Home planet Rattatak Race Rattakian Floor female Height 1.8 m Weapon Green and blue lightsabers, red lightsabers Affiliation Confederacy of Independent Systems, Sith Actor Gray DeLisle (voice)

Asajj Ventress(English) Asajj Ventress) is a character in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Appeared in the Cartoon Network animated series The Clone Wars and in Dark Horse Comics. Ventress became a dream come true for many fans who wanted to see the Sith Lady in the second episode of Star Wars.


There have always been brutal wars on the planet Rattatak. When Asajj was little, Osika Kirske, who had by then conquered the entire hemisphere, killed her parents so that their army would not become a serious threat. The girl would not have survived alone, but an emissary of the Republic, Jedi Ky Narec, arrived on the planet. Unbeknownst to the Council, he began training Asajj in the use of the Force and a lightsaber. There were legends about them - together they managed to end the war and unite all the armies.

Only Kiersk was dissatisfied. Together with several other lords, he decided to kill Ventress and Narek. Narek died, and Ventress escaped and began to take revenge. Soon she was completely devoted to the Dark Side and destroyed all her enemies. With the help of the captives, a huge citadel and a statue of Narek were erected, and Asajj kept his sword as the greatest treasure. Since no Jedi came to help her master, Ventress began to hate the Order. She considered herself a Sith.

Count Dooku discovered Asajj about a month after the start of the Clone Wars, when he flew to Rattatak in search of new allies. Before his eyes, Ventress defeated all the gladiators in the Rattatak arena and told the Count that she was a Sith. Dooku easily defeated her, destroyed her swords and introduced her to the real Sith Lord - Darth Sidious. Asajj considered it an honor to serve the cause of the destruction of the Jedi and obeyed. Dooku gave her two new swords: red, with curved hilts, they, if necessary, were connected into an S-shaped sword-staff.

After some time, Ventress received her first combat mission. A group of Jedi who refused to participate in the war flew to the planet Ruul. Mace Windu flew there to negotiate, and Asajj had to stop him. She flew to Ruul, killed several Jedi and fought Windu, but was defeated and forced to retreat.

When the Jedi lost contact with the Gungan colony on the moon Ohma-D'Un and flew to check what happened there, Ventress attacked them. She killed Master Glaive and wounded his Padawan, but was forced to retreat again during her battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan and four other Jedi followed her to the planet Queyta in hopes of finding an antidote to the new chemical weapon. Together with Durge, she defeated everyone and flew away, but Obi-Wan was able to escape and deliver the antidote to the Jedi Temple.

Her next task was to find and kill Anakin Skywalker. Darth Sidious wanted to test Anakin's strength in this way and push him closer to the Dark Side. Ventress found Skywalker during the Battle of Muunilinst, where he was commanding space fighters. She attacked him on her ship, and he gave chase. Asajj managed to lure him to Yavin 4, where they fought with swords. Anakin gave in to his anger and defeated Ventress, throwing her from the roof of one of the Massassi temples.

However, she managed to survive. Now Asajj was determined to force Dooku to take her as a student. She captured Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was presumed dead in the battle on Jabiim, and transported him to her stronghold on Rattatak. Ventress wanted to break his spirit and show Dooku that the Jedi he respected was worthless. She put the Sith Tortue Mask on Obi-Wan, which blocked the Force, and launched larvae into his body, which took away his last strength.

Obi-Wan was still able to use the Force to kill the maggots. Together with the ARC clone A-17 (Alpha), he fled, simultaneously flooding the dungeons and releasing all the prisoners. It was none other than Osika Kirsk who helped them find the ship. Along the way, Obi-Wan found Narek's sword and learned Asajj's life story. He decided that it was still possible to return her to the Light, and since then he has constantly tried to do this.

Ventress tried to apprehend the fugitives. She killed Kiersk, but Obi-Wan and Alpha escaped. Seeing that Obi-Wan had stolen Narek's sword and her ship, and offended by his pity, Asajj decided that from now on he was her personal enemy. She sent her warriors and bounty hunters after him, but the Jedi found and saved him.

During the Battle of Rendili, Ventress, along with Tol Skorr, pursued Quinlan Vos, whom Dooku had not forgiven for his failure on Honoghr. Obi-Wan met Quinlan and helped him escape, but Ventress placed a beacon on Vos' ship. When Obi-Wan returned to Coruscant, Ventress followed him. Since Vos and Kenobi immediately went to the Jedi Council, Ventress first sought out Skywalker. He was just listening to a message from Padmé, so Asajj learned his secret. When she told him that she would kill Padme first and then him, Anakin attacked her in rage.

