After graduating from law school, I had a wild desire to become a teacher. Since I was very serious by nature, it seemed to me that the world of teaching and science was the perfect fit for me. After receiving my first watch at the University, I made plans and dreamed of a career as a scientist.

In his personal life then it was somehow neither shaky nor shaky. My friend is a girl with character, I was not averse to taking a walk. In general, it is normal, but without the special romanticism that everyone dreams of. But what happened to me is not worthy of a short story.

Friends found me a hack in one of the private colleges. I entered the classroom. Not long ago, just like these boys and girls, I sat at my desk at school and treated young teachers with great distrust, and now I am a teacher myself. What a nightmare! Will they also behave rudely? Gathering all my will, I greeted with a businesslike air and sat down at the teacher's table. This is how my teaching career began. Everything was going great. Over time, I got used to children, and they even stopped making noise in class. They probably liked it. One day, after scolding the prescribed two pairs, I went home. Turning out of college, I stared at a girl who seemed to me some kind of amazing, and so stared that almost drove into someone's ass. This sobered me, and I no longer looked anywhere except the road. But in my head there were thoughts about HER. Damn, why didn't I stop and meet?

Then the fun begins. The next day I had to replace my colleague in the 10th grade. Oh God! SHE was sitting at the second desk on the left. No, no, now is the lesson, I set myself up, especially since I did not know the topic that I should have read very well. Everything worked out, the lesson went off with a bang, it turned out interesting, and not only for me. It was still warm outside, despite the end of October. The snow had already fallen, but, as usual in our area, it quickly melted and autumn gave the last warm days. Twilight was just beginning. I walked along the birch alley in silence and thought about the same girl. Her name seems to be Natasha. Imperceptibly I got home and found myself in my favorite place called the sofa. Thinking about Natasha, I caught myself thinking that all this was somewhere. For some reason, I remembered the story about Chikatilo. Am I worried? Why am I drawn to youngsters? I heard stories about the romances of teachers and students and even watched some kind of program on TV. I remembered the program and this teacher with a strange look. That's exactly some kind of sexually preoccupied and generally abnormal. No, something is wrong here, some bad thoughts, my friend. Get her out of your head.

And so it happened. I was doing relatively well. I saw Natasha very rarely, and even then only briefly during recess. But a strange feeling came over me every time I met her. I was afraid to look at her.

Summer has come. I was entrusted with guiding the practice of tenth graders. And everything would be fine if not for this feeling. I'm afraid to look up at her. No, you shouldn't get carried away with it, I'm still a teacher. We need to get Natasha out of my head, once again I tried to persuade myself.

In his personal life, changes came again. With my main friend, we sometimes dispersed, then converged again, there were a couple of hobbies, but for some reason I often dreamed of Natasha's face. What is it? Love? Passion? I cannot understand myself. What is happening to me? If I lived in America, I went to a psychoanalyst. All is decided. We must forget her. My legs will be gone in college. I was carried away by another passion and everything would be fine, but for a while I was knocked out of my romantic mood by a change in career growth. I had to get a job in law enforcement. Lucky, immediately a major. But the salary ... The university gave only part-time, what to do? As luck would have it, the college, where I decided not to return, is three minutes from my new job, and they pay more for four hours a week than at their main job a month. Greed ruined the frayer.

Natasha entered the 11th grade, and I had to read several disciplines to her and her classmates. It seemed to me that there were no more "wrong" feelings for her. But the fear to look in her direction remained. I decided that everything would be over soon. Then something terrible happened. At the Autumn Ball, I caught myself thinking that I saw a woman in her. God, what's wrong with me. In the classroom, I tried not to notice her, I deliberately turned my attention to other students. Since I was strict, but at the same time a kind teacher, sometimes if I wanted to expel one of the girls, I would say, "Sunny, get out of the class ... run!" or “My joy, please come to the door and close it behind you,” it happened, however, and more sharply. One of the students, Lena, seems to have decided that this is how I pay attention to her. When Lena once again threw out a trick, I kicked her out of class. Almost the whole class stood up for her. One boy, began to gently explain to me (of course, he would have tried not softly, until the final exams, there was just a little; just a little) that this is impossible with this girl, maybe she is my destiny and all that stuff.

Fate. How much has been written about fate. Believe in it or not. Trust fate or try to change it?

