About valor, about exploits, about glory
I forgot in the woeful land
When your face is in a simple frame
In front of me shone on the table.

But the hour has come, and you left the house.
I threw the cherished ring into the night.
You gave your fate to another
And I forgot the beautiful face.

The days flew by, spinning like a cursed swarm ...
Wine and passion tormented my life...
And I remembered you before the lectern,
And he called you, like his youth ...

I called you but you didn't look back
I shed tears, but you did not descend.
You sadly wrapped yourself in a blue cloak,
On a damp night, you left the house.

I don't know where your pride is
You, dear, you, gentle, found ...
I sleep soundly, I dream of your blue cloak,
In which you went into the damp night ...

No longer dream of tenderness, of glory,
Everything is over, youth is gone!
Your face in its simple frame
I removed the table with my hand.

Analysis of the poem "On valor, on exploits, on glory" by Blok

Blok's poem "About valor, about exploits, about glory ..." refers to the poet's love lyrics. It is dedicated to a real event in life. Blok wrote it in 1908, immediately after his wife left him. It should be noted that their relationship was very strange. The poet's wife, L. Mendeleev, was an actress, which left a very big imprint on her life. Strong family relationships rarely develop between creative people. Hectic life constantly pushes them in search of new strong impressions. This is what happened in the Block family. Mendeleeva left him for another poet -. Blok was very upset by the betrayal of his wife, who for a long time was his creative muse.

In the poem one can feel the deep personal experience of the author. He does not use the complex symbolism inherent in his early work. Behind every line, the pain of a deceived person is felt. The image of the “face in a simple frame” is a portrait of his wife, which was constantly on the poet’s desktop. In it he found the source of his inspiration.

For the first time after his wife's infidelity, the author was at the mercy of the anger and misunderstanding that gripped him. He throws away the “cherished ring” and assures himself that he has forgotten about the ungrateful woman forever. The lyrical hero is looking for a way out in "wine and passion." But gradually he is overwhelmed by memories of a happy past. The marriage was entered into at an early age, so Blok associates his wife's betrayal with the loss of youth.

The poet is trying to return his beloved. But his prayers and tears remain unanswered. Here another symbol of the work appears - the “blue cloak”, in which the wife left home. There is no longer any malice in Blok's soul, he addresses his ex-wife with affectionate words: "sweet, tender." Even in his sleep, he is constantly haunted by the image of the "blue cloak", which in one night broke the poet's entire life in two.
The poem ends with the recognition that both youth and love are irretrievably gone. Carefree dreams left the poet forever. The symbolic farewell action is the cleansing of the table from the “face in a simple frame”.

The work still did not become the final point. Yielding to Blok's entreaties, his wife returned to him, but left again after some time. Until the death of the poet, these mysterious relationships continued. He himself, having lost faith in pure love, started short-term novels. But the first wife forever remained for him a symbol of the first immaculate love.

About valor, about exploits, about glory

I forgot in the woeful land

Once upon a time your face in a simple frame

In front of me shone on the table.

But the hour has come, and you left the house.

I threw the cherished ring into the night.

You gave your fate to another

And I forgot the beautiful face.

The days flew by, spinning like a cursed swarm...

Vivo and passion tormented my life...

And he called you, like his youth ...

You sadly wrapped yourself in a blue cloak,

On a damp night, you left the house.

I don't know where your pride is

You, dear, you, gentle, found ...

I sleep soundly, I dream of your blue cloak,

In which you left on a damp night ...

This poem was written in 1908 and was included in the third volume, in the Retribution cycle. This cycle continues the theme of the "terrible world". Retribution, according to Blok, is, first of all, a person's condemnation of himself, betrayal of his once sacred vows, the retribution for which is spiritual emptiness, weariness from life, the humble expectation of death. These motifs are heard in all the poems of the "Retribution" cycle.

The genre of the poem is a love letter. The hero turns to the beloved woman who left him. He has a passionate desire to return the love lost many years ago. This desire is conveyed in the poem with the help of anaphora and syntactic parallelism:

And I remembered you before the lectern,

And he called you, like his youth ...

I called you but you didn't look back

I shed tears, but you did not descend.

