Since childhood, I was interested in the phenomenon of prosperity - why is it so arranged that someone lives in abundance, and someone, although they work in the sweat of their brow, still drags out a miserable existence? What is the secret to prosperity? And is there any secret at all, or is it all about luck?

Why are the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer? Is there some kind of logic and justice? And most importantly, can you change something in your life? This is the topic of this post.

Let's start in order.

First of all, let's define the terms. What does it mean to be rich?

Not so long ago (just a couple of years ago) I realized that wealth and money are not the same thing. Wealth is much broader - it includes money as well, but is not limited to them. Time, freedom, health, happiness, development, peace of mind, harmonious relationships with others, happiness in family / close relationships, friendship, interesting acquaintances, opportunities, coincidences, luck - all these are integral elements of prosperity and wealth.

This is what each of us strives for at heart, but mistakenly believes that the main thing is to make more money, and everything else is attached as a bonus to a fat wallet. Big mistake.

Money is only part of prosperity; it does not guarantee the other ingredients of a rich life. Imagine that a person has a lot of money in his account, but at the same time he is paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair for life.

Of course, an extreme example, but you can see it yourself - so many people on this planet have money, but they are poor and unhappy.

In English, this difference is clearly visible - there are two words - "Rich" and Wealthy... The first means - "He has a lot of money"and the second is "He is rich".

From personal experience - when I worked in the office, I was, as they say, "A rich guy" - I had a lot of money, but at the same time I was not rich - there was no balance in life, there was no peace of mind, constant stress, the quality of life wanted better, health periodically suffered, the relationship was exhausting, and, frankly, there was no time to fully live and receive satisfaction from the money earned. The money itself came easily and just as easily went to all sorts of nonsense - why this happened, I will tell below.

The principles below are not about money. You will not find any tips on how to make money here "Fast, a lot and without difficulty"... But perhaps you will find here the answer to why such enrichment schemes do not work.

This post is about wealth in a broad sense. The things we're going to talk about are the foundation on which prosperity is based regardless of time and age.

It's a strategy, not a tactic

After all, wealth is not the ability to make money. And poverty is not a lack of money. Wealth and poverty are a state of consciousness, mentality, way of thinking, and not the amount in the bank account. I noticed that rich people think differently from poor people.

Ironically, most rich people manage to go bankrupt several times in their lives, which does not prevent them from getting rich again rather quickly. And at the same time, there are many examples when poor people, having hit a big jackpot in the lottery, waste money, rather quickly returning to poverty.

The post itself is named "10 commandments of prosperity"although, of course, there are more than ten principles of prosperity worth mentioning. But this voluminous topic has to start somewhere, so I have identified the ten that seem to me the most significant.

So let's go!

1. Give more than you take

This is the fundamental principle of prosperity. A person who has realized this principle and applies it in life is DOED to prosper. A person who does not realize this principle and does not apply it in life is DOED to poverty.

Why? Because this is the law - this is how our Universe works. All of us at school in physics lessons passed the universal principle of conservation of energy, but for some reason forgot about it ... Indeed, what does this have to do with our daily life? And the most direct.

Money is energy. The principle of conservation of energy is applied to money.

What does this mean in practice? If you want to receive a certain amount of energy in the form of money, you must first give the Universe the same amount of energy in a different form - whether it is your time, effort, work, help - in a word, do something useful, create and give the world some value ...

Here's a simple formula: what we give \u003d what we get.

Question from an elementary school arithmetic textbook - "how to get more?"
The answer, I think, is obvious: give more value \u003d receive more.

And continuing with this logic: give as much as possible (create maximum value) \u003d get maximum(prosperity, abundance and wealth)

It would seem that everything is very simple, but many people try to live by a different principle - only to receive, without giving anything in return. I am sure that each of you has a spam box in the mail to the eyeballs filled with mailings with headlines from the series "Earn 100,000 rubles today, without even getting up from the couch." Here's a fresh example from this morning:

People with a beggarly mentality are trying to impose their philosophy on us, which, they say, can only be taken without giving anything in return. This is ignorance, this is how the laws of the universe do not work.

By the way, pay attention to what terms are often used by such dealers - "Cut down", "Muddy", "fast and easy", "right now", "easily" etc. The importance of how we talk about money will be discussed below.

But back to the principle of conservation of energy.
It turns out that the basis of prosperity and perhaps the only way to earn worthily for the benefit of oneself and others is to focus on creating maximum value for other people, society, and the whole world.

Summarizing this point
Create value and share it with others. Money will come - this is how the laws of the Universe are arranged. By focusing on value creation rather than consumption, a person lets the energy of prosperity into his life.

2. Earn Sattvic

Initially, the energy of money is neutral. As well as neutral, for example, electricity.

Electricity kills cows in modern slaughterhouses, but the same electricity can be used to light, warm and feed people. A person by his actions and intentions endows energy that is neutral in nature (be it electricity or money) with a charge - either positive or negative.

How we make and spend money colors the energy of money in a certain color. My experience and observations suggest the following:

Money earned in ignorance (tamas) is saturated with ignorance and is spent mostly on ignorance, fruitful around sorrow and suffering

Money in ignorance is money from murder and violence, from any activity leading to the degradation of people, or based on deception - wars, murders, meat, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, weapons, bribes, kickbacks, divorce, raiding, fraud, theft, etc.

Fortunately, I didn’t have to make money in tamas. Money earned in this way becomes a curse - we are not talking about any wealth and prosperity.

Tamasic affairs lead to degradation and extinction.

Money earned in passion (rajas) is impregnated with passion, spent on passion and kindles more passion

Passion money is money from activities whose main purpose is to make money. This is any work and business for the sake of money, first of all. By and large, this includes all business (with the exception of sattvic), office plantations, career building, ambitions, capture of new markets, etc.

