Most parents seek to place their child in a kindergarten or school that is closest to their place of residence or work. Due to the workload, first of all, children who have a temporary or permanent registration in the area of \u200b\u200bthe educational organization are admitted there.

How to: step by step instructions

for admission to kindergarten or the school is carried out according to general rules, according to which the parents of a child under 14 years old must submit the originals of the following documents to the migration service department or to another authorized body:

  • statement;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificate of registration at the parent's place of residence;
  • a document-basis for moving in (a notarized lease agreement for living space, an extract of the USRN for own housing).

A child who has reached the age of 14 draws up a statement with his own hand, in the presence of one of the parents. In this case, you will need a teenager's passport, as well as consent to registration from the parent and a statement from the owner who agrees to accept the tenant (?).

In the case of registration in a municipal apartment, you must additionally obtain the consent of the local government.

All originals of the submitted documents are returned to the parents together with a certificate of temporary registration.

Is registration checked at the place of residence upon admission and how is it done?

In accordance with the Procedure for admitting citizens to study in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 32 dated January 22, 2014, and Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 8, 2014 No. №293 "On approval of the Procedure for admission to training in educational programs of preschool education", school and preschool institutions have the right to request a certificate of temporary registration of a child in the list of required documents for enrollment.

Registration must be in the area where the educational institution is located... Due to the frequent cases of falsification, the management of the kindergarten or school can verify the authenticity of the document. This can be done by requesting a certificate in the form No. 9, which will confirm the registration.

It is also allowed to clarify the fact of temporary registration by phone, or by writing a letter to the department of the migration service. It is possible to use the organ's online service.

Temporary registration at a school or kindergarten can be checked not only upon admission, but also during the learning process.

Can they refuse admission, on what grounds?

The question of refusing to accept or enroll in an educational institution of a child who does not have a temporary residence permit is rather ambiguous and controversial. In the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" there is no direct rule that would prohibit the admission of a child's documents to a school or preschool institution without temporary registration.

According to this law, as well as part 2 of Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the availability of education is guaranteed by the state. This implies the right of citizens to choose an educational institution regardless of where they live. The only reason for refusing admission to training is the lack of vacancies in the institution.

Also, the absence of a certificate of temporary registration can make the priority of the child entering the education secondary. In this case, no refusal should be made. In case of refusal, the parent has the right to demand a written justification and contact the Education Department or the prosecutor's office.

At the same time, the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2017 No. AKPI17-265 recognized the absolute legality of the requirements for temporary registration when admitted to a general educational institution. Therefore, you will not be able to do without this certificate.

Not required for children whose parents are serving in the military, law enforcement, or working in court. Children of these persons have the right to enter kindergarten or school out of turn.

Thus, the registration of temporary registration of a child for admission to a kindergarten or school is a fairly simple process that does not require much time. Her absence is not a direct reason for refusing admission to the institution. However, a timely registration of temporary registration makes it possible to enter the chosen educational institution without any problems in the order of priority.

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The period of study at school has a huge impact on the formation of the child's personality, therefore, parents should approach the choice of an educational institution with all responsibility. You should not consider the possibility of transferring the child to another educational institution if the chosen school does not suit the parents in any way: changing the school, especially at the very beginning of education, can have a very negative impact on the young student. Therefore, it is recommended to choose which school to send a child to a few months before the start of school in order to have time to consider all suitable options and finally dwell on one.

Choosing which school will go child, parents will have to collect a lot of information about the educational institutions of their city. What criteria should you focus on when choosing a school?

Closeness to home. If the school is close to home, over time, the child will be able to walk there independently. However, basing the choice only on this condition, you significantly narrow the range of educational institutions, since there can be only one or two schools nearby. On the other hand, if you send a child to a school at the place of registration, it is highly likely that he will study there with those children with whom he attended kindergarten or was friends, and this will help him quickly adapt to the new conditions.

Nutrition. Many schools have canteens where the child can eat well, but some only have buffets. It is important to pay attention to whether the food point is selling harmful products (soda, chocolate bars, chips). Of course, this is not decisive for parents, who carefully choose where to send their child to school, because in the absence of well-organized meals, the child can take lunches to school from home.

Teaching staff. Qualified teachers should work in the school, and it is desirable that the majority of teachers have work experience in the particular educational institution... It is also important to pay attention to teaching experience and teacher qualifications primary gradeswho can be your child's first educator.

The level of education. Most schools have a standard school program training, but in some educational institutions there is an enhanced or accelerated program. In this matter, in no case should you be guided by your own ambitions: it is important to objectively assess the child's capabilities and realize whether he is ready for an increased academic load. One of the indicators of the quality of education provided by the school is the constant participation in various Olympiads. Also, indirectly indicating a good level of education can be the connection between the school and any higher educational institution: it indicates that the school educational program meets the requirements that higher education institutions impose on applicants.

