Having decided to study in Germany, young citizens of our country begin to study German universities. For 2019, according to information from various sources, the list of universities in the country exceeds 250. In some review articles, you can see the number 300. In fact, the number does not matter. Main quality. It is this that attracts the knowledge-hungry Russians.

Start with ratings

As a rule, for Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, etc. the prestige of a higher educational institution is of great importance. If and , then only at the best universities. To find the most prestigious universities, you need to study the ranking of universities in the country.

Rankings of German higher education institutions are offered by various newspaper and magazine sources. Opinions differ. But, as a rule, the most famous universities are always at the top of the tops. These are: the Free University of Berlin, the RWTH Aachen, the University of Mannheim, the University of Heidelberg, the University of. Albert Ludwig in Freiburg, the Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus and others.

Whatever rating you choose, rely not only on the prestige of the university, but also on its profile. Prestige is important, but not the main thing. The most important thing in the life of a young man standing at a crossroads is the right choice. First of all, you need to rely on what profession you will receive as a result of training. When studying universities in Germany, be based on what profile they belong to. At first, you have to choose from two major directions:

  • technical;
  • humanitarian.

In Germany, you can find excellent options for quality education. If you intend to enter a medical university or become an architect, intend to study law or decide to become a teacher, choose classical universities. Most of them are open to Russians and Belarusians, Ukrainians and Kazakhs.

The main thing is that the educational institution has enough quotas for foreign students. When choosing the right faculty for further education in your favorite specialty, consider the offers of several universities at once. It is recommended to send documents to various higher education institutions in order to increase your chance of admission.

The best technical universities in Germany

The most popular among Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians is the Rhine-Westphalian Technical University. In each semester, more than 6 thousand foreigners from all over the world study in it. Many of them are our compatriots.

The university offers master's programs in English. Bachelor's programs in English are not provided. The university offers 9 faculties. You can choose one of 144 specialties. The long list includes such professions as architecture, medicine, economics, construction, etc.

The old German university was founded in 1865. For many years he has been at the top of the German rankings. If you are interested in the cost of education, you will be pleased to know that studying at the university is free. You will need to pay only the semester fee, the cost of which is about 220-230 euros.

The university also has a faculty of humanities, where you can learn many popular specialties. However, high ratings for an educational institution in Germany and the world are provided by technical areas.

The Technical University of Berlin is no less popular. 20% of its students are citizens of other countries. Education is offered at seven faculties. You can master economic, humanitarian and other sciences. The Faculty of Civil Engineering, Geology and Architecture provides a high level of architectural knowledge.

This public university is one of the most famous universities in Germany, where you can study in both English and German. The main direction is technical. The list of specialties includes architecture, mechanical engineering, history, philosophy and more.

Where is the best place to study medicine?

The universities of Germany, which provide medical specialties, are of great interest to the youth of the CIS. The most popular of these is Heidelberg University, also known as Heidelberg University.

Operating in Germany since 1386, it initially provided only theological knowledge. To date, the educational institution boasts 14 faculties. One of the strongest is medical. The list also includes jurisprudence, philology, theology, mathematics, cultural studies, etc. Master's programs are offered in English. The university includes many scientific institutions.

Another university with strong medicine, which occupies the first positions in the rankings, is the Charité University Medical Center in Berlin. This is one of the largest educational institutions in Europe. Those who want to become a medical specialist of international level come here. Highly qualified specialists get good.

University is also a great option. Christian Albrecht in Kiel and the University. Otto von Guricke in Magdeburg. Germany has strong medicine. Therefore, the list of the best medical universities can be continued.

Bridge to a German University Program

Many young citizens of the CIS countries enter Germany using the Bridge to a German University program. Thanks to it, our compatriots can bypass such a requirement as primary higher education. That is, if you want to study in Germany, you need to complete at least 2 courses in your home country. In this case, you will not be able to change your specialty.

You can continue your studies only in the previously selected profile.

The Bridge to a German University program is a chance to enter Germany immediately after graduation. No courses or exams required. In order to become a German student, you need to master the preparatory program. This is the main condition.

You need to worry about this way of studying in Germany in advance. Applications are accepted from 9th grade students. By this time you should be able to speak German at A2 level. You also need to have a good motivation for why you want to get a specialty in Germany.

To get into the Bridge to a German University program, you need to participate and win in various competitions and olympiads in many disciplines. Evidence of all of the above must be enclosed in the applicant's package of documents. In addition, it comes with:

  • results in computer science, mathematics and other subjects. They must be above average.

