Jordan. Chernetsov N.G. View of the Jordan River

In the Soviet years, a wonderful film “An Ordinary Miracle” was filmed in Russia. A film whose characters perceive miracles as commonplace. There are they, these miracles, and there are. When you get to the Holy Land, to the region where Christ once lived and preached, you begin to feel something similar – a miracle becomes part of the reality that surrounds you. In the Orthodox understanding, a miracle is when God manifests himself so clearly that a person no longer has any doubts. But from the point of view of the Church, a miracle also has such a peculiarity – here it is. If you want, believe in it, if you want, don't. God does not impose anything on man.

From year to year, an event takes place in the Holy Land, which for me personally is a miracle. We are talking about how the Jordan River behaves (you can’t say it differently here) on the day of the Baptism of the Lord.

On the Feast of Epiphany, the Church remembers how Christ the Savior was baptized in the waters of the Jordan at the hands of the prophet John the Baptist. At that moment, the waters of the Jordan and the waters of the whole world were sanctified and became healing for the soul and body. The Church from early centuries on the day of Epiphany established the custom of consecrating water. And we believe that during the consecration, the same thing happens to the water that happened when the Savior entered the Jordan.

During the divine service on the day of Epiphany, the words from Scripture are repeatedly heard - "Jordan returned back." Once I understood these words as just a vivid image. The Jordan is the symbol of all mankind. The Jordan flows into the Dead Sea. Before the coming of Christ, all people, without exception, fell into hell. Now everything is different. After the sacrifice of the Savior, hell has no power over us. Jordan turned back.

Imagine my surprise when I saw that the reversal of Jordan is not just an image. The change in the course of the river is actually happening. After the Jerusalem Patriarch annually consecrates the water of this river on the feast of Epiphany, real whirlpools begin to boil in it and the Jordan turns in the opposite direction for several minutes. This is visible to the naked eye.

To prove the miracle at the moment of consecration, the priests who are next to the Patriarch throw special wreaths into the water. The current of the river begins to carry them in the opposite direction than it was a few moments before.

If you collect water from the Jordan after consecration, you will feel that it has become salty. Some say that this is because fertilizer from nearby fields gets into the river. But I want to believe that salt enters the river from the Dead Sea, from which Jordan turns away on this day and seeks back to its sources.

Miracle today!

A unique phenomenon occurs on January 19, the day of the feast of the Epiphany. The Jordan River turns back and flows back.

This proves the consecration of the water and the celebration according to the correct calendar style.

Video below the text of the article.

The moment Jesus entered the waters of the Jordan was accompanied by many signs. The Jordan River flows from the mountains (about 400 m high), flows into the Sea of ​​Gennesaret (now Lake Kinneret), but on
for 300 meters it does not mix with its salty waters, continues to flow with a powerful stream until it flows into the Dead Sea. When Jesus was baptized and the Holy Spirit descended on Him, the waters of the Jordan went back.

This sign has been repeated every year since then: on the eve of Epiphany, Orthodox people float wooden crosses with lit candles down the river, the river takes them to the Dead Sea, and on January 19 invariably brings them back! On the same day, the usually fresh water of the Jordan becomes salty ...

The place of Christ's baptism is now located on the territory of the state of Jordan, and local authorities only on January 19 allow the Patriarch to perform services on the shore and bless the water.

This action is followed by a great number of visitors: therefore, there is a colossal number of eyewitnesses who saw with their own eyes how the waters of the river turn back, the water “plays”, being sanctified by the holy spirit, and the branches of trees growing along the banks sink so low that they touch the surface of the water.

Immediately after the Jerusalem Patriarch celebrated the blessing of water, the Jordan River began to boil and flow back.

… The great miracle and sign described in the Bible was seen by many people yesterday. As soon as, after the prayer, silver crosses from both banks of the Jordan were thrown into its calm waters, the surface of the river began to seethe. A whirlpool appeared - and for a few minutes the current turned back. The exclamation of rapture of five thousand people resounded over the Judean desert. It was hard to believe my eyes: how two thousand years ago, after Jesus Christ entered these waters, the Jordan again changed its course.

