavlenko.
  • Schemes and tables: Kirillov, Orlova.
  • Atlases "Bustbust" for the school curriculum.

Of course, these are not the only materials in existence. But they have helped more than one generation pass the exam, and they have the most positive feedback.

There are also training materials available online. These can be online tests, theory, videos, help in preparing for an essay.

Some sites for preparing for the exam in history:


In addition to websites on the Internet, there are various applications for the phone. Thus, online training allows you to train anywhere and at any time.

Almost always, with intensive study, a little relaxation is needed. You can find many historical films on YouTube. The brain will be able to rest a little, but at the same time many facts will remain in memory. It is better to choose documentaries, because they have much more authenticity. And don't think they're boring. If you love history, then you will find them very interesting. As an example - a documentary on YouTube "History of the Russian State".

Important! Historical films for preparation should only be an addition to the theory that you have already learned. Especially lazy people who decide to prepare for the exam only on films will not succeed: too many facts require memorization.

Outline the material according to the following table:

For excellent memorization of dates, write them on pieces of paper and hang them around the house.

When you solve tests, look at the meaning of all terms that you do not know, description of events, dates. In other words, gradually fill in the gaps.

Buy an atlas with contour maps and complete tasks on them. After a good study, the material is remembered better.

Effective preparation for any subject: scientists have proven that the best way to learn a subject is when you teach it. Ask a friend or family member to help you and be a listener. Explain the material to him, especially your weak topics. Over time, you will realize that you understand the subject much better.

How not to miss anything

Almost all students, starting to prepare, devote most of their time to the ancient period. This is due to the fact that at first people take up some business with enthusiasm. But then it gradually subsides. Or, as in the case of preparing for the exam, there is no longer enough time. Then handing over the story will be problematic.

In fact, you need to devote more time to the Middle Ages and the Soviet era, because you will have to learn much more information from them.

Before starting classes, look through the test versions of the exam and note what topics are found there. Then start to disassemble them in detail. But do not learn everything by mere rote learning. Everything requires associations and understanding of meaning. With associative memorization, it is easier to remember something or build a logical chain.

Before you make a plan for preparing for the exam in history, you need to do a few things:

The last point may seem strange. Everyone has one goal - to pass the exam. But after all, 40 points will be enough for someone, and 99 points are needed for someone.

It is best to plan with a clear chronological order. But don't forget the tips above.

What exactly do you need to know in history to pass the exam? There is no answer to this question. Anything can get caught: questions on the chronology of historical events, historical terminology, the history of culture. You will be tested on your ability to analyze historical events, work with information presented in different forms, and argue your point of view.

Useful video: how to start preparing for the exam in history


All that is required is to study regularly and persistently, and you already know how to prepare for the exam in history. Maybe these words will seem funny to someone, but do not worry too much on the exam. Panic can bring down even a child prodigy.

The USE in history is one of the most popular elective exams. It is taken by those who go to the humanities faculties: journalism, jurisprudence, political science. Many people think that history is an easy subject and you can prepare for the exam in history from scratch and in a year. Is it so?

The average score in history is low compared to other electives. Many people try to pass the Unified State Examination in History, but usually pass it poorly, especially if they are preparing for the Unified State Examination in History from scratch. “Deuce” is unlikely to be given, but it will not be enough for admission!

What do graduates from the USE program in history not know? They do not know cultural studies, cartography, they cannot compare (synchronize) the events of foreign history and domestic. They confuse historical figures and terminology. A very large number of incorrect answers in the second part, where it is necessary to give arguments in support of the position or in refutation.

The last question in the version of the exam in history is an essay. For him, 11 primary points are given, but few of the students gain them.

How to prepare for the exam in history from scratch? If we now begin to teach history, and at the same time did not study history either in the seventh and eighth grades, or later, then where do we start? The first thing we pay attention to is the chronology. Yes, it is knowledge of events in chronological order. Which event follows which. And this is the most difficult thing for students! How to learn all the dates if there are so many of them? It's good that there are not so many questions in the exam where knowledge of dates is checked up to the day! Nevertheless, there are so many events and dates that a high school student can become desperate.

How to learn events and dates in preparation for the exam in history from scratch? Here is the memorization technique I recommend as an expert.

