This evening the fall of a large space object was recorded in the Republic of Khakassia. A bright flash was noticed at exactly 6:35 p.m. by a correspondent of the Khakassia Inform Academy of Sciences returning from work along the M-54 Yenisei federal highway, who was approaching the village of Podsineya in the Altai region of the republic at that time. The glow in the Sayanogorsk region was visible throughout the entire sky (it was also observed in Abakan and Minusinsk, in Bey and Novokursk, in Borodino and Cheryomushki, as well as in Shira and Shushenskoye, that is, almost throughout Khakassia and the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory), however, as This happens during strong explosions or other seismic events; no roar or sensation of the arrival of a shock wave was observed. No hum was heard either. However, the residents of Sayanogorsk felt most and best of all that something was happening in Khakassia - just five minutes after the incident, a message with the short title “Explosion?” appeared on the local city forum. At the moment the following is known...

Khakassia, December 6: No technological explosions in Khakassia were carried out so late by any coal mine in the republic.

Nothing is also known about space rocket launches in the Russian Federation (keeping in mind the recent fall of debris from the Progress space cargo ship in Tuva).

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Khakassia is already dealing with what happened (there is no information on the official website of the republican rescuers at this hour).

A team of specialists went to the site of the alleged fall of the cosmic body.

Not a single technologically hazardous production in Sayanogorsk or Khakassia as a whole was damaged. All industrial facilities of the republic, including the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, are operating as usual. The authorities of the republic, of course, have already been notified of what happened and are awaiting explanations from specialists. Communications work in Khakassia, there is Internet, electricity is supplied to all parts of the region regularly.

If it was a meteorite, then it is likely that it simply burned up in the atmosphere over Khakassia.

AN "Khakassia Inform" will continue to monitor developments around this emergency and urges the population not to panic.

“It was heard in the 9th and 5th” (we are talking about microdistricts of Sayanogorsk - AN “Khakassia Inform”)

“Now there was a flash and after 2 minutes there was a strong, long explosion and from the side of the forest there was a crackling, fading roar as if towards the smooth side.”

“A bright flash, like during the day. Strong rumble for 40-60 seconds"

“Some kind of meteorite is on the way... The nephew says: in a minute, something bright flew by...”

“At eight o’clock you could hear well, the alarms went off on the cars.”

“There was a crash for about a minute and then it became inaudible”

“We saw it too. The sky lit up, then it flashed through the clouds and about three minutes later it boomed.”

“In the area of ​​the Mainskaya hydroelectric power station, they say something bright flew by”

“I thought someone slammed the door at the entrance loudly, the dogs started barking.”

In 5 microdistrict. some white thing with a tail flew by. It became as bright as day, and after 5 minutes an explosion occurred

“The window suddenly became so bright, my husband didn’t believe it until the roar appeared.”

“I felt a wave through the plastic window. I thought the boiler room exploded"

“The Ministry of Emergency Situations said: “The hydroelectric power station is standing, the plant is in place. Don’t worry, everything is fine!” Well done boys"

“I’m from Cheryomushki and we also had a bright glow, and then a roar, even the car alarms went off. I went out onto the balcony and there were boys standing on the street. they said they saw a big bright ball in the sky."

“Southern, I didn’t see the flash, the roar was strong, as if from an earthquake, but not with such an echo. Somehow the chill in my soul went away. The cats were absolutely calm, she was lying in an embrace with one, she didn’t even move her ear.”

“They already say the epicenter was closer to Beya”

“A meteorite fell on the left bank not far from the SSHPP. Everything is fine at the station."

“It was so bright in Chiriki, I raised my head, and there the meteorite was flying, so fast and low! Disappeared behind a mountain in the Borus area. And then it banged a minute later."

“The flash was visible in Tashtyp and Abakan”

“Mom in Sabinka also saw the ball, she thought that the neighbors had gas going off”

“Laughter, laugh, if it was a meteorite, then it’s somehow sad that it became a surprise for our defense industry. So pendos can take advantage of our absent-mindedness."