During the fight, Asajj wounded Anakin, leaving a small scar near his eye. But Anakin turned out to be stronger - with the help of the Force, he entangled her with energy cables and threw her down from the platform. Only hatred allowed her to survive.

Anakin was sure that he had killed Ventress, but Obi-Wan still tried to find her to return her to the Light. His search led him to the planet Boz Piti, where he discovered Asajj in a bacta chamber. They changed her, making her a cyborg. Asajj, outraged by Obi-Wan's pity, attacked him. Anakin wanted to intervene and kill Ventress, but Obi-Wan was still trying to return her to the Light.

At this time, Dooku, realizing that the battle was lost, decided to leave Boz Piti. Asajj ran to him, but the count was too far away. Dooku decided that Ventress, who had suffered only failures, had no value, and ordered the Magna Guards to finish her off before she was captured.

Dying, Ventress tried to kill Obi-Wan, who ran up to her, with a shard of metal, but Anakin, who sensed the threat in time, struck her with his sword. Only then did Obi-Wan realize that it was impossible to bring Asajj back. Surprised that the pity had disappeared from his eyes, Ventress advised him to defend Coruscant from Dooku, as this was the key to victory. It wasn't that she stopped hating Obi-Wan - she just hated Dooku more.

Kenobi did not want Ventress, having spent her entire life on the battlefield, to remain there after death. Therefore, he transferred her body to one of the Republic ships to bury her with honors on Coruscant. But when the ship was already in hyperspace, Ventress appeared in the cockpit. Using a mind trick, she forced the pilots to change course. Anywhere - away from Dooku, away from the Jedi, away from this war.



There is some confusion with Asajj's first mission: in the Clone Wars animated series, immediately after Ventress is "recruited" by Darth Sidious, she is tasked with killing Anakin, but long before the Battle of Muunilinst, she appears in the Jedi: Dooku comic and attacks Mace Windu.

The fate of her swords is also unclear: apparently, after the death of Narek, she fought with two swords - hers and his, and both were destroyed by Dooku. But in the comic "Republic: Hate and Fear" it is shown how Obi-Wan finds and steals Narek's intact sword.


Comic "Jedi: Mace Windu"
Comic Republic #51-52: The New Face of War
Comic Republic #53: Blast Radius
Animated series "Clone Wars" (episodes 6-7, 11, 17-19)
Republic Comics #55-58: Battle of Jabiim
Comic Republic #60: Hate and Fear
Republic Comics #69-71: Rendili's Dreadnoughts
Comic "Obsession"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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According to many Star Wars fans, Assaj Ventress is a character with a very controversial history. Trained by the great Jedi as a child, she became the strongest bounty hunter. A difficult fate forced her to move on and take revenge on her offenders. Appearing in many episodes of the animated series and in the pages of comics, she has become a long-awaited character for Star Wars fans.

Small witch

Born on Dathomir into a clan of night sisters, Asajj was separated from her mother. She was given to be raised by a bounty hunter. He was soon killed by pirates, and the little girl was noticed by a Jedi who had arrived to protect the city. He noticed that Ventress used "the force" to push back the attacking robber.

For many years, Assaj Ventress was raised by a great master. During this time, she learned to control her power and wield a lightsaber. She practiced with her mentor, engaging in battles and protecting the innocent.

Dark side

When, in another battle, the master was shot in the back by a vile pirate, Asajj angrily dealt with the robber. This was the reason for her transition to the dark side. Ventress noticed that the thirst for revenge gives strength. Subsequently, the Jedi apprentice learns to wield two swords and becomes a bounty hunter. Now Asajj is driven by greedy motives and an ever-growing anger.

During these difficult times, Ventress meets a new teacher - a Sith. A former student of Master Yoda exposes her, claiming that the girl has been a student of the Sith since childhood.

Meeting with Dooku

After the death of his Jedi master Narek Assaj, Ventress hunts the warlords. On the conquered lands, Asajj built a huge castle, from where she managed her affairs. Having met Dooku, she called herself a Sith. However, the former Jedi easily determined that her behavior was only an imitation of the manifestation of the power of darkness. After a brief battle with Asajj, he takes her to his teacher Darth Sidious.

Assaj Ventress considered the offer to destroy the Jedi an honor, since most of them had renounced Kai Narek. One of the most difficult tasks given to Assaj was the destruction of Anakin Skywalker. Thus, Sidious decided to test the young Jedi's strength. Ventress lost this battle, falling from the roof of the Massassi temple. From that moment on, she decided to become Dooku's student. To prove her loyalty, she kidnaps Obi Wan Kenobi and imprisons him in her castle.

