Books by Sergei Mikhailovich Golitsyn did not come across to me in childhood. None of his wonderful research books, books about love for the history of our Russian land and the disclosure of its ancient secrets. Three books read in one gulp, excitedly. And one thing is clear - these books are "contagious" with the best disease - the disease of the EXPLORER, because I would certainly, without thinking about the consequences, go to excavate the surroundings, armed with a shovel, I would dig through all the small hills around the nearest houses in search of not only stones and minerals , but also - the most cherished - some old coin, or, perhaps, ancient fossils or burials. I would go on long hikes with a backpack on my shoulders, spend the night under the open starry sky, bake potatoes and fish caught by myself in hot ashes. I would have seen splashing mirror lakes and silver ribbons of rivers running away into the distance, spreading green scythes of willows over the banks, dark pine forests and flowering water meadows. But more than anything, I would like to reveal the secret of the old manuscript, it would be great if it was all in mysterious hieroglyphs. Or find a picture of a brilliant, but unknown artist, and reveal this secret. Or maybe I would be lucky to find, quite by accident, mysterious white stones with intricate drawings carved on them, and no one would know what kind of stones they came from, but I would have found out! Eh, I didn’t have a chance to experience any of this in my childhood, although there were hikes, exploration of the surroundings, but I had to solve mysteries with the heroes of Blyton, Keane and other books. But now I can survive everything, getting into the story of Sergei Mikhailovich Golitsyn in my dreams and fantasies.

All three books are about people whose dreams and thoughts are full of research. That's what they call themselves - explorers. “These are those boys and girls, as well as those adults who are constantly inventing, inventing, searching for something - on land, under water, in the air and even in space”

"Forty Prospectors" is the first of three books in which the reader will get to know the main character and find out how it turned out that the pediatrician eventually became a prospector and writer.

Together with Dr. Georgy Nikolaevich and thirty-nine prospectors, throughout the entire story, one has to wind up kilometers of distances in search of a key to unraveling the mystery. Throughout the book you are in great tension, with each page you are getting closer to the solution, then even more confused. The most important question to be answered is where the mysterious painting is hidden. And before you find it, you will have to unravel the mystery of the dagger with a ruby, the yellow firebird, the crystal goblet, and the secret diary of Irina Zagrebetskaya.

Behind birch books - the next book by S.M. Golitsyn, in which you have to go on a hike from Moscow to Yaroslavl, through Suzdal, Rostov, Vladimir and other cities, villages and villages of Russia with a whole class of young pioneers. Researchers have a lot to experience - open-air nights, a terrible downpour, dusty roads and work on a collective farm, many kilometers to walk, drive trucks and trains, and the most interesting thing is to learn a lot about Russia in the 13th century, about Yuri Dolgoruky, about the Great Prince Vladimir Vsevolod the Big Nest, princes Konstantin, Yaroslav, Yuri and Svyatoslav, to visit many museums and ancient churches.
After reading this book, I really want to see with my own eyes the snow-white domes of old churches, the endless expanses of Russia, its priceless treasures stored in museums - the heritage of the Russian land. And the most important question that worries throughout the story is whether the prospectors will be able to find those same birch books that everyone considers burned down in terrible fires.

The mystery of the old Radul is the third part of the adventures of our doctor, and now a children's writer, probably a little less exciting than the first, it no longer has such a whirlpool of events, a twisting plot, unexpected discoveries and secret mysteries. For several days, the heroes - children from the orphanage, left for a while without their caregiver, are under the auspices of Georgy Nikolayevich. He is trying to awaken in children an interest in the history of their homeland, love for the surrounding beauty of nature, when suddenly mysterious white stones with fabulous drawings carved on them are suddenly discovered in the village. What are these stones? Where did they come from? What secret do they keep?

The events in the book do not develop so rapidly, future prospectors live in the camp without their mentor, carry out excavations, help the collective farm with socially useful work, quarrel and make peace. Suddenly, just a little bored with such a plot, the hunting scene begins! To the mermaid! Or a huge catfish!

And then ... Then the young explorers will discover ...
How I wanted to be there, next to the guys, to dig with a shovel, or even with my hands, in order to see what the earth had been hiding for many hundreds of years.

