Hundreds of schoolchildren and their parents became guests of Moscow State University. Three dozen faculties of the most famous university in the country presented their teaching methods. The teachers answered the most pressing questions and convinced: the main thing in studying is motivation, it is the key to success.

The first time - from class to university. Moscow State University opened its doors to schoolchildren. What is it like to study here? And what is needed for admission? You probably won’t understand it from articles on the Internet, it will only make you more confused. But here you can communicate with representatives of the admissions committee, students, and teachers.

“We talked to first- and second-year students, it’s an indescribable feeling. Firstly, these are their feelings, their admission, their passing of exams. And when you communicate with them, you understand that it’s really possible to come here,” says 10th grade student Anna Leontyeva.

“A specialist whose diploma will say that he graduated from Moscow State University is always an honor, and I think any doors will be open,” says 11th grade student Arina Kucherovskaya.

Geologists' stands are littered with rare minerals, and physicists are putting on a real scientific show. But the main thing is not just to attract, but to find like-minded people.

“You need to think about the fact that no admission in itself guarantees a brilliant future. When you enter a serious university, the university creates a huge number of opportunities for you. And in a good university there will simply be more of them. Therefore, we always say: the first basis for choice is your motivation. These are your own aspirations,” says Konstantin Parfenov, associate professor of the department of high energy physics, head of the department of new admissions and work with schoolchildren of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University.

The assembly hall of the main building of Moscow State University is in the heart of the famous high-rise building, where schoolchildren meet with the rector and deans. You could even ask them your question.

“Are essays taken into account in all faculties or only in humanities?” No, for everyone, and we check essays, the maximum score is 3, but our professors sit at night checking school essays,” said Moscow State University Rector Viktor Sadovnichy.

There are like hundreds of candles under the ceiling of the assembly hall. This is very similar to the hall with floating candles in that same fantastic Hogwarts. But no magic hat can point future MSU applicants to the right faculty. Everything is in their hands.

Future students are accepted at all faculties; here they tell first-hand what schoolchildren can expect from student life. Behind every open door is its own history and traditions. For example, there were eight Nobel laureates in the physics department, and there were eleven in total at the university.

Moscow State University, founded by Lomonosov, was the first in terms of its origin and importance, and maintains a leading position in Russian and international rankings. 43 faculties, 377 departments and 50,000 students. By the way, the October Open Days are held just before the wave of school Olympiads, which start in November. Participation is not only an experience, but also often helps in admission.

Sometimes we cannot find out about something by only reading reviews on the Internet and listening to stories from friends and acquaintances - this is why free tastings were invented, for example, you can try the new products offered in a supermarket. But what to do if you can’t try it, but can only feel it for yourself? This is why there is an Open Day at colleges and universities, allowing you to briefly plunge into the world of the specialty you have chosen, or even choose. If you want to know more about this event - how it works, who needs it and how to find out about it - then welcome to this article!

Open Day

This is a planned action that is carried out in higher and secondary educational institutions in order to attract and interest new students. Every year, all private and public institutions prepare as best as possible for this event. Teachers and students prepare interesting material, decorate universities and colleges, and conduct advertising campaigns and leaflets. And all this is for future freshmen who want to spend their fun student years in this institution, and for the heads of institutions themselves, this becomes some kind of competition. Over the years, Open Day has become a tradition at every university and college.

Why is it carried out?

It often happens that a child dreams of a career that is completely different from the ideas of his parents, and then how to convince them? This is why this campaign exists, you can bring your parents and show all the colors and delights of this profession, convince them and try to realize your dream with peace of mind.

Sometimes graduates simply don’t know what they want - who they should be next and what they should devote their lives to. In this case, parents can take their child to a university or college, or he himself can go to Open Day - look, get acquainted with the specialties and decide for himself what he would like to become.

It also often happens that schoolchildren themselves are adamant and have already clearly decided that they do not need all this - they will go straight to work. Then this event can also help, where they will introduce all the delights of student life and explain that higher education will sooner or later become necessary for their specialty, and the later, the less time for full-fledged study and the more worries.

Often, after visiting several institutions, a future student is completely determined about who he should be and which institution he should attend.

When is Open Day at universities and colleges?

Every city in almost every country in the world holds a similar event; usually in Russian cities, higher education institutions organize this event several times a year. You can find out when and how the Open Day will be held at the university that interests you in the admissions office of the institution itself, and most educational institutions have their own website, where you can find out all the details you are interested in - telephone numbers, reception days required for admission. Sometimes students and teachers themselves can come to your school - hold a conversation, answer questions and distribute leaflets and brochures containing all the information.