Through an incredible crush, the Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilus III, with the help of the police, makes his way to the edge of the Israeli bank of the river. On the opposite, Jordanian, the head of the diocese of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Venedikt of Philadelphia, is already waiting for him.

After the prayer, the bishops throw silver crosses with flowers and green branches tied to them on long ropes three times at the same time. A pair of doves is immediately released as a symbol of the descent of the Holy Spirit.

A miracle happens every year at Baptism on the Jordan River...

For the third time, the patriarch's cross caught on something underwater. The people froze. Suddenly, in the place where the cross fell, water began to disperse in circles.

You see, the water has stopped, the pilgrims whispered among themselves. The river has turned!

The border guards on both banks of the river did not believe their eyes either. They literally froze, their mouths gaping. And they didn’t even react when three Russians rushed into the seething water after the lost cross.

Sweeping away the cordon of well-trained Israeli fighters, a crowd of pilgrims rushed into the Jordan. Everyone, having plunged headlong three times and having collected a bottle of holy water, hurried to the shore.

Soon the Israeli soldiers had to set aside their machine guns. They rushed to help the pilgrims out onto the slippery clay shore.

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The moment Jesus entered the waters of the Jordan was accompanied by many signs. The Jordan River flows from the mountains (about 400 m high), flows into the Sea of ​​​​Gennesaret (now Lake Kinneret), but does not mix with its salty waters for 300 meters, continues to flow with a powerful stream until it flows into the Dead Sea. When Jesus was baptized and the Holy Spirit descended on Him, the waters of the Jordan went back.

This sign has been repeated every year since then: on the eve of Epiphany, Orthodox people float wooden crosses with lit candles down the river, the river takes them to the Dead Sea, and on January 19 invariably brings them back! On the same day, the usually fresh water of the Jordan becomes salty ...

The place of Christ's baptism is now located on the territory of the state of Jordan, and local authorities only on January 19 allow the Patriarch to perform services on the shore and bless the water.

This action is followed by a great number of visitors: therefore, there is a colossal number of eyewitnesses who saw with their own eyes how the waters of the river turn back, the water “plays”, being sanctified by the holy spirit, and the branches of trees growing along the banks sink so low that they touch the surface of the water.

Thousands of pilgrims witnessed the sign

Immediately after the Jerusalem Patriarch celebrated the blessing of water, the Jordan River began to boil and flow back.

… The great miracle and sign described in the Bible was seen by many people yesterday. As soon as, after the prayer, silver crosses from both banks of the Jordan were thrown into its calm waters, the surface of the river began to seethe. A whirlpool appeared - and for a few minutes the current turned back. The exclamation of rapture of five thousand people resounded over the Judean desert. It was hard to believe my eyes: how two thousand years ago, after Jesus Christ entered these waters, the Jordan again changed its course.

Through an incredible crush, the Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilus III, with the help of the police, makes his way to the edge of the Israeli bank of the river. On the opposite, Jordanian, the head of the diocese of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Venedikt of Philadelphia, is already waiting for him.

After the prayer, the bishops throw silver crosses with flowers and green branches tied to them on long ropes three times at the same time. A pair of doves is immediately released as a symbol of the descent of the Holy Spirit.

A miracle happens every year at Baptism on the Jordan River…

For the third time, the patriarch's cross caught on something underwater. The people froze. Suddenly, in the place where the cross fell, water began to disperse in circles.

“You see, the water has stopped,” the pilgrims whispered among themselves. The river has turned!

The border guards on both banks of the river did not believe their eyes either. They literally froze, their mouths gaping. And they didn’t even react when three Russians rushed into the seething water after the lost cross.