However, the Jedi uses the force and escapes, taking with him the sword of Kai Narek, which was preserved from Asajj. Having learned the true story of Ventress's fate, Obi Wan thinks about bringing her to the light side.


Sidious, fearing the witch's growing power, orders Dooku to destroy his student. However, Assaj Ventress survived the shelling of her ship and went to Dathomir to join her family - the Nightsisters. In collusion with the clan sisters, she prepared a plan of revenge for the dark lord.

Asajj planned an attack on Dooku. Together with Karis and Nalet, she snuck into his ship, poisoned and weakened the former teacher. However, the dark lord managed to defeat invisible opponents. In search of a replacement for Ventress, he turns to Mother Talzin, leader of the Dathomir witches. She offers Dooku one of the brothers of the night - Savage Opress.

Thus, the attack on the Sith Lord was planned. The task to kill Dooku was sealed in Opress's memory. Asajj wasted no time in infiltrating his ship and awakening the mission sealed in Savage's mind. However, the Sith struck Savage's pride, and he attacked both at once. Another attempt to kill the dark lord failed.

For Asajj Ventress, Star Wars was just an excuse to take revenge on those who betrayed her.

The life of a mercenary

Having become a full-fledged Nightsister, Ventress abandoned her revenge on Dooku. However, the lord was not slow to respond and invaded Dathomir, destroying almost the entire clan of the Nightsisters. After many years of wandering, Asajj returns to Dooku's service for unknown reasons. She was made a cyborg, even more loyal and merciless. At the Battle of Bo Piti, Asajj lost much of her strength and was betrayed by Dooku for the second time. He considered the witch a useless loser and gave the order to kill her.

Asajj was found wounded and exhausted by Obi Wan. Even lying down, she tried to kill him. After a failed attempt to return Ventress to the light, Anakin struck her down with his sword. Before her death, the witch warned that Coruscant must be protected - this was the key to victory in the war with the Confederacy.

Kenobi took Asajj onto his ship for a full burial. Once safe, the witch used Mind Trick and forced the pilots to fly away from the annoying war, the Jedi and the Sith.

Conflicting sources

Attentive fans note that Assaj Ventress entered Star Wars as a character with a contradictory fate. Many sources interpret certain events in Asajj’s life differently. For example, in the animated series "The Clone Wars", Ventress is given the task of killing Anakin as her first task. However, in the comic book Jedi: Mace Windu, she, under the leadership of Dooku, tries to destroy a group of Jedi on Ruul.

There is an assumption that after the death of Narek, Asajj began to fight with two swords - hers and Kai's. Dooku, upon meeting the witch, destroys both weapons. In Republic: Hate and Fear, Obi Wan steals Narek's sword unharmed.

Contrary to the storyline of the book Yoda: Rendezvous with Darkness, the animated series The Clone Wars tells that Asajj became a Nightsister long before the end of the war. Before the release of the series, Ventress was believed to belong to the Ratatak race. However, in the series she appears as a Dathomirian witch.

Assaj Ventress: Swords

Asajj received her first sword as a child - from a bounty hunter. She used it until the death of her mentor Kai Narek. Then she acquired double swords, which served her until she met Dooku. After destroying her old weapon, the dark lord gifts Ventress with connecting lightsabers that could be used as a double-edged staff. They could also be fastened with a cable, which increased the effectiveness of combat.

The new Asajj Ventress appeared after the Padawan stole Dooku's gift. She used it until the end of her career as a bounty hunter. The weapon was purchased on the black market and had a standard cylindrical shape. The plasma blade emitted a yellowish light.

Asajj can be described as the most independent character in Star Wars. Turning to various masters for help, she was able to combine many positive and negative traits. Constantly being in the center of events, Asajj met great warriors, learned to fight her fears and gained unprecedented strength.

Arts and entertainment

Asajj Ventress - Star Wars character

March 15, 2016

Undoubtedly, every fan of the fantastic saga "Star Wars" paid special attention to the character named Asajj Ventress, since it was this heroine who demonstrated maximum courage, perseverance and perseverance. She belongs to the Dark Jedi and has weapons in the form of green, red and blue lightsabers. Since Asajj's birthplace is the planet Rattatak, she can be classified as a member of the Rattatak race. The heroine belongs to the Confederacy of Independent Systems or Sith. The image turned out to be quite harmonious and complete, thanks to the well-chosen dubbing actress, who became Gray DeLisle.

Beginning of life

Asajj Ventress was born on the planet Dathomir, where the Nightsister clan was located. While still at a fairly early age, the heroine's mother had to give her child to the criminal from Sinit HalSted, who threatened to destroy the entire clan. The villain decided to take little Asajj to the planet Rattatak, after which he made her his slave. However, the Sinitinin was soon attacked by Weequay bandits, who killed him. During the battle, the girl drew attention to the Jedi Kai Narek, whose ship crashed on Rattatak, who saved him during an enemy attack, throwing him some distance with the help of the Force. Noticing Asajj's ability with the Force, Narek began training her to become a Jedi without informing the Council, who had previously expelled the master.