“Physics is physics; the trajectory of a meteorite can even be tangent to a specific point on the Earth. You will not see a cold body in any telescope. And the speed of passage of the Earth’s atmosphere, when the body heats up, ranges from 10 to 70 km/sec. Atmospheric altitude 120 km"

“Ministry of Emergency Situations claim that it is a meteorite”

“In Subbotino, people saw a ball with a white tail”

“I went to take out the trash. a bright flash, then a celestial body moved towards the Ermakovsky region, very bright. quickly disappeared. 40-50 seconds later there was an explosion.”

“12/06/2016 at 14.32 Moscow time, a small meteor that entered the earth’s atmosphere followed a trajectory in a southwestern direction and burned up in its upper layers, never reaching the surface without forming a meteorite. The sounds of the fireball's shock wave were heard across most of the territory of Khakassia and the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory....There are no planned launches at Baikonur on this date.”

20.00 :Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation in Khakassia: At 18:50 in the southern regions of the Republic of Khakassia, a flying luminous object was observed in the sky. A luminous object (presumably a meteorite) burned up in dense layers of the atmosphere, which was accompanied by a bright flash and a characteristic sound. Working groups of the Ministry of Defense organized verification of objects of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. All facilities are operating as normal. SSHHPP is operating normally. Interaction with the duty officer of the information point of the State Corporation RosCosmos was organized. There were no launches of spacecraft and no crashes of spacecraft.

“When a meteor enters the atmosphere, it comes into contact with the molecules of the air mixture and then heats up its surface under the influence of friction. Friction produces sound waves. And the higher the speed of the object, the stronger the shock wave effect, which is why you heard a characteristic sound. Why weren't the window panes broken? Yes, because the meteor was too small compared, for example, to Chelyabinsk. And the sound and length of the tail depend on the angle of entry into the atmosphere and its composition, and not just on the size...”

21.27 : Employees of the Khakass Ministry of Emergency Situations are checking economic facilities in the region after information appeared about a meteorite that burned in the dense layers of the atmosphere, reports the republican headquarters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

According to rescuers, an inspection of economic facilities in Khakassia has already been organized. “All objects are functioning normally. Interaction with the duty center of the information point of the State Corporation Roscosmos has been organized. No spacecraft have been launched, no spacecraft have crashed.”,” the message notes.

21.38 : The Ministry of Emergency Situations is finding out the exact location of the meteorite fall in Khakassia. Specialists went to the suspected fall zone.

December 7, 8:57: According to experts, the diameter of the celestial body, which most likely was rocky or rocky-water, was 10-15 m. According to Nathan Eismont, leading researcher at the Department of Space Dynamics and Mathematical Information Processing at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, such meteorites are not uncommon for Earth - every day a “noticeable number” of such celestial bodies fall onto the surface of our planet, primarily into the oceans. According to the scientist, meteorites like the Khakass ones do not pose a threat to humanity. The situation is different if the celestial body is made of iron or its diameter exceeds 15-20 m, TASS reports.

Photos from open sources


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It’s not for nothing that an anti-aircraft missile regiment was formed in Khakassia)))

But what about the rocket men who deployed here? Why didn't they shoot down the threat?

I also heard a fairly powerful explosion, the cat didn’t react at all

Unfortunately, this video is the combustion of a block of recently fallen Progress...

I saw this with my parents and the whole city in 89 in the south of Yamal. Maybe a meteorite, or maybe space debris... Who knows...

By God, remove the video! It was shown on our news on the 1st, when the ship flying to the ISS fell

Unfortunately, we cannot remove this video, since it is called exactly like a meteorite falling today. If it later turns out that this is a Progress video, it will be removed. Sincerely.

A flash of light was visible in White Yar. Five minutes later, the roar of an explosion is clearly heard.

We have a cat at night and he has been restless all day. He screamed and sat at the front door. In the evening I hid in the bath. Now I’m calm.

The first video shows the moment of the last fall of "Progess" Fake news

"information about a meteorite that burned in the dense layers of the atmosphere"

Open, damn you all, your school astronomy textbook and read what a “meteor” is and what a “meteorite” is.