When I worked as a lawyer in an office, I made money that was heavily rajasic. It is not surprising that they also went to rajas - expensive clothes, restaurants, cars, trips and other show-offs.

Money in rajas can come abundantly and easily, but just as quickly and without a trace it leaves, stirring up more and more passion - greed. I have detailed this state in this post.

One can be in rajas "Rich" but not Wealthy... In my experience and observation, money in Rajas does not lead to wealth. A person can have a lot of money, but often money comes at the expense of sacrifices in other aspects of wealth - health, relationships, family, peace of mind, etc.

Money earned in goodness (sattva) is saturated with goodness, sustains and increases goodness, bestowing prosperity and benefiting others.

Money in sattva is money from activities that benefit people and society as a whole, develops and elevates the consciousness of people, helps those in need, reduces sorrow and suffering in the world.

A year after my dismissal, I started earning what I am doing now - teaching yoga and meditation, conducting seminars and retreats. I noticed that money earned in this way has a completely different charge, it has a different power.

First, they stopped "Fly into the pipe"and secondly, the desire to spend money on passion has disappeared.

But more importantly, it turned out that it was not about money at all. Although I started earning less money than doing office work, I felt immeasurably RICHER than I was before, making more money. It was a turning point when I realized that money and wealth are two different things.

Only sattvic deeds lead to prosperity. Strive to earn in goodness.

3. Avoid debt

What is debt in terms of the principle of conservation of energy, which we talked about above?

This is an imbalance - you have received the energy of money without creating and giving in return an equal value to the world. By and large, you got what you (yet) are not supposed to have - you have not yet deserved it. But as it usually happens, instead of creating some kind of value and making up for this imbalance, a person takes another loan, getting deeper and deeper into debt ...

It is important to understand - Prosperity is impossible in debt.

Prosperity Formula: I give more than I consume.
Debt formula: I take more than I give.

Debt is a financial illness and must be treated. Borrowed life is an integral attribute of a consumer society. After all, the consumer society itself is built on the principle "take" but not "Give".

Taking the bait of instant well-being, people buy outward attributes of wealth on credit, not realizing that the essence of prosperity is in harmonious energy exchange with the world, and not in the consumption of things. So people get deeper and deeper into debt, becoming poorer. It is no coincidence that the expression "debt hole" arose - it is not so easy to get out of this hole.

The consumer society instills in us the idea that living in debt is the norm. There are entire nations, such as the United States, where most people live in debt - they buy things on credit, study on credit, get treatment on credit, travel on credit, and sometimes even eat on credit. So debts multiply and are passed on from generation to generation.

It is sad to see that this pernicious idea of \u200b\u200bliving in debt is rapidly spreading around the world like an epidemic. Consumer lending is gaining momentum in Russia. A dangerous tendency leading to the impoverishment of people. Consumer lending is based on human greed and unconsciousness.

People buy things that they can't afford (and often don't need at all!) To impress other unconscious people. A hallmark of the poverty mentality.

The insidious bank is right there: “there is no money for an unnecessary thing, but really want to enjoy it right now? do not be sad - here you go, you will now give back with interest for three years! "

A person with chronic debt is a black hole in terms of prosperity energy. But the worst of all is the situation of a person who does not repay his debts. Such a person incurs a financial curse, preventing himself from being able to prosper and be rich.

To summarize
Unlearn living in debt. Debt attracts poverty and repels prosperity. Therefore, get rid of existing debts as soon as possible and do not breed new ones in the future. It is better to live modestly and get by with little than to live luxuriously, but on debt.

4. Respect Lakshmi's energy

Try to look at our world through the eyes of the ancients - imagine for a moment that all the forces in our world are animated - rains, thunderstorms, sun, oceans, fire, etc. - behind each force there is a personality, a living being with its own character. For clarity, imagine that these are managers assigned to be responsible for one or another aspect of the universe.

In the Hindu pantheon of gods, Lakshmi is the Goddess responsible for the energy of prosperity. This is the director of the main bank of the Universe, the manager of all budgets and material goods.

Although she is a powerful Goddess, first of all, Lakshmi is a woman. And don't forget about that. I often see people dismissive of money. A disrespectful attitude towards money blocks the energy of prosperity.

There are also people who are against money - they consider it to be something dirty, unworthy, unclean, condemn wealth. In my opinion, this is as reasonable as considering the energy of the wind and ocean waves as dirty and unworthy.

Money is the grace of Lakshmi.

It may seem to us that the boss gives us the money, but is it really so? And who gives money to your boss? The attitude towards money should be built on respect and gratitude. Remember - you are receiving gifts from a woman. I will list just a few components of respect for money, so that you better grasp the idea.

Cleanliness and tidiness

Cash should be kept in a clean, solid and better expensive wallet. No crumpled dirty bills in the back pocket of your jeans! The wallet must be in order - money and cards, everything in its place. Non-cash money - in a good bank, separate accounts for different currencies, regular accounting and control.

Respectful speech

Equally unacceptable as disparaging statements - "Grandma, babos, lave, gadget, five, hundreds"and diminutive "Denyuzhka, pretty penny".

Money is money. Ruble, dollar, euro, franc, finance, investments, savings, funds and nothing else. I don’t know of a single rich person who would indulge in a disdain for money.

Money loves counting

Another sign of respect for the energy of money is knowing how much you earn and how much you spend.

Therefore, you need to keep track of your expenses and income. There are many mobile apps designed specifically for this. I strive to carry out most of the settlements through bank accounts - this provides automatic recording of receipts and expenses.

The situation repeats every month "I don't know where my salary went" is a typical example of a poor person's mentality.

