Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Krasnoshchekovsky kindergarten "Bell"

Work program for the development of logical thinking in children of senior preschool age

"Logical ABC"

Shipilova Olga Gennadievna



Explanatory note

The successful education of children in primary school depends on the level of development of the child’s thinking, the ability to generalize and systematize his knowledge, and creatively solve various problems.

In modern psychology, the concept of L.S. has received the greatest importance. Vygotsky, in which the genesis of thinking occurs from visual-actional to visual-figurative and then to verbal-logical.

Logical thinking gives the child the opportunity to analyze objects and phenomena, highlight their main essential properties and relationships, reason consistently and draw independent conclusions. All this contributes to the development of important psychological qualities of a preschooler - accepting the position of a schoolchild, mastering learning skills.

When a child comes to school, he does not have these qualities. In favorable conditions, he acquires them in the very course of schooling.

Six-year-old children typically:

  • the predominance of play as the main, leading type of activity;
  • figurative nature of cognitive processes;
  • the child’s practical attitude towards the assigned tasks (trying to achieve the final result, and not to understand its essence, why it is being done);

In this regard, within the framework of the educational process, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of cognitive abilities, ensuring emotional comfort, and volitional behavior of the child.

Successful learning of children at school depends on the level of development of cognitive processes (thinking, memory, attention, imagination). Let's look at this in more detail. When teaching children, special attention is paid to the development of voluntary attention, since the success and clarity of the work of consciousness, and therefore the conscious perception of the material being studied, depends on the level of its development. Naturally, all tasks and their sequence are subject to the didactic requirement of gradual complication and ultimately lead to the successful development of voluntary attention, which serves as the basis for the development of other cognitive processes. The child can find differences between objects, independently complete tasks according to the proposed model, and find several pairs of identical objects.

Among tasks for memory development, preference is given to visual and auditory dictations and exercises, the content of which uses mathematical symbols, notes, terms, geometric figures and their arrangement on a sheet of paper. Of great importance in the development of verbal-logical memory are didactic games that involve the development in children of techniques for semantic grouping of presented words or phrases.

A distinctive feature of the program is the organization of educational activities, as a result of which there is an active development of basic cognitive processes in children, priority among which are imagination and thinking. That is why much attention is paid to the development of such mental operations as comparison, analysis and synthesis, generalization, classification, analogy.

Analysis is a process of dividing the whole into parts, as well as establishing connections and relationships between them.

Synthesis is the process of mentally combining into a single whole the parts of an object or its features obtained in the process of analysis. Analysis and synthesis are inextricably linked with each other and are one of the main mental operations.

Comparison is the mental establishment of the similarities and differences of objects according to essential or insignificant characteristics. A child of senior preschool age is able to compare, first highlighting the most significant signs of similarity and difference, and also see the difference between signs of similarity and signs of difference. The development of comparison skills is practiced with the help of complicating tasks: first, these are tasks in which two objects are supposed to be compared, and the result of the comparison is expressed graphically; then they compare groups of objects and their images, after which they move on to comparing simple plot pictures or compositions.

Generalization is the process of mental unification into one group of objects and phenomena according to their basic properties. A child of senior preschool age is able to generalize objects based on their essential features, independently identifying these features.

Classification is the distribution of objects into groups, usually according to essential characteristics. It is very important to choose the basis of classification correctly. Often children focus on secondary signs.

Main goals of the program:

To develop the logical thinking of children 6-7 years old at an elementary level through the techniques of comparison, generalization, classification, systematization and semantic correlation.

To help accelerate the formation and development of the simplest logical structures of thinking in older preschoolers through specially organized classes.

Program objectives:

  1. Development of children's mental abilities through mastering the actions of substitution and visual modeling.
  2. Development of the ability to form a group of individual objects, dividing them according to their characteristic features and purpose.
  3. Development of the ability to classify objects on various grounds.
  4. Teach children to compare objects and images.
  5. Development of the ability to correlate a schematic image with real objects.
  6. Encourage children to draw their own conclusions.
  7. Teach children to answer questions in detail and make conclusions.
  8. Developing the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Age and quantitative composition of the group.

This program is designed for implementation with children 6-7 years old.

The content of the program is implemented in a holistic educational process: specially organized educational activities (in the afternoon).

The program is implemented during 1 academic year in the amount of 36 teaching hours. In kindergarten, it is optimal to conduct subgroup classes of 8-10 children, once a week in the afternoon. The duration of one lesson is 35 minutes. Classes are held in the group room.

Contents of the program.

Brief description of sections and topics of classes (sections correspond to a specific logical operation that we will develop in class):

Analysis-synthesis. The goal is to develop in children the ability to divide a whole into parts and establish connections between them; learn to mentally connect parts of an object into a single whole.

Games and exercises: finding a logical pair (cat-kitten, dog-? (puppy)). Adding to the picture (pick up a patch, add a pocket to the dress). Search for opposites (light-heavy, cold-hot). Working with puzzles of varying complexity. Laying out pictures from counting sticks and geometric shapes.

Comparison. The goal is to develop in children the ability to mentally establish the similarities and differences of objects according to essential features; develop children's attention and perception. Improve spatial orientation.

Games and exercises: consolidation of concepts: big - small, long - short, low - high, narrow - wide, higher - lower, further - closer, etc. Operating with the concepts “same”, “most”. Search for similarities and differences in 2 similar pictures.

Limitation. The goal is to develop in children the ability to identify one or more objects from a group according to certain characteristics. Develop children's observation skills.

Games and exercises: “circle only the red flags with one line”, “find all non-round objects”, etc. Eliminating the fourth wheel.

Generalization. The goal is to develop in children the ability to mentally combine objects into a group according to their properties. Help enrich vocabulary and expand children’s everyday knowledge.

Games and exercises for operating with general concepts: furniture, dishes, transport, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Systematization. The goal is to develop children's ability to identify patterns; expand children's vocabulary; learn to compose a story from a picture, retell it.

Games and exercises: magic squares (pick up the missing part, picture). Compiling a story based on a series of pictures, arranging the pictures in a logical sequence.

Classification. The goal is to develop in children the ability to distribute objects into groups according to their essential characteristics. Consolidation of general concepts, free handling of them.

Conclusions. The goal is to develop in children the ability to draw conclusions using judgments. Help expand children's everyday knowledge. Develop imagination.

Games and exercises: looking for positive and negative things in phenomena (for example, when it rains, it nourishes the plants - this is good, but the bad thing is that in the rain a person can get wet, catch a cold and get sick). Assessing the correctness of certain judgments (“the wind blows because the trees sway.” Right?). Solving logical problems.

Basic forms of work.

  • subgroup classes, including specially selected games, exercises, and tasks.
  • Games;
  • Exercises;
  • Independent activity of children;
  • Travel game;
  • Consideration
  • Reading fiction.
  • Intellectual quizzes…

Lesson structure.

To achieve the expected result, it is more advisable to adhere to a certain structure of classes:

  • Warm up.
  • The main content of the lesson is learning new material.
  • Dynamic pause.
  • Consolidation of new material.
  • Educational game.

Warm-up in the form of a riddle, an introduction to a fairy-tale character allows you to activate children’s attention, lift their spirits, and help set them up for productive activities.

Main content of the lesson is a set of games and exercises aimed at solving the objectives of this lesson.

Dynamic pause allows children to relax, switch from one type of activity to another, promotes the development of gross and fine motor skills.

Consolidating new material gives the teacher the opportunity to assess the degree to which children have mastered new knowledge.

Educational game, Coloring a “smart” picture on a topic at the end of a lesson is a kind of reflection, a logical conclusion to the work done and serves as an incentive to continue it.

Planned results of children mastering the program.

  1. Able to navigate in space and on a sheet of paper.
  2. The child finds patterns in phenomena and knows how to describe them.
  3. The vocabulary expands and can make inferences using judgments.
  4. Mental processes develop: attention, memory, logical thinking.
  5. Possesses cooperation skills and can work in pairs and small groups.
  6. The child’s individual abilities develop.
  7. Able to prove his point of view.

Calendar and thematic planning

(preparatory group)

Section, topic of the lesson, duration.

Number of lessons


1. Exercises for the development of mental processes: thinking, memory, attention, perception, imagination.

  • “Help Dunno” - September,
  • “The Hedgehog went out for a walk” - October,
  • “Fish, where do you sleep?” - november,
  • “Our friends - Smeshariki” - December,
  • "Robots" - January,
  • “Our Defenders” - February,
  • “Knowledge Competition” - March,
  • “Sunny Bunny is our guest” - November,
  • "Octopuses" - September,
  • “The Sly Crow” - October.

Teach children to mentally establish the similarities and differences of objects according to essential features;

Develop attention, perception, imagination,

2. Exercises on the spatial arrangement of objects and their parts (inside-outside; location in space; location on a plane);

  • “The fly is clean” - September,
  • "Cat's Problems" - October.

Teach children to mentally combine objects into groups according to their properties;

Reinforce generalizing concepts and operate with them freely.

Improve spatial orientation.

3. Exercises to develop characteristic qualities of thinking: flexibility. Causality, systematicity, spatial mobility.

  • “Warm-up for young sailors” - February,
  • “We are cartoons” - November,
  • "Dog's Joy" - October,
  • "Brainstorm" - March,
  • “Brave Travelers” - March,
  • “The Adventures of the Mouse Peak” - December,
  • “In Search of Treasure” - April,
  • “Button Mania” - April,
  • “About a bad boy and the stars” - November,
  • “The little Christmas tree has fun in winter” - December

Teach children to identify one or more objects from a group according to certain characteristics;

Develop children's observation skills.

4.Exercises to identify features of an object or subject:

Color, its shades;

Size, shape.

  • "Smart Cubes" - January,
  • “Snowman and Children” - January.

Develop the ability to master sensory standards and their mutual combinations.

Teach children to make inferences using judgments,

Help expand children's vocabulary.

Develop imagination.

5. Exercises for the formation of methods of mental action: seriation, classification, comparison, generalization, analysis, synthesis, limitation.

  • "Father Frost and Santa Claus" - December,
  • “The Adventures of Luntik” - September,
  • “Snowflake on the palm” - January,
  • “The bull is walking, swinging...” - May,
  • “Russian heroes” - February.
  • “Today we are rescuers” - February,
  • “Butterflies are different...” - May,
  • “Help us, handkerchief, show us the way to knowledge...” - April.
  • Competition "Logic Labyrinths" - March,
  • “Cosmic transformations” - April.

Teach children to divide the whole into parts, to establish connections between them;

Learn to mentally connect parts of an object into a single whole.

Teach children to identify patterns;

Help enrich children's vocabulary, expand everyday knowledge,

Teach children to mentally distribute objects into groups according to their properties;

Reinforce generalizing concepts and operate with them freely

6. Exercises on identifying quantitative characteristics of sets of objects (visual recognition of quantity, one-to-one correspondence, equalization of quantities).

  • “One flower, two flowers” ​​- May,
  • “Magic wands - counting” - May.

Develop logical and mathematical abilities; the ability to prove your point of view.

Studying the effectiveness of program implementation.

To study the effectiveness of the implementation of the program, a study is carried out on the level of development of logical thinking and its operations, for
why the following methods are used:
1. “Nonverbal classification.”
2. “Sequential pictures.”
3. “Excluding unnecessary things.”
4. “Place the shapes.”
5. “Generalizing word.”

