Literally every high school student dreams of a new life that opens up for the student. Studying at a prestigious institution is proud and desirable. But first you need to decide on the choice of a university, an academy. To begin with, you can familiarize yourself with the information located on the official websites of universities, and then be sure to visit events called Open Days at Moscow universities 2018-2019.

The capital's universities have always been the subject of reverence and dreams of young people. They differ:

  1. Highly qualified staff of teachers.
  2. Excellent material base.
  3. Own stadiums.
  4. Laboratories and other advantages.

Moscow is not only the capital of Russia, but also the center of an active student life. The reputation of many universities in the city is more than high, however, as is the competition for a place for a student.

It is necessary to choose a higher institution based on various criteria, and only a personal visit to it can reveal the true potential of the university.

Purpose and features of the event

During the Open Days, everyone has the opportunity to visit the university. An interesting presentation of the university is organized here. In public, private, medical universities, colleges, technical schools and even modest vocational schools, schoolchildren and his parents will be able to:

  1. Get acquainted with the technical equipment.
  2. The material base of the educational institution.
  3. Become a member of an excursion around the local buildings and hostels.
  4. Take a student entertainment introduction course.

Also important information for visitors is: the competition of past years for the department they have chosen, the number and type of exams for admission, the cost of training at the conclusion of the contract, the price of living in a dormitory, the availability of preparatory courses, the possibility of obtaining a double diploma, employment of graduates, etc. The Open Day will tell about all this. Moreover, you yourself, not via the Internet, will get into the atmosphere of student life and get objective impressions.

Open Doors Dates, Schedule

Almost all universities try to organize days of meetings with school leavers in spring and autumn. Of course, there are no strict dates, each institution chooses the day individually. For example, Moscow State University will open its doors during several days in March and October, while MEI will open its doors in November and April. MGIMO has already held a presentation of its university in 2018 (March 18-30).

It is impossible to tell about all the specialties and areas of study in one day, therefore, as a rule, weekends are chosen (Saturday, Sunday), when both schoolchildren and their parents have time to fully attend. Below are some of the Moscow universities that have already decided on the dates of meeting future students:

List Universities Open House Date
October 2018
Moscow International Higher Business School MIRBIS 02.10.2018
University "Synergy" 06.10.2018, 13.10.2018, 27.10.2018
Moscow Psychological and Social University 13-14.10.2018
Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte 15.10.2018
Moscow Institute of Humanities and Economics 21.10.2018
Institute of International Economic Relations 29.10.2018
November 2018
University "Synergy" 03.11.2018, 10.11.2018, 17.11.2018, 24.11.2018
Moscow State Pedagogical University 17.11.2018
Moscow University S.Yu. Witte 19.11.2018
Institute of Contemporary Management, Film and Television 26.11.2018
December 2018
University "Synergy" 01.12.2018, 08.12.2018, 15.12.2018, 22.12.2018, 29.12.2018
Moscow Banking Institute 17.12.2018
Moscow University for the Humanities 18.12.2018

January 2019

February 2019
Institute of Sectoral Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation 18.02.2019
March 2019
Russian State University of Justice 18.03.2019

April 2019

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia 08.04.2019
Institute of Sectoral Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation 15.03.2019
Russian State University of Justice 23.04.2019

The dates are indicative! Check the exact time on the official websites of universities.

These days, in the halls of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors of the Educational and Laboratory Building, there are consultation centers, where visitors can find out:

  • on the rules of admission to the 1st year and to the magistracy;
  • how to choose the right faculty, direction of training and specialty;
  • on the forms of military training at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman;
  • on training and subsequent employment;
  • about tuition on a paid basis and additional education;
  • about admission to targeted training;
  • on the forms of pre-university training and Olympiads "Step into the Future";
  • how to enter the Bauman Engineering Schools No. 1580 and No. 1581 and the Moscow Technical School of Space Instrument Engineering N.E. Bauman;
  • as well as communicate with representatives of faculties, departments and scientific and educational centers of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman.

The program of the event and meetings with the leadership of the Moscow State Technical University N.E. Bauman:



  • 13: 00-16: 00 - consultations for students of educational institutions and parents on admission and training at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman, at the choice of the faculty, the direction of training and specialty, competition and admission to faculties, on the Olympiad for schoolchildren "Step into the Future", admission to targeted training and other forms of pre-university training.

participants of the Open Day with the leadership of faculties, representatives of departments

  • 13: 00-13: 45 - Center for pre-university training and the University Admissions Committee;
  • 14: 00-14: 45 - Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems;
  • 15: 00-15: 45 - Faculty of Special Engineering.

In the auditorium 312L (212L) of the Educational and Laboratory Building:

  • 13: 00-13: 45 - Faculty of Power Engineering;
  • 14: 00-14: 45 - Faculties "Fundamental Sciences" and "Linguistics";
  • 15: 00-15: 45 - Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Sciences.

In the auditorium 316L (216L) of the Educational and Laboratory Building:

  • 13: 00-13: 45 - faculties "Radio electronics and laser technology" and "Biomedical technology";
  • 14: 00-14: 45 - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technologies;
  • 15: 00-15: 45 - faculties "Aerospace" and "Rocket and space technology".