“Perhaps you, dear readers, having closed the last page of these books, will want to become tireless explorers, go hiking around the country, through our beautiful cities, old and new, along our rivers, sometimes fast, sometimes quiet, through meadows, fields , mountains and forests

The first stories of S. M. Golitsyn, a descendant of the Golitsyn princely family, were published in 1930, and by 1959 he had become a professional writer. Many schoolchildren of the Soviet era loved his works, and such books as "Forty Prospectors" and "The Town of Tomboys" for many became a kind of ticket to the world of adventure literature.

Main characters

Before proceeding with the description of the summary of the Forty Prospectors, it is necessary to identify the main characters in this story. This is a doctor telling a story, his daughter Sonya, pioneers. Sonya loves to eat well, she has a slightly snub nose, she studies for fours. The children's doctor, although he has long been an adult, is also eager to become a real prospector. He appears to the reader as a thoughtful storyteller. The doctor takes an active part in the search for the portrait. He is kind and sociable, the guys hear a lot of entertaining stories from him.

Daughter Sonya is always sociable and cheerful. She takes an active part in the search for the portrait. In vain did Misha refer to it as a "mattress". Pioneers are also actors. The main characters of "Forty Prospectors" differ in character, but they are united by the desire for a common goal. Vitya Bolshoy is distinguished by seriousness and curiosity. It is he who inspires the guys to search for the missing portrait. Vitya is important and strict, he loves to read.

Pioneer Galya is a girl with big eyes, she is often compared with the proudest beauties. On the back of her head she has a large nylon bow. Pioneers Zhenya and Gena are the fastest and most agile. The writer never mentions them separately; in the campaign they always keep together. Zhenya and Gena quickly kindled a fire. They can do many other useful things and always behave like real knights. The smallest prospector is the bony and nimble Pepper. He constantly asks questions, but, fortunately for the rest, does not require an answer to them. The guys let him carry his backpack, but even that doesn't stop him from chasing butterflies.


The hero of the story used to rent a dacha during his summer vacation. There he rested with his family. However, that year his son Misha graduated from school and was preparing for an important event - admission to the geological exploration institute. Misha himself divided all people into two large categories - those who travel all over the country in search of minerals, and the so-called "mattresses" who constantly sit at home. Misha's mother said that she was staying with her son in Moscow, so the doctor went to rest at the dacha only with Sonya, who at that time was about 12.5 years old.

Mysterious portrait

How does the story "Forty Prospectors" continue? The summary introduces the reader to Ivan Ivanovich, the protagonist's neighbor in a communal apartment, working as a historian-archivist. It was he who advised the doctor to rest a place in Zeleny Bor. The archivist turns to the protagonist with a request. Once upon a time in the town of Lyubets, which is located not far from Zeleny Bor, a historian accidentally stumbled upon a portrait of a woman of extraordinary beauty.

The picture was painted by a very talented, but unknown author. The portrait sunk into Ivan Ivanovich's soul so much that he would very much like to know something about what happened to him now and who this mysterious artist was. But the piece of paper on which the address was written was not preserved by Ivan Ivanovich, and he begged the doctor to look for at least some information about the painting and its author. This is how the hero of the story and his daughter Sonya turned into real prospectors.

Getting to know the pioneers

“Forty Prospectors”, a summary of which is now being considered, tells how the doctor and Sonya met a woman from Zeleny Bor on the way. They rented a room in her house. Her husband turned out to be very taciturn, he worked in the garden all day long and did not allow anyone there. While relaxing on the river bank, the doctor and Sonya meet schoolchildren. From their class teacher named Magdalina Kharitonovna, they learn that schoolchildren are soon planning a trip to the museum in the city of Lyubets. They decide that they will go with them.

Museum director's story

On the way, the doctor tells them about the mysterious portrait, and the guys are eager to find it. Therefore, as soon as the pioneer detachment enters the city, they immediately go to the museum, located on the territory of the Kremlin. The director of the museum tells them a lot of new things about the history of the city of Lyubets. Among the exhibits of the museum, the guys saw a still life, on which the author's signature was very unusual: "I can't even sign." The same inscription was on the mysterious painting they were now looking for.

When this became known to the director of the museum, he also showed a great desire to help the pioneers in search of a portrait. The summary of "Forty Prospectors" continues with the conversation of the museum director with the guys. He mentions various people who could help in finding the portrait, and for some reason calls these people by numbers: First, Second, Third. Later, the guys learned that there was a special group in the city that was engaged in research in various fields, ranging from historical to culinary searches. These people called each other by numbers. There were seven of them.

