According to approximate data, there are about 3 million cities on the planet. Small and large, developed and poor, beautiful resorts and fascinating historical ones. Each is good in its own way. And there are those that are remarkable precisely for their area. In this article we will tell you about XXL cities. The criterion for the rating was the "clean" area of \u200b\u200bthe city, which it occupies, excluding districts and agglomerations. Meet the largest cities in the world by area!

Sydney (12144.6 sq km)

The rating opens the largest city on earth by area - Sydney. Concurrently, it is the largest and one of the most popular Australian cities. It was founded by Arthur Phillip in 1788. The city got its name from the name of Lord Sydney - the famous minister of the British colonies.

Area: 12144.6 sq. Km. Of this, only 1.7 thousand square meters. km is allocated to residential areas, the rest of the territory is mountains and numerous picturesque parks. It has a population of 4.5 million, making Sydney the most populous city in the entire country.

Sydney is built around Port Jackson Harbor - one of the largest natural bays on earth! From the west, the city is bounded by the Blue Mountains, from the east by the Pacific waters, from the south by the Royal National Park, and from the north by the incredibly beautiful Hawkesbury River.

Kinshasa (10,550 sq. Km)

The giant capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo used to have a funny name - Leopoldville. In 1966, it was renamed Kinshasa. Area: 10550 sq. km. Most of it is in sparsely populated rural areas. The population is over 10 million people.

Kinshasa stretches along the southern bank of the Congo River and lies directly opposite Brazzaville (the capital of the Republic of Congo). This is a unique phenomenon when two capitals are located so close to each other - on opposite sides of the same river!

Fun fact: Kinshasa is the 2nd city in the world after Paris where the majority of the population speaks French.

Buenos Aires (4000 sq. Km)

The three largest cities in the world by area are closed by the delightful capital of Argentina - Buenos Aires. It ranks among the most beautiful and lively cities in the country. It was created in 1580 on the coast of La Plata Bay. Twice in its history it was rebuilt from the ruins: a few years after its foundation, it was burned by the Indians, and in the 19th century it suffered from a series of earthquakes.

Area: 4,000 sq. km. The population is about 2.8 million people.

On the east and south sides, the city is bordered by the bays of Rio de la Plata and Riachuelo. The remaining perimeter is occupied by the legendary Avenida General Paz motorway, which surrounds the city from the west and north.

Karachi (3,530 sq km)

Karachi is a giant port city in Pakistan, the capital of Sindh province. The history of the city dates back to the era of Alexander the Great.

Area: 3530 sq. km is 4 times the area of \u200b\u200bHong Kong. The population is over 12 million people. It rightfully bears the title of one of the most densely populated cities on the planet.

The city is geographically located in the south of Pakistan, on a flat area off the coast of the Arabian Sea.

Alexandria (2,680 sq. Km)

This ancient city is more than one millennium old. It was created in 332 BC by the same Alexander the Great. It is the second largest city in Egypt and the main seaport of the state. Included in the top 5 largest cities on earth!

Area: 2680 sq. km. The population is about 4.5 million people.

Alexandria is nestled in the Nile Delta and is about 32 km long along the Mediterranean coast.

Ankara (2500 sq. Km)

The Turkish capital Ankara is one of the oldest cities in Asia Minor and the second most important city in Turkey (second only to Istanbul). It dates back to the 7th century BC!

Area: 2500 sq. km. The population is about 4.9 million people.

The city is located at the confluence of the Chubuk and Ankara rivers, on the Anatolian plateau.

Istanbul (2,106 sq. Km)

The former capital of the Great Empires also boasts of its scale. Previously, the city bore the proud name Constantinople and was a real cradle of civilizations.

Area: 2106 sq. km. The population is about 14 million people.

Located along the shores of the Bosphorus. This is one of the most beautiful cities on the planet, which is one of the top 10 popular tourist routes.

Tehran (1,881 sq. Km)

It is the majestic city of Iran, one of the first places in the list of major cities in Asia. Archaeological excavations indicate that settlements on the site of the city existed as early as the 6th century BC.

Area: 1881 sq. km. The population is about 9 million people.

Tehran is located in the north of Iran at the foot of the Elbrus mountain range.