Sweeping away the cordon of well-trained Israeli fighters, a crowd of pilgrims rushed into the Jordan. Everyone, having plunged headlong three times and having collected a bottle of holy water, hurried to the shore.

Soon the Israeli soldiers had to set aside their machine guns. They rushed to help the pilgrims out onto the slippery clay shore.

Reversal of the Jordan River at Epiphany

Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov)

At the Baptism of the Lord, which is performed according to the old style, the waters of the Jordan go back and all the water plays, being sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

The Jordan collects its waters from the mountains, from a height of about four hundred meters above the level of the Sea of ​​Gennesaret. When it flows into the sea, the Jordan does not mix with the waters of the sea, just as a swimmer does not mix with the water in which he swims. Three hundred meters there is a "path" of the Jordan along the Sea of ​​Gennesaret and flows into the Dead Sea.

When Christ received baptism from the hand of John the Baptist, Jordan went back. The water has changed direction. This place is special. Here the Monk Mary of Egypt, as if on dry land, passed through the waters of the Jordan. Here the prophet Elijah, 2000 years before the birth of Christ, lowered his mantle to the prophet Elisha. The people of Israel also passed here when the prophet Moses led them out of Egyptian captivity. This place is located in the state of Jordan, and only at Baptism is Patriarch Diodorus allowed to perform church services there and bless the water.

On the eve of the Epiphany, Orthodox Christians knock down wooden crosses, fix lighted candles on them, and the Jordan River takes them to the Dead Sea. And on the day of Epiphany, when the waters of the Jordan turn back and go from the Dead Sea, they bring the crosses back. And usually the fresh water of the Jordan becomes salty.

A great crowd of people gather here, and everyone watches the waters of the Jordan go back. Our Orthodox mothers, right in monastic clothes, throw themselves into the river with their heads, are consecrated in the salty waters of the Jordan.

It has been noted that during the consecration, the branches of the trees along the banks of the Jordan sink so low that they touch the waters: all nature worships the Baptism of the Lord and triumphs along with the consecration of the water nature.

These miracles are seen by many. The Lord shows them to strengthen the faith of the unbelieving and for the triumph of His faithful servants.

There are many miracles in the life of an Orthodox Christian, however, we do not always pay attention to them, we do not believe that this is not accidental. Today we were told about one small miracle. One woman, after the consecration of eggs and Easter cakes for Easter, brought them home. She placed a small lit candle in the center of the cake, the same one that burned in the temple. She overlaid the Easter cake with consecrated eggs, and placed thin Jerusalem candles around them. And suddenly I saw that they all lit up on their own. Of course it's a miracle. There was no contact of these candles with a burning candle. They were at a great distance from each other. So the Lord sends us miracles to strengthen our faith.

Great Miracle at Baptism

Thousands of pilgrims witnessed the sign

Immediately after the Jerusalem Patriarch celebrated the blessing of water, the Jordan River began to boil and flow back.

A great miracle and a sign described in the Bible was seen by many people yesterday. As soon as, after the prayer, silver crosses from both banks of the Jordan were thrown into its calm waters, the surface of the river began to seethe. A whirlpool appeared - and for a few minutes the current turned back. The exclamation of rapture of five thousand people resounded over the Judean desert. It was hard to believe my eyes: how two thousand years ago, after Jesus Christ entered these waters, the Jordan again changed its course.

Through an incredible crush, the Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilus III, with the help of the police, makes his way to the edge of the Israeli bank of the river. On the opposite, Jordanian, the head of the diocese of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Venedikt of Philadelphia, is already waiting for him.

After the prayer, the bishops throw silver crosses with flowers and green branches tied to them on long ropes three times at the same time. A pair of doves is immediately released as a symbol of the descent of the Holy Spirit.

For the third time, the patriarch's cross caught on something underwater. The people froze. Suddenly, in the place where the cross fell, water began to disperse in circles.

“You see, the water has stopped,” the pilgrims whispered among themselves. The river has turned!