Let's say you're studying the 10th century. There are many events: the war with Byzantium in 907-911, the uprising of the Drevlyans, the pagan reform of Vladimir, the baptism of Russia, and that's not all! How can you remember all this? First, remember that this is our tenth century, then we will “arrange” the personalities who ruled at that time, in chronological order. Prince Oleg, the next place - Prince Igor, Princess Olga, Svyatoslav and Vladimir. And then we will “attach” to each of the princes the event that took place during his reign. Thus, we get a chronological sequence.

With its help, you can easily answer the question of what event happened before - the uprising of the Drevlyans or the baptism of Russia. You will immediately remember that first there was Oleg, and then Vladimir. So the uprising of the Drevlyans was earlier, and the baptism of Russia - later.

Here is such a great technique for remembering chronology - take it and use it. By the way, each ruler must also be “attached” to his contemporaries! For example, Metropolitan Hilarion was a contemporary of Yaroslav, Metropolitan Macarius was a contemporary of Ivan the Terrible. And if you come across the question of which of the metropolitans lived earlier and who later, you can easily answer it, knowing that Prince Yaroslav ruled first, and only then Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

The second thing that is important when preparing for the Unified State Exam in history from scratch: while studying topics, it is necessary to learn cartography in parallel. For example, we are studying a historical figure - Prince Oleg. We look at the map: with whom he fought, how he expanded the territory of Kievan Rus. What historical monuments were built. We build associations. Example: Prince Vladimir - Church of the Tithes. It happens that in the textbook there is no her current appearance. Then Google is here to help! We search and find an illustration - the reconstruction of the Church of the Tithes. And of course, you need to know the architects who built the temple.

And that means that when preparing for the exam in history from scratch, it is necessary:
knowledge of dates
knowledge of historical figures
cultural studies

When preparing for the exam in history from scratch, make a sign: century, ruler, his domestic policy, foreign policy (reforms, wars). In the next column - write out the terms, the next column - contemporaries.

And then - the second part of the exam in history. To prepare for the exam in history from scratch, you need to read a lot - “read” the material. Use different sources. This will help you understand the text that you will see in the task in the second part. You will need to determine the time, the ruler, the main events described in this text. And then - the following questions, where it is necessary to write arguments in support or refutation of the position. This is one of the most difficult questions.

For example, the baptism of Russia: its positive and negative meaning, that is, we must give two arguments with a plus sign and two with a minus sign. This means that it is necessary to consider debatable issues, which are very numerous in history.

In the classroom, we devote a lot of time to such debatable issues and develop a base that will help to correctly complete such tasks.

Now about essay writing. An essay is one of the most difficult topics on the exam in history. It is necessary to determine exactly what events were. Events relate to one of three periods: this is the period of the rule of the Ruriks, the period of the Romanovs and the Soviet period. My recommendation is to carefully work out the second period. Next, you need to write why the event happened, the content of the event and its consequences, describe the personalities who are associated with this event, what role they played.
And plus the historical assessment of this period - with a "plus" sign and with a "minus" sign.

In our courses, we give an algorithm for writing an essay. We remember the chronology and analyze events from the positive and negative sides. This is how the whole picture emerges. And some additional material that is not in the textbook. Recommended films and historical literature.

When you are preparing for the Unified State Exam in history from scratch, by March you should have a complete historical picture, and then work on assignments and complex questions of the Unified State Examination in history. History must not just be taught - history must be lived - in order to pass the exam well.

A history tutor directs, focuses on complex issues of the exam, teaches how to write an essay, argue a position, identify a chronological sequence, introduces cartography and cultural studies.

Quite a lot of schoolchildren take the USE in history. Points will be useful in such humanitarian faculties as jurisprudence, political science, journalism. Many people think that this is a difficult subject, but this is not entirely true. The average score is low compared to geography or.

The biggest knowledge gaps in cartography, cultural studies. Many people cannot compare the events of domestic and foreign history; confusion arises with historical figures.

The largest number of incorrect answers in the second part. There is a need to give arguments, to support a position with theses.

The last part requires write an essay, which also causes a lot of problems. If a student did not learn history in either the 7th or 8th grade, then you need to start from the basics, namely from chronology. To pass the exam, you need to know all the events in chronological order.

