Receiving education in Canada in the magistracy, you will never come across writing abstracts and coursework. So familiar Russian forms of training in Canada are replaced by real research work. The purpose of this article is not so much a description of the Magisterary Education Programs in Canada, how much to show a significant difference between Master "S Degree in Russia and in Canada and related opportunities for further employment.

Recently, more and more Russian specialists are departed abroad to receive a master's degree. As a rule, these are people who believes that the degree received will allow them faster to move on the service staircase.
Curious research of vocational guidance units for university graduates (HECSU) shows that 81% of undergraduate students want to receive further education in the magistracy because they believe that it can be easier to find a job. Thus, they postpone the search for work "For then", although in fact many would prefer to start working. Indeed, according to the results of the same research, the unemployment rate among the Master's degree is almost two times lower than among the bachelors.
Note that education in Canada on the master's training programs of bachelor's training (on average, 20-25 thousand CAD per year against 14-20 thousand CAD per year), so it is worth clearly understanding how the diploma received in the magistracy.

Training in Canada on Master Programs

It is necessary to understand that in Canada, education in the magistracy is primarily a research work, an analogue of which in Russia is graduate school. Canadian magistracy does not imply practical exercises. In Canada, education in the magistracy is obtained by those who have traction to science, who wishes to devote their lives to research or want to later become a teacher at the university. Universities of Canada offer 3 types of degrees scientists:

Master's degree based on the curriculum. This type of scientist suggests the successful completion of a specific master's training program at the University of Canada. Learning time - 1-1.5 years.

Master's Research Degree. This species of a degree requires not only the successful completion of the master's training program, but also writing a master's thesis. The duration of education in Canada in this type of program is 2 years. As a rule, students choose topics for writing dissertation in coordination with the supervisor, however, many Canadian universities require that the research direction is indicated in the documents even when admission to training!

Philosophy degree (PHD) - Completion of original research and protection of the thesis that makes a significant contribution to the development of knowledge in the selected area. Usually for PHD enough for 2-3 years of training with full-time, although there may be longer times.

The same, for whom the goal is to work, and not scientific activity, the best option will be the training and education in the colleges of Canada, which differ in their practical orientation at a minimum of theory!

So, education in Canada At Master "S Degree programs - not only one of the most financially available forms of obtaining higher education in the world, but also convenient, and what is important, the citizens of the Russian Federation pay about the same as the Canadians themselves. The cost of obtaining education in Canada Master's programs are one of the lowest among English-speaking countries, and in combination with the ability to work during and after training, makes the financial side of life in Canada not burdensome for foreign students. The benefit that in Canada with full-time education in an educational institution in the day office All foreign undergraduates and doctoral students have the right to get a legitimate work permit. For this, foreign students should adopt on the day office in the relevant State University at least 6 months before the permission to work outside the campus.

It should be known that Canada universities do not give such a wide educational base as Russian universities, there is no such thing as additional courses.
One of the minuses of training and education in Canada under the program of magistracy, according to our compatriots, are expensive books, many of which are mandatory and in general, the acquisition of educational literature takes up to 2500 CAD.
The semester is divided into three parts, after each of which is an exam. The rating system is very interesting in some universities of Kanada - interest. The maximum for each of the first two parts is 25%, for the last one - 50%. To put the course, you must dial a total of at least 50%. Russian students are quite complicated by the lack of familiar perspecting.
Some training programs in Canada, for example, subject areas such as economics, finance, international relations, right, management and design developments are particularly popular, which repeatedly increases the competition competition in the best Canadian universities.

Education in Canada on master's programs is available only at universities. Get a Master's degree possible in such universities Canada:

Acadia University
Algoma University.
Algonquin college.
Dalhousie University
Humber College.
LakeHead University.
McMaster University.
Memorial University Of NewFoundland
Queen's University
St. Francis Xavier University

Trent University
University Canada West
University of Manitoba.
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
University of Victoria.
Vancouver Island University

The specificity of education in Canada in the field of business administration.

