To some, the sea is knee-deep, and to some, the dacha pond will seem like the Mariana Trench. It doesn't matter if you are a sea wolf or a modest river wolf, you can safely record the Day of the Sea and River Fleet in your professional holiday. Perhaps, all the boys, once in their childhood, dreamed of becoming captains of a huge ship and going on a long voyage to discover new lands, continents and mysterious uninhabited islands.

History of the day of the sea and river fleet

More than thirty years ago, back in 1980, a decree was issued in the USSR stating that every year, on the first Sunday of July (July 1 in 2019), the country will officially celebrate the Day of workers of the sea and river fleets. Our country is rich in water resources, these are seas, oceans, as well as numerous deep rivers and huge lakes. This geographical position simply obliged that river and sea transport become one of the main branches of the country's economy. Often, sailors and river workers are whole dynasties, for long generations, who have linked their fates with the water element.

When celebrate

Day of workers of the sea and river fleet is celebrated on the first Sunday of July, at the height of summer.

It was included in the holiday register back in the Soviet Union. The year 1980 was marked by the adoption on October 1 of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 3018-X "On Holidays and Memorable Days", according to which not only the military, but also the civilian fleet was awarded a professional holiday. On November 1, 1988, a new edition of the document was issued under No. 9724-XI.

Who is celebrating

Day of workers of the sea and river fleet is intended to honor all professionals of this industry: river and seafarers of commercial and passenger ships and icebreakers, ship repairmen, workers of numerous Russian ports.

About the profession

The profession of a sailor is dangerous, but at the same time it is considered very romantic. The civilian fleet is an important aspect of the formation of the economic potential of the state, therefore Russia is in need of professional personnel in this area. Its main functions are the transportation of bulky goods and passengers across the country and abroad.

Thanks to the daily work of the sea and river fleet workers, Russia maintains trade relations with partner states, has ample export opportunities, and develops sea and river tourism. The professionalism of these specialists is the key to the economic prosperity of the Russian Federation.

Congratulations on the day of workers of the sea and river fleet 2018

On the day of the sea and river fleet,
A reason to eat champagne to open
To those whose daily work is
To plow the expanses of water,

Raise a toast for a friendly team
For the brave and zealous ship
Every sailor must today
The walk is spectacular, but beautiful.

Happy holiday today
Skippers, mechanics, sailors
May good luck always be with you
And male friendship without question.

Everyone knows - there are different ships,
Sea liners, ferries and tugs,
The river tram lights the lights
And tankers carry oil around the world.

There is a river fleet, but there is a sea
But the main thing here is who controls it,
Who is the wizard, who is he, the hero
That makes the ship sail on the water.

There are many heroes, all of them cannot be counted -
Shipbuilder, captain, sailor, mechanic.
Today is a holiday of the fleet and in their honor
Let a volley of salutes from the ships of all break out loudly.

Let it chase them on water and land
Endless luck and happiness
And the ship of life will never be destroyed
Dashing storms, storms and bad weather.

Put on an old vest
Put a smile on your face
Get a brandy, pour a glass for everyone,
Raise a toast to the entire Russian fleet!

Bgive you a hunt
Water bodies of all countries ...
Happy Fleet Workers Day
You, sailor, captain!
The ocean is wild
Or calm, light breeze,
You are taking tourists
Coal, fruit and rice.
On river rigging
Or on a long journey
More fun than you, more beautiful
Not to be found on earth!
No salty miles
Accounts - flights, ports ...
And seven feet under the keel
We wish you again!

The fleet is merchant, fishing,
River or sea fleet, -
Is it so important, the right word! -
Sometimes we - what a fleet!
On the water - not like on land -
Everything is not easier, everything is not so, -
And understand the sea soul
Not everyone can!
There, in my soul - sea distances,
A stormy storm and complete calm
The wives there that have been waiting for a long time
You, almost lost,
All-around with the elements,
And wave of your hand to your beloved ...
In general, I read poems to you, -
Happy holiday, sailors!

Bwithout rivermen and sailors,
We can't go all those roads
That the water surface, blue,
So beckon you and me from childhood!
We congratulate you friends
Let in your life at the helm
There will be love, health and happiness!
And the peace flag flies on the mast!