Soon Narek and Asajj began working to end the confrontation and reconcile the peoples and became real heroes. At the same time, serious military leaders learned about the exploits of the characters and decided to join forces and destroy the girl and her teacher. However, higher forces still managed to achieve the death of Narek, who immediately before his death managed to leave a tattoo on Asajj’s head. Having lost her mentor, the Dark Jedi Ventress turned to the Dark Side of the Force, killing the enemy who left her without a master, and promising herself to avenge him.

After the Clone Wars began, Asajj was spotted by Count Dooku, who was searching for allies on the planet Rattatak. He saw how the heroine fought with gladiators and defeated them with ease. A battle took place between her and Count Dooku, which the Count easily won, destroying the heroine’s weapon and leaving her to her mentor Darth Sidious. Dark Jedi Ventress rejoiced at the opportunity to serve the forces that were destroying the Jedi. Count Dooku presented the student with two new weapons that previously belonged to Komari Vose.

Heroine missions

One day, Ventress was faced with her first serious task, which consisted of the need to interfere with negotiations of the Jedi, who did not want a war of clones who had flown to the Ruul satellite. Upon arrival on the satellite, the heroine got rid of some of the Jedi and entered into battle with Windu, but, having lost the battle, decided to retreat. After the Jedi lost contact with the Gungan colony, they decided to check what happened there. It was at this point that Asajj decided to attack them, killing Master Glaive and wounding the Padawan. However, fighting with Obi-Wan Kenobi, the heroine was defeated and was forced to retreat. After this, several Jedi tracked her return to the planet Queita, wanting to find an antidote for a specific weapon on it. Thanks to Durge, Asajj was able to win and fly away.

Asajj Ventress's second mission was to find and get rid of Anakin Skywalker. This was planned by Darth Sidious to test Anakin's strength and encourage him to turn to the dark side. Having discovered Anakin, the heroine decided to attack him with her ship, thus ensuing a chase, which resulted in a sword fight, which Skywalker won. He threw Asajj from the roof of the Massassi temple, but she survived.

Assassination of Kenobi

After this, Ventress finally wanted to prove that she was a worthy assistant to Count Dooku, deciding to demonstrate to him that she was able to surpass the Jedi he respected, Obi-Wan Kenobi. She locked him in the citadel and deprived him of his strength. After a while, thanks to the clone, Kenobi decided to escape through the dungeon. On the way to the ship, Obi-Wan managed to learn the events in Asajj’s life and he decided to try to return her to the light side of the Force. The heroine tried to find the fugitives, but after discovering the loss of Narek’s sword and her ship, the main female character of “Star Wars” declared Kenobi her worst enemy.

Clan "Nightsisters"

After some time, it seemed to Darth Sidious that Asajj had become too strong and experienced. Fearing his subordinate's betrayal, he asked Tyranus to kill Ventress. Despite the cruiser's fire, Ventress was able to survive. She had to flee to the Nightsisters, seeking help. After this, the main female character of "Star Wars" along with Talzin developed a cunning plan to take revenge on Dooku. They tricked him into providing him with a fake Jedi as a guard, who was programmed to kill the Count.

After the plan failed, Asajj decided to become a full-fledged Nightsister. After this, the heroine decided to stop taking revenge on Dooku. However, Dathomir was subject to an invasion, as a result of which the Sisters' clan was almost completely destroyed. Asajj, surviving, decided to go to Tatooine to build a new life.

Battles and battles

At the Battle of Christophsis, Asajj decided to join forces with the avid Separatist commander Worm Loatsm, which could allow the two planets to join the Confederacy. By deception, the heroine was able to convince the Republican clone to go over to the dark side and found out from him the way to overcome the enemy’s defenses. Despite the fact that Asajj learned valuable information, Anakin Skywalker managed to lead his army to a safe distance.

When the planet Rattatak was safe, the Jedi went to headquarters, but Asajj stood in their way and fought them with swords. After this, Ventress had to negotiate with Katuunko, which was unsuccessful. Because Dooku was tired of his student's frequent defeats, he hinted that another failure could be her last. After this, the heroine decided to save Nute Gunray, everything went quite easily. However, when attempting to steal Fett's DNA, she was defeated again.

