synthetic theory of evolution
Synthetic Theory of Evolution (STE) –
modern evolutionary theory,
which is a synthesis of various
disciplines, especially genetics and
Darwinism and based on
paleontology, taxonomy,
molecular biology.
All supporters of the synthetic theory
recognize participation in the evolution of three
generating new
gene variants
given conditions
a habitat
new phenotypes

Origin of STE
Synthetic theory in its current
form was formed:
as a result of transformation
Weisman's views into the Morgan
chromosomal genetics:
adaptive differences
passed down from parents to offspring
chromosomes as new genes
Due to natural selection.

Development of STE
The impetus for the development of the synthetic theory was given by
hypothesis about the recessiveness of new genes. This
hypothesis assumed that each
reproducing group of organisms during
maturation of gametes as a result of errors in
DNA replication constantly undergoes mutations
new gene variants.

into development
S.S. Chetverikov
I.I. Schmalhausen
N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky
G.F. Gause
N.P. Dubinin
A.L. Takhtajyan
F.G. Dobrzhansky

Contribution of foreign scientists to the development of STE
E. Mayr
E. Baur
V. Zimmerman
J. Simpson
W. Ludwig
R. Fisher

6. Speciation consists in

comparative characteristics of theories
"Pure Darwinism"
(L.S. Berg)
1. All organisms
developed from one
few primary forms.
2. Development went on
3. Development proceeded on the basis
random variations.
4.Progress factors
serve the fight for
existence and
natural selection.
5. Process of evolution
is to educate
new features
6. Extinction of organisms
comes from external
Synthetic theory (
N.I. Vorontsov)
1. The smallest unit of evolution is the population.
The main driving factor
evolution is natural
selection of random and small
Evolution wears divergent
Evolution is gradual and
lengthy character.
5. Each systematic unit
should have only one
root. It's a prerequisite
for the very right to
Existence. evolutionary
taxonomy builds
classification based on

criticism of the synthetic theory of evolution
The synthetic theory of evolution is not in doubt among the majority
biologists. Evolution is generally considered to be satisfactorily explained
this theory. However, over the past two decades, the number of
publications in which it is noted that STE is inadequate to modern
knowledge about the evolutionary process.
As one of the most frequently criticized provisions of the STE, one can
give her approach to explaining secondary similarity.
1. According to neo-Darwinism, all signs of living beings are completely determined
composition of the genotype and the nature of selection. Therefore, the parallelism is explained
that organisms have inherited a large number of the same genes from
its ancestor, and the origin of convergent features is entirely
attributed to the act of selection. However, it is well known that the
similarities that develop in fairly distant lines are often
maladaptive and therefore cannot be plausibly explained either
natural selection or common inheritance. Independent
inheritance of the same genes and their combination is deliberately excluded,
because mutations and recombinations are random processes.

evolutionary theory
Ch. Darwin
The mechanisms of evolution are based on three main factors:
Struggle for existence
Natural selection
The main provisions of the theory:
1. Organisms are changeable
2. Differences between organisms are at least partially transmitted through
3. An infinite increase in organisms on the planet as a result of their
reproduction is limited by a small number of vital
resources, leading to a struggle for existence in which
not everyone survives.
4. As a result of the struggle for existence, a natural
selection - those individuals survive that have useful
given conditions properties.

Speciation is a qualitative stage of the evolutionary process.

education is
qualitative stage
evolutionary process.
It means that
species formation
microevolution and

Each species is a closed
genetic system.
Representatives of different species
do not interbreed, and if
interbreed, then either
produce offspring or
offspring are sterile.
speciation should
isolated populations
within the ancestral species.

Evolution is a historical change in form,
organization and behavior of living beings
a number of generations.

elementary evolutionary factors
1. struggle for existence
2. natural selection
1. genetic drift
2. waves of life
3. mutation
4. insulation
elementary structure -
a population saturated with elementary evolutionary material -
elementary evolutionary phenomena -
change in the gene pool
finetic evolution
(leads to
(formation of new populations,
species, subspecies, etc.)

