Singapore is called the gateway to Asia. The tiny state, located on an island in Southeast Asia, has become the most important point in trade between Europe, India, China, Indonesia and Australia. It is the most important sea and air port in the region. The city was founded by the British and it was with their rule that Singapore flourished. Over the past half century, the country has made incredible progress in the economy, despite the fact that Singapore does not have its own resources. Skillfully using its geographical position, the "Asian tiger" has integrated into the global financial system and today it is one of the most developed countries in the world.

For decades, bilingualism has developed in the country, which allows the majority of the population to speak several languages. The government has skillfully created a positive image of Singapore, which has attracted foreign investment. So the country became home to many corporations that needed highly qualified specialists. This is what caused the growth of the level of education in the country, the government began to invest millions in its development, which could not fail to bring results.
As a basis, Singapore adopted the British education system, which is generally considered one of the best in the world. In this regard, many English, American and European universities flocked to the country, opening their representative offices here. The conformity of education systems has allowed Singaporean students to enroll in English and American universities at home. A significant advantage of getting an education in Singapore is its low cost compared to Europe and America. At the same time, the quality of education does not suffer, since the state actively co-finances its universities.
Singapore has a very warm climate, even in winter the temperature does not fall below 20 degrees. It is also considered one of the safest cities in the world, with Singapore's crime rate practically zero. These are 2 more important factors by which you should choose Singapore as a place to get an education.
In addition to Higher Education, the country offers secondary education in Singapore and English and Chinese language courses for both children and adults.

Language classes.

Due to the fact that many international students need to improve their English language proficiency in order to enter the university, several large language schools have opened in Singapore providing education in Singapore for adults. They help prepare a student for studying at an English-speaking university, but upon request they can provide language courses of various kinds: for businessmen, bankers, marketers and specialists in other fields. In addition, almost every university has its own English language courses for future applicants.

Children's language programs.

Typically, children's programs include teaching English by teachers who are native speakers. It cannot be said that Singapore is distinguished by a wide variety of children's language camps, but teaching children in Singapore is original and exotic. Singapore is the city of the future, impressing with its modern skyscrapers, huge monitors on the buildings and spectacular night lighting. Staying in such a vibrant metropolis will be remembered for a lifetime, and well-improved English is a definite plus of such a vacation.

Secondary education.

Secondary education in Singapore was taken from the British and despite being bilingual, education in Singapore is organized in English. This system is one of the most efficient education systems in the world. Education lasts 12 years and citizens of the country are provided with free education in public schools in Singapore. The last 2 years are aimed at studying the core subjects required for admission to universities. A Russian student can get a British diploma in Singapore, so that later he can continue his studies at any university in the world. There are many schools in Singapore that provide A-level and O-level education. Also, for admission to the university, they accept a certificate of the one-year study program of the University Foundation, which is accepted after graduating from a Russian school.

Higher education.

Higher education in Singapore is represented by both Singaporean and foreign higher education institutions. The system of education at Singapore universities is English, so students receive international diplomas upon graduation, which are accepted in all countries of the world. There are 5 major universities in Singapore: National University of Singapore, Singapore Management University, SIM University and the Management Development Institute of Singapore. Each of these universities is strong in teaching different disciplines, for example, the National University of Singapore is the best in teaching information technology and engineering, SIM, Singapore Management Development University and Singapore Management University are the best in teaching business. In addition to these educational institutions, there are many other higher education institutions in Singapore that provide quality education to their students.

Master's studies in Singapore are available to foreigners and citizens of the country and provide students with a practical base and experience in the studied specialty, which give a fair advantage in finding a job.

The country has branches of the world's most famous universities, such as the University of Bradford, the University of Wales, the University of Sunderland, the University of Northumbria (Great Britain), the University of Chicago, Stanford University, John Hopkins University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (Holland) and French INSEAD and many others. It is extremely prestigious to study and get an education abroad, so many Europeans went to study in Singapore, as there you can get the most prestigious diploma from a European or American university for less money. As such, tuition at universities in Singapore is not free, but is significantly lower than the cost of studying in the US, Switzerland and the UK.