Final forms of accounting and control.

Final open classes;
. Monitoring (intermediate (January) and final (May)) level of mastery of logical thinking operations.


Child's code

(Full name or symbol)

September January, May

The child masters basic logical operations.

Follows the teacher's instructions.

Able to establish similarities and differences between objects based on essential features.

Able to combine and distribute objects into groups.

Fluently operates with generalizing concepts.

Able to divide a whole into parts and form a whole from parts, establishing connections between them.

Can find patterns in phenomena and can describe them.

Orients himself in space and on a sheet of paper.

Can make inferences using judgments.

Has a fairly large vocabulary and a wide range of everyday knowledge.

Able to work in pairs and small groups.

Able to remember, reproduce learned material, prove, reason.

Interested in the results of his work.

Criteria for evaluation:

3 points - demonstrates awareness, activity, independence, and purposefulness.

2 points - shows situational interest, partially done with the help of an adult.

1 point - shows little interest, cannot do without the help of an adult.

Methodological support.

  1. Alyabyeva E.A. Development of logical thinking and speech in children 5-8 years old. M.: Sfera, 2005.
  2. Buzunov V. Think, guess, draw, color! AOZT Publishing Group NEKO, 1994.
  3. Belaya A.E., Miryasova V.I. Finger games for the development of speech in preschoolers. M.:AST, 2006.
  4. Vagurina L.M. Getting ready for school. Logical operations. Test tasks. M.: Linor, 1999.
  5. S.E. Gavrina. Big book of tests for children 6-7 years old. Counting, reading, getting to know the outside world, developing speech, memory, attention, thinking, fine motor skills. Development Academy, 2007
  6. Devina I.A., Petrakov A.V. Let's develop logic. M.: Linor, 1999.
  7. Zavodnova N.V. Development of logic and speech in children. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2005.
  8. Karpenko M.T. A collection of riddles. M.: Education, 1988.
  9. Konovalenko S.V. Development of cognitive activity in children aged 6-9 years. Workshop for psychologists and speech therapists. Moscow, 2000.
  10. Kostromina S.N. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children reading, mathematics, and the Russian language. - M., AST: Khranitel, 2008.
  11. Mamaichuk I.I., Ilyina M.N. Help from a psychologist to a child. St. Petersburg: Rech, 2006.
  12. Stepanova O.A. Prevention of school difficulties. - M.: Sfera, 2003.
  13. Tikhomirova L.F. Logic for preschoolers. Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2006.
  14. Foppel K. How to teach children to cooperate (parts 1-4). M., 1998.
  15. Khukhlaeva O.V. The path to your self. M., 2001.
  16. Chistyakova G.I. Psycho-gymnastics. M., 1990.
  17. Cheremankina L.V. Development of children's attention. - Yaroslavl, 1999.
  18. Sharokhina V.L. Correctional and developmental classes in the senior group. M.2003.

Budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 330 combined type"


for additional education

for preschool children

“Young Intellectual” (Mathematics + Logic)


Bratukhina L.S.


Explanatory note

Effective development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children is one of the urgent tasks of our time. Children with developed intelligence remember material faster, are more confident in their abilities, adapt more easily to a new environment, and are better prepared for school.

Mathematics plays an important role in the intellectual development of a child. It sharpens the mind, develops flexibility of thinking, and teaches logic. The child acquires his first mathematical experience in a variety of everyday activities.

Logical-mathematical thinking is formed on the basis of figurative thinking and is the highest stage of thinking development.

Having mastered logical operations, an older preschooler will become more attentive, learn to think clearly and clearly, be able to concentrate on the essence of the problem at the right moment, and convince others that he is right. It will become easier to study, which means both the learning process and school life itself will bring joy and satisfaction. For a better and faster process of teaching logical operations to an older preschooler, didactic games and exercises are needed.

The formation of logical techniques is an important factor that directly contributes to the development of the thinking process of an older preschooler. Almost all psychological studies devoted to the analysis of the methods and conditions for the development of a child’s thinking are unanimous that methodological guidance of this process is not only possible, but also highly effective, i.e., when organizing special work on the formation and development of logical thinking techniques, there is a significant increase the effectiveness of this process, regardless of the initial level of development of the child.

Purpose of the program:

1. Development of logical thinking of preschool children at the elementary level through techniques of comparison, generalization, classification, systematization and semantic correlation.

2. To promote the formation and development of the simplest logical structures of thinking in preschoolers through specially organized classes.

Program objectives:


    develop children’s mental abilities through mastering the actions of substitution and visual modeling;

    learn to form a group of individual objects, divide them according to their characteristic features and purpose;

    teach to classify objects on various grounds;

    learn to compare objects and images;

    learn to correlate a schematic image with real objects;

    develop quick thinking;

    encourage you to draw your own conclusions;

    learn to answer questions in detail and draw conclusions;

    learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships.


    development of thinking skills - compare, analyze, classify, generalize, abstract, encode and decode information;

    mastering basic skills of algorithmic culture of thinking;

    development of cognitive processes of perception of memory, attention, imagination;

    development of creative abilities.

    developing the ability to group objects by color and size;

    development of the ability to distinguish and name in the process of modeling

    geometric shapes, silhouettes, objects and others.

    consolidate the ability to establish a correspondence between the number of objects and numbers.

    making geometric shapes from sticks and transforming them. Drawing figures, symbolic images from geometric shapes in a checkered notebook.


    the possibility of combining children’s independent activities and their varied interactions with each other when mastering mathematical concepts.

    education and development of responsibility, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, coordination of eye movements and fine motor skills of the hands, actions of self-control and self-esteem.

Program type: The “Young Mathematician” program is a program of educational and research orientation, which is based on the program of K.V. Sheveleva “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children”

The principles underlying the program:

    the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children;

    the formation of mathematical concepts based on children’s perceptual actions, the accumulation of sensory experience and its comprehension;

    the use of diverse and varied didactic material that allows one to generalize the concepts of “number”, “set”, “form”;

    stimulation of active speech activity of children, speech accompaniment of perceptual actions;

    the possibility of combining children’s independent activities and their varied interactions when mastering mathematical concepts;

Expected results:

Development in children of senior preschool age of their intellectual and creative abilities through the development of logical and mathematical concepts (properties, relationships, connections, dependencies) and methods of cognition (comparison, ordering, grouping, seriation, classification). The child masters basic logical operations. Able to mentally establish similarities and differences between objects based on essential characteristics. Able to combine and distribute objects into groups. Fluently operates with generalizing concepts. Able to mentally divide a whole into parts and form a whole from the parts, establishing a connection between them. The child finds patterns in phenomena and knows how to describe them. Can make inferences using judgments. Able to navigate in space and on a sheet of paper. The child has a fairly large vocabulary and a wide range of everyday knowledge. He is observant, attentive, diligent, interested in the results of his work. Possesses cooperation skills and can work in pairs and small groups.

The “Young Mathematician” program will be implemented within the framework of a math club for children aged 4-7 years in groups. Group 1 - middle (4-5 years old) Group 2 - senior group (5-6 years old) Group 3 - preparatory (6 - 7 years old) The program lasts one year. To successfully master the lesson program, the number of children in the circle group is 10 people. The duration of the lesson is 20 – 35 minutes. Classes are held 8 times a month from October to May.


Conditions for the program:

    availability of material and technical support;

    systematic visits to the “Young Mathematician” circle

Forms and methods

In the process of activity, various forms are used: traditional, combined and practical classes, games, competitions, and others.

Activity held:

    frontal (simultaneous work with all children)

    individual-frontal (alternating individual and frontal forms of work)

    subgroups (organization of work in a microgroup)

    individually (individual completion of tasks, problem solving).


To develop cognitive abilities and cognitive interests in preschoolers, teachers use the following methods:

      elementary analysis (establishing cause-and-effect relationships);


      modeling and design method;

      question method;

      repetition method;

      solving logical problems;

      experimentation and experiments

Among techniques, used in the process of implementing circle activities that enhance learning motivation should be called:

Individualization and activation of learning;

Games and game situations.

Club classes for preschoolers are conducted in a playful way, since the leading activity of preschoolers is play. Guided by one of the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard, the program is implemented using various forms specific to children of a given age group and, above all, in the form of a game.

A game with educational elements that is interesting to the child will help in the development of the preschooler’s cognitive abilities. Such a game is a didactic game.

Didactic games for the formation of mathematical concepts and the development of logical operations used in the program can be divided into the following groups: 1. Games with numbers and numbers 2. Time travel games 3. Games for orientation in space 4. Games with geometric shapes 5. Logic games thinking

Technical equipment of classes




Circuit Demo Cards

Individual circuit cards

CD and audio material

Record player

Integration of educational areas:

“Cognitive development”: development of cognitive abilities (attention, memory, perception, thinking, imagination) and thinking operations; teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships, develop volition. To consolidate children's knowledge about careful handling of objects of living and inanimate nature.

“Speech development”: encourage the desire to ask questions, logically building your judgment. Continue to develop and activate children's vocabulary. Reading and discussing with children works of art that are in tune with the theme of the GCD circle.

“Physical development”: monitor the development of correct posture. Ensure normal temperature conditions in the room and regular ventilation; develop the ability to follow the basic rules of games and navigate in space.

“Socio-communicative development”: to provide conditions for further moral education of children. Develop a friendly attitude towards each other and others. Encourage children to independently carry out basic assignments (prepare material for GCD, arrange tables, distribute workbooks).

“Artistic and aesthetic development”: consolidate the ability to color a given object, picture, logical coloring along the contour, evenly applying strokes, develop fine motor skills. To form emotional responsiveness to a piece of music used in physical exercises.

Educational - thematic plan

Formation of methods of mental actions, classification,


Development of mental processes (development of voluntary attention)

Development of spatial concepts and selectivity, visual attention

Development and consolidation of the ability to group objects by color and size, visual concentration


(visual recognition of quantity, one-to-one correspondence, equalization of quantities), strengthening the ability to group objects by color and size

Development of spatial concepts, analysis and synthesis of objects of complex shape

Development of spatial concepts, analysis and synthesis of objects of complex forms of concentration of visual attention

Development and consolidation of the ability to group objects by color, shape and size; formation of mental action techniques: classifications,

comparisons, generalizations

Identification of quantitative characteristics of sets of objects

Identification of quantitative characteristics of sets of objects

(visual recognition of quantity, one-to-one correspondence, equalization of quantities), concentration of visual

attention, development of spatial concepts

Establishing logical connections and patterns. Development of the visual eye, the ability to perform logical actions and operations, the ability to decode (decipher) information depicted on a card, the ability to act consistently.

Development of spatial concepts,

mental processes (attention), search for what is missing based on several signs (analysis, comparison)

Formation and development of mental actions (logical operations): seriation,

analysis, comparison, synthesis

highlighting the quantitative characteristics of sets (number,


Formation of the ability to classify objects and highlight them according to some properties. Practice composing new geometric figures from existing ones according to the model and design.

Development of visual concentration,

fine motor skills, self-control abilities.

Identification of properties, the ability to ask questions, understanding of quantitative relationships between the numbers of the first ten, finding a connection between the length of an object, the size of a measure and measurement results, establishing a logical connection between measurements.