How and where does this event take place?

In well-known universities, such as Moscow State University, Open Day begins with the gathering of everyone in the foyer of the main building. Next, the teachers kindly escort the graduates and their parents to the assembly hall, where everyone takes their place. After which the leaders appear on the stage. Starting this event, they talk in general terms about the institution itself, about all the advantages and benefits - for example, what the scholarship will be, what benefits you can count on and what is required for admission on a budgetary basis. You can also ask them questions that concern you, to which they will answer in detail. Later you will be invited to visit the department you are interested in and learn much more about it.

Usually the establishment has clear signs where and how to get there. Along the way, you have the right to inspect the buffet or dining room, classrooms, restrooms and everything that interests you. The appearance of a university or college also plays a big role for many. If everything is planned and clean, then this indicates a high level of interest in attracting new students, which means that the training will be appropriate.

At the department, the teachers and heads themselves give a detailed demonstration of the specialty, talking about its pros and cons. They show what you can learn and what knowledge you will have, how it will be useful to you in later life.


We hope you found this article useful and were able to learn a little more about this tradition of all colleges and universities. And most importantly, when examining a particular institution, do not hesitate to ask questions, talk with the administration and teachers, as this is what will help you determine the level of the institution you are interested in.

Open Day is an official event that is held annually at every university. As surprising as it may be, many applicants who are aware of this day tend to ignore it for the most part. And it’s completely in vain, becausegive them a unique chance to get to know their future place of study and get answers to many questions on which their future depends.

What is d University Open Day

Such events are organized to introduce potential students to a possible place of study. Usually the event consists of two parts: the first is devoted to general acquaintance with the educational institution, and the second is devoted to communication with representatives of the selected faculty. The first part of the meeting provides a chance to find out details about the presence of a military department at the university, the possibility of obtaining a dormitory or the procedure for paying for studies - in a word, get all the necessary information about the university as a whole.

Usually the first part of the meeting with future applicants is conducted by the rector. Already by the tone of his speech one can determine what kind of order reigns here. Of course, the rector must motivate those gathered to enroll in the university he leads, but he must do this as objectively as possible. Ideally, all positive words should be supported by real facts, for example, at least several annual conferences, the presence of international exchange programs and its own laboratories at the university, a high percentage of employment in the specialty, positivereviews about the university from students and alumni or something else. If officials sing the praises of their institution without any evidence, but at the same time make negative comments about competitors, then, most likely, the university is doing much worse than it seems.

Getting to know the faculty and first-hand reviews of the university

Getting to know the future faculty is the second important part of the open day. It is during a tour of the faculty and communication with the dean that you can learn a lot about the features of the chosen specialty, as well as about the possibilities of preferential admission or attending special courses conducted for applicants. Here you can ask questions about the availability of graduate school, about the directions of scientific research of the departments and about everything related to the life of the faculty.

As a rule, the second part of the open day involves not only officials, but also students, from whom you can hear reviews about the university, faculty, and teachers. This information will help you understand how well your expectations from your future studies correspond to reality, and will also allow you to decide for yourself whether you really want to study here.

If the theater begins with a hanger, then the university begins with an open day. It is after this event that most applicants make the final decision: to enter or not to the chosen institute. So, what points need to be clarified at the open day so that the impression of the university is the most objective?

Most schools hold open days in the spring or fall. Usually, information about this event is advertised quite widely: announcements on official websites and information stands of the university, announcements in specialized publications, etc. Going to an open day is not necessary, but it is advisable: first of all, the applicant himself needs this. Ideally, it would be good to “check in” at this meeting several times: in the 10th grade - for purely informational purposes, in the fall of the final academic year - to finally decide on the faculty, specialty, specialization and form of study, and in the spring - to find out the conditions for admission.

Who gets up early...

An open day is a fairly long event: it usually starts at 10 am and lasts five to six hours. Considering that there is almost the whole day ahead, there may be a temptation to come later - they say, there is a lot of time, everything will be done in time. In fact, it’s worth showing up at the open day half an hour before the start of the official part to look around, get acquainted with the agenda, study advertising booklets and methodological brochures (most often they are sold in the foyer). By the way, literature for applicants usually already contains FAQ - answers to the most common questions.