The last bell rang, the final exams were over and the enchanting prom night came. I couldn't believe my eyes. Girls in chic dresses, with awesome hairstyles. Sitting on the stage, as befits a college deputy director, I looked at my students, who had turned into elegant ladies and gallant gentlemen. In the second row sat she, my young goddess. Natasha was in a long dress that fitted her slender figure, her hair was amazing, and her smile was so charming that a feeling, hitherto unknown, pierced me. Handing over the certificate, I called her the best student. And I decided for myself - either today or never.

The trouble is that I have more than enough complexes. I danced with girls, with teachers, but I was afraid to approach her. And now, finally, I decided, but she left the hall. I ran after her. Gathering up courage, he invited her to dance, while asking if she was tired? To which Natasha replied: "How can I refuse you," focusing on the word "you". We danced a slow dance. I put my arms around her waist and gently hugged her. It seemed to me that I was going crazy. I'm happy. I feel good. She will be mine, I decided for myself. We danced with her several more times, walked along the alley, and by the end of the evening I realized that I could no longer live without her. We agreed that Natasha would call me in a few days to exchange photos with high school prom... And the agonizing expectation began when I heard her gentle voice. It is done. One evening I arrived at her house. This is our first date. Formally, we exchanged pictures, but it was a date. As all good things it quickly ended. But a few days later we went with her to a picnic in the mountains, where, after two hours of torment, I confessed that I loved her and kissed her, quietly, tenderly, as if afraid that she would dissolve in the blue mountain sky. Returning home, I held her hand in my hand. We drove slowly so as not to switch gears again. We only parted for a few days, but they seemed like an eternity to me. I decided for myself that I would not give it to anyone.

We went to my parents' dacha. She looked at me all the way. Summer was in full swing, and during the day it was hot, but at the dacha it was a completely different matter. In the shady cool of the garden we sat down to dinner. We talked about each other, remembered my control tasks.

Do you remember, - she said, - how one of the boys, defending Lena, said that maybe she is your destiny?
- Yes, - I answered, - there was something like that.
- So, believe it or not, but at that very moment the thought flashed through my mind that you were not Lena's fate, but mine ...
“I love you,” my lips whispered and touched the lips of my beloved.

We kissed for a long time, and somehow it happened that I took Natasha in my arms, and we ended up in the house, on the bed, naked. It seemed to me that the whole world around me turned upside down. I was happy.
“I love you,” my lips whispered.
“I love you,” she said. - Mishenka, I'm so happy, you can't even imagine.
Two huge tears appeared on her face.
“You're the first guy I kiss, let alone another. You probably thought that I was too available, right? But I'm just crazy about you.
“Natasha, you would marry me,” I said quietly. Tension grew inside. I felt like a string was being pulled inside.
- Will you call? ..

We decided to get married. Well that's great. I was tired of my life, where in love affairs, lying was a normal thing. I want a clean, open, sincere relationship. What came before must disappear. I love Natasha and no one else. Everything is fine, it remains only to explain with his former friend, Valentina.

Having chosen the time after work, Valka and I drove towards the mountains. Knowing her, I stocked up on Bavaria 86 dark beer and a pack of Parliament.
- Well, what do you want to tell me, - Valentina said, taking an impressive sip of beer?
“I’m getting married,” I replied without hesitation.
- You? Who is it on, if not a secret?
Her words were full of irony, even mockery, however, as always.
- On my student, on Natasha. You saw her.
- On that dandy? Ha! Are you drawn to youngsters?
- Think what you want, your problems, but we have everything for a long time, and now everything is complete.
- Light me a cigarette.
I handed her a packet of Parliament and pressed the cigarette lighter. There was an unpleasant pause. Click. The cigarette lighter is hot. Seeing that I didn't even think to move, Valentina lit a cigarette herself and took a drag on her.

We sat in silence for about half an hour. Each thought about his own. The fourth bottle of beer was opened, and then the revelation began.
- I thought for a long time, probably I was wrong. What did I want, you fool? What did I lack in you? For family life, you are just wonderful.
- Come on do not talk about it. You have someone now. I always knew if someone appeared at your place, even though you so skillfully hid it, but I'm a criminologist after all. I'm tired of mutual lies. I want pure and light love.
- He wanted love, but did you think about me? She's good. How old is she 16 or 17? And I'm already 25. You and I went to the mountains by bus, walked on foot, and now, you will carry her in the car, everything goes to this dandy?
- Don't talk nonsense. You drank. Thanks for the walks, you felt good with me.
“I never thought it would be like this with you. You can gloat, I cry. Misha, forgive me, let's return everything to its original place. Let's be together again. Let's get married. I'll be good ...