If an object manages to reach the surface of the planet and hit the ground, then it is called a “meteorite”. Well, if it burns up in the atmosphere before reaching the ground, it’s not a meteorite, it’s just a meteorite.

and it’s a no-brainer that it wasn’t a meteorite that fell on the power plant, but an intercontinental missile. We are already being bombed, but this hydroelectric station has been haunting the Americans for a long time. Apparently a very important part of Russia's infrastructure.

How have you not heard? It seemed to me that gas exploded next to my father during a temporary camp. We are in Maina

Truly I tell you, we are being bombed. The false media is passing all this off as a meteorite. and this is so that they bomb us and we don’t cower.

The object passed from Sayanogorsk due to the Yenisei (there were no “explosions” in the air). They were located in the taiga massif of the "Shaggy Griva" tract of Sayan, Shushensky district. A blue-green ball with a long pale crimson tail. The speed was decent, a spot of light, bright as daylight, moved along the ground. I flew close enough, I could be wrong, but still from northwest to southeast. It didn’t explode or fall over Khakassia! Judging by the geography, it hit the ground somewhere in the remote taiga of the Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve, it is more likely that it flew to the taiga massifs of Tyva. It walked at an angle to the ground, but small, flew past us in 3-4 seconds, the flash of light lasted the same amount from bright green, blue white, to yellow. After about 20 seconds, a sound wave came - the rumble increased to loud and decreased, it rumbled for a long time and at the end there was a short loud roar (apparently from the fall). At first, they thought that a helicopter was flying and shining a spotlight on the ground at a low altitude. They really expected the arrival of a shock wave, but there were no more “miracles”.

In one of the videos, where two objects are moving, it is not a meteorite, but Progress, which fell in Tyva last week.

KRASNOYARSK, December 6. /TASS/. A celestial body, presumably a meteorite, fell on the territory of Khakassia. This was reported on the official website of the city of Sayanogorsk.

“According to preliminary data from the operational headquarters of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations for Sayanogorsk, at 18:37 (14:37 Moscow time) in the Beysky district, a celestial body, presumably a meteorite, fell. The Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, Mainskaya hydroelectric power station, Rusal factories and life support facilities of the city are working in normal mode," the message says.

"Uncle Artem Filatov/YouTube"

The celestial body presumably fell in the area of ​​the Babik Valley near Sayanogorsk. This was reported to TASS by the press secretary of the head of the republic Olga Kolesnikova.

“Presumably, something could have fallen in the Babik valley. Specialists have already gone there. The head of the republic was informed about the phenomenon. After all, we have strategic objects located in the Sayanogorsk region,” said the agency’s interlocutor.

Residents of Khakassia and the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory write about the “glow in the sky” on social networks. “This is an incredibly beautiful and terribly scary sight,” wrote one of the users of the VKontakte social network.

Scientist's comment

The meteorite, which exploded in the sky over Khakassia in the evening, is several times smaller than the Chelyabinsk meteorite, which fell into Lake Chebarkul in the Chelyabinsk region in February 2013. This was reported to TASS by Viktor Grokhovsky, member of the RAS Committee on Meteorites, professor of the Ural Federal University (Ural Federal University).

“Indeed, in the evening a good meteorite exploded in the sky over Khakassia. It is several times smaller than the Chelyabinsk meteorite, but its fragments can be found. Now the main thing is to establish exactly the trajectory of its flight and understand where its fragments fell. This will take about a day,” Grokhovsky said .

He added that when the meteorite exploded over Khakassia, a rumble was heard. “Now, in order to establish the power of the explosion, scans of special equipment are needed. It is said that the meteorite fell in the area of ​​the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, but there is such taiga there that it will not be easy to find the debris,” the scientist noted.

According to him, now it is important to calculate the trajectory of the fall of the celestial body. “There were three flashes, the meteorite fragmented, its fragments could fall out in several areas, but so far there is no data. The hum was heard in the Abakan area, now we need to collect data,” added Grokhovsky.

