other meanings

"Dog's heart"- a story by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov.


In the USSR in the 1960s it was distributed in samizdat. It was first officially published in the USSR in 1987 in the 6th issue of the Znamya magazine. Since then, it has been reprinted several times.


Moscow, 1924. Professor Filipp Filippovich Preobrazhensky, an outstanding surgeon, achieved excellent results in practical rejuvenation. Continuing his research, he conceived an unprecedented experiment - an operation to transplant a human pituitary gland and testicles with appendages and spermatic cords into a dog. A stray dog ​​chosen as an experimental animal, who accidentally received the nickname "Sharik", picked up by him on the street, ended up in the professor's spacious apartment and received excellent food. The organ donor was the one who died in a fight Klim Chugunkin- a thief, an alcoholic and a brawler.

The results of the operation exceeded expectations. Sharik's limbs stretched out, his hair fell out, speech appeared, and he took on a human form. Rumors spread around Moscow about miracles happening in the professor's house. However, Preobrazhensky soon had to regret what he had done. With Sharik, not only physical, but also psychological humanization took place, he inherited all addictions from Chugunkin. Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov, as he called himself, discovered a passion for foul language, drunkenness, theft, fornication, tavern revelry, vanity and reasoning about the proletarian idea. In order to improve his social status, Sharikov, on the recommendation of the chairman of the house committee Shvonder, who hoped with his help to survive Professor Preobrazhensky from the apartment, gets a job as head of the "subdepartment for cleaning the city of Moscow from stray animals (cats, etc.) in the department of the IAC."

The new work pleases Sharikov's pride, a company car comes for him every day, the servants begin to treat him with servility, and he no longer feels obliged to Preobrazhensky and Bormental, who are still trying to instill in him the norms of cultural life. He takes pleasure in destroying stray cats, although, according to Preobrazhensky, "cats are temporary." Sharikov brings a young girl hired by him to the apartment of Professor Preobrazhensky, from whom he hid his biography. Having learned the truth from the professor, the girl refuses Sharikov's courtship - and then he threatens to fire her. The doctor stands up for the girl Bormental.

Sharikov decides to write a political denunciation of the inhabitants of the apartment, who are far from sympathetic to the new government and its representatives in their own house. However, the paper ends up with one of Preobrazhensky's former patients, and he returns it to the professor. Preobrazhensky demands that Sharikov get out of his apartment, he refuses and takes out a revolver. Bormental disarms Sharikov, together with the professor they carry out a new operation, turning Sharikov back into a dog. The dog does not remember anything that happened to him, and remains to live in the professor's apartment.

The story "Heart of a Dog", the history of which is given in this article, is one of the most famous works of the Russian writer of the early 20th century, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. The story, written in the first years of the existence of Soviet power, very accurately reflected the mood that reigned in the new society. So accurate that it was forbidden to print until perestroika.

The history of writing a work

The story "Heart of a Dog", the history of which dates back to 1925, was written by Bulgakov in a short time. Literally in three months. Naturally, as a reasonable person, he had little faith that such a work could be printed. Therefore, it diverged only in the lists and was known only to his close friends and associates.

The story "Heart of a Dog" first fell into the hands of the Soviet authorities in 1926. In the history of the creation of this mirror of early Soviet reality, the OGPU played a role, which discovered it during a search of the writer on May 7th. The manuscript was removed. The history of the creation of the "Heart of a Dog" has since been closely connected with the archives of the Soviet special services. All discovered editions of the text are now available to researchers and literary critics. They can be found in the Russian State Library. They are kept in the Department of Manuscripts. If you carefully analyze them, then the history of the creation of Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog" will stand before your eyes.

The fate of the work in the West

It was unrealistic to read this work officially in the Soviet Union. In the USSR, it was distributed exclusively in samizdat. Everyone knew the history of the creation of the "Heart of a Dog", many were so eager to read it that they sacrificed their sleep. After all, the manuscript was handed over for a short period of time (often only for one night), in the morning it had to be given to someone else.

Attempts to publish Bulgakov's work in the West were made repeatedly. The history of the creation of the story "Heart of a Dog" abroad began in 1967. But everything happened not without a flaw. The text was copied hastily and carelessly. The writer's widow Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova was not aware of this at all. Otherwise, she could control the accuracy of the text of the story "Heart of a Dog". The history of the creation of the work in Western publishing houses is such that a very inaccurate manuscript got into them.