Dhey sailor! Nautical miles ...
Love and friendship without melting,
We say storms and calm
Your happy fate!
Fogs, countries, oceans,
Hold, watch, slings, seaport ..
Latitudes and meridians
You knew not by hearsay!
Let not a captain, a sailor
You walk, old or young,
You will always be an idol, a boss
All the hearts waiting for the sailor !!!

Zhiring, the fleet is different,
There is a sea, and there is a river.
But the brave sailor is more important,
Not what's behind the stern.

Clearly, the sea is not a river.
The sea beckons the sailor.
We don't want to separate you,
Together we will congratulate!

Boats or ships -
So that the water keeps everyone!
To the title of "sailor"
Proudly you carried like a flag.

They became at the call of the heart
And they tied fate with water.
We wish the sailor
They were waiting on the shore!

Blarge ship multi-ton
He enters the port with the cargo again.
There are millions of goods in it,
But it will take everything to its place.
You have a serious job -
Deliver cargo by sea!
I wish you on the Day of the Navy,
Live comfortably and not be ill!

Byou won't live a day without water -
Anyone on the planet knows this!
The fleet is our pride and our armor
Our stars that do not fade at dawn!
Happy Holidays, Happy Fleet Day!
Let life boil with water
And let there be one concern in your heart -
When will you return home ...

FROMthe holiday is crowding at our gates,
And how can he not open here ?!
After all, the day of the sea and river fleet,
No one can forget

Today I want to congratulate
Our brave sailors
And praise in front of all the strange,
Forgotten all sea wolves!

Let your ship not know,
Holes, storms and tsunamis
Let it be crowded on deck
Tailwind will be with you!

INfrom and Sunday came,
The first one in July is yours!
Your glorious holiday, wonderful
It's time to board:
Today, workers of the fleet,
Raise your flag proudly!
... Work brings happiness,
The matter is in hand:
Everything is easy for you -
You are in your element!
Happy holiday, naval commanders!
Quiet rivers and seas to you!

Military ships,
The severity of unforeseen roads -
This is our brave fleet.
The honor of Russia protects,
Aliens will not be allowed on the threshold.
Flags over Russia.
Proudly develop
With true dignity
Firmly and conscientiously
The hand of the sailor rules!

Ethat day is familiar to those who are in the seas
He often spends a lot of time.
This holiday was not invented in vain.
Those guys are respected by the people.
The river and sea fleet is important to us.
After all, the water borders also need peace.
Congratulations! We wish the enemies
To rebuff you clearly and amicably!

Sea and river transport is one of the most important and reliable sectors of the economy of many countries.

Day of workers of the sea and river fleet is a professional holiday of workers of the sea and river fleet, celebrated every year on the first Sunday of July. And in 2019 this holiday falls on July 7th.

Heroes of the occasion

Day of workers of the sea and river fleet was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X "On holidays and memorable days", as amended by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 9724-XI dated November 1, 1988, "On making amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorable days ”.

The workers of the blue lines have always been the glory of Russia, and now for them such concepts as mutual assistance and naval labor brotherhood remain defining. Therefore, the past, present and future of our country is unthinkable without sailors and river workers of the passenger, merchant and icebreaker fleets, port workers, ship repairmen and many other specialists who ensure the operation of sea and river roads in Russia. And, of course, with their work, they deserve their own holiday, the Day of workers of the sea and river fleet.

It's nice that the traditions that have been developing in the navy for centuries are not only alive now, but also developing, getting stronger, and multiplying. The sea and river fleet today remain an important component of the transport complex, an integral part of the entire economy of the country, and plays a significant role in the implementation of Russia's transport strategy.

Creation of the Russian fleet

Day of workers of the sea and river fleet is a great occasion to remember history.

Date of creation of the Russian fleet - October 20, 1696. On this day, at the insistence of Peter I, the Boyar Duma issued a "verdict" (decree) "Articles are convenient, which belong to the taken fortress or fortress from the Turks of Azov," in which it decided "to be ships. This was a decision of historic importance. As a result of its implementation, Russia - the largest continental state - was to become a maritime power as well.

