Oleg Alexandrovich Yurasov(November 27, 1954 - January 23, 1989) - Guard Major of the Airborne Forces, Hero of the Soviet Union.


Born in 1954 at the Shcherbinka station of the Leninsky district of the Moscow region. From 1962 to 1972 he studied at the Ostafyevskaya secondary school (now GBOU school No. 2122 in Moscow). In the ranks of the Soviet Army and Navy since November 1973. In 1979 he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command Twice Red Banner School named after Lenin Komsomol. After graduating from college, he served in the 331st Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma city) of the 106th Guards Airborne Division, as (successively) a platoon commander, deputy commander, commander of a reconnaissance company.

Since June 1987 - Chief of Staff, Deputy Commander of the 2nd Airborne Battalion of the 345th Guards Airborne Regiment as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. He was awarded two Orders of the Red Star.

On January 23, 1989, three weeks before the end of the withdrawal of Soviet troops, he died in battle during Operation Typhoon. For courage and heroism shown in an extreme situation, he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (decree of April 10, 1989, medal No. 11593).

He was buried in the village of Ostafyevo (Ostafyevo cemetery in Moscow).


  • Medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously);
  • Order of Lenin (posthumously);
  • two orders of the Red Star;
  • medals.


  • The name of O. A. Yurasov was given to the Secondary School No. 5 in Shcherbinka (now GBOU School No. 2122 in Moscow). On November 27, 1990, on the day of memory of the Hero, the museum of military and labor glory "Memory" was opened in this educational institution.
  • Name O.A. Yurasova wears the municipal budgetary institution of additional education of the city of Kostroma "Center for extracurricular activities" Berkut "
  • Since 1998, the open tournament "Golden Ring of Russia" in army hand-to-hand combat in memory of Oleg Yurasov has been held in the city of Kostroma. In 1999, the tournament received the status of All-Russian. In 2004, the competition was given the official status of the All-Russian Tournament Cup "Golden Ring of Russia" in memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union Oleg Yurasov; they became the second in the rating in the plan-calendar of the Federation of Army Hand-to-Hand Combat of Russia after the Championship of Russia. Since 2011, the tournament in memory of Oleg Yurasov has received the status of the Russian Cup in army hand-to-hand combat.

Born in 1954 at the Shcherbinka station of the Leninsky district of the Moscow region. From 1962 to 1972 he studied at the Ostafyevskaya secondary school (now secondary school No. 5 in Shcherbinka). In the ranks of the Soviet Army since November 1973. In 1979 he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command Twice Red Banner School named after Lenin Komsomol. After graduating from college, he served in the 331st Guards Airborne Regiment (Kostroma) of the 106th Guards Airborne Division, as (successively) a platoon commander, deputy commander, and commander of a reconnaissance company.

Since June 1987 - Chief of Staff, Deputy Commander of the 2nd Airborne Battalion of the 345th Guards Airborne Regiment as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. He was awarded two Orders of the Red Star.

On January 23, 1989, three weeks before the end of the withdrawal of Soviet troops, he died in battle during Operation Typhoon. For courage and heroism shown in an extreme situation, he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (decree of 04/10/1989, medal No. 11593).

He was buried in the village of Ostafyevo, Podolsky District, Moscow Region.


  • Medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously)
  • Order of Lenin (posthumously)
  • Two Orders of the Red Star
  • Medal


  • The name of the Guards Major O. A. Yurasov was given to the Secondary School No. 5 named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Guards Major Oleg Aleksandrovich Yurasov in Shcherbinka. On November 27, 1990, on the day of memory of the Hero, the museum of military and labor glory "Memory" was opened in this educational institution.
  • In memory of the Hero, since 1998, the open tournament "Golden Ring of Russia" in army hand-to-hand combat in memory of Oleg Yurasov has been held in the city of Kostroma. In 1999, the tournament received the status of All-Russian. In 2004, the competition was given the official status of the All-Russian Tournament Cup "Golden Ring of Russia" in memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union Oleg Yurasov; they became the second in the rating in the plan-calendar of the Federation of Army Hand-to-Hand Combat of Russia after the Championship of Russia. Since 2011, the tournament in memory of Oleg Yurasov has received the status of the Russian Cup in army hand-to-hand combat.

Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Major Yurasov Oleg Alexandrovich

To the 28th anniversary of the withdrawal of a limited contingent of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

Know what kind of guy he was!

Yurasov Oleg Alexandrovich - Chief of Staff, Deputy Commander of the 2nd Airborne Battalion of the Separate Guards Red Banner Order of Suvorov, Third Class, 345th Airborne Regiment named after the 70th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol as part of the 40th Army of the Red Banner Turkestan Military District (limited contingent of Soviet troops in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan), Major of the Guard was twice awarded the Order of the Red Star.

On January 23, 1989, three weeks before the end of the withdrawal of Soviet troops, he died in battle during Operation Typhoon. For courage and heroism shown in an extreme situation, he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 04/10/1989, medal No. 11593).

Oleg Yurasov was born on November 27, 1954 in the Ostafyevo garrison (now the city of Shcherbinka) in the Moscow region in a working class family. In 1972 he graduated from the 10th grade of the Ostafyevskaya secondary school (now school No. 5 in Shcherbinka). In 1973, Oleg entered the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command twice Red Banner School named after Lenin Komsomol.

After graduating from college in 1979, the young officer served in the reconnaissance company of the 331st Airborne Regiment, stationed in Kostroma, in positions from platoon commander to company commander.

Since June 1987, Guards Major Yurasov O. A. has been serving in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan as part of the 40th Army of the Red Banner Turkestan Military District as chief of staff, deputy commander of the paratrooper battalion of the separate Guards Red Banner Order of Suvorov, third degree, 345th paratrooper regiment named after the 70th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol.

From the notebook of the political officer of the 2nd Airborne Battalion Sergei Bogatov.

Today I flew to the place of service - the village of Anava in the Panjshir gorge. Heart sank sadly. Where did you go, what century? Low duvals, houses made of clay and stones. People are not visible. Only on the landing site - soldiers in bulletproof vests.

I met with the chief of staff of our battalion, Captain Oleg Yurasov. The face is very mobile, the eyes are cunning, strong strength is felt in the hand, he himself is as fast as a whirligig. We greeted each other, he asked: “Well, how do you like our seats?” - and he answered himself - I already wiped myself for three months ... "

For three days there has been a mortar shelling of our group. We sit at the command post of the battalion. Oleg at the radio station gives orders to outposts, corrects artillery fire on identified targets, while squinting evilly and covering the "spirits" with a strong Russian word.

Getting ready for the New Year. The second day there is heavy rain. In the morning I went to outpost No. 16, Oleg - to No. 12. They brought apples, cheese, and sausage to the guys. Everyone is in an anxious mood: the "spirits" also know that we have a New Year, and they can throw out any trick.

In the evening they gathered in my room: the battalion commander lieutenant colonel A. Serebryakov, the chief of staff captain Yurasov and the special officer. They drank "Sisi" - an orange drink, ate pilaf, apples. We talked about families, home, about the life that awaits in the Union. Then Oleg said: “I would have to make it to vacation, but it’s not scary there anymore. After all, there is a belief: if you haven’t been killed in the first four months, then the probability of dying is the most minimal ...”

After six years in the Panjshir Gorge, our battalion was withdrawn to the city of Bagram. The column was led by Oleg Yurasov. I followed him in a BMP. We stopped at a lonely village. The three of us - me, captain Pasha Morozov and Oleg Yurasov were photographed. I remembered his words: “Now don’t turn your head, it’s undesirable to experience fate so often ...”

Oleg Yurasov, Captain S. Lokhin and the battalion doctor Senior Lieutenant V. Zazulin received the Order of the Red Star. Gathered at the front. Washed the case in the kitchen. There were toasts to those who were awarded, to the fate of their relatives, the third - in silence ... Oleg then remembered his daughters. So he wanted to have a family ... Like everyone else present.

