Le Petit Prince
The little Prince

Listen to an excerpt from "The Little Prince" -
just listen, catch the French intonation, enjoy.

Now listen again, trying to follow the text with your eyes.
Let's read the translation.

Where to begin? -

Of course, from myself, my love!

j" = je - I

(used with a personal verb, pronounced [ well] )

For example:

je parle - I say [zhe parle]
j "entends - I hear [zh antan]
J 'appris - I learned [f apri]

When reading the transcription in Russian, do not forget
"Russian "en", how to pronounce "en" French through the nose"
/© A.S.Pushkin/ - we also try to imitate the characteristic "r".

Let's colorize this passage (according to the method of N.A. Zaitsev):

who what- red,
what is he doing- blue,
negation- black,
rest green.

We read, compare, look closely, listen and follow with our eyes on the colored text:

J'appris Il y avait
des fleurs tres simples,

I learned very quickly understand this flower.
were very simple flowers who did not occupy places at all
who didn't bother anyone.
Il y available - impersonal turnover "were, there were"

What else can we learn from this passage? - Familiar words:

bien- good, good [b and yen]
tres- very, very [tre]

Tres bien!- A familiar expression?
To the question - how are you, you can safely answer: [ tre bien]! Very well!

Or even like this: Tres tres bien!

Well, after a short musical pause
we find one more word that is on everyone's lips (amur-tuzhur):

toujours- always, forever [tuzhur]

We listen to the passage again - we catch already familiar words by ear, we follow the text with our eyes:

J'appris bien vite a mieux connaître cette fleur. Il y available toujours eu, sur la planète du petit prince,
des fleurs tres simples,

ornees d'un seul rang de petales,

qui ne tenaient point de place,
et qui ne derangeaient personne.
I learned very quickly understand this flower.

On the planet of the little prince always
were very simple flowers

adorned with a single row of petals,

who did not occupy places at all
who didn't bother anyone.

What else can we pay attention to? What catches your eye?

Five words are similar to Russian (or rather, these words are borrowed in Russian):

"ornees"(looks like an ornament) - decorated/ from orner - decorate /,
"rank" (rank is one of the values, and in this case - row),
"personne"- person, person, and in this case it is a pronoun nobody.

*!* By the way, la in front of planete is a definite article female.

We still have to deal with this, with the gender - in French, very often the gender does not coincide with the gender of the same words in Russian. For example, "chapter 8 - le chapitre 8", masculine, as indicated by the masculine definite article le.

In the meantime, let's briefly get acquainted with articles - if you are familiar with articles in English, then it will not be difficult for you to understand their essence. If you are unfamiliar, let's take a look at it step by step:

la planete - this certain planet

la planete du petit prince - planet (whose?) of the little prince
= la planete de le petite prince

We draw a plate on a piece of paper and hang it in front of us on the wall.

Now we listen to the passage again - we catch aurally already familiar words without looking at the text:

And that's not all that can be learned from such a small passage.
If you have studied English, you will find three more familiar words:

fleur[fleur] - flower
point[pua] - point, place (and in this case it is negative adverb)
place[plas] - place

It's time to notice about the negatives:

Negative in French is usually built like this:

ne fit with pas[pa], and a blue verb is placed between them.

or ne combined with one of the negative-reinforcing words:
point, goutte, guere, miette

or with words
personne, jamais, aucunement, nullement, plus, aucun, rien, null, ni, null part

What we saw in the above passage:

ne derangeaient personne

Now we return to the beginning and read / listen again:

J'appris bien vite a mieux connaître cette fleur. Il y available toujours eu, sur la planète du petit prince,
des fleurs tres simples,

ornees d'un seul rang de petales,

qui ne tenaient point de place,
et qui ne derangeaient personne.
I learned very quickly understand this flower.

On the planet of the little prince always
were very simple flowers

adorned with a single row of petals,

who did not occupy places at all
who didn't bother anyone.

And finally, we have a connecting union " et"[and] - means and(sometimes a).

Let's pay attention to how the word " interfere"(and also to clutter; upset; spoil) - derranger.
If you look closely at the word, you will see at the root what is already familiar to us rank- row, system (i.e. a certain order).
range- careful; ordered
de ranger - to clutter (from lat. prefix de- elimination, deprivation, lack, absence), interfere.