The most important concepts of evolution:
elementary phenomena of evolution - changes,
occurring in a population, through recombinations, mutations
and natural selection that separate this population from
elementary material of evolution - hereditary
variability in individuals of a population, which leads to
emergence of both qualitative and quantitative
phenotypic differences.
elementary factors of evolution - natural selection,
mutations, population waves and isolation
isolation, mutation and population waves affect
evolution of the species, and natural selection directs it.

Basic rules of evolution:
Alternation of the main
evolution: allogenesis
and arogenesis

Patterns of Evolution:
1. The first and main regularityIrreversible nature of evolution:
Organisms, populations and species.
Arising in the course of evolution
can go back to before
state of their ancestors
Evolution is an irreversible process
historical development of the organic world

2. The second pattern is general
direction (trend) of evolutionary
process Progressive complication of life forms:
Consists of continuous adaptation
living world to constantly changing
environmental conditions. V
transformation of species and isolation of some
species from others.
Evolution is a process of unprogrammed
wildlife development

3. The third pattern of evolution Development of fitness (adaptation)
species to habitat
Are common
(the presence of limbs in
land animals)
(different types of limbs due to
place and lifestyle)

Thus, the evolution that began on
our planet since the appearance on
her life is unpredictable and
irreversible development process
world, going unprogrammed,
conjugated between species
and environment.
Thank you for your attention

Hierarchical system of life. Selection. The process of search engine optimization. Microevolution. Reconstruction of the mechanism of biological evolution according to Ch. Darwin. random search mechanisms. On the correlation of the theory of evolution. Nature. Elementons. Criterion minimization is equivalent to maximization. Interpretation of functioning. Regulatory mechanism of population evolution. Bioobjects. Continuous pursuit of the main components.

"Development of evolutionary ideas" - K. Linnaeus. pre-Darwinian period. ancient scientists. Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. J. Buffon. J.B. Lamarck. Steps of evolutionary ideas. Plant classification scheme according to Linnaeus. Lamarck's ladder of beings. biological evolution. Stage of evolutionary views. Animal classification scheme according to K. Linnaeus. Stage of evolutionary ideas. The ladder of beings according to Aristotle. Evolutionary biology.

"Theories of the evolution of the organic world" - Human development. The law of germinal similarity. Comparison of flora and fauna. Genealogical tree of anthropoids and hominids. Geological scale. Evolution of the organic world. Mesozoic era. Atavisms. Relics. phylogenetic series. Theory of spontaneous generation. The limbs of mammals. fundamental differences. Coelacanth. Palaeozoic. The process of creation of the world. Tuatara. Organ homology. Cenozoic era.

"History of evolutionary doctrine" - What are the criteria of the species. Macroevolution. Struggle for existence. The individuals most adapted to these conditions. Definition of a population. History of evolutionary doctrine. Object of study. Scientific prerequisites for the emergence of Ch.Darwin's theory. In reality, the species exists in the form of populations. Significance of the work of the English geologist C. Lyell. Definition. The irreversibility of evolution. Evolution of large systematic groups.

"A History of Evolutionary Ideas" - Biogeographic Evidence. Haeckel-Muller biogenetic law. 7 - 8 lectures on the theory of evolution. Population-species level of life organization. Evidence of evolution: In the nineteenth century. Clinton Richard Dawkins. The current state of the theory of evolution. Creationists versus Transformers. Alfred Russel Wallace. Morphological evidence for evolution. Darwin's (Galapagos) finches. Charles Robert Darwin.

"Modern concepts of evolution" - Stabilizing selection. A life. highly organized forms. Fight between different species. Destructive (cutting off) selection. Concepts of evolution. Aristotle. Survival process. Group adaptation. Lamarck. Evolution. Macroevolution and microevolution. traditional biology. Aromorphosis. Main theses. Struggle for existence. Factors and driving forces of evolution. Synthetic theory of evolution. Principle of Darwin's theory.