How much does it cost to study in Singapore?
Tuition fees in Singapore vary depending on the chosen educational institution, specialization and its duration, fees set by the institution and other factors, so the cost of studying for a Bachelor at a university can vary from 5.000 S$ to 60.000 S$.
For more information about the cost of studying in Singapore, you can learn from the "Cost" section or from the managers of Logos Study Group.

Estimated cost of studying in Singapore
The level of education educational institution Duration of study Estimated cost
Children's language programs School 2 weeks From 2000 S$ to 3000 S$
Language courses for adults (standard) Language school 1 Week From 650 S$ to 3000 S$
school education
School education
primary school? secondary school 12 years old From 18`000 S$ to 30`000 S$ / year
University preparation
college, university 1 year From 7`000 S$ to 17`000 S$ / year
Bachelor degree
College, university 3 years From 5`000 S$ to 60`000 S$ / year
Master degree
Master's degree
University 1-2 years From 16`000 S$ to 40`000 S$ / year

You can always hear feedback about studying in Singapore from our staff, as well as by reading the comments of our clients on various forums.

Along with South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Finland, it ranks at the top of international rankings that measure children's ability in reading, math and science.

It is not surprising that many countries are trying to adopt this model of education and transfer it to their own soil in the hope of achieving the same heights in a few years.

But let's see, what is the secret? Do students' results depend on the qualifications of teachers or on specific cultural factors?

One program for all schools

Schools in Singapore adhere to a unified curriculum and teaching methods in all subjects. The main principles of education: it must be consistent, children must see exactly the goal for which they are trying, and be able to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

The task of teachers is to convey factual and practical knowledge to children, to prepare them for end-of-semester exams and final tests with high requirements.

The ultimate goal of the school is to prepare students to continue their education at the university.

Children learn bilingual

Teaching in local schools is conducted in two languages: Singaporean and English. It is clearly understood here that a graduate must know a foreign language as well as his native one.

Teachers do not deviate from the curriculum

Teachers in their work rely on textbooks, workbooks, as well as examples and assignments approved by local educational committees. They also include a lot of practical work in the lessons, since without practice it is simply impossible to understand some topics.

It is interesting that the teacher mainly speaks in the lessons, and discussions in groups are not as common as in the same Western model of education.

A mix of traditional and Western teaching methods

Singaporean teachers make little use of new teaching methods and have little confidence in the latest research on 'learning how to teach'. (In contrast to the West, where they often rely on the latest developments in the field of teaching psychology).

However, it is worth noting that despite all the conservatism, Singapore has absorbed the best that is in Western models of education.

For example, the use of the teamwork method in some lessons, when children are numbered, divided into groups of 4-5 people, each group receives a task that it must complete in a certain time. In this case, the teacher acts as a moderator, helping children acquire knowledge on their own.

Dividing students into groups according to ability

In Singapore schools, starting from the middle level, a system of streams is formed, when all classes are divided into groups according to abilities and interests.

The result is more important than the process

Teachers care about the correct answer, not how much the child understood the subject. And if a student simply memorized something without understanding the essence and simply retelling what he had learned, then this suits the teachers.

Gradually, the Singaporean model is trying to move away from a focus on results (although it is still very important).

Now experts are trying to create a system for a deeper understanding of each subject, and not just coaching for an exam.

The teacher has undeniable authority

A teacher for local schoolchildren is an indisputable authority. He has much more rights than children. For example, it is widely known that teachers in many Singaporean schools may use corporal punishment on children.

Singapore is an Asian country with a high standard of living and oriental cultural values. It is one of the most comfortable places to live due to its progressive social policy, ecology and wages. Singaporean education deserves attention, which is of high quality and relatively low cost of education. Therefore, educational institutions in Singapore are attractive to foreign students.

The history of formation and principles of the Singaporean educational system

Until the middle of the 20th century, Singapore was a British colony. Independence was granted to the state only in 1959. Teaching in schools was conducted in the native language of citizens (English, Malay, Chinese, Hindi). Only Europeans spoke English, 95% of the population were Chinese, Indians and Malays. A new education system was needed to form a new society.

In the history of the formation of Singaporean education, 3 stages can be distinguished.