The stability of the composition of schoolchildren. When choosing which school to send a child to, be sure to pay attention to whether there is a noticeable turnover of students in the educational institution in question. It can be seen when many parents transfer their children to other schools, or too often students who are not performing well or are disruptive are expelled from school.

Developed extracurricular work. Please note if the school has clubs, sports sections, cultural events (thematic excursions, theater trips, etc.).

School specialization. Many parents are faced with the choice of which school their child will go to: a regular school, which is usually located near the house, or a specialized school, where they have to travel every day, but where the child is expected to receive a higher level of education. Although the advantage of such educational institutions is the best contingent (after all, not everyone is taken there, but only well-prepared children from prosperous families), here you need to focus only on the child's abilities and his propensity to certain subjects.

The most important condition for successful learning is a good first teacher. Both the academic performance and the psychological comfort of the child largely depend on him, therefore, when choosing where to send the child to school, try to find out as much information as possible about the potential first teacher of your future first grader. In some cases, for the sake of a good teacher, you can close your eyes to the inadequacy of the school to some other criteria.

Should I send my child to a specialized school?

In schools with in-depth study, children are provided with a high level of education in those subjects in which the educational institution specializes. These are physics and mathematics schools, schools with in-depth study of one or several foreign languages, legal, economic, art and aesthetic schools, as well as schools with a broad humanitarian orientation.

When deciding which school to send your child to, remember that he has not even started his studies yet has not tried himself in different areas. Ask yourself a question: will it turn out that after a few years of in-depth study of the language, the child will begin to demonstrate abilities in the exact sciences? In addition, it is important to take into account that, in addition to the high load, increased attention to one subject can lead to one-sided development of the personality. Typically, in these schools, the same amount of time is spent on specialized subjects as on all other subjects combined.

At the same time, studying in a specialized school can make a child more disciplined and focused. But do not forget that it is not necessary to choose a certain specialization from the very first year of study - this can be done in 4–6 years. Therefore, before choosing a school for a child with an in-depth study of any subject, carefully weigh the pros and cons, and only then make the final decision.

Even in early childhood, it is from school that a child begins to get acquainted with science, his own interests in life, his first friends and society as a whole. The child constantly learns new things, his social roles and relationships develop, his psyche is formed. The school plays a much larger role in a person's life, acting not only as an educational institution where lessons are held and exams are held. Therefore, it is very important to make the right choice of school for your child at the very beginning, and if necessary, be sure to change.

Where to find the best school in Moscow?

Now it is much easier and more convenient to search for a suitable educational institution for a child, and for a detailed and high-quality search, it is enough to use It is a young, convenient, effective and developing portal for parents and their children, created by the popular Mel. The portal contains detailed information about secondary educational institutions in Moscow, it is constantly updated with fresh and useful information.

How to use the site?

Schools can be searched by addresses, numbers, districts of Moscow and metro stations. For a careful choice, use the advanced search: in the middle of the main page, click on the button "Find a school" on the right, or select the link "Advanced search" below it.

You will see a map of Moscow with schools marked on it. Going down below, on the right you will find a general list of schools, and on the left - a detailed filter for finding specific educational institutions.

Advanced search can be performed by one or several criteria at once. It is presented as follows:

  1. First, you can choose the class your child is going to go to. If the child is still small, but in the future you plan to study him at a certain school, then you can find out if she has a kindergarten. While studying in kindergarten, the child gradually gets used to the atmosphere and requirements of a particular educational institution, and then it will be easier for him to adapt to school when the time comes.
  2. Then you can choose the type of school by checking the box next to one of the options presented: schools and education centers, lyceums, correctional schools, gymnasiums, cadets.
  3. Further, you can clarify whether the school has high results in the GIA and USE, as well as victories in olympiads and competitions in certain subjects. Based on this information, it is possible to form a certain opinion about the prestige of the school, the professionalism of teaching and its teachers.

Each school has an average grade. All schools can be sorted by grade point average, education, faculty, atmosphere and infrastructure and compared with each other. Also, the site contains useful articles of the "Mel" edition, devoted to vital school issues - they can be useful to many parents.

With the help of this portal, it has become much easier to choose an educational institution suitable for your child! The required minimum of information about any school can be found on the portal, and then you can talk live with the directors and teachers of the institutions that interest you.

The best schools in Moscow have repeatedly been recognized such educational institutions as Lyceum No. 1535, SSC MSU, School No. 179 of the Moscow State University of Education, "Fifty-seventh School", Lyceum "Second School" and Gymnasium No. 1543. Lyceum No. 1580 at the Moscow State Technical University has also proven itself well. Bauman, lyceum # 1502 at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, gymnasium # 1518 and gymnasium # 1514.

Secondary special schools that combine the teaching of general education and special subjects are popular today.