Open Day regulations

Open days at all universities are built according to the same scheme: general gathering - introductory part (for example, at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), a short video about the university is first shown) - word from the rector - speech by two or three more people from the administration - consultations in the classrooms at the faculties. After the official part, applicants and their parents have the opportunity to ask all their questions. As practice shows, guests prefer to send notes from the hall to the presidium: many are embarrassed to contact the rector personally. The most popular questions can be divided into two groups: general (possible forms of training, military department, procedure for entrance exams etc.) and specific, that is, relating to a certain specialty, specialization, etc. It is better to ask the latter not at a general meeting, but directly at the faculty - in this case you will receive a more comprehensive answer.

Rector's word

The rector’s address to applicants is the key moment of the open day. You can tell a lot about an educational institution by the way a speech is structured. Ideally, this monologue should be as specific as possible: guests want to hear a story about the specifics of a given university, and not about the higher education system as a whole. The purpose of the rector’s address is to explain to applicants how this institute differs from dozens of others like it, why the education received here is especially valuable, and what prospects await graduates. If the speech consists of endless praises to the alma mater and - worse than that - negative statements about colleagues from “competing organizations”, it’s time to wonder if everything is really so good in the “Danish kingdom”.

Thirteen important questions for the rector

The rector’s address is over, and it’s time to ask questions. Ideally, it is better to make a list of points that interest you at home, otherwise you can forget or miss a lot. So, what do you need to clarify at an open day?

  1. University status: Usually, applicants are informed in advance which university they are going to enter - state or non-state. However, if the educational institution is not included in the “top ten”, if there is not too much information about it, it is better to clarify this point once again.

    If the university is non-state Be sure to find out if the university has a license and a certificate of state accreditation. These documents are fundamental: the first guarantees the right to organize training as such, the second guarantees the right to issue state diplomas. Both the license and accreditation are “renewed” every five years. By the way, the presence of an accreditation certificate must also be clarified at a state university - this is especially true for new, recently opened specialties (in order to be accredited, the specialty must exist at the university for at least five years).

    It is very important whether a non-state university has its own building. If it is not there, you need to find out how long the lease agreements are for. It is not difficult to determine whether a university has its own premises: usually such educational institutions rent several small spaces (often in different parts of the city), and rent a concert hall or cinema building to hold an open day. If you find yourself in such an environment, be sure to check where exactly the classes will take place. It is possible that “spacious, bright classrooms” will be located in the area of ​​South Butovo or Strogino.

  2. Entrance tests: the procedure for conducting exams in your chosen specialty, timing, features. Don’t forget to find out whether the university counts the results of the Unified State Exam, and if it does, what system of transferring points is adopted at this institute.
  3. Competition and passing score: as a rule, last year’s data is used as a guide, but do not forget that the competition is a rather inaccurate “measuring instrument”: many applicants apply to several universities at once, in this case the number of “mythical” applicants for one place can significantly exceed the real ones numbers.
  4. Privileges: If you belong to one or another group of beneficiaries, it makes sense to clarify how your right can be exercised at a particular university: what documents and certificates need to be collected. The provision of benefits does not apply to commercial universities - this issue is resolved at the discretion of the local administration.
  5. Olympics: In addition to the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, many large universities hold their own competitions, and their winners can, by decision of the university administration, receive certain advantages upon admission.
  6. Training courses: their operating mode, possible forms of training (full-time, correspondence, distance learning, etc.). It is also worth asking whether applicants who complete these courses receive any admission privileges.
  7. Military department: It is worth noting that the question about the possibility of obtaining a deferment from the army is usually not forgotten to be asked, and sometimes it is raised several times at open days.
  8. Dormitory: free places, conditions of check-in (paid/free, immediately or after some time from the moment of enrollment at the university).
  9. Education system: it can be either two-stage - bachelor's degree (four years) + master's degree (two years), or traditional (based on a five-year scheme).
  10. Teaching Staff: the ratio of the number of in-house and freelance teachers, the number of teachers with academic degrees. A university may have about 30–40% of freelance teachers - usually these are practitioners who combine their main work with teaching. This ratio is considered the most optimal for a progressive educational institution.
  11. Material and technical base: equipping the university with computers, the availability of libraries (including electronic ones), sports grounds, recreation centers, etc.
  12. Features of paid training: This issue is relevant for both commercial and public universities that have paid departments. You need to find out a number of details: how much you will have to pay per year, whether it is possible to get an education loan, whether there are plans to increase the cost of education over the next five years. If you are going to study for money, you can ask for a sample agreement that is concluded between the student and the university.
  13. Practice: the possibility of internships abroad, contacts of the university with potential employers, prospects for further employment.