It is quite another thing, receiving in Canada education according to the program MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION(MVA) is a magistracy in business management.
The course of study in Canada in MBA is one of the most successful investments for the development of a career, which gives not so much academic knowledge as practical business skills and is an additional education to the already acquired.
Therefore, training in Canada for this program is designed primarily to specialists who already have higher education and which already have real experience of management work, businessmen and managers, to prepare highly qualified professionals capable of managing any business or production.
For receipt of training in Canada for this program, it is not necessary to have economic education, but the obligatory requirement is at least 2 years of experience in the management position (subordinate to at least 10 people) and the delivery of the GRATI Specialized Exam (Graduate Management Admission Test).

Requirements. Minimum package

The standard set of requirements contains:

Age - older than 21 years.
A diploma of higher education (bachelor or equivalent degree) or an academic certificate if the diploma is not received. Extract from the diploma with an indication of items, assessments on them and the number of academic hours. Moreover, for admission to the magistracy, it is necessary to have a specialized higher education. Foreign students with bachelor's diplomas that are obtained in other countries can continue their training and get MBA education in Canada only on the same or similar specialty;
Excellent knowledge of the English language, confirmed by the certificate (and the requirements here are high - TOEFL no less than 280, IELTS - 7.0);
Letter of intent (introductory essay in English);
Two or three recommendation letters from the site of obtaining higher education and, desirable, from the place of work

In Canada, for training in Magistracy on MBA, the program is often required to have a GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) exam. This exam is a combined testing in English, mathematics and logic, and includes the following modules:

Critical Reasoning (understanding of language and sponder);
Data Sufficiency (Mathematics);
PROBLEM SOLVING (Mathematics);
READING COMPREHENSION (reading and understanding).

The minimum passing score on GMAT - 500. At the same time, there are a number of universities that do not require GMAT on MBA or require the presence of the THE GRAduTe Record Examinations (GRE) for humanitarian specialties. You may need artwork, artwork when admitted to the appropriate specialties.
However, this is not all.

Where does the scale of the scales swing?

Not the last role in admission to Master's training programs in Canada will play personal qualities of the candidate.
High academic achievement in the previous educational institution and good recommendations are certainly fundamental factors in the process of selection for most master programs. In Canada's leading universities, numerous training orders that meet only minimal standards of academic performance are rejected annually.
Many teachers - members of the adoptive commissions of Canada universities recognize that often the personal qualities of the student can play a decisive role when admission to travel for postgraduate education programs.
Each candidate for entry for study is assessed from the point of view of the contribution, which he could do in training on a specific master program.
According to teachers, a successful candidate is always able to clearly explain why he wants to get an education precisely on this program and how its key skills may affect success in learning that this master program.
According to the instructions of the teachers, references to student successes, experience and professional ambitions also help students stand out from the total mass of candidates.
The host university is important to make sure that the introductory application of the future undergraduate is not a mass event, but is focused on a particular university or an individual training program and reflects the objective reasons for adventures and for this purpose, members of the receiving commissions will read the questionnaires, allowing to understand why this candidate must be accepted It is to their university and why it is suitable for this particular training program.
Therefore, if the candidate submits documents simultaneously into two or more training programs at different Universities of Canada, it is better to prepare a separate form for each university. An accounting data is to "fit" under the strengths and the uniqueness of each of the programs that the candidate enters. If the master's program suggests a competition, an important strategy in the reception process will be "fitting" a summary of the necessary parameters, that is, the alignment of accents on its strengths, which, as it should be better, comply with the features of the specified training program.

Let us sum up a brief summary of myself to obtain education in Canada on master's learning programs:

1. Receipt of education in Canada in the magistracy is possible only at universities;
2. Education in Canada on Master "S DEGREE programs is one of the most financially available forms of obtaining higher education in the world;
3. The completed Canadian Master is a legitimate way to immigrate;
4. Education in Canada on MBA programs is successful investments in the future career.

And in conclusion, it is worth noting that if the purpose of a foreign student is not only obtaining education in Canada, but also immigration to this country, in many provinces of Canada, for example, in the province of Ontario, there are preferential immigration programs for those who have completed the Canadian university who have received education in Canada. In particular, in Ontario, a foreign student, who finished the magistracy, has the right to immediately submit documents for immigration and is practically guaranteed in a very short time to get Permanent Resident status.

To learn more than choosing an educational institution in Canada, what documents must be submitted for admission how to properly prepare documents for a visa, how to get a study permit in Canada by calling us by phone in Moscow: 495-669-64-40.
Important! Please apply documents for enrollment in Canada's educational institutions in advance. The official deadline for the admission of documents for the next academic year is February 1 of this year.