Developing the ability to identify and abstract properties, the ability to “read a diagram,” consolidate ordinal counting skills, and compose figures from parts.

Development of orientation in space, quantitative concepts, learning to find stripes whose sum is equal to two data.

Development of abilities to decode information. Ability to select blocks based on specified properties. Strengthen calculation skills. Learn to select given material according to verbal instructions, compose numbers from units, and develop your eye. Reinforce the concepts: which is according to the account. Develop the ability to navigate in space.

Formation of the ability to carry out visual-mental analysis based on identifying similar and different features of a group of objects and each object separately.

Teach children to think in spatial images, three-dimensional figures (3 figures),

Develop reasoning abilities when solving complex problems.

Strengthening the ability to make simple conclusions.

Teach mental actions aimed at analyzing a complex form and recreating it from parts based on perception. Exercise your ability to perform mental calculations

Strengthening the ability to make simple conclusions, ask questions, highlight properties

Strengthening spatial orientation skills (right, left); quantitative and ordinal counting, addition and subtraction. Learn to operate with numerical values ​​of colored stripes, equation of quantities.

Identification of quantitative characteristics of sets of objects

(visual quantity recognition, one-to-one correspondence, quantity equalization).

Exercise in the formation of methods of mental action (logical operations): seriation, classification,

generalization, comparison. Development of mental processes -

(voluntary attention, perception, characteristic qualities of thinking: flexibility, causality, consistency, spatial mobility)

Exercise in the formation of methods of mental action (logical operations): seriation, classification,

generalization, comparison. Teach children to carry out a visual-mental analysis of a possible way of arranging figures, testing it practically.

Solving problems related to the search for a single proposition (logical relations between the properties of objects).

Exercise in the development of spatial concepts. Learn to carry out visual-mental analysis and synthesis of objects of complex shape according to several characteristics

Logical solution. tasks based on visual perception. Learn to understand the proposed problem and solve it yourself.

Development of the ability for logical actions and operations, the ability to decode (decipher) information shown on the card, the ability to act consistently.

Developing the ability to combine and transform.

Learning to perform calculations in accordance with the proposed algorithm.

Performing tasks related to moving around cells (orientation in space)

Development of elements of visual control, spatial orientation. Development of logical operations based on analysis, comparison and generalization of figures based on 4 characteristics.

Complex solution of problems for the development of voluntary attention and spatial relationships.

Identification of quantitative characteristics of sets of objects

(visual recognition of quantity, one-to-one correspondence, equalization of quantities), strengthening the ability to group objects by color and size. Development of spatial concepts

Development of the ability to identify and abstract properties, reason, and justify your choice.

Solving logical problems based on visual perception, understanding the proposed problem and solving it independently.

Developing the ability to establish a logical principle for constructing a series and build your sequence based on it.

Learning to think in spatial images, three-dimensional figures, the ability to identify patterns in the arrangement of objects.

Developing the ability to establish the logical principle of constructing a series and building your own sequence based on it, solving simple puzzles.

Development of visual focus , carrying out a visual-mental analysis of a possible way of arranging figures, composing new geometric figures from existing ones according to the model and design.


Number of classes




Long-term plan (4 – 5 years)





1-2 lessons - Many - one. One - none. - High - low - Familiarization with the name of the month September - October - Logic game “Travelers” - Dienesh blocks

Introducing the concepts one, many, none. Distinguish in the environment which objects are many and which are one at a time. Use concepts correctly when using them in speech. To form an idea of ​​the properties of objects by height: high - low; teach to compare objects by height, correctly names the entire range of properties of an object. Correctly names the entire range of properties of an object. (Dyenes blocks)


3-4 lesson - Number and figure 1. - Geometric figure - circle - Logic game “Finish the row” - Nikitin's cubes

Introducing the number 1 and number 1; developing the ability to count objects; exercise in writing numbers 1. Introduce a plane geometric figure: a circle and its properties; be able to see and find circle-like objects in the environment.


5-6 lesson - Number and figure 2. - Right - left. - Logic game "In the store" - Kusener's sticks

Introduction to the formation and properties of the number 2, the number 2; the concept of “couple”; count objects by matching numerals; Distinguish and name spatial relationships: right - left; practice identifying the right hand and the right side, the left hand and the left side


7-8 lesson - Number and figure 2. - Square - Logic game “Paint in the right color” - Voskobovich Square

Exercise in writing numbers 2. Introduce a plane geometric figure: a square and its properties; be able to see and find square-shaped objects in the environment.


1-2 lessons - Number and figure 3. - Circle Square - Introducing the name of the month November - Logic game “Name who it is” - Counting sticks

Introducing the number and number 3; teach to form the number 3 by adding one to the number 2; be able to see and find objects in the environment that look like a square or a circle.


3-4 lesson - Number and figure 3. - Wide – narrow - Logic game “Connect the objects” - Dienesh blocks

Exercise in ordinal counting. Exercise in writing number 3.

Formation of ideas about the various properties of objects by size: wide - narrow; finds similarities and differences between objects. (Dyenes blocks)

“FEMP for 4-5 year old children”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. "Dyenes Blocks"


5-6. class - Triangle. - Comparison of objects by length, height. - Logic game “Draw the missing objects” - Nikitin’s cubes

Introduction to a plane geometric figure: a triangle and its properties; be able to see and find objects in the environment that are similar to a triangle; learn to compare objects by width. Development of fine motor skills, imagination, speech, attention,

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Nikitin cubes


7-8 lesson - Number and figure 4. - Thick - thin. - Logic game “Find identical objects” - Kusener’s sticks “Selecting ribbons for aprons”.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Cuisener sticks


1-2 lessons - Number and figure 4 - Thick - thin - Introduction to the month of December - Logic game "Labyrinth the road to mother" - Voskobovich Square

Count within four; practice writing the number 4. Form an idea of ​​the various properties of objects by size: thick - thin; learn to compare objects by width

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Voskobovich Square


3-4 lesson - Number and figure 5. - Rectangle - Logic game “Add the right number” - Dienesh blocks

Introduction to a plane geometric figure: a rectangle and its properties; be able to see and find objects in the environment that look like a rectangle. Acquaintance with the number and number 5; count within five; introduce the formation of the number 5 by adding one to the previous number; knows how to group objects according to the presence and absence of one property.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Geom. figures "Blocks of Dienesh"


5-6. class - Number and figure 5. - oval - Large - small - Logic game “Arrange objects by color” - Nikitin’s Cubes

Acquaintance with a plane geometric figure: an oval and its properties; be able to see and find oval-like objects in the environment. practice writing numbers 5. Forming an idea of ​​the various properties of objects by size: large - small; learn to compare objects by size.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Nikitin cubes


7-8 lesson - Measurements: large, smaller, small - Circle, triangle, square - Name and Show Game - Cuisener Sticks "We're walking up the stairs"

Exercises to develop spatial concepts and visual selectivity

attention Development of fine motor skills, formation of sensory standards of color, size and shape, combinatorial abilities.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Cuisener sticks


1-2 lessons - Number and figure 5. - Big – small - Familiarization with the name of the month January - Logic game Voskobovich Square

Introducing the number and number 5; count within five; introduce the formation of the number 5 by adding one to the previous number; To form an idea of ​​the various properties of objects by size: large - small; learn to compare objects by size.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Voskobovich Square


3-4 lesson - Number and figure 5 - geometric shapes. - Logic game “Continue the row” - Counting sticks

exercise in writing numbers 5. The ability to carry out a visual-mental analysis of the way the figures are arranged; consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Counting sticks.


5-6. class - Spatial relationships: on, above, under. - Logic game “Fill in the tables” - Dienesh blocks

Difference in spatial relationships: on, above, under; practice determining the location of objects on, above, under. Consolidating the skills to compare figures, compare, and find distinctive features. knows how to find a figure using symbolic designations of properties.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Geom. figures "Blocks of Dienesh"


1-2 lessons - Number and figure 7 . - Inside, outside, on the side - Introducing the name of the month February - Logic game “Connect the objects”

Introducing the number and number 7; count within seven; introduce the formation of the number 7 by adding one to the previous number; practice determining the location of objects inside, outside, on the side Development of fine motor skills, imagination, speech, attention,

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Nikitin cubes


3-4 lesson - Number and figure 7 . - Left, right, up, down. -D/game “Where the cars go” -Logic game- Kusener’s sticks

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Sticks


5-6. class - Spatial relationships: on, above, under. - Logic game “Find the right path” - Voskobovich Square

Difference in spatial relationships: on, above, under; practice determining the location of objects on, above, under. Development of spatial concepts. Formation of ideas about conditional permitting and prohibiting signs, directions “straight”, “left”, “right”.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Voskobovich Square


7-8 lesson - Number and figure 8 - Comparison of objects by size, shape, color. - Logic game “Find identical objects” - Dienesh Blocks

Introducing the number and number 8; count within eight; introduce the formation of the number 8 by adding one to the previous number; Familiarization with the classification of figures according to two properties (color and shape), finding a figure using symbolic designations of properties.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Geom. figures "Blocks of Dienesh"


1-2 lessons - Number and figure 8. - Determine the pattern. - Logic game “Fill in the table”

- Familiarization with the name of the month March

exercise in writing the number 8. Development of fine motor skills, imagination, speech, attention, formation of sensory standards of color, size and shape, spatial orientation, combinatorial abilities.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Nikitin cubes


3-4 lesson - Counting to 9 - More, less, the same, equally - Logic game “Place the figures in envelopes” - Cuisener sticks “The ladder is wide and the ladder is narrow”

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Cuisener sticks


5-6 lesson - Number and figure 9. - Earlier, later, quickly, slowly. - Logic game “Labyrinth” - Counting sticks

Introducing the number and number 9; count within nine; introduce the formation of the number 9 by adding one to the previous number; Formation of ideas about conventional permissive and prohibitive signs, the use of rules, reasoning by the method of elimination, directions “straight”, “left”, “right”.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Counting sticks.


7-8 lesson - Number and figure 9. - Equation of sets. - Logic game “Sweet objects” - Dienesh blocks

Exercises in writing the number 9. recreating figurative and plot images from geometric shapes. - highlighting the properties of objects, abstracting them from others, following certain rules when solving practical problems, using Dienesh blocks.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Geom. figures "Blocks of Dienesh"


1-2 lessons - Ball, cube - Introduction to the name of the month April - Logic game "Children's Lotto" - Nikitin's Cubes

Development of fine motor skills, imagination, speech, attention, formation of sensory standards of color, size and shape, spatial orientation, combinatorial abilities.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Nikitin cubes


3 - 4 lesson - Number and figure 10. - Orientation in space. - Logic game “The Squirrel’s Path” work according to plan. - Kusener’s sticks "Bridges over the River"

Introducing the number and number 10; count within ten; introduce the formation of the number 10 by adding one to the previous number; Formation of ideas about conditional permitting and prohibiting signs, directions “straight”, “left”, “right”.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Cuisener sticks


5-6. class - Number and figure 10. - Comparison of objects according to two characteristics. - Logic game “Libra” - Voskobovich Square

Exercise in writing the number 10. recreating figurative and plot images from geometric shapes.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Voskobovich Square


7-8 lesson - Number 0. - Time parts of the day. - Logic game “Fill in the blanks” - Counting sticks

Arranging objects according to various criteria, develop attention, memory, thinking, classify objects, name groups of objects with generalized words, enriches vocabulary

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Counting sticks.