In fact, the construction of the fleet by Peter I in Voronezh began at the end of 1695, after returning from the unsuccessful first Azov campaign, according to the "consilia" of the generals. On November 4, according to the "verdict" of the Duma and the decree of Peter I, the construction of the regular Russian fleet by "kumpanstoms" began, into which the nobility (18 kumpanstvos) and the clergy (17 kumpapstvam) were grouped. The duties of the Cumpans included the construction, armament, maintenance and repair of ships. The clergy had to build one ship from 8 thousand households, and the nobility - from 10 thousand households. The nobles who had less than 100 households contributed a half a year from each household.

On December 11, 1696, a decree was issued on the construction of 12 ships by merchants, townspeople and foreign merchants. In total, the Kumpanstvo had to build 52 ships of different ranks and galleys. The money collected from the population was used to build the ships by the state.

Soldiers of the Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky regiments, carpenters gathered from all over the country, 50 foreign craftsmen were appointed to build the ships. The organization of the construction of ships was entrusted to the Military Order-category, at the head of which was the voivode T.N. To study shipbuilding and maritime affairs in 1697, Peter I, under the guise of a sergeant of the Preobrazhensky regiment, Peter Mikhailov, as part of the Great Embassy, \u200b\u200bwent to Holland and England and sent about 100 young people there. Ship craftsmen and craftsmen were trained in Russia. The construction of the Azov fleet was carried out at the shipyards in Voronezh, Tavrov, Stupin, Bryansk, Chizhovka, Pavlovsk.

In 1697 the first admiralty was established in Voronezh. In the fall of 1698, some of the ships were launched, and in the spring of 1699, a squadron of 10 ships and several ships left the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov. In August, on one of them, the 46-gun ship "Fortress", Peter I sent the Duma clerk Ye.I. Ukraintsev and personally accompanied him with a squadron (10 ships, 2 galleys, 2 ships) to Kerch. This demonstration of the Russian fleet contributed to the signing of a peace treaty with Turkey on July 3, 1700.

By 1700, 40 sailing ships and IZ rowing ships were built for the Azov fleet. By decree of April 20, 1700, the construction of ships was transferred to the state, and the Kumpansta had to contribute funds. The construction of the Azov fleet continued until 1711. A total of 215 ships were built, including 44 58-gun ships. After the Prut Treaty (1711), according to which Azov and Taganrog were transferred to Turkey, the Azov fleet ceased to exist. The experience gained during its construction was used in the Baltic Sea, which played important role in the Northern War. The ships for the Baltic Fleet were built at the shipyards of St. Petersburg, Novgorod, Olonets (Lodeinoe Pole), Uglich, Arkhangelsk and Tver (Kalinin).

For 30 years (1696-1725) a regular Russian fleet was created. In total, 111 battleships, 38 frigates, 60 brigantines, 8 shnavs, 67 large galleys, a significant number of scampaways (half-galleys), bombarding ships, fire ships, shmaks, pram, up to 300 transport ships and many small ships were built. In terms of fighting and seaworthiness, the Russian battleships (the best of them were Lesnoye and Ingerman-land), the construction of which began in 1708, were not inferior to foreign ones, and the galleys successfully operated in the skerry areas of the Baltic Sea against Swedish ships.

All important orders concerning shipbuilding and the creation of the fleet came from Peter I, whose main assistants were F.A. Golovin, F.M. Apraksin and K.I. Cruis, and for the supply of ships - Franz Timmerman and treasurer S.I. Languages. Among the ship masters (this rank was equated to the rank of captain of the 3rd rank), the "master of good proportions" F.M. Sklyaev and Richard Cosenz, as well as Vasily Shipilov, F.S. Saltykov, G.A. Menshikov and apprentices Ivan Nemtsov, Mokey Cherkasov, Konstantin Yuriev, F.P. Palchikov, Yuri Koluenov.