Incident at Quartzite

After the end of the Clone Wars, Asajj returned to Tatooine and joined a gang that delivered chests to Otua Blanca's palace. While carrying out the mission, the gang was attacked by enemies who were defeated. Taking pity on the girl who was in the chest, Asajj received a reward. Thanks to her machinations, the heroine managed to earn high authority among the mercenaries.

Confederation Service

Soon, Asajj Ventress decided to return, serve the Confederacy and once again become Dooku's student. This time the heroine was made a cyborg. But when he was defeated in battle, Count Dooku realized that he had failed and decided to get rid of it. In the last minutes of her life, Asajj tried to hook Obi-Wan with a piece of metal, but Anakin managed to hit her with his sword. Ventress managed to advise him to stay away from Dooku, since he is the main evil.

Kenobi decided to take Asajj's body to the ship and bury her with dignity, however, as soon as the ship moved into place, Ventress appeared in the cockpit. Using mind tricks, she was able to instill in the pilot the need to change direction. And they went into space, most importantly, away from enemies and war.

One of the deadliest and most brutal opponents on the battlefields of the Clone Wars was Asajj Ventress, a Dark Side adept and sworn enemy of the Jedi. A life of severe hardship had completely drained the compassion from her cold heart. On her planet, she was forced to be in constant danger, and the harsh instinct of survival forced her to step on a dark path.

Much of her past is shrouded in mystery. Ventress comes from Rattataka, a barbarian world where bloody carnage is commonplace. This primitive planet is located far from the Republic's borders; It is ruled by merciless military leaders who constantly fight for power. One of them, a man named Osika Kirske, killed Asajj's parents when she was still very young. One day, a young Jedi named Ky Narec was thrown by fate to this forgotten planet. Expelled from the Jedi Council, Narek discovered Asajj and began training the Force-capable orphan. Both of them soon became heroes, defeating warlords, ending wars and uniting armies. This continued until Kirske conspired with the remaining warlords and retaliated. They managed to kill Narek before he could complete Asajj's training.

As a result, she acquired Jedi skills in addition to her innate but unorganized Force-sensing abilities. She could never control her uncontrollable rage; when her mentor died, she forgot about the atrocities happening on Rattatak and transferred all her hatred to the Republic, which betrayed Narek.

Anger gave Asajj strength and helped her rise to the heights of power of complete lawlessness Rattatak. She defeated and imprisoned most of the remaining warlords, including Osik Kirske, whom she eventually killed. She was always the best in the gladiatorial games held regularly. Shortly after the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Count Dooku arrived on Rattatak, looking for another world to join the Separatist Alliance. What he saw looked very promising.

Asajj's raw talent and animal cruelty impressed Dooku. The charismatic leader of the Confederacy, seeing her hatred of the Jedi and the Republic, was not averse to hiring her. Dooku reinforced Ventress's dark suspicions that the Jedi had forgotten about ethics and their own beliefs. Ventress demonstrated her skills by challenging Dooku to a duel. Although Dooku was victorious, he invited Ventress to accompany him and gave her the status of his protégé.

Although Ventress wanted to become a Sith, she did not go through Sith school. Dooku helped her hone her skills, but did not share his Sith knowledge with her. Her skills were those of a half-trained Jedi, to which she added her own technique. Her raw talent and the endless source of anger and pain in her soul contributed to her understanding of the Dark Side. When she got angry, she became incredibly strong.

Ventress's strategic abilities were revealed, and Dooku made her one of the commanders of the Separatist army. One of her first assignments was to prevent Mace Windu from meeting with a group of renegade Jedi. Dooku felt no remorse in using Asajj for his own purposes and deceiving her. He told her that it was Windu who was to blame for the expulsion of her former mentor from the Council. Asajj battled Windu on the moon Ruul, and although Asajj was forced to flee, Windu followed her to investigate the new dark threat facing the Jedi.

Asajj commanded a Separatist detachment that was going to use deadly chemical weapons on the satellite of Naboo, the Gungan colony Ohma-D "un. These were the very first tests of this kind, and formed part of a program to conduct chemical warfare against Republican clone soldiers. Asajj and Durge (Durge ) were supposed to escape from the Naboo satellite, but met with the Jedi.

General Obi-Wan Kenobi followed Asajj to a chemical weapons plant located in Queyta. Count Dooku told Asajj to invite Kenobi to join the Separatists, but the Jedi refused. Asajj managed to escape again; she continued to fight the Republic on other fronts.

Four months after the Battle of Geonosis, Asajj joined the war on Muunilinst, the headquarters of the Intergalactic Banking Clan, where Republic clontroopers were attempting to destroy a droid manufacturing plant. Although the ground operation was led by the "bounty hunter" Durge, Asajj rushed into the center of the battle in one of her rotary-wing fighters. Her considerable skill in piloting was not lost on Anakin Skywalker. He was still a Padawan then and led the operation in space. Despite receiving orders not to pursue Asajj, Anakin gave chase, and Asajj lured the young Jedi apprentice into a trap.