All officers celebrated the New Year together, with the exception of those on duty in the company and battalion.

Only a few days remained before the withdrawal of troops. I want to live acutely, but time goes by so slowly... Everyone who served in Afghanistan says that the most alarming period is before the replacement. "Substitutes" are no longer taken to operations, so that something does not happen. And we, it turns out, are one hundred percent "substitutes". Who will have a happy fate? Who will live? This dumb question in the soul of each of us ...

Before the withdrawal of the last soldier remained 23 days.

At 6.30 the war began... Oleg managed to shout: "Spirits...". When he, mortally wounded, was brought to the command post of the battalion, he still showed signs of life, but the Afghan soil absorbed too much blood ...

On January 23, 1989, as a result of hostilities in the village of Katalan, a gang of more than 100 people was surrounded. The ringleader Karim, having gathered women, old people and children, tried to break through under their cover and leave for the base area. Major Yurasov O. A. at the head of a reconnaissance platoon carried out a covert maneuver and found himself between the peaceful Afghan population and the bandits. The rebels responded to the proposal to lay down their arms with heavy fire on civilians and paratroopers. Having ordered the paratroopers to lie down, Major Yurasov stood up to his full height and gestured to the civilian population with gestures and speech to lie down on the ground. By these actions, he diverted the attention of the bandits from the civilian population and caused fire on himself, as a result of which he was seriously wounded and cut off by the fire of the rebels from his platoon. With strong and dense fire, suppressing all attempts by the reconnaissance platoon to approach the wounded, bleeding officer, the bandits tried to capture him in order to ensure a safe exit from the encirclement.

Major Yurasov O.A., being seriously wounded, entered the battle with a superior enemy. Showing personal courage, composure and endurance, with well-aimed fire, he destroyed up to 15 rebels. Having tied the enemy in battle, he bought time for the necessary maneuver of the reconnaissance platoon. Bleeding, suppressing pain, Major Yurasov O.A., continuing to fire at the enemy, completely used up his ammunition and lost consciousness from loss of blood. The reconnaissance platoon with a decisive throw managed to break through the enemy's fire screen, completely destroying the gang, to its commander, who was lying unconscious with grenades clutched in his hands. Yurasov O. A died from fatal wounds, having shown the best qualities of an officer, courage and heroism, in a critical situation, sacrificing himself, he managed to save dozens of civilians and ensure the completion of a combat mission.

Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

on conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union

Major Yurasov Oleg Aleksandrovich

For the successful completion of the task of providing international assistance to the Republic of Afghanistan and the courage and heroism shown at the same time to assign

Major Yurasov Oleg Aleksandrovich

Title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously)

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M. Gorbachev

Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR T. Menteshashvili


Presidium of the Podolsk Executive Committee of People's Deputies

To assign the name of the Hero of the Soviet Union to secondary school No. 5 of the Podolsky district

Guard Major Yurasov Oleg Alexandrovich

Chairman of the Executive Committee A. Moskalev

ORDER No. 34

Head of the Ryazan Military Airborne Command School

The fourth battalion of cadets to establish patronage over the family and relatives of the Hero of the Soviet Union Yurasov Oleg Alexandrovich and over secondary school No. 5 in Shcherbinka.

The head of the school, Lieutenant General A. Slyusar

Traditional, annual honoring of the Hero

After years of neglect in the 1970s, Neve Tzedek was scheduled for demolition, but as a result of public discussion, it was decided to restore the historic quarter, and since the 1990s it has become more and more bohemian and fashionable. The area, which eventually merged into Tel Aviv and no longer has municipal self-government, is currently one of the city's attractions, attracting tourists with the atmosphere of the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, historical buildings, artisan workshops, shops and cafes. Among the sights of Neve Tzedek are the Suzanne Dalal Center for Ballet and Theater Arts and a number of museums.

Good article

dupont's lark

dupont's lark(lat. Chersophilus duponti) is a bird of the lark family that lives in some areas of Spain and northern Africa. A medium-sized lark with sandy-brown streaked plumage, relatively long legs and a slightly hooked beak. It mainly settles in the steppe regions with low vegetation. Feeds on insects and seeds. It scrapes nests in the ground, lays 3 to 5 eggs.