The border guards on both banks of the river did not believe their eyes either. They literally froze, their mouths gaping. And they didn’t even react when three Russians rushed into the seething water after the lost cross.

Sweeping away the cordon of well-trained Israeli fighters, a crowd of pilgrims rushed into the Jordan. Everyone, having plunged headlong three times and having collected a bottle of holy water, hurried to the shore.

Soon the Israeli soldiers had to set aside their machine guns. They rushed to help the pilgrims out onto the slippery clay shore.

The story of how the Jerusalem Patriarch Theophilos III serves a festive prayer service on the Jordan, cm.

RECOVERY IN THE QUANTUM TRANSITION, READ, WATCH THE VIDEO AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS. “I TELL YOU A MYSTERY: WE WILL NOT ALL DIE, BUT ALL WILL BE CHANGED” (Bible, 1st Epistle Cor.) ........................ ................................................. ..... Recently, things and events have been happening in our environment regarding the spiritual, mental and physical well-being of people, which largely coincide, but cannot be described or do not fit any case. These states are not standard, new, but still regular. For those who have noticed this, the following material is collected from various sources and articles and personal observations. » Everyone knows that the Earth is now moving to a new round of the evolutionary spiral, to a new energy space of the fourth dimension, and this transition is called Quantum. The quantum transition that the Earth and everything that lives on it (including humans) goes through affects our emotional, mental and physical well-being and requires a thorough renewal of all spheres of human life, but special attention still needs to be paid to physical, mental and spiritual recovery. Why don't medicines help today? What is happening TODAY at the cellular and atomic-molecular level in the human body? Why not only do visits to doctors not give the desired result, but also often turn out to be at least a waste of time and money? All the phenomena that occur lead traditional medicine to a complete dead end and, as a result, are neither more nor less ignored. By inertia, the appointment of no longer helping antibiotics and analgesics continues. By inertia, incorrect diagnoses are made and incorrect treatment is carried out. WHAT TO DO? How to help yourself and loved ones cope with the panic that is increasingly attacking our consciousness? What should be our competent behavior in case of incomprehensible symptoms of discomfort that have fallen on us like snow on our heads? Whoever is well acquainted with the Living Ethics of Agni Yoga is perfectly (and for a long time!) aware of the nature of the processes taking place now, deeply revealed in this Book of Life for Humanity of the Age of Transition! And these processes have their own place, time, and name. And Oleg Nikitin talks about them today in the article “Why are we “shaking”? ..””. More precisely, the material is taken from the pages of one site, but presented quite popularly. “From April 2012, human DNA began to undergo its more intense mutation under the influence of increasing solar activity. More precisely, the transmutation of the cells of all life on the planet has been going on for decades. But I am writing this because many are frightened, trying to look for doctors, unable to recognize in their physical body the process of changes at a deep level. But the treatment does not work, government medical proposals do not work: all this does not correspond to the challenges that the person offers ... the Sun. These symptoms come and go suddenly, appear for no reason, go away on their own. These are good signs: the body is sending you word that it is releasing old biology and old thinking (keep up with it). Symptoms arising from mutation (restructuring) of DNA and changes in the body at the cellular level: a feeling of fatigue or emptiness with minor loads; desire to sleep longer or more often than usual; symptoms of a flu-like condition - high fever, sweat, pain in the bones and joints, etc. And all this is not amenable to treatment with antibiotics; dizziness; tinnitus. An important symptom is pain in the heart, cardiac arrhythmia, which occurs due to the adjustment of the heart to receive new energies. Today for a "transitional" person - the time of opening the 4th heart chakra - the chakra of love and compassion. It is often blocked (in 90% of ordinary people!), and its activation can be accompanied by bouts of longing, fear. The 4th chakra is associated with the thymus gland. This organ is located in front of the lungs and in most is in its infancy. She didn't develop at all. As the 4th chakra begins to