Default figure

By the way the rector and other open day participants answer questions from the audience, one can form an opinion not only about their oratorical abilities, but also about the “transparency” and openness of the educational institution as a whole. In fact, there is no place for “fog” and a flair of mystery at a university presentation – every question should have a specific, comprehensive answer. All aspects related to study (from the ratio of paid and budget places in a particular specialty to the validity period of licenses and lease agreements) cannot be the subject of a trade secret.

Feel free to ask questions
Elena Martynenko, Head of the Department of Marketing and Student Admission of RUDN University:

Open Day at RUDN University always takes place in a solemn atmosphere and, as a rule, begins with a general meeting in the assembly hall, during which university guests ask questions directly to our rector Vladimir Mikhailovich Filippov.

What's important here? Don't be shy to ask questions. If you did not have time to do this at the general meeting, you can find out the points that interest you later, at a faculty meeting. There are a lot of questions coming in. Among them, a large percentage are those that are repeated from year to year: is a deferment from the army provided, are there benefits for medalists and college graduates, who can count on living in a dormitory, etc. Questions related to the unified state exam are very popular. Some funny questions: “Will it be possible to play KVN in your team?” In addition, university guests are concerned about such pressing issues as the spread of drugs, security, racial intolerance and others. It is important to note that not a single question asked at the open day (whether in written or oral form) remains unanswered.


IMHO, the lion's share of answers to the proposed questions for the open day can be read on the university website (and they can be viewed and thought about in advance). And the open day, first of all, is a check of the coincidence of one’s own expectations and real professions and departments of the university. So it’s a good time to go to faculties (sometimes departments, if their representatives are not at the general faculty meeting), listen and ask what problems the faculty and departments are dealing with, where graduates go to work, what they do there, how much they earn, etc. It happens that the details are very disappointing and the question arises about another university.

Comment on the article "Open Doors Day at the University, or Outside Entry Allowed"

Open day at the university, or Outsiders are allowed to enter. Open days at all universities are built according to the same scheme: general gathering - introductory part (for example, at the Russian Friendship University at Bauman Moscow State Technical University there is an open day EVERY year on the 12th and 13th...

And at universities, at open days, former graduates and employees of this company proudly speak 08/02/2018 19:05... We plan to enter HSE this year, we were at the open day on February 18. We stood in line to enter, just like entering a mausoleum...

please help me choose a university. Admission to universities and other educational institutions. Teenagers. I went to Baumanka for an open day and didn’t like it there. He will go to HSE on the 13th, but it seems to me that HSE is not a very good choice for a techie.

At the open day at First Med I learned the following information: - it is fashionable to write only two applications for admission (!) I read earlier that the university may delay with return documents. This is a deduction. In the meantime, this university will exclude you, the dream university will close its enrollment.

May's Open Day. Admission to universities and other educational institutions. Teenagers. Education and relationships with children From a series on stage like a talk show - 5 people in chairs and a prophetic girl. Rector Poghosyan is their star, of course, but that’s all that was on stage.

Open day at the university, or Outsiders are allowed to enter. Open days at Moscow universities begin in January. At the Moscow State University of Design and Technology (Sadovnicheskaya str., 33, building 1) the doors will be open to everyone on 15...

Open day at the university, or Outsiders are allowed to enter. Most educational institutions hold open days in the spring. Open days at Moscow universities begin in January. On the evening of Friday, January 27, it will open its doors to future...

We can’t decide on the choice of university, we’ve been thinking about it for a year or two, we’ve only thought of economics. From my own experience, I wouldn’t think twice about it now. Let your child go to Open Days next year, study the programs, and look at the statistics for this year.

Where to go with such a set of Unified State Examinations other than a creative university? We are looking for backup options. thank you for being at the open day at the Russian State University for the Humanities last Saturday, the graphic design direction of the Unified State Exam in social studies is the most popular elective exam after the mandatory Unified State Exam in...

Enter the site. Enter the site. Via social networks: VK FB OK I am Mailru. We don't have general class meetings. there is an open day once a month and a development dialogue 2 times a year, where, in addition to the psychologist, director, head teacher and classroom, you can invite any subject student 02/06/2017 22...

Open days in DD. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in I was advised to go to open days in a child care center, maybe look for a child there. I watched this Saturday in many DDs, what...

Admission to universities and other educational institutions. Teenagers. We are considering for admission to grades 10-11. Last year we were at an open day, but it was not clearly stated whether there was a lot of competition for a place; 3 days were allotted for tests (to choose from).

