Angela Tereshchenko
Workshop for preschool teachers “Innovative forms of working with parents”

Target: increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of organizing interaction with parents of students


clarify and systematize teachers’ knowledge on the issue of interaction with parents.

increase the professional competence of teachers in organizing new forms of interaction with parents;

to intensify the pedagogical thinking of educators as the basis for the use of non-traditional forms of work with parents in preschool educational institutions, to stimulate the development of their creativity and professional activity;

support the interest of teachers in further study of this topic.

Materials: hearts, wood with leaves, glue, cards with animal names, tables with work forms.

Seminar progress:

I. Introductory part. Creating a positive atmosphere.

The theme of the workshop was “Innovative forms of working with parents.” Today we will talk about how to make these meetings interesting. And we will conduct our seminar in the form of training, as one of the innovative forms of work.

The motto is the saying of Confucius: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me do it and I will understand.” We will play today!

Any event begins with an organizational moment or “introduction”. I will offer you several options. Can be used:

Exercise “Magic Ball”, (ball) saying your name, the name of the child, tells some information about yourself;

Exercise “Multi-colored caps” (cocktail straws, caps) while moving around the hall, the group gets to know each other;

Exercise “Hearts” (Box, hearts)

I suggest you take one, two or several hearts from our box. Depending on how many hearts you have, tell a few facts about yourself (stories from teachers).

Exercise “Ideal communication” (pairs of animal names)

I will give you cards with the name of the animal written on them. The names are repeated on two cards. For example, if you get a card that says “elephant,” know that someone else has a card that also says “elephant.” Read the title so that only you can see the inscription; you can remove the card.

Everyone’s task is to find their mate, and you can use any means of expression, you can’t just speak and make sounds characteristic of your animal. When you find a mate, stay close, but remain silent and do not talk over each other. Only when we have all the pairs formed will we see what we have done.

This exercise can be done with parents, it is usually fun, and as a result, the mood of the group members improves and fatigue decreases.

Now those who like to read books will stand up. Now those who have a cat will raise their hands. Those who have beads will jump on their left leg. Those who love ice cream will jump on their right leg... Those who have a sister will hug themselves. Those who have a brother will clap their hands. Those who ate porridge today will pat themselves on the head...

Quest "Treasure Search"

Methodology. Participants are offered cards with a list of “treasures”. You need to find among those gathered a person who corresponds to an item from the list. To do this, they must approach different people and interview them. This work takes 5-7 minutes.

Treasure List: Find the Person

Whose birthday is closest to today's date;

Having an unusual hobby or interest;

Who likes the same food as you;

who was born in this city;

Who has as many rings on his hands as you do;

Who lives closest?

After all the participants have gathered together, the presenter asks the questions: “Who found the person who lives closest?” etc. according to the list. You can complete the task with a generalization:

What interesting things have you learned about each other?

That's how we met.

What organizational moments did you use, please share.

Psychological entry into the topic

Exercise “Tree of Expectations”

Look, we have a sad and lonely tree, let's help it hide with colorful foliage. You have leaves of different colors on your tables, take one and decorate our tree.

Those who choose a green leaf will be successful in our lesson.

Those who chose red want to actively communicate.

Your leaf is yellow - be active.

Blue color - they will be persistent today.

Our tree came to life, rustled its leaves, and remember that the beauty of the tree depends on us, our aspirations and expectations, actions.

The teachers sit down.

II. Theoretical part.

At all times of the existence of general education institutions, the issue of working with parents, involving them in cooperation in all areas of both educational and educational, has been and is being raised. Along with traditional forms of work, we more often hear innovative, non-traditional ones. Today we will try to deal with them.

Exercise “Find the definition”

On one table there are formulations of forms of work, on the second - their approximate definitions: find the correct definition for forms of work.

A round table is a form of organizing a discussion of a topic that initially includes several points of view.

A parent meeting is the joint presence of a group of people in a certain place to discuss various topics or solve certain problems.

The parent ring is one of the discussion forms of communication between parents, an opportunity to discuss various situations in upbringing, study the experience of overcoming conflict situations, and get acquainted with different points of view of parents on one or another problem of raising children proposed for discussion. During the meeting, two or more families debate on the same issue. They may have different positions, different opinions.

A parent conference is one of the forms of parent education that expands, deepens and consolidates parents’ knowledge about raising children.

Parent training is an active form of work with those parents who are aware of problematic situations in the family, want to change their interaction with their own child, make him more open and trusting, and understand the need to acquire new knowledge and skills in raising their own child.

The parent club is weekly meetings with moms and dads to improve their parenting competence in matters of upbringing and home correction.