open, the thymus begins to grow. At a later stage, it may even be visible on a CT scan. The growth of the thymus gland is associated with chest pains, suffocation, again there may be symptoms of bronchitis - pneumonia, in which doctors mistakenly diagnose influenza or pneumonia .... Now, WHAT TO DO? The main thing is no panic! Walk. Move! Bicycle, pool… Definitely - water contrasts. Be sure to drink soda every day on an empty stomach! (at the same time extinguish it with boiling water) The body should be accustomed to soda gradually, starting with a dose at the tip of a teaspoon and bringing it up to half a teaspoon 2 times a day. You need to drink soda with hot water or hot milk, and preferably with hot infusion of valerian tea. Valerian and soda are an amazing, indispensable remedy for inflammation of the centers. Soda is also cancer prevention. From the Letters of Helena Roerich - ed.). It is possible, if helps or assists, a homeopathy. The use of essential oils. Shiatsu massage, etc. A very good recommendation: hanging for the spine. Stretch. Stretch and pull muscles and muscles. Do exercises for the neck - head up, down, left and right, put your ear on your shoulder, then on the other. Try your best. I will say a little more from myself: breathe correctly. And this is a whole art. If you feel that it has come, breathe deeply, as far as you can, and as slowly as you can. And remember this advice for the situation when day X comes, and it will come ... If anything, breathe deeply. And here are some psychophysical symptoms and an attempt to explain how to relate to this: 1. Feeling as if you are in a pressure cooker of intense energy and, as a result, stress. Remember, in order to adjust to a higher vibration, you must eventually change. Old patterns of behavior and beliefs come to the surface in a conflicting form. Manage your behavior (self-control!) with the help of thought-orders. Tame your EGO, emotions, feelings... 2. Feelings of disorientation, loss of sense of place. You are not in 3D anymore. And on the "fiery front line". Both for the body and for the spirit. 3. Unusual pains in different parts of the body. It is the previously blocked energies being released that vibrate in 3D as you vibrate in a higher dimension. 4. Waking up at night between 2 and 4 o'clock. A lot of things happen to us in dreams. “Space healers” work with our physical organs and subtle bodies during the night rest. Therefore, sometimes you may even need a break during these intense processes, and you wake up. 5. Forgetfulness. You notice behind you how some details fall out of your memory. And that's putting it mildly! The fact is that from time to time you are in the border zone, in more than one dimension, hanging out back and forth, and physical memory can simply be blocked at these moments. Besides: the past is part of the old, and the old is gone forever. 6. Loss of identity. You are trying to access your past, but this is no longer possible. You can sometimes catch yourself feeling like you don't know who it is when you look at yourself in the mirror. 7. Experience "out of the body." You may feel as if someone is speaking for you, but it is not you. It is a natural survival defense mechanism when you are under stress. The body is under great pressure, and you are “in the moment” for a split second, as if leaving the body. So you don't have to experience what your body is going through right now. It lasts no more than a moment and passes. 8. Increased sensitivity to the environment. The crowd, the noise, the food, the cars, the TV, the loud voices - you can hardly stand it anymore. You easily fall into a state of depression and vice versa easily become overwhelmed and hyperexcited. Your psyche is tuned to new, more subtle vibrations! Help yourself in different ways of relaxation. 9. Don't feel like doing anything? It's not laziness or depression. This is a "reboot" of your biocomputer. Don't force yourself. Your body knows what it needs. REST! 10. Intolerance to lower 3D vibrational phenomena, conversations, relationships, social structures, etc. They literally make you feel sick. You grow up and no longer coincide with many and many of what surrounded you before and did not annoy you at all as it does now. It will fall off on its own, don't worry. 11. The sudden disappearance of some friends from your life, a change in habits, work, place of residence, diet ... You are spiritually rising, and these people no longer correspond to your vibrations. The NEW is coming soon, and it will be much better. 12. Days or periods of extreme fatigue. Your body is losing density, thinning, undergoing intense restructuring. 