Canada over the past decades has steadily holds leadership among countries. Highly developed healthcare and education attracts citizens from other states. One of the few countries in which most of the higher educational institutions belongs to the public sector. And this speaks primarily about the rigor of approach to the learning system, the absence of disagreements in educational programs.

Quebec Province, Canada.

This is one of the main reasons why Master in Canada is very in demand among students worldwide. In this country, they are not trying to make money on the student, prices are very democratic and lower than in the UK, USA and Australia. The cost varies greatly from the rating of the university and the selected specialty, but it is possible to meet 6000 CAD (Canadian dollars) for one academic year. The average price ranges from 10,000 to 15000 CAD.

Cost of graduate training in Canada for foreign students (in CAD).

For prestigious, demanded programs in the field of software or financing will have to lay out from 18,000-20000 CAD, and for some medical up to 75,000 CAD.

The focus on the practical part is the main difference and the strong side of the magistracy in Canada. Here more than in any other country, attention is paid to the internship at the same time when visiting lecture and practical seminars. Training goes unconsciously from the production part, in enterprises, students are invited to hold and protect projects, which then can pour out the dissertation or completion of a serious project.

Students at their discretion can choose between two types of learning: "Postgraduate Program" and "Master's Program". The first, more popular, makes it possible to gain a new profession, the second program offers an in-depth study of the already received specialty into a bachelor's degree.
Some programs are considering writing the thesis, while others are not. Most students choose the dissertation as a result of the end of the Master, but at the same time it is necessary to own written English almost perfectly.

The average duration of learning in the master's course is one year, but some species require a half and a half and two years. It is officially allowed to learn and work at the same time, especially if directly related to the studied specialty. Such internships are widely welcome, except practice, the student is evaluating its activities and the ability to solve collective tasks. It is extremely useful for the future of the main profession. It is possible only to work only after 6 months of study at full-time compartment. It is necessary to choose only one of the options for employment: at the university itself or beyond.

What is required for admission

For admission to the magistracy, it is necessary to present a document on the first higher education or a bachelor's degree with a shared score from 4 and higher. Mandatory is the surrender exam in the English language: a test either on the TOEFL system or IELTS.

In Canada, in different provinces, teaching is conducted not only in English, but also French. In universities demanding the knowledge of French requires the delivery of a language test in French. It should be borne in mind that in the French-speaking Quebec province it is easier to do with lower points, and the cost of learning and living there is several times lower than in the country.

At certain sought-after specialties should also be given the GMAT test with high results, which is carried out in all countries in specialized centers. There is such a thing in Moscow. Testing consists of several sections and includes tasks:

  • on writing an essay
  • dough reasoning,
  • mathematical and verbal sections.

Results are suitable for 5 years, and it can be passed no more than once a month. The cost of 1 exam is 250 dollars.

GRE is also a type of entrance test, it can be given no more than five times a year. He reveals the level of general knowledge, but sometimes it happens a narrow profile for the selected specialization.

It is necessary to find out in advance on the university's website which tests, their varieties and passing points will be needed in the selected university.

About some nuances of admission to the magistracy tells in this video.

Proper submission of documents - the key to success

After testing, it is necessary to start directly to the procedure for submitting an application and admission to the magistracy. It is allowed to choose and simultaneously submit documents into several universities at once, but it is necessary to take into account several different tests on the tests and select similar on these parameters of the discipline.

Documents are served online along with the full profile on the site. Together with the estimated test sheets, the following is sent:

  • Diploma and estimates (copy plus translation);
  • Personal summary in which you describe your scientific plans, list the subject of scientific works, convincingly proving the need for your participation in this scientific project and your action plans in it;
  • Recommendations. 2 or more. These may be lecturers or if you worked, the opinion of colleagues or production practice.

When applying for various universities at the same time, the resume must be written every time new ones, based on the Program of the Specific University. It is necessary to carefully examine her features and draw up targets and objectives of this training project, describe the need and usefulness of your participation in it. Also applies to recommendations. They are written under a separate university in the originals, and not sent in the form of copies.

The answer from the school comes in a month or one and a half, it may be a failure, reception or conditional enrollment. The latter requires additional documents from you.