Bogota (1,590 sq. Km)

It is worth saying "thanks" to the Spanish conquistadors for the appearance of this amazing city. They were the ones who founded Bogotá in 1538! Today it is the capital of the Republic of Colombia with an area of \u200b\u200b1590 sq. km. The population is about 7 million people.

The city is geographically located in the basin of the western slope of the Eastern Cordillera, right at the equator. It is famous for its chic futuristic architecture, rich selection of museums, incredibly beautiful colonial churches and devastating frequent earthquakes.

London (1,580 sq. Km)

"London from the capital of Great Britain" - every student knows this. Did you know that it is also one of the largest ports in Britain, as well as a giant city, completing the top 10 largest cities in the world by area?

London was founded back in 43 AD when the Romans invaded Britain. It is located on the Greenwich meridian, on the River Thames and bears the "title" of the city of fogs. Yes, fogs are frequent here, as are rains.

Area: 1580 sq. km. The population is about 8 million people.

The study of cities should be called an interesting activity. Each of them has its own history. In addition, they are all so different: resort areas, industrial giants, provincial small towns and so on. However, among them there are also the largest cities on the planet.

The largest city in terms of area is Beijing. He is one of the most significant settlements in China. The giant metropolis has a total area of \u200b\u200b16,801 square kilometers. The city is home to about 22 million people. Despite this, Beijing harmoniously combines modernity and antiquity. For three millennia, it was the seat of the Chinese rulers. And today you can see ancient monuments in the center of the city, which are carefully preserved. The most interesting place can be called the former residence of the emperors of China - the Forbidden City.

Another Chinese metropolis is in our top. Its area is 7434.4 square kilometers. So he is rightfully placed in second place. The political, industrial and cultural center of the southern regions of China is very popular. About 21 million people live here. Guangzhou is ready to boast a thousand-year history. In Europe, a little earlier, the city was known as Canton. It was from here that the sea part of the Great Silk Road started. Since ancient times, the city has provided shelter to all opposition members of the government.

The well-known city ranks third in the list of the largest cities. Its area is 6340 square kilometers. Shanghai is home to about 24 million people. Shanghai is considered to be one of the most unusual cities in China. In other words, it reflects a modern country - forward-looking, energetic and fast in development. Shanghai is also one of the largest shopping centers in the world.

The fourth stage of the rating was given to a large metropolis of the world - Brasilia. The city occupies 5802 square kilometers in its territory. But as for the status of the capital of the Republic of Brazil, the city received it relatively recently - in 1960. The construction of the metropolis was counted on with such a plan in order to attract the population to sparsely populated areas, and then develop them. Therefore, Brasilia is located far from the main political and economic centers of the country.

The center of industry and trade, as well as the main port of Turkey - Istanbul. Its area is 5343 square kilometers. Therefore, he is on the 5th place in the rating. Istanbul is located in a picturesque place - on the shores of the Bosphorus. It should be called a unique city, which at one time was the capital of 4 great empires and located immediately in Europe and Asia. In the city, tourists will see a bunch of wonderful ancient monuments: the majestic Blue Mosque, the millennial Sophia Cathedral, the chic Dolmabahce Palace. The megalopolis will amaze you with the abundance of various museums.

Unfortunately, the capital of Russia takes only 6th place in the ranking of the largest cities. It is considered the second largest city in Europe after Istanbul. The area of \u200b\u200bMoscow is 4662 square kilometers. She is not only a financial and political center, but also a cultural one. Many tourists come here every year.

The port city in Pakistan has an area of \u200b\u200b3530 square kilometers. He is the first capital of the country and the main financial, industrial and trade center. Karachi was a small fishing village in the early 18th century. And when it was captured by British troops, the village quickly became a major port city. From that moment he returned and played an increasing role in the country's economy. Due to the influx of emigrants in our time, overpopulation of Karachi has become the most important problem.

Tokyo, not surprisingly, is on the 8th line of the rating. Its territory is 2189 square kilometers. The capital of Japan has always been the most important cultural, political and economic center. The Land of the Rising Sun has always been proud of its metropolis. The city is very beautiful. Antiquity and modernity are closely intertwined. Close to ultra-modern and high-rise buildings, you can see tiny houses in narrow streets. It seems that they left the engravings. Despite a massive earthquake in 1923 and damage after World War II, Tokyo never ceases to be exciting.