According to the scientist, three years after the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, attention to these “space wanderers” has not weakened. “There is progress in creating a system for detecting meteorites. However, this is a problem on a universal scale, and it is impossible to do anything in two or three years. A lot of scientific data on these cosmic bodies and their modeling has begun to appear,” Grokhovsky said.

In Khakassia, in the Beysky district near the city of Sayanogorsk, a meteorite fell at 18:37 local time (14:37 Moscow time), reports the website with reference to the city operational headquarters for civil defense and emergency situations.

“A body of cosmic origin of insignificant size fell into the dense layers of the atmosphere and burned up in them. The process was reflected by a bright glow in the sky over a number of Siberian regions, including the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia,” said an Interfax source in the rocket and space industry.

The meteorite burned out completely before reaching the ground. “The incident did not cause any damage to ground objects. Local residents also did not feel the impact,” the source added.

Emergency services in the region received more than 420 calls with reports of an unusual phenomenon. According to eyewitnesses, the lighting after the outbreak was close to daytime. The fall of the celestial body was accompanied by a roar, from which the walls began to shake.

Residents of Sayanogorsk claim that the meteorite itself glowed yellow, followed by a blue “tail.” Many cars' alarms went off after the explosion. Fragments of the celestial body fell in the Babik Valley area, near the city of Sayanogorsk, RIA Novosti reports. The flash from the meteorite was so strong that it was seen by residents of the regional capital Abakan, which is located 80 kilometers from Sayanogorsk.

“We saw a flash, about two minutes later there was a vibration in the houses and a roar was heard, which set off the car alarms,” the TVK television website quotes an eyewitness as saying.

“Everything lit up like daylight! I don’t really understand what it is, the sun doesn’t shine like that! Afterwards there was an explosion, somewhere far away, but there was a roar. I saw the stars falling, but this... I don’t know how to convey: from a small dot above my head it turned into a ball larger than a car! - says another eyewitness.

"We were walking with a friend. We stood near the store and my friend screamed when she saw a huge flash. And she screamed about it incessantly. I didn’t believe it, because my back was to the flash, and it seemed to me that a light bulb had gone out. I didn’t believe it and said that it went crazy. And suddenly there was a huge explosion! All the cars started beeping at once. It was very scary. Dad said that the windows were shaking a lot. We assume that it was a meteorite. Pants full of emotions!" - said a local resident.

Finding the wreckage will be difficult due to the lack of a fireball system

Member of the RAS meteorite committee, professor at the Ural Federal University (Ural Federal University) Viktor Grokhovsky told TASS that “a good meteorite exploded in the sky over Khakassia.”

According to him, fragments of the celestial body can be found if the exact trajectory of its flight is established. It is believed that it fell in the area of ​​the Sayano-Shushinskaya hydroelectric power station, but there is “such taiga that it will not be easy to find the debris.”

“There were three flashes, the meteorite fragmented, its fragments could fall out in several areas, but so far there is no data,” added Viktor Grokhovsky. “The hum was heard in the Abakan area, now we need to collect data.”

Dmitry Vibe, head of the department of physics and evolution of stars at the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, also believes that the search will be difficult. “If something has fallen, it will not be easy to find, because along the trajectory it is possible to reconstruct only approximately the area where the debris fell, and then, if this is Siberia, then it will be quite difficult to search,” he told the Life website.

The scientist stated the need to “have our own system that would notify in advance of the approach of dangerous bodies, and on the other hand, record the location of their fall.” “These are two tasks and two systems,” he noted.

Life and Grokhovsky complained about the lack of a fireball system. Videos from social networks, according to him, will be of little help in determining the trajectory: “We need at least ten from different sides. After Chelyabinsk, we film only with DVRs; in Russia we don’t have a powerful fireball system, that’s the problem.”

The Institute of Space Research suggested the diameter and composition of the meteorite

Leading researcher at the Department of Space Dynamics and Mathematical Information Processing at the Space Research Institute (IKI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nathan Eismont, told TASS that the diameter of the celestial body probably did not exceed 15 meters, and it consisted of rocky or rocky-water components.