First track

History was the area of ​​research for Number Seven. He was very interested in how the life of the daughter of a local landowner named Irina Zagvozdetskaya turned out. She died of an illness at a very young age - at 18 years old. Perhaps it was her portrait that the artist, who wished to remain anonymous, took up. The pioneers, who are also one of the main characters in Golitsyn's story "Forty Prospectors", decide to talk to all seven prospectors.

They liked the way these people called each other, and they also gave each other names - from Eight to Thirty-Nine. After visiting the museum, they go to visit the man, whose name was the First. At home, he keeps an old glass, which the guys have already seen in a still life. While visiting the First, the pioneers made friends with a shepherd dog named Michael. Later, the pioneers will also give this dog a number - Fortieth. This will happen after she finds a valuable mineral. In total, exactly forty surveyors came out.

Further searches

The search for the painting and its author turned out to be a very difficult and interesting task. The summary of Golitsyn's "Forty Prospectors", which can already be asked from schoolchildren in class today, tells about the further development of events. At first, the pioneers were lucky - in the children's photo album of Irina Zagvozdetskaya, which they found at the Third (principal of the school in Lyubts), they found a sketch of the local Kremlin, which was marked with a mysterious inscription.

The pioneers managed to unravel the content of this inscription and found a cache in the tower. In it they found an ancient dagger, which was also depicted on a still life in the museum. Also in the cache, the pioneers found a letter in an envelope. However, it was not possible to read it - from time to time the letters blurred. The pioneers send the letter for a special examination and continue their fascinating search.

Prospectors in Moscow

Golitsyn's "Forty Prospectors" is one of the most interesting adventure books that will appeal to many children. The next scene introduces the reader to Number Seven, who worked as the director of a memorial museum dedicated to the artist Sitnikov. Pioneers got to the Seventh by steamboat. After that, they went to Moscow, where they met his son - he wore number Six and was a young artist. Further searches in Moscow led forty Golitsyn prospectors to the famous writer, who turned out to be a descendant of a family who lived in the city of Lyubets. From the old papers that belonged to the writer, as well as from the text of the letter sent for examination, the guys were able to find out the history of the mysterious portrait.

Serf peasant

He was one of the serfs of the landowner Zagvoudetsky, his name was Yegor. At a young age, he showed outstanding artistic abilities, and therefore it was decided to send him to study in St. Petersburg. However, after several years, the landowner called him from the capital and sent him to work at a crystal factory. Some time after his return, Zagvozdetsky instructed the serf to draw the same still life that the guys saw in the museum.

The painting was a success for the artist, and the landowner demanded that he paint a portrait of his daughter. The summary of Golitsyn's "Forty Prospectors" tells that Irina and Yegor fell in love with each other. The landowner, having learned about this, immediately locked his daughter in the house. Egor was able to hide from his anger. However, later the landowner found the serf and sent him to the soldier's service. Irina, however, could not bear all the trials that fell on her lot, and died.


So ends the story of Sergei Golitsyn "Forty Prospectors". The children learned the history of the portrait, now it remains only to find the picture itself. In the writer's papers, it was mentioned that Yegor gave his work to a friend for safekeeping. The search continued in the city of Lyubets. However, the portrait was found in Zeleny Bor. The story "Forty Prospectors" ends in an unusual way. The doctor was very surprised when he learned that the portrait was with the owner of the house, where they rented a rest room. This taciturn man turned out to be a descendant of a serf artist. He carefully kept the portrait, not showing anyone, as he was bequeathed.

Dear readers!

Before you is a book written more than twenty years ago. This book is funny, sad and poetic. And it is dedicated to young explorers.

Who are the explorers?

These are those boys and girls, as well as those adults who are constantly inventing, inventing, searching for something - on land, under water, in the air and even in space ...

Much has changed since this book was written.

Now young tourists, explorers-pathfinders will never arrange their lodging for the night in huts, will not destroy young trees, but will set up tents that are in every school, in every Pioneer House.

And not fifteen kopecks, but two, are put into the pay phone.

And Moscow has become even more beautiful, even more crowded.