Family clubs are informal associations of parents created to solve practical problems of education. They are usually organized by a group of enthusiasts: teachers and parents. The activities of family clubs are based on voluntary principles.

The family living room is an alternative to the parent meeting, in which pedagogical tasks are solved in the form of free communication between families of pupils and teachers. This can include tea drinking.

A master class for parents is an interactive form of training and exchange of experience, for practicing practical skills in various methods and technologies in order to improve the professional level and exchange best practices of participants, broaden their horizons and introduce them to the latest areas of knowledge.

Family visit - this form of work allows the teacher to get acquainted with the conditions in which the child lives and the general atmosphere in the house.

Movable folders - they contain thematic material with illustrations and practical recommendations; it is systematically replenished and replaced with new ones.

Individual conversations - parents are more willing and open to talk about the grief that can sometimes exist in the family, about the concern that the child’s behavior causes, about the child’s successes.

Open Day is an event designed to introduce parents to the life of children in kindergarten.

This is only a small part of the innovative forms of work that can be used; let’s try to fill in the missing forms.

But first we need to divide into subgroups, what options can we use? (answers from seminar participants)

Game "Mosaic", put together a picture.

“Leaders” who recruit a group for themselves.

“Scouts. Shooting with the eyes." Participants stand in a circle and lower their eyes. At the teacher's command, the children look up, looking for their mate. If the eyes meet, then a pair is formed and it leaves the circle.

External signs: color of clothes, backpacks, presence of ties, watches, hairpins, jewelry, etc.

The game “One, two, three” moves around the hall to the music, the leader says “three” - the participants found themselves ungrouped in groups of three, etc.

Game "Drop, River, Sea"

Goal: emotional release, division into pairs, threes, fives. Combining three “fives” into two circles. (2-3 min)

Instructions: “Imagine that we are drops. We move chaotically around the hall in any direction. At the signal “River!” we take the hand of the comrade standing next to us, “Sea” we all join hands.”

Work in subgroups:

Exercise "Carousel"

We have focused on the forms of work. Divide into teams and perform the “Carousel” exercise. Your subgroup writes in the table

information and analytical forms of work;



visual and informational.

Now let's read it.

Information and analytical - aimed at identifying the interests and requests of parents, establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents and children:


filling out a social passport;

trust mailbox;

interviews with parents;

visiting pupils at home;

familiarization of parents with educational documentation.

Leisure forms - joint leisure activities, holidays, exhibitions - are designed to establish warm, informal, trusting relationships, emotional contacts between teachers and parents, and between parents and children.

family theaters, concerts, games, competitions;

sports and leisure activities, hikes, excursions;

vernissage of joint creativity;

exhibitions of family collections;

parent creativity corner.

Cognitive forms play a dominant role in improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents. Their essence is to familiarize parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children, and to develop children’s practical skills.

parent meetings in a non-traditional form (reader conference, auction);

parent clubs;

individual practical lessons (child + parent);


information stands.

Visual information forms are necessary to correctly evaluate the activities of teachers and revise the methods and techniques of family education.

open classes;

parent corners;

newspaper releases;

exhibitions of children's works and photographs;

watching videos;

Open Day;

Internet pages for parents;

conducting correctional classes via Skype;

mini library;

price lists.

I hope that our workshop was not in vain, and when planning work with parents for the next school year, the range of various forms of work will increase.

III. The final part of the training seminar.

Relaxation exercise “Smile”

Close your eyes, try to think about nothing for several minutes, and there must be a smile on your face. If you managed to hold it for 10-15 minutes, you will immediately feel that you have calmed down and your mood has improved. Try to do this exercise at least once a day.

Final reflection.

The time of our communication has come to an end. I suggest you take a heart as a souvenir, and on the second heart write wishes about our meeting and attach them to our tree.

Seminars and workshops on the most pressing issues play an important role in raising the scientific and theoretical level of educators and in improving their professional skills. Workshops are an effective form of introducing teachers to creative, exploratory, experimental and research activities and improve their general pedagogical culture.

The focus of the workshop is not only on theoretical issues of the educational process, but also on practical skills, which is especially valuable for the growth of professional level. You can prepare and conduct a seminar in different ways depending on the content of the topic and the purpose of the lesson. Seminars are held once every two to three months.

Definition A seminar (lat. seminarium - hotbed) is a special form of group classes on any problem with the active participation of listeners. It involves a collective discussion of a message, report, speech on a certain given topic; intended for in-depth study of the topic.

A workshop is a type of educational work based on the application of existing knowledge in practice. What comes to the fore here is the development of skills to use theory in practice, associated, however, with the constant acquisition of new theoretical information and the deepening of existing ones. During classes, teaching practice is also mastered through the exchange of experience between teachers.

