The Great Patriotic War was the most difficult and tragic test for our country in the past century, it became a test of strength, character, love for the homeland of the Soviet people.

The press also made its contribution to the victory. During the war years, the publishing houses and printing houses of the country did not stop their work, and today this literature is a cultural monument of its time. These are publications in modest colorless paperbacks, on gray paper without illustrations, in a reduced format, but they were also fighters, only of the book front, who also forged the victory of the Soviet people.

For the Kaliningrad Regional Scientific Library, books published in a difficult time are especially valuable, as they were among the first in the fund. Through the efforts of the whole country, the fund of the regional library was created. The basis of the book fund was made up of books that were sent from the exchange fund of Moscow and from many cities of the Soviet Union.

In 2011, the staff of the rare books fund began to form a collection of publications from the period of the Great Patriotic War. Today the collection contains 184 items.

The main place in the book collection is occupied by publications issued by the State Publishing House of Political Literature (Gospolitizdat). Among them are the works of the classics of Marxism-Leninism, political and statesmen, Russian philosophers and publicists, monographs on Russian and world history.

The collection presents the activities of the publishing houses of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Leningrad State University (LSU). These are scientific researches of the botanist, geographer, florist E.V. Wolfe, botanist and geographer V.L. Komarov, mathematician N.I. Lobachevsky, the works of the Zoological Institute, collections of historical notes and articles on the theory of shooting. Here is the "Scientific Notes" of the Leningrad State University in a series of natural, historical and philological sciences.

The collection contains several publications of the Office of the Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, prepared by military specialists in ship and diving.

Books of the State Publishing House of Foreign and National Dictionaries were also included in the presented collection. This is a military Hungarian-Russian dictionary, a dictionary of foreign words, etc.

The collection contains the production and technical literature of publishing houses necessary in war conditions: Transzheldorizdat, Pishchepromizdat, etc.

The collection includes the products of the publishing houses of Arkhangelsk, the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR (Baku) and "Zarya Vostoka" (Tbilisi) of the Georgian SSR.

There are a small number of books of prose and poetry of the State Publishing House of Fiction and the publishing house "Soviet Writer". Among the authors - G. Heine, V.V. Mayakovsky, N.A. Nekrasov, Yu.N. Libedinsky, V. Ya. Shishkov.

The collection includes lifetime editions of the famous shipbuilder, mechanic, mathematician A.N. Krylov, academician, engineer-counter-admiral Yu.A. Shimansky, linguist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.V. Vinogradov, Slavic philologist, historian, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences N.S. Derzhavin, historian, Doctor of Law B.I. Syromyatnikov, historian, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences A.I. Yakovlev, historian E.V. Tarle and others.

It is noteworthy that some books have preserved information about their existence. Ownership characteristics are represented by stamp impressions of city and regional libraries, libraries of educational institutions and institutions of the country.

Among the prints 1941-1945. there are also music editions of this period.

Collection of books "To the Heroic People of the Soviet Union from the People of America"
("To the heroic people of the Soviet Union from the American people")

In 2014, the fund of rare books began to identify and form, and in 2015 completed a description of the book collection of editions in English, a distinctive feature of which is an ex-libris depicting a book sign against the background of Soviet and American flags, enclosed in a circle record “To the Heroic People of the Soviet Union from the People of America "(" To the heroic people of the Soviet Union from the American people ").

In the 60s, books with such book signs entered the Kaliningrad Regional Library from the State Library for Foreign Literature (GIBL, now the All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature named after MI Rudomino).

It is known that in 1946 the American charitable committee "Russia War Relief" (RWR) organized an action to collect books for the USSR. The basis for the book gift was the fact that the Nazis in the Soviet Union destroyed thousands of libraries and millions of books.

Many organizations and ordinary Americans responded to the action to collect books. Thousands of Americans have donated their books. According to some reports, by the fall of 1946, hundreds of thousands of books had been sent to the Soviet Union. The core of this collection is comprised of editions of the classics of English and American literature.

Thanks to the preserved bookplates, seals and inscriptions, the action participants were the Russian War Relief charitable organization, public organizations: Citizens of Leverne Beales Dubuquee (Iowa), Citizens of Richmond, Perry Women's Club, Women's Club, educational institutions from the states of Connecticut, Michigan and Ohio, Hiawata Utah Community Library and Public Library. The inscriptions on the bookplates made it possible to find out the names of ordinary Americans who donated books from their personal libraries. On one of the books there is an inscription in a child's hand: "Please write to me."

The collection includes 70 books with an ex-libris "To the Heroic People of the Soviet Union from the People of America".

The core of the collection is made up of books from the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The oldest edition is the 1873 Middlemarch novel by the English writer Mary Ann Evans (1819-1880), who wrote under the pseudonym G. Eliot. The collection contains two books published in 1942 and one in 1944. However, there are a small number of books that do not have information about the year of publication. In the bibliographic record, such books are indicated as "s.a." (no year), or "s.l." in the absence of a place of publication. Publications of the classics of English and American fiction dominate in the collection.

Collection of books by I.I. Atamas

A collection of books from the personal library of the head of the department of local history literature (from 2000 to 2010) of the Kaliningrad Regional Scientific Library Irina Ivanovna Atamas (1961-2010) was donated to the library fund by her relatives in 2010.

Atamas Irina Ivanovna was born in Kaliningrad on October 6, 1961. In 1979 she graduated from the Kaliningrad secondary school number 32, in 1981 - the day department of the Mogilev library technical school named after V.I. A.S. Pushkin. In the same year, she began working as a librarian at the Kaliningrad Regional Youth Library named after V.I. V.V. Mayakovsky, and since 1988 - in the same place as the head of the information and bibliographic department. In 1987 I.I. Atamas graduated in absentia from the Leningrad State Institute of Culture. N.K. Krupskaya is a librarian-bibliographer by profession.

In 1997, Irina Ivanovna moved to the Kaliningrad Regional Scientific Library, in 2000 she headed the newly formed department of local history literature. Through her efforts, the fund of the department was assembled, which included the Archive of the Local Press. During her leadership, a workable creative team was formed, which became one of the leading in the structure of the library.

As a specialist of the highest category, I.I. constantly improving her professional level. In 1985 and 1989. she completed training courses at the Central Institute for Advanced Training of Executives and Creative Workers under the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR, in 1993 - at the Russian State Youth Library (Moscow).

In 2012, the collection of I.I. Atamas of 168 books is included in the rare fund of the Center for Regional Studies, rare books, manuscripts and special collections.

The collection is a thoughtful collection of books on the interests and preferences of the owner.

The collection is based on poetry and prose by Russian and foreign authors. These are N. Nekrasov, A. Akhmatova, B. Pasternak, M. Tsvetaeva, D. Andreev, V. Khlebnikov, D. Merezhkovsky, O. Mandelstam, Sasha Cherny, A. Tarkovsky, M. Chagall, G. Shpalikov, V. Vysotsky, A. Galich, I. Brodsky, B. Okudzhava, V. Pavlova, J. Kupala, V. Shakespeare, D. Galsworthy, W. Blake, L. Aragon, G. Lorca, a collection of Chinese lyrics of the VIII-XIV centuries and dr.

The next in importance for Irina Ivanovna were books on art. She graduated from the Children's Art School at one time. Therefore, art publications and catalogs of impressionists, artists of Italian and Dutch painting, Russian painters, etc. are presented. There are albums in English, Slovak, German.

The collection is also composed of literature on regional studies, literary studies, philosophy, encyclopedias, dictionaries.

Collection of books by A.M. Harkavi

In 2003, the Kaliningrad Regional Universal Scientific Library purchased books from the personal library of Alexander Mironovich Garkavi (1922-1980), Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature at Kaliningrad State University.

A.M. Garkavi is a graduate of the Faculty of Philology and Postgraduate Studies at Leningrad University. Among his teachers are brilliant Russian scientists - G.A. Gukovsky, B.M. Eichenbaum, M.K. Azadovsky, V.V. Evgeniev-Maksimov, G.A. Lame.

In 1949, after the "Leningrad affair", when famous scientists were named "enemies of the people", including his teacher B.M. Eichenbaum, A.M. Garkavi was forced to leave his beloved Leningrad, relatives, friends and leave for the only city where he found work - Kaliningrad. The term of graduate school ended on January 1, 1951, and from September 1 of the same year, Alexander Mironovich began teaching at the Kaliningrad Pedagogical Institute.

While working in Kaliningrad, Alexander Mironovich defended his doctoral dissertation, became the first professor at the institute, published more than 130 scientific papers, twice held all-Union Nekrasov conferences in Kaliningrad.