Summing up:

We have mastered 15 words out of 42 (more than 30%) - in practice, from such a small passage.

Of course, when we meet them next time, we will not remember all the words.
But if we meet them many times, repeat them in different texts, we will remember them easily.

Well, well je for sure you will remember, even if you wake up at night :)

Tomorrow we will take another piece for such an exciting study.
Now go back to the beginning of the page and work through it all over again, preferably with pen and notepad.

We'll continue tomorrow!

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French with the Little Prince

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Adapted by Ilya Frank

Ilya Frank's reading method


This book is structured as follows: the text is divided into small passages, each of which is repeated twice: first comes the French text with "hints" interspersed with a literal Russian translation and lexico-grammatical commentary (that is, adapted), and then the same text, but already unadapted, without prompts.

At the same time, beginners in learning French can read first a passage of text with prompts, and then the same passage without prompts. Those who improve their French can do the opposite: read the text without prompts, peeking at the prompts as necessary.

Memorization of words and expressions occurs at the same time due to their repetition, without cramming. In addition, the reader gets used to the logic of the French language, begins to "feel" it.

This book will save you from the stress of the first stage of learning a language from the mechanical search for each word in the dictionary and from fruitless guessing what the phrase all the same means, all the words from which you have already found.

À Leon Werth(to Leon Werth).

Je demande pardon aux enfants (I apologize to children) d "avoir dédié ce livre (for dedicating this book) à une grande personne (to an adult). J" ai une excuse sérieuse (I have a serious excuse): cette grande personne est le meilleur ami (this adult is the best friend) que j "ai au monde (which I have in the world). J" ai une autre excuse (I have another excuse): cette grande personne peut tout comprendre (this adult can understand everything), même les livres pour enfants (even books for children). J "ai une troisième excuse (I also have a third excuse): cette grande personne habite la France (this adult lives in France) où elle a faim et froid (where he is hungry and cold). Elle a bien besoin d" être consolée (he is in great need of consolation). Si toutes ces excuses ne suffisent pas (if all these excuses are not enough), je veux bien dédier ce livre à l "enfant (I will dedicate this book to a child) qu" a été autrefois cette grande personne (which was once this adult). Toutes les grandes personnes ont d "abord été des enfants (all adults were children before). (Mais peu d" entre elles s "en souviennent (but few of them remember this).) Je corrige donc ma dédicace (so , I correct my dedication):

A Leon Werth.

quand il etait petit garçon(when he was small boy) .

À Leon Werth.

Je demande pardon aux enfants d "avoir dédié ce livre à une grande personne. J" ai une excuse sérieuse: cette grande personne est le meilleur ami que j "ai au monde. J" ai une autre excuse: cette grande personne peut tout comprendre , même les livres pour enfants. J "ai une troisième excuse: cette grande personne habite la France où elle a faim et froid. Elle a bien besoin d" être consolée. Si toutes ces excuses ne suffisent pas, je veux bien dédier ce livre a l "enfant qu" a été autrefois cette grande personne. Toutes les grandes personnes ont d "abord été des enfants. (Mais peu d" entre elles s "en souviennent.) Je corrige donc ma dédicace:

À Leon Werth.

quand il etait petit garçon.

Lorsque j "avais six ans (when I was: "I had" six years: avoir-have) j "ai vu (I saw: voir), une fois (once), une magnifique image (a wonderful picture), dans un livre (in a book) sur la Forêt Vierge (about a virgin forest: “virgin forest”) qui s "appelait (which was called)" Histoires Vécues ( true stories: “lived stories”; vivre-live)". Ça représentait (this = this drawing represented) un serpent boa (a boa constrictor: "boa snake") qui avalait un fauve (who swallowed / some / predator). Voilà la copie du dessin (here is a copy of the drawing).

Lorsque j "avais six ans j" ai vu, une fois, une magnifique image, dans un livre sur la Forêt Vierge qui s "appelait "Histoires Vécues". Ça représentait un serpent boa qui avalait un fauve. Voilà la copie du dessin.

On disait (it was said: dire) dans le livre (in the book): "Les serpents boas (boas) avalent leur proie (swallow their: "their" prey) tout entière (whole: "quite a kiss"), sans la mâcher (without chewing: "without / that to/ chew it"). Ensuite (then) ils ne peuvent (they cannot: pouvoir) plus bouger (move more) et ils dorment (and they sleep: dormir) pendant (during) les six mois (six months) de leur digestion (their digestion, digestion)".