Millions of applicants from around the world seek to become students of Canadian universities. Canada ─ One of the countries with the most developed economy, here is a high standard of living and extremely low crime. Training in Canada is beneficial for acceptable cost, loyal requirements for admission. It is under state control, meets international requirements and occupies high positions in world rankings. A Canadian diploma is recognized worldwide on a par with British or North American, while the higher education in Canada costs significantly cheaper than in the United States, and even more so in England. Training in Canada is carried out in both English and French. The average cost is from 10 to 18 thousand Canadian dollars a year on bachelor's programs and from 8 to 35 thousand - in the magistracy and doctoral studies.

Advantages of obtaining education in Canada

Education in Canada has a number of advantages. Their system has a lot in common with British and is characterized by a good level of training specialists. Students have the opportunity to start work, having studied half a year, it allows not only to receive income, but also acquire the necessary experience in the profession. Thus, studying in Canada, after successful completion, practically guarantees worthyly paid work in the specialty.

What is the difference between colleges and universities in Canada?

We are accustomed to assume that the college is the lowest step in the educational system than the university. And in Ukraine it really is. But in Canada everything is quite different. College in Canada is the same full-fledged educational institution as a university who can issue bachelor's diplomas and postgrad certificates (Postgrad).

The main difference between the Canadian College is that everything is essential to obtain practical skills through a variety of internships, which students take place during their studies. This allows college graduates often to be more competitive in the labor market. Also, college training is often much cheaper than at universities, which is also important for all foreign students. In general, we recommend paying attention not to the name of the educational institution, but on the programs they offer.

Entrance requirements. What is needed for admission to a Canadian university?

Each university has its own requirements for applicants, but in general they cannot be called hard. The main requirement for study is a confident own ownership of a foreign language, which must be confirmed by the results of language testing. For English-speaking programs, it is TOEFL, IELTS or CAE, for Francophone - Dalf. In the event that testing indicators comply with the stated standards, you can enter the Canadian College immediately after school. For specially popular programs, requirements for language levels are usually more stringent. Training in Canada does not imply quotas for enrollment of foreigners.

What documents are needed for admission to the Canadian University?

  • certificate for English knowledge - TOEFL (at least 80 points) or IELTS (not less than 6.0);
  • certificate / diploma and extracts with estimates;
  • motivation letter;
  • recommendations;
  • summary (for admission to the magistracy);
  • portfolio (for creative specialties);
  • documents confirming your financial opportunities.

In general, every university has its own requirements for the package of documents, but the main ones for which there are always paying special attention, there are two - extracts with estimates and the result of a language test.

Types of programs

Study in Canada has a practical orientation. The so-called professional diploma, which does not provide for assigning a degree, is very popular in this country, since the owners of certificates and professional diplomas may apply for well-paid posts at regional industrial enterprises, in international companies, in the field of services of medicine and tourism.

    Preparatory programs. Their duration depends directly on the degree of language proficiency and is at least 8 weeks for high level, 16-20 for medium, 24-36 for the lowest level. After training, it is possible to go to the undergraduate and magistracy, provided that the undergraduate is finished under the appropriate specialty.

    Bachelor. Training is calculated on average for 4 years. You can get a bachelor diploma in a combined program: 2 years of study in college, then transfer to 2 university year and another 3 years of study. Such a system makes it possible to reduce study costs. A bachelor's diploma for an applied specialty in employment is quoted higher than Magistersky, mainly necessary for those who are going to devote themselves to scientific activities after graduating from the university.

    Master. Higher education in Canada implies magistracy only at universities. Programs are designed for 2-3 semesters. At the end, the graduate receives a diploma, which gives the right to engage in scientific and teaching activities. The magistracy can be entered with a bachelor diploma of another country in a similar specialty, subject to a sufficient number of earned loans.

    MVA. Such programs are designed for 2-3 semesters. For enrollment, it is necessary to have a bachelor's or master's degree in economic specialty, or a bachelor's diploma and 2 years of work on a management position. When admission, you must pass the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) exam, which is a combined testing of mathematics, logic and English language, as well as TEFL language test.

    Programs of postplomal education. Studying in Canada for those who wish to change the specialty, or improve knowledge through a narrow orientation, is designed for 2-3 semesters.

What is the difference with the rest of the countries?