Among the books of A.M. Garkavi 139 autographed books, 72 abstracts, 90 separate magazine prints (everything related to N.A.Nekrasov, letters from E.E. Evgeniev-Maksimov, B.M. Eikhenbaum was transferred to the Pushkin House; books with autographs of Yu.N. Tynyanov).

Alexander Mironovich conducted extensive correspondence, books and letters came from 33 cities of Russia. On the books there are dedication inscriptions of teachers, comrades-in-arms on the Nekrasov front, colleagues, students. Among the autographs, the names known throughout the country are K.I. Chukovsky, Yu.M. Lotman, M.K. Azadovsky, B.F. Egorov, I.G. Yampolsky, B. Ya. Bukhshtab, B.M. Eichenbaum.

The State Archives of the Kaliningrad Region contains 182 storage units from 1937-1982. Including:

  • Manuscripts: scientific articles, lectures, reports, speeches.
  • Materials for the publication of the Complete Works of N.A. Nekrasov.
  • Correspondence with writers, literary scholars (there are photocopies of K.I. Chukovsky's letters), the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House), the N.A. Nekrasov and others.
  • Diploma works, abstracts of dissertations of A.M. Harkavi.

The Kaliningrad Regional Library contains:

  • Collections of works by I.S. Aksakova, F.M. Dostoevsky, K.N. Batyushkova, I.A. Krylova, I.I. Kozlova, V.F. Odoevsky, other Russian writers, published in the XIX - early XX centuries.
  • Literary works by M. Gershenzon, V.V. Evgeniev-Maksimova, Yu.G. Oksman, B.V. Tomashevsky, K.I. Chukovsky, V.B. Shklovsky, B.M. Eichenbaum and others. Some of them with owner's notes and autographs.
  • A special place is occupied by books dedicated to the work of N.A. Nekrasov, whose study of creativity A.M. Harkavi studied for many years.

Collection of books by V.I. Sinful

In 2016, a collection of books from the personal library of the Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Foreign Philology of the Baltic Federal University named after V.I. Immanuel Kant Vladimir Ivanovich Greshnykh (1941-2012) was transferred by relatives to the Kaliningrad Regional Scientific Library.

V.I.Greshnykh graduated from the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Lipetsk State Pedagogical Institute. He worked as an assistant in the department of Russian and foreign literature of this institute for three years. Then he taught at Komi, Bryansk Pedagogical Institutes (1969-1985), worked at Kaliningrad State University since 1985. Since 1991 he headed the department (department of Russian and foreign literature, department of foreign literature, department of foreign literature and journalism, department of foreign philology).

During his work at the university, he developed and successfully read a history and literary course from antiquity to the end of the 20th century, a course on the history of foreign literature of the 20th century at the philosophy department of the Faculty of History, a special course on foreign literature. Since 1996, he led postgraduate studies in the specialty 10.01.03 - literature of peoples of foreign countries (European and American literature). Eleven Ph.D. theses were defended under his supervision.

In 2001, V. I. Greshnykh defended his doctoral dissertation "Fictional Prose of German Romantics: Forms of Expression of the Spirit" at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

In 1991, the publishing house of the Leningrad University published his monograph "Early German Romanticism: A Fragmented Style of Thinking". The publishing house of the Kaliningrad University has published textbooks: “In the world of German romanticism. F. Schlegel, E. T. A. Hoffmann, G. Heine "(1995)," German Romanticism: the structure of artistic thinking "(2005); monograph “Mystery of the Spirit. Fictional Prose of German Romantics "(2001).

1990 to 2008 10 interuniversity and several thematic collections of scientific works were published under the editorship of V.I.Greshnykh.

On the initiative and under the leadership of V. I. Greshnykh, four interuniversity scientific seminars dedicated to the work of E. T. A. Hoffman were held at Kaliningrad State University. Since 1990, he was the head of the scientific directions "Problems of Literature Typology", "Epoch. Text. Context ”, within the framework of which international conferences on the problems of domestic and foreign literature were held.

V.I.Greshnykh's studies in the field of literature have received recognition in the circles of domestic and foreign scientists, philologists, philosophers, and culturologists. The development of the "Kaliningrad school" in the study of German romanticism is associated with his scientific activity. He was a member of the editorial boards of the Kaliningrad University Bulletin, Acta Neofilologika (University of Warmia and Mazury), editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Baltic Philological Courier, the scientific and humanitarian journal Slovo. ru: Baltic accent ", almanac" Coast ", etc.

V. I. Greshnykh is a laureate of the International Kant Prize for his humanitarian contribution to the development of the culture of the Kaliningrad region, for deepening contacts between Russian and European cultures (1994), laureate of the Regional Prize "Recognition" (2000). Honorary Worker of Higher Education (2001).

V.I.Greshnykh is a member of the Goethe International Society (1991), a union of Russian Germanists.

In 2011-2012. V. I. Greshnykh in the Kaliningrad Regional Scientific Library taught a course of non-academic lectures on the topic: "Fio, ergo non sum, or the historical fate of the novel", the focus of which was the nature of the novel as a literary genre, the process of its creation and construction.

In the collection of V.I.Greshnykh there are 129 books on literary criticism in German and Polish, linguistics, religion, philosophy, psychology. The collection contains works by I. Kant in German, as well as fiction in Russian, published in 1865-1937. The collection also includes travel guides.

Collection of books by D.V. Dunaevsky

In 2016, the Kaliningrad Regional Scientific Library received books from the personal collection of Denis Viktorovich Dunaevsky free of charge.

Dunaevsky Denis Viktorovich was born on October 30, 1981 in Kaliningrad in a family of naval officers. He is a graduate of Kaliningrad School No. 47. In high school, he was a member of the Kristall geological and local history club, headed by T.G. Burukovskaya. Since his school years he has been studying the history of the region and collecting. In 2003 he graduated from the Department of German Language and Literature of the Kaliningrad State University (now the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University).

Since 2001 he worked as a translator at the Herman Brachert House-Museum (Otradnoye settlement), since 2014 he has been working at the Friedland Gate Museum in Kaliningrad.

The sphere of scientific interests of D.V. Dunaevsky is also a military history. He has collected a collection of rare artifacts related to the military history of East Prussia. Participates in military history festivals.

The collection of books, included in the rare fund of the library, has 93 editions. The chronological framework of the documents is 1855-1930. These are the works of famous statesmen and public figures, research by Russian historians, philologists, literary scholars, works on natural sciences, psychology, art, lifetime works of famous Russian and foreign poets and prose writers: A. Bely, V.V. Veresaeva, V.P. Danilevsky, D.S. Merezhkovsky, S. Pshibyshevsky, L.N. Tolstoy and others.

The collection includes a complex of publications related to the life and work of A.S. Pushkin, the uprising of the Decembrists. Some of them have an ex-libris of Sergei Yakovlevich Gessen (1903-1937), an employee of the Institute of Russian Literature of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Pushkin House), secretary of the editorial office of the academic edition of A.S. Pushkin, secretary of the editorial staff of the "Vestnik Pushkin Commission", author of books related to the study of the topic "Pushkin and the Decembrists".

Collection of E.P. Zarubina

A collection of books from the personal library of a physicist, employee of the Atlantic Branch of the Institute of Oceanography. P. P. Shirshov Evgeny Petrovich Zarubina, donated to the library by the widow A. I. Zarubina in 2014

Evgeny Petrovich Zarubin was born on January 11, 1936 in the village. Syava of the Nizhny Novgorod region. He served in the army. Graduated from the Faculty of Radiophysics of the Gorky State University. N.I. Lobachevsky. After graduating from the university, he was sent to Novosibirsk to the Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where he worked as an engineer in the laboratory of acoustics and acoustoelectronics until 1980. Having moved to Kaliningrad, he worked in the Atlantic Department of the Institute of Oceanography named after V.I. P.P. Shirshov.

In 2015, the collection of E.P. Zarubin of 110 books is included in the fund of rare books, manuscripts and special collections of the Center for Regional Studies.

The collection is a thoughtful collection of books on the professional interests and preferences of the owner.

One third of the collection consists of books by famous scientists A.I. Anselm, M. Born, Gorelik G.S., Landau L.D., Semenov A.A., Fock V.A. and translated editions of physicists Nay D.F., Sege G., Feynman R.F., Fujita S., Heine V., Huang K., Schiff L.I., Einstein A., as well as publications on oceanographic instruments.

The next most important books in the collection are books on the history of Russia.

Dictionaries also occupy a large place in the collection. Among them: the English-Russian dictionary of radio electronics, the French-Russian dictionary, the German-Russian and Russian-German dictionary of "false friends of the translator", the Spanish language course, the Russian-Italian and Russian-Spanish phrasebooks, etc.