It was first officially published in 1968 in the German magazine Grani, which was based in Frankfurt. And also in the magazine "Student", which was published by Alec Flegon in London. In those days, there were unspoken rules, according to which, if a work of art was published abroad, its publication at home automatically became impossible. Such was the history of the creation of Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog". To appear in the Soviet publishing house after that became simply unrealistic.

First publication at home

Only thanks to perestroika and glasnost many key works of the 20th century became available to the Russian reader. Including "Heart of a Dog". The history of creation and the fate of the story are such that in the homeland the work was first published in 1987. It happened on the pages of the Zvezda magazine.

However, the same inaccurate copy from which the story was printed abroad served as the basis. Later, researchers will calculate that it contained at least a thousand gross errors and distortions. However, it was in this form until 1989 that "Heart of a Dog" was printed. The history of creation can briefly fit on just a few pages. In fact, decades passed before the story reached the reader.

original text

This unfortunate inaccuracy was corrected by the well-known textologist and literary critic Lydia Yankovskaya.

She was the first to print the original text in the two-volume edition of the Selected Books, which we know today. This is how Bulgakov himself wrote it in The Heart of a Dog. The history of the creation of the story, as we see, was not easy.

The plot of the story

The action of the work takes place in the capital in 1924. In the center of the story is the famous surgeon, luminary of science Philip Philipovich Preobrazhensky. His main research is devoted to the rejuvenation of the human body. In this he achieved unprecedented success. Almost the first persons of the country are registered for consultations and operations with him.

In the course of further research, he decides on a daring experiment. Transplants a dog with a human pituitary gland. As an experimental animal, he chooses an ordinary yard dog Sharik, who somehow nailed to him on the street. The consequences were literally shocking. After a short time, Sharik began to turn into a real person. However, he acquired character and consciousness not from a dog, but from a drunkard and rude Klim Chugunkin, who owned the pituitary gland.

At first, this story was circulated only in scientific circles among professors, but was soon leaked to the press. The whole city knew about it. Colleagues of Preobrazhensky express their admiration, and Sharik is shown to doctors from all over the country. But Philip Philipovich is the first to understand how terrible the consequences of this operation will be.

Sharik's transformation

Meanwhile, a communist activist named Shvonder begins to exert a negative influence on Sharik, who has turned into a full-fledged person. It inspires him that the proletarian who is oppressed by the bourgeois is in the person of Professor Preobrazhensky. That is, exactly what the October Revolution fought against is happening.

It is Shvonder who issues documents to the hero. He is no longer Sharik, but Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. He gets a job in the service for catching and destroying homeless animals. First of all, he, of course, is interested in cats.

Under the influence of Shvonder and communist propaganda literature, Sharikov begins to be rude to the professor. Requires self-registration. Ultimately, he writes a denunciation of the doctors who turned him from a dog into a man. Everything ends in scandal. Preobrazhensky, unable to endure it any longer, performs a reverse operation, returning Sharikov's canine pituitary gland. He eventually loses his human appearance and returns to the animal state.

political satire

This work is a vivid example of acute. The most common interpretation is associated with the idea of ​​awakening the proletarian consciousness as a result of the victory of the October Revolution. Sharikov is an allegorical image of the classical lumpen proletariat, which, having received an unexpectedly large number of rights and freedoms, begins to show purely selfish interests.

At the end of the story, the fate of the creators of Sharikov looks predetermined. In this, according to many researchers, Bulgakov predicted the coming mass repressions of the 1930s. As a result, many loyal communists who won victory in the revolution suffered. As a result of the internal party struggle, some of them were shot, and some were sent to camps.

The ending, invented by Bulgakov, seems artificial to many.

Sharikov is Stalin

There is another interpretation of this story. Some researchers believe that it was a sharp political satire on the country's leadership, which worked in the mid-20s.

The prototype of Sharikov in real life is Joseph Stalin. It is no coincidence that both have an "iron" surname. Remember that the original name of the person who was transplanted with the dog's pituitary gland is Klim Chugunkin. According to these literary critics, the leader of the revolution, Vladimir Lenin, was the prototype. And his assistant, Dr. Bormenthal, who is constantly in conflict with Sharikov, is Trotsky, whose real name is Bronstein. Both Bormental and Bronstein are Jewish surnames.

There are prototypes for other characters. Preobrazhensky's assistant Zina is Zinoviev, Shvonder is Kamenev, and Daria is Dzerzhinsky.

Soviet censorship played an important role in the history of the creation of this work. The first edition of the story contained direct references to the political characters of that time.

One of the copies of the manuscript fell into the hands of Kamenev, who imposed a strict ban on the publication of the story, calling it "a sharp pamphlet on the present." In samizdat, the work began to spread from hand to hand only from the 1930s. It gained fame throughout the country much later - during perestroika.