In the auditorium 318L (218L) of the Educational and Laboratory Building:

  • 13: 00-13: 45 - Faculty of Engineering Business and Management;
  • 14: 00-14: 45 - Department of Jurisprudence, Intellectual Property and Forensic Science;
  • 15: 00-15: 45 - Faculty of Robotics and Integrated Automation.

Layout of counseling points and meeting places - auditoriums and BZDK


At the Open Doors Day, visitors will be able to visit the excursion “MSTU im. N.E. Bauman today ”. The excursion is carried out along three routes: "Shukhov", "Tupolev", "Korolev". The duration of each excursion is 1 hour.


In the halls of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors of the Educational and Laboratory Building:

  • 11: 00-18: 00 - consultations for students of educational institutions and parents on the issues of admission and training at the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, at the choice of the faculty, the direction of training and specialty, competition and admission to faculties, on the Olympiad for schoolchildren "Step into the Future", admission to targeted training and other forms of pre-university training.

participants of the Open Day with the leadership of faculties and representatives of departments

In the Great Hall of the Palace of Culture (BZDK):

  • 12: 00-13: 15 - faculties "Special mechanical engineering", "Aerospace", "Power engineering";
  • 14: 00-14: 15 - faculties "Engineering business and management", "Engineering technologies", "Robotics and complex automation", "Basic sciences";
  • 16: 00-17: 15 - faculties "Informatics and control systems", "Radio electronics and laser technology" and "Biomedical engineering", "Instrument-making", "Rocket and space technology", "Radio engineering", "Optical-electronic instrumentation".

In the auditorium 310l "Conference hall":

  • 13: 00-13: 45 - Faculty of Law, Intellectual Property and Forensic Science;
  • 15: 00-15: 45 - Faculty of Social and Humanities, Linguistics.

Dear 9th and 11th grade alumni. We will always be glad to see you and your parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers at our Open Doors Day.

At your service not only a visual acquaintance with the college, but also the opportunity to get advice, information on the conditions of admission, ask questions to the management.

Always in the program:

  • Conducting sightseeing tours of the college
  • Acquaintance with the admission rules, admission conditions, training programs, material and technical base
  • Conducting master classes in professions and specialties
  • Display of classrooms of general and special disciplines
  • Demonstration of a film about college, screening of presentations by profession
  • Workshops
  • Individual consultation with parents on the choice of professions and specialties by students



Educational unit




Professional Consulting Day

Linear passage, 5


State Budgetary Educational Institution "School of Self-Determination No. 734 named after A.N. Tubelsky



Individual consultations with parents and students on the choice of professions and specialties, acquaintance with the college

Prospect Budyonny, 35


- "Basics of design usability" (FutureSkills)

- "Driving simulator category B and C"

- "Assembly and disassembly of the simplest electrical circuits"

Malaya Semyonovskaya, 15


1.Forum of achievements of KIGM students.

2. Project "Professional training without borders". Master class for schoolchildren under the "Waiter" training program with the inclusion of the WorldSkills Juniors "Restaurant Service" module.

Linear passage, 5


Floor train, 9


Intellectual game for schoolchildren "IT-BATTLE"

Malaya Semyonovskaya, 15

As agreed with the school

Floor train, 9



A tour of the college, meeting with the administration, teachers: organization and rules of admission to college, answers to questions. conducting master classes: "Robotics and electronics on the Arduino IDE platform" (FutureSkills)

- "Car device"

- "Acquaintance with the development on the platform" 1C: Enterprise 8 "

- "3D Modeling in Autodesk Inventor for Beginners"

Malaya Semyonovskaya, 15



Days of Professional Consulting.

Individual consultations with parents and students on the choice of professions and specialties, acquaintance with the college

Prospect Budyonny, 35


City Unified Open Day "Career Navigator: City Scale". Master classes from Moscow colleges.

Linear passage, 5


Quest "Choice of profession - choice of the future"

Prospect Budyonny, 35


1.Vocational quest "Journey" Engineering thought "

2.Consulting on learning in the College

Floor train, 9


Vocational guidance meeting at the Moscow State Budgetary Educational Institution "School No. 1748" Vertical "

Malaya Semyonovskaya, 15

As agreed with the school

Master classes: "The Art of Hospitality"; "Refrigeration machine operation"

Floor train, 9



Linear passage, 5



Days of Professional Consulting.

Individual consultations with parents and students on the choice of professions and specialties, acquaintance with the college

Prospect Budyonny, 35


1. Master classes from the winners and prize-winners of the Abilympics Professional Skills Championship.

2. Consulting applicants with disabilities and disabilities on college admission.

Linear passage, 5


Master classes by professions and specialties

GBOU School number 1601


A tour of the college, meeting with the administration, teachers: organization and rules of admission to college, answers to questions. conducting master classes:

- "Introducing Microsoft's Fluent Design"

- "Programming robotic devices"

Malaya Semyonovskaya, 15


1.Vocational quest "Journey" Engineering thought "

2.Consulting on learning in the College

Floor train, 9

As agreed with the school

Master classes: "The Art of Hospitality"; "Refrigeration machine operation"

Floor train, 9



Day of professional counseling.