Poetry and prose of Russian and foreign authors represent a significant part of the collection. These are Apollinaire G., Vinide A.V., Vysotsky V.S., Goethe I.V., De Coster S., Didro D., Lebedev V.P., Lermontov M.Yu., Markov S.N., Melville G., Sayanov V.M., Twardovsky A.T., Chateaubriand de F.R. and etc.

The collection contains books on literary criticism, religion, philosophy, publications in French, German and English.

Collection of books by Yu.N. Kuranova

In 2011, Zoya Alekseevna Kuranova, the widow of the Kaliningrad writer Yu.N. Kuranova (1931-2001), donated part of the books from her personal library to the fund of the regional scientific library.

Yuri Nikolaevich Kuranov was born on February 5, 1931 in Leningrad into a family of artists. In 1950-1953 studied at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, in 1954-1956. - at the screenwriting department of the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography. He wrote poems, stories, stories. Kuranov's first poems were published in 1956. At the same time, he met the writer K.G. Paustovsky, who determined his creative destiny.

In 1957 he moved to the Kostroma region, where his first stories were published two years later. In 1961 the first book was published. In 1962 he became a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.

From 1959 to 1981 Yu. Kuranov was a villager. At first he lives in the Kostroma village of Pyshchug, and since 1969 - in the Pskov village of Glubokoe. The impressions of these years became the basis of his works and consolidated his reputation as a master of Russian lyric prose.

In 1982 the writer moved to Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad region, where he continued his literary work. Here Yu. Kuranov leads the poetry club "Goluboy Prostor", becomes one of the founders of the regional magazine "West of Russia", a member of the editorial board and a regular author.

In 1991 he took part in the organization of the new Union of Russian Writers. Then Yu.N. Kuranov became the laureate of the first literary prize of democratic Russia.

In 2000 he received the regional professional award "Recognition" in the field of literature.

The name of Yuri Nikolaevich Kuranov is included in Russian encyclopedias and dictionaries. The writer's books were published in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Poland, the USA and other countries. His works are included in anthologies of Russian prose published abroad.

Collection of books by Yu.N. Kuranova, donated to the rare fund of the library, includes 72 editions. These are his works of different years, publications in periodicals, texts of programs, manuscripts, books by other writers, abstracts of schoolchildren on literature. Also in the collection is a self-published book of religious poems by Y. Kuranov under the pseudonym Georgy Gurei.

The collection is based on the books of those with whom Yury Nikolayevich was friends for many years. These are writers: Bochkov V.N., Geydeko V.A., Goryshin G.A., Karpenko V.V., Kolesnikova M.V., Koryakina-Astafieva M.V., Kurbatov V.Ya., Likhonosov V.A. I., Markov G.M., Palman V.I., Stetsenko V.P., Fomenko V.D., Frumkin L.R., Shatko E.I. B.I. Chernykh; artist E.I., Shuvalov N.V .; Russian politician and statesman A.N. Yakovlev. Each edition has an autograph or a dedication.

The State Archives of the Kaliningrad Region also contains personal documents of Yu.N. Kuranova. The fund is in the stage of formation.

The writer's documents are also in the Zelenograd Central Regional Library.

Collection of books by N.L. Luhansk

In 2013, the Kaliningrad Regional Scientific Library received free books from the personal library of the Honored Artist of Russia, composer, musicologist, folklorist, critic, member of the Union of Composers of the USSR, Russia Nikolai Leonidovich Lugansky (1937-2005).

Lugansky N.L. was born on May 31, 1937 in the city of Lankaran of the Azerbaijan SSR in the family of a military man. In 1960 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Astrakhan Pedagogical University, in 1964 he completed a course for television directors, in 1969 he graduated from the theoretical and compositional faculty of the Novosibirsk Conservatory. He worked as a musicologist at the Kemerovo and Perm Philharmonic, served as the chief director of the Krasnodar Philharmonic. In Kaliningrad since 1976. Taught at the music school of Kaliningrad. He was a musicologist of the Kaliningrad Symphony Orchestra, head of the literary section of the Kaliningrad Regional Drama Theater, head of a composers' seminar and a host of a music club in the Kaliningrad German-Russian House. He headed the Kaliningrad regional public fund for the support of art "Major".

Lugansky N.L. the author of operas, ballets, symphonies, oratorios, cantatas, chamber music, organ works, vocal cycles, music for theatrical performances and television films, romances and songs. He is the author of the musical arrangement of folk Kalmyk songs and dances. His works have been performed in Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Astrakhan, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Pskov, Moscow, Orel, Elista, Kaliningrad, Warsaw, Bucharest, Hamburg and other cities.

Author of the books "Kalmyk folk musical instruments", "Beethoven quartets. Quartets of the XX century", "Theater and years" about the Kaliningrad Drama Theater, "The Adventures of the Treble Clef", etc., booklets, articles in periodicals.

Collection of N.L. Lugansky of 166 books is included in the rare fund of the Center for Regional Studies, rare books, manuscripts and special collections. The collection is a collection of books on the professional activities and interests of the owner.

The collection is based on literature on the history of Russian and Soviet musical art, on the music of Western European countries, the national music of the United States, on musical instruments, on composing and conducting, on opera and ballet, on the art of Venezuela and Argentina, on the life and work of Beethoven, Berlioz , Glinka, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, etc.

The next in volume is the collection of antique, Polish, German, Japanese, Chinese prose, English drama, collections of poems by Soviet and Spanish poets. Books, both in translations and in original languages.

Books on literary criticism and philosophy are also presented. There are a number of cookery and recipe publications in Polish and German.

In 10 editions there are autographs of people close to the work.

Collection of books by M.G. Rodionova

The collection of books from the personal library of Margarita Gennadievna Rodionova (1924-1998) was donated to the library fund by the writer's husband, Alexander Fedorovich Rodionov, in 2000.

Margarita Gennadievna Rodionova was born on March 1, 1924 in the city of Elabuga, Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in the family of a teacher. From the 10th grade, she volunteered for the front. She graduated from the school of communications workers in Nikolaev and since 1942 served as a radio operator at the Novorossiysk naval base of the Black Sea Fleet. Out of 225 days, 202 days fought on Malaya Zemlya near Novorossiysk. She took part in the battles on Taman, was among the liberators of the hero cities of Kerch and Sevastopol. She was demobilized in 1945 and returned to Sengiley. She worked in a regional newspaper.

In 1951 she came to the Kaliningrad region. She worked in regional and regional newspapers, on radio and television, in the newspaper "Guard of the Baltic".

From early childhood she wrote poetry. The first poem was published in a regional newspaper in 1935. She also wrote poems at the front, which were published in army newspapers. The first story was published in the 50s. The first book is in 1963.

Since 1962, a member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR. In 1975 she was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR and the Literary Fund of the USSR. Has government awards.

Interest and love for nature, its reserved places are reflected in the work of M.G. Rodionova. Thus, the book "Migratory Birds Are Flying" is dedicated to the work of the ornithological station on the Curonian Spit. She talks about the life of animals in her book for children "About the smaller brothers".

There are 32 books in the collection. The main part was made up of publications about natural monuments of Russia. Here are the books by M.G. Rodionova "A girl goes to war", A. Adamovich "I am from a fiery village", a book in German Bergerhoff, R. Raffael (1978).

Margarita Gennadievna was active in patriotic work among young people. She performed in military units, in front of students, schoolchildren, in libraries and at enterprises. So in the collection books there are inscriptions from the collectives of the Children's Library of the Central District of Kaliningrad, the Pravdinskaya Central Library, the Nizovsky vocational school No. 20, the Fishing collective farm "For the Motherland", from the photojournalist I. Zarembo.

Documents of M.G. Rodionova are also kept in the State Archives of the Contemporary History of the Kaliningrad Region. Some of the writer's personal documents and awards are in the museum in Kerch and in the Kaliningrad Regional Museum of History and Art.

Collection of books by A.P. Sobolev

In 2001, the Kaliningrad OUNB hosted a literary evening dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of the writer Anatoly Panteleevich Sobolev (1926-1986). The evening was attended by the writer's widow, who donated part of the books from his personal collection to the library fund.

A.P. Sobolev (also published under the pseudonym A. Sibiryak) was born on May 6, 1926 in the village of Kytmanovo, Altai Territory. In 1943 he volunteered for the front. He served until 1950 as a sailor-diver in the Northern and Baltic fleets. In 1956 he graduated from the Siberian Metallurgical Institute, worked at factories in the Urals and Siberia as a mechanical engineer, lecturer at the Siberian Metallurgical Institute in Novokuznetsk.

In 1967 he graduated from the Higher Literary Courses in Moscow. He worked as a senior editor of the Perm book publishing house. In 1968 he moved to Kaliningrad.