"Heart of a Dog" was written at the beginning of 1925. It was supposed to be published in the Nedra almanac, but censorship banned publication. The story was finished in March, and Bulgakov read it at the literary meeting of Nikitsky Subbotniks. The Moscow public became interested in the work. It was distributed in samizdat. It was first published in London and Frankfurt in 1968, in Znamya magazine No. 6 in 1987.

In the 20s. were very popular medical experiments on the rejuvenation of the human body. Bulgakov, as a doctor, was familiar with these natural science experiments. The prototype of Professor Preobrazhensky was Bulgakov's uncle, N.M. Pokrovsky, a gynecologist. He lived on Prechistenka, where the events of the story unfold.

Genre features

The satirical story "Heart of a Dog" combines various genre elements. The plot of the story resembles fantastic adventure literature in the tradition of G. Wells. The subtitle of the story "A Monstrous Story" testifies to the parodic coloring of the fantastic plot.

The science-adventure genre is the outer cover for satirical overtones and topical metaphor.

The story is close to dystopia due to its social satire. This is a warning about the consequences of a historical experiment that must be stopped, everything must return to normal.


The most important problem of the story is social: it is the comprehension of the events of the revolution, which made it possible to rule the world by balls and shvonders. Another problem is awareness of the limits of human capabilities. Preobrazhensky, imagining himself a god (he is literally worshiped by households), goes against nature, turning a dog into a man. Realizing that “any woman can give birth to Spinoza at any time”, Preobrazhensky repents of his experiment, which saves his life. He understands the fallacy of eugenics, the science of improving the human race.

The problem of the danger of intrusion into human nature and social processes is raised.

Plot and composition

The sci-fi story describes how Professor Filipp Filippovich Preobrazhensky decides to experiment on transplanting the pituitary gland and ovaries of the “semi-proletarian” Klim Chugunkin to a dog. As a result of this experiment, the monstrous Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov appeared, the embodiment and quintessence of the victorious proletariat class. The existence of Sharikov brought a lot of problems to the family of Philip Philippovich, and, in the end, endangered the normal life and freedom of the professor. Then Preobrazhensky decided on a reverse experiment, transplanting the pituitary gland of a dog to Sharikov.

The ending of the story is open: this time, Preobrazhensky was able to prove to the new proletarian authorities that he was not involved in the “murder” of Polygraph Poligrafovich, but how long will his already far from calm life last?

The story consists of 9 parts and an epilogue. The first part is written on behalf of the dog Sharik, who suffers from the harsh winter of St. Petersburg from the cold and a wound on his scalded side. In the second part, the dog becomes an observer of everything that happens in Preobrazhensky's apartment: the reception of patients in the "obscene apartment", the professor's opposition to the new house management headed by Shvonder, Philip Philipovich's fearless admission that he does not like the proletariat. For the dog, Preobrazhensky turns into the likeness of a deity.

The third part tells about the ordinary life of Philip Philipovich: breakfast, conversations about politics and devastation. This part is polyphonic, it contains the voices of both the professor and the “bitten” one (Bormental’s assistant from the glasses of Sharik who bit him), and Sharik himself, talking about his lucky ticket and Preobrazhensky as a magician from a dog’s fairy tale.

In the fourth part, Sharik meets the rest of the inhabitants of the house: the cook Darya and the servant Zina, whom the men treat very gallantly, and Sharik mentally calls Zina Zinka, and quarrels with Daria Petrovna, she calls him a homeless pickpocket and threatens with a poker. In the middle of the fourth part, Sharik's story breaks off because he is undergoing an operation.

The operation is described in detail, Philip Philipovich is terrible, he is called a robber, like a murderer who cuts, pulls out, destroys. At the end of the operation, he is compared to a well-fed vampire. This is the author's point of view, it is a continuation of Sharik's thoughts.

The fifth, central and climactic chapter is the diary of Dr. Bormenthal. It begins in a strictly scientific style, which gradually turns into a colloquial one, with emotionally charged words. The case history ends with Bormenthal's conclusion that "we have a new organism in front of us, and we need to observe it first."

The following chapters 6-9 are the history of Sharikov's short life. He learns the world, destroying it and living the probable fate of the murdered Klim Chugunkin. Already in chapter 7, the professor has an idea to decide on a new operation. Sharikov's behavior becomes unbearable: hooliganism, drunkenness, theft, molestation of women. The last straw was Shvonder's denunciation from the words of Sharikov to all the inhabitants of the apartment.