Anakin followed Asajj through hyperspace to the ancient Sith temples on the planet Yavin 4. Anakin and his accompanying clone troopers dismounted and continued their pursuit. Using the Force, Asajj got rid of the clonetroopers and engaged Anakin in a lightsaber duel to the death. She was so skilled that she was able to challenge the legendary Chosen One. To win, Anakin crossed the line and gave vent to his anger. In a furious counterattack, the young Skywalker fought back against Ventress, but she survived.

After being captured on Jabiim, General Obi-Wan Kenobi and a Republic clontrooper named Alpha were transported to Ventress' personal fortress on Rattatak. There, she tortured prisoners in hopes of breaking Obi-Wan's spirit and presenting the defeated Jedi as a trophy to Count Dooku. But Kenobi thwarted her plans, managing to escape with Alpha. To further insult Ventress, Kenobi stole Kai Narek's lightsaber, which Ventress kept as a memento of the past, and left Rattatak in one of her rotorcraft.

Asajj has perfected her lightsaber fighting technique, using dual blades. This weapon was given to her by Count Dooku; Each of the swords had an archaic-looking curved hilt - the development of the previous owner. Ventress designed the hilts so that, if necessary, they could be connected into one, curved in the letter S, and turn the swords into one double-bladed sword.

Information about Asajj Ventress taken from the following sources: www.starwars.com, Star Wars: Jedi - Mace Windu, Star Wars: Republic - The New Face of War #51 and 52, Star Wars: Republic - Blast Radius #53, Star Wars: Republic - Hate and Fear #60, Star Wars: Republic - Dreadnaughts of Rendili #69–71, Star Wars: Obsession, Star Wars Insider #73, Novellas "Yoda: Dark Rendezvous", The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology.