It sounded like a bad show. If you only knew how many times I imagined this scene during the seven years of our acquaintance with Valka. How I wanted to hear these words, but now Valkin's impulse, her revelation, did not touch me at all. I got out of the car. Mountain cool ... How great it is here. On my shoulders lay her hands, more recently relatives. Suddenly Valya fell to her knees and sobbed. I took her to the car, put her in the back seat, waited until she fell asleep, and drove her home.

Two years have passed. The career of a scientist failed miserably. I quit teaching. The world of science is very complex. I did not want to spin in an atmosphere of hypocrisy, envy and intrigue. With whom you will lead ... but I want to stay with a clear conscience and look people openly in the eyes. This is very important. How did I not understand this before?

The new job was celebrating the New Year. I was invited together with my wife. Slow music started playing. I danced with my wife.
- Do you remember, - she whispered in my ear, - to this music we danced with you at the prom ...

Hello, I want to tell you a story that happened to me. It started a week before Valentine's Day.

I then studied in the 9th grade. A trainee came to us, a young, nice guy.

Since I am very amorous, I immediately liked him, but I did not fully realize it.

(His name is Oleg, he is now 22 years old.) At the first meeting, I did not understand that this is our future teacher. She gazed at him, smiled .. flirted with one word.

Later, when HE came to the lesson and said that he would lead the story with us, my hair almost stood on end !!!

The first month, I still looked at him, smiled. (If I fall in love, then this is a complete fucking! I will not leave this guy behind) 🙂

And so, I made the worst mistake ... even two;

first: I wrote a note like a little girl, and when he was left alone in the office, I walked past his desk and imperceptibly left this note on that very table;

and the second: I was advised to write a better letter than these notes. Well, all in love I ran to scribble confessions ..

do you know what's important? I was told not to write my address, but I wrote 🙂 as a naive fool thought he would answer me. giggle 🙂 oh yeah!

how did I get his address? This was done in an arrogant way :) I stole the number of this teacher from a classmate, rummaged a little with the director in the office (I found out as much information as possible) and turned to a friend so that she could search the database for his address 🙂

To my then great happiness, I found out everything, and soon lathered myself to visit him (well, like explain the subject) 😉

Oh no, I wanted to soap myself with him, but I didn't dare. On New Year's Eve, I gave him (though not myself, but my brother ran to him .. it was very funny, believe me) :)) He was a little "crazy", but continued to hide his feelings. After all, if a student and a teacher have an affair, both of them will be kicked out of school first, and then perhaps the teacher will be tried for seduction.

So, every day I flirted more and more with him, and he got more and more nervous 🙂 We studied then in the second shift, that is, somewhere until 19 o'clock. Oleg liked to stay longer at school, later I found out and decided to stay for the company 😉

Barely - barely plucked up courage and stepped over the threshold of his office .. what do I see? I see an office. without him. 🙁 I thought: well, damn it, I just dared and he was not there .. I’m standing in the office, I’m standing .. there is only a security guard at the school, me, Oleg and the cleaning ladies .. I feel that someone is standing behind .. I got nervous .. turned around .. (to be honest, then my eyes almost fell out of their orbits ..) 🙂 I turned around .. and saw him .. oh, as I recall, goose bumps ... rrrrr 🙂

He stood so close to me that I could smell his eau de toilette .. I took a step back, he approached me and asked if I was looking for him .. from his voice, explaining to him, I stammered .. After he took me for shoulders, led forward and sat on the first desk .. I thought that I would faint with happiness ..

He took my hands and said that he understood everything a long time ago, but there could be nothing between us ... and then ... the face changed color 10 times ... I was speechless ... I ... I ... I ... I just did not expect that he will tell me "this" .. in the sense not that we cannot have anything, but that he will talk to me on this topic .. by the way, I forgot to say, I was very shy of him .. very much !!! And when he first took me by the shoulders, and then by the hands, everything in my mouth was dry ... there was a deep shock ... ... I dreamed about him all day ... and nights 🙂

well, in general, I was shocked .. without saying anything, I left the office, leaving some - abstracts .. went home and was just hysterical .. I was so offended .. Then the director found out that we were staying together in the office and said that another such case and he will be fired. Such is the school love.