“It is clear that it was not a very large meteorite. Judging by the fact that it nevertheless burned or exploded, in general, did not reach the surface, it is clear that it is unlikely that its diameter is more than 10 or 15 meters and that it, apparently not iron. Most likely (the meteorite) is rocky or rocky-water," Eismont said.

Meteorites similar to the one that fell in Khakassia do not pose a threat to humanity, he added. They become dangerous if they consist of iron and their dimensions exceed 15-20 meters, or if they “enter steeply vertically into the air envelope of the Earth.” However, the meteorite, which was photographed by eyewitnesses in Khakassia, according to the scientist, does not fall under the characteristics listed above.

At the same time, it is “fundamentally very difficult to see a meteorite approaching the Earth in advance,” Eismont emphasizes. If the fireball approaches the planet from the sunny side, then it is almost impossible to see it, but even if it moves from the night side, it is still very difficult for scientists to see it in the night sky and have time to calculate the flight path.

The last time a large meteorite exploded over Russia was on February 15, 2013, in the Chelyabinsk region. The shock wave damaged buildings and broke many windows. The meteorite was included in the new edition of the Guinness Book of Records due to the fact that it affected the largest number of people in the entire history of falls of celestial bodies to Earth.

The Guinness Book of Records states that about 1,200 people were injured by the meteorite. Meanwhile, Chelyabinsk authorities previously reported that there were 1,613 victims, most of them were injured from glass broken by the sound wave. According to various sources, from 40 to 112 people were hospitalized.

In the depths of space, millions of irreversible events occur every second, and we are not yet destined to foresee these events. One of the recent celestial events was the falling Chelyabinsk meteorite, which generated heat on the Internet and a lot of people's exciting conversations.

New threat from space

Our scientists have discovered new meteorite which is a little more than Chelyabinsk meteorite, flying at a speed of approximately 38 km per hour, and in a collision with the ground can cause real damage, since the impact power will be almost 2 times stronger than in Chelyabinsk.

But we don’t need blows from outside, since the earth is constantly experiencing shocks from earthquakes, and there have been quite a few in recent years, and strike from space can provoke irreversible reactions in the underground layers of our planet.

When will the 2016 meteorite fall?

The public is very worried about when in 2016 the meteorite will approach the earth, and will there be a collision with the ground or is it still this meteorite will fly by.

It is still difficult to predict whether a meteor will hit the ground or not, but when the closest distance of this meteorite to the ground will be is already known. This meteorite will almost reach , and will approach much earlier, on March 5, 2016, it will be strike from space, which perhaps we will remember for a long time, or a celestial body will fly past at great speed, and we will wave goodbye to it.

But in all likelihood, this meteorite even with direct aiming at the planet, it will most likely burn up in dense layers of the atmosphere, as was the case with the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

The meteorite may not burn

But there are also historical facts when meteorites did not burn up completely in the dense layers of the atmosphere and fell to the ground, causing significant destruction. For example, in 2000, not far from the city of Fukang, a huge meteorite weighing almost 420 kg. A distinctive feature of the Fukan meteorite is its extraordinary beauty, but its preserved size is also impressive

Scientists have calculated that this meteorite lay on our planet for 4.5 billion years, which makes this miracle pebble the same age as our planet. It is believed that this is a fragment of the meteor that killed the dinosaurs on our planet.

But there is also another side to this surprise, this meteorite is stuffed with precious stones, and is recognized as the most beautiful meteorite found on the planet. The approximate cost of this cobblestone is just over two million dollars.

But whether the meteorite that will fall around March 5, 2016 will be precious this time, one can only guess, but even if the meteorite is of jewelry value, its threat is much more important and this is a real reality that must be feared.

What if it gives an unpredictable force of impact, and the consequences are much stronger, which can damage the outer atmospheric shell of our planet, then we will have to adapt to living in outer space like. But this is impossible, the difference in atmospheric pressure from a meteorite impact will simply destroy all life on the planet.

But we will think that everything will be fine, and the celestial body will rush past our planet. And even if a meteorite collides with the earth in 2016, it will bring the most insignificant consequences that we will not even remember.