The Bridge to a German University project is only accepted after the applicant successfully passes the interview.

There is a list of Russian cities whose students can enter the "Bridge to a German University". Those who live in settlements that are not included in the list are not deprived of the opportunity to participate in it. However, they need to show proof that they speak German above the required level.

In Germany it operates more than 400 universities, most of which are state-owned. The bulk of future students, including foreigners, tend to enter the state university, where you can get an education for free.

Foreign candidates with poor knowledge German language difficulties may arise with admission, then it is better to choose a private university, with teaching at English. Of course, training will not come cheap.

The basis of quality education in Germany is the right choice of university and financial opportunities. There are three academic degrees in this country: Bachelor, Master and Doctor of Science. Universities are divided into special, technical and general profile.

Training programs are distinguished by relative freedom in the choice of disciplines. For guaranteed employment in Germany, you must initially choose more popular specialties. This is especially true for foreign students who, after graduation, plan to stay in the country, and possibly even eventually get German citizenship.

Let's take a closer look at 3 German universities, which, according to many international agencies, are included in the ranking - best universities in germany.

RWTH Aachen University of Technology (RWTH)

The University of Aachen is one of the leading research institutes in Europe. About 42,000 students study at ten faculties of the university, of which up to 7,000 are foreigners. Every year more than 5,000 people join the ranks of the educational institution.

Good conditions have been created for teaching natural science and technical specialties. The university also has an excellent international reputation in the field of engineering. Theoretical and practical classes are effectively built.

RWTH has a fund of Dr. Karl-Arthur Pastor, which awards scholarships to foreign students. Assistance is issued for one academic year, for renewal it is necessary to successfully pass the exams and provide a lesson plan for the next two semesters. If for some reason the scholarship was denied, you can get a job at the university. Cost of education ( student fee) is just over 200 euros per semester, which includes various benefits for students, such as use of the library, the Internet and transportation.

Official website of the RWTH Aachen University - rwth-aachen.de

University of Economics Mannheim (UNIVERSITAT MANNHEIM)

This relatively young university is very popular in Germany. Economic and social sciences are considered the hallmark of the educational institution, and the Mannheim Business School is included in the ranking of the best economic educational institutions in the world.

In this regard, university graduates have priority positions in the European labor market. The appearance of the university is recognized as the most beautiful in Germany.

If you send an application in advance to the official website of the university, you can get housing in a hostel. And in the case of active social work and outstanding achievements, foreign students are provided with a scholarship. The university has five faculties. Training will cost just over 160 euros per semester.

Official website of the Economic University of Mannheim - uni-mannheim.de

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KARLSRUHER INSTITUT FUR TECHNOLOGIE)

The university is represented by 11 faculties and is considered one of the largest research and technical institutions in the world. More than 20 percent of university students are foreigners. Computer science, electrical engineering and innovation are considered priority areas.

There is a DAAD system - this is the world's largest organization supporting international student exchange, which, upon completion of one academic year and subject to academic success, awards students a scholarship. Cost of education an average of 150 euros per semester. For students outside the EU - 1,500 euros.

Official website of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - kit.edu

  • Almost all universities and colleges in Germany have an International Office ( Auslandsamter), whose employees help students solve all organizational issues throughout the entire period of study.
  • Every year, ICIEP Moscow hosts the "International Exhibition of Education", where university representatives talk about the education system and provide the necessary information for enrolling in a university.
  • Before applying, carefully study the conditions for enrolling in the university and the list of required documents.
  • To fully study abroad, you need to know languages ​​well. Therefore, prospective students are advised to pre-complete the relevant language courses.

A German education gives good chances for employment or starting a business in Germany and any other country in the world, and as a result guarantees a stable future.

Studying in Germany, like everything German, is famous for its high quality and prospects. True, it is easy for an applicant to get confused: there are more than 300 universities in the country! Portal "ZagraNitsa" will help you make a choice - we offer 10 of the best of the best

You need to approach the choice of a university in Germany competently and rationally, taking as a basis what exactly you want to study.

In general, German universities are divided into general universities (Universitaten) and technical universities (Technishe Universitaten); technical higher schools (Techniche Hochschulen), special (Fachhochschulen) and humanitarian. The latter combine art colleges (Musikhochschulen, Kunsthochschulen), pedagogical universities (Padagogishen Hochschulen), institutions for the training of officials (Verwaltungsfachhochschulen) and priests (Kirchlischen Hochschulen).

Classical University experts advise future professionals in the fields of law, medicine, natural sciences and the humanities. Listen to yourself. If you want to become a theorist and engage in scientific activities, you should go to university. And if you are interested in practice, choose a higher school.