By 1718, most of the command posts in the fleet were held by Russian people who had the necessary knowledge, experience and distinguished themselves in battles. In this regard, in January 1721, by decree of the Senate, it was forbidden to accept foreigners to serve in the navy. By 1725, the number of the personnel of the fleet reached 7215 people. Officers and shipbuilders were trained in specially created schools (Navigation, Admiralty) and Maritime Academies. St. Petersburg became the main center of shipbuilding and personnel training of the Russian fleet.

In the years 1696-1725. the Azov and Baltic fleets, the Caspian flotilla were created. The Russian fleet during these years won the first major victories in sea \u200b\u200bbattles at about. Kotlin, the Gangut Peninsula, the Ezel and Grengam Islands, won domination in the Baltic and Caspian Seas.

After the death of Peter I, in 1725, the construction of warships in the country almost stopped - only those ships that were already on the stocks were completed. It was ordered not to go to sea in order to avoid losses. The fleet was inactive, the ships were dilapidated. Catherine II wrote in 1763: We have a surplus of ships and people, but there is no fleet or sailors.

The commander-in-chief of the Russian naval forces, Admiral Vladimir Masorin, announced plans to reform the Russian Navy, the result of which should be the creation of a combat-ready ocean-going fleet, which has the world's second largest group of carrier-based aircraft.

The first breakthrough in the creation of a fleet began in the 1880s, when the Russian leadership decided to create a fleet in the Pacific Ocean to protect Russia's eastern borders and support its influence in the region. Insufficient concentration of efforts, imbalance of programs, combined with the country's general technical backwardness and incompetent leadership, led to the defeat of the Russian fleet in the 1904-1905 war with Japan, the main forces of the fleet of which were equipped with the latest ships built at British shipyards.

After the Russo-Japanese War, Russia for a long time could not start rebuilding its fleet. War and Revolution 1905-1907 plunged the country into a deep financial and economic crisis. The government could not allocate funds sufficient for the implementation of the post-war shipbuilding programs developed by the Naval General Staff. The fleet was slightly replenished only at the expense of ships laid down during the Russo-Japanese War, and several cruisers ordered abroad and at domestic shipyards. The Naval Ministry made tremendous efforts to repair and re-equip the surviving ships with more than modest annual funds allocated to the ministry.

February 11, 1918 V.I. Lenin signed a decree establishing the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet (RKKF). As a legacy from the Russian Imperial Navy, on the basis of which it was formed, it inherited a huge number of warships of all classes and auxiliary vessels: in the Baltic there are 4 dreadnought battleships, 9 cruisers, 62 destroyers and destroyers, 26 submarines, 5 gunboats boats, 23 mine and net minelayers, 110 patrol ships and boats, 89 minesweepers, as well as over 100 various auxiliary vessels, 70 transports and 16 icebreakers (a total of about 600 warships and vessels); on the Black Sea there are 7 battleships, 2 cruisers, 20 destroyers and 4 destroyers, 11 submarines (a total of about 400 ships and auxiliary vessels).

Many ships were part of the Arctic Ocean Flotilla, the Caspian, Amur and Siberian flotillas.

We sincerely congratulate the workers of the blue highways on the holiday, on the Day of the workers of the sea and river fleet!

The history of the creation of the sea and river fleet

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The professional holiday of the sea and river fleet workers is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of July. Sailors and river workers have been celebrating their professional holiday together since 1976.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 "On Holidays and Memorable Days", the Day of workers of the sea and river fleet was included in the list of holidays celebrated in recognition of the merits of the workers of the industry. In 2017, this day falls on July 2.

The foundations for the management of sea transport as a single branch of the country's national economy were laid on July 18, 1924, when the Sovtorgflot Joint-Stock Company was established by a decree of the Council of Labor and Defense. Not only transport ships belonging to various departments and joint-stock companies, but also ports, shipyards, schools and a network of service companies. By January 1, 1925, 128 steamers were sailing under the flag of Sovtorgflot. Centralization has made it possible to significantly, by 1.5 times, increase cargo transportation. Gradually, the fleet began to replenish with new ships and by April 1, 1941 had 870 ships.