The seminar-workshop was considered and considered one of the most effective forms of methodological work by K.Yu. Belaya, L.M. Volobueva, L.M. Denyakina, E.V. Korotaeva, T.P. Kolodyazhnaya, E.P. Milashevich, L.V. Pozdnyak. In the book by Builova L.N. and Kochneva S.V. Organization of the methodological service of institutions of additional education for children, a brief description of the seminars that are used in additional education is given.

The goals of the seminar-workshop should be aimed at solving specific problems and meet the principles of: - relevance (connection with life, focus on social significance); - scientific character (compliance with modern scientific achievements); - focus (highlighting the main thing).

Structure of preparation and conduct of seminars - workshops * Selection of the topic of the seminar - workshop. * Preliminary preparation for the seminar. -Special tasks; -Study of primary sources. Seminars and workshops consist of two parts: - theoretical (discussion of the problem, discussion, solution of issues); - practical (open classes, events).

Stages of conducting a seminar-workshop: 1. Organizational (intensification of activities); 2. Preparatory (psychological mood: greeting, introductory speech). 3. Basic (familiarization with new knowledge, practical activities). 4. Final (summarizing, performance evaluation, feedback).

Analysis of the positive and negative aspects The connection between theory and practice It is not possible without the initial step, without considering theory. Involves the participation of the entire team Extensive preliminary work, all resources are involved Active position of all participating teachers A strategy is determined based on the expected result, what changes should appear in the practice of the pedagogical process Integration of all educational areas

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Seminars, methodological associations

Prepared by Olga Mikhailovna Fendrikova, Deputy Head for Educational Work, MBDOU No. 122

One of the main functions of the deputy head of education and management is to assist kindergarten teachers and specialists in organizing the pedagogical process, training, and familiarization with new forms and methods of working with children.

We all know that methodological work is part of the system of continuous education of preschool teachers. The goals of methodological work are to master the most rational methods and techniques of raising and teaching children; increasing the methodological preparedness of teachers to organize the process of educating and training preschool children; exchange of experience between members of the teaching staff, identification and promotion of current teaching experience. Methodological work is focused on achieving and maintaining high quality educational work in kindergarten.

Methodological work in kindergarten is constantly updated: great importance is attached to providing various assistance to teachers, drawing attention to their work experience, and new technologies of methodological work are being introduced in preschool institutions.

One of the most effective technologies is the organization of seminars and workshops. Seminars and workshops are aimed at increasing the level of not only theoretical, but primarily practical training of educators, improving the practical skills necessary in working with children. The topics of the seminars and workshops are based on the requests of educators and are related to the tasks of the annual plan. In the practice of our preschool educational institution, workshops are conducted not only by the deputy head of water management, but also by teachers - specialists who have a good command of the necessary skills.

But the main share of responsibility for organizing and conducting the workshop, of course, falls on the deputy head of water management.

The first question that the deputy head must answer when planning a seminar - workshop: what should be guided by when choosing the topic of the seminars? To the above (questionnaire and annual tasks) we should add the interests of educators and their problems. In May, I usually conduct a survey of all teachers to determine the range of methodological problems and tasks that will have to be solved in the next school year. Some topics suggest observations of the educational process during the past academic year and analysis of different types of control, analysis of calendar and long-term plans.

We prepare for the workshop in advance: selecting methodological literature, preparing the venue for the workshop, preparing exhibitions of attributes, manuals, etc. on the stated topic, providing methodological assistance to speakers at the workshop, and much more.

The purpose of the workshop is always focused on practical results. When formulating it, I use expressions such as “train teachers...”, “build skills...”, “increase the efficiency of using...”, “introduce teachers to new...”, etc.

In my practice of organizing seminars and workshops, I use different forms: a seminar in one lesson, a seminar in several lessons united by a common topic.

I conduct workshops in different forms: in the form of a business game (“Cognitive and speech development of children”), in the form of a round table (“Formation of coherent speech and logical thinking in preschool children”). Regularly studying methodological literature, I found confirmation of this: seminars and workshops must be conducted in different forms. These could be classes with elements of a lecture, consultation, discussion, briefing, round table, or relay race of pedagogical skills. It is important that each form of organization presented at the seminar corresponds to the general theme and, complementing each other, contributes to its full disclosure.

Goal: Increasing the level of professional skills of teachers in the implementation of modern technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions. Objectives: 1. Presentation of the work experience of teachers of the MKDOU “Kindergarten 1 of Kirensk” on the use of educational technologies in the educational process using the example of the open events viewed; 2. Improving the pedagogical process through the use of modern educational technologies in various types of activities of preschool educational institutions.