Free University of Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin, FU)

Since 2007, the university has the title of elite. The university is about 70 years old, training is offered in 160 specialties. The Free University of Berlin is one of the highest ranking in the field of political science. And the university hospital - the Charité clinic - is the largest in Europe. A nice bonus for foreigners is participation in 300 exchange programs in close cooperation with the world's leading universities.

Photo: Shutterstock 2

Humboldt University of Berlin

This university is the oldest in Berlin: it was founded in 1810. It was initiated by the famous philosopher and statesman Wilhelm von Humboldt. In addition, such minds as Robert Koch, Heinrich Heine, Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Otto von Bismarck, Karl Marx and many others are associated with the university. Among the specialties, mathematics, social sciences, economics (VWL) are especially valued.

Photo: Shutterstock

Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

The name of the university was not in vain. It was founded by Ludwig IX himself in 1472. The educational institution ranks 48th among the 100 best universities in the world and is included in the TOP-9 elite universities in Germany. It also boasts 13 Nobel Prize winners!

Photo: Shutterstock 4

Technical University of Berlin (Technische Universität Berlin)

This institution of higher education belongs to the 9 best technical institutions in Germany. Specializing in engineering and natural sciences, it works closely with many scientific centers - for example, owned by Siemens. About 350 professors teach here.

Photo: Shutterstock 5

Technical University of Munich (Technische Universität München)

This is not just the best university in Germany, but one of the leading universities in Europe. It is included in the rankings of "TOP-100 of the world", "9 best technical universities" and "9 elite universities in Germany".

Education is offered in 132 specialties. Among the graduates are 16 Nobel laureates. In addition, the university owns a dozen large libraries. The top specialties are mechanical engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, economic informatics, biology, as well as enterprise economics.

Photo: Shutterstock 6

RWTH Aachen University of Technology (Rheinisch - Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, RWTH)

It was founded in 1870 and is now in the TOP-9 technical universities in Germany, recognized as one of the leading research centers in Europe. The emphasis is on engineering and the natural sciences. Courses in mechanical engineering, computer science, economic engineering, electrical engineering take first place not only in German, but also in world rankings.

Photo: Shutterstock 7

Technical University of Darmstadt (Technische Universität Darmstadt)

The educational institution, founded in 1877, cooperates with more than a hundred universities around the world, including the universities of Virginia, Berkeley, Imperial College London, Chalmers University in Gothenburg. The emphasis, of course, is on technical specialties: graduates have excellent results in mechanical engineering, computer science, mathematics, engineering, economic engineering, and economic informatics.

Photo: Shutterstock 8

Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

The perfect choice for future economists! In addition to the university itself in Frankfurt, there are many international firms, banks, various enterprises, the famous stock exchange, and they all welcome interns. In this regard, the competition for economic specialties is very large! But in the track record of the university - 19 Nobel Prize winners.

Photo: Shutterstock

Leipzig University (Universität Leipzig)

He is over 600 years old! You can get education in 150 specialties. The diploma is especially valuable for theorists and scientific researchers. Natives of the CIS will not be lonely: there are many students from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus.

The university boasts such graduates as the poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe, philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, composers Richard Wagner and Robert Schumann, philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other outstanding personalities.

Photo: Shutterstock 10

University of Hohenheim (Universität Hohenheim)

The educational institution, which is more than 200 years old, is a leader in the teaching of agricultural sciences. Also among its advantages is leadership in the field of economic disciplines. There are many Nobel laureates among the graduates. The university also has its own cemetery.

Photo: Shutterstock

Dreaming of studying abroad? Then read our about grants and scholarship programs at the best universities in Europe and go for a diploma from the university of your dreams!

Higher education at German universities is currently one of the most popular in the educational market. The country of medieval castles and mineral springs ranks third in the world in terms of the number of foreign students, their number reaches 150 thousand. And the thing is that German universities harmoniously combine the old university traditions with the latest achievements of science and technology. Traditionally strong universities in Germany are technical, philological and medical universities. With a German diploma, you can find work both in Germany itself and in the UK and the USA.

At the moment, the German government and educational institutions are pursuing an active policy to attract foreigners, thanks to which the number of foreign students, including Russians, who come to study in Germany, has increased many times. In addition, after completing their studies, foreign students are given the right to stay in Germany. An additional plus is also the relatively cheap life in Germany compared to other Western countries, as well as its proximity to Russia.

How to apply to a university/institute in Germany?