1-2 lessons - Number 0. Number 0 - Familiarization with the name of the month of May - Logical game “Connect the paired pictures” - Dienesh Blocks

Development of attention, memory, thinking, classification of objects, groups of objects in generalized words, enriches vocabulary.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Geom. figures "Blocks of Dienesh"

3-4 lesson - Division into parts, groups, sets. - Logic game "Sports Games" - Nikitin's Cubes

Development of fine motor skills, imagination, speech, attention, formation of sensory standards of color, size and shape, spatial orientation, combinatorial abilities.

“FEMP for preschoolers 4-5 years old”, “Journey to the world of logic”, “Counting to 10” Shevelev K.V. Nikitin cubes

5-6. Lesson Final

Lesson 7-8 Final.

Identify the acquired knowledge, ideas, and skills that children acquired during the school year.

Long-term plan (5-6 years)

Lesson topic

Program content



1-2 lessons - Numbers from 0 to 10 - Comparison of objects according to various properties and characteristics (size, length, height, shape, color) - Logical task "Classification of Objects" - Dienesh Blocks

Strengthen knowledge about numbers and numbers from 0 to 10; establish correspondence between the number of objects, number and figure. Learns to compare objects according to various criteria and in different ways, using methods of application, superposition, pairwise comparison; identify an “extra” item; select and group objects according to one or more recognitions

Geom. figures "Blocks of Dienesh"


3-4 lesson - Counting forward and backward from 1 to 10 and from 10 to 1. - Comparison of objects according to various properties and characteristics (size, length, height, shape, color) - Logical task "Classification"

Nikitin cubes

Learn to count from 1 to 10 and back; find and compare “neighboring numbers”; concepts of “preceding” and “following” number. Learns to compare objects according to various criteria and in different ways, to identify an “extra” object; select and group objects according to one or more characteristics of spatial orientation


5-6. class - Ordinal values ​​of numbers from 1 to 10 - Plane figures - Logical problem “Generalization” - Cuisener rods "Train Travel"

Introduce planar geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle, polygon, rhombus, trapezoid, parallelogram) and their characteristics;

introduce ordinal numbers; select and group objects according to one or more characteristics.


7-8 lesson - Ordinal values ​​of numbers from 1 to 10 - Composition of the number 2 - Plane figures - Logical problem “Seriation” - Voskobovich Square

Introduce the composition of numbers from 2 to 10; make a number from two smaller ones. Introduction to planar geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle, polygon, rhombus, trapezoid, parallelogram); their characteristics, select and group objects according to one or more characteristics.


1-2 lessons - Ordinal values ​​of numbers from 1 to 10 - Composition of the number 3 - Plane figures - Logic problem “Schematization” - Counting sticks

Introduce plane geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle, polygon, rhombus, trapezoid, parallelogram); their signs.

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V.


3-4 lesson - Composition of the number 4 - Addition, sign “+” “=” - Solving arithmetic examples - Point, line, ray, angle, segment.

Dienesha blocks

To form an idea of ​​addition as the unification of a group of objects Solving arithmetic examples, using existing knowledge, recording their solutions. Introducing the concepts: point, line, ray, angle, segment. To develop the ability to divide figures into two groups according to two properties. Perform logical operations “not”, “and”, “or”.


5-6. class - Composition of the number 5 - Signs +, -, =, Addition. - Solving arithmetic examples - Logical task “Find the differences between two pictures”

Nikitin cubes

To form an idea of ​​addition as the union of a group of objects Solving arithmetic examples Acquaintance with the concepts: point, line, ray, angle, segment. teach to find differences between objects based on visual comparison. Development of fine motor skills, imagination, speech,

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Nikitin cubes


7-8 lesson - Composition of the number 6. - Subtraction sign "-". - Solving arithmetic examples - Straight lines horizontal, vertical. - Logical task “Find two identical objects” - "Cusener's Sticks" "Color and Number", "Number and Color"

To form the idea of ​​subtraction as the removal of part of a group of objects.

Introducing the "-" sign. Introduction to the concepts: straight horizontal, vertical.

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Cuisener sticks


1-2 lessons - Composition of the number 7 - Subtraction, sign "-". - Solving arithmetic examples - Straight lines horizontal, vertical. - Logical task “Which object is extra here”

Voskobovich square

To form the idea of ​​subtraction as the removal of part of a group of objects. Introducing the “-” sign. Introduction to the concepts: straight horizontal, vertical. based on visual analysis and comparison, find an object that should not be on the table;

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Voskobovich Square


3-4 lesson - Composition of the number 8 - Signs<,>,solving inequalities - Logical problem “Continue the series” -Counting sticks

Solving inequalities, using in speech, learning to grasp the pattern of arrangement of figures, determining what the next one should be


5-6. class - Composition of the number 9 - . - Logical task “Find the missing figure in a row” - Dienesh Blocks

Introduce concepts: curves and broken lines, open and closed lines teach based on visual analysis of rows of figures. Learn to find the missing figure. Classify blocks according to two or three characteristics: color, shape; color – shape – size.

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Dienesha blocks


7-8 lesson - Composition of the number 10 - Signs +, -, =,<,>- Curves and broken lines, open and closed lines. - Modeling - Nikitin Cubes

Learn to use it when solving problems and inequalities, and use it in speech. Introduce concepts: curves and broken lines, open and closed lines Form and develop constructive thinking. Development of fine motor skills, imagination, speech, attention, combinatorial abilities.

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Nikitin cubes


1-2 lessons -Number segment - Volumetric figures (sphere, cube, parallelepiped). - Modeling - Cuisener sticks "Rafts on the River"

To form an idea of ​​the number line, methods of counting and counting units using a number line. Number line model. Distinguish three-dimensional figures: cube, ball, cone, prism, cylinder, pyramid, parallelepiped; find objects that have the shape of three-dimensional figures in the surrounding world (umbrella, pipe, roof of a house, etc.). Form and develop constructive thinking

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Cuisener sticks


3-4 lesson - Number segment - Volumetric figures (sphere, cube, parallelepiped)

Logical task “Find the missing figure in a row” - “Voskobovich Square”

To form an idea of ​​the number line, methods of counting and counting units using a number line. Distinguish three-dimensional figures: cube, ball, cone, prism, cylinder, pyramid, parallelepiped; find objects that have the shape of three-dimensional figures in the surrounding world

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Voskobovich Square


5-6. class - Drawing and measuring geometric shapes with a ruler - Logical task “Labyrinth” - Counting sticks

Drawing figures using a ruler; measuring and recording the length of the sides of shapes. Drawing using a ruler of lines, rays, segments. Comparison of objects by length, height.

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V.


1-2 lessons - Drawing geometric shapes with a ruler - Logical task “Comparison of objects according to 1 characteristic” - Dienesha blocks

Introduction to the student ruler, Drawing figures, lines, rays, segments using a ruler. Comparing objects by length, height. Decipher information about the presence or absence of certain properties of objects by their symbolic designations.

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Geom. figures "Blocks of Dienesh"


3-4 lesson - Solving arithmetic problems. - Dividing figures into 2, 4 parts. - Logical task “Comparing objects by 1 characteristic” - Nikitin’s cubes

Classify figures according to one, two, three characteristics; modify figures; divide into equal and unequal parts Development of fine motor skills, imagination, speech, attention, formation of sensory standards of color, size and shape,

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Nikitin cubes


5-6. class - Preparation of arithmetic problems. - Dividing figures into 2, 4 parts. - Logical task “Table” - Kusener sticks

Classify figures according to one, two, three characteristics; modify figures; divide into equal and unequal parts

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V.


7-8 lesson . -Shading -Left, right, top, bottom, forward, back. - Logical task “Changing objects according to 1 characteristic” - Voskobovich Square

Develop fine motor skills. Consolidate knowledge of spatial relationships: left, right, top, bottom, forward, back. Comparison of objects by length, height.

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V.


1-2 lessons - Preparation of arithmetic problems. - Left, right, up, down, forward, back. - Logical task “Logical connection and pattern”

Consolidating knowledge of spatial relationships: left, right, above, below, forward, backward. Analyze and compare objects according to independently identified properties, using cards - symbols with the negation of properties.

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V.


Consolidating knowledge of spatial relationships: closer, further, near, far, low, high.

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V.


5-6. class - Graphic dictation. - Closer, further, close, far, low, high. - Scheme - Logical task “Comparing objects by 2 characteristics” - Dienesh blocks

Development of graphic skills, Drawing patterns by ear from the starting point, consolidation of knowledge of spatial relationships: closer, further, close, far, low, high. Analyze and compare objects according to independently identified properties.

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Geom. figures


7-8 lesson - Spatial relationships: in, on, above, behind, in front of, between, in the middle. - Logical task “Comparing objects by 2 characteristics” -Nikitin’s cubes

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Nikitin cubes


1-2 lessons -Spatial relations: in, on, above, behind, in front of, between, in the middle - Plan - Logical problem “Changing figures according to 2 characteristics” - Cuisener sticks

Formation of concepts about spatial relationships: in, on, above, behind, in front of, between, in the middle

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Cuisener sticks


3-4 lesson - Orientation in notebooks, graphic work.

Plan - Logical task “Changing figures according to 2 characteristics” - Voskobovich Square

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Kvadrat


5-6. class - Orientation in notebooks, graphic work, writing graphic dictations

Logic problem “Comparison of objects according to 3 characteristics - Counting sticks

Introduction to a cell, line, column of cells, page, sheet; cell names: left, right, bottom, top. Drawing patterns by ear from a starting point, depicting objects in the surrounding world, writing graphic dictations

“FEMP for preschoolers 5-6 years old,” “I think, I count, I compare,” “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Counting sticks


7-8 lesson - Orientation in notebooks, graphic work, writing graphic dictations - Logical task “Comparing objects by 3 characteristics” - Dienesh blocks

Drawing patterns by ear from a starting point, depicting objects in the surrounding world, writing graphic dictations. Analyze and compare objects according to independently identified properties, using cards - symbols with the negation of properties. Work in pairs.

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Geom. figures "Blocks of Dienesh"

1-2 lessons - Code - Logical problem “Establishing cause and effect relationships” - Nikitin’s Cubes

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Nikitin cubes

3-4 lesson - Cipher - Logic problem “Establishing cause-and-effect relationships” - Kusener Rods

Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory; Analyze and compare objects according to independently identified properties, using cards - symbols with the negation of properties.

“FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old”, “I think, I count, I compare”, “Formation of mathematical abilities” Shevelev K.V. Cuisener sticks

5-6. Lesson Final

Identify the acquired knowledge, ideas, and skills that children acquired during the school year.

Lesson 7-8 Final

Identify the knowledge, ideas, and skills acquired during the school year.