After parting with his beloved, the hero lost the meaning of life, terrible days flowed, spinning like a “damned swarm”. The image of the "terrible world" is symbolic, it is one of the key in the poem. Merging with the image of a damp night, it contrasts with the “blue cloak” that the heroine wrapped herself in when she left home (blue is the color of treason).

The poem "About valor, about exploits, about glory ..." has a ring composition: the first stanza repeats the last one, but is opposed to it. This technique closes the poem in a hopeless circle: only bitterness and despair sound in the words of the lyrical hero, a pure dream is dispelled, the hero no longer believes in love:

No longer dream of tenderness, of glory,

Everything is over, youth is gone!

Your face in its simple frame

I removed the table with my hand.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Municipal budgetary educational institution Biokombinatovskaya secondary school of the village of Biokombinat of the Shchelkovsky municipal district of the Moscow region Analysis of the poem by A.A.

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Goals and objectives: . get acquainted with the poem “On valor, on exploits, on glory” to analyze it (ideological content, artistic features; develop the skill of analyzing a lyrical text; form the ability to work in a group; develop aesthetic taste; instill love for Russian poetry;

3 slide

Description of the slide:

About valor, about feats, about glory... About valor, about feats, about glory I forgot on the woeful earth, When your face in a simple frame Shined before me on the table. But the hour has come, and you left the house. I threw the cherished ring into the night. You gave your fate to another, And I forgot the beautiful face. The days flew by, spinning like a cursed swarm... Wine and passion tormented my life... And I remembered you in front of the lectern, And I called you like my youth... I called you, but you didn't look back, I shed tears, but you did not descend. You sadly wrapped yourself in a blue cloak, On a damp night you left the house. I don't know where your pride is sheltered You, dear, you, gentle, have found... I sleep soundly, I dream of your blue cloak, In which you left on a damp night... No longer dream of tenderness, of glory, Everything is over youth is gone! Your face in its simple frame With my hand I removed from the table.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok lived and wrote in very difficult historical conditions, painfully feeling the lack of harmony in the “terrible world”. He did not feel it in his soul either. Only love could bring Blok that necessary, desired peace, without which it was impossible to live. Love was called upon to exclude chaos not only in the soul, but also in the world surrounding the poet. Blok deified love, which revealed to him the lofty meaning of life. He devoted a large number of poems to this wonderful feeling. One of them - "About valor, about feats, about glory...".

5 slide

Description of the slide:

This work was written in 1908. It has the structure of a ring composition: the first line repeats the last, but is opposed to it; at the end of the poem, the author seems to want to repeat the first line, but he no longer thinks about valor or exploits, he is looking for at least tenderness, but does not find it either.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

The genre of the poem is a love letter. The hero turns to the beloved woman who left him. He feels a passionate desire to return the love lost many years ago: And I remembered you in front of the lectern, And I called you like my youth... I called you, but you did not look back, I shed tears, but you did not descend.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

It is no coincidence that the poet compares the heroine with his youth, because separation from his beloved means the loss of the former ideal, a youthful romantic dream. The heroine of the poem is called "sweet, tender", and her face is beautiful. But this ideal image contrasts with the imperfect, disharmonious world, with the image of the "sorrowful earth" and the "damned swarm" of days. The "terrible world", embodied in the image of "raw night", turns out to be stronger than the hero and takes away his beloved from him. The lyrical hero is so resigned to the loss of happiness that he decides on a monstrous act: Your face in its simple frame With my hand I removed from the table.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Those days when the face of a loved one shone were replaced by terrible days, spinning like a “damned swarm”. The image of the "terrible world" is symbolic, it is one of the key in the poem. Merging with the image of a damp night, it contrasts with the “blue cloak” of the past, the cloak that the heroine wrapped herself in when leaving home, the only substantive detail associated with the appearance of the heroine. In Blok, as in the poetry of the late Middle Ages, this color symbolizes betrayal, and not so much betrayal in love as betrayal of ideals, as well as the collapse of youthful faith in the happy mystical life of the spirit, in world harmony. You sadly wrapped yourself in a blue cloak, On a damp night you left the house. I don’t know where the shelter of my pride You, dear, you, tender, found ... I sleep soundly, I dream of your blue cloak, In which you left on a damp night ...