Also need learn all dates, and there are quite a few of them. The exam checks all dates to the nearest day. Many people get frustrated when they see how much information they need to learn.

How to remember events and dates

The study of history begins with the uprising of the Drevlyans, the baptism of Russia, etc. These events took place in the 10th century, respectively, we remember and teach significant personalities - the princes. We “attach” an event to each to make it easier to remember.

When studying history, you will need to learn cartography. Let's take a personality - Prince Oleg. On the map, we look at how he expanded the territory and with whom he fought. Need know everyone by sight, and if there are no illustrations in the textbooks, then we look on the Internet. We pay attention to the buildings - who built the temple, when, what contributed.

Some remember information better when it is presented visually. This is a great way, as there is a lot of material to read in history and illustrations will help you remember important information accurately.

There is a task in the second part, which many students fail. It is required to comprehend the text, indicate the time, events, ruler. Next, you will need to answer questions, write arguments to refute or confirm the position.

For example, let's take one of the most significant events - baptism in Russia. Write the pros and cons. For this you need review materials from discussions. These questions are well understood in history lessons.

Another difficult task is an essay. In the same place it is necessary to define events. The greatest difficulties arise with the second period of government. You will need to describe the event, what happened as a result, what personalities are associated with it. An event may fall out of the reign of the Rurikids, the Romanovs, or the Soviet period.

You need to start preparing early especially if you are preparing from scratch. By April, you should already have a clear picture of events and you devote the rest of the time to processing knowledge, complex tasks.

To prepare well, you need to understand why you are handing over the subject. For example, points are required for admission to a military school or law school. After you receive a diploma, it is highly likely that you will not have a comfortable life, since. You also need to determine how many points you need to score at least. For example, 80 points. This is quite a lot, so it is worth making every effort.

At the lessons, you need to listen carefully to the teacher, make notes in a notebook, independently refine the material and If you have questions don't be shy to ask them. You can discuss your exam preparation plan with your teacher. As a rule, the school has additional classes to prepare for the exam. They are a must to visit.

It's better to start sooner rather than later. If possible, take part in history olympiads. So you work out and repeat the material again. If by grade 11 you don’t know anything about history, then don’t worry - there is still time.

Plan your study time clearly. Ideally, exercise for two hours 3-4 times a week. First, study the theory, then move on to solving tests. Also deal with difficult questions.

Exam preparation plan

  1. Learn the structure of the exam. To pass the exam well, you need to know what you need to write in each part. There are tasks with historical documents, maps, problematic questions on history, names, dates, concepts.
  2. Divide preparation into stages. The most optimal division: the Old Russian state, the decline of the state, the formation of a centralized state, the reign of the Godunovs, the Romanovs, Peter the Great, coups, etc.

Schoolchildren study for 35 weeks. One period is one week. On vacation, it’s better to take a break, as you will have another 13 weeks left, and this is enough to consolidate the material. First, study all the periods and only then solve the tests.

There is an opinion that up to 70% of tasks are devoted to the 19th-20th century, so there is no need to focus too much on medieval history.

What materials are useful

  1. Textbook for self-preparation for the exam in history. It is better to use the materials of the Enlightenment publishing house or study Sakharov's specialized textbook.
  2. Tables and diagrams useful for memorizing information in the form of diagrams. Reading textbooks is also a must.
  3. Atlases stories.
  4. Video lectures in preparation for the exam.
  5. Texts for the preparation of. To get started, study all the material from the FIPI website.

How else to prepare for the exam

  1. Keep notes. When you write information with your hand, you remember it better. Structure the information, highlight the important in bright colors.
  2. Write cheat sheets on difficult tasks (24, 25). However don't wear them to the exam.
  3. Solve demo materials on the FIPI website.
  4. Learn maps, geographical objects. It is better to hang a map of Russia in the room for a while. Often you need to specify the name of geographical objects, the location of cities.
  5. If you want a high score, then you need teach culture. It is better to make a table with stamps, posters, sculptures, architectural structures, paintings by artists.
  6. Work with historical documents.
  7. See history films.

Another important tip that will help you prepare for the Unified State Exam in history on your own is to remember historical figures, the year and the event cut small cards. On one side, you need to indicate the ruler, and on the other, the years of life or reign, events and a brief description of the activity. Form decks and teach.