The epilogue, describing the events 10 days after Bormental's fight with Sharikov, shows Sharikov almost turning into a dog again. The next episode is the reasoning of the dog Sharik in March (about 2 months have passed) about how lucky he was.

Metaphorical overtones

The professor has a telling last name. He transforms the dog into a "new man". This happens between December 23rd and January 7th, between Catholic and Orthodox Christmas. It turns out that the transformation takes place in some kind of temporary void between the same date in different styles. A polygraph (multi-writing) is the embodiment of the devil, a “replicated” person.

Apartment on Prechistenka (from the definition of the Mother of God) of 7 rooms (7 days of creation). She is the embodiment of divine order amid the surrounding chaos and devastation. A star looks out of the window of the apartment from the darkness (chaos), watching the monstrous transformation. The professor is called a deity and a priest. He is a priest.

Heroes of the story

Professor Preobrazhensky- a scientist, a value of world importance. However, he is a successful doctor. But his merits do not prevent the new government from frightening the professor with a seal, prescribing Sharikov and threatening arrest. The professor has an inappropriate background - his father is a cathedral archpriest.

Preobrazhensky is quick-tempered, but kind. He sheltered Bormenthal in the department when he was a half-starved student. He is a noble person, not going to leave a colleague in the event of a disaster.

Dr. Ivan Arnoldovich Bormental- the son of a forensic investigator from Vilna. He is the first student of the Preobrazhensky school, loving his teacher and devoted to him.

Ball appears as a fully rational, reasoning being. He even jokes: "A collar is like a briefcase." But Sharik is the very creature in whose mind a crazy thought appears to rise "from rags to riches": "I am a master's dog, an intelligent creature." However, he almost does not sin against the truth. Unlike Sharikov, he is grateful to Preobrazhensky. And the professor operates with a firm hand, ruthlessly kills Sharik, and having killed, regrets: "It's a pity for the dog, he was affectionate, but cunning."

At Sharikova nothing remains of Sharik but hatred for cats, love for the kitchen. His portrait is described in detail first by Bormental in his diary: he is a short man with a small head. Subsequently, the reader learns that the hero's appearance is unsympathetic, his hair is coarse, his forehead is low, his face is unshaven.

His jacket and striped trousers are torn and dirty, a poisonous sky tie and lacquer boots with white leggings complete the suit. Sharikov is dressed in accordance with his own notions of chic. Like Klim Chugunkin, whose pituitary gland was transplanted to him, Sharikov plays the balalaika professionally. From Klim, he inherited a love for vodka.

The name and patronymic Sharikov chooses according to the calendar, the surname takes "hereditary".

The main character trait of Sharikov is arrogance and ingratitude. He behaves like a savage, and about normal behavior he says: "You are torturing yourself, as under the tsarist regime."

Sharikov receives a "proletarian education" from Shvonder. Bormental calls Sharikov a man with a dog's heart, but Preobrazhensky corrects him: Sharikov has just a human heart, but the worst possible person.

Sharikov is even making a career in his own sense: he enters the position of head of the subdepartment for cleaning the city of Moscow from stray animals and is going to sign with the typist.

Stylistic features

The story is full of aphorisms expressed by different characters: “Do not read Soviet newspapers before dinner”, “Devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads”, “You can’t fight anyone! One can act on a person or an animal only by suggestion” (Preobrazhensky), “Happiness is not in galoshes”, “And what is will? So, smoke, a mirage, a fiction, the delirium of these ill-fated democrats ... ”(Sharik),“ A document is the most important thing in the world ”(Shvonder),“ I am not a master, gentlemen are all in Paris ”(Sharikov).

For Professor Preobrazhensky, there are certain symbols of normal life, which in themselves do not provide this life, but testify to it: a golosh stand in the front door, carpets on the stairs, steam heating, electricity.

Society of the 20s characterized in the story with the help of irony, parody, grotesque.

Bulgakov's legendary work "Heart of a Dog" is studied at literature lessons in grade 9. Its fantastic content reflects very real historical events. In The Heart of a Dog, analysis according to plan involves a detailed analysis of all the artistic aspects of the work. It is this information that is presented in our article, including the analysis of the work, criticism, problems, compositional structure and history of creation.

Brief analysis

Year of writing The story was written in 1925.

History of creation- the work is created quickly - in three months, diverges in samizdat, however, it was published at home only in 1986 during the period of perestroika.

Subject- rejection of violent intervention in history, political changes in society, the theme of human nature, its nature.

Composition- a ring composition based on the image of the main character.

Genre- socio-philosophical satirical story.