The heroes of the book became adults, they themselves had children. Sonya, for example, became a pediatrician, Misha - Ph.D., head of the Department of the Research Institute of Geology. Laryusha became a famous artist, his works are also in the Tretyakov Gallery.

And the doctor retired, lives in a separate two-room apartment and, probably, could, with great convenience, arrange a detachment of research guys for the night. And although he has become very old, he still loves the guys, meets with them, treats them, and writes to them. And he writes stories for them.

Perhaps you, dear readers, having closed the last page of this book, want to become tireless explorers, go on a hike around the country, through our beautiful cities, old and new, along our rivers, sometimes fast, sometimes quiet, through meadows, fields, mountains and forests...

I first heard the word “prospector” from my son Misha, when he was in the seventh grade. One day he rushed from school all disheveled and, throwing books on the table, happily announced to us that he wanted to be only a prospector, and not even just a prospector, and certainly a geologist. It turns out that on this significant day, from the very first
lesson, sitting on the back desk, three boys enthusiastically read the book of Academician Fersman "Entertaining Mineralogy". this book irrevocably decided Mishin's fate. He
began to dream about traveling: to the taiga, to the mountains, to the deserts, to the Arctic, to the Antarctic, and, as it were, even to outer space. In the future, he was going to discover new deposits of oil and gas, lead and uranium, coal and iron.

Pioneer troop wishes to listen to your travel report, - Vitya said firmly, coming up to me.
- Go to the fire, - both twins teased me.
And now I was already picked up, dragged by the arms. I could hardly step over my feet and walked, as if to the dentist. Suddenly, far away, across the river, something grumbled, as if some giant rumbled with huge iron sheets. Lightning flashed in the distance. Everyone jumped up. Surely a storm was coming. The stars were not visible. The wind rustled through the bushes. It was as dark as in a cellar.
Thunderstorm in the forest at night. it's very scary! And yet I rejoiced.
Bad weather saved me at least for the whole day!
- How right I was! as I argued that you only need to sleep at school! Magdalina Kharitonovna was worried. - What do we do now?
- What to do? Lucy asked in surprise. - You have to hide. There are tall branched spruces on the mountain, go there!
- No, no, no way! You can't under the trees! “Handbook of a Tourist” ... everything is said there ... We must think of something else, - Magdalina Kharitonovna groaned.
And the lightning flashed so brightly, the thunder struck so close! The guys grabbed their backpacks, hesitated in a pile, waiting for our orders.
Victor big stepped forward:
- When it rains, cowboys make tents out of blankets. First, two large stakes are hammered, then diagonally ...

Finally the bell rang. Several people rushed to open it.
He appeared - the long-awaited Number One. His face was serious, his lips compressed, his cheeks puffed out.
- He brought it, - he said muffledly and mysteriously, wiping sweat from his face and bald head.
- Where did you disappear to? I asked Number One.
“I didn’t find the director in the morning,” he explained, breathing feverishly, “and the nasty powdered secretary didn’t want to talk to me because of Michael. you see, he scared her. Only in the evening they finally gave me this letter, and I ran to Number Six - the artist
Illarion, - I wanted to consult with him. I waited for two broken hours at his doorstep, and did not wait. and then you know what ends in Moscow you have to do with Michael? Such an injustice - dogs are not allowed on buses or on the subway!
So tell me what's in the letter? Lucy couldn't resist.
- Five days they worked and with great difficulty deciphered. Not only was everything blurry, but the handwriting was extremely illegible. The author of the letter was in extreme agitation - that's how they explained it to me at the institute.

Here is what he read to us:
“My dear Irinushka, maybe we won’t meet again, goodbye, I will remember you and love you forever. Be calm. The thing is hidden at Prokhor. I leave you a dagger - maybe it will come in handy. Yours forever - Egor. Summer 1838 July 18th day.

