Every even slightly advanced user of the English language had to deal with the translation of Russian-language documents. When you go abroad or make deals with foreign partners, you face a difficulty: how to translate purely Russian abbreviations like TIN, BIK, OGRN, etc.? Believe me, not only professional translators face this problem.

Why do legal and financial abbreviations raise so many doubts when translating? There are several answers to this question - variants of dilemmas that we face.

  1. Should the abbreviation be spelled or deciphered? Let's say the most common example is a TIN. If translated into English, you get Individual Tax-payer Number (Individual tax number). How to designate this when translating a document - just ITN or full transcript?
  2. Translate transliteration or the first letters of the transcript? Recall that transliteration is a translation method in which the source word is transmitted into a foreign language strictly by letter. In our case, such a translation would sound INN. Or better still ITN?
  3. Just translate or explain? The fact is that most of the legal and financial cuts are primordially Russian, characteristic only of the Russian “habitat”. There are no complete analogues of such terms abroad, which puts us before a choice: just translate the abbreviation or indicate in brackets (footnotes) what it means?

As you can see, there are many problems with the translation of legal and financial terms. Those who often encounter this kind of practice develop their own style of translation and stick to it only. You can, of course, turn to forums, look through online dictionaries and translators in search of the right option. However, the most reliable way out of the situation, oddly enough, is the good old specialized dictionary of legal / economic terms. In the Russian market, the following sources can provide such feasible assistance:

  1. English-Russian and Russian-English Law Dictionary (A.P. Kravchenko)
  2. Modern Russian-English Law Dictionary (I.I. Borisenko, V.V. Saenko)
  3. Russian-English Law Dictionary (William Elliott Butler)
  4. Big financial dictionary in 2 volumes. Russian-English dictionary. (Fakov V.Ya.)
  5. English-Russian-English Dictionary of Banking and Credit and Financial Terminology (E. Kovalenko)

If you accidentally came across this kind of translation, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the translation of some of the most common abbreviations.

Table. Translation of legal abbreviations into English

BIC Bank Identification Code BIC (Bank Identification Code)
SAOU State Autonomous Educational Institution State autonomous educational institution
UAH State Registration Number SRN (State registration number)
DOW Preschool educational institution Preschool educational institution
Company Closed Joint Stock Company CJSC (Closed Joint-Stock Company)
TIN Taxpayer Identification Number ITN (Individual Taxpayer Number)
IP Individual entrepreneur SP (Sole Proprietor - American version) / ST (Sole Trader - English version)
IFTS Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service IFTS (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service)
Consolidation account Consolidated account
Corresponding account Corresponding account
checkpoint Classifier of Industrial Enterprises IEC (Industrial Enterprises Classifier)
JSC Open Joint Stock Company OJSC (Open Joint-Stock Company)
OGRN Primary State Registration Number PSRN (Primary State Registration Number)
OGRNIP Main State Registration Number of an Individual Entrepreneur PSRNSP (Primary State Registration Number of the Sole Proprietor)
OKATO All-Russian Classifier of Volumes of the Administrative - Territorial Department OKATO (All-Russian Classifier of Administrative-Territorial Division)
OKVED All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activity OKVED (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activity)
OKOGU All-Russian Classifier of State Authorities and Administration OKOGU (All-Russian Classifier of Governmental Authorities)
OKONH All-Russian Classifier of Industries of the National Economy OKONKh (All-Russian Classifier of Economy Branches)
OKOPF All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms OKOPF (All-Russian Classifier of Organizational-Legal Forms)
OKPO All-Russian Classification of Enterprises and Organizations OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations)
OKTMO All-Russian Classifier of Territories of Municipalities OKTMO (All-Russian Classifier of Territories of Municipal Units)
OKFS All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership OKFS (All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership)
OOO Limited Liability Company LLC (Limited Liability Company)
RAS The Russian Academy of Sciences RSA (Russian Academy of Science)
r/s Settlement account (or r / s, in the meaning of "current account") Current account (UK)/Checking account (US)
RCC Settlement and Cash Center PPC (Payment-Processing Center)
SNILS Insurance number of an individual personal account Insurance Number of Individual Ledger Account
SSOT Community of Occupational Safety and Health Professionals Association of Labor Protection Specialists (not seen as an abbreviation)
FSUE Federal State Unitary Enterprise FSUE (Federal State Unitary Enterprise)