From the next day he stopped paying attention to me AT ALL !!! At first I didn't understand anything, and then I thought that he just simply had a girlfriend and also stopped giving him signs of attention ... ... to spite him, well, for our boys (after all, Valentine's Day after all) 🙂

So, I came in a short skirt ... .. put on stockings .. (well, in general, it doesn't matter 😉) ... and now, a history lesson ... at the beginning of the lesson I took out valentines ... and started giving them out to the guys, sometimes accidentally wounding them .. well what , I had to pick it up from the floor - then 😉 well, I bent over: D .. (further not interesting ... ordinary lessons with an agitated blushing teacher 😉)

And now, the last lesson .... "Svetlana, please come to me after the last lesson." As if nothing had happened, I entered .. he, pretending that he did not know who had come in, said "Close the door." I, pretending that I did not understand anything, went and closed;);) Standing in front of his table, I asked: "Did you ask me to come in?"

He silently got up, walked to the door (that is, to the other end of the office), I stood without turning .. he again came up from behind and hugged me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath ... Then Oleg pressed closer to me ... ... I turned ... ... wanted to kiss ... and then his phone rang ... since he was standing next to me, I heard "Olezha, where are you?" (Or something like).

I immediately removed his hands, but did not want to leave .. I just stood and looked into his eyes .. he dropped the phone and came up to me .. wanted to hug ...…… .. looking at me (I still remember his big blue eyes with long black eyelashes) .. and then a tear rolled down .... Oleg thought in bewilderment that I was because of the call and began to make excuses that it was like his sister .. I stood in silence, listened and looked at him ...

he asked: "Kid, what are you doing?" I stood in silence ... he asked: "May I kiss you?" I stood silently .. for two minutes stood silently, looking at each other ... ... ... then stood on tiptoes, lightly took his head, barely touched my lips to his lips .. he was eager to kiss me ... then he sharply pressed it to him and began to kiss. ...

On his Facebook page that for 16 years a history teacher at one of the Moscow schools had a relationship with his students. Despite the fact that many teachers and students knew about this, no measures were taken. According to the journalist, she made several attempts to describe the story in the press, but her colleagues, who also graduated from this school, asked her not to do this. However, recently unnamed parents managed to get the teacher fired.

From the comments to the post of Krongauz it is clear that we are talking about one of the most prestigious physics and mathematics schools in Moscow - No. 57 - and about the teacher Boris Meerson, who left his former place of work a month ago.

The story caused a heated discussion: some accused the teacher of pedophilia (although, presumably, he had a relationship with high school students who had already reached the age of sexual consent - 16 years) and asked to call the school administration to account, others recommended not to wash dirty linen in public and keep reputation " best school cities".

The Village decided to find out how ethical and legal the relationship between teacher and student is, and what to do if you witness such a connection.

Teacher opinion

Dmitry Martynenko

physics teacher, deputy of the municipal council of the Lomonosov district of Moscow

Even if the student has reached the age of sexual consent, such a relationship is completely unethical. And to regulate such situations, the requirements for the level of the teacher's moral qualities are sufficient. The Labor Code has a separate clause about dismissal for committing an immoral act. I am not a linguist and cannot say exactly what is meant by this formulation. But the sexual relationship between teacher and student exactly fits this point, so you can get fired for such things right away. At the same time, from my point of view, if you know about such a relationship, it is still better not to get involved in this situation. But if you have become a victim of harassment, you must immediately contact the school management or law enforcement agencies.

As for higher educational institutions, in our country there is still a division: the school has an educational function, and the university only gives specific knowledge and skills. Prohibit the relationship between teachers and students in higher education educational institutions in principle, probably not very good. But if we are talking about a situation in which the assessment of a particular student depends on a particular teacher and they are connected by relationships, then this is a classic conflict of interest. And this, in principle, is not punishable, but in general it has a bad effect on objectivity. Such a situation should not arise based on the professional qualities of the teacher, but if this has already happened, it is necessary to resolve the conflict. For example, change a teacher in a group.