Gymnasiums and lyceums in Moscow differ from standard schools in educational programs, extended multidisciplinary additional training, academic degree teachers and second foreign language... In addition, these educational institutions have stricter discipline, their own symbols, modern equipment and a reserve teaching staff. About 75% of excellent students become high school students in Moscow lyceums and gymnasiums.

How to choose a good school in Moscow

When choosing a school, first of all, you should find out everything about the teaching staff and the curriculum - the amount of homework, the maximum number of optional classes, the richness of the program. You also need to focus on the child's abilities and, depending on them, choose a school with a linguistic, mathematical, sports or other appropriate bias. In addition, when choosing a school for a child, it is necessary to visit the chosen institution in order to become familiar with its atmosphere and discipline.

Today, there are many specialized schools for gifted children, where their abilities will develop to the fullest.

It will not be superfluous to communicate with teachers and the director, as well as receive data on the school's participation in olympiads and competitions, its awards and achievements. A very important factor is the location of the school - the child should easily get to it, and it should be convenient for the parents to take and pick up the student if necessary. When choosing between private and public schools, it should be remembered that in each of them there are differences between the amount of financial injections and methods of payment. When entering a private school, you need to find out in advance the amount of the monthly payment with additional payments inclusive. Public school is usually much cheaper, but it is still advisable to clarify the approximate costs.

This year, school enrollment benefits for future first-graders were canceled (see our help), so in theory you can choose any educational institution - both by location, bias, or teaching methodology (more on this in the next issues). But how not to be mistaken with the choice? What to focus on - the degree of peeling of the front door or the Chinese language from the first grade?

Don't chase cool

“Don't look at the“ toughness ”of the school, I got burned on this at one time,” warns Galina Koltsova, the mother of second grader Timofey. - I chose the most "sophisticated" for my son - with language and computer courses instead of an extension program - and put Timofey in a kindergarten. He studied well, and although the future teachers constantly made them nervous on various occasions, I was pleased. Still the best school in the area! Timosha passed the tests easily and went to first grade at the age of 6. But the atmosphere in the class did not change - the teachers began to find fault even more, and the son began to complain of a constant headache. The class teacher called and hysterical on the phone: we spoiled her academic performance. Timofey actually stopped sleeping at night. We turned to a psychologist, and he categorically demanded to pick up the child and send him to first grade next year! I felt sorry for the tortured son. This time I chose a simpler school, but with sports sections for improving my health. So ask before enrolling what the guys do after school. Any circles in the first year of study are indispensable for adaptation. Now Timofey is in the second grade, studies brilliantly and swims perfectly. "

The closer, the healthier

“Many parents dream of sending their future first graders to the very best school in the center,” says Yulia Gritsenko, a clinical psychologist. - But I would advise you to choose an educational institution closer to home. Then the child will not have to get up at 6 in the morning to leave the house in an hour and a half. After all, if in September this is not a problem, then in winter, when it gets late in the morning, the rise “in the middle of the night” can turn into a daily disaster. The task of primary grades is to accustom the kid to the educational process, so let him calmly get used to the “near-home” school, and then give him “where to go,” he will be mentally hardened ”.

Break through at any cost!

“Last year I arranged for my daughter to go to school,” recalls Alena Bestuzheva, the mother of a first-grader. - And at first I was taken aback. There were no places in any educational institution in my area! I didn't fold my arms. In three schools, she overcame the resistance of the guards, made her way to the teachers who were recruiting the first grades. Two of the three schools were ready to accept my daughter. From conversations with friends, I learned that the “no seats” method is widely used: somewhere in this way they extort bribes, somewhere they artificially increase the prestige of the school. So don't give up and your child will be enrolled! "

Choose a teacher

“The main thing is not the walls with gilding, but so that the child likes the teacher,” advises Marina Lileeva, deputy director of the Intellectual ”school for gifted children. - After all, it depends on this person whether the kid will fully devote himself to learning. If the school refuses to introduce teachers who are recruiting first grades, contact the principal. And if the "defense" is impenetrable, it is better to look for another educational institution, because sympathy between the future student and his teacher is necessary. And do not rush to start studying, it is better to send your child to school at 7.5 years old than at 6.5. No matter how talented your baby is, send him to first grade at the right time so that he does not get tired and capricious. Otherwise, with a much higher intellectual potential, he will lag behind his peers - if not in school, then in emotional development, which is fraught with serious problems in adolescence. "

Our reference

To enroll a child on April 1 at the chosen school, parents will have to be on duty near it at night. The Moscow Prosecutor's Office is sure that the privileges prescribed in Moscow legislation for some categories of first-graders infringe on the rights of other kids. “Therefore, now no benefits, such as the study of older children in this educational institution or living nearby, are not taken into account,” Alexander Gavrilov, press secretary of the Moscow Department of Education, confirmed to AiF. - Whoever comes first will be credited. Therefore, I recommend that you find out everything about the recording procedure now. "