    1 OKPO

    economy national classifier of enterprises and organizations (OKPO)
    National Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations

    2 OKPO

    1) General subject: Russian National Classifier of Businesses and Organizations (RNNBO) (, , and give the abbreviation later.) , Russian National Nomenclator of Businesses and Organizations (RNNBO) (All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations, only for foreigners you will have to quote the name in full, and give the abbreviation later.) , Russian National Classifier of Businesses and Organizations, All-Russian Classifier of Businesses and Organizations, Russian Business and Organization Classification

    8) SAP.fin. RNCBO

    3 OKPO

See also other dictionaries:

    OKPO- OKPS joint corps of the border guard separate corps of the border guard OKPS Dictionary: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. M.: AST Publishing House LLC, Geleos Publishing House CJSC, 2003. 318 p. OKPO… …

    OKPO- All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations. Eight or ten-digit number of the legal entity in the classifier, indicated in accounting documents. The classifier is used to maintain a list of legal entities in all ... ... Glossary of business terms

    OKPO- The All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (abbreviated OKPO), OK 007 93 was adopted in 1993, introduced on July 1, 1994 (Resolution of the State Standard of Russia of December 30, 1993 No. 297). Contains an eight or ten-digit legal entity number, ... ... Wikipedia

    OKPO- economy. all-republican classifier of enterprises and organizations all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    OKPO- All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations All-Union classifier of enterprises and organizations Joint Committee of Trade Union Organizations (Sri Lanka) ...

    OKPO RSV ATS and VV- The Joint Committee of Trade Union Organizations "Russian Council of Veterans" of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the military, organization, RF ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    OKPO RSV ATS and VV- The Joint Committee of Trade Union Organizations of the Russian Council of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops ... Dictionary of abbreviations of the Russian language

    OKPS- OKPO OKPS joint border guard corps separate border guard corps OKPS Dictionary: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. M .: AST Publishing House LLC, Geleos Publishing House CJSC, 2003. 318 p. ... ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    ceiling- ceiling, ceiling, push, push, push, push, push, push, okpol, okpola, okpolo, okpoly, ceilings, ceiling, okposh, okposh, okposh, okposh, okposh, okposh, okposh, okposh, okposh, okposh, okposh, okposh ,… … Word forms

    UniCredit Bank- (UniCredit Bank) UniCredit bank details, mission, values ​​and leadership UniCredit bank details, mission, values ​​and management of the bank, business and awards Encyclopedia of the investor

    Import- (Import) The concept of import, import of goods, import licensing Information on the concept of import, import of goods, import licensing Contents Contents Indirect import Parallel import Licensing of import of goods Basics ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

- [ienen], unchanged; m. [capital letters]. Letter abbreviation: taxpayer identification number (a unique number assigned by the tax office to each adult). * * * Inn (Inn), a river in Switzerland, Austria, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Inn- (river) a river in central Europe. Inn (county) district in Switzerland. TIN Taxpayer Identification Number Spi ... Wikipedia

Inn- river, Danube checkpoint; Switzerland, Austria, Germany. Hydronym Inn from Celt, inn rapid. Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001. Inn... Geographic Encyclopedia


TIN- non-cl. m. Taxpayer identification number. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

inn- n., number of synonyms: 2 number (33) river (2073) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

TIN- [ien en], indistinct, husband. (abbreviation: individual taxpayer number) ... Russian spelling dictionary

TIN- taxpayer identification number Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. S. Pb.: Polytechnic, 1997. 527 s ...

Inn.- Inn. Innocent name ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

TIN- Taxpayer Identification Number (abbr. TIN) is a digital code that streamlines the registration of taxpayers in the Russian Federation. Assigned to both legal entities and individuals. Organizations have been assigned since 1993, individual ... ... Wikipedia

Inn- (Inn) river in Switzerland, Austria and Germany, the right tributary of the Danube. The length is 517 km, the basin area is 26.1 thousand km2. In the upper reaches it flows in the Alps, in the trough valley; below Rosenheim it crosses the Bavarian Plateau. Before flowing into the Danube, it cuts through ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • How to talk to girls at parties Neil Gaiman. Inn does not understand how to behave with girls at all. But his friend Vic seems to have found an approach to them. But both are in for a big shock. Having mistakenly landed on someone else's party, they are on ... Buy for 497 rubles
  • The Hollow Inn Mystery by Ellis Tara. Friends Samantha Wolfe and Ellie Parker are excited to spend a week in the mountains of Montana. It is there that the Hollow Inn is located, which is owned by Samantha's uncle and aunt. The Hollow Inn is an old mansion in ...