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Days are like nights, life seems like a dream ("I'm fast asleep"). A large number of epithets are found in the poem: “on the woeful earth”, “cherished ring”, “cursed swarm”, “on a damp night”. The tenderness with which the hero remembers his beloved, comparing her with his youth: “And he called you as his youth ...”, is emphasized in the work by such epithets as: “beautiful face”, “you, dear”, “you tender." There are personifications and metaphors in the poem: “when your face in a simple frame shone in front of me on the table”, “I threw the cherished ring into the night”, “you gave your fate to another”, “days flew”, “wine and passion tormented my life ".

“About valor, about exploits, about glory…” Alexander Blok

About valor, about exploits, about glory
I forgot in the woeful land
When your face is in a simple frame
In front of me shone on the table.

But the hour has come, and you left the house.
I threw the cherished ring into the night.
You gave your fate to another
And I forgot the beautiful face.

The days flew by, spinning like a cursed swarm ...
Wine and passion tormented my life...
And I remembered you before the lectern,
And he called you, like his youth ...

I called you but you didn't look back
I shed tears, but you did not descend.
You sadly wrapped yourself in a blue cloak,
On a damp night, you left the house.

I don't know where your pride is
You, dear, you, gentle, found ...
I sleep soundly, I dream of your blue cloak,
In which you went into the damp night ...

No longer dream of tenderness, of glory,
Everything is over, youth is gone!
Your face in its simple frame
I removed the table with my hand.

Analysis of Blok's poem "About valor, about exploits, about glory ..."

The love lyrics of Alexander Blok are highly controversial and controversial. Until now, researchers of the poet's work are trying to understand the complex relationship between the author and his wife Lyubov Mendeleeva, who was Blok's muse. However, their marriage was not happy, and a few years after her marriage, Mendeleeva went to the poet Alexander Bely. Then she returned, repenting of her mistake, and again started a new romance, from which she gave birth to a son. Blok himself also experienced several romantic hobbies during this period. The spouses could not see each other for months, since Lyubov Mendeleeva was an actress and often went on tour. But they still remained friends at the insistence of the poet, who believed that spiritual closeness was much more important than physical.

However, Blok experienced problems in family life very hard. And in 1908, when Lyubov Mendeleev got along with Alexander Bely, he wrote his famous poem “About valor, about exploits, about glory ...”, in which he spoke about his experiences. And he admitted that he managed to overcome a painful passion for a woman, who, by the will of fate, played a fatal role in the fate of the poet.

It is worth noting that the future spouses have known each other since childhood, as their families were friends. However, when they met years later, they barely recognized each other. Blok fell in love with a 16-year-old beauty who dreamed of becoming an actress. She responded to his courtship with complete indifference. By that time, Blok was fond of mysticism and was looking for secret signs of fate in any set of circumstances. And then one day, as a student and an aspiring poet, he met Mendeleev on the street, believing that this was not a coincidence. Blok not only convinced himself that he loved this woman, but also infected Mendeleev herself with an unshakable belief that they were destined to be together. In 1903, the couple got married, but they really became husband and wife only a year later, since the poet refused to overshadow the ideal, in his opinion, spiritual union, with carnal pleasures.

Indeed, many eyewitnesses recalled that in life, Blok treated Mendeleeva not as a wife, but as a muse. And, recalling parting with her, he wrote in his poem that "tears shed, but you did not descend." The symbol of love for Mendeleeva for the poet was "a face in a simple frame" - a portrait of his wife, which after the wedding always stood on the poet's table. And this was also a kind of symbol, to which Blok attached special importance. He was convinced that it was this portrait that helped him in his work, while not paying any attention to his wife, who could stand behind him. As a result, the poet states the inevitable: “You sadly wrapped yourself in a blue cloak, you left the house on a damp night.”

It is noteworthy that for the poet Lyubov Mendeleev was not only a symbol of spiritual purity, but was also associated with youth. Therefore, the author notes that her departure marked the end of a carefree youth. “No longer dream of tenderness, of glory, everything has passed, youth has passed?”, Asks Blok. And he replies to himself that this is true. The woman whom the poet idolized took with her not only the feeling of lightness and carelessness inherent in youth, but also inspiration. However, Blok still managed to cope with his feelings, so he wrote: “I removed your face in a simple frame with my hand from the table.”