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Danish biologist, professor at the Institute of Plant Physiology at the University of Copenhagen, member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences. He spoke in support of the Dutch botanist Hugo de Vries, who found that the genotype can change due to mutations. By experiments on barley and beans, he proved the inefficiency of selection in self-pollinating plants, and on this basis he created the law "on pure lines" - on the partial inheritance of acquired traits. Thus laying the foundations of modern breeding principles. The book "Elements of heredity" had a great influence on readers, and the terms "phenotype", "genotype" and "population" introduced by him entered the scientific language of genetics.

The first stones in the foundation of the new theory:

JOHANSEN Wilhelm Ludwig (1857-1927)

slide 3

An outstanding Russian biologist, evolutionary geneticist, who took the first steps towards the development of the modern theory of evolution. His article “On Some Moments of the Evolutionary Process from the Point of View of Modern Genetics” essentially became the core of the future synthetic theory of evolution and the basis for the further development of neo-Darwinism and genetics. In this article, Chetverikov showed that: the mutation process occurs in natural populations. most of the newly emerging mutations reduce viability, although occasionally there are mutations that increase it. genetic variability is most pronounced when a large species breaks up into a number of small, isolated colonies.

CHETVERIKOV Sergey Sergeevich (1880-1959)

A new look at the evolutionary process:

slide 4

English geneticist, evolutionist, physiologist, biochemist, popularizer and philosopher of science. One of the founders of modern genetics, as well as the synthetic theory of evolution. Along with other scientists, he was able to connect the Darwinian theory of evolution and the teachings of Gregor Mendel on heredity, based on mathematical and statistical evidence gleaned from the analysis of mutation rates. This allowed him to develop a mathematical theory of gene modeling and the linkage of hereditary factors. He opposed the use of nuclear weapons, calculating the increase in the likelihood of mutations in the human population due to radioactive exposure caused by an atomic bomb explosion.

The emergence of theoretical genetics:

HOLDAIN John Burdon Sanderson (1892-1964)

slide 5

The emergence of population genetics:

English statistician, evolutionist and geneticist. Working in the field of genetics, Fisher introduced a systematic approach to data analysis, which was the beginning of the development of new statistical methods and statistics as a science in general. In 1925 he published his first book on statistical methods for scientists, which has become a standard reference for scientists in many disciplines. His work on the theory of population genetics made Fisher one of the three great scientists in this field.

FISHER Ronald Aylmer (1890-1962)

slide 6

Soviet geneticist, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the Department of Biological Sciences. The area of ​​scientific interests was general and evolutionary genetics, as well as the application of genetics in agriculture. He showed gene fragmentation, as well as the phenomenon of gene complementarity. He published a number of important scientific papers on the structure and functions of chromosomes, showed the presence of a genetic load in populations - lethal and sublethal mutations. He also worked in the field of space genetics and on problems of radiation genetics.

Evolutionary genetics:

DUBININ Nikolai Petrovich (1906-1998)

Slide 7

English biologist, evolutionist and humanist. Huxley's work "Evolution: A Modern Synthesis" surpasses even the book of Darwin himself in terms of the amount of material analyzed and the breadth of the problematics. For many years he kept in mind all directions in the development of evolutionary thought, closely followed the development of related sciences and had personal experience as an experimental geneticist. Huxley showed that natural selection acts both as a factor in evolution and as a factor in the stabilization of populations and species. Provin, a prominent historian of biology, commented on his work: "Huxley's book became the dominant force in the evolutionary synthesis."

Generalization of the concept of evolution:

HUXLEY Julian Sorell (1887-1975)

Slide 8

The synthetic theory of evolution (STE) is a modern evolutionary theory, which is a synthesis of various disciplines, primarily genetics and Darwinism, and is based on paleontology, taxonomy, and molecular biology. All supporters of the synthetic theory recognize the participation of three factors in evolution: Mutational (generating new variants of genes) Selection (determining compliance with given living conditions) Recombination (creating new phenotypes of individuals)

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

Modern (synthetic)

evolution theory

Teacher Smirnova Z. M.