In the period from 1959 to 1979 there was a standardization of educational programs. English was chosen for teaching school disciplines. As part of the education development program, 83 schools were built, funding was provided from the state budget. Textbooks began to be published in Singapore. Particular attention was paid to technical education - vocational schools and institutes were created.

from 1979 to 1997, emphasis was placed on improving the quality of education. Schools are introducing a streaming distribution of students (classes are formed depending on the abilities of children). In 1992, the Institute of Technical Education was created, and special technical courses were introduced in secondary schools. Wages were increased for engineering and research professions, which increased the prestige of higher education.

Since 1997, there has been a stage of implementing the existing capabilities of the educational system. By 2008, streaming education in schools was abolished. Emphasis is placed on individual educational programs, the ability of citizens to learn throughout life, the development of creativity and teamwork skills. The Edusave grant system was introduced, which makes it possible to fully cover the costs of students for education. The leading directions were natural and technical disciplines.

The principles of the modern Singaporean educational system are:

  • bilingual education programs (teaching is conducted in Chinese and English),
  • education of tolerance in the younger generation,
  • meritocracy (the merits of a person determine his position in society),
  • accessibility (the state guarantees that no child will be deprived of the opportunity to study),
  • individual approach.

Features of the educational system of Singapore

The educational system includes 3 stages - preschool, secondary and higher education. In public institutions, education is conducted in the official languages ​​- English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil. In private educational institutions, children can study in their native language, which is different from the state language. The academic year at school begins on January 1 and is divided into 4 quarters of 10 weeks each, at universities - into two semesters.

The Singapore educational system is similar to the European one

Preschool education

Singapore kindergartens are pre-school education institutions. They accept children from the age of 3, here they are taught communication skills, native and English languages, reading, counting, music and singing, drawing, modeling, dancing for 3 years. All preschools are private, some run by religious organizations or foundations. There are no state kindergartens.

Kindergartens are attended by children from 3 to 5 years old

Secondary education

Secondary education institutions include schools, technical schools, and colleges. Children start going to school at the age of 6. Secondary education is divided into primary, secondary and pre-university levels.

In elementary school, education lasts 6 years, children study mathematics, English and mother tongue (Chinese, Malay, Tamil), civics, drawing, music. At the end of school, children take exams and receive a PSLE ​​certificate, which is necessary to move on to the next level of education. All primary school curricula are standardized. If desired, students can attend sports sections, aesthetic education lessons and classes for gifted children. The primary school education system is divided into 2 levels - basic (grades 1-4) and orientation (grades 5-6). From grade 3, natural science disciplines are introduced into the curriculum. Primary school attendance is compulsory and free of charge for all citizens.

Primary school caters for children from 6 to 12 years old

In secondary school, groups of students are formed depending on the results of examinations in primary school. Education in secondary school is carried out in the following courses:

  • special (4 years, emphasis on learning the native language, at the end an O-level exam is taken),
  • technical (4 years, emphasis is placed on the study of technical disciplines, at the end an N-level exam is taken),
  • express (4 years, superficial study of the native and English languages, involves obtaining an O-level),
  • academic (training lasts up to 5 years, at the end an N-level exam is taken),
  • integrated program - a professional course (5-6 years, 6-10 disciplines are studied, at the end an A-level exam is taken, which is required for admission to the university).

Classes are formed based on the results of elementary school exams

The pre-university level (Foundation) involves preparation for a university. Upon completion of express and special high school courses, students can enroll in junior (junior) colleges, the duration of which is 2 years. The final stage of studying in colleges is passing the exam for obtaining an A-level certificate. For students who want to get a technical education and have O- and N-level certificates, polytechnic schools (the term of study is 3 years) and institutes of technical education (1–2 years) are provided.

Progress is assessed on the following scale:

  • A1/A2 - excellent,
  • B3 / B4 - good,
  • С5/С6 - offset,
  • D7/D8 - fail,
  • E8/F9 - unsatisfactory.