Long-term plan (6 -7 years)





1-2 lessons - Counting to 10. Ten - Table - “Dyenesh Blocks”

Consolidation of direct and reverse and orderly counting. Introduction to the concept of tens. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

Geom. figures "Blocks of Dienesh"


3-4 lesson -Number 11. - Ordinal counting - “Schematization” - Nikitin’s cubes

Introducing the formation of the number 11. Exercise in writing the number 11. Consolidation of orderly counting Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;


5-6. class - Orientation according to the plan. – Solving examples within 11. - Logical problem “Labyrinth” - Kusener’s sticks

Familiarization with the number range 0 – 11. Strengthen the skill in solving examples. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6 - 7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20”” Shevelev K.V Kusener’s sticks


7-8 lesson - Geometric figures. – Solving problems within 11. - Plan - Voskobovich Square

the relationship between the shape of a geometric figure and objects in the surrounding world. Learn to solve problems. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;


1-2 lessons - Number 12 - Ordinal counting - Vietnamese game

Introducing the formation of the number 12. Exercise in writing the number 12. Consolidation of orderly counting Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V.


3-4 lesson - Isolating groups from a set - Solving problems within 12 - Table - “Dyenesh Blocks”

Introduction to the number range 0 – 12. Learn to solve problems within 12. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;


5-6. lesson - Cyclicity of the seasons. - Solving problems within 12 - Signs +, -, =,<,>- Logical task "Labyrinth" - Nikitin's Cubes

Repetition of the seasons, familiarity with their cyclicity. Learn to use inequalities when solving problems, use them in speech. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. Nikitin cubes


7-8 lesson - Number 13. - Ordinal counting - Plan - Cuisener Sticks

Introducing the formation of the number 13. Exercise in writing the number 13. Consolidation of orderly counting Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;


1-2 lessons - Grouping objects into groups according to 1-3 characteristics. - Solving problems within 13. “Schematization” - Voskobovich Square

Familiarization with the numerical range 0 – 13. Consolidation of combining groups into sets according to given characteristics. Learn to solve problems within 13. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. Voskobovich square


3-4 lesson - The measure of length is centimeter. Measuring the length of segments. - Euler circles. - Plan - Vietnam Game

Familiarization with the student ruler, with the measure of length - centimeter, with the designation of centimeter in the record. To develop the ability to classify objects according to 3 criteria.


5-6. class - Number 14. - Signs +,-,=,<,>, solving inequalities - Logical problem “Labyrinth” - “Dyenes Blocks”

Introducing the formation of the number 14. Exercise in writing the number 14. Using the signs +,-,=, when solving inequalities<,>. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. "Blocks of Dienesh


7-8 lesson -Definition of a pattern. - Numerical range 0 – 14 - Table - Nikitin cubes

Acquaintance with the number range 0 – 14 Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V.


Lesson 1-2 - Drawing segments, measuring the lengths of segments. Solving problems within 14. “Schematization” - Kusener sticks

Introducing the technique of drawing segments of a given length. Comparison of segments by length (longer, shorter, the same length) Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. Cuisener sticks


3 – 4. lesson - Number 15. - Solving logical problems - Voskobovich square

Introducing the formation of the number 15. Exercise in writing the number 15. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. Voskobovich Square


5-6. class - Modification of figures according to 1-3 characteristics. - Number range 0 – 15 - Logical task “Labyrinth” - Vietnamese game

Acquaintance with the number range 0 – 15. Develop the ability to modify figures according to 3 characteristics (shape, color, size) Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. Vietnamese game


1-2 lessons - Cyclicity of the time parts of the day. - Solving problems within 15. - Table - “Blocks of Dienesh”

Getting to know the day. Learn to solve problems within 15. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. "Blocks of Dienesh


3-4 lesson - Number 16. - Ordinal counting - Plan - Nikitin cubes

Introducing the formation of the number 16. Exercise in writing the number 16. Consolidation of orderly counting Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6 - 7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.VKubiki Nikitina


5-6. lesson - Dividing figures into parts. - Numerical range 0 – 16 -Geometric figures. Dividing figures into parts - Logical problem "Labyrinth" - Kusener sticks

Introducing the number segment 0 – 16. Consolidating knowledge about geometric shapes. Dividing shapes into parts, creating a shape from parts. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. Cuisener sticks


7-8 lesson - Measure of capacity - liter, measurement of liquid volume - Solving problems within 16. “Schematization” - Voskobovich Square

Acquaintance with the concepts of bulk matter, liquid matter, measuring liquid with different standards. Selecting an “extra figure” in a row.

Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. Voskobovich square


1-2 lessons - Number 17. - “Multiple” - Table - Vietnamese game

Introducing the formation of the number 17. Exercise in writing the number 17. Counting elements in a set, comparing sets. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. Vietnamese game


3-4 lesson - Numerical range 0 – 17 - Volumetric geometric shapes. - Solving problems within 17. - Logical task “Labyrinth” - Vietnamese game

Getting to know the number line 0 – 17 Distinguish three-dimensional figures: cube, ball, cone, prism, cylinder, pyramid, parallelepiped; find objects that have the shape of three-dimensional figures in the surrounding world (umbrella, pipe, roof of a house, etc.). Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. Vietnamese game


5-6. class - Number series - Graphic dictation. - Plan - “Dyenes Blocks”

Drawing patterns by ear from a starting point, depicting objects in the surrounding world, writing graphic dictations. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. "Blocks of Dienesh


7-8 lesson - Number 18. - Ordinal counting - Graphic dictation. ORT - Nikitin cubes

Introducing the formation of the number 18. Exercise in writing the number 18. Consolidating orderly counting Writing graphic dictations by ear from the starting point, depicting objects of the surrounding world. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. . Nikitin cubes


1-2 lessons - Cyclicity of the days of the week - Solving problems within 18. - Measuring the sides of geometric shapes with a ruler. - “Schematization” - Cuisener sticks

Fix the sequence of the week. Drawing figures using a ruler; measuring and recording the length of the sides of shapes. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory; Develop the ability to identify and abstract properties, the ability to “read a diagram”, consolidate ordinal counting skills

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. Cuisener sticks


3-4 lesson - Comparison of sets by quantity. Money. +- Numerical range 0 – 18 - Signs,-,=,<,>, solving inequalities. - Table - Voskobovich Square

Introducing the number range 0 – 18. Getting to know money. Using the signs +,-,=, when solving inequalities<,>. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. In Voskobovich Square


5-6. class - Number 19. - Ordinal counting - Logical task "Labyrinth" - Vietnamese game

Introducing the formation of the number 19. Exercise in writing the number 19. Consolidation of orderly counting Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. Vietnamese game


7-8 lesson - Time orientation - Solving problems within 19. - Plan - “Blocks of Dienesh

Reinforcing concepts: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. "Blocks of Dienesh

1-2 lessons - The measure of mass is kilogram. - Numerical range 0 – 19 - Nikitin cubes

Acquaintance with the number range 0 – 19 Development of logical, spatial thinking, speech, attention, memory;

“FEMP for preschoolers 6-7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V. Nikitin cubes

5-6. Lesson Final

Identify the acquired knowledge, ideas, and skills that children acquired during the school year.

Lesson 7-8 Final.

Identify the acquired knowledge, ideas, and skills that children acquired during the school year.

3-4 lesson - Number 20 Number range 0 – 20 - Ordinal counting - "Schematization" - Cuisener Sticks

Introduction to the formation of the number 20. Exercise in writing the number 20. Consolidation of ordinal counting Develop the ability to identify and abstract properties, the ability to “read a diagram”, consolidate ordinal counting skills

“FEMP for preschoolers 6 - 7 years old”, “Developmental tasks”, “Counting to 20” Shevelev K.V Kusener’s sticks

Methodological support for the “Young Mathematician” circle program

1. K.V. Shevelev Program “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children” - M.; Yuventa, 2012 2. K.V. Shevelev “Summaries of cognitive activity on FEMP in preschoolers 4-5 years old” M.; Yuventa, 2013

3.K.V. Shevelev “Counting to 10.” Workbook for children 4-5 years old - M.; Yuventa, 2013

4. K.V. Shevelev “Journey to the World of Logic” Workbook for children 4-5 years old - M.; Yuventa, 2015 5. K.V. Shevelev “Summaries of cognitive activity on FEMP in preschoolers 5 – 6 years old” M.; Yuventa, 2013

6. K.V. Shevelev “I think, I think, I compare” Workbook for children 5-6 years old - M.; Yuventa, 2013 7. K.V. Shevelev “Formation of mathematical abilities” Workbook for children 5-6 years old - M.; Yuventa, 2014 8. K.V. Shevelev “Logic, comparison, counting” Workbook for children 5-6 years old - M.; Yuventa, 2016 9.K.V. Shevelev “Summaries of cognitive activity on FEMP in preschoolers 5-6 years old” Yuventa, 2013 10. K.V. Shevelev “I count to 20” Workbook for children 6-7 years old - M.; Yuventa, 2013 11. K.V. Shevelev “Developmental tasks” Workbook for children 6-7 years old - M.; Yuventa, 2016 12. Grishechkina N.V., 365 best educational games for children 5-7 years old for every day. - Yaroslavl, Development Academy, 2010.

13. E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems: Mathematics for children 5-7 years old” - M.: TC Sfera, 2015

14. Z.A. Mikhailova, E.A. Nosova “Logical-mathematical development of preschool children: games with Dienesh logic blocks and Cuisenaire colored sticks” St. Petersburg: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD PRESS” LLC, 2015. -128s.15. V. Voskobovich, T. Kharko. Game technology for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children 3-7 years old “Fairytale labyrinths of the game - M., 2003


circle for the development of logical thinking of children of the senior group of compensatory orientation “Develop”

Developed by:

Karebo I.G.., teacher

Musikhina L.V., teacher.

Abakan, 2017

1. Target section…………….…………………………………………………………………... 3

1.1. Explanatory note…….……………………………………………………..3

1.2. Goal and objectives of the program……………………………………………………………3

1.3. Principles and approaches in organizing the educational process………………..3

1.4. Planned results of mastering the Program…………………………….……..4

2.1. Curriculum……………………………………………………………………......4

2.2. Approximate comprehensive – thematic plan..…………………………………….4

3. Organizational section……………………………………………………………...6

3.4. Methodological support of the Program……………………………………………………….....6


1.1. Explanatory note

In the development of the abilities of preschoolers, a special place is occupied by intellectual development, namely mathematics, aimed at developing logic, thinking, curiosity, and independence. This provides enormous opportunities for the development of cognitive abilities, which are the basis for the formation of mathematical thinking in the future, and the formation of such thinking is a guarantee for the successful mastery of mathematical content in the future.

The word logic comes from the ancient Greek logos, which means thought, word, reason. In the modern world, logic is the science of the rules that govern the thinking process.

These rules are complex, there are many of them, so you need to master them gradually. Logical tasks are especially difficult for children with general speech underdevelopment, since speech and thinking are closely related.

The sooner you begin to stimulate and develop logical thinking based on the baby’s sensations and perceptions, the faster a smooth transition from concrete to abstract thinking will occur. In addition, intellectual-linguistic relationships confirm the developmental influence of verbal-logical thinking on the speech of preschool children, both in normal development and in pathological conditions.

Conditions for the implementation of the circle.

The “Develop” circle is intended for children of senior preschool age.

Duration of training - 1 year.

Number of classes per year – 72.

The form of organization is a circle.

Regime - 2 times a week.

Amount of time per week: 40 minutes, 20 minutes each.

Time: afternoon.

Conditions for accepting children: upon request.

1.2. Goal and objectives of the program

Purpose of the program: creating a social situation for children’s development in the process of familiarizing themselves with and playing logical games and exercises.