Money loves value

Person, "Blowing money away" loses favor with Lakshmi. Money loves value. They are attracted to those who are able to create this value themselves and who are able to adequately recognize it in the world. Tossing money means not appreciating the potential inherent in the energy of money and not respecting Lakshmi.

The art of taking

It is important to be able to accept money and other benefits that are sent to us by fate with dignity. Remember that money comes to you from above for your past piety by the grace of Lakshmi, and not from your aunt at the box office. The common answer we have is "Yes, not at all" - a manifestation of disrespect for this grace. There is something for that, it means - they deserve something. therefore "you are welcome" and "Glad to serve" is a much more appropriate response to gratitude.

To summarize
Respect the energy of money if you want to count on Lakshmi's grace

Continued ...

For convenience, we have split the article into two parts. Second to

HOW TO BECOME RICH FROM ZERO? Probably, there is not a single person on earth who would not want to become a rich and successful person, and very quickly. This is why the TV show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" has become so popular today, all kinds of lotteries and free winnings are in great demand. In addition, to date, many manuals and special literature have been created that describe in detail how to become a billionaire in a short time and without unnecessary effort. But it is important not only to manage to read all this and master the basic laws of wealth, but also to be able to highlight the most important and, most importantly, apply THIS IMPORTANT in life.

What does it mean to be a rich man

Before you start getting rich, you need to understand and understand what it means to be rich.

Since we are all different, with our own individual psychological characteristics and needs, the understanding of “being a rich person” is also different for each person. For some it is:

  • have a huge bank account and a large country cottage;
  • own apartment, car and the ability to travel;
  • a profitable business that brings colossal income;
  • or just a big, loving family, etc.

You can list for a long time, it's all purely individual. One thing remains unchanged: A rich person is a person who is simply happy and content with what he has .

For example, American millionaire Robert Kiyosaki believes:

- this is the amount of time that a person can not work without changing the usual way of life;

and Of a rich man - a person who may not work for money, earning income from the assets he has.

That is, he measures WEALTH by the time during which a person can not work, without changing the quality of his life. A RICH PERSON in his understanding is the owner of assets that bring him enough money for him.

Before starting their journey to wealth, each person must answer the following questions for themselves:

  1. Why does someone manage to make big money, and someone does not?
  2. Why does someone manage to both earn big money and have an active rest at the same time. And someone, working day and night, barely living up to their salary?
  3. Why, with a minimum of effort, someone can afford expensive purchases, while someone can barely live up to their salary? And, for the most part, does not live at all?
  4. Why, someone just, as it seems to someone, makes money "out of thin air", while someone does not live, but survives?
  5. Why, as it seems, someone is constantly pursuing good luck, while someone cannot get out of the "debt hole"?

Many people in truth consider this a matter of luck, and someone who has already achieved success and wealth in life will say that this is, entirely and completely, an approach to life and a way of thinking. This does not mean that if you start thinking like a rich person and look at life from the other side, then immediately wealth will fall on your head. It will simply help start your own path to wealth in the right direction and with the right mindset.

How to get rich from scratch. Step by step guide to action

Step 1. Make a firm decision to become a wealthy person

Based on the foregoing, you need to clearly define for yourself what exactly you want, and how much you need it to feel happy, rich and successful person.

To become rich, you must first make a decision to become that way. The decision must be firm and the intention unshakable. So that not a single relative, friend or just a neighbor can change your firm decision and unshakable intention.

“Your own decision to be successful is more important than hundreds of others.” - Abraham Lincoln

When making a decision, you must initially understand that you are choosing a completely different lifestyle with completely different habits and way of thinking.

And remember: Poor is not the one who has little, but the one who always has little.

Step 2. Set specific goals

I want to become a rich person - this is not a goal, but a dream that must be formulated correctly. It is necessary to understand clearly and specifically for yourself what lies behind the word wealth. A big house, an expensive car, a huge bank account, or just a big family and a well-paid job.

Specific goals are a clear plan of action, following which in small steps you will certainly become a rich, successful and happy person.

Step 3. Developing the habits and mindsets of rich people

and thinking rich people - this is precisely the main basis, which And also, the answer to the question: How to become rich from scratch? This is how they differ from poor and not very successful people.

To become a rich and successful person, you JUST need to develop the habits and thinking of rich people. You should not count on a quick result, let alone despair if something does not work out. This is exactly what is accumulated over time and developed with experience. You need to start small, adding more and more good habits and gradually changing the way you think. So, the emphasis must be on patience, patience and patience again ... ..

Step 4. Develop self-confidence and self-confidence.

The belief that you are not worthy of wealth and constant self-doubt will always prevent you from becoming a rich person. Low self-esteem hasn't made anyone rich yet. What is in your head directly affects your actions and directly affects the result.

Stop whining and complaining - it hasn't helped anyone yet. Remember, the road can only be mastered by walking. Reconsider your thoughts and view of the world. Learn to think not as a loser, weak-willed and spineless person, but as a self-confident and self-confident person capable of many things. As Dale Carnegie said: when a person starts a war with himself, he is already worth something.

Step 5. We begin to change our lifestyle.

The way of life of a person determines his essence, actions and deeds. Therefore, this is what distinguishes a rich person from a poor person.

The first thing to change is your environment. Man is a herd, loving to imitate and with a great need to be like everyone else. Therefore, the environment of a person so influences his actions, deeds, habits, thinking and, accordingly, his lifestyle. And that is why, the first thing that will need to be changed is your environment.

Start connecting with more successful people. So you will quickly develop the correct habits and thinking in yourself, begin to act and act differently. You will begin to live as a successful and self-confident person.

Step 6. Take care of your financial education

Unfortunately, they do not teach how to become a rich person either at school or at the institute. Therefore, you will need to try to learn financial literacy yourself and

Start reading more financial literature, attending trainings and seminars on finance and doing business, search the information you need on the Internet, sign up for webinars. All this will greatly help you to become a financially literate person and will help you take the right steps, and a correctly and competently drawn up financial plan, like a compass, will show you in which direction you need to act.