Sydney's area is 2037 square kilometers. In many ratings, the city occupies a leading position as the largest metropolis. This is due to the fact that the Australian Bureau of Statistics includes nearby national parks and the Blue Mountains in the city.

The leading financial, economic and political center closes our rating. The area of \u200b\u200bLondon is 1580 square kilometers. Tourists love this place very much, especially Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and other attractions.

Video: Top 10 Largest Cities in the World by Area

What is the largest city in the world is not as easy to determine as it seems at first glance. How to count - by area or by population? If you make two lists, they will not match. And what can be considered a city? De jure and de facto, there will be no identity. Many cities have expanded to include smaller settlements. They have become agglomerations (sometimes monocentric - with one center and polycentric - with several), that is, in fact, one large city, but formally considered a cluster of relatively small cities. The difference is sometimes so great - at least grab your head. For example, New York City has less than 8.5 million people within its current urban boundaries, and almost 24 in its metropolitan area.

By population

The largest cities in the world in terms of population have both a centuries-old history and a relatively young age. The same New York emerged only in the 17th century, and its rapid growth during the 19th and 20th centuries is due to the fact that it was the most convenient geographic point for receiving immigrants from Europe. And, for example, London, which will celebrate its 2 thousandth anniversary in 2043, owes its numerical growth to the status of the capital of the British Empire. In terms of population, the top ten cities look like this:

Manila (Philippines) is a striking example of a polycentric urban agglomeration; the population of the city is about 1.7 million people, and in the agglomeration - 22.7. Moreover, the capital is not the largest city. Another large city within the agglomeration, Kesson City, has 2.7 million inhabitants. The agglomeration is legally registered as the National Capital Region and, in fact, is one big city, although in terms of area - 638.55 km 2 - it is even inferior to Moscow before the inclusion of some districts of the Moscow region. As for our capital, the Moscow agglomeration shares 17-18 positions with the Japanese Osaka agglomeration, numbering 17.4 million people.

By area

If it is difficult to understand the list of the largest cities in terms of population, since different sources give different figures, then with the area everything is much easier. The geographical size of the cities is fixed precisely and, unlike the number, does not change every year. True, huge areas do not always correspond to our ideas about what a city should be like. Often, purely rural areas are included in the metropolis. A good example is New Moscow, mainly a rural area, included in the capital to "unload" the metropolis. Here is a list of the largest cities in the world by area:

Not surprisingly, the world's largest city by area, Sydney, is located in Australia. This mainland country with an area of \u200b\u200b7.7 million km 2 has only 23.2 million people. And the population of Sydney is only 4.8 million. There is a lot of free land in the country, there is where to turn. For comparison, the population density of Australia is 3.1 people per square kilometer, while in Russia, where there is also a lot of vacant land, it is almost three times higher - 8.39 people per square kilometer.

It is possible that the list of the largest cities in the world in terms of population will change, and in the very near future. The rapid population growth in South and Southeast Asia, coupled with the incessant urbanization process, is causing a rapid increase in the number of megacities located in these countries. Countries where, most likely, may appear new cities on the list of the largest - India and Pakistan. But China, most likely, will not bring surprises, since the state's policy to reduce the rate of population growth has borne fruit, and the birth rate in the Celestial Empire barely makes up for the natural decline.

Did you know that three times more people live in the largest city in the world than in Moscow, and the city itself is 32 times larger than Moscow in area? Read below.

No. 10. Wuhan (China) - 8,494 km²

Wuhan stands at the confluence of the Yangtze and Han Shui rivers. The territory of the Wuhan metropolis consists of 3 parts - Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang, which are collectively referred to as "Wuhan Tri-Cities". These three parts stand opposite each other on different banks of the rivers, they are connected by bridges. The population of Wuhan is 10,220,000.

The history of the city goes back 3,000 years, when an important trading port was formed on the site of the future Wuhan. Wuhan has 8 national and 14 public colleges and universities.

No. 9. Kinshasa (Congo) - 9,965 km²

Kinshasa is the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, located on the Congo River. Until 1966, Kinshasa was called Leopoldville. The population of the city is 10 125 000 people.
Kinshasa is the second most populous city in Africa, after Lagos.