During the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945, transport ships made thousands of voyages along internal and external communications, being attacked by enemy ships, aircraft and submarines, participated in many landing operations... A significant part of them, after appropriate additional equipment, carried out combat missions in daily combat operations as part of ships of naval bases. Particularly important for the transport fleet was the task of ensuring the transportation of military and national economic cargo. During the war years, the Soviet transport fleet transported about 100 million tons of cargo necessary for the country and the front, 13,900 sea workers received military awards, and 35 sea transport workers became Heroes of the Soviet Union.

Date in 2019: July 7, Sunday.

At the height of summer, Russia celebrates the Day of workers of the sea and river fleet. Congratulations to the captains of ships, assistants, mechanics, scientists, rank and file. Congratulations can be addressed to any person whose work is related to staying on the ship or its maintenance, study, repair. Sea and river ports celebrate this date especially vividly, they hold regattas, excursions, concerts and a lot of other events.

Shipping traffic is an integral part of the economy in our country. In many cities of the Russian Federation there are shipping companies or branches of the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport, where they work: seamen, service personnel and administrative staff. The sailors are usually called the crew. Most of the crew works on ships of inland waters. About 60,000 Russians go on foreign ships ("on a visa"). All workers of civil water transport celebrate the Day of workers of the sea and river fleet in the summer. Next, we will tell you what traditions of the holiday exist, who should be congratulated and who became famous in this profession.

When is it a holiday?

Fleet workers' day is traditionally celebrated on the 1st Sunday in July. The floating date was established by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1980. Since this is a professional holiday, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation celebrate it on a corporate basis. In 2019, the Fleet Worker Day will take place on July 7.

For reference! Together with Russia, on July 5, 2019, sailors from Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan will celebrate their professional Day of the Sea and River Fleet.

Video 1. News of Kazakhstan about the professional holiday (2015)

Who marks whom to congratulate

There are a lot of specialties in the fleet. Some employees did not graduate from institutes and technical schools of water transport, but still work in this industry. This is who traditionally celebrates the Day of the Sea and River Fleet:

  • captains of sea and river vessels;
  • officers: senior, 2nd, 3rd and 4th mates;
  • enlisted personnel: cleaners, minders, turners, cooks, waiters, boatswains, riggers, slingers and others;
  • senior Mechanic, System Mechanic, Electrical Mechanic and Refrigerated Mechanic;
  • research vessel researchers: ichthyologists, oceanographers, ornithologists;
  • medical personnel in the fleet;
  • naval aviation pilots;
  • employees of maritime security, submariners of rescue and rescue crews;
  • employees of maritime museums;
  • administrative apparatus of river terminals and seaports;
  • teachers and students of water institutes and technical schools.

For the listed categories, Fleet Day is a professional holiday. Some employees also celebrate other special dates, for example, pilots and doctors have their professional days. If your friend or acquaintance works in the navy, then you should definitely congratulate him, regardless of his position.

Video 2. Day of the Morflot in Aksakai (2017). Shipbuilding enterprise "Midel".

How to congratulate sailors and river workers

An organizing committee is created in each port city on the eve of the holiday. For example, in St. Petersburg the committee is headed by: the vice-governor and the head of the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport. The council prepares a plan of events dedicated to the holiday. Traditionally, this day is held:

  • regattas;
  • boat show;
  • exhibitions;
  • tours;
  • master classes;
  • concerts and festivals;
  • sporting events and more.

On a festive Sunday, solemn meetings are held on the main squares of the cities. Flowers are laid at the monuments of sailors. Veterans of labor and honored workers of the industry are honored with the obligatory presentation of memorable gifts.

On this day, young specialists from the Institute of International Transport Management named after V.I. adm. S.O. Makarov. And in Vladivostok, in the Sea state university (Moscow State University) named after Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy, a solemn meeting of cadets, teachers and veterans is taking place. Sometimes professional celebrations coincide with the City of Vladivostok Day (July 2).

In some cities, the festivities are so massive that the authorities have to block some streets and avenues in advance. Carnival processions take place along them. Water areas can be used for parades and waltzes of civilian ships. IN large cities the celebrations are completed by a colorful evening fireworks display.