Direction- satire, fantasy (as a way of presenting a literary text).

History of creation

Bulgakov's work was written in 1925. In just three months, a brilliant work was born, which later gained a legendary future and nationwide fame.

It was being prepared for publication in the Nedra magazine. After reading the text, the editor-in-chief, of course, refused to publish such a book openly hostile to the existing political system. In 1926, the author's apartment was searched and the manuscript of The Heart of a Dog was confiscated. The original title of the book was “Dog's Happiness. A monstrous story, ”later it received a modern name, which is associated with lines from the book of A. V. Laifert.

The very idea of ​​the plot, according to researchers of Mikhail Bulgakov's work, was borrowed by the author from the science fiction writer G. Wells. Bulgakov's plot becomes an almost veiled parody of government circles and their policies. The writer twice read his story, for the first time - at the literary meeting "Nikitinsky Subbotniks".

After the next performance, the audience was delighted, with the exception of a few communist writers. During the life of the author, his work was not published, largely due to the disgraced content, but there was another reason. “Heart of a Dog” was first published abroad, which automatically “sentenced” the text to persecution at home. Therefore, only in 1986, 60 years later, it appeared on the pages of the Zvezda magazine. Despite the disgrace, Bulgakov hoped to publish the text during his lifetime, it was rewritten, copied, passed on by the writer's friends and acquaintances, admiring the boldness and originality of the images.


The writer raises problem the ideology and politics of Bolshevism, the lack of education of those who got to power, the impossibility of forcibly changing the order in history. The results of the revolution are deplorable, it, like the operation of Professor Preobrazhensky, led to completely unexpected consequences, revealed the most terrible diseases of society.

Subject human nature, nature, characters are also affected by the author. It gives a semi-transparent hint that the person feels too powerful, but unable to control the fruits of their actions.

Briefly about issues works: a violent change in the social system and way of life will inevitably lead to disastrous results, the “experiment” will be unsuccessful.

Idea Bulgakov's story is quite transparent: any artificial intervention in nature, society, history, politics, and other areas will not lead to positive changes. The author adheres to a healthy conservatism.

Main thought The story says the following: an uneducated, immature “people” like the “Sharikovs” cannot be given power, they are morally immature, such an experiment will turn into a disaster for society and history. The conclusion about the artistic goals of the author from the standpoint of the political system and politics of the 20-30s will be too narrow, so both ideas have the right to life.

The meaning of the name works is that not all people have normal, spiritually “healthy” hearts from birth. There are people on earth who live the life of Sharikov, they have dog (bad, evil) hearts from birth.


The story has a circular composition, which can be traced by following the content of the work.

The story begins with a description of a dog that soon becomes a man; ends where it began: Sharikov is operated on and again takes on the appearance of a contented animal.

A feature of the composition is Bormenthal's diary entries about the results of the experiment, about the patient's rebirth, about his achievements and degradation. Thus, the history of Sharikov's "life" was documented by the professor's assistant. A striking key moment of the composition is Sharikov's acquaintance with Shvonder, who has a decisive influence on the formation of the personality of a newly-made citizen.

There are two main characters in the center of the story: Professor Preobrazhensky and Polygraph Sharikov, they play a plot-forming role. In the plot of the work, the author’s technique is interesting, when life is shown through the eyes of the dog Sharik, his “dog-like” thoughts about the weather, about people and his own life are a reflection of the little that is needed for a calm existence. The culmination of the story is the rebirth of the Polygraph, his moral and spiritual decay, the highest manifestation of which was the plan to kill the professor. In the denouement, Bormetal and Philip Philipovich return the experimental subject to its original form, thereby correcting their mistake. This moment is very symbolic, as it determines what the story teaches: some things can be corrected if you admit your mistake.

Main characters


The genre “Heart of a Dog” is usually referred to as a story. In fact, it is a social or political satire. The interweaving of sharp satire with philosophical reflections on the future after the revolution gives the right to call the work a socio-philosophical satirical story with elements of fantasy.

Artwork test

Analysis Rating

Average rating: 4.7. Total ratings received: 1746.

The story "Heart of a Dog" was written by Bulgakov in 1925, but due to censorship it was not published during the life of the writer. Although, it was known in the literary circles of that time. For the first time, Bulgakov reads "Heart of a Dog" at Nikitsky Subbotniks in the same 1925. The reading took 2 evenings, and immediately the work received admiring reviews from those present.

They noted the courage of the author, the artistry and humor of the story. An agreement has already been concluded with the Moscow Art Theater on staging "Heart of a Dog" on stage. However, after an assessment of the story by an OGPU agent who secretly attended the meetings, it was banned from publication. The general public was able to read Heart of a Dog only in 1968. The story was first published in London and only in 1987 became available to residents of the USSR.