We sat in the bushes at the back of the House of Pioneers and conferred.
Vitya Bolshoy said: “Surely the portrait is in chests.
And the doctor with Number One will think for a whole week how to open the chests, how to get a portrait, and even ask the robber: “Please show me.” Let's guys organize Operation Saturn. We'll open the chests ourselves. And then he will hide the portrait in another place.
Suddenly Volodya leaned out from around the corner: “But I heard everything! And I’ll tell Magdalena Kharitonovna!”
Wow, I’d like him now! .. And Vitka Bolshoy went up to him and quietly: “Tell me, we’ll cut you into pieces, we’ll turn it three times in a meat-chopping machine along with onions. Understood? Are you going to be sneaky?"
"No, I will not".
Volodya ran away, and we - let's go to the robber's house. They knocked on the window where the doctor lives. The Doctor, together with Number One, came out to us in a dark alley.
Vitka Bolshoy told them: “We will come here again at two in the morning, we will take with us two hunting rifles, a scarecrow, ropes, swords. We will knock, you will open the door for us, and we will connect you all: the doctor, and Number One, and the artist, and Sonya. Then straight to the robber and his wife. We will pounce on them, they will be frightened, we will also throw our hands back on them. And we'll crack the chests with an axe."

Sergei Golitsyn

Forty Prospectors

Dear readers!

Before you is a book written more than twenty years ago. This book is funny, sad and poetic. And it is dedicated to young explorers.

Who are the explorers?

These are those boys and girls, as well as those adults who are constantly inventing, inventing, searching for something - on land, under water, in the air and even in space ...

Much has changed since this book was written.

Now young tourists, explorers-pathfinders will never arrange their lodging for the night in huts, will not destroy young trees, but will set up tents that are in every school, in every Pioneer House.

And not fifteen kopecks, but two, are put into the pay phone.

And Moscow has become even more beautiful, even more crowded.

The heroes of the book became adults, they themselves had children. Sonya, for example, became a pediatrician, Misha - Ph.D., head of the Department of the Research Institute of Geology. Laryusha became a famous artist, his works are also in the Tretyakov Gallery.

And the doctor retired, lives in a separate two-room apartment and, probably, could, with great convenience, arrange a detachment of research guys for the night. And although he has become very old, he still loves the guys, meets with them, treats them, and writes to them. And he writes stories for them.

Perhaps you, dear readers, having closed the last page of this book, want to become tireless explorers, go on a hike around the country, through our beautiful cities, old and new, along our rivers, sometimes fast, sometimes quiet, through meadows, fields, mountains and forests...

Write to us if you liked this book, was it interesting to read it?

Send letters to the address: 125047, Moscow, st. Gorky, 43. House of children's books.

Chapter one

What fatal consequences occurred because of the ill-conceived grease of the pan

I first heard the word "prospector" from my son Misha, when he was in the seventh grade.

One day he rushed home from school all dishevelled and, throwing books on the table, joyfully announced to us that he wanted to be only a prospector, and not even just a prospector, but certainly a geologist.

It turns out that on this significant day, from the very first lesson, sitting in the back of the classroom, three boys enthusiastically read the book by Academician Fersman "Entertaining Mineralogy". This book irrevocably decided Mishin's fate. He began to dream about traveling - to the taiga, to the mountains, to the desert, to the Arctic, to the Antarctic, and, as it were, even into outer space. In the future, he was going to discover new deposits of oil and gas, lead and uranium, coal and iron. In the meantime, on weekends in autumn and spring, and in summer, almost every day, early in the morning with two or three friends, putting a backpack on his shoulders, he went to explore the ravines or quarries near Moscow.

Thus began that period of family life, which our mother called the "period of torment." After all, in fact, a backpack stuffed with stones weighs thirty kilograms. During the year, Misha went on excursions seventy times. We have accumulated a lot of trophies - perhaps another half will fail. Under all the beds, in the bookcase, on the sideboard, even in my desk, boxes and drawers, boxes and drawers with pebbles and stones were hidden.

But don't say these words to Misha. With indignation, he will look at you with his gray eyes, shake his disheveled forelock and resentfully boom: “Well, dad, what kind of stones are these! These are minerals. Or: "These are fossils."

It looks like the most ordinary cobblestone, and he will turn in front of my nose and boom: “Here is granite from a boulder brought by an ice stream to the ancient era from the Scandinavian mountains” - or pick up a piece of limestone with tweezers and show the imprint of an ancient shell on it.

Why am I tall, and Misha grew up a little shorter than Uncle Styopa. He will look down at me and start a real lecture. And he explains in such a teacher-condescending tone: they say, even though you are my dad, you still don’t know much.