The main and essential training feature in Canada is that all universities are paid. If we talk about pricing politics, then the cost of learning in Canada can vary from 13 to 47 thousand Canadian dollars a year - it all depends on the selected university. And these are only the cost of studying, it will take another 10-12 thousand dollars.

You can get a discount on learning or grant, but these options have their own minuses. For example, a discount on study covers only minimum costs. And it is provided to those students who support excellent performance. If we talk about grants, they provide private charitable funds in Ukraine, such as the Pinchuk Foundation, who advocate in support of talented and ambitious youth. But they are issued only on certain conditions, one of which is the return to Ukraine after graduation. For those who want to stay and work in this country after the release, this is not a very appropriate option.

Most likely, after this paragraph, you decided that training in the Canadian University is too expensive, we will not change your opinion. But this training is really worth their money. And you need to relate to this not as excess costs, but as an investment in your future. The country's government is doing everything possible so that every graduate after receiving a diploma is officially arranged to work. To do this, the rate is made on high learning standards that make it possible to make a higher level specialist who can solve complex highly specialized tasks. Such specialists are always appreciated in the labor market. And if you also consider the fact that the country is trying to maintain a low unemployment rate, graduates do not sit without a case, several months after the release, but immediately begin their path through the career ladder. So, if you dream about stable work and a good salary, then all your investments will quickly pay off a hundredfold. It is important to remember this.

Is it possible to save, getting a higher education in Canada?

Sure you may. There are several proven methods that will help you save your savings.

First - reasonably go to the selection of the university. Rate your capabilities, the cost of programs that one or another university provides, as well as its location. Naturally, training somewhere in Ottawa, Quebec or Ontario will cost much more expensive than in Winnipeg or Manitoba. In addition, if you choose a college study, the cost to decrease twice.

Second - Arrange to work. From 18 years, each student can officially work up to 20 hours a week on weekdays, as well as up to 40 hours - during the holidays. In addition, this option helps to accumulate the experience and communicative skills for further employment.

Third option - Choose a specialty in the field of exact sciences: chemistry, physics, biology, etc. Students of these specialties most often receive scholarships to study, and after receiving a diploma, you will become a really valuable frame for local HRs.

How to get a scholarship or grant for training at the University of Canada?

The main thing is that you need for scholarships are essential academic achievements. You must prove that you are worthy to get it.

As for the documents, there are no special requirements for a scholarship. You need to submit a standard package of documents for receipt with a motivational letter. On the basis of your documents, the Commission will decide on the award of scholarships. Sometimes additionally representatives of the university can spend Skype interviews, so be prepared to prove why you need a scholarship in their university. But remember, scholarships abroad and scholarships in Ukraine are completely different things. Scholarship to study in Canada implies not cash payment, but a discount on the cost of learning, which can be one-time, and may be repeated every year.

The cost of one year of study On Canadian undergraduate programs for foreign students on average, 16,000 Canadian dollars For most specialties (data of the Canadian Bureau of Statistics for 2014-2015). Before receiving the extent, you will need to study 4 years, in Quebec - 3 years. Some professional specialties are more expensive: engineering on average 23000, and veterinary and dentistry 49000-52000 Canadian dollars per year. At the same time, training in these specialties usually lasts longer than a year or two.

Training in college or Institute of Applied Sciences is much cheaper, about 11,000 Canadian dollars a year in the main directions. Therefore, foreign students often prefer to receive vocational education and only then translated to the university. If a student wants to include semester internship in his education (the so-called CO-OP programs), he will have to pay an additional contribution that can vary from 200 to 1100 Canadian dollars.

Cost of training in the Master in Canada

Master programs In Canada, it can last both the year and two. Often they cost cheaper than undergraduate on the same subject, but average costAccording to the Canadian Bureau of Statistics, also amounts to 16,000 Canadian dollars a year.

The exceptions are MBA programs - prices for them vary in the range of 35,000-45,000 Canadian dollars per year. In addition, in many universities of Canada, there are so-called "professional" program of magistracy in advanced areas that are at the disk disciplines: for example, rehabilitation therapy or engineering biotechnology. They are very popular, and the cost of their passage can reach 70,000 Canadian dollars.

Cost of training in Canada, depending on the province

The cost of both bachelor and master's programs depends on the province in which the university is located. The most expensive Ontario and British Columbia are considered, and the most cheap - Quebec and Newfoundland. Quebec really offers the lowest prices for their inhabitants - on average about 2000 Canadian dollars per year for all specialties, including medicine.