The species was described by a French ornithologist

., militants surrounded by Soviet troops, under the cover of civilians, tried to escape from the village of Kalatak. The most fierce fighting took place 80 meters from the 42nd outpost. It was there that Karim's detachment sat down - only 120 people. The rebels had: machine guns, a mountain gun, a recoilless gun and a DShK. A sniper worked from the duval. Major Yurasov, with a reconnaissance platoon, forced the enemy to lie down, and gave the inhabitants the opportunity to go to a safe place. Invited the bandits to surrender. And then an oblique machine-gun burst touched the commander, breaking through his thigh and groin, cutting the femoral artery. From loss of blood, the hero died on the battlefield. The "Karimovites" were no longer coddled, and they were destroyed.

Government awards:
- Received many medals.
- awarded Order of the Red Star
- awarded Order of the Red Star
For courage and heroism shown in an extreme situation, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (decree of 04/10/1989, medal No. 11593) posthumously.
April 10, 1989
- awarded Order of Lenin.
April 10, 1989
- Awarded a title Hero of the Soviet Union, posthumously, to the 74th dead hero out of 79 during the war.
- it was decided to annually hold a traditional memorial of the All-Russian youth tournament in army hand-to-hand combat "Golden Ring of Russia" in memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union Oleg Yurasov.
November 26, 1990
secondary school No. 5 of the city of Shcherbinka (Oleg studied there) was named after Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Major Yurasov.

Links to articles about Oleg Alexandrovich:

Hero's Father

When we hear the name Yurasov, we immediately remember our fellow countryman, the famous hero of Afghanistan, Oleg Yurasov. The story of his feat is familiar to many Shcherbintsy, and there is no point in repeating it again. This time, on the eve of Victory Day, we want to talk about Oleg's father Alexander Mikhailovich Yurasov. About the man who raised our hero, instilling in him love for the Motherland from childhood and raising him to be a courageous and honest person. The life of Yurasov Sr. deserves special attention. During the Great Patriotic War, he lost his father and uncle at the front. His older brother went through it from beginning to end and even managed to make war in the Far East with the Japanese. But Alexander Mikhailovich himself did not have time to get to the front, despite the fact that he had been preparing for six months in training as part of a reconnaissance company. The war is over! For some, May 9 was the end of military service, but for him, everything was just beginning. Alexander Mikhailovich devoted his whole life to the army and does not regret it at all.