On disait dans le livre: "Les serpents boas avalent leur proie tout entière, sans la mâcher. Ensuite ils ne peuvent plus bouger et ils dorment pendant les six mois de leur digestion".

J "ai alors (I then) beaucoup réfléchi (thought a lot: reflechir) sur les aventures de la jungle (about jungle adventures: une adventure) et, à mon tour (and in my turn), j "ai réussi (I achieved = I succeeded: reussir), avec un crayon de couleur (in colored pencil: une couleur-color, dye), à tracer mon premier dessin (draw, draw my first drawing). Mon dessin numéro 1. Il était (he was) comme ça (such: "as such"):

J "ai alors beaucoup réfléchi sur les aventures de la jungle et, à mon tour, j" ai réussi, avec un crayon de couleur, à tracer mon premier dessin.

French with the Little Prince

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Adapted by Ilya Frank

Ilya Frank's reading method


This book is structured as follows: the text is divided into small passages, each of which is repeated twice: first comes the French text with "hints" interspersed with a literal Russian translation and lexico-grammatical commentary (that is, adapted), and then the same text, but already unadapted, without prompts.

At the same time, beginners in learning French can read first a passage of text with prompts, and then the same passage without prompts. Those who improve their French can do the opposite: read the text without prompts, peeking at the prompts as necessary.

Memorization of words and expressions occurs at the same time due to their repetition, without cramming. In addition, the reader gets used to the logic of the French language, begins to "feel" it.

This book will save you from the stress of the first stage of learning a language from the mechanical search for each word in the dictionary and from fruitless guessing what the phrase all the same means, all the words from which you have already found.

À Leon Werth(to Leon Werth).

Je demande pardon aux enfants (I apologize to children) d "avoir dédié ce livre (for dedicating this book) à une grande personne (to an adult). J" ai une excuse sérieuse (I have a serious excuse): cette grande personne est le meilleur ami (this adult is the best friend) que j "ai au monde (which I have in the world). J" ai une autre excuse (I have another excuse): cette grande personne peut tout comprendre (this adult can understand everything), même les livres pour enfants (even books for children). J "ai une troisième excuse (I also have a third excuse): cette grande personne habite la France (this adult lives in France) où elle a faim et froid (where he is hungry and cold). Elle a bien besoin d" être consolée (he is in great need of consolation). Si toutes ces excuses ne suffisent pas (if all these excuses are not enough), je veux bien dédier ce livre à l "enfant (I will dedicate this book to a child) qu" a été autrefois cette grande personne (which was once this adult). Toutes les grandes personnes ont d "abord été des enfants (all adults were children before). (Mais peu d" entre elles s "en souviennent (but few of them remember this).) Je corrige donc ma dédicace (so , I correct my dedication):

A Leon Werth.

quand il etait petit garçon(whenhewassmallboy) .

À Leon Werth.

Je demande pardon aux enfants d "avoir dédié ce livre à une grande personne. J" ai une excuse sérieuse: cette grande personne est le meilleur ami que j "ai au monde. J" ai une autre excuse: cette grande personne peut tout comprendre , même les livres pour enfants. J "ai une troisième excuse: cette grande personne habite la France où elle a faim et froid. Elle a bien besoin d" être consolée. Si toutes ces excuses ne suffisent pas, je veux bien dédier ce livre a l "enfant qu" a été autrefois cette grande personne. Toutes les grandes personnes ont d "abord été des enfants. (Mais peu d" entre elles s "en souviennent.) Je corrige donc ma dédicace:

À Leon Werth.

quand il etait petit garçon.

Lorsque j "avais six ans (when I was: "I had" six years: avoir-have) j "ai vu (I saw: voir), une fois (once), une magnifique image (a wonderful picture), dans un livre (in a book) sur la Forêt Vierge (about a virgin forest: “virgin forest”) qui s "appelait (which was called)" Histoires Vécues ( true stories: “lived stories”; vivre-live)". Ça représentait (this = this drawing represented) un serpent boa (a boa constrictor: "boa snake") qui avalait un fauve (who swallowed / some / predator). Voilà la copie du dessin (here is a copy of the drawing).

Lorsque j "avais six ans j" ai vu, une fois, une magnifique image, dans un livre sur la Forêt Vierge qui s "appelait "Histoires Vécues". Ça représentait un serpent boa qui avalait un fauve. Voilà la copie du dessin.