Historical background for writing the story

Why was Heart of a Dog so severely criticized by the censors? The story describes the time immediately after the 1917 revolution. This is a sharply satirical work, ridiculing the class of "new people" that appeared after the overthrow of tsarism. Bad manners, rudeness, narrow-mindedness of the ruling class, the proletariat, became the object of denunciation and ridicule of the writer.

Bulgakov, like many enlightened people of that time, believed that creating a person by force was a road to nowhere.

It will help to better understand the "Heart of a Dog" summary by chapter. Conventionally, the story can be divided into two parts: the first tells about the dog Sharik, and the second about Sharikov, a man created from a dog.

Chapter 1

The Moscow life of the stray dog ​​Sharik is described. Let's give a brief summary. “Heart of a Dog” begins with the dog talking about how near the dining room they scalded his side with boiling water: the cook poured out hot water and got on the dog (the name of the reader has not yet been reported).

The animal reflects on its fate and says that although it experiences unbearable pain, its spirit is not broken.

Desperate, the dog decided to stay to die in the gateway, he cries. And then he sees the "master", the dog paid special attention to the stranger's eyes. And then, only in appearance, he gives a very accurate portrait of this person: confident, “he will not kick with his foot, but he himself is not afraid of anyone,” a man of mental labor. In addition, the stranger smells like a hospital and a cigar.

The dog smelled the sausage in the man's pocket and "creeped" after him. Oddly enough, the dog gets a treat and takes on a name: Sharik. That is how the stranger began to address him. The dog follows his new comrade, who beckons him. Finally, they reach Philip Philipovich's house (we learn the stranger's name from the mouth of the porter). Sharik's new acquaintance is very courteous to the gatekeeper. The dog and Philipp Philippovich enter the mezzanine.

Chapter 2

In the second and third chapters, the action of the first part of the story “Heart of a Dog” develops.

The second chapter begins with Sharik's memories of his childhood, how he learned to read and distinguish colors from the names of shops. I recall his first unsuccessful experience, when instead of meat, having confused, the then young dog tasted insulated wire.

The dog and his new acquaintance enter the apartment: Sharik immediately notices the wealth of Philip Philipovich's house. They are met by a young lady who helps the master take off his outer clothing. Then Philip Philipovich notices Sharik's wound and urgently asks the girl Zina to prepare the operating room. The ball is against treatment, he dodges, tries to escape, commits a pogrom in the apartment. Zina and Philip Philipovich cannot cope, then another “male personality” comes to their aid. With the help of a "nauseous liquid" the dog is pacified - he thinks he has died.

After some time Sharik comes to his senses. His sore side was processed and bandaged. The dog hears a conversation between two doctors, where Philipp Philippovich knows that it is only possible to change a living creature with caress, but in no case with terror, he focuses on the fact that this applies to animals and people ("red" and "white") .

Philip Filippovich orders Zina to feed the dog Krakow sausage, and he goes to receive visitors, from whose conversations it becomes clear that Philip Philipovich is a professor of medicine. He treats the delicate problems of wealthy people who are afraid of publicity.

Sharik dozed off. He woke up only when four young people entered the apartment, all modestly dressed. It can be seen that the professor is not happy with them. It turns out that young people are the new house management: Shvonder (chairman), Vyazemskaya, Pestrukhin and Sharovkin. They came to notify Philipp Philippovich of a possible "consolidation" of his seven-room apartment. The professor makes a phone call to Peter Alexandrovich. From the conversation it follows that this is his very influential patient. Preobrazhensky says that in view of the possible reduction in rooms, he will have nowhere to operate. Pyotr Alexandrovich talks with Shvonder, after which the company of young people, disgraced, leaves.

Chapter 3

Let's continue with the summary. "Heart of a Dog" - Chapter 3. Everything begins with a rich dinner served to Philip Philipovich and Dr. Bormental, his assistant. Something from the table also falls to Sharik.

During the afternoon rest, “mournful singing” is heard - a meeting of Bolshevik tenants has begun. Preobrazhensky says that, most likely, the new government will lead this beautiful house to desolation: theft is already evident. The missing galoshes of Preobrazhensky are worn by Shvonder. During a conversation with Bormental, the professor utters one of the key phrases that reveal to the reader, the story "Heart of a Dog", about which the work is: "Devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads." Further, Philipp Philippovich reflects on how the uneducated proletariat can accomplish the great things for which it positions itself. He says that nothing will change for the better as long as there is such a dominant class in society, engaged only in choral singing.