According to this system, the highest mark A1 is equal to 1 point. When entering an incomplete college, the level of knowledge is assessed according to the L1R5 system, where L1 denotes a score in native or English language, and R5 is the sum of scores in 5 disciplines, which include at least one exact and 1 liberal arts subject. The lower the score, the higher the level of knowledge. The maximum score required to enter a junior college is 20. Polytechnics use the L1R2B2 system, where R2 are the two required subjects and B2 are the two subjects in which the student received the highest score. Polytechnics usually put forward additional requirements for applicants.

Higher education

The institutions of higher education are:

  1. polytechnic institutes.
  2. Technical University (Nyang Technological University).
  3. independent universities.
  4. National, state, private universities.

Teaching is conducted in Chinese or English. When entering universities, applicants take exams. Gifted and successful children, as an exception, can be accepted without entrance examinations. High school graduates provide an A-level certificate. Graduates of incomplete colleges and technical schools must provide information on academic performance and attendance of additional classes, sections. At the discretion of the admissions committee, the applicant may be assigned additional entrance tests.

Education in universities meets international standards

Education in Singapore universities is carried out according to international standards and includes 3 stages:

  • Undergraduate (3-4 years),
  • Master (1–3 years),
  • Doctorate (2–5 years).

In order to confer a scientific degree and in the transition from one level of study to another, students must pass exams, the list of which is approved by each specific university. Diplomas from Singapore universities are recognized all over the world.

The cost of studying in Singapore for Russians and not only

The cost of studying in Singapore for international students is higher than for local students. It also depends on the prestige of the educational institution and specialty.

The cost of education in kindergartens varies from $100 to $2,000 per year, in a public school - about $1,000 per year, and in an international school - $1,000-3,000 per month.

The tuition fee for undergraduate programs varies on average from $10,000 to $32,000 per year, for a master's program - $15,000-42,000 per year. A 4-week English course will cost applicants about $2,000. The cost of pre-university education is $ 7,000–17,000 per year.

Education for foreign students can be free. There is a fee subsidy system and grants for undergraduate and graduate programs. In addition, the student may be offered a job at one of the enterprises in Singapore by profession after graduation.

Table: the most popular educational institutions

the name of the institutionPeculiarities
Founded in 1980. Offers education at the following faculties: humanities, social sciences, design, ecology, engineering, public service, medicine and dentistry, law. The university includes a music conservatory.
Founded in 1991. 23 thousand students from all over the world study here. The specialization of the university is engineering sciences.
Private university founded in 2000. Partially funded by the state. The university includes schools of business, economics and accounting, social sciences, and information systems. Collaborates with the American Carnegie Mellon University.
Founded in 2006. Specializes in social sciences, natural sciences. There are programs of study in the arts.
Nanyang Polytechnic CollegeFounded in 1992. Offers education at the faculties of engineering, information technology, business and management, design, biology, medicine, chemistry. More than 12,000 students study here.

Photo Gallery: Popular Universities and Colleges in Singapore

SIM University offers programs of study in the fields of arts, social sciences and natural sciences Nanyang Polytechnic College specializes in preparing students of technical, engineering and scientific specialties Singapore Management University - the largest private university

Basic requirements for foreigners when entering educational institutions

Each educational institution has its own list of entrance examinations, and SAT testing is often included in it. A prerequisite for admission for foreign applicants is the presence of a certificate or diploma of education (secondary, higher), a certificate of international testing for knowledge of English - IELTS or TOEFL (the minimum passing score is 6.0 or 550, respectively). In the absence of these certificates, you can study at one of the language schools in Singapore (training lasts 2-10 months), after which students are tested for admission to the university.

SAT - standardized testing for admission to universities. Developed and managed by the American non-governmental organization College Board. Includes tests in mathematics, text analysis and English grammar. Testing is carried out on a paid basis.

If the applicant has only a certificate of secondary education, to enter a university, you need to study at a Singaporean school for 2 years (requirement of state institutions), and then complete the Foundation program. For admission to the magistracy, a diploma of graduation from the university under the bachelor's program is required.

Scholarships and grants for international students

Every successful and gifted student can apply for a scholarship or education grant. Funding for training programs is carried out by the state, educational institutions and employers.