Open days and reviews of schools: what questions to ask. Print version. Section: Choosing a school (how does registration work on an open day). In the last days of January, open days will be held at several universities in the capital.

Open day at the university, or Outsiders are allowed to enter. We started straight from the university website. The Open Day at the Children's University at the Polytechnic Museum will be held on September 13 in the building of the Higher School of Economics on Shabolovka. Pregnant student.

Open day at the university, or Outsiders are allowed to enter. Most schools hold open days in the spring or fall. Usually information about this event is advertised quite widely... And on Saturdays at the institute...

Open days and reviews of schools: what questions to ask. March 1 at school 1148 Open days at all universities follow the same pattern: general gathering - introductory part. Here, you rather need to rely on the reviews of children who have already graduated from school and their parents.

Section: Admission to universities and other educational institutions (Open days at universities). The Council of Rectors of Universities in Moscow and the Moscow Region is an authoritative and widely known Open Days and reviews of schools: what questions to ask. Print version.

Open day at the university, or Outsiders are allowed to enter. And the Open Day is, first of all, a check of the coincidence of one’s own expectations and the real Open Day in the cultural profile of the HSE Distributed Lyceum in Gymnasium 1505 (OTIMK).

We sat and walked around at the open day, the head teacher answered all the questions about the school, you Before the start of the open day, for some reason I popped up to the head teacher of the primary classes. Why and why do you need to go to school?? My child has become very interested in something...

Open days at schools (Moscow) - when? Section: Schools (schools are open for first-graders in December). I would like to know if anyone has information on open days, parent meetings for future first-graders, when to register for...

On January 27, an Open Day was held at the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after Vasily Surikov. Among the visitors was a VM correspondent.

My acquaintance with the institute began with the story of its rector Anatoly Lyubavin:

Here people can receive a classical art education. Just as in ballet they teach you to jump, and in the conservatory you learn to know notes, so we teach the basics of the artistic profession. Our main task is to train artists in the best traditions of domestic and foreign art. On the Open Day, you can communicate with all our teachers, show them your work and once again think about choosing a path,” he said.

Future artists surrounded the gray-haired Viktor Nikolaevich Slatinsky, dean of the faculty of painting, in a tight ring. Leaning on a cane with a handle in the shape of the head of either a chamois or an antelope, he examined the drawings handed to him. Why not a picture?

“You still need to work a lot,” the dean addresses one of the applicants, “it seems to you that after studying for several years at an art school, you have learned everything.” A creative person is his own boss and is responsible for everything, but he needs to hone his skills.

The girl, until that day confident in her skill, blushed deeply and shifted from foot to foot. And Slatinsky was given more and more new works.

Two floors above, in the drawing department, there were fewer people. Here Viktor Zvyagintsev, associate professor of the drawing department, spoke with those wishing to enter the institute.

This is where you need to correct the axial structure of your still life. Your greenery is so... lush,” he comments on one of the works.

On the very top floor, in the gym, artists who already had at least one artistic education exhibited their works. True, as it turned out, some people hide it.

In general, I am a financier, and painting is my hobby. Now, I’ll listen to the opinion of the academicians. Nowadays, a lot of people teach painting without really having any idea about it, but here they are professionals,” said one of the authors, but since her hobby is secret, she asked not to use her name.

But Vladimir Kruglov from Suzdal is not shy about his passion for art.

“I myself am studying to be a restoration artist, but here everything is bigger - and you can see how the artist’s skill grows, depending on the course,” he shared his thoughts.

Vladimir himself wouldn’t just want to do painting - he doesn’t see the use of this craft in today’s life, and restoration is closer to him. But the guy will still submit documents to the Surikov Institute - a classical art education will be useful to him in his work.


Inna Pulikova, art critic, researcher at the State Institute of Art Studies:

Today, with a worldwide passion and active interest in what is commonly called contemporary art, we must remember that classical - realistic, figurative art has a huge army of fans all over the planet, and perhaps in Russia - first of all. In our country, fortunately, the traditions of classical artistic training in drawing, painting and sculpture are alive. You can argue and discuss the quality and methods of teaching, but the fact that in Russia this area of ​​training is maintained at a decent level is our huge advantage, which must be preserved and developed. Because love and interest in realistic art does not go away - and this is not only a tribute to the great traditions and masters of the past. Classical art education should not be perceived as some kind of rigid framework that limits creative freedom and the possibility of self-expression - on the contrary, it is a powerful basis for the most daring artistic experiments of authors who work in directions far from the classics.