To obtain higher education at a German university, an excellent knowledge of the German language is a prerequisite. For those who are not yet very good at German, we can recommend preparatory language courses both at the universities themselves and at. The difference between the Russian and German school education systems is that in Russia formally 11-year school education. In Germany, education is actually 13 years old on the basis of a gymnasium. Therefore, upon admission to a German university, the Russian school certificate is not recognized as an equal document to the German one. To continue studying in Germany after graduating from a Russian school, you need to study for 2 years at any Russian university. After that, you can apply to a German university.

However, if you do not have a completed higher education in Russia, you can only apply for the subjects you studied in Russia. If you already have a higher education, and you enter Germany in the same direction in which you have already graduated from a Russian university, then many academic disciplines can be credited to you. The system of higher education in Germany is distinguished by the so-called "academic freedom" - any student can independently determine the list of disciplines studied that will be included in his diploma.

Where to go to study

Do you dream of a career as a scientist and would like to do research during your studies? Then you need a university (Universitat, abbreviated Uni). If you are interested in science and engineering, look to technical universities (Technische Universitaten, TU) and institutes of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen, FH). By the way, today the list of specialties in them has expanded significantly and often includes purely humanitarian education.

If you associate your future with creativity, for example with music or painting, then you have a direct road to creative universities (Musik and Kunsthochschulen). Interestingly, every third student there is a foreigner, while in other higher educational institutions in Germany there are no more than 10%.

In Germany, there are also commercial universities, such as theological ones, as well as universities where subjects are taught in English.

It's not just about being able to speak freely on general topics. There are also specialized tests. For example, if your future specialty is somehow related to technology, a free online test at www.global-assess.rwth-aachen.de will be an excellent test of knowledge of physical and mathematical terms.

Have you scored the required number of points (at least 80 out of 100 possible)? Congratulations! Not? Just don't despair. This only means that in order to get a higher education in Germany, you will have to learn German. This can be done again via the Internet, for example, via the website www.deutsch-uni.com. Moreover, your initial knowledge of the language may be scanty.

Ready for admission

Most universities in Germany do not have entrance exams (the exception is creative, medical and some other higher schools). Anyone who has graduated from a gymnasium in Germany (13 years of study) and passed special tests-examinations (Abitur) has the right to apply to a German university.

Next comes the competition of documents. True, applicants can be offered such types of verification as an interview, a test, and even a role-playing game. Unfortunately, the Russian matriculation certificate is obtained after 11 years of study, and he cannot participate in the competition of documents. Nevertheless, in German universities there are many students who came from Russia. If you want to get a higher education in Germany, you will have to "compensate" the difference in two years of study. To do this, it is necessary to successfully complete two courses (four semesters) in the daytime or 3-4 courses in the evening or correspondence department of a Russian university. The exception is gold medalists - they can apply to German universities immediately after graduation. Please note: studies at a Russian university must take place in the same or similar specialty that you want to study in German.

But there is a way that you can start your studies in Germany earlier - after the first full-time course or two evening/correspondence courses. This path is called Feststellungsprufung - a qualifying exam (those who enter a German university after the second year of a Russian university, as well as gold medalists, do not need to take it).

To be admitted to this exam, you will have to study for two semesters at the pre-university training college - Studienkolleg. The international department of the university you have chosen can direct you there.

For admission to Studienkolkg, you must provide copies and translations of the certificate of secondary education, extracts from the transcript, certificates of learning German, and also pass a language proficiency test. Education in most of these colleges is free, but sometimes you have to pay a semester fee - from €30 to €200.

But back to the qualifying exam. It consists of written and oral parts on the subjects studied in the college. Based on the results of the test, you receive a certificate that is recognized by all German universities of the same type. If you fail, you can retake the exam. But only one attempt will be given and not earlier than in six months.

Attendance at the Studienkolleg is not a prerequisite for admission to the qualifying exam. You can prepare yourself, however, as experience shows, it is extremely difficult to do this.

Getting a student visa to Germany

The list of documents for obtaining a visa can be found on the official website of the German Consulate.

Keep in mind that in addition to the application form, passport, photographs and an invitation to study, you will need proof that you have at least €8,000 of funds (an amount that is considered sufficient to stay in Germany for a year). One of three documents is considered such confirmation:

  • a statement from the parents that they will bear all expenses during the child's studies, supported by a bank statement and / or a certificate of income from work;
  • a letter of guarantee from a person permanently residing in Germany;
  • depositing €8,000 into a special account ( Sperrkonto) in one of the banks in Germany, from which only 1/12 of the amount is allowed to be withdrawn every month - a guarantee that in the middle of the school year you will not encounter the unpleasant fact of a complete lack of funds.