13. If you feel attacks of low blood sugar, eat more often. On the contrary, you may not want to eat at all. 14. Emotional destabilization, tearfulness ... All the emotions that you experienced before and accumulated in yourself come out. Rejoice! Don't hold back their exit! 15. Feeling that "the roof is going." It's OK. You open out-of-body experience and experience of other frequencies - that is, realities. Much has become available to you now. You're just not used to it. Your inner knowledge and intuition are strengthened and barriers are removed. 16. Anxiety and panic. Your EGO loses most of itself and is afraid. Your physiological system is under overload. Something is happening to you that you can't fully understand, but admit IT!.. 17. You are also losing the low vibration behavior patterns that you once worked for yourself to survive in 3D. This can make you feel vulnerable and helpless. These patterns and patterns of behavior will soon be of no use to you at all. Just be patient and calm, wait. 18. Depression. The outside world does not match your needs and emotions. You are releasing the dark energies that were within you. Do not be afraid and do not prevent their exit, but try to transform (into light energies - love, kindness, joy, mercy, compassion, non-judgment, tolerance, patience - ed.) so that they do not harm others. 19. Dreams. Many people are aware that they experience unusually intense dreams. 20. Unexpected sweating and temperature fluctuations. Your body is changing its “heating” system, cellular slags are being burned, the remnants of the past are being burned in your subtle fields. 21. Your plans suddenly change in the middle of the road, and you start going in a completely different direction. Your soul is trying to balance your energy. Your soul knows more than you. Listen and trust your heart! There are repressed, unmet needs in your mind for GOODNESS, PERFECTION, INTEGRITY, LAW, JUSTICE AND ORDER. Perhaps because of this, you have or may experience such pathological conditions as antipathy, distrust, relying only on yourself and for yourself, disintegration, anger, cynicism, terry egoism ... Do you know what “medicine” you really lack? - KNOWLEDGE! The fiery era has the peculiarity of being called the era of the Blue Fire, which means that the idea of ​​the believers is absolutely correct. Blue Spatial Fire is a rigid penetrating vibration that interacts with all kinds of intelligent life on the surface of the planet. Each creation has passed a certain evolutionary level and currently has in its vibrational arsenal that set of vibrations that corresponds to its level of consciousness. The magnetic component of the consciousness of creation (the ability to love) also plays a role. So, if the Soul of a person is black and sinful, that is, it vibrates at low emotional and mental frequencies, for it the arrival of subtle and penetrating vibrations of spatial fire will be especially painful. Consequently, there is no contradiction with the ideas of believers about the features of the new era of the Blue Fire. After all, it is the "sinner" who thinks and feels in the low levels, and therefore is subject to combustion in the Blue Fire. It should be noted that among fanatically believers there may be so many truly sinful, that is, with base vibrations of consciousness, which will be a paradox for them, because among unbelievers there may be a lot of clear, bright - sinless consciousnesses. Spatial Fire does not mark the number of prostrations before icons, nor the presence of a cross or crescent on a person's chest, nor the number of mantrams uttered. The Spatial Fire simply checks the consciousness of a person of a new era for compliance, and anyone who does not fit into the subtlest “pattern” of the Blue Fire burns in it automatically, without the possibility of receiving an answer to requests for salvation and prayers. ................................................. .. ................................................. .................... QUANTUM TRANSITION (THREE WORLDS) channeling Parallel to our planet there are many worlds. There are now three worlds in the sphere of direct interests of earthlings: - the dense world, that is, the 3-dimensional Earth, - the densified 4-dimensional Astral world, called Maldena, - the normal 5-dimensional Astral world. The Quantum Transition is the replacement of the Earth by Malden, that is, the 3-dimensional dense world to the 4-dimensional condensed Astral world. The replacement will take place in the same way as in a person burned in the sun, the old skin is replaced by a new one, that is, not all at once. First of all, the land of Russia will change, and then, in stages, the rest of the planet. Since November 2012, the Earth has entered the energy band of the Photon Beam, and in the future there will only be an