No. 8. Melbourne (Australia) - 9,990 km²

Melbourne is the second largest city in Australia and the capital of Victoria. The population with the suburbs is about 4,529,500 people. Melbourne is the southernmost millionaire city in the world.

Melbourne is one of the main commercial, industrial and cultural centers of Australia. Melbourne is also often referred to as the "sports and cultural capital" of the country.

The city is famous for its architecture and a combination of Victorian and modern styles, parks, gardens. In 2016, The Economist magazine, for the sixth time in a row, named Melbourne the most comfortable city in the world to live in based on a combination of features.

Melbourne was founded in 1835 as an agricultural settlement on the banks of the Yarra River.

No. 7. Tianjin (China) - 11,760 km²

Tianjin is located in the North of China along the Bohai Bay. The population of the city is 15,469,500 people. The majority of the population is Han, but representatives of small nationalities also live. Basically they are: Hui, Koreans, Manchus and Mongols.

In the XX century, Tianjin became the locomotive of Chinese industrialization, the largest center of heavy and light industry.

No. 6. Sydney (Australia) - 12,144 km²

Sydney is Australia's largest city, with a population of 4,840,600. Sydney is the capital of New South Wales.

Sydney was founded in 1788 by Arthur Phillip, who arrived here at the head of the First Fleet. Sydney is the first colonial European settlement in Australia. The city was named after Lord Sydney, Secretary of the Colonies of Great Britain.

The city is famous for its opera house, Harbor Bridge and beaches. Residential areas of Greater Sydney are surrounded by national parks. The coastline is rich in bays, coves, beaches and islands.

Sydney is one of the most multicultural and multicultural cities in the world. Sydney is ranked first in Australia and 66th in the world for cost of living.

No. 5. Chengdu (China) - 12 390 km²

Chengdu is a sub-province city in southwestern China, in the Minjiang River Valley, the administrative center of Sichuan province. Population - 14 427 500 people.

The emblem of the city is the ancient golden disc "Birds of the Golden Sun", which was found in 2001 during excavations of the Jinsha culture within the city.

Chengdu is a major center of economy, trade, finance, science and technology, as well as an important center of transport and communications. Chengdu has become the main center of China's new urbanization.

No. 4. Brisbane (Australia) - 15,826 km²

Brisbane is a city in Australia, Queensland. The population of the city is 2 274 560 people.
The city is located in the east of Australia, on the banks of the Brisbane River and the Moreton Bay of the Pacific Ocean. Included in the first hundred global cities in the world.

Founded in 1825, the old name is Edenglassi. Since 1859 - the capital of the state of Queensland.

Number 3. Beijing (China) - 16 801 km²

Beijing is the capital of China. It is the largest railway and road junction and one of the main air hubs in the country. Beijing is the political, educational and cultural center of the People's Republic of China.

Beijing is one of the four ancient capitals of China. In 2008, the Summer Olympic Games were held in Beijing. In 2022, the city will host the Winter Olympic Games.
The population of the city is 21 705 000 people.

# 2. Hangzhou (China) - 16,840 km²

Hangzhou is a sub-province city, the capital of Zhejiang province, located 180 km south-west of Shanghai. The population of the city is 9 018 500 people.

The former name of Hangzhou - Lin'an, in the pre-Mongol era was the capital of the Southern Song dynasty and was the most populated city of the then world. Hangzhou is now famous for its tea plantations and natural beauty. The most famous place is Lake Sihu.

# 1. Chongqing (China) - 82,400 km²

Chongqing is the largest in terms of area of \u200b\u200bthe four central Chinese cities. The population of the city is 30 165 500 people.

Chongqing emerged more than 3 thousand years ago. The city was the capital of the Ba kingdom and was called Jianzhou.

Chongqing is now one of the largest commercial centers in China. Most of the city's economy is built on industry. Main industries: chemical, engineering and metallurgical. Chongqing is also China's largest car manufacturing base. There are 5 car factories and over 400 car parts factories.