Those who have already opened Sperrkonto suggest the following algorithm of actions: you write to [email protected] a letter with a request to send you the forms of the necessary documents, fill them out and certify at the German consulate (passport is required!). Send certified forms to the address indicated in the reply letter. An account will be opened for you at the bank at your place of study. After receiving the account details, you transfer money to it and wait for a written confirmation from the bank.

It makes sense to attach a motivation letter to the package of documents. His task is to convince consular officials that your choice of university and decision to study in Germany are carefully thought out. In the letter, you need to tell how long and where you studied German, why you are interested in this specialty, what guided you when choosing a particular university.

Usually an interview at the consulate goes without any problems and takes 5-10 minutes. But it is better not to hope for a chance and think over the answers to possible questions in advance. You may be asked where the university is located, how many years you need to study for the chosen specialty, etc. Be prepared for the fact that the interview may be conducted in German.

Where to live?

Almost all German universities have student campuses. Places in them are given (or not given), regardless of whether you are a local resident or a foreigner. Here's how lucky. A room in such a hostel costs €200-300 per month. Some of the money manages to rent a separate housing off campus. A very popular form of rental WG (Wohngemeinscfiaft) when students unite and rent one apartment for several people.

Addresses of international departments of all public universities - www.daad.de/deutschland/wege-durchs-studium/einrichtungen/06098.en.html

The best of the best

The University Development Center determines the prestige of universities and faculties according to a variety of criteria. Winners receive additional funding from the state.

Most prestigious/best universities in Germany:

  • University. Humboldt in Berlin
  • University. Albert Ludwig in Freiburg
  • University of Karlsruhe
  • University of Tübingen
  • University. Friedrich Alexander in Erlangen and Nuremberg
  • University of Würzburg
  • Technical University of Munich
  • University. Ludwig-Maximilian in Munich

Leaders among faculties:

  • Economics of Production (Universities in Mannheim, Munich, Münster)
  • Economics of the national economy (in Bayreuth, Erfurt)
  • Jurisprudence (in Bayreuth, Frankfurt an der Oder, Mannheim, Münster)
  • Economic Informatics (in Magdeburg, Münster)
  • Economic Engineering (in Clausthal, Cottbus)
  • Informatics (in Karlsruhe, Saarbrücken, Berlin)
  • Pharmaceutics (in Freiburg, Heidelberg)

List of documents for admission to German universities

  • a certified copy of the document on graduation from a secondary educational institution,
  • a certified translation of this document,
  • 2 photos,
  • a biography with a description of the education received (educational institutions, exams passed, etc.),
  • for students, a certificate from the place of study on the disciplines and grades passed,
  • language certificate,
  • a certified copy of the certificate with the results of the qualifying exam Feststellungsprufung with a list of disciplines passed and grades.

Nikolai: “Getting into a German university is not so difficult, studying at German universities is more difficult. Exams can take place every day, sometimes two a day. Therefore, one has to gnaw at the granite of science throughout the entire semester, and not just during the session. In addition, no one will control and lead you by the hand here - you have to draw up a curriculum yourself, register for exams, and find literature. There is no headman who can get hold of information. No tickets, no lists of exam questions. Something can be found in the secretariat. And, of course, my classmates. So it all depends on the personal qualities and purposefulness of the person.

Svetlana: “First of all, you should carefully study the memo for applicants, which will be sent to you at your request, since the requirements for documents may vary in different universities. And do not be afraid to once again contact the university for more information.

Tatyana: “Start as soon as possible to draw up documents, about eight months before the planned receipt. Then there will be a margin of time to settle all sorts of details.

Maria: “It is quite possible to enter a German university, being in Russia and not having anyone abroad.”

Vera: “I would advise you to contact the graduates of the university that you have outlined for yourself. Try to learn about the peculiarities of education, about the problems that students face.”

Anya: “Russian students are doing well in Germany. I heard from professors that such diligence is not found in every German. So everyone who really wants it has a chance to enter and graduate from a university.

Updated: 03.12.2018 18:49:56

Judge: Zalman Rivlin

Studying in Germany is attractive to citizens of other countries for many reasons. This is the highest level of education, and the minimum costs, and the wide opportunities that open up after receiving a diploma. There are relatively few universities in this country - barely more than a hundred, and almost all educational institutions provide good training for specialists. However, the best are among the best. We have selected 12 universities that are superior to other educational institutions in a number of indicators. These are not only high places in rankings, including international ones, but additional options that distinguish the university from the rest.