Step 7. Take action

Surely everyone has heard that water does not flow under a lying stone. Any, even insignificant, goals and plans must necessarily be accompanied by specific actions. Without action, there will be no result.

Do not sit and wait for the lady luck herself to fall on your head - this will not happen. Fear nothing and remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

Step 8. Be patient

Regardless of which way you choose to get rich, it takes time to implement your plans, and, by far, not a little. So, be patient and just continue to move the intended plan, act, make mistakes and draw the right conclusions, on the basis of which you make the necessary adjustments to your financial plan.

Basic rules and important tips of millionaires how to get rich from scratch

1. Pay yourself first

Whatever your monthly income, you should always set aside a set percentage of your total income and not touch it until you decide. No matter how hard it was for you, this rule is inviolable and not subject to appeal.

2. Financial literacy

Throughout our adult life we \u200b\u200bare forced to study well in order to find a good high-paying job in the future. First, we are taught the basics of literacy at school, then we get a professional education, after which we look for a stable and reliable job, where we work for money until retirement. But nobody teaches us how to become rich and financially independent. You must clearly distinguish assets from liabilities, good debt from bad debt. For this, it is necessary to become financially educated. Financially literate people do not work for money, but make money work for themselves.

As John Davison Rockefeller said:

Whoever works all day has no time to earn money.

"Knowledge is power." Bacon

3. Positive cash flow

“Don't be afraid of big expenses. We must be afraid of small incomes

John Davison Rockefeller

You need to start your journey to wealth by creating a positive cash flow. Namely, with the creation and competent management of their income and expenses, liabilities and assets. For which, as mentioned above, it is necessary to become a financially literate person.

4. Learn from mistakes

Ever since childhood, we are taught that making mistakes is bad, that everything must be done correctly. They punish us for the slightest blunders and defeats. Is it so scary to make a mistake and do something wrong? Let's remember a small child who starts his life path with continuous mistakes: he will climb in the wrong place, then he will stick his hand in the wrong place, whine, whimper, draw conclusions for himself and will not do this again. And so on until he grows up and is drummed into him that it is bad to be wrong. But all of us, from birth to death, learn something thanks to these very mistakes. No wonder they say: "Learn from mistakes." It is the ability to learn lessons and draw conclusions from our mistakes that gives us truly invaluable experience and knowledge. It is not important that you are wrong, but what benefit you derive for yourself. The more mistakes a person makes, the smarter, more experienced, and therefore richer he is.

"Mistakes are the science that helps us move forward."

W. Channing

"The worst mistake you can make in life is being afraid to make a mistake all the time." Elbert Hubbard

5. Debts

"It is unforgivable frivolity to make debts if you intend to pay them."

Egon Fidel

"They go broke not because they make debts, but because they pay the debts."

Moses Safir

There are two types of debt: good and bad. Good debt is when someone pays your obligations, bad debt is when you pay off debts with your sweat and blood. It is necessary to reduce, and ultimately nullify, bad debt and increase good debt.

6. Organization of income

There are three types of income:

  • professional (earned);
  • investment (stocks, bonds, etc.);
  • passive (for example, income from real estate).

All these incomes are very important. Organizing these incomes correctly will help create positive cash flow for you. Which, in turn, will help you become a rich person. And for this you need to increase your

As John Davison Rockefeller liked to say: Create a source of passive income and live your life!

7. Change something

People who are afraid to make mistakes find it easier to do nothing or do the same thing as before. To increase your chances of becoming rich, you need to change something. Or rather, just go from the category of an ordinary worker to the category of a businessman or investor.

“If you have little money, you have to do business. If there is no money at all, you need to do business urgently, right now! " John Davison Rockefeller

8. Self-discipline

Today it's not a secret for anyone that only strictly disciplined people. All success starts with self-discipline. It all starts with you. Indeed, in order to achieve success, it is necessary to strictly follow the plan and overcome many difficulties. Never say: "I can not", say: "I can, but not now"

Controlling your unnecessary and useless expenses will increase your chances of getting rich. This also requires tremendous will and self-discipline.

Remember, even with a great desire to become rich, without certain knowledge and skills, without changing your thinking and lifestyle, getting rid of fears, without self-discipline and the necessary decisive actions, you will have to say goodbye to your dream of becoming rich and financially independent.

"The greatest victory is the victory over oneself." Cicero

9. Change your thinking

The poor man's thinking is radically different from. Reconsider your outlook on life. Learn to think not like a poor person, but like a rich person. Communicate more with successful and successful people. Learn from them. Find a mentor, learn from their experience. And then success, luck and wealth will not keep you waiting long.

10. Patience

Since childhood, we all know the proverb "Patience and work will grind everything." As far as money is concerned, it couldn't be better. Only tremendous patience and tremendous work will help you achieve prosperity and prosperity.

"Everything comes on time to the one who knows how to wait."

Francois Rabelais

11. Start investing

Money should not lie under the mattress, it should work. Only through investing is it possible, which will make you financially independent over time. Big money is not earned at work, but in free time from work.

In conclusion, we can say that it is quite possible to become a rich person from scratch. To achieve financial well-being, a person just needs to be patient, acquire the necessary skills and spend a certain amount of time.

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How financial independence is acquired

One smart man said that if you collect all the money in the world and distribute it evenly among people, then after a while the rich and the poor will again appear.