In 1963 he published the first story "The Madness of the Brave". This was followed by collections of novellas and short stories, many of which were dedicated to sailors, as well as the events of the Great Patriotic War: "Thunderous Steppe", "Pea Jacket for Growth", "Poplar Snow", "Night Rainbow", "Quiet Post", "Course Nord -vest ", etc. Some of his works were included in the golden fund of literature for children. A number of books have been translated into other languages ​​in Russia and abroad, and films have been made for some of them.

In 1964 he was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR. In 1971, his work was awarded a diploma named after I. A. Fadeev for the story "Some kind of station". Awarded with government awards. Died June 28, 1986.

The department of rare books and special collections contains over 203 books from the personal library of A.P. Sobolev: these are editions of his works of different years, publications in periodicals and continuing editions, books donated to the writer by other authors with donative inscriptions.

Collection of books by V.S. Suvorov

In 2012, the collection of books of the professor, head of the department of special and historical disciplines and regional history of the Russian State University named after V.I. I. Kant (now the I. Kant Baltic Federal University) Viktor Sergeevich Suvorov (1947-2008). The books were donated by the widow of the scientist T.Yu. Suvorova.

Suvorov V.S. in 1975 graduated from the Leningrad State University. A.A. Zhdanov, in 1982 - graduate school there. He considered L.S. Klein, G.S. Lebedev (1943-2003), F.D. Gurevich (1911-1988).

In 1975 he came to Kaliningrad. He worked as a senior methodologist at the Kaliningrad Regional Museum of Local Lore. In 1976 he became an assistant at the Department of History of the USSR at Kaliningrad State University, since 1982 - Assistant at the Department of General History of the USSR. In 1985 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "The history of the southeastern Baltic in the VI-XIII centuries (the tribes of the Prussians on the materials of the Kaliningrad region)." Since 1986 - Associate Professor of the Department of General History, since 1992 - Head. Department of the History of the Baltic Region, in 2003-2006 - Professor of the Department of History of the Baltic Region, since 2006 - Professor of the Department of Special Historical Disciplines and Regional History of the Russian State University. I. Kant.

The area of ​​scientific interests of V.S. Suvorov: Archeology and History of Ancient Prussia, Ethnic History of the Southeastern Baltic.

Collection of V.S. Suvorov has 237 books on archeology, ethnology, history of Russia and other countries of the world, special historical disciplines. Among them are literature in German, Polish, Swedish, Lithuanian and Latvian. 11 editions contain autographs of famous historians I.V. Dubova (1947-2002), V.V. Esipova, V.S. Zubkova, A.I. Osmanova, E.A. Ryabinin (1948-2010), O. N. Khakimulina, Kaliningrad poet A.Ya. Kiselev (1924-2001).

Collection of mail envelopes

In 2017, the collection of postage envelopes, formed from the materials donated by the collector Gennady Ivanovich Dyakov and the photographer Vitaly Alekseevich Saranov, entered the collection of rare books.

The collection is a collection of artistic envelopes formed into thirteen thematic series, each of which contains a different number of envelopes - from 1 to 117. These are envelopes dedicated to the Kaliningrad region: "Chronicle of Kaliningrad 1945-2005", "Kaliningrad region 1946-2006", " 60 Years of the Kaliningrad Region "," Labor Valor of the Kaliningrad Region ", as well as envelopes dedicated to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and the poet, actor, singer Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky. In addition, there are two series on the history of East Prussia: "Königsberg, your centuries ...", "100th anniversary of the parade of the Russian Imperial Army in Insterburg 1914-2014". By means of postal graphics, topics related to the history of the region are revealed.

The collection contains marked, unmarked and canceled envelopes. Printing of pictures - one-color, two-color and multi-color. On the address side of the envelopes there are imprints of standard and subject stamps, and first day stamps. Subject (art) stamps have a drawing based on or on the theme of a series and represent a work of art.

I am writing a book. For a moment
When on the title of their own books
With their fugitive scribbles
I mark the place, date, name.
Not an inscription, but a drawing. Not a string -
An arrow - that hand threw it
That, by the way, she wrote this book.
Here the author and the reader are at the beginning
They stand together, like at the beginning of days.
Writing is easy, writing is more difficult.
Lev Ozerov

"Discovery" first
There is a concept "autograph", is there - "Inscript"... An autograph is, on the one hand, the original manuscript of the author, on the other, a handwritten signature. When they say "autograph" today, they mean exactly the second meaning of the word and apply it most often to some celebrities: writers, actors, musicians, athletes, etc. It is their handwritten signatures that are valued, there are even people who collect autographs, such peculiar "Hunters" for autographs of celebrities. However, if the dedication is not just a signature, but a kind of dedication phrase, and it was left not on a piece of paper, but on a book or some other valuable object (painting, gramophone record, etc.), then it is already called an inscript.

In the case of our library, the most common version of the inscript is the phrase: "State universal scientific library from the author" or "A gift from the author", but there are also many other interesting memorable inscriptions addressed to the library and future book readers.

Inscripts from the collection of Kraevushka: 1) The State Universal Scientific Library of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the reader of which I have the honor to be for over 40 years, with respect and wishes for new achievements. E. Preisman; 2) This book is for the place where I have been, I have been and will be often and a lot. Thanks to your team of the State Universal Scientific Library of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Thank you very much! 12/19/2013. I. Shein; 3) The most welcoming library from the writer. I wish as many readers as possible, corrosive, but neat. S. Kuznechikhin. 17.04.10. Krasnoyarsk; 4) Owners, owners and guests of the Regional Library - with best wishes - author A. Shcherbakov; 5) I would be glad if our many years of work about our beloved city will be in demand ... 09.06.2011 A. Shemryakov.

"Discovery" second
Gift inscriptions on books very rarely become the subject of attention of researchers, as a special literary genre with its own poetics, function and rules. An interesting exception is Abram Reitblat's article "Towards the Sociology of Inscript", published in his book "Writing Across: Articles on Biography, Sociology, and Literary History" (Moscow, 2014).
Despite the theoretical lack of study of the topic, you can find many articles about writers' autographs / inscriptions. Most of these are original essays, bibliophile essays, introductory articles to the publication of the scripts. Such works are very interesting to read, they are imbued with great love and respect for the book and literature in general, but as L. Ozerov wrote in his article, this is "Working outlines of possible further research".

Inscripts often become the starting point for understanding cultural ties, the relationship between the donor and the gifted, provide additional information about the life of a particular writer. So, last year, we found in our collection a book by Alexander Shmakov "The Petersburg Exile" with a dedicatory inscription: “To the readers of the Krasnoyarsk regional library from a fellow countryman, now a resident of the Urals. Al. Shmakov. "Yenisei meetings 73"... This script "told" us about how the book got into the library and that its author is directly related to our region. This made it possible to identify one more intersection of the name of Radishchev with Krasnoyar.

You can also find many works telling about collections of books with scripts, both private and library. By the way, our library did not stand aside, colleagues from the department of the main book storage in 2014 became the authors of the article "A stroke into eternity"

Inscripts from the Kraevushka collection: 1) To friends of the library workers. Read, but do not be jealous, there is nothing. Sorry for the joke. Sincerely. July-21-1969. M. Glozus; 2) To readers of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Library from a fellow countryman, now a resident of the Urals. Al. Shmakov. "Yenisei Meetings 73"; 3) Dear friends: book lovers-readers of the Regional Library named after V.I. Lenin. With deep gratitude for your attention. Yours, Ivan Sibirtsev. November 1971; 4) Pyotr Stepanovich Trofimov in memory of the meeting on his return from the front. I. Eroshin. 1.09.1945

Getting acquainted with the literature on the topic, I found interesting, very figurative statements about autographs, some of which I cite below:

Lev Ozerov (poet): “It turns out to be a serious matter - to inscribe a book. Take your time, think, do it from the heart. Or don't do it at all. The inscription is a personal historical notch on the book. Your note, placed in a bottle, which the waves of time will hand over to your descendants. By the inscription on the book, your creative behavior will be judged with the same rigor as your work itself. Your belated comment or your belated regret will not be taken into account. You will not be there, but the book will remain "(from the collection" Meetings with the book ", Moscow, 1979)

Anatoly Markov (bibliophile): “... the lines of dedication left by the authors many years ago are like the light of distant stars ... I would like to stare at the cherished, warm words of sometimes noticeably faded autographs for a long time - everything here arouses interest: by whom and to whom, where and when, and sometimes in connection with what circumstance the book was donated<…>The books, on the pages of which writers, poets, composers, painters and actors left donating lines in the past years, sometimes give the impression that they still keep the warmth of their hands! " (from the book "The Magic of an Old Book", Moscow, 2004)

Olga Golubeva (librarian): "If a book is a kind of witness to the era, then the autographs on them are micro-letters addressed to friends and acquaintances" (from the book "In the world of book treasures", Leningrad, 1988)

V.P. Astafiev's transcripts: 1) V. Astafiev. December 13, 1986 Krasnoyarsk; 2) Stole, did not steal, what difference does it make - you will still be an honest deceased! (the wisdom of the Siberian eccentric) V. Astafiev; 3) I want to believe as long as the word is alive, the city of my childhood will also be alive, maybe the joy of the release of this book will give hope to all Russian people, and to us, the Igarians, in the first place. V. Astafiev. February 14, 1998, Krasnoyarsk.