Objectives of the Program:

  • create conditions for children to master the essential features of objects, the ability to compare and generalize;
  • create favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations;
  • ensure the development of the mathematical abilities of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, with other children, adults and the world;
  • promote the development of initiative, independence, and the formation of prerequisites for educational activities;

1.3. Principles for the formation of the educational process

  • the principle of individualization, taking into account the capabilities, age-related developmental characteristics and needs of each child;
  • the principle of recognizing each child as a full-fledged subject of the educational process;
  • the principle of supporting children's initiative and shaping the cognitive interests of pupils;
  • the principle of specificity and accessibility of educational material, systematicity and interconnection in accordance with the requirements.

1.4. Planned results of mastering the Program

Targets for mastering the Program

children of senior preschool age


  1. masters basic logical operations.
  2. able to navigate in space and on a sheet of paper.
  3. finds patterns in phenomena and knows how to describe them.
  4. Possesses cooperation skills and can work in pairs and small groups.
  5. able to prove his point of view.

2.1 Curriculum







"Journey into the Forest"


"Journey to the Land of Logic"




"Journey to Prostokvashino"


"Country of Mathematics"


"In zoo"


"Space trip"


"Let's help the bunnies"

Total: 70 hours

2.2 Approximate comprehensive - thematic plan






1. Find a pattern

2. Who is this? What is this?

3. Think and solve problems

4. Find options

5. Wizards

6. Collect a flower

7. Logical endings

8. Ornament


"Journey into the Forest"

1. Useful - harmful

2. What did I wish for?

3. Plant flowers

4. Group by characteristics

5. Remember faster

6. Everything that flies

7. What happens...

8. Where do you live?


"Journey to the Country


1. Confusion

2. My line is your drawing

3. Fly

4. What was drawn with an invisible pencil?

5. Encryptor

6. Friends

7. The Absent-Minded Artist

8. Find the item



1. Find a match

2. Continue the series

3. Patch

4. Shreds

5. One, two, three - look!

6. Colored laces

7. Fashion designers

8. Atelier



in Prostokvashino"

1. I want to know everything

2. Locals

3. Collect a card

4. Matroskin is confusing

5. Logical chains

6. How many of us are there?

7. Say it in one word

8.Complete the elements


"Country of Mathematics"

1. Count and name

2. Geometric Lotto

3. Back and forth

4. Solve problems

5. Find the extra item

6. Puzzle

7. Find the mistake

8. Counting sticks


"In zoo"

1. Where is whose shadow?

2. Who is close? Who's far away?

3. Who is the cage for?

4. Who is the odd one out?

5. What's in common?

6. What comes first, what comes next?

7. Looking for animals

8. Fantastic animal


"Space trip"

1. Space car

2. Counting planets

3. Milky Way

4. Who is faster?

5. Tail of a comet

6. Guess by description

7. Continue the series

8. Logical chains


"Let's help the bunnies"

1. How many are there?

2. Complete the second half

3. Solve problems

4. Find the differences

5. What belongs to whom?

6. Connect the dots

7. Find two identical bunnies

8. Where did the bunnies hide?

3.2. Methodological support of the Program

Provision of teaching materials and teaching aids.

  1. Alyabyeva E.A. Development of logical thinking and speech in children 5-8 years old. M.: Sfera, 2005.
  2. Buzunov V. Think, guess, draw, color! AOZT Publishing Group NEKO, 1994.
  3. Belaya A.E., Miryasova V.I. Finger games for the development of speech in preschoolers. M.: AST, 2006.
  4. Vagurina L.M. Getting ready for school. Logical operations. Test tasks. M.: Linor, 1999.
  5. S.E. Gavrina. Big book of tests for children 6-7 years old. Counting, reading, getting to know the outside world, developing speech, memory, attention, thinking, fine motor skills. Development Academy, 2007
  6. Devina I.A., Petrakov A.V. Let's develop logic. M.: Linor, 1999.
  7. Zavodnova N.V. Development of logic and speech in children. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2005.
  8. Karpenko M.T. A collection of riddles. M.: Education, 1988.
  9. Konovalenko S.V. Development of cognitive activity in children aged 6-9 years. Workshop for psychologists and speech therapists. Moscow, 2000.
  10. Kostromina S.N. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children reading, mathematics, and the Russian language. - M., AST: Guardian, 2008.
  11. Mamaichuk I.I., Ilyina M.N. Help from a psychologist to a child. St. Petersburg: Rech, 2006.
  12. Stepanova O.A. Prevention of school difficulties. - M.: Sfera, 2003.
  13. Tikhomirova L.F. Logic for preschoolers. Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2006.
  14. Foppel K. How to teach children to cooperate (parts 1-4). M., 1998.
  15. Khukhlaeva O.V. The path to your self. M., 2001.
  16. Chistyakova G.I. Psycho-gymnastics. M., 1990.
  17. Cheremankina L.V. Development of children's attention. -Yaroslavl, 1999.
  18. Sharokhina V.L. Correctional and developmental classes in the senior group. M.2003.

Eleonora Ryabkova

Club program« Color logic»

Compiled by the teacher: Ryabkova E. V


"subject" "in a spiral" Program presents a system of activities organized in an entertaining playful way, which does not tire the child and promotes better memorization of mathematical concepts. During math classes mug Problems such as jokes, riddles, and development tasks are actively used children's logical thinking, exciting games and exercises with numbers, signs, geometric shapes. The plot of the classes and specially selected tasks contribute to the development of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, motivate the child’s activity and direct his mental activity to find ways to solve the assigned problems. During the classes, riddles of mathematical content are used, which provide invaluable assistance in the development of independent thinking and skills prove the correctness of judgments, mastery of mental operations. Much attention is paid to the independent work of children and the activation of their vocabulary. Children must not only remember and understand the proposed material, but also try to explain what they understand. Important personality qualities are formed. school: independence, intelligence, resourcefulness, observation, perseverance is developed.

The importance of educational games for the development of preschoolers, their diversity and age-appropriateness allows them to be used to solve this problem - the mental development of preschoolers. Designed for this mug program« Color logic» . Name mug reflects the main activity on it - the use of modern educational games, Dienesh blocks, colored sticks X. Cuisenaire, labyrinths, puzzles, etc. Let's look at some of them below.

Voskobovich's games. The basic principles underlying these games - interest - cognition - creativity - become as effective as possible, since the game directly addresses the child with the kind, original, funny and sad language of a fairy tale, intrigue, funny character or invitation to adventure. Voskobovich's games "Geokont", "Game Square" (now it is "Voskobovich Square", "Folds", " Color clock" immediately attracted attention. Every year there were more and more of them - "Transparent Square", "Transparent Number", "Dominoes", "Planet of Multiplication", the "Miracle Puzzles" series, "Math Baskets". The first ones also appeared methodological tales.

Dienesh logic blocks(LBD)- a set of shapes that differ from each other color, shape, size, thickness. In the process of various actions with logical blocks(splitting, laying out according to certain rules, rebuilding, etc.) children master various thinking skills that are important both in terms of pre-mathematical preparation and from the point of view of general intellectual development. These include the skills of analysis, abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization, encoding-decoding, as well as logical operations"Not", "And", "or". In specially designed games and exercises with blocks, children develop basic algorithmic thinking skills and the ability to perform actions in their minds. By using logical blocks children train attention, memory, perception.

H. Cuisenaire's sticks. By using colored sticks X. Cuisenaire develops activity and independence in the search for ways to act with material, ways to solve mental problems. The main features of this didactic material are abstractness, versatility, and high efficiency. X. Cuisenaire's rods best correspond to the monographic method teaching numbers and counting.

H. Cuisenaire's sticks as a didactic tool fully correspond to the specifics and characteristics of elementary mathematical concepts formed in preschoolers, as well as their age capabilities, the level of development of children's thinking, mainly visual-effective and visual-figurative. A child’s thinking reflects, first of all, what is first accomplished in practical actions with specific objects. Working with sticks allows you to translate practical, external actions into the internal plane, to create a complete, clear and at the same time quite generalized idea of ​​the concept.

Nikitin's games. Nikitin's developing creative games have their main feature - to combine one of the basic principles of learning "from simple to complex" with a very important principle of creative activity - "independently according to ability." This union made it possible to solve several problems in the game related to the development of creative abilities: Nikitin’s games can stimulate the development of creative abilities from a very early age; tasks-steps of Nikitin’s games always create conditions that advance the development of abilities; a child develops most successfully if he independently tries to solve the most difficult problems for him each time; Nikitin's games can be very diverse in their content and, moreover, like any games, they do not tolerate coercion and create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity; By playing Nikitin’s games with their children, mothers and fathers, unnoticed by themselves, acquire a very important skill - to restrain themselves, not to interfere with the child’s thinking and making decisions, not to do for him what he can and should do himself. Nikitin's educational games include the game "Unicube", "Fold a square", "Fractions", "Cubes for everyone", "Fold the pattern".

Puzzles and labyrinths. These types of games contribute to the development logical thinking, attention and resourcefulness.

At the core program lies in the idea that that every year of a child’s life is decisive for the formation of certain mental neoplasms. In accordance with the characteristics of cognitive activity of preschool children, program mainly ensures the development of cognitive processes.

Changes in the socio-economic sphere of public life have confronted many countries of the world, including Russia, with the need to reform the educational system. In modern conditions, one of the priority areas of educational policy is the development of additional education for children. Additional education can be considered as a special educational space where many relationships are objectively defined, where special educational activities of various systems for training, education and development of the individual are carried out, where the processes of self-learning, self-education and self-development are formed, where the self-realization of the individual is actually carried out. Additional education for children cannot be considered as some kind of appendage to basic education, performing the function of expanding the capabilities of educational standards. Its main purpose is to satisfy the constantly changing individual sociocultural and educational needs of children.

All modern programs and technologies preschool education puts forward as the main task the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, which is ensured by the unity of mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education. The tasks of mental education are sometimes understood in a simplified manner, limited to the desire "invest" in preschoolers as much knowledge as possible about surrounding. But that's not the point "much knowledge". It is much more important to develop in a child the general abilities of cognitive activity - the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, and also to ensure that he develops a need to acquire new knowledge and master the ability to think.

One of the means of mental development of a child is educational games. They are important and interesting for children, varied in content, very dynamic and include children’s favorite manipulations with gaming material, which can satisfy the child in motor activity, movement, helps children use counting, and controls the correct execution of actions.

The principles underlying these games - interest - cognition - creativity - become as effective as possible, since the game directly addresses the child with the kind, original, funny and sad language of a fairy tale, intrigue, funny character or invitation to adventure. In every game the child always achieves something "subject" result. Constant and gradual complication of games ( "in a spiral") allows you to maintain children's activity in the zone of optimal difficulty. Educational games create conditions for creativity and stimulate the development of the child’s mental abilities. The adult can only use this natural need to gradually involve the children in more complex forms of play activity.

The importance of educational games for the development of preschoolers, their diversity and age-appropriateness allows them to be used to solve this problem of the mental development of preschoolers. Designed for this mug program« Color logic» . Name mug reflects the main direction of activity on it. The use of modern educational games by V.V. Voskobovich, B.P. Nikitin, Dienesh blocks, colored sticks X. Cuisenaire, labyrinths, puzzles, etc.