Many translators and ordinary users of the English language at least once in their lives had to deal with the problem of translating abbreviations when preparing legal documents or documents related to various types of economic activity. Russian abbreviations such as TIN, OGRN, DOW and others sometimes seriously puzzle even professional translators who are puzzling over how these designations are translated.

TIN is usually deciphered as “tax identification number”, however, a more correct wording is “individual taxpayer number”. It is she who appears in all official documents.

TIN is a sequence of numbers that is assigned by the state to all persons (both individuals and legal entities). This code is necessary for the tax service to create and subsequently maintain a single database in which all taxpayers are registered. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all able-bodied citizens are required to have a TIN. This also applies to institutions/organizations conducting commercial activities in the country.

The TIN system was previously used exclusively in the tax system, but now this individual number accompanies a person in various fields of activity that provide for social, economic and labor relations.

Translation of abbreviations into English

We bring to your attention a list of some of the most common abbreviations.

  • BIC (Bank Identification Code) - BIC (Bank Identification Code)
  • GAOU (State Autonomous Educational Institution) - State autonomous educational institution
  • GRN (State Registration Number) - SRN (State registration number)
  • DOU (Preschool educational institution) - Preschool educational institution
  • CJSC (Closed Joint Stock Company) - CJSC (Closed Joint-Stock Company)
  • TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) - ITN (Individual Taxpayer Number) - for individuals and TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number - for legal entities;
  • IP (Individual Entrepreneur) - SP (Sole Proprietor - American version) / ST (Sole Trader - English version)
  • IFTS (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service) - IFTS (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service)
  • Consolidated account - Consolidated account
  • Corresponding account
  • KPP (Classifier of Industrial Enterprises) - IEC (Industrial Enterprises Classifier)
  • OJSC (Open Joint Stock Company) - OJSC (Open Joint-Stock Company)
  • OGRN (Primary State Registration Number) - PSRN (Primary State Registration Number)
  • OGRNIP (Primary State Registration Number of the Sole Proprietor) - PSRNSP (Primary State Registration Number of the Sole Proprietor)
  • OKATO (All-Russian Classifier of Volumes of the Administrative-Territorial Division) - OKATO (All-Russian Classifier of Administrative-Territorial Division)
  • OKVED (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activity) - OKVED (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activity)
  • OKOGU (All-Russian Classifier of Governmental Authorities) - OKOGU (All-Russian Classifier of Governmental Authorities)
  • OKONKh (All-Russian Classifier of Economic Branches) - OKONKh (All-Russian Classifier of Economy Branches)
  • OKOPF (All-Russian Classifier of Organizational-Legal Forms) - OKOPF (All-Russian Classifier of Organizational-Legal Forms)
  • OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations) - OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations)
  • OKTMO (All-Russian Classifier of Territories of Municipal Units) - OKTMO (All-Russian Classifier of Territories of Municipal Units)
  • OKFS (All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership) - OKFS (All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership)
  • LLC (Limited Liability Company) - LLC (Limited Liability Company)
  • RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) – RSA (Russian Academy of Science)
  • Settlement account (or r / s, in the meaning of "current account") - Current account (UK) / Checking account (USA)
  • RCC (Settlement and Cash Center) - PPC (Payment-Processing Center)
  • SNILS (Insurance Number of Individual Ledger Account)
  • SSOT (Community of Labor Protection Specialists) - Association of Labor Protection Specialists (I did not meet in the form of an abbreviation)
  • FSUE (Federal State Unitary Enterprise) - FSUE (Federal State Unitary Enterprise)
  • Ltd. (Limited) - used in English-speaking countries to indicate limited liability.
  • Inc. (Incorporated) - the same as Ltd., used in America.
  • Corp. (Corporation) - a corporation, or rather an enterprise, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares. Essentially the same as Ltd. and Inc.
  • Limited Duration Company (LDC) - A company with a limited duration. The company is created for a certain period, after which it must be liquidated or re-registered.
  • Pte Ltd. (Private Limited) - This form of company registration is most common in Asian countries, for example, Singapore.