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What? Social again changed the network? So where are you now? Surfori? What else is Surfori? Asajj Ventress was chatting with a friend, while simultaneously browsing the catalog of one of the most popular Galanet sites, namely the one where you could buy clothes, shoes, bags and other junk. In fact, Asajj had been getting along just fine with just seven sets of clothes for many years (exactly identical, by the way), but those shoes blew her away. Black low shoes made of the most delicate leather (or rather, a material that imitated leather, since killing animals for the sake of creating shoes in the highest circles of Coruscant has for some time been considered unethical) with silver clasps and high fifteen-centimeter heels. The shoes are definitely impractical. It’s inconvenient to drive in such conditions, and even more so to fight. But... nosy marketers praised her so much that even such an advanced adept of the dark path as Asajj fell for it. It is clear that this pleasure was not cheap. With that kind of money (provided that she had it), Asajj could buy her own cruiser or put together an army, or... In general, as the same Galanet interlocutor with the strange name Yana said: “Won’t your wishlist crack?” Actually, just six months ago there was no talk of any Yana or long conversations in chats. Training, tasks, more training. And she liked it. Asajj loved the rush of adrenaline that accompanied every successful mission. I loved the feeling of satisfaction that arose from the rare praise of Lord Sidious. But sometimes she felt as if several concrete slabs were placed on her shoulders and forced to hold her, despite her fatigue. And she, Asajj, is just a tool, just a pawn in the hands of these two, Dooku and Sidious, and in fact no one takes her seriously. So it was on that memorable evening when, after another beating, she launched her ship into the orbit of an uninhabited planet, marked on all maps as having no name, with only a sixteen-digit number, and fell on her bed in exhaustion. The wrist computer was turned on. With her face buried in the pillow, Asajj absentmindedly moved her finger across the screen, just to calm her nerves that were tense to the limit, when suddenly the device made a quiet and melodious sound - a message had arrived. Lifting her head from the pillow, Asajj stared at the screen in surprise. It turned out that while blindly pointing her finger at it, she accidentally ended up in some kind of chat. Almost deserted, where a mysterious interlocutor had just appeared and sent her a message. - Hello! Why are you sad? - Am I sad? Damn, that's putting it mildly! I am angry! - Do you have a piece of paper at hand? - Well, there will be. And what? - Tear it up. Yes, yes, into small, tiny pieces, like Tuzik’s hot water bottle. - Like who what? OK. Now. A little later, when the sheet was finished, Asajj finally remembered about her interlocutor. - Are you still here? - Otherwise. So how is it? Better? - Sort of. - That's great. Now make some tea. Green is better. In such cases, I always keep a box of good cookies on hand, but in principle you can do without them. I'll put the kettle on now too. Let's imagine that we are drinking tea together. By the way, my name is Yana, what about you? - Asajj. - Wow! Cool. Let's get acquainted *mentally extends his hand* And don't be angry. Well, all of them. Nerve cells are not restored. That's how they met. And it’s strange that Asajj, who had never had any friends or girlfriends, suddenly felt an urgent need to communicate with a girl named Yana, who lives somewhere in the middle of nowhere, in the solar system, on planet Earth. And then Yana moved to the vastness of social media. networks, and Asajj, of course, followed her. Odnoklassniki, Moy Mir, VK and, finally, Surfori. - Can you imagine, here visitors are paid for the news posted on their pages, the number of subscribers, etc. The network, however, is still only at the beta testing stage, but this will not last long and soon... Hey, hey, can you hear me? - I hear. Look (and Asajj sent Yana a photo of the coveted shoes). Nice, aren't they? - Class! I've never seen anything like this. I assume the price is also good? - Even some. Not every royal dynasty can afford this. - Well, don't worry. For example, I can’t afford Louboutins either. And why do I need them, in my village. To knead the dirt of the road or tempt the bulls. Heh. - Yes, and somehow I don’t need it, but... - But I want to, yeah? - Yeah. - So what about Surfori? - Yes, I’ll register. Post a link. This is how Asajj ended up on Surfori. At first things didn't go well. It all came down mainly to a personal message (by the way, not as convenient as on VK). Every single piece of news had approximately the following content. “I registered and now I don’t know what to do here.” “The day has passed, the date has changed. And what? And nothing". “I don’t know anything about the weather overboard, except that it’s dark and cold there. Always. Space after all." Oddly enough, even such “news” found its fans. “Just talk about what you like, what you think about, what you see,” advised Yana. – As I understand it, your life is interesting. Not everyone can draw well or write poetry well, but you can easily take a couple of photographs of some flowers. Well, or not flowers. Food. Yes, the same shoes. You can post their photo for everyone to see and complain about how expensive they are, dogs. I’m still thinking about purchasing Premium Jedi, do you think it’s worth it or not? - Jedi? – Asajj almost jumped. “You know what, I don’t want to hear such words here again.” Otherwise I’ll go the hell away. - Hey, what are you doing? Cool down. Good good. No Jedi. Not far from us, in the Republic of Buryatia, by the way, there is such a settlement, Dzheda. So its inhabitants are now jokingly called Jedi... Asajj only snorted contemptuously in response, but, of course, did not go anywhere. And then everything was resolved somehow by itself, when Yana won this most coveted Premium Jedi at one of the competitions, and the points began to accumulate even faster. So Asajj, in the end, simply spat on the name and bought it for herself simply out of solidarity. And also, heeding Yana’s advice, I started taking photographs, and the first more or less bright and worthy post was dedicated to those same shoes. Of course, many of the realities of the distant world were unfamiliar to her. There, it seems, they had no idea either about the Clone Wars or about the Republic, being interested exclusively in the troubles and joys of their small planet. So Asajj was surprised to learn that Yana had never even been in space, let alone traveled to other planets. “But there are so many beautiful things in the universe,” Asajj suddenly thought and in the next post she spoke briefly about one planet, uninhabited in terms of intelligent creatures, but rich in flora and fauna, adding the most beautiful photographs to the story. And also the music of famous performers in the Republic, whom people on Earth didn’t even know about, recipes for exotic dishes, which were impossible to reproduce under earthly conditions, but were amazing in their beauty. Yes, the same weapon. Here, however, Asajj encountered an unpleasant surprise when some guy suddenly wrote in the comments to a post with her favorite light sabers: “No, don’t think so, you are fluent in Photoshop, and everything you write about is very interesting, but! – Do you really consider yourself a Sith?! It looks like a grown woman (judging by the photographs), but you are doing nonsense!” Asajj had already placed her fingers on the keyboard to scold him, when suddenly some young man stood up for her with the words: “Why not, actually? Here you, Ivan Ivanovich, for example, call yourself a wandering philosopher, although your whole philosophy boils down to how bad everything is with us, and you also call it a realistic approach to life. So why doesn’t this sweet lady have the right to be whoever she wants?” Ivan Ivanovich had no arguments for this, but Asajj had another interlocutor. As a matter of fact, she had been communicating for a long time with more than just Yana. She had many gallant acquaintances. Terrestrial and from the Republic. One Twi'lek senator even insistently asked to meet, fascinated (in his words) by her charm. - So what? The meeting does not oblige you to anything,” Yana noted cautiously. “You just don’t know what we’re talking about,” Asajj answered with a sigh. “He’s just terribly fat, so much so that he can’t even move on his own.” And besides, he has five wives. I can’t imagine how I can fit into this composition. - Well then, of course, it’s not worth it. And Alexander? - This is the one who lives somewhere in the wilderness and moves switches on the railway tracks? – Asajj thought about it. - He is good. Besides, he’s a talented programmer even by our standards, but I don’t know. Your planet, it’s so far away, and why does he need me, even though he wrote that I can arrive at any time. He needs a wife, and if you look carefully, I’m just a mercenary. Fighting is all I know how to do. “And yet I don’t understand you,” Yana objected. “I haven’t even tried it, and you’re already shouting: “No, this doesn’t suit me.” I think you're just afraid. Someone once screwed you over big time, and now you think that everyone is like that. - You sound just like that damned Obi-Wan! – Asajj shouted and slammed the lid of her netbook in anger. The conversation took place on the eve of the last and most unpleasant meeting with Anakin Skywalker, after which both the Jedi and even Count Dooku and Darth Sidious began to consider Asajj safely dead. But luck was once again on her side, because, whatever you say, a hospital bed is still better than a cell with a corresponding sign in the wall of the crematorium. 4-A-7, who remained loyal to her under any circumstances, was able to pick up the weak signal from her communication device, find Asajj and transfer it to reliable medical droid manipulators. Later, when she woke up and began to more or less figure something out, he said that shortly before she met Anakin in mortal combat, a robot messenger came to her ship and brought a box tied with a ribbon, intended for “Mrs. Asajj." I didn’t open box 4-A-7, I just scanned it for the presence of explosives, and after none were found, I decided to leave it until the owner recovered, although all this is very, very strange... “I don’t understand you,” Asajj said. - What exactly seemed strange to you? - And the fact that this messenger was reprogrammed for the sole purpose of delivering this package, and also setting the coordinates of our ship, and then erasing this information from his memory. I checked. - And what do you think about this? - Well, it’s not in my competence to think, but if I had to draw any conclusions, I would decide that you have a friend. A very careful friend. Who cares about your safety. - Thank you, 4-A-7. Now leave me. I...,” Asajj carefully pulled the ribbon, already knowing what was in the box. Inside, neatly lined with pieces of foam plastic, lay those same shoes. And on a small postcard, signed by the same robot messenger, the following words shimmered in gold: “Dear Asajj. These shoes are yours. A. P.S.: By the way, my offer is still valid. I have already decorated the Christmas tree that is in our yard. I'm really looking forward to it."“I’m really looking forward to it...” Asajj repeated. - A friend who cares about your safety... I don’t know what kind of fraud you pulled off, Mr. Alexander, a hacker from planet Earth, but you definitely have a chance...