Video 3. Waltz of tugs on the Day of workers of the sea and river fleet of St. Petersburg (2016)

history of the holiday

For Morrechflot workers, the holiday appeared in 1980. It was approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The first celebrations took place on July 5, 1981. Until that day, civilian court workers celebrated their professional holiday on Navy Day, which was held annually on July 24. However, this could hardly be called a celebration.

The sailors of the Soviet Morrechflot did not consider the Navy as their professional day. However, we received congratulations from relatives and superiors. For 38 years now, civilian shipping workers have been celebrating their professional day.

For reference! Since 2010, a professional holiday has appeared - World Sailor Day. It is celebrated on July 25th. The position was approved by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) at the UN. In total, there are 1.5 million seafarers in the world. Filipinos represent a significant part of the profession.

Famous representatives of the profession

Russia is rich in glorious maritime history. It is impossible to list all the famous sailors in the article. But you should definitely remember a few names:

  • Semyon Dezhnev (1605-1673);
  • Thaddeus Bellingshausen (1778-1852);
  • Fedor Litke (1797–1882);
  • Fedor Konyukhov (1951).

Many people have not found themselves in the profession and do not work according to their profile. For example, Vitaly Mutko, who graduated from GPTU No. 226 of the river fleet in Petrokrepost of the Leningrad Region as a mechanic, and then studied at the Leningrad River School, now works as the Minister of Construction of the Russian Federation.

List of films, songs, poems dedicated to the holiday

The river and sea expanses were excellent material for the creativity of poets, composers and directors. Here is a short list of literary and cinematic works:

  • verses: "Happy River River Day!" (V. Tairov), "To the Day of the River-Sea Fleet ..." (Alesya-DBK), "Old Debarkader" (Unknown);
  • songs: “And people go to sea” (E. Gil), “Sea” (Yu. Antonov), “Combat merchant fleet” (A. Rosenbaum);
  • films: "On the Dalny Island ..." (1957), "The Way to the Pier" (1962), "Wind of Hope" (1977), "Take Care of Women" (1981), "The Perfect Storm" (2000), "Icebreaker" (2006 ).

Almost each of the listed works is capable of touching the strings of the human soul. This is probably why the society loves sailors, whose life is associated with romance and high risk.

Video 4. Yuri Antonov - Sea

Congratulations in prose

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the Day of workers of the sea and river fleet. What to wish a sailor - of course, happy rivers in life, bottomless seas of success and waves of luck. May hard work bring you happiness and prosperity, while families and beloved girls are waiting for you on the shore. Happy Holidays!

Congratulations in verses

Marine fleet and river fleet,

Congratulations, please.

Let the waves bring peace

You float on them easily.

Let success accompany you

Let love surround you.

May there never be obstacles

May happiness warm you.

Happy Sea Fleet Day,

And also the river!

Great happiness to you,

Good naughty,

So that the days are beauty

Filled with tender

And also love

Fun, hope!

At Morflot and Rechflot

A very important job.

The labor of such people is valuable

For our entire planet.

We congratulate the fleet on the holiday.

Without a doubt, we wish:

Do not get sick, live in abundance,

And cherish work.

Do not succumb to difficulties

To smile often in life

Never lose heart

Yes, rest more often!

Alexander, June 7, 2019.

We are all romantic in our souls and, standing on the seashore or on the river, everyone wants to conquer the blue expanses, if not on the captain's bridge, then at least as a passenger. It was romance that urged to choose the fleet of river and sea fleet workers as a place of work.

The Russian fleet was created at the end of the 18th century, when the city of Azov was established by the decree of Peter the Great as the country's main port. As a result of this decision, continental Russia should become a maritime power. Now the sea and river fleet is one of the leading sectors of the economy, which allows the delivery of goods to the most remote corners of the country, and carries out the main international trade in Russia. Every year on the first Sunday of July, the country celebrates the Day of Workers of the Sea and River Fleet, established by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On Holidays and Memorable Days."

Show congratulations

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Happy professional holiday to all workers of the sea and river fleet. You are amazing people. Brave and determined, if you are not afraid to go out on rivers and seas, defending yourself from them with the fragile shell of your steamers and boats. Therefore, we congratulate and admire!