The secret is that the rich are good at managing their resources. Anyone who wants to improve their well-being even a little should understand simple truths:

  • it is impossible to get rich working for other people;
  • the finances at your disposal must be properly managed;
  • time is the most valuable resource that you need to learn to use effectively;
  • if you do not like to take risks, then it will be very difficult for you to get rich;
  • the ability to communicate is an important skill of a successful businessman
  • experiment more;
  • explore and practice different ways to make money;
  • learn to think correctly;

Working as a wage laborer is very difficult to get rich. Most of the profits are taken by the bosses, and you usually only get a small piece of the pie. Therefore, strive to start your own business. It doesn't matter that your own business initially brings little profit. All the levers of control are concentrated in your hands, which will allow you to expand and increase income in the future.

A successful businessman is one who knows how to quickly increase his income and manage his own finances competently.

The monthly income should be divided into three main groups: daily needs, investments and business development. Successful businesspeople are adept at handling this distribution and become wealthier as a result.

Time is no less valuable resource than financial receipts. For all of us, a day consists of the same number of hours, minutes and seconds. But some of them manage to do thousands of things during this day, while others live this time mediocrely. A successful entrepreneur is sensitive to every second of his life. To better manage your time, you need to learn how to make an action plan. This will help make work more efficient and organized.

Any businessman striving for success must be able to take risks. But this must be done wisely, soberly assessing your real capabilities. It is impossible to find the right way to develop your business without experimentation. You have to try many different ways of doing before you find the only right way.

Psychological differences between a wealthy and a poor person

Our thinking determines a lot. One smart man said that we are what we think of ourselves. To this we can add that we are what we think of ourselves and which way of thinking we choose. The consummate pessimist closes all paths to financial well-being for himself. Positive thinking forces you to try new ways to generate income, increasing your chances of a successful outcome. Let's compare the basic attitudes that distinguish rich and poor people:

1. The rich believe that man is the creator of his own destiny. The poor, on the other hand, complain all the time about the predestination of life and the inability to cope with difficult conditions.

2. The rich see work as a means of building up their own capital. The poor, on the other hand, work to support their families and provide for a mediocre existence.

3. The rich know that increasing income is impossible without hard work. The poor see wealth as an unrealizable fantasy dream that cannot be realized. Therefore, you should not strain yourself.

4. The rich are always looking for new ways of development and trying to bring innovative technologies to life, not afraid to take risks. The poor have no time to experiment. Endless problems in everyday life take away all his free time.

5. The rich try to communicate and meet successful people. Only in the course of live communication with other businessmen can you learn something useful and raise your self-esteem. The poor, on the other hand, feel comfortable only with their own kind.

6. The rich try to make themselves public. The poor like to hide from the world. This makes them feel more confident.

7. The rich know that there are many ways to achieve a goal. Poor people are sure of only one path that can lead to wealth. Everything else is thrown aside.

8. The rich are always engaged in self-development and self-improvement. They learn from every failure. The poor, on the other hand, consider studying to be a futile exercise.

If a poor person can change his type of thinking, then over time, his material condition will change for the better.

How the most ordinary person gets rich

All changes that happen to people begin in their brain. A lot depends on our self-awareness and way of thinking. By changing the way of thinking and attitude to the real world, we ourselves begin to change.

True wealth is not measured by the amount of money you own. It is expressed in the inner state of a person, in self-love, cheerfulness and the ability to enjoy the present moment.

Without change, a poor person has no chance of getting rich. Even if you win a million or receive a huge inheritance, without the ability to properly manage money, you will quickly lose everything you had.

If you want to become a really rich person, you should definitely learn some useful things:

  • selflessly believe that financial well-being is achievable for you;
  • try to act more than think;
  • always rely only on your own strengths and skills, and not on luck (inheritance, winning the lottery);
  • make decisions boldly and do not be afraid to take responsibility;
  • be ready to overcome any difficulties;
  • regularly donate part of the money you earn to charity;
  • learn to invest correctly;
Ordinary people who became billionaires

Mark Zuckerberg and did not think that someday he would become a young billionaire. A psychologist by training, he managed to go from an ordinary student to a successful programmer and creator of the famous social network Facebook. His extraordinary abilities and unique intelligence were noticed at the time by companies such as Microsoft and Aol. Cooperation with these corporations resulted in the creation of a project that brought a lot of money to its creator.

Li Kashin was born and lived all his childhood in a very poor family. He began his ascent to financial well-being by opening his own business in Hong Kong. Later, he managed to buy a large British company, which was the beginning of entry into the Western market. At the age of 10, Lee fell ill with tuberculosis, which was not surprising given the low living standards of his family. From an early age, he worked at an artificial flower factory, which allowed him to accumulate a little capital. With this money, Kashin opened his first own business.

Aristotle Onassis left Rio de Janeiro at the age of 17. Not having received a proper education, the young man changed many professions. He had to work as a clerk and a waiter. Having overcome a lot of trials and difficulties through which his fate passed, Aristotle managed to achieve financial independence. He is currently a financial tycoon and renowned shipbuilder.

Probably few people in the world do not know the name Bill Gates... The creator of the popular operating system, he founded the Microsoft Corporation. Many people around the planet enjoy the results of his labors. Although Bill did not grow up in a poor family, he cannot be called an ordinary child of rich parents. Amazing perseverance and desire to win set him apart from the circle of friends already at school age. He could easily memorize several pages of text from the Bible to take first place in the competition.

Merry and funny Jim Carrey also had to go through considerable difficulties in childhood. His family was on the brink of poverty when the famous comedian's father was fired from his job. Jim has spent the night in a car and camping tent more than once. The path to success and fame was very difficult and thorny. But, in the end, he managed to get on the big stage.

Ella Fitzgerald very early became an orphan. A difficult relationship with his stepfather and a lack of parental love made the teenager a member of a children's gang. After a while, Ella ended up in a juvenile colony. The girl managed to escape from prison, exchanging the fate of the prisoner for the lot of the homeless. For a long time she lived on the street and ate garbage. But fate allowed her to test herself in theatrical business. Striving for success and fame, together with a unique voice, brought success to young Ella Fitzgerald and allowed her to become a wealthy person.


WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. To create this article, 36 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.

Many skills and a special attitude are required in order for your child to become “rich”, if this is the value that you want to convey to him; you need to develop your child in this direction from childhood, in parallel with all other skills. If you want your child to become the next Pavel Durov, Roman Abramovich or Maria Sharapova, or if you want him not only to learn how to make money, but also to be able to responsibly and reasonably handle money, then know that it is never too early to start, and you - to become a good example.


    Assess your own beliefs and feelings about money. Do you believe that making money is a privilege and a competition with yourself that does honor to you? A pleasant aspect of life that helps you to realize your dreams and achieve your goals, or a “cross” that everyone carries through their lives? If your thoughts are leaning more towards the latter, it will not be easy for you to convince your child that working on creating material wealth is a positive thing. It is difficult to instill in a child positive financial attitudes if they go against yours. Think carefully about your attitude to money and understand what it is due to what comes from. No matter how you yourself feel about money, you set a worthy goal for yourself - to help your child become a financially responsible adult and independent person in relation to money.

    Assess and work on your own spending habits. If you spend more than you earn, or spend money lightly without saving or investing the savings, don't expect your child's future habits to be better. If at the moment you are facing the problem of providing for your family with basic needs, and money in your home is the cause of constant stress and conflict, you may need to carefully reconsider how you create spending and how you relate to work. Identify the problem area and work to fix it. Start thinking about budget and spending, stick to your plan. Start saving money and investing in retirement or university studies, even if the sum is very small. This step will start to benefit your family immediately, and you will be a good role model for your child.

    Assess your overall business ethics. For many people, hard work with constant overwork is the only path to financial success. Are you a conscientious worker? Do you tend to change jobs frequently, are you dissatisfied with your career? If so, talk to your child about how you are determined to make a difference in terms of work. Much of a positive approach to work is built on the pleasure you should get from it. If you are unhappy at work, take proactive action and make realistic plans for how to change position / place / profession / enterprise, etc. This will be a valuable lesson for the child. As you watch you go through these difficult changes, your child will have a lasting impression.

    Think about what values \u200b\u200byou want to instill in your child. Almost all of us have mixed feelings about work and money. Do the audit: how do you feel about how you make and spend money? Discuss goals and methods with your child - avoid sending double messages. If you want your child to strive to achieve material wealth, extol as a virtue the ability to make a plan and persistently follow it, accepting and dealing with obstacles on the way. Watch what you say about wealth and how you want your child to be treated. What you do with your wealth also matters. Avoid statements that show an attitude towards material well-being as something wrong; instead, emphasize all the good things that can be done with the money earned, how it can serve as a means to an end, including helping other people. However, do not forget to say that wealth alone does not determine happiness or lack thereof. Praise the ingenuity and work ethic of people who have achieved financial success, while encouraging the child to be ethical, generous to those in need, and responsible with money. You shouldn't complain about work in the presence of a child. While this is a common experience for most of us, seeing it day after day will make your child feel negative about work and should be avoided.

    Take a close look at your work habits. Successful adults come from families in which there is an atmosphere of security, where parents have ample time for their children and in order to pass them on and develop important life skills. If you realize that you need to constantly work to support the children, reconsider your decision and find a way to work less by showing the children that you value them with your warmth and attention, not with the purchased goods. If your kids comment that parents are buying more things for other kids, point out that this gives you more time to spend with each other, which is more valuable in the long run.

    Start investing in children's education as early as possible, making it a top priority. Deliberately planned education is more likely to lead to bottom-line success. Try to give your child the best educational experience, whether it be a public or private school, daycare or preparatory course that will challenge your child and prepare him for university or other forms of deep professional knowledge in his area of \u200b\u200binterest.

    Encourage your child to do better in everything they do, especially in school. In the early stages, encourage your child to try to get good grades, but also emphasize that the most important thing is to give 100% and feel satisfaction from it, no matter what grade you get. This will help develop the belief in the child that the energy you apply is important, not the impression it makes on others. Of course, if a child gets a bad grade, you should pay attention to it and ask why he did not do the job better. Be prepared to help them deal with any study problems and make sure your home provides a supportive learning environment. Seek advice from teachers and school psychologists. If your child is still struggling, consider hiring a tutor. Foster a sense of satisfaction in your child's high academic performance - this will build his self-respect and confidence in his abilities.

    Try not to overestimate the importance of saving money in the eyes of your child - rather focus on what can be achieved with it. Almost all parents at a certain stage of upbringing say: “money does not grow on trees”. It is very important to convey to the minds of children: to make money, you need to be proactive and work hard. Often the question of money comes up only when we deny something to children; this can cause the child to see money as a source of stress rather than as a means to achieve their goals.

    Try to teach your child how to budget early, giving him the opportunity to earn and manage money. If you are providing your child with pocket money, help him develop a budget that includes an accumulation phase for a short-term goal, no matter how small it is. Teach him the investment and the wonder of compound interest. Be careful - do not help him if he spent money too quickly - let the child feel the consequences of his actions under the protection of your home. If a child wants something that he can objectively afford, saving money from earnings or pocket money, teach him to save a little every week so that over time he can acquire the desired thing on his own; teach your child to keep track of their savings.