"Discovery" third
It turns out there are no rules. Despite the fact that the custom to leave original donation inscriptions on books appeared a long time ago, a definite etiquette has not been worked out. The transcript is placed in a place free of text and images; it may contain short or verbose text in prose or poetry, drawings. It is up to the author to decide which part of the book will become a place for a memorable flourish. Even the most famous writers approached this issue in very different ways. In the book "Autographs of Poets of the Silver Age" (Moscow, 1995) 397 autographs of various authors are facsimile reproduced, including A. Akhmatova, A. Blok, K. Balmont, V. Bryusov, S. Yesenin, I. Severyanin, V. Mayakovsky and etc. So, their inscripts are located both on the title pages of books, and on endpapers, short titles, reverse short titles, advance titles, reverse titles, blank pages in front of the title page and even on the cover, 1st page, or arbitrarily on some other page ...

It turns out, answering my own question, I have to conclude that all possible options for staging the inscripts are correct. I admit! All are right! But at this very moment the librarian "wakes up" in me.

Often, being completely logical from the point of view of the author, the dedication can be completely "inconvenient" for the librarian. Why, you ask? But in the library books do not lie still - they are read, used in exhibition activities. In the latter case, books with autographs receive more attention, often they act as a kind of accents of book exhibitions. And now, let's say we have an interesting script that I really want to show, and it is located on the flyleaf. In this case, the book opened on the site of the dedication will not tell the visitor of the exhibition at all, because the author's signature is not always readable and recognizable. In order to understand whose stroke we see what kind of book is in front of us, it is necessary to look at the title page or cover. Such problems will not arise if the autograph / script is initially put on the title page, then it immediately becomes clear who, to whom, in honor of what, and, often, when the present was presented. Another point - books are not eternal. Actively read books sooner or later come to such a state when they need repair / binding. In many cases, when binding, especially when the main block of the book has torn off the cover as a result of use, a complete replacement of the endpaper is required. But what if the author left a donation inscription on the flyleaf? This is again the situation when difficulties would not have arisen if the autograph had been put on the title page.

Of course, this is the subjective opinion of one librarian, you can disagree with him, but I think there is some truth in the above.

Inscripts from the book collection "M. Uspensky's Library": 1) Dear Misha, to be honest - you are, of course, a genius. But do not leave us for the Muscovites or even the Atlanteans who hold the sky - to St. Petersburg ... Roman Solntsev; 2) To the wonderful writer and the wisest of all my fellow writers and feasts - Misha Uspensky from the author - E. Rusakov. December 95. Happy New Year, Misha and Nelya! E.R .; 3) Mikhail Uspensky with great joy that I can give it personally. 6.03.09. M. Streltsov.

P.S .: if you ever want to hold in your hands, read books with autographs / writers' signatures, come to our library! Autographed editions are available to all readers, information about them is concentrated in the Electronic Catalog. Just pay attention to the detailed description of the books, there will be a note "There is an autograph".
To search for books autographed by a particular writer, you must use the advanced search option in the EC. In the search field, select "Autograph", and as a search phrase, type the name of the writer whose autograph you would like to find. Then click on "Search".

Thematic collection

Conditional name: Books of the period of the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945.

Collection type: subject-specific; formed in the MAUK "Centralized Library System" in Pskov

Collection level: regional.

Collection at a glance: books published during the war on the territory of the USSR.

Collection volume: 17 storage units, in 14 titles. Replenishment is possible due to gifts and donations.

Types of publications: books.

Chronological boundaries: publications signed for printing between June 22, 1941 and May 9, 1945.

Language characteristic: all books are in Russian.

More information about the collection: Presents publications on history, natural sciences, fiction. The most valuable books are the lifetime editions of Russian historians and writers E. V. Tarle, B. B. Kafenhaus, B. L. Pasternak (as a translator of Romeo and Juliet), A. K. Yugov, economist J. S. Rosenfeld, Italian politician L. Aldrovandi Marescotti.

Location: Central City Library, Local History Library (main holder), Library - Center for Communication and Information. I. N. Grigorieva.

Note: all books in the collection are taken into account and described in a single electronic database "Rare Book"

Aldrovandi, M. L. Diplomatic war: memoirs and excerpts from the diary (1914-1919) / L. Aldrovandi Marescotti; per. with ital., ed., entry. Art. B. E. Stein. - Moscow: Gospolitizdat, 1944 .-- 392 p. - (Foreign Policy Library). - Book. period Great. Fatherland. war. - Decree. names: s. 365-387.
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The atrocities of the Germans during the war of 1914-1918 : (from the doc. of the First World War) / comp. Z. Z. Mikhailovich, L. I. Polyanskaya; foreword E. V. Tarle. - L.: Gaz.-Zhurn. and book. publishing house, 1943 .-- 106 p. : ill. - Book. period Great. Fatherland. war.
Read a digital copy of a book

Kafengauz, BB Northern War and the Peace of Nishtadt (1700-1721) / BB Kafengauz; ed. F.A.Rotshtein. - M.: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1944 .-- 79, p. - (Popular science series). - Book. period Great. Fatherland. war.
Read a digital copy of a book

Konopelko, P. Heroic pages from the military past of the Russian people / P. Konopelko. - L.: Gaz.-Zhurn. and book. publishing house, 1941 .-- 93, p. - Book. period Great. Fatherland. war.
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Kuzma Minin / V. Danilevsky. - M.: Gospolitizdat, 1943 .-- 23 p. - (Great fighters for the Russian land). - Book. period Great. Fatherland. war.
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Mamin-Sibiryak, DN Stories and fairy tales / DN Mamin-Sibiryak; rice. V. Kobelev. - Leningrad: GOSLITIZDAT, 1943 .-- 90, p. : ill. - Contents: Emelya the hunter; Winter on Studenaya; The rich man and Eremka; Receiver; Medvedko; On a way; Forest fairy tale; Serushka; Old sparrow. - Book. period Great. Fatherland. war. - There is an electron. analogue.
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Muravina, F. Bagration / F. Muravina. - M.: Gospolitizdat, 1943 .-- 26 p. - Book. period Great. Fatherland. war. - Titus. l. absent.
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The defeat of Prussia by Russian troops (1756-1762): documents. - M.: State. publishing house polit. lit., 1943 .-- 88 p. - Book. period Great. Fatherland. war.
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Rosenfeld, Ya. S. Industry and the Patriotic War. - Saratov: Saratov. region state publishing house, 1943 .-- 70, p. - Book. period Great. Fatherland. war. - 201 p.
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Yugov, A. Daniil Galitsky / A. Yugov. - M.: Politizdat, 1944 .-- 56 p. - Book. period Great. Fatherland. war.
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Tolstoy, L. N. Caucasian prisoner / L. Tolstoy; rice. Yu. Petrova. - Moscow; Leningrad: State publishing house of children's literature NARKOMPROSA RSFSR, 1945. - 43, p. : ill.

British Empire: [reference] / State. Institute "Soviet Encyclopedia". - M.: OGIZ: Soviet encyclopedia, 1943. - 463, p., Fol. kart. - (Series of reference books on foreign countries / edited by P. I. Lebedev-Polyansky, F. N. Petrov, O. Yu. Schmidt). - Bibliography: p. 448-460.

Conventional name: Books with autographs in the Centralized Library System of Pskov

Collection type: subject-specific (formed in the Centralized Library System of Pskov).

Collection level: regional.

Brief information about the collection: books with autographs were selected from the general array of book collections in each of the branch libraries of the Centralized Library System of the city of Pskov in connection with the organization of work with rare and valuable documents of the Pskov region. Books with autographs came to the collections of libraries of the Central Library System in different periods thanks to contacts and meetings with authors, compilers, editors of books.

Collection size: more than 400 units. xp. The collection is growing.

Topic: publications on local history, national history and military affairs, literary criticism, art, literature for children, works of art.

Chronological boundaries: mid XX - early XXI centuries

Language characteristic: in Russian.