On the Day of Workers of the Sea and River Fleet, we proudly recall the hard work and constant courage of people associated with this profession. As Turgenev said: “We all have one anchor, from which, if you don’t want to yourself, you will never lose it: a sense of duty.” I wish we could never break these anchor chains!


So, in the course of the fleeting days, the professional holiday of the workers of the sea and river fleet has washed ashore. Let everything in your life follow the flow, happiness does not leave the shores of family life, a love storm is raging in your heart, and there is a complete calm in your soul. We wish you career growth, good health and prosperity.


You are a real sailor and have seen many storms in your life. On this holiday, I want to wish you that no storm will ever turn the ship of your dreams over. Good health and happy life to you, our sailor!


Doesn't sit on your stove
Pulls to the water again
Some on the sea, some on the river
Will celebrate his holiday.

Let the wave swing you
And river and sea,
A fresh breeze blows
Navy worker dear!


Day of the workers of the river and the seven seas,
You deserve the holiday, sparing no effort.
The day has punished you to have fun with all the heart,
He gave you, servants of water, a day off.

To you, workers of flotillas and the depths of the sea,
Those who are friendly with the sea and not alone with it.
He leads a friendship with a sea brother - a river mouth,
Who is forever and from the heart carried away by the fleet.


Navy Workers Day
We celebrate now!
And we want this holiday
All amicably congratulate you!
We wish you every success!
More bright, clear days!
So that the sea is quiet
So that you come back soon!


Beckoned from childhood wanderings on the waters.
You have not deviated one iota from your dream.
Employees of the sea and river fleet,
Steamers are buzzing today, congratulating.

When the winds of doubt flutter the mast
Let the beacon of love cast its light!
Command, using the coordinates:
Set a course for happiness! And do not care about the pitching!


Let all this from history ...
They dream of sails
Everyone can be a poet here
This day is sacredly revered!
Fleet worker is proud!
Therefore, there are no superfluous here
Ships leave the port
Again, to plow the planet!
When it comes to toast
... for those at sea ...
Must be born as a sailor
Is it lucky ...


Captains and sailors
All and all grades,
Congratulations on the holiday of the fleet
I'm ready to give you.

I'm not going to share you
On "sea" and "river",
I wish everyone today
Earthly and unearthly blessings!


Hurry to accept congratulations
He is from heart and soul.
He may be very humble
But you will leave happy.

You went to the navy. Your choice.
You do not forgive insults.
All your friends know.
It's time to congratulate you!

So that everything is always the best
So that caviar on bread is thicker,
So that love is always.
To happiness with a bang!


There is a special law on the water,
You know that for sure.
That's not a strict congratulation,
And accept these flowers.

I only want peace
To know for sure:
You live your life beautifully
Peace is not a war.

So that only people are around
That you are idolized.
So that happiness is on a platter,
Your brother has prepared for you.


All who serve, toil at sea,
Our congratulations and bow,
We wish to be always in the major,
Happiness and good luck for all times!

Let it storm, but only very little
The wind helps to sail fast
You caught a gold fish
And she helped you live!

Be healthy and live in peace
Joy to you sincere, great,
Friendship will be your guide
And love always leads home!


Like a gold fish
You burst into my life.
You read to me regularly
You are beautiful poetry.

You are a sailor. And it can be seen.
According to your gait.
Others are always jealous.
Well, boy, don't be shy.

Congratulations on this holiday.
He is so important to you.
I wish you tenderness and affection,
Only, mind you, from me.


Sail the seas, oceans
And the endless waters of all countries.
Sailing stubbornly against the wind
You sailors and you captain!

May your luck bring you miles
Whether it is a tanker, river rigging,
We wish you seven feet under the keel,
Our glorious sea and river fleet!

Let it carry along the salty miles
A dashing breeze is chasing you
Light breeze instead of violent calm
And congratulations from us on this day!


Happy Navy Workers Day,
All who are on the way with the sea!
Wish you hunting
Find the island of happiness!

Let it be instead of calm
Refreshing breeze!
And seven feet under the keel!
And for a holiday - a surprise:

Will bring the waves of the sea
To your heavenly corner.
Seagulls will shout in the sky
My congratulations for you!