Alexander Mikhailovich is now 85 years old. He looks strong and fit. As if those tragic events that he had to endure did not break him, but, on the contrary, hardened him. He is cheerful, cheerful and well-behaved, although sometimes in conversation a shadow of sadness falls on his face, and his lively eyes dim a little. He has a lot to tell, although he talks little about himself, remembering more about his grandfather, father, brother and beloved son. All of them are military and served the Motherland at different times. Someone died heroically, and someone was lucky enough to live to deep gray hair. If you look at the life story of Alexander Mikhailovich during the Great Patriotic War, it is in many ways similar to the fate of those boys who accompanied their father, brother and uncle to the front, and he himself, with bated breath, was waiting for a summons from the military registration and enlistment office. As Alexander Mikhailovich says, then the youth had no idea that it was possible not to go to war. Everyone believed that he should be at the front and protect his country from the Nazis. There was no talk of any military romance, everyone was well aware that they might not return from the front, but many were still torn, as if without this life would have been lived in vain.
Sasha Yurasov knew from childhood what army life is. His grandfather, a man of interesting fate, fought in the French Foreign Legion in Africa during the 1st World War. When the revolution began in Russia, the legion, largely composed of Russian soldiers, supported the Bolsheviks. Just because for many the service already seemed like torture, and Lenin's words that it's enough to fight, it's time to go home, became decisive. But it didn't work out right away. The Legion was disbanded, and there was no one to take the soldiers back. At this time, a civil war was already blazing in Russia. Several thousand Russians were captured, they were scattered throughout northern Africa: Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria. Grandfather later said that they lived there not bad at all. The Russian peasant was a hard-working, jack-of-all-trades, and he could feed himself even in a foreign land. Some soldiers even married local women and stayed there permanently. Our stately and handsome soldiers enjoyed success in Africa. And then Lenin hired a ship from the British, issuing a decree to return all Russians from Africa to their homeland. Grandfather was not a communist, but he was grateful to Lenin for this all his life and even bequeathed to put a newspaper with a portrait of the leader in the coffin with him.
Sasha's father Mikhail Yurasov also connected his fate with the army, enrolling in the Ryazan Infantry School and graduating as an officer. He and his family were sent to the border with Finland to the border troops. He took part in that very bloody Soviet-Finnish war in 1939 and 1940s. Returning back to Ryazan, he again ended up in the Ryazan infantry and began to work with young soldiers. In 1943, when the most difficult situation developed near Kharkov, where the Germans could break the offensive of the Soviet troops and turn back to Moscow, all regular officers were called to the front.
- I remember, - says Alexander Mikhailovich, - how my father went home before leaving. He said that he was going to the meat grinder and certainly would not return home. And so it happened, he died, being a company commander. Then I understood the meaning of the saying: "Trouble has come - open the gate." First, a funeral came for my father, then for my mother's brother, who died near Smolensk, and then there was a letter from his older brother Nikolai. He was severely wounded in the arm by a shrapnel, and a nurse from the hospital wrote for him. My younger brother and sister, afraid that my mother would go crazy with grief, they burned these funerals, showing only a letter from their son.
Alexander Mikhailovich did not remember the place of his father's burial, and only recently, via the Internet, was it possible to find the exact place of the grave. It is located near Donetsk, and Alexander Mikhailovich will definitely go to his father's grave. Now this is his main goal in life.
He remembers very well how the war started. The family then lived in the village, and there was no radio in the house. At five in the morning there was a sharp knock on the window. A watchman from the collective farm came running.
- Michal Ivanovich, the war has begun!
Father was summoned to the district center, and he immediately left. A feeling of terrible danger hung over everyone, and it did not leave anyone until the end of the war.
While the war was going on, Sasha Yurasov, who had not yet reached military age, went to school and worked on a collective farm. Everyone then worked tirelessly: it was necessary to feed the army. There was a moment when the Germans approached his village, they were only 12 kilometers away. Their goal was the city of Ryazhsk, a major railway center. From there there were routes to Kuibyshev, Tambov and Lipetsk. Luckily, we managed to push them back. Then I had to level the trenches in the fields that the Germans had dug.
The time has come for Sasha to join the army. In November 1944, he was 16 years old when he and his comrades took the oath. The guys were assigned to a reconnaissance company and transferred to the city of Kineshma. The preparation took six months. The soldiers were seriously prepared for war. They easily ran 60 kilometers march with full ammunition and shot perfectly. After such a drill, they were not only ready physically, but also psychologically. The soldiers were confident and rushed to the front. It was the beginning of May 1945, when Sasha Yurasov's company was transferred to Shuya, the last point before the front, where his regiment was being formed. The company was assigned to artillery, its task was to direct fire at enemy positions.
Then the great and long-awaited word spread throughout the country: “Victory!” Of course, you can’t say that the boys who were eager for war were disappointed by this. The joy was indescribable, but not at all the same as that of fathers and grandfathers hardened in battles. Those who still wanted to fight asked to go east to fight the Japanese. And many never returned...
Combat reconnaissance was no longer so needed, and a separate engineering battalion was created from the company of Alexander Yurasov. He became a cook, and from then on he fed his colleagues until retirement. His battalion built various structures for the Soviet Army until it ended up in our Ostafyevo garrison. Here it was necessary to lengthen the runway and expand the airfield itself, where the aviation regiment of fighters of three times Hero of the USSR Ivan Kozhedub was to be stationed. This was the last stopping place before sending our pilots to the war in Korea, where the Americans were in charge at that time. The battalion of Alexander Mikhailovich built a building for pilots, which today in Ostafyevo is called house management and still serves the residents of the microdistrict. Alexander Mikhailovich is proud that he himself fed Ivan Kozhedub, and also the commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District, Vasily Stalin.
After sending the regiment to Korea, the battalion was transferred to Orenburg. There they strengthened the border with China, built alternate airfields for our aviation. And so another seven years. And then demobilization. Alexander Mikhailovich was offered to return to Ostafyevo and work in our aviation unit as a catering instructor. He agreed and has been feeding our pilots ever since.
His son Oleg was also born here. When I asked how it was possible to raise such a son, Alexander Mikhailovich says that from the 5th grade he sent him to the Podolsk wrestling school. And more of his physical education is not concerned. There was one concern: once a week to buy a tracksuit - they were torn very quickly. Oleg has always had a serious and persistent character, and soon he became the champion of the Moscow region. Until now, in Kostroma, where Oleg Yurasov is well remembered, there is a hand-to-hand combat tournament in his memory. He retained his love for sports throughout his life and tried to instill it in all his colleagues. It is a great joy for Alexander Mikhailovich that now in his native Shcherbinka they also began to hold a wrestling tournament in memory of his son.
Three times a year, Oleg's comrades from the Ryazan Airborne School come to visit Alexander Mikhailovich. At the table, they recall the past years, the feat of Oleg, encourage Alexander Mikhailovich. After all, for him, every visit of Oleg's friends is an extension of life. Together they go to Oleg's grave to lay flowers.
Alexander Mikhailovich also has a daughter and two grandchildren from her, two granddaughters from Oleg. He doesn't have to be bored. He does not lose heart, he still goes fishing and is going to Kostroma for the next tournament in memory of his son.
Dmitry Strakhov. Author's photo