 The work program of the circle for the development of logical thinking "Umnyash" of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of compensatory kindergarten No. 66 "Zabavushka" of the city of Nizhnevartovsk, teacher of the highest qualification category Oksana Petrovna Hildebrandt Contents 1. Program passport 2. Explanatory note. 2.1. General information about the circle 2.2. Group recruitment 2.3. Goals and objectives of the circle 2.4. Forms of organization of children 2.5. Forms of working with children 2.6. Working methods 2.7. Relevance of the circle 3. Time of the circle 4. Long-term calendar plan for the circle 4.1. For children 5-6 years old 4.2. For children 6-7 years old 5. Software and methodological support for the work of the circle 6. Expected results 7. Monitoring PROGRAM PASSPORT Name of the program "Umnyash" work program of the circle for the development of logical thinking Details of the educational institution Municipal preschool educational institution "compensatory kindergarten" No. 66 "Zabavushka" 628617, Russian Federation, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk city, Permskaya street, building 11. Contact numbers: 46-97-06; 46-45-77 Fax: 46-97-06; Email: [email protected] Basis for the development of the Program 1. Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” 2. Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2015, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 7, 2011 No. 61; 3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 655 of November 23, 2009 “Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education”; 4. Order of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated 02.19.2010 No. 91-rp "On the strategy for the development of education in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra until 2020", 5. Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated 07.08.2010 No. 160- p "On the target program of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "New School of Ugra for 2010-2013" (as amended), 6. "On target programs of the city of Nizhnevartovsk", order of the city administration "On approval of the long-term target program "Development of education in the city" Nizhnevartovsk for 2012-2014" dated 07/06/2011 No. 742; 7. Development program of MDOU DSKV No. 66 “Fun” for 2012-2014. Customer of the Program Pedagogical Council of the preschool educational institution Author-compiler Oksana Petrovna Hildebrandt teacher of the highest qualification category The goal of the program is the development of logical thinking, attention in the process of mastering various methods of action in the conditions of objective and active visual and figurative cooperation. Program objectives 1 Development of children's independence and initiative, nurturing in each child a sense of self-esteem, self-respect, desire for active work and creativity. 2. Development of cognitive activity, cognitive motivation, and intellectual abilities of children. 3.Enriching the experience of self-knowledge of preschoolers. 4. Formation of readiness for schooling, for a new social position of the student. The expected results of the implementation of the Program are to highlight the most essential in the subjects; - see their relationship to each other and the relationship of their parts; - use various schemes and plans; - reason, make conclusions in accordance with the laws of logic. Timing of the program implementation 2013-2015. System for organizing control over the implementation of the Program Monitoring the implementation of the Program is carried out by the administration of MBDOU I. Explanatory note 1.1. General information about the circle The work program of the "Umnyash" circle of MBDOU DSKV No. 66 ensures the development of logical thinking of children aged 5 to 7 years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. The program ensures that students are ready for school. The social customers of the activities of the "Umnyash" circle are the parents of the students. The needs of parents are clarified based on the results of the survey. This information made it possible to determine the directions of the circle’s activities to satisfy the needs of parents: Intellectual development of children Preparation for school (Development of arbitrary areas, development of logical thinking, attention, memory) The comprehensive thematic plan is designed for 2 years. The first year is for children 5-6 years old, the second year is for children 6-7 years old. Classes in each group are held once a week, 4 lessons per month, 36 lessons per year. The duration of classes in the senior group is 25 minutes, in the preparatory group - 30 minutes. 1.2. Group recruitment. No. Group according to the age of the children. Occupancy 1 Senior group 10 2 Preparatory group 10 1.3. Goals and objectives of the "Umnyash" circle Goal. Development of logical thinking and attention in the process of mastering various methods of action in conditions of objective-effective and visual-figurative cooperation. Tasks. 1. Development of children's independence and initiative, instilling in each child a sense of self-esteem, self-respect, desire for active work and creativity. 2. Development of cognitive activity, cognitive motivation, and intellectual abilities of children. 3.Enriching the experience of self-knowledge of preschoolers. 4.Formation of readiness for schooling, for a new social position of the student. 1.4. Forms of organization of children * Individual * Subgroup * Group 1.5. Forms of working with children * Game * Situational conversation * Conversation * Story * Reading * Integrative activity * Problem situation 1.6. Methods of working with children * Verbal. * Visual. * Practical. 1.7. Relevance of the circle Characteristics of thinking Thinking is the highest cognitive process of a generalized and indirect reflection of reality. Thinking is the most important cognitive process. With the help of thinking, we gain knowledge that the senses cannot give us. Thinking correlates the data of sensations and perceptions, compares, distinguishes and reveals the relationships between surrounding phenomena even in their absence. The result of thinking is a thought expressed in words. Thus, human thinking is closely related to speech and is impossible without it. Thinking exists in three main forms: concept, judgment and inference. In the process of mental activity, a person uses special techniques or operations: analysis (mental decomposition of a whole into parts), synthesis (mental unification of parts into a single whole), comparison (establishing similarities or differences between objects), abstraction (isolating essential properties of an object and abstracting from non-essential ones). ), generalization (mental association of objects according to their characteristics). All operations appear in close connection with each other. On their basis, more complex operations are distinguished, such as classification, systematization, etc. Age-related characteristics of thinking in preschoolers During the growth and development of a child, his thinking undergoes significant interdependent changes. Children show the first signs of thinking by the end of the first year of life. They begin to notice the simplest connections and relationships between objects and use them to achieve a specific goal. These relationships are clarified by children through practical trial and error, i.e. with the help of objective-effective thinking, which is the main type of thinking of a young child. In addition, the child begins to understand that some things and actions can be used to designate others and serve as their replacement. So a drawing can represent a toy, and the toy can represent what is drawn. The ability to substitute is formed - the ability to use conditional substitutes for real objects and phenomena when solving mental problems. In the future, this ability will enable the child to master reading, writing, modeling, schematization, etc. As experience accumulates, the child's thinking becomes more and more based on images - ideas about what the result of this or that action could be. The main type of thinking inherent in a preschool child becomes visual-figurative thinking. Thanks to this, the preschooler can “do” real actions in his mind. At the same time, he operates only with single judgments, since he is not yet ready for conclusions. In older preschool age, verbal and logical thinking begins to form. Thinking is a complex mental process, and its formation should begin from the first months of a child’s life. Mastery of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, abstraction) will be successful if it is carried out in the child’s direct activity and is accompanied by speech - the basis of abstract-conceptual (verbal-logical) thinking. The highest form of development of thinking is the ability to think in abstract concepts. This is precisely the goal of working with children. II. Club time Wednesday/Thursday 15.30 III. Long-term calendar plan 4.1. For children 5-6 years old Month Week Contents of lessons Material for lesson October 1st1. Exercise "Ring" 2. Game "Think Quickly" 3. I/u "Connect the same pictures with lines" 4. I/u "Circle the same objects in each row" 5. I/u "Find the house of each animal and draw a path to it ". "Development books", p. 173 Album for coloring with logic games (pp. 1,2,3), simple pencil 2nd1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm” 2. Game “Antonyms” 3. I/u “Select parents for each baby” 4. I/u “Select for each animal its favorite treat.” 5. I/u “In each row, circle the common objects and give them a common name” “Development books”, p. 174 Album for coloring with logic games (pp. 4,5,6,7), simple pencil 3rd1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”. 2. Game "Sticks" 3. I/u "Find the extra object." 4. I/u “Find objects that match each other and circle them with a line.” 5. D/i “Where is my shadow?” Album for coloring with logic games (pp. 8,9,10,11,12,13), a simple pencil “Development” p. 173 Cards “Where is my shadow?” 4- i1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm” “Drawing elephant”. 2. Game “It happens or not” 3. I/u “Find an object that is different from the rest” 4. I/u “Combine all musical objects” 5. I/u “Find the differences” “Development games”, p. 175 Album for coloring with logic games (pp. 14,15,16), simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, pp. 4.5 November 1st1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”. 2. Game "One - several" 3. Educational game "Where is my shadow" 4. Educational game "Pick it up according to the shape" 5. Educational game "Color it correctly" "Development games", page 182 Educational game Cards " Where is my shadow", D/i "Find a Pair" E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, pp. 72-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”. 2. Game "What's inside?" 3. And/y “What will happen?” 4. And/y “Find objects that are opposite to your taste” 5. And/y “What’s behind what?” “Development books”, p. 187 N.V. Ermolaev "Learning to recognize, distinguish, name", page 1 3rd1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game "What's around us?" (by color) 3. I/u. “Find light and heavy objects” 4. I/u “What is the balloon afraid of?” 5. I/u “What did the artist forget?” “Development books”, p. 223 N.V. Ermolaev "Learning to recognize, distinguish, name", page 2 Copybook 4th1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game "What's around us?" (according to form) 3. I/u “Combine by feature” 4. I/u “Find identical clowns” 5. I/u in the workbook “Color the same objects” “Development books”, p. 223 N.V. Ermolaeva “Learning to recognize, distinguish, name”, p. 3 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p. 8.9 December 1st1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game “Flies - does not fly” 3. I/u “Show it correctly” 4. I/u “Find the same one”, “Compare objects” 5. I/u “Pick a pattern” “Development games”, p. 223, Copybooks "Fun tasks. Logic in pictures", pp. 1,2 "Develop by playing. Pick a pattern" 2nd1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game “Parts of the body” 3. I/u “Show me correctly” 4. I/u “Help me find the fish”, “Color the stars” 5. I/u “Pick a pattern” “Development books”, p. 226 Copybooks “Funny” tasks. Logic in pictures", p. 3,4 "Develop by playing. Pick a pattern" 3rd1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game “Forbidden Movement” 3. I/u “Show it correctly” 4. I/u “Whose headdress?”, “Name it in one word” 5. I/u “Pick a pattern” “Development books”, p. 227 Recipes "Fun tasks. Logic in pictures", pp. 5,6 "Develop by playing. Pick a pattern" 4th1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game "Santa Claus" 3. I/u "Show me correctly" 4. I/u "What is extra?", "What happens together?" 5. D/u in the workbook "Find the mistake" "Development books", p. 194 Copybook "Fun tasks. Logic in pictures", p. 7.9 E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, pp. 36-37January 2nd1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game "Forbidden Movement" 3. I/u "Show it correctly" 4. I/u "Find the rhyme" 5. I/u "What's extra?" "Development books", page 227 Copybooks "Fun tasks. Logic in pictures ", page 10 Cards "What's extra?" 3rd1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game "Movements with words" 3. D/i "What's extra?" 4. I/u "What will happen?" 5. D/u in the workbook "Find the mistake" "Development books", page 250 Cards "What's extra?" D/i "What will happen?" E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, pp. 38-394-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game “Finish the phrase” 3. D/i “What’s extra?” 