Psychologist's opinion

Evgeny Osin

associate Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Member of the Department of Psychology at the Higher School of Economics

Regardless of the age of the student, this is unethical as it creates double relationships. The teacher is simultaneously in a position of power in relation to the student and has an informal connection with him. He cannot be objective because he has romantic feelings. That is why in all codes of foreign universities there is a provision stating that if a relationship is established between a teacher and a student, the teacher should at least transfer this student to another university employee.

If a teacher harasses you, then you need to try to talk to him personally, if he does not help - look for help somewhere else. Only it is not clear where in our country it can be found. As you can imagine, school leaders may try to hide this situation, but at least tell friends and parents. To publicize the relationship between a student and a teacher you know is probably not worth it, since this is an interference in personal space. But at least you can talk to this student or teacher first.

Lawyer's opinion

Maria Bast

lawyer and chairman of the Russian Bar Association for Human Rights

I believe that one should proceed from subjectivity. If this is mutual agreement, then there is little we can oppose, since there is a concept of legal capacity. The age of sexual competence (16 years) implies the ability to make decisions on their own - when it comes to a relationship by mutual agreement. If we are talking about harassment against their will, through blackmail and threats, then, of course, there should be criminal liability. But in Russia, unfortunately.

That being said, I believe that the ban on sexual relations in universities and workplaces is wrong. This is an interference in personal space, we cannot forbid people to love each other. The sphere of personal life is very individual, boundaries cannot be set, they can only be protected. The state has no right to interfere with the private life of adults.

There are spheres of life that are regulated by public and state rules, for example, the activities of officials. If two officials, for example a subordinate and a boss, have a relationship, one of them needs to be fired. But to categorically prohibit - no, these are human rights and freedoms, which are guaranteed by our constitution.

What is the mechanism of such a relationship?

Anfisa Kalistratova

child psychologist, gestalt therapist

It is impossible to measure everything according to the stereotype that the student is always under pressure from the teacher. But, of course, a teacher should not violate ethical norms that are clear to everyone. At the same time, it is definitely not worth talking about the relationship of your classmate with the teacher to the school leadership, this can leave an indelible mark on a person's reputation. But to discuss with a specific person his connection with the teacher or not is your personal choice.

A young girl can fall in love with her 40-year-old teacher because he matches the invented image of her ideal man. This may be an example of a father, an anti-example of a father. Suppose all the qualities that are opposite to the father are gathered in the teacher, and he immediately attracts attention.

In general, people under 25 years old often attribute a lot of some additional positive qualities to the object of attraction. A person begins to objectively evaluate partners a little later, taking into account age, social status and other factors. But our children are not yet taught to think with their heads, but are taught to obey, which is why such situations happen. It is generally difficult to talk about love within the walls of the school, the situation is not favorable.

But an adult is pushed into sexual relations by certain reasons, these are not just illusions of a teenager. A forty-year-old man can go into a relationship with a 16-year-old girl due to lack of fulfillment in his personal life. If a man has a woman that suits his age and needs, has a family and an intimate life, why should he have sex with a teenage girl? This indicates problems: a person begins to look closely, think that he can raise a wife for himself or feel young through sexual contact with a girl or boy.

In any case, such relationships have no future, and they raise a lot of questions from others. In addition, the one who is older will tend to suppress the younger. It happens that a 16-year-old teenager is at the psychological level of a 25-year-old adult and the relationship develops successfully, but this happens very rarely.

Illustration: Nastya Grigorieva

I think the girl at least once in her life fell in love with a man much older than her. So I fell in love with Terminator (even in the first part where he is bad \u003d)), Robot cop, Tuxedo mask (from Sailor Moon), Lesha - a deaf and dumb boy from the yard (he was 17, and I was 6, he liked it very much). Such loves are certainly not serious. But it also happens: A school teacher (well, or someone else, but the age difference I think is clear), and in love with him - just literally - a girl! I myself have seen this picture more than once. Sometimes the age difference can be 20 or more years, but this can still be tolerated if this is the case of two adults. But if we are talking about a child, that is another matter.

I will give as an example (with the consent of a participant in these events) one story. For example and reflection.