Modern evolutionary teaching is a synthesis of genetics, Darwinism and other sciences,

hence the name "synthetic" theory of evolution (STE).

The link between genetics and evolution was established in 1926 by the Soviet geneticist Sergei Sergeevich Chetverikov.

He showed that the first elementary evolutionary processes begin in populations.

S. S. Chetverikov

(1880 – 1959)

Modern evolutionary teaching

In the STE, the principles of Charles Darwin are taken as a basis, but they are significantly deepened and supplemented.

If, according to C Darwin, the process of evolution is the evolution of individuals, then according to STE:

  • the basic elementary unit of evolution is the population;
  • a factor capable of influencing the gene pool of a population is an elementary evolutionary factor .

Modern evolutionary teaching

STE studies micro- and macroevolutionary processes

Macroevolution - evolutionary process leading to formation of supraspecific taxa (genera, orders, classes and even types).

The result of macroevolution is the gradual complication and increase in the organization of living beings.

Microevolution - evolutionary processes occurring at the population level and leading to the formation of new species.

Microevolutionary process is adaptive .


Population is an elementary unit of evolution and species

Selection begins within a population, as its individuals have different genotypes and, consequently, different signs and properties.

The totality of genes in a population is called the gene pool.

According to G. Hardy and V. Weinberg, in large populations where there are no mutations, selection and mixing with other populations, the constancy of the frequencies of alleles, homo- and heterozygotes is observed, which is expressed by the formula:

p 2 (AA) + 2pq (Aa) + q 2 (aa) = 1

Populations that satisfy these conditions are stable and do not evolve.



All facts that cause deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg law lead to a change in the frequencies of alleles in the population, which entails an evolutionary process.

Changing the frequencies of genes in a population is an elementary evolutionary phenomenon.

Elementary Factors of Evolution

(processes that change the genetic composition of the population):

population waves




Gene drift

or (genetic-automatic processes)

Recombination of genetic material

Factors supplying

material for the action of natural selection -

the main guiding factor of evolution

Mutations as a factor in evolution

Mutation process - leads to the transition of a gene from one allelic state to another (A a)

or to a change in a gene (AC), is the direct cause of a change in the frequency of this gene in a population.

  • Most mutations are recessive;
  • More than 90% of mutations reduce the survival of homozygotes or lethal;
  • Some mutations increase the survival rate of homozygotes or heterozygotes under certain conditions. For instance, antibiotic resistant microorganisms (hospital strains).

Mutations as a factor in evolution.


  • The set of alleles resulting from mutations constitutes the original elementary evolutionary material.
  • In the process of speciation, it is used as basis of action of other elementary evolutionary factors.
  • The mutation process is constantly throughout the lifetime of life.
  • Population gene pools are experiencing continuous

mutation pressure.

Factors of evolution - population

waves (waves of life) -

called periodic fluctuations in the number of organisms in natural populations.

A population that has sharply decreased in size is then restored at the expense of surviving individuals, and since these separately surviving individuals cannot be the custodian of the population's gene pool, the population that has recovered in size will have a different gene pool, as a result, the appearance of the population changes.

Factors of evolution - population waves

common squirrel ( Sciuris vulgaris ) (solid line) and the yield of spruce seeds ( Picea Excelsa ) (dotted line)




At the bottom of the abundance curve, there is a “bottleneck effect”. Few individuals pass through it, and in the new population the ratio of alleles will be different.

Factors of evolution - genetic drift -

change in the frequency of genes of populations as a result of any random causes:

  • migrations;
  • natural disasters;
  • waves of life.

Genetic drift leads to the fact that in a long series of generations the population becomes homozygous, so there is 100% fixation of one of the alleles of the gene and

the loss of the rest.