Sharik has been living in Preobrazhensky's apartment for a week already: he eats plenty, the owner pampers him, feeding him during dinners, he is forgiven for pranks (a torn owl in the professor's office).

Sharik's favorite place in the house is the kitchen, Darya Petrovna's realm, the cooks. The dog considers Preobrazhensky a deity. The only thing that is unpleasant for him to watch is how Philipp Philippovich delves into human brains in the evenings.

On that ill-fated day, Sharik was not himself. It happened on a Tuesday, when the professor usually doesn't have an appointment. Philip Philipovich receives a strange phone call, and the house begins to fuss. The professor behaves unnaturally, he is clearly nervous. Gives instructions to close the door, not to let anyone in. Ball is locked in the bathroom - there he is tormented by bad premonitions.

A few hours later, the dog is brought into a very bright room, where he recognizes in the face of the "priest" Philip Philipovich. The dog draws attention to the eyes of Bormental and Zina: false, filled with something bad. Anesthesia is applied to Sharik and placed on the operating table.

Chapter 4 Operation

In the fourth chapter, M. Bulgakov puts the culmination of the first part. "Heart of a Dog" here passes the first of its two semantic peaks - Sharik's operation.

The dog lies on the operating table, Dr. Bormental cuts off the hair on his stomach, and the professor at this time gives recommendations that all manipulations with the internal organs should take place instantly. Preobrazhensky sincerely feels sorry for the animal, but, according to the professor, he has no chance of surviving.

After the head and belly of the "unfortunate dog" are shaved, the operation begins: having cut open the belly, they change Sharik's seminal glands to "some other ones." After the dog almost dies, but the weak life in it still flickers. Philip Philipovich, having penetrated into the depths of the brain, changed the "white ball". Surprisingly, the dog showed a thready pulse. Tired Preobrazhensky does not believe that Sharik will survive.

Chapter 5

The summary of the story "Heart of a Dog", the fifth chapter, is a prologue to the second part of the story. From the diary of Dr. Bormenthal we learn that the operation took place on December 23 (Christmas Eve). Its essence is that the ovaries and pituitary gland of a 28-year-old man were transplanted to Sharik. The purpose of the operation: to trace the influence of the pituitary gland on the human body. Until December 28, periods of improvement alternate with critical moments.

The state stabilizes on December 29, “suddenly”. Hair loss is noted, then changes occur every day:

  • 30.12 barking changes, limbs are extended, weight is gained.
  • 31.12 syllables (“abyr”) are pronounced.
  • 01.01 says "Abyrvalg".
  • 02.01 stands on its hind legs, swears.
  • 06.01 the tail falls off, says "beer".
  • 07.01 takes on a strange look, becomes like a man. Rumors begin to spread throughout the city.
  • On January 8, it was stated that the replacement of the pituitary gland did not lead to rejuvenation, but to humanization. Sharik is a short man, rude, cursing, calling everyone "bourgeois". Preobrazhensky is out of his mind.
  • 12.01 Bormental assumes that the replacement of the pituitary gland led to the revival of the brain, so Sharik whistles, speaks, swears and reads. The reader will also learn that the person whose pituitary gland was taken is Klim Chugunkin, an asocial element, convicted three times.
  • On 17.01 Sharik's complete humanization was noted.

Chapter 6

In the 6th chapter, the reader first gets acquainted in absentia with the person who turned out after Preobrazhensky's experiment - this is how Bulgakov introduces us into the story. "Heart of a Dog", a summary of which is presented in our article, in the sixth chapter experiences the development of the second part of the story.

It all starts with the rules that are written by doctors on paper. They say about the observance of good manners while in the house.

Finally, the created person appears before Philip Philipovich: he is “small in stature and unsympathetic in appearance”, dressed untidy, even comically. Their conversation turns into a fight. A person behaves arrogantly, speaks unflatteringly about the servants, refuses to observe the rules of decency, notes of Bolshevism slip through his conversation.

A man asks Philip Philipovich to register him in an apartment, chooses a name and patronymic for himself (takes from the calendar). From now on, he is Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov. It is obvious to Preobrazhensky that the new manager of the house has a great influence on this person.

Shvonder in the professor's office. Sharikov is registered in the apartment (the certificate is written by the professor under the dictation of the house committee). Shvonder considers himself a winner, he urges Sharikov to register with the military. The polygraph refuses.