№ 1. In most cases, the abbreviations mentioned in the document are simply transliterated, although everything also depends on the context. You can specify a transliterated abbreviation, and in brackets give their decoding in English.

№ 2 . Most often, abbreviations are transliterated, since there are no analogues in English. The maximum that can be done is to decipher them in brackets. But, for example, in financial statements, they simply use transliteration without decoding.

№ 3. Apparent correspondences in another language are usually erroneous. In Western countries, the concepts present in our language have a completely different meaning. This primarily applies to abbreviations and company names with an indication of the form of ownership.

№ 4. There are still some correspondences in the abbreviations, however, in order to avoid confusion, transliteration is used in the design of such serious documentation. There are times when a lot depends on the context. When translating a document where the TIN is mentioned in passing, you can use the English version of the TIN, although you still have to explain what this means. If the balance sheet, bank details or company info are translated, in this case, amateur performance (i.e., the invention of new abbreviations) is not welcome. The fact is that those who need our reporting in English usually know about the existence of such designations as TIN, OKATO, OGRN, OKPO, etc. Then giving English abbreviations for some concepts and transliterating the rest is unlikely to be correct.

№ 5. Indeed, there are many problems with the translation of legal and financial designations and terms. Persons who often encounter this kind of practice gradually develop their own style of translation and in the future adhere only to it. Often we turn to forums, leaf through Internet dictionaries, consult with online translators in search of the option we need. However, it is most reliable in this situation to turn to the good old specialized dictionary of legal / economic terms. Here is a list of worthwhile sources that can be found on the Russian market:

  1. English-Russian and Russian-English Law Dictionary (A.P. Kravchenko)
  2. Modern Russian-English Law Dictionary (I.I. Borisenko, V.V. Saenko)
  3. Russian-English Law Dictionary (William Elliott Butler)
  4. Big financial dictionary in 2 volumes. Russian-English dictionary. (Fakov V.Ya.)
  5. English-Russian-English Dictionary of Banking and Credit and Financial Terminology (E. Kovalenko).

    1 OGRN

    1) General subject: () Principle State Registration Number, main state registration number (Crocodile) , Primary State Registration Number, Basic State Registration Number, Primary State Registration Number

See also other dictionaries:

    OGRN- (main state registration number) state registration number of the record on the creation of a legal entity or record on the first submission in accordance with the Federal Law On State Registration of Legal Entities ... ... Wikipedia

    OGRN- OGRNZ main state registration number, compare: GRN ...

    MAIN STATE REGISTRATION NUMBER (PSRN) OF A LEGAL ENTITY- according to GOST R 6.30–2003 USD “Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork”, - requisite 05. Put down in accordance with the documents issued by the tax authorities ... Office work and archiving in terms and definitions

    Main state registration number- OGRN (main state registration number) state registration number of the record on the creation of a legal entity or record on the first submission in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On State ... ... Wikipedia

    OGRNZ- OGRN OGRNZ main state registration number, compare: GRN ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    UniCredit Bank- (UniCredit Bank) UniCredit bank details, mission, values ​​and leadership UniCredit bank details, mission, values ​​and management of the bank, business and awards Encyclopedia of the investor

    Main state registration number- (OGRN) from July 1, 2002, it is assigned to an organization upon its creation, or rather, when an entry is made about its state registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRLE). OGRN is used as the number of the registration file ... ... Banking Encyclopedia

    Addresses and details for helping victims of fires- The President of Russia, announcing the introduction of a state of emergency in seven constituent entities of the Federation, called on the Russians not to stand aside and come to the aid of those who lost their homes due to forest fires. Many families have nothing left at all ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Check number- This article or section needs to be revised. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles ... Wikipedia

    Check Digit- A check digit, a check digit, a kind of checksum, is added (usually to the end) of long numbers in order to initially check their correctness. It is used to reduce the likelihood of errors when processing such numbers: machine ... Wikipedia

    Check number- This article is in need of revision. You will help the project by correcting and supplementing it. It is necessary to distribute practical information under the relevant articles. stas® 01:53, 14 September 2009 (MSD) Check digit, check digit, a kind of check su… Accounting Encyclopedia