Love story

“I once studied at school (as I remember about school - tears come to my eyes - I hate it ... \u003d)) Well, I had a classmate, and the class was seventh (7" B "as a group straight). And then one day a teacher came to our practice, by general standards - a goldfinch - 23 years old. So all good and kind (fresh, school didn't break his brain then). Many girls immediately fell in love with him (it didn't touch me - not my type). My friend with whom I was in a trusting relationship also fell in love with him, at that time she was 14. Romance ... a young roof slid down. I went with him, they were on their way. I talked, talked, began to study better. I especially prepared for his lessons. The love of youth is the most sincere and kind. There could be no question of intimacy, she loved him too much and the age difference did not bother her, she hoped that after finishing school she would marry him and took care of herself for him. There were no retaliatory actions on his part, I mean to step back and explain to her that he is a teacher - she is a student and there can be no relationship. Of course, he guessed about her feelings. Once she even kissed him on the cheek - here, of course, everything is clear, even such a fool as he understands.


A similar picture did not go unnoticed, I think the girls who were in love with him noticed that my friend still likes him - jealousy. And once at a parent meeting, once when I was sick (I would have put everyone in their place there!), The mother of one of the girls raised this topic, about my friend's relationship with the teachers, with the confidence that they are far from platonic (I think everyone thinks to the extent of his depravity). This teacher did not refute these guesses in any way and did not come to her defense, he simply pretended to be angry that he had not been offended for anything and left. There was a lot of clamor (as she later told me). There was a showdown in the family. After he already avoided her, gossip spread. From parallel classes shouted all sorts of nasty things to her. Until the last call (which I again missed for health reasons) she did not explain the situation with him. He was certainly not fired, in general, and not at all. But the girl's heart is broken. After graduation, she found him on the Internet, substantiated to me that she just wanted to get to know him and didn't feel anything else for him (yeah, but I'm a fool and don't understand that she still loves him). In general, she talked to him, it turned out that he was generally a pervert - he offered her sex. It seems that she recognized his true nature, but still did not remove him from her world. I think she still has something - hope. She really loved him sincerely. "

This is the picture I have observed and still observe.


The story I have described has ended well. In many such cases, the relationship does not stop at the Platonist. And many more "non-childish" problems appear for both the student and the teacher. But I will not be so categorical, if this is love and love not for "fresh meat", then the difference in age and the status of "teacher-student" should not affect the relationship (at least he will wait for her to come of age and get married before "before") ... But by and large a man is looking for a young girl, he is amused by her love and dependence. For young girls, such a relationship does not bring anything good. Everyone has their own moral standards, but you also need to remember about the existence Of the Criminal Code and on liability for those whom we have tamed (this is me for those "uncles" who are very attracted to young girls)


So, my dear, love is a wonderful feeling, but even more wonderful is the feeling when you know that you are loved, and not your naivety and youth! And oh, how many! Be young and naive, but know your worth - you are priceless! And there will be a "prynts" on you and will love you before and after old age \u003d)

I typed the beginning of my story several times, but sooner or later I held down the "Backspace" key. This is because it is really difficult to start - either you need to talk about childhood, about getting to know him, or about our problems now ... If it turns out clumsy, do not get angry, this is my first experience of writing a story from life :)

And it was two years ago, when I was just getting used to the role of a ninth-grader. In our lyceum, severe exams are passed after each school year, and not only in the 9th and 11th grade, that time I got to the August retake, for which I was preparing day and night, so when everything was over, I wanted to breathe out calmly, despite the beginning of the school year. It was not so: at the very beginning of September I was sent to some kind of competition-olympiad in history. I had to go there accompanied by a teacher, but when I was at the school at the appointed time, a very nice woman, our head teacher, met me. She said that my teacher was ill, so her son, Ilya, would take me. "Well, okay, Ilya is so Ilya, if only he arrived sooner, because we are terribly late." - I thought then.

We met him along the way. They could not help talking - both are talkative, and keeping silence while in the same car is somehow difficult. It turned out that he is a 3rd year student at our local university, but he did not study at our lyceum, so we did not meet before. He told about his hobbies, asked what I plan to do. As a result, he encouraged me, ordered me not to come back without the first place and, very unexpectedly, hugged me. He just hugged me tightly, in a friendly way, for good luck. I was at a loss, and then I realized that he hugs great :) People who hug great are generally cool.