Later, Misha began to divide all adults and all children into prospectors and on others. To prospectors he referred to those who are constantly inventing something, inventing something or dreaming of finding something new, unknown, mysterious and looking for on earth, underground, on water, under water, in the air and even in space. Here are the survey professions - topographers who take maps of the area, hydrologists who study rivers, botanists, zoologists and many others, and the most interesting of them are geologists.

From different other Misha specifically singled out the “mattresses”: in this group, the boys found themselves drowsy, slow, not interested in anything, lovers of food.

Girls, all unconditionally, Misha called "mattress". However, a year later, he somehow whispered to me confidentially:

And you know, dad, and among the girls, no, no, yes, there are prospectors.

But who Misha openly considered a mattress was his younger sister Sonya. And although Sonya has been looking for a stocking that has fallen behind the bed, or a notebook or “Arithmetic” dropped on the floor, all the same, according to Misha, she will never get into the prospectors.

Also our roommate, Rosa Petrovna. Misha nicknamed her Gazelle, although she is fat and clumsy, like a turtle. He says she has the look of a dying gazelle. When he comes running from school and rumbles all over the apartment, hurrying his mother with dinner, Rosa Petrovna fixes on him languid and dreary eyes, like autumn rain, and is silent. And how much reproach and resentment in those eyes for a sharp noise, for a flood in the bathroom, for loud and long conversations on the phone, and even for last year's sins!

Gazelle is systematically engaged in research. As he goes shopping in the morning, he will return only in the evening, tired to the last degree. What is she looking for there? Only different food to feed yourself and your beloved spouse as tasty as possible. Of course, the Gazelle is a real mattress.

Misha sincerely respects and loves me and my mother, but I feel that he considers us mattresses too.

After all, who am I? Ordinary pediatrician. Every day I go to the polyclinic, listen to and rumple big and small children, healthy and sick, prescribe medicines for them, console frightened parents.

And who is my wife - our mother? Just a housewife. She goes to the market, cooks dinner, darns socks, does laundry, has endless conversations with Rosa Petrovna, and that's it. Of course, there is nothing exploratory either in her or in me.

“What would you come up with? I reasoned. - Invent, say, a miraculous medicine that instantly cures a runny nose or an upset stomach? .. ”Alas, things didn’t go beyond my dreams, and I certainly wasn’t good at prospecting.

Every summer we went to the country. I tried to arrange things in such a way that the dacha was not far from the station, and the station was not far from Moscow. Misha spent whole days disappearing somewhere with his invariable backpack, and my mother and Sonya and I walked decorously along the streets of the dacha village between the painted fences or sat under the skinny pine trees on the banks of the muddy pond. Sonya loved to swim and floundered with a bunch of children in muddy water like tadpoles in a drying puddle.

But this year, things were different for us. Misha finished school and was going to enter the Geological Prospecting Institute. Therefore, in April and May, he went for minerals and was petrified by awns only once every two weeks, but he dragged backpacks of double weight, and once dragged an ammonite shell, curved in a spiral, the size of a child's bicycle wheel.

Both my mother and I scolded Misha:

Don't you dare go on excursions! Feel free to practice from morning to evening!

He, as it seemed to us, obediently lowered his shaggy head, and in the early morning, slowly, when we were still sleeping, he pulled on blue trousers, grabbed a backpack, a bun with sausage and ran away for another prey.

But in the end, his free days ended and at the family council we decided:

Enough! No stones! I wanted to take an exam at a university, sit and learn.

Mom remained with Misha - he must be morally supported, comforted and encouraged in every possible way, and most importantly, fed with eggs and sugar. Rosa Petrovna made up her mind: memory develops from eggs, and sugar strengthens the brain.

And Misha now destroyed a dozen eggs a day, drank six lumps of sugar in a glass of tea, and, tightly squeezing his temples with his palms, sat over a book from morning to evening. And I had to think about how to spend my vacation together with Sonya.

Where to go?

If you go - if you please, boil at least twenty kilograms of jam, pickle, dry, salt the mushrooms for the whole winter, - our housekeeping mother ordered.

But I'm not very good, - I objected hesitantly.

Nothing, nothing to pretend! The hostess will help, - my mother snapped categorically. - And it's time to accustom Sonya. Every morning, if you please, go to the forest for mushrooms, strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries, and buy cherries, strawberries, gooseberries, currants, apples, pears, plums at the market.