Isolation as a factor in evolution

Isolation - restriction of freedom of crossing (panmixia) of organisms

Forms of isolation










Geographic (spatial) isolation

Geographic - spatial separation of populations, leading to the impossibility or difficulty of crossing between them, due to the features of the landscape within the range of the species - the presence of water barriers for "land" organisms, land areas for hydrobiont species.

For example, various types of finches that inhabit the Galapagos Islands.








Uses a thorn


(biological) isolation -

due to intraspecies differences organisms and has several forms:

  • Ecological - associated with the habitation of populations in different biotopes ;
  • Genetic - determined by the death of zygotes after fertilization, the sterility of hybrids or their reduced viability;
  • Seasonal - breed at different times;
  • Morphological - different structure of copulatory organs;
  • Morphological - different structure of copulatory organs.

Natural selection is the main guiding factor of evolution

The elementary factors of evolution are characterized

not oriented, because they introduce random changes in the ratios of allele frequencies in populations. Those. elementary factors create material for the action of natural selection. Selection picks up random mutations useful for given environmental conditions and saturates the gene pool with them, while harmful mutations are eliminated.

This is the guiding role of selection in evolution.

Natural selection is the only creative factor in evolution that directs random hereditary changes along the path of the formation of adaptations (devices).

Speciation is the final stage of microevolution

Speciation is the process of the emergence of new species on the basis of hereditary variability under the influence of natural selection.

In the process of speciation, genetically open intraspecific systems (populations) are transformed

into genetically closed systems (new species).

The main methods of speciation

Sympatric (environmental)

Allopatric (geographical) speciation

Allopatric (geographic) speciation is based on spatial isolation. Occurs when a new species arises from populations that are territorially dispersed.

Having met again in the same territory, the species do not interbreed

the formation of a new species as a result of the development of a new habitat by a population within the range of a given species or as a result of differences in lifestyle.


  • Division of ecological niches
  • Division of ecological niches (temporal, spatial);
  • Genetic
  • Genetic - polyploidy (instantaneous speciation) or interspecific hybridization in plants.

Sympatric (ecological) speciation -

Sympatric speciation is associated as a result of ecological (for example, food) specialization.

It is believed that five species of tits were formed in this way: according to the choice of feeding places, according to the composition of the food eaten.

Blue tit


great tit

crested tit


Food: Small Butterflies, seeds Large Insects; seeds

insects; tree. plants; insects; coniferous;

Place Terminal branches of trees; Branches and trunks Bark, buds Terminal

feeding: park trees; trees; branches

Sympatric speciation -

often associated with genomic and chromosomal mutations and, as a result, with genetic isolation. For example, by means of polyploidy, many plant species arose on the basis of initial forms.

Haploid Diploid

triploid tetraploid

The teosinte plant

descendant of wild maize ancestor

cultivated corn

The nature of the evolutionary process

Parallel development - when exposed to similar conditions closely related organisms they develop similar traits independently.

Divergence - divergence process in related organisms observable when conditions of existence change

Convergence - development process in a similar direction unrelated groups living in similar ecological conditions


different origin;

one function


one origin;

different functions

One origin;

one function

Related species

unrelated species

Related species


Charles Darwin's doctrine of divergence is based on the principle of monophyly, according to which all species belonging to the same genus are descendants of the same original species and genera of the same family descended from a common stem.

The only illustration for Charles Darwin's book On the Origin of Species… (1859): diagram of the divergence of species.


The most divergent forms have greater opportunities to leave offspring and survive due to less competition among themselves. Intermediate forms most often die out.






As a result of convergence, organs that perform the same function in different organisms acquire a similar structure.

For example, in the swimming fossil reptiles of ichthyosaurs and in mammalian dolphins, the shape of the body and forelimbs in the process of evolution acquired a convergent resemblance to the shape of the body and fins of fish.





Through parallelism, various pinnipeds (walruses, eared and true seals) developed adaptations to an aquatic lifestyle.

The group is believed to be polyphyletic: walruses and sea lions are descended from bears, and seals are descended from mustelids.