The collection includes publications with autographs of Pskov writers and poets, scientists, artists, ethnographers and public figures, as well as domestic writers and poets, guests of Pushkin poetry holidays, Weeks of Children's and Youth Books and other large-scale actions and events. The main part of the collection consists of publications donated by the authors. The collection includes books by V. D. Berestov, A. A. Bologov, N. L. Vershinina, I. V. Vinogradov, V. M. Voskoboinikov, S. V. Vostokov, I. N. Grigoriev, D. A. Dmitrieva, A. V. Zhbanova, S. A. Zolotseva, I. E. Ivanyuk, B. T. Ilyina, I. I. Kalinina, O. A. Kalkina, V. V. Klevtsova, Yu. N. Kuranova, V. Ya.Kurbatova, N. F. Levin, L. I. Malyakova, N. N. Maslennikova, A. Maslova, E. N. Morozkina, V. I. Okhotnikova, V. A. Potresova, E. D. Sarabyanova, V. S. Svekolnikova, A. Yu. Segenya, O. A. Sedakova, I. F. Smolnikova, A. M. Tavrov, A. V. Tasalova, L. V. Fedotova, A. V. Filimonova, A. Ya. Chadayeva, I. D. Shaimardanov, S. V. Yamshchikov and other authors.

Location: a single collection of books with autographs of the Central Library System of Pskov is dispersed over 11 branches. The main holders of books with autographs are the Central City Library, the Historical and Local Lore Library. I. I. Vasilev, library "Spring" them. S. A. Zolotseva. Other libraries of the CLS have a small number of autographed books.

Note: all the books in the collection are taken into account and described in the unified electronic database "Books with autographs of the Central Library System of Pskov".

“Tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are.
You can get the right idea about the mind and character of a person by examining his library. "
Louis Blanc

Personal (proprietary) collection

Conventional name: Library of Oleg Andreevich Kalkin

Collection type: personal creative.

Collection level: regional.

Brief information about the collector:

OA Kalkin wrote in the genre of a traditional Russian story, published the books “The First Day of Autumn”, “What the Wind Sings About”. He studied the white spots of the civil war, in particular the White movement in the North-West of Russia and the fate of its participants and their descendants in exile, published the book "On the rebellious borders of Russia." His research was widely known in Russia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania.

Collection size: 3 607 storage units.

Chronological boundaries: 1900 - 2007

Types of publications: books, brochures.

Topic: publications on Russian and general history, local history, archeology, art, Orthodoxy, law, art and literary publications.

Language characteristic: in Russian.

More information about the collection: the main part of the collection contains art (1165 items) and literary publications (418 items), as well as publications on local history (169 items) and on national and general history (1094 items) with his professional and research activities, including among them:

Army of St. George: Biographies of Russian monarchists of the early XX century: to the 100th anniversary of the Union of the Russian People / comp. and ed. A. D. Stepanov, A. A. Ivanov. - SPb. : Tsarskoe Delo, 2006. - 807 p., Fol. color silt (folded in 3 s.).

Children of the Russian emigration: The book that the exiles dreamed of and could not publish / [comp., Prepared. text, selection of silt. and foreword. L. I. Petrushevskaya; total ed. S. G. Blinova, M. D. Filina; artist V. M. Melnikov]. - M.: Terra, 1997 .-- 496 p., L. ph.

Menshikov, M. National Empire / M. Menshikov. - M.: Publishing house Imperial tradition, 2004. - 512 p.

Serkov, A.I. Russian Freemasonry 1731-2000: Encyclical. dictionary. - M.: ROSSPEN, 2001 .-- 1224 p., Fol. silt

Ownership signs: editions contain a lifetime stamp of the owner "From the books of O. A. Kalkin."

Location: Historical and Local Lore Library. I. I. Vasileva

Arrival time: 2010 r.

Source of Income: The book collection of Oleg Andreevich Kalkin was donated by his heir - his son Anton Olegovich Kalkin.

Note: the collection is described and entered into the electronic database "Rare Book", the fund is kept in the reading room of the library.

2020 news

On July 22, the libraries of the Central Library System of Pskov received a gift from Dmitry Nikolaevich Kirshin, poet, critic, literary editor, professor, doctor of philosophy in the field of literary criticism and computer science, collections of their poems and collections of poems by Leningrad poets who fought in the Great Patriotic War. On two collections for the Central City Library, Dmitry Nikolaevich left dedication inscriptions.

On July 22, in the small hall of the City Cultural Center of Pskov, a presentation of collections of songwriting by Nikolai Mikhailovich Mishukov, Honorary Citizen of the city of Pskov, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia and Honored Artist of Karelia, author of the Pskov anthem and songs to the words of O. Timmerman "Come to us, people ”, dedicated to the library and librarians. At this creative evening, Nikolai Mikhailovich presented the city libraries with his autographed collection.

Dear readers, we invite you to get acquainted with, which entered the fund of the Historical and Local Lore Library. I.I. Vasileva.

Irina Samoilovna Rodnikova "Artistic silver of the 16th - early 19th centuries from the collection of the Pskov Museum-Reserve"

N. S. Sheshina

“Public library named after Herzen, the most worthy and cultural institution, where I spend so much time with pleasure and benefit, grateful N. Nikitin.
09/22/1941 "

In the collection of autographs of the Regional Scientific Library named after A.I. Herzen, there are 1323 editions with donations of famous writers, poets, scientists, fellow librarians, bibliophiles, who at different times were readers, employees or guests of our library. For the most part, these are our fellow countrymen, whom life has scattered across the cities and villages of Russia. The collection of autographs, as independently selected from the fund of valuable and rare books, began during the Great Patriotic War by the director of the library, Klavdia Mikhailovna Voikhanskaya (director since 1941), a connoisseur and connoisseur of books. Thanks to her work, the library was able to enrich its funds with unique publications, including books with autographs.

During the Great Patriotic War, the library was replenished with books by authors who were evacuated in Kirov and studied in the library. The very first gift of the war years was the book of the writer Nikolai Nikolayevich Nikitin (1895-1963) "It began in Kokand" (L., 1940), the autograph record of which is given as an epigraph. It was followed by other books, other authors.

Among those evacuated to Kirov from the front-line cities were people of different specialties: scientists, writers, artists.

The library's book wealth was used in their work by academicians E. V. Tarle and V. P. Potemkin, professors K. M. Bykov and V. M. Lazarev and many others. Evgeny Viktorovich Tarle (1875-1955) - historian, academician. During the Great Patriotic War, while being evacuated in Kirov, he studied at the regional library named after V.I. A. I. Herzen. As a sign of gratitude to the staff of the library, he presented his book with the inscription: “Warm greetings to the library to them. Herzen from E. Tarle 11/01/1942 Kirov "(Tarle E. V. Napoleon's invasion of Russia. 1812. M., 1938).

The title spread of the book by E. V. Tarle "Napoleon's Invasion of Russia"

Vladimir Petrovich Potemkin (1878-1945) - historian, academician, diplomat, just like Tarle, at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War was evacuated to Kirov. Here he, together with other scholars, continued to work on the multivolume edition of The History of Diplomacy. In the preparation of volumes 2 and 3, the funds of our library were used. In memory of this, Vladimir Petrovich presented the library with one volume of this edition with a dedicatory inscription: “The main library named after A. I. Herzen in Kirov is a truly cultural center of Vl. Potemkin 05.05.1942 "(History of diplomacy: in 2 volumes. T. 1. M., 1941).

During the Great Patriotic War, both scientific organizations and collectives of higher educational institutions, in particular, the Naval Medical Academy, were evacuated to Kirov and worked here. Teachers, researchers and students of the Academy actively used the funds of the regional library named after V.I. Herzen. During this period, scientific works and teaching aids were written and published. Individual copies of these editions were donated to the library funds with donative inscriptions of the authors of these books, in particular, professors K.M.Bykov and N.V. Lazarev, A.V. Triumfov. “To the Kirov City Library named after Herzen from the grateful author, the city of Kirov. 1943 "(Bykov KM The cerebral cortex and internal organs. Kirov, 1942).

“To the Herzen library from a grateful author who wrote this book in the mountains. Kirov and, in part, used the library's book collections. Prof. N. Lazarev. Kirov, 08/13/1944 "(Lazarev N.V. Non-electrolytes: the experience of their biological-physical-chemical systematics. L., 1944). "Library to them. Herzen from the author, grateful for the help in his work during his stay in Kirov 05/26/1944 "(Triumfov A. V. Topical diagnosis of diseases of the central nervous system: a short guide drawn up in relation to the course of practical training on nervous diseases. Kirov, 1943). According to the textbook of A.V. Triumfov (repeatedly revised and supplemented), students of medical universities are still studying today. Speaking about the war years, people and collectives who were in evacuation, one cannot but recall our Latvian friends: the editorial office of the newspaper "Tsinya" and one of its employees Anna Ottovnu Saks (Abzalon) (1905-1981). During the war years, the people's writer of Latvia lived and worked in the editorial office of the newspaper Tsinya in Kirov. Here she wrote her books, met with readers and wounded soldiers who were being treated in the hospital. In 1943, the Kirov Book Publishing House published a collection of her stories "The Life and Death of Liedag", and later (a year later) another collection, "Return to Life", which is kept in the library's collection of autographs, on which she left the following note: “To brave soldiers for the Soviet Motherland with greetings, Anna Saksa 12.07.1944. - To the sponsored hospital of the Herzen library. These books formed the basis of a collection of autographed books.