Left alone with Bormental, Preobrazhensky admits that he was very tired of this situation. They are interrupted by a noise in the apartment. It turned out that a cat ran in, and Sharikov is still hunting for them. Closing himself with a hated creature in the bathroom, he causes a flood in the apartment by breaking the faucet. Because of this, the professor has to cancel the appointment of patients.

After the liquidation of the flood, Preobrazhensky learns that he still needs to pay for the broken glass by Sharikov. The impudence of the Polygraph reaches the limit: not only does he not apologize to the professor for the mess he has made, he also behaves impudently when he learns that Preobrazhensky paid money for the glass.

Chapter 7

Let's continue with the summary. "Heart of a Dog" in the 7th chapter tells about the attempts of Dr. Bormental and the professor to instill decent manners in Sharikov.

The chapter starts with lunch. Sharikov is taught to behave properly at the table, they refuse to drink. However, he still drinks a glass of vodka. Philip Filippovich comes to the conclusion that Klim Chugunkin is more and more clearly visible.

Sharikov is invited to attend an evening performance in the theater. He refuses under the pretext that this is "one counter-revolution". Sharikov chooses to go to the circus.

It's about reading. The polygraph confesses that he reads the correspondence between Engels and Kautsky given to him by Shvonder. Sharikov even tries to reflect on what he has read. He says that everything should be divided, including Preobrazhensky's apartment. To this, the professor asks to pay his penalty for the flood caused the day before. After all, 39 patients were denied.

Philipp Philippovich calls on Sharikov, instead of "giving advice on a cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity," to listen and heed what people with university education teach him.

After dinner, Ivan Arnoldovich and Sharikov leave for the circus, after making sure that there are no cats in the program.

Left alone, Preobrazhensky reflects on his experiment. He almost made up his mind to restore Sharikov's dog form by putting back the dog's pituitary gland.

Chapter 8

Six days after the flood incident, life went on as usual. However, after handing the documents to Sharikov, he demands that Preobrazhensky give him a room. The professor notes that this is "Shvonder's work." In contrast to the words of Sharikov, Philip Philipovich says that he will leave him without food. This pacified the Polygraph.

Late in the evening, after a skirmish with Sharikov, Preobrazhensky and Bormenthal talk for a long time in the office. We are talking about the last antics of the man they created: how he showed up at the house with two drunken friends, accused Zina of theft.

Ivan Arnoldovich proposes to do something terrible: to eliminate Sharikov. Preobrazhensky is strongly opposed. He may come out of such a story because of his fame, but Bormental will definitely be arrested.

Further, Preobrazhensky admits that in his view the experiment failed, and not because they got a “new person” - Sharikov. Yes, he agrees that in terms of theory, experiment has no equal, but there is no practical value. And they got a creature with a human heart "the lousiest of all."

The conversation is interrupted by Daria Petrovna, she brought Sharikov to the doctors. He molested Zina. Bormental tries to kill him, Philip Philipovich stops the attempt.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 is the climax and denouement of the story. Let's continue with the summary. "Heart of a Dog" comes to an end - this is the final chapter.

Everyone is concerned about the loss of Sharikov. He left the house, taking the documents. On the third day, the Polygraph appears.

It turns out that, under the patronage of Shvonder, Sharikov received the position of head of the "food department for cleaning the city from stray animals." Bormental forces Polygraph to apologize to Zina and Darya Petrovna.

Two days later, Sharikov brings a woman home, declaring that she will live with him, and soon the wedding. After talking with Preobrazhensky, she leaves, saying that Polygraph is a scoundrel. He threatens to fire the woman (she works as a typist in his department), but Bormental threatens, and Sharikov refuses his plans.

A few days later, Preobrazhensky learns from his patient that Sharikov had filed a denunciation against him.

Upon returning home, the Polygraph is invited to the professor's treatment room. Preobrazhensky tells Sharikov to take his personal belongings and move out, Polygraph does not agree, he takes out a revolver. Bormental disarms Sharikov, strangles him and puts him on the couch. After locking the doors and cutting the lock, he returns to the operating room.

Chapter 10

Ten days have passed since the incident. The criminal police, accompanied by Shvonder, appear in Preobrazhensky's apartment. They intend to search and arrest the professor. The police believe that Sharikov was killed. Preobrazhensky says that there is no Sharikov, there is an operated dog named Sharik. Yes, he did, but that doesn't mean the dog was human.

A dog with a scar on his forehead appears before the eyes of the visitors. He turns to the representative of the authorities, he loses consciousness. Visitors leave the apartment.

In the last scene, we see Sharik, who lies in the professor's office and reflects on how lucky he was to meet such a person as Philipp Philippovich.