Ranking of the best universities in Germany

Nomination place university name bachelor's degree cost per year
Ranking of the best universities in Germany 1 128 $
2 3 200 $
3 540 $
4 1 000 $
5 663 $
6 661 $
7 241 $
8 540 $
9 258 $
10 554 $
11 663 $
12 575 $

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in Germany. This university occupies a high place in the rankings among German technical universities and is consistently gaining recognition at the international level.

Founded in 1868, the Technical University of Munich has earned an excellent reputation both in the scientific community and among students. The latter is confirmed by numerous positive reviews on the Meine uni website, where students evaluate universities in various ways. According to students, this is one of the best universities in Germany in terms of teaching. However, this is not surprising, because the Technical University of Munich focuses not only on teaching technical specialties, but also on the development of business thinking. As a result, graduates become not only sought-after technical specialists, but also successful businessmen who know how to best monetize the knowledge gained at TUM.


  • High quality education (among the graduates are six Nobel laureates, the founder of Siemens, the chairman of the board of BMW and other well-known personalities in the world of science and business).
  • Large selection of training courses (132 programs, 29 of which are taught in English).
  • Low tuition costs (there is no tuition fee and administration fees do not exceed 300 Euros per semester).
  • Availability of scholarships for foreigners in some programs.


  • When entering a master's program, it is impossible to change direction - a bachelor's degree is required exclusively in the chosen specialty.
  • Limited number of places in hostels.

This university is one of the oldest technical educational institutions in Europe. The age “palm” is second only to the polytechnic universities of Prague, Paris and Vienna. He began his activity in 1825. Notable alumni include auto-inventor Karl Benz, Heinrich Hertz, who discovered electromagnetic waves, and Edward Teller, who created the hydrogen bomb in the United States.

Now the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is an association of a university and a research center. More than 25 thousand students study at 11 faculties, including about 15% from other countries. There are also many representatives of other states among the teaching staff.

The university is listed in TU 9 (the list of nine best technical educational institutions in Germany) and is included in the list of 100 best European universities.


  • The highest level of training in a number of disciplines (engineering, physics, chemistry, computer science, etc.).
  • Encouragement of student projects.
  • Orientation to practical activities and the possibility of obtaining skills on the basis of various enterprises and organizations.
  • Active participation in international exchange programs.
  • There is a bachelor's program in English.


  • Paid education for foreign students (about 3000 Euro/year plus administrative fees).
  • Testing for admission to some specialties.

The RWTH Aachen University is another representative of the prestigious TU9 nine. About 30 thousand students study at 10 faculties of this university. Approximately 20% of them are foreigners from all over the world - the student geography of RWTH Aachen University covers 130 countries.

The list of famous students includes not only Nobel laureates and outstanding entrepreneurs, but also high-ranking politicians, such as the former president of Indonesia, the prime minister of Turkey, the minister of foreign affairs of Afghanistan.

Although the university has humanitarian areas, but their promotion is not a priority. First of all, attention is focused on the most demanded industrial specialties, electrical engineering, information technology.


  • Free education for foreign students (only an administrative fee of about 260 Euro / semester is paid).
  • The possibility of acquiring practical skills, thanks to the close relationship of the university with enterprises.
  • Huge selection of specialties (almost 100).
  • Scholarship programs (university and from various foundations.


  • The complex structure of the educational institution, which includes many departments.
  • There are no undergraduate programs in English. The number of English-language programs in the master's program is also limited.

Founded in 1967, Mannheim University in a fairly short period has managed to become one of the best educational institutions in the economic field not only in Germany, but also in Europe. Although the university has a fairly extensive list of specialties (history, psychology, politics, philosophy, mathematics, philology, etc.), it is in the field of economics that this university has become a leader and competes confidently with the University of Bonn, another leader in the field of economic education.

The educational institution is popular among foreign students. The number of students from other countries is from 15% to 18%. Interest in this university is caused not only by the high level of teaching, but also by triple accreditation. This makes it possible to obtain a double diploma while studying at partner universities (Bocconi University, Queen`s University, University of South Carolina).


  • High level of education - the university is included in the TOP 50 best universities in Europe.
  • Providing a large number of scholarships (state, from funds, for orphans, etc.)
  • There are many English-language programs in the Master's program.
  • The university and campus are considered the most beautiful in Germany in terms of architecture. Most of the university buildings are located in the Mannheim Palace, built in 1760.
  • There are many international programs, and students have the opportunity to go to study in other countries, in parallel to receive a diploma from another university.
  • Among undergraduate programs, modern English linguistics and literary criticism can be studied in English.