Pinnipeds: 1 - sea hare;

2 - tevyak;

3 – common seal;

4 - ringed seal;

5 - white-bellied seal;

6 - lionfish;

7 - khokhlach (male);

8 - hohlach (female);

9 – Weddell seal;

10 - crabeater seal;

11 - sea leopard;

12 – southern sea lion;

13 - sea lion;

14 - walrus; 15 - sea elephant.

Macroevolution -

an evolutionary process leading to the formation of superspecific taxa (genera, orders, classes, etc.).

It is carried out on the basis of microevolution processes.

The subject of study of macroevolution is interspecific relations as a factor of natural selection, the conditions for the emergence, ways and patterns of historical development of systematic groups of the supraspecific level (genera, families, orders, etc.).

Rough-finned fish -


The main directions and paths of evolution

A.N. Severtsov and I.I. Schmalhausen developed the doctrine of the main directions of evolution - biological progress and regression and ways of their implementation - aromorphosis, idioadaptation, degeneration

Directions of the evolutionary process

biological regression

biological progress

  • characterized by a decrease

level of adaptation to

living conditions in

resulting in:

  • decreasing number

individuals of a species;

  • its range is reduced;
  • decrease in number and

the diversity of its populations.

Biological regression leads to the extinction of the species.

  • characterized by an increase

fitness of organisms

to the environment,

as a result of which:

  • the number of

individuals of a species;

  • its range is expanding;
  • new populations are formed


Ways to achieve biological progress

Arogenesis -

characterized by the occurrence of aromorphoses - the complication of the structure and functions of the body, increasing the overall level of organization and expanding the habitat of this group of organisms. Aromorphoses. increasing the vital activity of organisms, determine their relative independence from environmental conditions.

Allogenesis -

development path without raising the overall level of organization. associated with the emergence of idioadaptations - private adaptations to certain environmental conditions.

Catagenesis -

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The modern doctrine of evolution

Lesson objectives: To form knowledge about the development of the doctrine of evolution in the late 19th and early 20th centuries; To form the ability to analyze and evaluate the contribution of various areas of biology to the creation of a synthetic theory of evolution, to characterize the modern theory

Problem What achievements of biology can form the basis of the modern theory of evolution?

Wilhelm Ludwig Johannsen coined the term "population" in 1903

A.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky In 1910, he defines the concept of "subspecies"

Chetverikov Sergei Sergeevich In 1926, he published an article "On some moments of the evolutionary process from the point of view of modern genetics" genetic data should be the basis of the doctrine of variability and become the key to understanding the evolutionary process. Chetverikov proved that mutations in natural animal populations do not disappear, they can accumulate in a latent (heterozygous) state and provide material for variability and natural selection. Thus, he managed to link the evolutionary teachings of Darwin and the laws of heredity established by genetics.

Ronald Fisher John Haldane Julian Huxley Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov Dubinin Nikolai Petrovich

Modern theory of evolution Synthetic theory, as developed thanks to Darwinism, genetics, taxonomy, cytology, morphology, molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, ecology Based on the population idea

George Simpson First used the expression "synthetic theory of evolution" in exact application to this theory in 1949.

Provisions of STE The elementary unit of evolution is the population; the material for evolution is mutational and recombination variability; natural selection is considered as the main reason for the development of adaptations, speciation and the origin of supraspecific taxa; genetic drift is the cause of the formation of neutral traits; a species is a system of populations reproductively isolated from populations of other species, and each species is ecologically isolated; speciation consists in the emergence of genetic isolating mechanisms and occurs predominantly under conditions of geographic isolation.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Technological map for studying the topic "Fundamentals of the doctrine of evolution" (methodological development of lessons) for the course "Biology. Introduction to General Biology and Ecology" for grade 9. Line Pasechnik V.V.

Technological map for studying the topic "Fundamentals of the doctrine of evolution" in the course of biology for grade 9. (Methodological development of lessons). Textbook “Biology. Introduction to general biology and ecology" for grade 9....