At the state level, support is provided by the Ministry of Education, with funding provided for various stages of education. The list of scholarship programs and grants is regularly updated on the website of the Ministry ( Only students enrolled in an educational institution can apply for a scholarship. Upon approval of the application, an additional agreement is signed, according to which the student is obliged to work in Singapore after graduation for several years. Grants provided by the Ministry of Education represent a sum of money that will only partially cover the cost of education.

Almost all universities in Singapore have their own scholarship programs. Information is available on the websites of specific universities. Often, funding is allocated for students in highly specialized areas.

Large enterprises and corporations are also interested in highly qualified personnel, so they are ready to pay for the training of a future employee. To do this, the student signs an agreement with the company, according to which he needs to work for several years under a contract in this organization after studying.

Student Accommodation

Singapore students live in dormitories and in rented rooms (apartments). Not all educational institutions can provide students with a hostel. Accommodation in Singaporean families is also possible (information provided by the university).

Some Singapore universities provide students with a hostel

The cost of housing is affected by the infrastructure, the quality and novelty of interior decoration and furniture, the age of the house, proximity to the center. The price of renting a room or apartment on average varies from $200 to $1500 per month. Also included in the list of student expenses:

  • utility bills (~ 80$),
  • food (~400$),
  • public transport fare (~$100),
  • phone, internet (~50$),
  • books, stationery (~70$),
  • medical insurance ($20–300).

To rent out a property, landlords must have an HDB permit, which they must provide to a potential tenant prior to signing the contract. The contract must specify the terms of the lease, the rights and obligations of the parties.

Video: student life in Singapore

Obtaining a study visa

Citizens of Russia and the CIS countries need a student visa to study in Singapore for more than 4 weeks. The process of its registration takes about a month.

The following documents, certified by a notary public and translated into English, must be submitted to the Visa Section of the Singapore Embassy:

  1. The passport.
  2. Photo 3cm×4cm.
  3. Certificate of Education.
  4. Final exam results.
  5. Birth certificate.
  6. Copies of passports of close relatives (father, mother, brothers, sisters).
  7. An extract from bank accounts confirming the possibility of living abroad and paying for tuition.
  8. Certificate from the place of work of the parents indicating the position and average monthly earnings for the last six months.
  9. Letter of invitation from the university confirming the fact of enrollment.
  10. Proof of residence.

You also need to pay a visa fee of $25. With a positive decision, you must additionally apply for a 30-day Singapore tourist visa in order to undergo a medical examination at an educational institution during this time, receive a visa card and register at the Singapore Immigration Department.

Foreign students are required to study at the institutions indicated in the visa application. When changing the place of study, the visa is subject to cancellation and re-issuance. At the same time, the minimum number of teaching hours must be at least 15 hours per week, and attendance must be at least 90%. Student visa holders are not allowed to work in Singapore.

Courses while studying and job prospects

During the training, students can attend additional language courses. At the same time, they are not allowed to work during the entire period of study. In educational institutions in Singapore, attendance and academic performance are tightly controlled. If a foreign student misses a session and has an attendance rate below 90%, they are expelled and sent back to their home country.

The situation with the employment of foreign citizens is quite difficult. In 2012, local authorities began to monitor the number of working foreigners in Singapore. However, talented and gifted students have a chance to find a job after graduation. Graduates of educational institutions are allowed to stay in Singapore for some time after their graduation in order to receive a diploma and process related documents. If a graduate wants to stay in the country, he needs to find a job and get a work visa. The list of priority areas for employment is approved by the government. At the moment, such areas include manufacturing, construction, healthcare, finance, information technology, tourism, and trade. Even if a graduate has not found a job, but has a priority specialty, he can stay in Singapore. An employer who wishes to hire a foreigner must obtain permission from the authorities.

- one of the best student countries in the world: this is the opinion of the compilers of the world-respected QS ranking (and studying in Singapore for Russians can easily confirm this fact!). There are excellent living conditions here, plus huge investments in education, and for graduates in Singapore there are many options to stay and make a brilliant career. This country successfully combines the traditions of the East and the advanced ideas of the West, so studying in Singapore for Russians is becoming more and more popular every year.