    Be very careful when insisting that a child should work at an early age. A child's job is to grow and learn, not to make a living. Don't force your teen to get a job. Resist the temptation - your child will have plenty of time to work for a salary when he finishes his education. Otherwise, you will lead the child on the right path to the conviction that making money is not a positive and rewarding business. Mowing lawns, cleaning private and common rooms, helping with dishes are tasks that are due to living together in the same territory. Children should not pay for these troubles. Instead, thank the child with counter help in their personal concerns (from you and other family members), help them in their attempts to start their own business (selling newspapers or something else), and have neighbors hire them as part-time jobs. Remember - "work" is not a child's responsibility, make sure that your child will have the opportunity and time to be a child. Those people who achieve success in life come to this because they enjoy their occupation. If your teen insists that he wants to work in the summer instead of studying somewhere, that's good; but help him develop a good work ethic and a healthy attitude towards work - show the value of work-play balance, relaxation.

    Encourage your child to think about the future by sharing your financial plans with them. Discuss the importance of early goal setting, but also flexibility - changes may need to be made along the way. Building resilience and, at the same time, flexibility are great skills that can be appreciated and learned at a relatively early age. Encourage your child to think about what he wants to do “when he grows up” even during elementary or high school. Emphasize that he may change his choices several times as he grows and matures, but encourage the child to do research and write a plan for how he can achieve this goal. By teaching your child to work with plans, set deadlines, and formulate goals at an early age, you will develop the skill to understand what it takes to achieve the desired goals and how to earn the money to achieve what your child dreams of. Help him be realistic in setting achievable financial goals, but be careful not to burden the child with unnecessary constraints. With hard work and perseverance, we are all capable of performing miracles. It is important for our children to understand that achieving material well-being is a long-term process for most of us, but at the same time, they can achieve anything if they want to set a goal for themselves and work conscientiously to achieve it. Patience is a virtue.

    Since starting a business is one of the ways your child can become wealthy, guide him in business with small projects like growing earthworms or even selling candy. Encourage him to spend little and invest the rest - expanding an existing business or starting a new one.

  1. If your child is doing well at an early age (such as soccer, basketball, or electronics), ask if he likes it and how he succeeds. This business alone can make him a lot of money.

    • Warnings: DO NOT FORCE CHILD TO BE PERFECT ALWAYS AND IN EVERYTHING. All children get better over time. For example, a perfect “five” is fine, but a couple of “fours” are also not bad. Just tell him he did a great job and help him get better results next time.
    • If your kids want to quit, ask if they are sure of their decision; talk about all the unpleasant things that may follow their rejection, and talk with them about any pleasant things that they will lose. If you force them to continue, chances are they will quit anyway as soon as you can't control them.
    • Don't miss any opportunity to introduce your child and let him hang out with those people who are happy in their chosen career. Empower them to experience the value of connecting and connecting with those who share their interests.
    • Remember that money is not the key to happiness.
    • Feed your child positive reinforcement. Read to the children to make sure it is something instructive or uplifting for them. My mom used to leave the book The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Peel in the bathroom. Many parents these days lead a busy, exhausting lifestyle - they have neither the time nor the energy for the child. This is normal. Take them to the library, find audiobooks, and put them in your kids' home or car. If your child is learning English, you can kill two birds with one stone by downloading a free audio recording from this site:
    • Let your kids make mistakes under the cover of your home. This is much better than waiting for the child to go to university or at an even older age, and at these later stages will make unwanted choices that will have long-term or irreversible consequences. However, do not let them fall under your wing constantly. Give them the opportunity to gain self-confidence and learn to rely only on themselves. Help them get through really tough, unexpected adversity, but in general, allow them to experience mistakes and learning. Leaving behind a long chain of failures is typical of most successful people; nevertheless, they find the strength to learn valuable lessons from what is happening and rise back.
    • If your children truly admire the achievements of successful people, it will increase the likelihood that they will try to imitate them. If a child works hard and efficiently, the chances are high that he will succeed in life. Children must find their own path to success, compete, be original, honest, have an optimistic outlook on life, and work hard.
    • Encourage your child to follow their hobbies, and at the same time, choose one of them that can also provide financial rewards.
    • There are many ways to become financially independent. While you may already have fully thought through your child's career path, don't force him / her to live your dreams. Give your child advice and role models for fulfilling careers, but let them make their own choices. If a child can find something that is enjoyable, he is more likely to put in the necessary work to become successful. Encourage and support his continued interests and inclusion of hobbies and various arts in future work plans.


    • Even if you did everything right and provided your child with every opportunity to succeed financially, he still may not want to become "rich", but he will have values \u200b\u200band morals to be proud of. Mainly, he will maintain balance and enjoy "work for life" rather than the other way around.

How to become rich and successful from scratch?

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How to become a wealthy and successful person? Uncover the Secret of Wealth and Good Luck right now. Create a personal plan for achieving well-being and build your capital.

The Secret of Wealth and Good Luck opens up great opportunities for us. Films have been made about him. Books tell about him. Real millionaires talk about him.

But there is one paradox: the secret of how to become happy and rich seems too simple. After learning about him, some people refuse to believe in him. This is why there will always be few rich people.

If you take the Secret of Wealth into service, you will be one of the lucky ones. He is waiting for you at the end of the article - arm yourself!

5 axioms of wealth

Society programs the population for poverty. Since childhood, we have been pursued by wrong attitudes. And many people are afraid to change their views, take responsibility for their destiny and start a new life.

    5 axioms of wealth
  1. Wealth is good. If you doubt it - you are here.
  2. A beggar can become a billionaire. If you don’t believe - you are here.
  3. The path to wealth begins with a dream. If you are afraid to dream, this is the place for you.
  4. There is enough money in this world for you. If you don’t believe it, let’s go.
  5. Wealth - you deserve it. Make sure of this again.

However, you can talk as long as you like about dreams and goals. Conversations should lead to concrete action. No lucky horseshoe will bring good luck until you nail it to your hoof and start plowing.

And the ways of acquiring wealth are quite tangible and run through a very material world. Therefore, I propose to immediately plunge into the surrounding reality. How to get rich from scratch in Russia?