The Humboldt University of Berlin (HU) is one of the most famous educational institutions in Germany, known far beyond the borders of the country. For more than 200 years of history, the university has experienced many events, including tragic ones, such as the burning of the library during the reign of Hitler. But there are many more glorious pages. 29 professors at different times became Nobel laureates. Among the graduates are such outstanding personalities as Einstein, Heine, Bismarck, Feuerbach, Koch, Marx, Mendelssohn.

Now more than 30 thousand students study at the university. The structure of the institution includes the world-famous Charité, which includes the Faculty of Medicine, a research center and a clinic. With a relatively small number of faculties, here you can get professions in 190 specialties.


  • The university is included in the top five universities in Germany (4th place) and ranks 16th among the best universities in Europe. Also enter the TOP 100 best universities in the world.
  • Opportunity for internships at many partner universities, including universities in Toronto, Queensland, Princeton, Waseda.
  • Free training (you only need to pay an administrative fee).
  • A special guardianship program has been developed for foreign students.
  • The international orientation of the institution.
  • Double Degree Programs.


  • Grants and fellowship programs are exclusively for masters, doctoral and postdoctoral students.
  • There are no undergraduate programs in English.

This is the largest university in the capital of Germany, which is ahead of even the Humboldt University in terms of the number of students. Founded only in the middle of the 20th century (1948), FU by that time had become the largest center of natural science and the humanities not only in Germany, but also in Europe, which is confirmed by high places in various ratings. Among the famous graduates are five Nobel laureates, writers, philosophers, politicians.

From the moment of its creation, the university declared the principles of freedom, opposing itself to the unfree communist world and educational institutions that were controlled by the communist government. These principles of freedom are also reflected in the management model, in which students receive broad powers.

The Free University has become the main unifying link of Dahlem - a Berlin area with numerous research institutes, which is called the "German Oxford".


  • High university ranking (5th place in Germany and 23rd in the pan-European TOP).
  • International atmosphere - up to 20% of students come from other countries.
  • Mentoring programs for international students.
  • Free training (only administrative fees are paid).
  • Possibility to combine academic disciplines.
  • A large selection of specialties (more than 170), among which are quite rare - Sinology, Jewish Studies, Byzantine Studies, etc.
  • Extensive international connections.


  • The complex structure of the university.
  • According to students, there are not enough practical classes - most of the courses are theory.
  • Only one bachelor's program is in English, and English-language master's programs are predominantly in the medical field and in the field of international specializations.
  • When entering master's specialties, additional requirements for knowledge of the language are put forward for most specialties.

The oldest Bavarian university was founded in 1472. As conceived by the founders, the university was to become an elite educational institution for the nobility. The institution is named after the founder - Duke Ludwig IX, as well as King Maximilian I of Bavaria, who freed the university from church jurisdiction and made it secular. But "secularism" did not interfere with elitism. Throughout history, this university has been considered one of the strongest and most privileged educational institutions in Germany. Kings and presidents, famous philosophers and writers, economists and politicians studied here.

Today LMU is one of the largest educational centers not only in Germany, but throughout Europe. More than 50 thousand students study at 20 faculties. According to the results of the research of the journal Spiegel, German professors consider the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich the best educational institution for the training of physicians, biologists, psychologists and historians.


  • The university occupies the highest places in the rankings: No. 1 in the ranking of universities in Germany, No. 9 in the European ranking, and 30th in the world.
  • Excellent scholarship programs, including scholarships from the Foundation. Humboldt (by their number, the university ranks first).
  • Large selection of specialties (more than 150), with the possibility of their combinations.
  • Free education for everyone, including foreign students (only an administrative fee of 128 Euro / semester is paid).
  • The teaching staff includes more than 700 professors.
  • Close international relations with all major foreign universities, including the CIS countries.

One of the oldest educational institutions in Europe, the University of Cologne was founded in 1388. Soon the number of students exceeded one thousand, and the university became one of the largest in Europe. But four centuries later, a black streak came: the educational institution was closed due to unwillingness to submit to the French who captured Cologne. The revival, despite repeated attempts, did not occur until 120 years later.

Now it is the third largest university in Germany with almost 50,000 students. There are only 6 faculties, but each of them is the subject of special pride of the university. And although the Faculty of Economics, which occupies high places in German and European rankings, is considered the strongest, other departments do not lag behind at all, such as the architectural department, which is included in the world TOP-50. Also, the University of Cologne is the largest forge of teaching staff not only in Germany, but also in Europe.