The poet could not even imagine that fate forever connected him with this woman. She left and returned. Blok even agreed to recognize her son as his own child, but at the same time he himself had affairs on the side. However, until his death, he believed that Lyubov Mendeleev was a "holy place of the soul."

The poet wrote his poem in 1908, the day before the next, new year. Blok wrote "On valor, on exploits, on glory" at the moment when his beloved wife went to his friend, Andrei Bely, also a poet. The poem is autobiographical. It was included in the "Retribution" cycle.

Brief analysis of the poem

Alexander Alexandrovich was cunning and deceived the reader's expectations by writing the first line. After all, Blok does not write about exploits in this poem at all. It's about love experiences, and not about civic duty. It is a love message that appears. In it, the lyrical hero speaks with his beloved, who left him for another man. He hopes to be heard. The hero is in despair, he even throws out the "cherished ring" - a symbol of fidelity. Night is the symbol of the unknown. For the first time in five years, he devoted the block “On valor, feats, and glory” to his wife. Having finished the six-year cycle of love lyrics "Poems about the Beautiful Lady", he stopped making dedications to her. Then Lyubov Dmitrievna became his wife. However, as soon as she left, dedications to her resumed. With epithets, the poet described the loss of the meaning of life: "spinning like a cursed swarm", and also "on a damp night you left home." And the words about how the hero called the lyrical heroine “like his youth” certainly indicate that the departed beloved meant a lot to him. Spiritual life ended with the departure of his beloved, now he lives on wine and passion that torment him. And his Beautiful Lady turned into a destroyer. It is not without reason that the blue color appears in the poem - in medieval times it meant treason.

The block “About valor, about exploits, about glory” concluded in a ring composition, wrote in iambic pentameter and used it. At the end of the work, the hero nevertheless made a decision, removing the portrait from the table.

Block: love poems

The poet wrote about love a lot, with particular sadness. This is an important theme of his work, one of the main ones. "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" Alexander Alexandrovich wrote under the impression of falling in love with Mendeleev - his future wife. He endowed the earthly creature with unearthly qualities, seeing in her the feminine ideal that he himself invented.

Lyubov Dmitrievna was dedicated to 687 poems. After their wedding, the poet switches to other topics - civil. These were the cycles "Yamba" and "Scary World", as well as "Retribution", into which love lyrics again broke through. The block “About valor, about feats, about glory” included it in this cycle. Alexander Alexandrovich always believed in the bright power of love and gave himself completely to it. However, his love was not only romantic. He also loved Russia, his homeland, with all his heart.

Homeland in the verses of the poet

Alexander Alexandrovich began to study Russia from legends, charms, folklore and scientific articles. Blok began writing in 1906. The first of them was written on September 24th. It was called "Rus". And it feels like the poet was inspired by legends. The block repeats the motives of Gogol and Pushkin, Lermontov and Nekrasov. But so far this is not the same Russia in which the poet lives. This is Rus', which he loves.

This is followed by his cycle "Motherland". Blok does not separate himself from Russia, he experiences everything with her. He loves her any. Blok writes with no less love than poems about his Beautiful Lady, and maybe even more.

On the history of his country, Blok wrote the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field”. The poet longs for the revival of the country and speaks about this in his works.

U does not have the appearance of a mother, as was customary, but of a wife. This was a new trend of the Symbolists, adopted from Vladimir Solovyov, who meant a lot to Alexander and was his inspiration at the beginning of his career.

creative way

The poet from childhood was influenced by literature. His aunts and mother, as well as his grandmother, were translators and writers. And having entered the Faculty of Law in 1898, he did not finish his studies there and transferred after three years of study to philology. Literature took over. From the age of five, Alexander composed poetry, but he began to write seriously only at eighteen. In 1906, Blok had already received recognition as a poet.

Alexander Alexandrovich always admired Pushkin and considered him his greatest talent. His first university poems were written under the impression of the work of Alexander Sergeevich. And shortly before his death, in the winter of 1921, Blok read a speech dedicated to Pushkin "On the Appointment of a Poet." This was his last. On August 7 of the same year, Alexander Blok died.