But for foreign students, the statement about the relative cheapness of this province is not always truthful: the markups vary depending on the university, and the cost of living in Quebec is one of the highest. In addition, you should not forget that this is a French-speaking province, and teaching in its universities is carried out mainly in French. British programs are offered only by two universities: McGill University and Bishop's University.

Cost of training in Canada depending on the specialty

Often the cost of learning depends on the subject area chosen by the student. According to the Canadian Bureau of Statistics, the most cheap specialties Traditionally, pedagogy, public and humanitarian sciences are. The most expensive specialty, on the order of all the others, this is an engineering business, jurisprudence and medicine, especially dentistry and veterinary medicine. However, some universities canada offer the same prices for all programs of the same level of education.

Student's stay in Canada

The most expensive provinces Canada in terms of housing cost They are Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec. It will not be superfling that in large cities prices are always higher than in small, and the quality of education is about the same everywhere.

Examples of annual residence expenses for foreign students in various provinces of Canada, according to the information of the Canadian Bureau of Statistics (based on 2014/2015 academic year)

Student visas allow foreign students to work up to 20 hours a week after 6 months of stay in the country. Typically, working students receive about $ 10 per hour.

It is unlikely that someone will argue that training in Canada is a way to the future for a student from Russia. Today, many prefer to receive a master's degree abroad. Canadian universities stand in a number of best universities around the world. This article will tell about the possibilities of learning in the magistracy of Canadian higher educational institutions.

Opportunity professional growth

Canadian education by 90% state. The government of the country spends tremendous funds for the development of universities and the search for young scientific talents. Therefore, despite the high cost of obtaining education, students have the opportunity to win different scholarships and grants. Some of them cover the cost of training partly, and some completely. Of course, than a talented student, the more achievements in the scientific field, the more chances of getting a high grant for education. Foundations are quite a lot, also the Canadian universities themselves mostly have their own scholarship programs.

Training Russian bachelors in Canada is an opportunity to deepen knowledge and get a master's degree, which will give great opportunities for professional career. In addition, students have the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture, history and traditions of another country.

Master in Canada stands above the level of domestic. She is close to Russian graduate school. The main task that graduate in Canada puts is a research work. Enroll in the magistracy already having higher education. It will certainly be close to the specialty that the student chooses. Mandatory condition is knowledge of the language. Students surrender the exam All who arrives must necessarily provide recommendation letters. Students who attract a graduate in Canada on natural science programs must pass in addition to testing GRE.

Why Canada?

Master's diploma in many specialties, especially in medicine, is a condition of professional growth and promotion. Therefore, students are striving to improve their level of education. Why do many choose Canada? Probably due to the cost of training. Programs that suggests a diploma in Canada for obtaining a diploma in price is lower than in the United States and Europe. An important factor is that the diploma received in Canada makes it possible to legally get a decent job in this country and entrenched there.

In principle, to go to study at the University of Canada is not too difficult. Interestingly, not all local students wish to continue learning in the magistracy. They prefer magistracy, only if they have a tendency to research activities. Therefore, a magistracy in Canada for Russians opens the doors to the world of Western civilization, gives extensive opportunities to improve their linguistic skills, see something new, unusual for us: the originality of life, picturesque expanses of another country.

Second higher

The magistracy itself is regarded as a second education (higher). That is why most Canadian universities require a bachelor's degree and a linguistics certificate. It is an obstacle to some Russian students to continue their studies in Canada. The magistracy without knowing the language at the proper level is impossible. The language exam is often more important than objects in the specialty. But there are universities that require passing exams in the language and specialty at a good, even high level as a prerequisite condition. Especially if the magistracy is a continuation of training at the chosen direction.

Canadian universities recognize diplomas issued in Russia, but only after their own assessment. It is individual. Facilitate an authoritative assessment procedure can certified diploma. The official assessment of the level of authority of the Russian university is available to organizations such as WES (WORLD EDUCATION SERVICES) and ICES. The list of documents evaluated by this organization is quite large. These are the evidence of secondary vocational education, incomplete higher, diplomas about the scientific degree of the Doctor, Candidate, and, of course, a diploma of a specialist, master, bachelor.