intensification of its irradiation. The vibration frequency of the Earth's magnetic field is steadily increasing. Until recently, it was 7.8 hertz, by 1996 it had risen to 8.6 hertz, by 2007 - up to 12 hertz, and at the end of 2012 - 12.4 hertz: "Space is starting to change really very intensively, and if in the last millennium the resonant frequency of the Earth, or the pulsation of the “heart” of the Planet, was fixed as a constant value at the level of 7.8 hertz, then in recent years the resonant frequency of the Earth has increased to the level of 12 hertz! Under these conditions, a "heart attack" for the "heart" of the Earth will already be inevitable!. Do not think of the number 13 as a fatal number, because in this case 13 hertz has nothing to do with superstition, but is a quantitative frequency characteristic of the Planet's stability. The main process of the Transition will take place in three stages: “The quantum transition will not be a sharp change in Space and, like every process, has three main stages: beginning, reaching a maximum and ending.” First stage (2008 - 2016). The body of the Earth and the bodies of people under the influence of high-frequency vibration from the outside become thinner. The beginning of the transformation of people - 12/21/2012. The change of consciousness, its preparation for the Transition is the main content of the First Stage. In the First Stage, the dense bodies of earthlings will also be transformed to one degree or another. - Especially spiritually developed people (there are about 1%) will transform their earthly body into a normal astral body and will pass into the five-dimensional Astral world. - The bodies of spiritually developed people (there are about 24%) will be thinned to varying degrees of densified astral body. It has already been tested and allows you to live in a four-dimensional condensed Astral world, that is, on Malden, where some of these people will go. The other part (less ready) will move into the second stage. - The majority of people (75%) will transform their bodies to a lesser extent, and will not be ready for the Transition yet and will continue to live on Earth. According to the Creator: "the first stage ends at the end of 2016" Second stage (2016 -2024). The true Babylon will reign on the planet. There will be many people who have made the Transition to the dense and normal Astral worlds. They will live there. There will be a lot of people on the dense Earth, who are at one stage or another of transformation, and a lot of those who are not going to go anywhere: “After the first stage of the Quantum Transition, your World will receive even more diversity, because at the same time the “past” and “future” will be nearby. ”, therefore the “present” will be the Chaos of manifestations, from which the Sixth Race will then crystallize “The third stage (2024 - 2033). By the end of the third stage, the Transition will be completed. - A small, highly developed part of the population will move into the normal Astral world. - Most of today's earthlings will also become subtle, and will live already on Malden, in the densified Astral World: “You have very little left, because your Consciousness, like a sponge, absorbs My New Words about the upcoming Transition without panic at all, since most of you already understands that there will be no physical reprisals, and the World will remain the same, but transferred to the Astral!” - People who have not made the Transition, that is, remaining in their dense bodies, after the natural completion of life, will leave for two other planets - they will not be able to live in a dense body on thin Malden, and the dense Earth will disappear by that time, it will be completely replaced by subtle Malden where life will begin in the Sixth Race. These terms are relative, they will not be shortened, but can only be lengthened. EARTH IS GOING TO A QUANTUM TRANSITION, VERY MANY PEOPLE ON EARTH HAVE BEEN CHANNELED TO PREPARE PEOPLE FOR THIS EVENTS ON EARTH. Channeling in English means "transmission through the channel." This is a kind of way to connect to the vast storehouse of information that is in the Universal Mind. DEFINITION OF CHANNELING WHAT IT IS: Inspired divine words (or energy) of the Creator transmitted to people through a person. The above definition is what channeling really IS. It means that in its original form, not only most of the scriptures (of all religions) that exist on this planet were transmitted through channeling, but also most of the works of art and music! This is the most common phenomenon, however, like many other processes reappearing on Earth in the New Age era, it has been labeled as a “strange phenomenon”. God did not write the Holy was done by Humans inspired by God.