Was born October 10, 1922 in a family of doctors
in the city of Vladimir. Graduated from high school. During the war, he studied first in Alma-Ata (where the MAI was evacuated), then, already at the end of 1942. - in Moscow.
His wife also studied there and at the same time - Galina Antonovna.
IN 1946 graduate of the Faculty of Aircraft of the Moscow Aviation Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze with a degree in electrical engineering.
WITH 1947 works in a special design bureau NII-88 (OKB-1, NPO Energia, Kaliningrad, Moscow region) first as a senior engineer, then as the head of a group, laboratory, sector, department.
WITH early 1954 deputy technical manager OKB-1 B.E. Chertoka.
IN 1958 Igor Evgenievich defends his dissertation and becomes candidate of technical sciences.
WITH 1963 -th by 1966 year - Deputy Chief Designer OKB-1.
WITH 1966 -th by 1974 year - Deputy Head of the complex TsKBEM.
WITH 1974 -th by 1981 year - research supervisor of the topic, scientific consultant
GKB NPO Energia
Participated in the creation of the first domestic long-range ballistic missiles R-5, R-7, R-11, and the design and creation of on-board systems of the first domestic Zenit spacecraft for photographing the Earth's surface. One of the leading managers of work on the creation and improvement of the control system for the descent from orbit to Earth of the return vehicles of unmanned (developmental) and manned spacecraft Vostok, Voskhod, Soyuz, spacecraft under the lunar programs L-1, N-1, L- 3.
I.E. Yurasov
- Author and co-author of more than 80 scientific papers, articles, inventions.

Medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945";
Order of the Red Banner of Labor;
December 18Laureate of the Lenin Prize, resolution № 1418-657 ,
for work on the creation of the R-7 rocket;
June 17, 1961
Igor Evgenievich Yurasov The title of
Hero of Socialist Labor
with delivery Order of Lenin And
Hammer and Sickle Gold Medal.

Links to articles about Igor Evgenievich:
http://epizodsspace.narod.ru/bibl/chertok/kniga-1/6-4.html Chertok B.E. "Rockets and People"
http://www.x-libri.ru/elib/kaman001/00000448.htm Kamanin N.P. "Hidden Space"



* * *


/from the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
“The Feat of the People during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”, update of April 3, 2013 /

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