Hard immigration mode can be an obstacle. Therefore, asking the question: "What to do into the magistracy in Canada?", You must pay all moments and try not to miss anything. Otherwise there is a risk of failure. For example, in no case cannot be aware of the desire to remain in Canada for permanent residence. Objective: Study. Only high professionalism and successful language adaptation will continue to be left.

Not all Canadian educational institutions focused on higher education are practicing master's. In standard cases, the study on the master takes 2 years. Almost always foreign students learn for a fee: from 20,000 to 50,000 Canadian dollars per year. At the end of study, the student writes the graduation work. It is based on the results of research practical work.

Free education

But if a student has special donations and passes on selection criteria, he has a big chance to win a grant so that a magistracy in Canada is completed. Grant is a scholarship, cash assistance for training. It can be obtained from various state programs, as well as through funds intended for such purposes. For example, there is a Foundation for the International Scholarship World, The Trudeau Foundation scholarships for graduate students, as well as a number of other programs for talented scholars.

The international scholarship fund provides grants for women in different countries to obtain a master's degree in Canada and the United States. Postgraduates, winning the grant, get the opportunity to cover all expenses for paying training, housing and transportation costs. To all financial privileges, they have access to scientific communities, the ability to establish contacts and so on.

Mandatory conditions

It is worth noting that medical and legal education in Canada refers to the sphere of professional. This means that before that, it is necessary to reaplish at the university at least three years and get a degree in a specialty, only then becoming a real magistracy in Canada (lawyer or medic). To submit documents, you need to fill out the questionnaire and send it to the OLSAS, a specialized organization created to process students' questionnaires and send them into different suitable universities. There is also a whole package of documents with test results, recommendental letters and others, which can be found directly on the website of this organization.

Requirements made to basic education in lawyers are established by the Union of Lawyers in Ontario. By contacting the admission committee of a specialized school, you can learn about the degree of accreditation of your university, and whether it is suitable for Canada. The average introductory ball also plays a big role, it should not be lower in +.


It is necessary to have only the highest level of progress if studying in a magistracy in Canada in a specialty lawyer is preferable in the five best universities of the country. Of course, it is necessary to undergo three-level tests of LAW School Admission Test (LSAT) and show excellent knowledge of the language.

Best Universities Canada

Magistracy at the University of Toronto, according to many sources, is one of the prestigious in Canada. The education obtained here in the field of economy and medicine is recognized as the best, judging by the employment of graduates. The cost of learning here from 25,000 per year. University in Toronto has more than 14 faculties. Students from Russia prefer specialty in the field of economics, information technologies and systems, design. Of course, a special demand enjoys a magistracy in this university.

In the top three, the university also includes two campus, ready to accept a large number of students. Training corps are between Vancouver and Okazan. In general, the number of students reaches 50,000 people. Faculties of forestry, rights, medicine are most popular. Faculty, where education is obtained on the basis of the already existing highest, is highlighted in a separate division.

For a master's degree in the field of architecture, marine biology, computer science, rights, commerce, many students prefer the University of Dalhousie. Also here is a high level of study of oil-producing technologies. In this area, unique programs for learning in the magistracy are designed. Approximately 20% of students in this university foreigners.

Programs and training courses

If bachelor estimate your level of training as insufficient, you can enhance it using special programs and preparatory courses that include language programs and preparation for GRE, TOEFL, GMAT. Group discussions, search and processing of the necessary information, work with projects and teaching benefits pass on such courses. Course listeners learn to correctly execute written works, according to all academic requirements.

Of course, it is better to attend such courses at the university, which is planned to be done. If a student copes well with training on courses, then admission to the university is practically guaranteed. Preparatory programs are from 11,000 Dollars of Canada.


Master education programs of MBA on business administration are enjoyed in great demand. Specialization of such training is aimed at deepening in the management sphere. This means that marketing, accounting, economics and statistics are studied. Graduates of such specialization are demanding in the field of hotel business, tourism, logistics, innovative technologies, scientific management and medicine.

Training in such programs is somewhat expensive, but it is worth it. The effectiveness of such a diploma is very high. For example, at the University of Dalhousie Magistracy MBA costs more than $ 32,500 Canada. Students on the magistracy are studying international management and have eight-month-old corporate internship. Student accommodation takes up to 400 Canadian dollars per week.