Autograph of Anna Saxe on a piece of paper glued to the 2nd page of the cover
the book "Back to Life"

Later, the library staff (V.G.Shumikhin, A.I. Rusinova and others) began to identify editions with autographs from the library funds. This is how new interesting editions, new names, new autographs appeared in the collection. Among these publications were pre-revolutionary books autographed by P. V. Alabin, V. G. Korolenko, Count G. A. Miloradovich, A. M. Vasnetsov and others.

Pyotr Vladimirovich Alabin (1824–1896) served in Vyatka from 1857 to 1866 in the provincial specific office, and from 1859 as the manager of this office. He was a member of 9 committees and commissions, including trustees: about prisons, about a public library and others. In 1862, on a voluntary basis, he became the manager of the public library. He purchased a building for the library, compiled the first catalog, increased the book fund and opened the Vyatka Public Museum. He actively worked in the Statistical Committee, participated in the population census, published articles on the Vyatka Territory on the pages of the Gazette, wrote his main book "Travel Notes" about the Crimean War (later published in Samara and sent to the Vyatka Public Library), compiled a "Reader for Commoners" ... These editions are also available in the autograph collection. One of his dedication records: “Vyatka Public Library. Compiled by P. Alabin. 1862 "(A collection of some narratives, stories and descriptions understandable to the people. St. Petersburg, 1862). After leaving Vyatka, Pyotr Vladimirovich always kept the memory of the library and the museum, sent books and exhibits from Samara. This is confirmed by books with his donative inscriptions, for example: “Vyatka Public Library P. Alabin 02/01/1892. Samara "(Alabin P. V. Four wars: travel notes in 1849, 1853, 1854–56 and 1877–78. Part III: Defense of Sevastopol (1854–1856). M., 1892).

Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko (1853–1921) served exile in Vyatka in 1879 in Glazov, and then in the Berezovsky repairs of the Glazovsky district (now the Afanasyevsky district). Vyatka exile lasted from May 1879 to mid-February 1880. Correspondence and personal meetings with Vyatka friends continued many years later. Our collection contains Korolenko's book "In a Hungry Year", published in St. Petersburg in 1907 with an autograph dedicated to Mikhail Pavlovich Borodin. “Library of the Vyatka Society for Mutual Assistance of Individuals of Private Service Labor. In memory of Mikhail Pavlovich Borodin. Vl. Korolenko ". Mikhail Pavlovich Borodin (1854-1910) - populist, publicist, statistician. Born in Glazov, Vyatka province. While studying at the Vyatka gymnasium, he was in charge of the illegal library of students, was under the influence of the exiled populist V.F.Troshchansky. In Vyatka he was engaged in zemstvo statistics, with the support of A.P. Batuev, he organized a handicraft museum and warehouse, which he was in charge of for almost 20 years; participated in the creation of the "Vyatka Book Publishing Association". Mikhail Pavlovich Borodin was one of the Vyatka addressees of Korolenko.

V. G. Korolenko's autograph

No less valuable for us are the autographs of famous Vyatka dynasties: the Vasnetsovs, Charushins, Gromozovs. One of the old Vyatka families - the Vasnetsovs - gave the Vyatka Territory and Russia priests, artists, scientists, teachers, and public figures. Apollinaris Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is a famous artist, author of works on the theory of art, history, archeology. His works are in many museums in the country. In Moscow there is a memorial museum-apartment, and in the village of Ryabovo (the artist's birthplace) a house-museum of V.M. and A.M. Vasnetsov was opened. The collection contains publications (both pre-revolutionary and more modern) autographed by the Vasnetsovs. Many of them were handed over by relatives as a token of memory of their small homeland.

One of the autographs of Apollinarius Mikhailovich Vasnetsov : "Arkady from his brother - the author of this book - Apollinary Vasnetsov 01/03/1908"(Vasnetsov A. M. Art: the experience of analyzing the concepts that define the art of painting. M., 1908).

Our collection contains the book by G. A. Miloradovich "The Legend of the Family of Nobles and Counts of Miloradovich" (St. Petersburg, 1873) with the following entry: “Vyatka Public Provincial Library from the author Count Grigory Alexandrovich Miloradovich. Vyatka. 01/19/1874 ".

Autograph of Count G. A. Miloradovich

The surname Miloradovich comes from Herzegovina, where the ancestors of Mikhail Ilyich Miloradovich lived, who settled in Russia in 1711. All Miloradovich who lived in Russia faithfully served the Tsar and the Russian Fatherland. Count Grigory Alexandrovich Miloradovich (09.24.1839–?) In 1874 was in Vyatka in connection with a recruitment. He was engaged in acquaintance with the Vyatka province in statistical terms, studied local antiquities. He is the author of the album "Vyatka and its sights" (stored in the funds of the local history department).

The collection also contains other pre-revolutionary editions with autographs of Russian philosophers, scientists, researchers: Nikolai Berdyaev, Pafnutiy Chebyshev, Peter Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky, V.A.Obruchev and others.

Autograph of Nikolai Berdyaev, a Russian religious mystic philosopher: "To Nikolai Mikhailovich Soloviev with respect from the author"(Berdyaev N.A. Spiritual crisis of the intelligentsia. SPb., 1910).

Autograph of Pafnuti Lvovich Chebyshev: "To Alexander Fedorovich Popov from the author"(Chebyshev PL On the largest and smallest values ​​of the sums composed of the value of an entire function and its derivatives: Appendix to the XII-th volume of the Western Imperial Academy of Sciences. No. 3. SPb., 1867).

Pafnuti Lvovich Chebyshev and Alexander Fedorovich Popov are mathematicians. The works of both found recognition during their lifetime, not only in Russia, but also abroad. Chebyshev graduated from Moscow University, but devoted his entire professorial life to St. Petersburg University. In honor of Chebyshev, the prize "For the best research in the field of mathematics" was established (since 1944). Alexander Fedorovich Popov (student and successor of Lobachevsky) is our fellow countryman. He graduated from high school in Vyatka. In Kazan he entered the university. After graduating from it, he defended his dissertation and taught at the university. He lived and died in Kazan. In 1864 he came to Vyatka. He wrote two textbooks on higher mathematics for universities.

The collection contains the book "The era of the liberation of the peasants in Russia (1857-1861) in the memoirs of P. P. Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky" (St. Petersburg, 1911. Vol. 1) with a dedication: “To dear niece Elisaveta Yakovlevna Kulakova from the author P. P. Semyonov of Tyan-Shanskiy”.

Pyotr Petrovich Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky (1827-1914) - a famous geographer, traveler, explorer of Siberia and Central Asia, nephew of Nikolai Nikolaevich Semyonov, an actual state councilor, who headed the provincial militia committee in Vyatka, promoted the opening of an orphanage, introduced the rules of a new structure zemstvo duties.

Autograph of Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev (1863-1956) - Soviet geologist and geographer, famous explorer of Siberia, Central and Central Asia, author of many scientific and popular scientific works, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, honorary president of the Geographical Society of the USSR (since 1947) was addressed to the Charushins : “Dear Anna Dmitrievna and Nikolai Apollonovich ( originally written to Yegorovich, but corrected by the author's hand) Charushin for the fond memory of the author "(Obruchev V. A. Orographic sketch of Nan Shan. M.,).

The Charushins, like the Vasnetsovs, are a fairly well-known Vyatka dynasty. Nikolai Apollonovich was a revolutionary populist, public figure, publisher, bibliographer and local historian. He took an active part in the political life of the Vyatka province, worked in the Vyatka public library named after V.I. AI Herzen, in the local history department. Anna Dmitrievna Charushina (nee Kuvshinskaya) was his wife.

The collection contains books with donative inscriptions of our compatriot writers who keep in touch with their small homeland, with the regional library. A. I. Herzen. They give the library and its readers the publication of their new books, thereby enriching our collection.

Writers such as Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov (b. 1935), Vladimir Nikolaevich Krupin (b. 1941) do not need any special introduction. Their creativity and social activities are well known not only to residents of Kirov. There are many books by these authors in the collection, starting with the very first editions both in Russian and in foreign languages.

“Dear“ Gertsenke ”. The only wealth worth envying is the wealth of “Gertsenka”. Likhanov A. 03.12.1966 "(Likhanov A. A. Siberian character: stories. M., 1966).