Benefits of studying in Singapore for Russians

Up-to-date information for students from abroad

The Singapore education system has undergone many reforms and today has the following characteristics, which, of course, apply to education in Singapore for Russians:

  • Bilingualism and, as a result, teaching in several languages
  • Children are divided into groups according to their abilities.
  • The key subjects are English, Mathematics and Science
  • The system of technical education is one of the strongest in the world
  • Independent schools are developed and in demand in the country, thanks to which foreigners have a large selection of schools and programs
  • The importance of lifelong learning is one of the values ​​of education
  • National education - the study of moral values ​​​​and the history of the country
  • The desire to become a major educational center of the East by attracting branches of the largest universities in the world
  • The country is striving to adopt the best of the existing educational systems of the West and East.

The education system in Singapore for Russians at the school stage

Primary education

This level of education is free and compulsory. In the first four grades, children study math, English and their mother tongue (Chinese, Tamil or Malay). After grade 4, children are divided into groups according to their abilities, and in grades 5-6, children go through a specialization stage. After 6 years of study, students take a final exam and choose a further education option.

middle classes

Based on the results of the Primary School Leaving Examination, the guys are distributed into different classes of high school:

  • Special course and Express course - involves a four-year in-depth study of a native or foreign language. At the end, children take an exam for the Ordinary Level (the lowest, ordinary level)
  • Standard academic class - here children study academic disciplines and, as a result, pass the exam for the Normal Level
  • Standard technical - the emphasis is on technical subjects.
  • School education for locals and foreigners can be obtained in private and public schools. When choosing a program, it is necessary to take into account plans for further education. If a child, after studying at a Singaporean school for several years, is likely to return to his homeland, then it is better to choose the program of his native country. For those who have moved to the country on a permanent basis, it is advisable to consider international programs.
  • Numerous positive reviews speak in favor of international schools where children study in an intercultural environment and where education in Singapore for Russians most often takes place in English.
  • The country has simplified admission rules for foreigners - upon presentation of a certificate of dependency, you can do without a special permission to study.
  • The cost of education is highly dependent on the availability and number of free places, so it is better to enroll children in school as early as possible.

Up-to-date information for applicants to universities in Singapore

  • When applying for applicants from Russia, high competition awaits: there are not many places allocated for foreign students - the country's policy adheres to the principle of nurturing specialists from the local population.
  • Good knowledge of English is one of the main requirements for applicants: English is simply necessary for successful living and adaptation, so it is recommended to improve the language level as early as possible. But for children and adults with zero knowledge of the language or with basic knowledge in Singapore, there are various language courses that are designed for different levels and ages. In language schools, you can choose special courses according to your needs: for passing international exams, business English courses or just developing communication skills.
  • By law, students can earn extra money while studying, but, as a rule, universities do not approve of this - vacancies for students can most often be found only within the campus. If a student manages to find a job outside the university, then it is likely that he will be refused by the administration of the educational institution: the main goal of the student is to apply university knowledge, and not to earn money.
  • Immediately after school, it will not be possible to enter a university in Singapore due to the difference in the educational systems of Russia and Singapore. Before entering, you must complete a one-year university preparation course, which is called the "Junior College".
  • To study in Singapore for Russians for a period of more than 4 months in the country, a student visa is required, which is granted in 99% of cases out of 100. Usually, the process of obtaining a visa takes about four weeks. Conditions for obtaining a visa: a student from abroad must study at least 15 hours a week while attending 90% of classes. As a rule, the university to which a foreign student enters provides maximum assistance in obtaining a visa.

To receive a scholarship, reduce the cost of studying in Singapore for Russians, you must:

  • The minimum level of IELTS is 7.0
  • Average score in the certificate - 5.0
  • Top in class for performance
  • It is desirable to start preparing documents a year in advance

5. Student visas usually cover 25-50% of tuition fees.

Programs and prices of leading educational institutions in Singapore, the cost of studying in Singapore for Russians

Language Schools (Summer Chinese/English, Immersion)

From 4600$ (2 weeks)

From 1750$ (week)

Pre-University Programs

From 4000$ (year)

Higher education

London School of Business and Finance Singapore

From 16000$ (year)

Despite the fact that Singapore is a city-state, the number of universities here is quite impressive. There are four universities and five institutes in a small area. Three universities in the country are public:

  • Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
  • Singapore Management University (SMU)

In addition to them, higher education can be obtained in private educational institutions and branches of universities in other countries located in Singapore. The specificity of these universities is that they do not conduct research work and do not have postgraduate studies.