  • Free education (only administrative fees are paid - 263 Euro / semester).
  • Support for young scientists, graduate students.
  • innovative programs.
  • Opportunity to obtain a double degree.
  • Partnership agreements with many universities in other countries, international student exchange.
  • An extensive list of specialties.
  • Mentoring and assistance in adaptation.


  • Lack of undergraduate programs in English.
  • According to reviews, there may be too many students in seminars.

Dresden University of Technology is one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Germany. This largest polytechnic university, whose history is approaching two centuries, is included in TU9.

The university has 14 faculties. In addition to engineering and natural science disciplines, social sciences and humanities and medicine are studied here. This is the only university in Germany where you can study in absentia in the specialties "construction of civil facilities" and "mechanical engineering".

Considerable attention is paid to the leisure of students. The university has a large sports center, which includes almost three hundred associations of various sports. There are two stadiums and many sports grounds on the territory. Also, all conditions have been created for the development of talents in the field of art (student theater, orchestra, choir, dance ensemble).


  • Tuition is free for everyone (only the obligatory semester fee of 266 Euro is paid).
  • Various scholarship programs (short-term, for students working on diplomas, etc.)
  • International exchange programs.
  • Cooperation with large enterprises, where students have the opportunity to undergo internships, and subsequently find a job.
  • Large selection of specialties.
  • In comparison with many other universities, a large number of places in hostels (10 thousand places in 30 hostels).


  • A small number of English-language programs that are offered only for master's programs.
  • Relatively low percentage of foreign students (up to 13%).

The official history of the Frankfurt University. Goethe is a little over a hundred years old (founded in 1914). But in fact, the university has existed since the end of the 15th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, the educational institution only received the state status of a university. But as in those days, so now, the university is sponsored to a large extent by non-governmental organizations and individuals, therefore it is considered "people's". A huge plus of this is academic freedom and the ability to independently, without coordination with the Ministry of Education, choose the number and topics of new research.

Today, this university is one of the five largest and most powerful German universities, and in the TOP-150 European universities. 18 Nobel laureates and 11 Leibniz Prize winners are associated with this educational institution. More than 45 thousand students study at 16 faculties, of which 16% are foreign citizens.

Another representative of TU 9 - the Technical University of Berlin - is one of the leaders not only in Germany, but also in the world. This largest educational and research institution has only 7 faculties. But behind this "minimalism" lies a huge number of educational programs, including those in the humanities.

The university focuses both on research (in the structure - 40 research institutes) and in practice. Close ties with businesses allow students to intern and quickly find work after graduation. According to statistics, most graduates find work in the first year after graduation.

A feature of the Technical University of Berlin is its environmental orientation. The course on ecology and environmental issues is mandatory in almost all programs, and research is aimed at developing a "green economy".


  • One of the most respected universities not only in Germany, but throughout Europe.
  • Many master's programs are in English.
  • Some engineering programs are unique.
  • The university has a campus in Egypt, on the Red Sea.
  • Students can get double diplomas.
  • Free tuition (only a semester fee of 307 Euros is required).
  • A large number of foreign students (up to 25%).
  • International orientation - an extensive partner network has been created for the exchange of students and teachers.
  • Active cooperation with many corporations and enterprises.


  • The university has a complex structure.
  • There are no undergraduate programs in English.

One of the oldest universities in Germany, the University of Westphalia in Münster is today one of the largest educational institutions in Germany. More than 40 thousand students study at 15 faculties. WWU Münster is among the leaders in the production of junior research fellows. Approximately 800 applicants receive their doctoral degrees here every year.

The strongest faculties are economics and law, which are in the top five among German universities in terms of teaching. The Department of Chemistry, which occupies the 46th position in the world ranking, is also popular with applicants. The departments of mathematics and physics occupy, respectively, the 101st and 151st positions of the "disciplinary" world ranking. There is also a department of medicine with a very wide range of research.


  • Active cooperation with universities in the UK, France, Canada, as well as partnership agreements with more than 400 educational institutions around the world.
  • Scholarships for top performing students and other scholarship programs.
  • Free education (only the student fee is paid - 267 Euros).
  • There are two undergraduate programs in English.
  • Students are offered a choice of 130 specialties, including those with a double diploma.
  • The university has several museums, two theaters, a botanical garden.


  • A small number of foreign students (about 6%).
  • Compared to other universities, there is a limited number of English-taught master's programs.
  • Complex university structure, including many departments.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