4. D/u in the workbook “Find the mistake” 5. D/u in the workbook “Inferences” “Development”, p. 259 E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, pp.41-42February 1st1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game "Tongue Twisters" 3. D/y in the workbook “Inferences” 4. D/y “Connect with arrows”, “Name in one word” 5. D/y “Find the parts” “Development books”, p. 260 E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, pp.44-45 N.G. Salmina “Learning to think. What is it?”, pp. 23, 26; split application2-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game “But I remember everything” 3. I/u “Find and color the part that is missing” 4. I/u “Color it correctly” 5. I/u “what first, what then?” "Razvivalki", p. 263 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What is it?", pp. 45, 58 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 1", p. 3; N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 1", page 143-1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game "Kids" 3. I/u "Find and color the part that is missing" 4. I/u "What first, what then?" 5. I/u “Find a place for things” “Razvivalki”, p. 139 N.G. Salmina “Learning to think. What is it?”, pp. 64, 68; N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 1", p. 16, 234-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game "Tongue Twisters" 3. I/u "What first, what then?" 4. I/u “How should I color the balls next?” 5. And/u “Color according to the model” “Development books”, p. 260 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 2", pp. 15, 16, 24, 50March 1st1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game “Choose the words” 3. I/u “Continue the row” 4. I/u “What first, what then?” 5. I/u “Color according to the model” “Development books”, p. 169 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 2", pp. 54, 562-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game “One Word” 3. I/u “Continue the Row” 4. I/u “Figure It Out” 5. I/u “Find Two Identical Objects” “Development Games”, p. 170 Cards from the set “Figure it out” ka" (No. 2, 4,8,14,37) Cards with objects 3rd1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game "Name the objects" 3. I/u "Continue the row" 4. I/u "Figure it out" 5. Games with a string "Combine according to the principle..." "Development games", p. 171 Cards from the set " Think about it" (No. 69, 82,83,84) Strings for each child, geometric shapes, small toys 4th 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chopping cabbage", " Drum", "Don't drop it." 2. Game “Guess the riddle” 3. I/u “Continue the row” 4. I/u “Figure it out” 5. Working with Dienesh blocks Cards from the set “Figure it out” (No. 87,89,96,98) Blocks DieneshaApril 1st1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game “More - less” 3. I/u “Continue the row” 4. I/u “Think about it” 5. Working with blocks Dienesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Game activities for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschool children", p. 52 Cards from the set "Think" (No. 104,106,112,119) Dienesh blocks 2-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game “Show it in different ways” 3. I/u “Continue the row” 4. I/u “Think about it” 5. Working with blocks Dienesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Game activities for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschool children", p. 52 Cards from the set "Think" (No. 115,120) Dienesh blocks 3rd1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game “Listen and show” 3. I/u “Continue the row” 4. D/u “Continue the row” 5. Working with blocks Dienesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Game activities for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschool children", p. 53 E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, pp. 34-35 Dienesh blocks 4-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game “Who knows, let him count further” 3. I/u “Continue the row” 4. I/u “Complete the missing figure” 5. We work with blocks Dienesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Game activities for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschool children", p. 54 E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, pp. 20-21 Dienesha blocks May 1st 1st. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game “Cars and Pedestrians” 3. I/u “Continue the Row” 4. I/u “What first, what then?” 5. We work with blocks of Dienesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Game activities for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschool children", p. 55 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 2", p. 59 Dienesh blocks 2-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game "Tag" 3. I/u "Continue the row" 4. I/u "Color in what you need" 5. Working with blocks Dienesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Game activities for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschool children", p. 56 E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, pp. 14-15 Dienesh blocks 3-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game “I know five names of boys” 3. D/u in the workbook “Inferences” 4. D/u “Making up a fairy tale” 5. Working with blocks E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, pp.46-47 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 2", p. 40 Dienesh blocks 4-1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Game “Imagine and Show” 3. I/u “Color the pattern according to the sample” 4. I/u “Color in what you need” 5. We work with blocks by Dyenesha N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 2", p. 29 E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, pp. 15-16 Dienesh blocks 4.2. For children 6-7 years old Month Week Contents of lessons Material for lesson October 1st1. Exercise "Ring" 2. Game "Quickly Think" 3. Riddle 4. Comparison task 5. Logical tasks "Developmental", p. 173 L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 6, No. 2; "The entire preschool program. Thinking", p. 4. E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, p.42-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm” 2. Game “Antonyms” 3. Riddle 4. Comparison task 5. Logical tasks “Development games”, p. 174 L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 7, No. 3; "The entire preschool program. Thinking", p. 5. E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, p.53-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”. 2. Game "Sticks" 3. Riddle 4. Comparison task 5. Logical tasks "Development games" p. 173 L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 8, No. 4; "The entire preschool program. Thinking", p.6. E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, p.64-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm” “Drawing elephant”. 2. Riddle 3. Comparison task 4. Logical problems "Development", p. 175 L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 9, No. 5; "The entire preschool program. Thinking", p.7. E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, p.7November 1st1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”. 2. Riddle 3. Comparison task 4. Logical problems "Development", p. 182 L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 10, No. 6; "The entire preschool program. Thinking", p.8. E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, p.82-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”. 2. Tasks on Dienesh Blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Comparison task "Development", p. 187 L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 10, No. 7; “The entire preschool program. Thinking", p. 9. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions", p. 103-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chopping cabbage", "Drum" ", "Don't drop it." 2. Tasks on Dienesh Blocks 3. Logic problems 4. Comparison task "Developmental", p. 223 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 11, No. 8; "All preschool program. Thinking", p. 10. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions", p. 114-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chopping cabbage", "Drum ", "Don't drop it." 2. Tasks on Dienesh Blocks 3. Logic problems 4. Comparison task "Developmental", p. 223 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 11, No. 8; "All preschool program. Thinking", p. 10. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions.", p. 11December 1st1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chopping cabbage", “Drum”, “Don’t drop” 2. Tasks on Dienesh Blocks and Cuisenaire sticks 3. Logical tasks 4. Comparison task “Development”, p. 223, L.F. Tikhomirova “Logic for preschoolers”, p. 22, No. 21; "The entire preschool program. Thinking", pp. 11, 12. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions. Older age", page 142-1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chopping cabbage", "Drum", "Don't drop it." 2. Riddle 3. Comparison task 4. Logical problems "Development", p. 226 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 42, No. 38; Thinking", pp. 13, 14. E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", pp. 103-1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chopping cabbage", "Drum" ", "Don't drop it." 2. Riddle 3. Comparison task 4. Logical tasks "Developmental", page 227 "The entire preschool program. Thinking", p. 15. E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p. 114-1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chopping cabbage", "Drum", “Don’t drop it.” 2. Riddle 3. Classification task 4. Logical tasks “Development”, page 194 “The entire preschool program. Thinking", pp. 16, 17. E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p. 35 January 2nd 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chopping cabbage", "Drum" ", "Don't drop it." 2. Riddle 3. Classification task 4. Logical tasks "Developmental", page 227 "The entire preschool program. Thinking", pp. 18, 19. E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", pp. 36, 373-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chopping cabbage", "Drum" ", "Don't drop it." 2. Tasks on Dienesh Blocks and Cuisenaire sticks 3. Classification task "Developmental", p. 250 "The entire preschool program. Thinking", pp. 20,21. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions. Older age", p. 18 4th1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Tasks on Dienesh Blocks and Cuisenaire sticks 3. Logical tasks 4. Classification task “Developmental”, p. 259 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", pp. 41-42 "The entire preschool program. Thinking", pp. 22,23. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions. Older age", p. 18 simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, p.38,39February 1st1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Tasks on Dienesh Blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Classification task "Development", p. 260 E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, p.40 “The entire preschool program. Thinking”, p.24,25. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions", p. 15 simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, p.40,412-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Tasks on Dienesh Blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Classification task "Development", p. 263 E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, p.41 “The entire preschool program. Thinking”, p.26,27. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions", p. 17 simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, p.423-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Logical tasks 3. Classification task “Developmental”, p. 139 “The entire preschool program. Thinking”, p. 28,29,30. simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, p.444-ya1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Logical tasks 3. Task on patterns "Developmental", p. 260 "The entire preschool program. Thinking", pp. 31,32,33. simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems”, p.45,47March 1st1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm”, “Drawing elephant”, “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. Logical tasks 3. Task on patterns 4. Tasks on attention "Developmental", p. 169 L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 64, No. 77; “The entire preschool program. Thinking", pp. 31, 32. "The entire preschool program. Attention", p. 10.2-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chopping cabbage", "Drum", "Don't drop it." 2. Logical tasks 3. Task on patterns 4. Attention tasks “Development”, p. 170 L.F. Tikhomirova “Logic for preschoolers”, p. 80, No. 101; Thinking", pp. 33, 34. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 11,12.3-1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm” “Drawing elephant” “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop.” 2. Logical tasks 3. Task on patterns 4. Attention tasks “Development games”, p. 171 L.F. Tikhomirova “Logic for preschoolers”, p. 85, No. 109; Thinking", pp. 35, 36. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 13,14.4 1. Exercises “Ring”, “Fist-rib-palm” “Drawing elephant” “Chopping cabbage”, “Drum”, “Don’t drop it”. 2. We work with Dienesh blocks 3. Task on patterns 4. Tasks on attention "The entire preschool program. Thinking", pp. 38, 39. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 15, 16. E. N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions", pp. 20April 1st1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chopping cabbage" , “Drum”, “Don’t drop it.” 2. Working with Dienesh blocks 3. Tasks on patterns 4. Tasks on attention “The entire preschool program. Thinking", pp. 40,41. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 17, 18. E. N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions", pp. 212-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chopping cabbage", “Drum”, “Don’t drop it” 2. Working with Dienesh blocks 3. Inference task 4. Attention tasks “The whole preschool program. Thinking", pp. 42,43. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 19, 20. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions", pp. 253-ya6. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chopping cabbage", “Drum”, “Don’t drop it” 5. Working with Dienesh blocks 6. Inference task 7. Attention task “The entire preschool program. Thinking", pp. 44,45. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 21, 22. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions", pp. 254-1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chopping cabbage", "Drum", "Don't drop it." 2. Inference task 3. Attention task "All preschool program. Thinking", pp. 46,47,48. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 23,24,25. IV. Software and methodological support for the work of the "Umnyash" circle. Goal Development of logical thinking and attention in the process of mastering various methods of action in conditions of objective-effective and visual-figurative cooperation. Software and methodological supportList of programs and technologies Education and training program in kindergarten / Ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. - 5th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007 - 2008 p. NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. The main general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school." - M.: Mosaic-Sintez, 2010 - 224 pp. List of manuals E.V. Kolesnikova “I solve logical problems” - Sphere, 2010. - 48 pp. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in kindergarten", - Voronezh, 2007 - 78 p.L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers". - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1999. - 256 pp.: ill. - (Series: Developmental education).I.V. Starodubtseva "Game activities for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschool children." - M: ARKTI, 2008, - 68 p.V.M. Doskova, A.G. Prokofiev "Educational games for children" V. Expected results By the end of training according to the "Umnyash" club program, children have developed: the ability to analyze objects using visual, tactile and auditory perception; the ability to focus attention on objects and phenomena (attention); voluntary memory; thinking, ability reason, make conclusions in accordance with the laws of logic. creativity, the ability to express one’s feelings and ideas about the world in various ways. interest in the surrounding reality, the image of a “positive self”. Children are able to: 1. highlight the most important things in objects; 2. see their relationship to each other and the relationship of their parts; 3.use various schemes and plans; 4.reason, 5.make conclusions in accordance with the laws of logic. VI. Monitoring. Monitoring of the development of accelerated logical thinking in children is carried out once a year (May). The main task of monitoring is to determine the degree to which the child has mastered the additional education program for the development of logical thinking “Umnyash”.