Then, in general, amazing things happened: on the same day he found me on VKontakte and added me as a friend, wrote, found out how the Olympiad went. He really asked me to report the results as they will be known. I fulfilled his request - after about two weeks we celebrated my first place in a cafe, watched a film on a tablet and ate ice cream. It was soooo easy with him, so cool and interesting that, according to the laws of the genre, I did not watch for hours - I returned home later than 12 hours, for which I heard a couple of strong words from my mother.

After that we often wrote to each other, called, but did not meet anymore - the study absorbed both him and me. True, we spent the New Year together, and with us his brother (my classmate), friends and girlfriends. Then everyone had fun, we walked the whole night, skated and drove around the city.

From that moment there was silence right up to May of the next year. I didn’t miss him, didn’t think about him and didn’t think, therefore, there were hardly any feelings then. Just a guy with whom we just had fun some time ago - without kisses and something more, in a friendly way. He probably thought the same.

I almost had time to forget about the existence of Ilya, when suddenly life threw us an unexpected meeting. In May, my classmates and I went to the dacha to Roma (Ilya's brother) for barbecue. There were many people (two parallels), but in the midst of the fun Ilya joined us. In general, no one called him, but he wanted to take a break from preparing for the session and, after seeing tempting photographs of fried meat in Ig, went to the dacha.

We then had a very atmospheric evening and the same night. It was chilly outside, but we had a fire burning, the guys were playing guitars, we sang along and just enjoyed the moment. Ilya sat down next to me, began to whisper sooooo funny things in my ear, than to spoil all the romance of the moment: D And then someone came up with a brilliant idea to go swimming, despite the cold water, after two o'clock in the morning and everyone had no swimwear. As a result, I, in shorts and a T-shirt, "rolled" on the water on Ilya's back. We drove home with him.

There were no offers to meet, touching words and confessions - we just from that night by the fire automatically began to consider each other as one whole, or something. A week later, when our parallel, teachers and several other girls from elementary grades went to St. Petersburg, all the painful hours on the bus I dozed on his shoulder and ate his strategic supply of food, and at night we waited until the "guards" lay down to sleep and move to each other's rooms, where they watched movies and just had fun.

We spent the whole summer together. He graduated from university, at the graduation he introduced me to friends as his girlfriend. When I was somewhere in the region of Greece, and he was eating pizza in Italy, we almost never left Skype and "walked" like that through the streets of our cities. They brought each other a sea of \u200b\u200bgifts and literally did not get out of bed all day (in the absolutely decent sense of the word), slept together and were glad that now we would part very, very soon. He told me that he was looking for a job, then he said that he had found, but did not tell which one. He asked not to rush things, explained that soon I would find out everything myself. Well, and I didn’t interrogate, I was not interested at all.

And so, the first of September. On the festive line, he stood next to the teachers, but I did not attach any importance to this, because Ilya was holding a camera in his hands, therefore, he was photographing what was happening and it was simply better seen from the teacher's place. After the director's speech and the lyceum students' speech, we went to the classes, where we received the sheets with the timetable. Opposite the name of the subject was the room number and the name of the teacher. On September 2, the first pair we had was computer science, and it was supposed to be led by ... Ilya. His surname, his name, his patronymic, everything is clearly printed without a single mistake. It was like being doused with cold water, I did not know how to react to such a turn of events.

Well, I still don't know. I didn’t go to class yesterday, and didn’t pick up the phone all day, but today he had a day off, we hadn’t seen each other yet. Behaving like a fool, because on the one hand, nothing catastrophic happened, and on the other, the relationship between teacher and student? All my classmates knew about what happened, some of the teachers turned out to be a taste, and now everyone considers it their duty to make fun of how I will earn grades.

I do not know which position to choose, what to answer and whether it is worth continuing this relationship, if it is, then how to maintain it in this case? How to protect yourself from public attacks, how to protect yourself and Ilya from teachers and children? If not, how to explain to Ilya why we are parting? On August 31, everything was great, we rode around the city with him in search of a birthday present for my grandmother, and the very next day this sticky feeling of fear appeared. Ilya is the first guy with whom I wanted more than friendship, I feel happy with him, I get unearthly pleasure from our meeting, and it's just terribly hard for me to even imagine that a new circumstance would destroy all relations. But what should be done? How?

The beginning of the year was so-so.