On disait (it was said: dire) dans le livre (in the book): "Les serpents boas (boas) avalent leur proie (swallow their: "their" prey) tout entière (whole: "quite a kiss"), sans la mâcher (without chewing: "without / that to/ chew it"). Ensuite (then) ils ne peuvent (they cannot: pouvoir) plus bouger (move more) et ils dorment (and they sleep: dormir) pendant (during) les six mois (six months) de leur digestion (their digestion, digestion)".

On disait dans le livre: "Les serpents boas avalent leur proie tout entière, sans la mâcher. Ensuite ils ne peuvent plus bouger et ils dorment pendant les six mois de leur digestion".

J "ai alors (I then) beaucoup réfléchi (thought a lot: reflechir) sur les aventures de la jungle (about jungle adventures: une adventure) et, à mon tour (and in my turn), j "ai réussi (I achieved = I succeeded: reussir), avec un crayon de couleur (in colored pencil: une couleur-color, dye), à tracer mon premier dessin (draw, draw my first drawing). Mon dessin numéro 1. Il était (he was) comme ça (such: "as such").

The book offers a fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince", adapted (without simplifying the text of the original) according to the method of Ilya Frank. The uniqueness of the method lies in the fact that the memorization of words and expressions occurs due to their repetition, without memorization and the need to use a dictionary. The manual contributes to the effective mastering of the language, can serve as an addition to the curriculum. It is intended for students, for self-learners of French, as well as for all those interested in French culture. Edition in French.

A Leon Werth (to Leon Werth). Je demande pardon aux enfants (I apologize to children) d "avoir dedie ce livre (for dedicating this book) a une grande personne (to an adult). J" ai une excuse serieuse (I have a serious excuse): cette grande personne est le meilleur ami (this adult is the best friend) que j "ai au monde (which I have in the world). J" ai une autre excuse (I have another excuse): cette grande personne peut tout comprendre (this grown man can understand everything), meme les livres pour enfants (even books for children). J "ai une troisieme excuse (I also have a third excuse): cette grande personne habite la France (this adult lives in France) ou elle a faim et froid (where he is hungry and cold). Elle a bien besoin d" etre consolee (he is in great need of consolation). Si toutes ces excuses ne suffisent pas (if all these excuses are not enough), je veux bien dedier ce livre a l "enfant (I will dedicate this book to a child) qu" a ete autrefois cette grande personne (which was once this adult). Toutes les grandes personnes ont d "abord ete des enfants (all adults were children before). (Mais peu d" entre elles s "en souviennent (but few of them remember this).) Je corrige donc ma dedicace (so , I correct my dedication): A Leon Werth. quand il etait petit garcon (when he was a little boy). A Leon Werth. Je demande pardon aux enfants d "avoir dedie ce livre a une grande personne. J "ai une excuse serieuse: cette grande personne est le meilleur ami que j" ai au monde. J "ai une autre excuse: cette grande personne peut tout comprendre, meme les livres pour enfants. J" ai une troisieme excuse: cette grande personne habite la France ou elle a faim et froid. Elle a bien besoin d "etre consolee. Si toutes ces excuses ne suffisent pas, je veux bien dedier ce livre a l" enfant qu "a ete autrefois cette grande personne. Toutes les grandes personnes ont d" abord ete des enfants. (Mais peu d "entre elles s" en souviennent.) Je corrige donc ma dedicace: A Leon Werth. quand il etait petit garcon.

Adapted by Ilya Frank

Ilya Frank's reading method

This book is structured as follows: the text is divided into small passages, each of which is repeated twice: first comes the French text with "hints" - interspersed with a literal Russian translation and lexical and grammatical commentary (that is, adapted), and then - the same text, but already unadapted, without prompts.

Beginners to learn French can at the same time read first a passage of text with prompts, and then the same passage without prompts. Those who improve their French can do the opposite: read the text without prompts, peeking at the prompts as necessary.

Memorization of words and expressions occurs at the same time due to their repetition, without cramming. In addition, the reader gets used to the logic of the French language, begins to "feel" it.

This book will save you from the stress of the first stage of learning a language - from the mechanical search for each word in the dictionary and from fruitless guessing what the phrase all the same means, all the words from which you have already found.