Moscow - 2561 km2
Saint Petersburg - 1439 km2
Yekaterinburg - 468 km2
Kazan - 425 km2
Novosibirsk - 505 km2
Volgograd - 565 km2

It so happened that the capitals of the states are the largest in terms of population, and, as a consequence of this factor,.

We will travel, albeit on the pages of the site, around the world and visit different parts of the planet in order to find out what is the largest capital in terms of area and population.

Europe has the highest population density, but the capitals are not as large as in Asia.

For example, the population of London is about 9 million, but the area of \u200b\u200bthe metropolis is one of the largest in Europe.

London is almost the same age as the new era of Mankind, was founded by the Romans in 43 AD.


The districts and quarters of the Peruvian capital center are located on the Pacific coast. Due to the many attractions of the pre-Columbian era, Lima is listed as a World Heritage Site.

The largest economic and commercial center of Peru accommodates almost 12 million inhabitants, and was once the center of the mysterious and mysterious Inca Empire.

One of the largest state centers in the world is the capital of Bangladesh, the city of Dhaka.

The city is located among the picturesque landscapes of the Ganges delta, and the first settlements appeared here in the 7th century.

The total population of the urban agglomeration is about 13 million people.

The name of one of the oldest settlements in Latin America is translated from Spanish as "clean air" or more romantically "good wind". Today, 14.5 million people breathe this air.

In the middle of the 19th century, there was a period when Buenos Aires was even a separate, independent state, in 1862 it became the capital of Argentina.

One of the largest urban agglomerations in the Middle East, the Egyptians themselves often call Masr, like all of Egypt.

The capital of Egypt, with a population of 17.8 million inhabitants, began its history in ancient times, and in 640 it was captured by the Arabs.

Tourists are attracted by the majestic and unique architectural monuments and numerous museums of Cairo.

The capital of the Russian Federation is home to about 16 million inhabitants, and occupies the fifth place in the world in terms of area.

One of the most beautiful cities on the planet has a long history, and its first mention in historical sources dates back to 1447, although recent archaeological research has greatly increased the age of Moscow.

The first settlements on the site of the future capital of China appeared in the first millennium BC. Small villages have merged over time.

Today in the northern capital, as the name of the Chinese city can be literally translated, is home to about twenty and a half people, and this is not counting the workers from the countryside, who number about 10 million.

The Philippine capital, stretching across Luzon at the confluence of two rivers, has nearly 21 million inhabitants. But the area is inferior to Quezon.

The eastern part of the city offers beautiful views of Manila Bay, and tourists are attracted by the many attractions, museums, Buddhist temples and magnificent beaches on the ocean.

One of the largest cities in India, divided into urban and rural areas. In total, the city is home to over 23 million people.

Delhi has a glorious history, and according to archeology, there are 60 thousand monuments of world importance on its territory.

The first settlement in this region was founded in 3000 BC, the name goes back to the Persian language, and in Russian it translates as "threshold" or "border".

The Mexican capital was erected on the former Aztec religious and cultural center. More than 23 million live within it today.

According to legend, the sun god ordered the Aztecs to establish a settlement in the area where they would meet an eagle holding a snake in its beak. And the Aztecs found such a place, and the magnificent Mexico City spread its neighborhoods high in the mountains.

Korea's only city with a special status, and more than 25 million live in its 16 self-governing districts.

Throughout its history, Seoul was the administrative center of state associations that existed on the Korean Peninsula.

In 1948 it became the capital of the Republic of Korea, which after the war was divided into two states along the 38th parallel.

The Special Capital District and largest city in Indonesia is located on the northwest coast of Java, and has a population of 25.4 million.

It is noteworthy that the population has been growing since very quickly and since the 30s of the last century it has increased 17 times. This factor also led to the fact that Jakarta is the largest capital in the world in terms of area.

Japanese Tokyo, having the status of the largest city on the planet, naturally took first place in the list of the largest capitals in the world.

Until 1868, it was named after Edo, named after the fort built here in the XII century by the Edo warrior Taro Shigenada.

Today it is a major financial, cultural and political-administrative center of the Land of the Rising Sun.


The largest capitals in the world are located in different parts of the world, but due to the peculiarities of demography, they are most in the Asian region. Over time, expanding, they absorb the smaller urban settlements that were located in the neighborhood.