The streets of Coruscant were dark. Only light snowflakes fluttered and the windows of rare shop windows glowed. At this late hour the shops were long closed. A young Twi'lek woman stood at one of these display cases and, not paying attention to the frost, looked admiringly at a pair of black low shoes resting on a red velvet cushion. She did not immediately notice Asajj's presence, and when she did, she recoiled in fear. - Take it. Just your size,” and to the Twi’lek’s surprise and delight, Asajj handed her a box containing exactly the same shoes as in the display case. - That's for me? – she whispered. - For what? And who are you? “Good fairy, damn it,” Asajj muttered, disappearing into the darkness. The wounds still ached, but Asajj knew that she was capable of steering the ship. And if anything happens, 4-A-5 will replace it. Half an hour ago she spoke with Yana, making the latter incredibly happy both with her appearance and with her intention to visit Earth. “Just be careful with our air defense systems, otherwise they’ll shoot you down again,” Yana was worried. Asajj grinned: “They won’t notice me.” So put the kettle on and get out your treasured box of biscuits. In a couple of days we will drink tea in your kitchen. “This is, of course, very good,” Yana noted carefully, “but what about Alexander?” - My ship can fly around a planet like yours in a couple of minutes. Do you think I will be able to see him before the New Year or not? And a few days later, after a long absence (and to the great displeasure of Ivan Ivanovich), photographs appeared on Surfori with the following content. Asajj, in a suit that meets all the laws of the genre, hugging a cheerful girl in a Pavlopasad scarf, takes a selfie against the backdrop of a snowman and amazed villagers. Asajj and a thin guy with glasses are skating on the ice of a frozen river. Or rather, one guy is skating, Asajj is just learning to keep his balance. And, most importantly, a close-up of her right hand with a tiny gold ring on her ring finger... Shining eyes, smile. “How they changed it,” thought Ivan Ivanovich, “it was so gloomy at first, it was scary.” Apparently Surfori makes people out of the Sith. Or is it all because of love... Ohohonyushki.