Singapore universities consistently rank among the world's best higher education institutions. So, according to the results of research conducted by the British magazine Times Higher Education in 2014, the University of Singapore (NUS) takes the honorable 25th place in the World University Rankings, ahead of several American, Canadian, Australian and English universities. Also in the top 100, taking 61st place, was Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

Diplomas obtained in Singapore are recognized all over the world and provide an opportunity for successful employment in the acquired specialty in any country.

Applying to universities in Singapore

Universities in Singapore, like most countries in the world, do not accept Russians for education on the basis of a certificate alone. The problem lies in the discrepancy between education systems, because in Russia secondary education is obtained in 11 years, and in Singapore - in 12. To level this difference, there are several ways:

  • graduate from school in Singapore or any country with a 12-year education program;
  • study for a year at a domestic university and transfer to a Singaporean university from the second year;
  • to study at the preparatory course of the Foundation Program, which will allow applicants to "get" a year, as well as fill in the missing knowledge of the English language, will help to adapt to the educational system of a new country for the future student.

Many educational institutions of the state practice interviewing via Skype. This eliminates the need for a student to fly to Singapore for an interview, and significantly speeds up the enrollment process. The process of admission to a Singaporean university takes no more than 4 months, unlike universities in most countries of the world, documents to which must be submitted a year before the start of studies.

To stay in the country for more than four weeks, you will need a student visa, which can be done at the Singapore Embassy in your country. Usually there are no problems with obtaining it - it is issued within 4-6 weeks.

The cost of education in Singapore

The cost of higher education in Singapore is much lower than in the US or European countries, and its quality is not inferior to the best universities in England and Switzerland. On average, the cost of one year of study at a Singaporean higher education institution varies between 4,000 - 12,000 USD, depending on the chosen specialty. The most expensive is considered to be studying at the medical and dental faculties - it can cost up to 40,000 USD.

Unfortunately, only a few educational institutions in Singapore provide international students with the opportunity to live in a hostel. Therefore, most often students independently rent housing in the city. On average, an apartment in a good area with a living room and one bedroom costs 500-600 S$ per month. Living with two or three people will significantly reduce the monthly rent.

Food costs should be calculated on the basis of 120-150 S$ per month per person. The cheapest form of transport in Singapore is the city buses, which run on the same route as the metro trains. A bus ticket will cost only one and a half dollars. You can also spend your leisure time quite inexpensively, for example, going to the cinema will cost 8-10 S$.

Scholarships and grants

Singapore's Ministry of Education operates various university funding schemes that enable international students to significantly reduce their tuition costs. Grants from the Singaporean ministry are only a partial cost coverage. However, when it comes to living in a new country, even partial tuition fees make life much easier for a student. Therefore, if you are serious about getting an education in Singapore with significant financial savings, then regular monitoring of the website of the Ministry of Education can help. It constantly updates the list of scholarships and international programs. Also, almost all universities in Singapore implement their own scholarship programs, which can be found on the website of a particular educational institution.

An application for funding is submitted after successfully passing the entrance exams and enrolling in the university. If the request is approved, the signing of an agreement will be required, according to which the student undertakes to work in one of the Singapore companies for several years after graduation. In case of violation of the concluded contract, the cost of training will have to be reimbursed.

Many large companies in Singapore are interested in recruiting young professionals, so they are ready to provide them with financial support for training, provided that the student undertakes to work in this enterprise for several years after graduation. If the graduate receives a better offer from another company and wishes to terminate the existing agreement, then he will also have to pay a penalty in a predetermined amount.

Over the past 30 years, having made an economic breakthrough, Singapore has become one of the leading countries in East Asia, a dynamically developing state and a center of communications, technology and research, providing great prospects for young professionals to realize their potential. Higher education received in Singapore is the key to successful employment in the chosen specialty and career growth in a prestigious large company.