What does it take to get rich?

There are several ways to increase your wealth

  • Business in the field of trade, production or services (shop, bakery, cafe, private kindergarten);
  • Small business at home (you can sew clothes for dogs, make gift soap);
  • Business on the Internet (you can profit from your own sites, organize an online store, earn income from affiliate programs, sell information products);
  • Freelance (promotion of client sites, writing articles to order);
  • Investing (stocks, investment funds).

As you can see, we are not considering a successful marriage with an oligarch / oligarch's widow and a career at Gazprom.

If a chair in Gazprom was waiting for you, I think you would not have read this article.

But if you want to start your own business, then you need to take several very specific steps:

  1. Explore as much information as possible about the sources and methods of generating income
  2. Choose your source of income, your direction of development
  3. Study in detail the features of running the selected business
  4. Find time, effort and money for its implementation
  5. Start your own business and do not turn off the intended path

How it might look in practice? How can you get rich?

  1. Let's say you are an erudite person who knows how to correctly express your thoughts. You don't have extra money, but you have a great desire to improve your well-being. You have read a lot of information about making money on the Internet and have chosen the easiest way without financial investments and risks. You have become a copywriter and write custom articles for numerous sites.
  2. Having accumulated experience, knowledge and money, you create your site and start making money on advertising and selling links. Following one successful site, you create several more equally successful projects.
  3. Your incomes increase significantly, and now you can invest the accumulated amount in gold, real estate, stocks, mutual funds or in several sources at once.

Agree, at the stage of freelancing, you could not think about buying an apartment and renting it out. But having entered a new stage of your development, you can already rent a new apartment through an agency and receive a stable passive income without any risks.

How to become rich and successful without start-up capital?

invest in yourself: in your knowledge and skills

Are you seriously thinking how to become a rich person? Do not be lazy to read how, what mutual funds are, how they make money from selling links, how to sell their products over the Internet, how to plan a family budget. Acquiring knowledge about money is already your first step to wealth!

believe in yourself and constantly develop

If you cannot do something now, it does not mean that it will be impossible for you in a year. After all, in a year you will be a completely different person. New opportunities will open before you. You will have new knowledge, connections, a new level of income.

If you have earned 20,000, you can make 40,000 of them. If you have 40,000, then you can make 100,000 of them. You just need to think, absorb new information and act.

work for yourself, not for your uncle

You should not, of course, abruptly quit your official job, but you definitely need to strive to create your own business. You can always find a couple of hours a day / a week for a small hobby that will grow into your own business in the future.

When you work in the office or behind the counter, you get money in exchange for your time. You are wasting not only your energy, but also precious hours, days and years of your life. You need to build your life so that your money brings you new money. Then you will have free time and financial freedom.

To buy a Lada, you need to work. To buy a BMW, you have to think.

strive to generate passive income from multiple sources

Rich people invest in multiple ways to minimize risk. And even if you do not yet have a question: to invest in precious metals or in shares, you can already distribute your money streams across several sites, across several affiliate programs, sell articles on several exchanges.

And you need to strive to create sources of passive income. After all, you can write articles for sale every day, or you can write a training course once and receive income from the automatic sale of its copies.

So what does it take to get rich?

  • knowledge about money,
  • self-confidence
  • and initial capital.

Agree, you can get knowledge! You can believe in yourself! Initial capital can be earned!

And I hope this site will give you confidence, help you understand complex financial issues and motivate you to start your own business.

How To Become Rich Online?

Opening an offline business is accompanied by a huge number of difficulties and legal formalities. In addition, such a business requires a lot of cash injections at the inception stage.

However, many entrepreneurs are now doing business over the Internet. Beginners try their first earnings with little or no investment. Over time, some of them are doing well and they even officially register their activities.

There are a lot of ways to make money. Here's just a little information to think about.

On the Internet, you can earn on:

  • sites (sell links, post paid articles, receive regular deductions for clicks on advertising, receive remuneration for partner programs of other people's sites and stores);
  • writing or reselling articles;
  • creation and sale of sites;
  • selling your own information products - books, video courses;
  • youTube channel;
  • promotion of other people's sites;
  • playing on the Forex exchange.

As soon as you start studying the topic of making money on the Internet, you will discover with interest many new ideas for making money. The hidden kitchen of the Internet is home to a huge variety of intermediaries, managers, salespeople, and writers. Their services and goods are in demand. Among them there are real masters and very extraordinary creative personalities.

Who knows, maybe in six months you will be doing what you love, benefiting people and getting a decent reward for it!

The great secret of wealth

Remember I promised you to reveal the secret of wealth?

So listen:

“The universe impartially embodies any of our innermost thoughts into reality.

Thinking negatively, we attract negativity and troubles into our life. Thinking positively, we attract positive, good luck and opportunities into our life.

We program ourselves for success or failure. "

If you repeat from day to day: "There is no money, no one loves me, I am failing," then you will pass by many opportunities and will not achieve anything. If you are aiming for success, then you are not looking for excuses, but these very opportunities.

This is in brief.

The Millionaire's Secret by Mark Fisher

Mark Fisher is a true Canadian millionaire. He shares his experience in the book The Secret of a Millionaire. You can download it for free from Yandex Disk right now.

I also invite you to read the article. You will learn how the Dream Album and the Dream Piggy Bank will help you make your wishes come true, and you will also be able to chart your Route to the first millions. The practical embodiment of the Great Secret of Wealth is just one click away.

The article is inspiring, it is based on the above-mentioned book and the book of the famous financial consultant Bodo Schaefer "Money or ABC of Money". By the way, you can download and read the best ones in our library.

Film "The Secret"

This film was created by a group of Australian enthusiasts. The film sparked heated discussions on social media in the United States and is now known around the world.

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