Individual consultations with parents and students on the choice of professions and specialties, acquaintance with the college.

Linear passage, 5

Open days are an opportunity to visit the school, study in detail the educational composition of educational programs, personally meet the teachers, and get answers to all your questions.

Open days of MARCH Architectural School


British Higher School of Design Moscow School of Architecture MARCH Moscow School of Cinema School of Computer Technology Scream School

All years 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014


Took place

Open Day at MARCH Architectural School

On March 14, the first Open Doors Day this year will take place, where we will tell you about all MARSH educational programs, as well as what and how we teach, what goals we set for ourselves and what students we are waiting for. You will get to know the students and teachers of the programs and can ask any question that interests you.
Beginning at 12:00, entrance by registration.

Evening preparatory course. Program presentation and meeting with teachers

The program of the Evening Preparatory Course includes lectures on the history of architecture, training in drawing, drafting, coloristics, prototyping, layout and presentation, an architectural design workshop, as well as meetings with practicing architects and excursions to architectural offices. How we manage all this and a little more in seven months, the curator and teachers of the course will tell on October 10 at the presentation of the program.

Day of Studios. Presentation of briefs for the next academic year

Traditionally, in mid-September, before the fourth wave of introductory interviews, we invite everyone who is already studying, enrolled this year, or is just about to have an interview, for the Day of Studios. On this day, the leaders and teachers of the bachelor's and master's project studios talk about themselves and the briefs they have prepared for the next academic year. Login by registration.

MARCH in "Octave"

On August 31, MARCH will go on tour to Tula, where the Octava cluster will hold a cultural and educational program. On this day, the director of the School Nikita Tokarev, leading teachers and students of MARSH will talk about how the European quality of architectural education in Russia is achieved. The program includes a presentation of the School, lectures by undergraduate and graduate teachers, Portfolio Review and a meeting with architects, partners of DNK ag. In addition, a part of the MARShow exposition will also come to Octava.

Open Doors Day for Bachelor's and Master's at MARSH

On June 26, MARSH opens an exhibition of student projects "MARShow", and on June 27, the school begins the first introductory interviews for future bachelors and masters. We consider both of these events to be worthy reasons to meet with applicants, and we hold an Open House Day, and at the same time author's excursions around the exhibition. Come!

Open Day. Training courses.

In order to enter MARSH, you need to prepare a portfolio. What is a portfolio for bachelor's and master's degrees, how it differs from a professional one, and how to approach the preparation of a portfolio - we will tell about all this at a meeting with the curators of the preparatory courses on Thursday, April 18, at 19:00.

Open House Day in Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

Design at MARSH undergraduate and graduate programs is taught by practicing architects. The rotation of teachers takes place annually, so one of the Open Days is traditionally dedicated to meeting the teachers of the next academic year and the heads of design studios.
We meet at school on April 13 at 12:00.

Open day at MARSH

Open House Day is the best opportunity to get to know the School and its teachers, learn about all the programs, take a step towards a career as an architect and discuss all the questions that cannot be found on the Internet. We are waiting for you on March 16 if you are interested in undergraduate and graduate programs, preparatory courses, additional education and programs for teenagers.

Ludwig Willis Architects: Place for play

The CASS (LMU) teachers, Ludwig Willis Architects partners Anna Ludwig and Rufus Willis have long been involved in learning and play spaces in schools, public spaces and private companies. At MARSH they will give a lecture “The Space of Play”, where they will talk about the ubiquitous presence of play in their methodology of work and teaching.

Day of Studios as part of MARCH Open Day

The traditional Day of Studios will take place at MARCH on September 13 at 19:00. Applicants and undergraduate and graduate students of the school will get acquainted with the heads of the studios of the next academic year and will receive answers to all questions regarding admission and study to MARSH. Admission is free, by registration.

Open day of the course "Light design"

An open house day is a great occasion to meet and discuss all the questions that cannot be answered on the Internet. For example: how has light influenced the professional activity and worldview of Natalia Markevich, the curator of the Lighting Design course? Or what video do you need to shoot to win a grant? We will start with an inspiring lecture and end with the announcement of the results of the I See the Light grant competition.

Open Day of the Preparatory Department

From July 31 to August 7, the Portfolio School course will take place at MARCH, and the Evening Preparatory Course begins in November. How they differ, what they are for and how to choose which one to go to study, will tell on Tuesday, July 17, teachers and graduates of the preparatory department. In addition, until July 30, MARSH is hosting the MARSHOW exhibition. Come to the event on time, we will start with a tour of the exhibition. Beginning at 19:00.

Portfolio Review

The traditional portfolio review will take place at the MARCH School of Architecture on July 11. Practical architects, MARSH teachers will publicly review several portfolios, and use their examples to tell you how to start preparing an architect's business card, what creative work should be included in the portfolio and how to test your strength before the interview. Login by registration.