“To the dear“ Gertsenka ”, as before, and over the years more and more, beloved, one of her books in an incomprehensible language. But what she is about Vyatka is for sure. In what I will subscribe. V. Krupin December 1982 "(Krupin V. N. Living water = Elavaa vetta: novel. Helsinki, 1982).

Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov donated a large number of books from his personal library to the library. These editions are highlighted in a separate collection of A. A. Likhanov, in which not only his works of authorship, but also books of Russian and foreign writers and poets with surprisingly warm dedicatory inscriptions-dedication to Albert Anatolyevich and his wife.

Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky (1903-1958) - poet, translator. Together with his parents in 1910 he moved to the Vyatka province, in the village. Sernur of the Urzhum region. He studied at a real school in the city of Urzhum. Here he began to write his first poems. From 1921 to 1938 he lived in Leningrad, studied at the A. I. Herzen Pedagogical Institute. During these years, he kept in touch with Vyatka, came to visit his father and sisters. The collection contains a book authored by his son Nikita Nikolayevich Zabolotsky, and it is dedicated to the life and work of Nikolai Zabolotsky: Zabolotsky N. N. Life of N. A. Zabolotsky: biography of the famous Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky. - M., 1998. - On tit. l. entry: “Kirov Regional Scientific Library named after A. I. Herzen and her readers with admiration Nikita Zabolotsky 15.05.1998. Kirov (Vyatka) ".

Another of our compatriots, a writer - Olga Konstantinovna Matyushina (Gromozova, 1885-1963). She is from the famous Gromozov dynasty in the town of Slobodskoy. They traded, held various positions in the city government, and participated in public life.

Olga Konstantinovna - art critic, writer. She worked in publishing houses and book trade organizations. She survived the blockade in Leningrad, during which she lost her sight. Author of many books and magazine publications. In our collection there are several editions with her donative inscriptions. One of them: "Regional library named after Herzen from the author-compatriot O. Matyushin 09/04/1958 Kirov"(Matyushina O.K. Life wins: a story. L., 1953).

Andrei Dmitrievich Blinov (1918-1996) - writer, member of the Writers' Union, former correspondent for the newspaper "Kirovskaya Pravda". He is the author of many stories and novels, the plots of which are often associated with his native Vyatka region. “Native library to them. Herzen, where he spent his best hours with books. My deepest bows to her team. Be happy! A. Blinov Kirov "(Blinov A. D. Two perches across the river: stories and stories. M., 1970).

Kirov's connection with Latvian writers and poets, which began during the Great Patriotic War, is not interrupted today. Our collection contains both the Latvian newspaper "Tsinya" and the works of Latvian poets, writers, playwrights.

Some of them have autographs: "Library to them. Herzen with deep respect and gratitude Gunar Priede Kirov, 07/05/1975 "(Priede G. Let it fall: a lyric drama in 3 acts. M., 1957). Gunars Priede is the most popular Latvian playwright, especially among young people. His work is dedicated to young people: he writes for them and about them.

“To dear, glorious residents of Kirov, for good memory and as a token of gratitude for the warmth of the heart during the terrible years of the Great Patriotic War. Anna Sakse 09.02.1965 "(Anna Saks: life and work: photo album. Riga, 1964).

“Velta Kaltinja, Lyudmila Azarova, Peters Ziritis, Eizens Veveris, Roald Dobroven(and etc.) 26.09.1990 ". Only 7 signatures of the authors included in the collection: The world is younger today = Book of the world = Pasaule sorit jauna: a collection of poems. Riga, 1989.

The library constantly holds meetings with famous writers, after which the collection of autographs is replenished with new copies. These are the autographs of such famous writers and poets as Daniil Granin, Yulia Drunina, Yunna Moritz, Larisa Vasilyeva (Granin D. A. Claudia Vilor: a story. L., 1980). On tit. l. entry: “D. Granin. 1982 "; (Drunina Yu.V. Selected works: in 2 volumes. T. 1: 1942-1969. M., 1981). For shmuttite. entry: "Library to them. Herzen from the author. Julia Drunina 12.12.1982 ";(Vasilyeva L. N. Tales of Love. M., 1995). On tit. l. entry: "Library to them. AI Herzen in memory of the meeting from the author Larisa Vasiliev 09/25/1997 ";(Moritz Yu. P. According to the law - hello to the postman: a collection of poems. M., 2008). “For the readers of the Kirov Regional Library named after Herzen - with deep gratitude for the love of poetry. Junna Moritz 30.11.2008 ".

The guest of our library was a famous film and theater actor, a native of Nolinsk, Boris Petrovich Chirkov (1901–1982) - People's Artist of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor. Our collection contains two of his autographed books. The text of one of them: “From a fellow countryman from Nolin. I am proud that my book will also be on the shelves of your library "(Chirkov B. P. Azores: a story about childhood and youth. M., 1978).

In our collection, there are dedicatory inscriptions of famous scientists, researchers both living in Kirov and those who left it, but retained their memory and love for it. Here is one of them: “Kirov Regional Library named after AI Herzen, the library of my native city prof. A. Puni Leningrad 05/29/1955 "(Questions of sports psychology: collection of scientific works of the Department of Psychology / edited by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences A. Ts. Puni. M., 1955). Professor Puni (1898-1985) - a specialist in the field of sports psychology, our fellow countryman. One of the first scientists to study sports psychology.

Professor, scientist, specialist in the field of librarianship Anatoly Nikolaevich Vaneev (b. 1925), a former employee of the library. Member of the Great Patriotic War. He left the library for the war and came back here after demobilization. Working in the regional library, he graduated from the institute. After graduating from graduate school, he moved to live and work in Leningrad, at the Institute of Culture named after V.I. N.K. Krupskaya (now the St. Petersburg State Academy of Culture). Author of many scientific, methodological and educational publications in the field of theory and practice of librarianship. His works with dedicatory inscriptions are in our collection. "Library to them. AI Herzen to my first, library "university" with the wish of prosperity and new creative successes! 18.10.2004. Vaneev "(Vaneev A. N. Librarianship. Theory. Methods. Practice. SPb., 2004).

Educator, scientist, professor of the Kirov Agricultural Academy - Emilia Adrianovna Shtina (1910-2007). All her scientific activities are related to the study of soil algae. Her autograph on the scientific work on soil algae is also carefully kept in our collection. "Library to them. Herzen from the authors E. Shtin, M. Hollerbach 04/14/1976 "(Shtina E. A. Ecology of soil algae: summary of our own research and review of literature data on the ecology of soil algae. M., 1976).

Nikolai Sergeevich Epifanov (1902-1996) - surgeon, professor, honored doctor of Russia, author of more than 200 published scientific works, including on the history of the development of surgery on the Vyatka land. “Kirov Regional Library named after AI Herzen from the grateful author. N. Epifanov "(Epifanov NS Outstanding surgeons - natives of the Vyatka land. Kirov, 1979).

Game biologist Sergei Aleksandrovich Korytin (b. 1922), researcher at VNIIOZ im. Zhitkov. “To the Herzen library with the warmth of the soul. S. Korytin 22.11.2002 "(Korytin S. A. Animals and people: to the history of hunting in Russia. Kirov, 2002).

The collection contains autographs of friends of bibliophiles and book lovers who keep in touch with our library, taking part in various scientific and practical conferences, readings dedicated to the book, its collection, history, people. Among them are autographs of Oleg Lasunsky. “Club“ Vyatka book lovers ”. I consider it a great honor to be in the ranks of this gallant bibliophile squad, a member of "VK" Ol. Lasunsky. Voronezh. 09/06/1980 "(Lasunsky O. G. Power of the book: stories about books and scribes. M., 1980). "Library to them. AI Herzen - the founder and organizer of the Petryaev Readings, about which you can read on pages 207–208 of this book by Ol. Lasunsky Kirov-on-Vyatka, the next Petryaev readings 19.02.1998 "(Social life in central Russia in the 16th - early 20th centuries: collection of scientific works. Voronezh, 1995).

The collection's autographs are diverse: restrained and warm, sad lyrical and comic. Donation inscriptions are different in form, mainly short or more common prose texts, but in our other collections (E. D. Petryaeva, I. I. Khalturin, V. S. Modestov, A. A. Likhanova, A. V. Emmaussky, V.E.Subbotin) there are also comic poetic autographs. From their texts you can learn about little-known episodes of personal or public life; about all-Union and international creative or friendly relations of both the addressee and the donor. The collection of autographs continues to grow. One of the latest acquisitions is the books by Yunna Moritz, Yuri Norshtein; collections of poems by a member of the Writers' Union, our colleague, poetess Galina Kustenko.