Technology is a set of techniques used in any business, skill, art (explanatory dictionary). Pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means; it is the organizational and methodological tools of the pedagogical process. (B.T. Likhachev)

Structure of educational technology Conceptual part Content part Procedural part is the scientific basis of the technology, i.e. psychological and pedagogical ideas that are embedded in its foundation. these are general, specific goals and content of educational material, a set of forms and methods of children’s educational activities, methods and forms of the teacher’s work, the teacher’s activities in managing the process of mastering the material, diagnostics of the learning process

Reliance on a specific scientific concept, including philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals. Conceptual technology must have all the features of a system: the logic of the process, the relationship of its parts, integrity. Systematic ability for diagnostic goal setting, planning, design of the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct results. Controllability

Modern pedagogical technologies that exist in specific conditions must be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs, guaranteeing the achievement of a certain standard of training. Efficiency the possibility of using (repetition, reproduction) of educational technology in educational institutions, i.e. technology as a pedagogical tool must be guaranteed to be effective in the hands of any teacher who uses it, regardless of his experience, length of service, age and personal characteristics). Reproducibility

Workshop During the entire seminar, you will have to complete the task of compiling a table “Educational technologies in preschool educational institutions.” To do this, you will need envelopes with statements, cards with tasks and association pictures. Your ultimate goal is to draw up a table by the end of the seminar, highlighting each proposed educational technology Purpose Objectives Forms of organization The main difference from other technologies (+) and (-) of this technology

Game technology ICT technology Goal Development of mental processes in all aspects of the educational work of preschool educational institutions and the solution of its main tasks, through holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by common content, plot, character Increasing the motivation and individualization of children's education, the development of their creative abilities and creating a favorable emotional background. Objectives 1. To teach children independence 2. To develop a wide range of skills and ideas in research activities through entertaining programs and children's games 3. To form the foundations of the information culture of his personality, to improve the professional level of teachers and the competence of parents. Forms of organization Role-playing game Didactic game Theatrical games Dramatization games The main difference from other technologies The game promotes better learning of the material and motivates children for further cognitive actions Equipment and programs are used (+) technologies The psychological and age-related characteristics of children's development are not taken into account (-) technology Insufficient methodological preparedness of the teacher Unplanned, random use of ICT Overloaded classes with demonstrations.

Modern educational technologies in preschool educational institutions, health-saving technologies; technology of project activities; research technology; information and communication technologies; person-oriented technologies; portfolio technology for preschoolers and teachers; gaming technology; TRIZ technology, etc.

Gaming technology It is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by common content, plot, and character. It includes sequentially: games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare and contrast them; groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics; groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena; groups of games that develop the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction to a word, phonemic hearing, ingenuity, etc. Compiling gaming technologies from individual games and elements is the concern of every educator.

Types of pedagogical games By type of activity Motor Intellectual Psychological By the nature of the pedagogical process Educational Cognitive Educational Developmental By the nature of the gaming methodology Games with rules Games with rules established during the game By content Musical Mathematical Socializing Logical By gaming equipment Tabletop Computer Theatrical role-playing Directing

Stages of gaming technology: Stage 1 Enrichment of ideas about the sphere of reality that the child will reflect in the game (observations, stories, conversations about impressions). It is important to introduce the child to people, their activities, and relationships. Stage 2 Organization of a role-playing game (“game of preparation for the game”). Determining the situation of interaction between people, inventing and composing events, the course of their development in accordance with the theme of the game; Creation of an object-based play environment based on the organization of productive and artistic activities of children, co-creation with teachers, children's collecting, joint play activities of the teacher with children; Stage 3: Independent play activities of children; organizing a role-playing game with an imaginary partner for whom the child speaks.

Working with cards Task: Determine the age of the children You are offered a card where, in accordance with the nature of the game actions, the fulfillment of the role and the development of the plot of the imaginary situation, you must determine the age of the children. Age (years) Nature of game actions Playing a role Development of the plot in an imaginary situation? Separate game actions that are conditional The role is actually performed, but is not called The plot is a chain of two actions, the imaginary situation is held by an adult? Reflection of relationships between people in game actions. The technique of game actions is conventional. Not only the roles, but also the idea of ​​the game are spoken out by children before it begins. The plot is based on an imaginary situation, the actions are varied and correspond to real relationships between people? Transition to role-playing actions that reflect the social functions of people Roles are distributed before the start of the game, children adhere to their role throughout the entire game A chain of game actions united by one plot that corresponds to the real logic of the actions of adults

Correct answer Age (years) Nature of game actions Playing a role Development of the plot in an imaginary situation 3-4 years Individual game actions that are conditional in nature The role is actually carried out, but is not called The plot is a chain of two actions, the imaginary situation is held by an adult 5-6 years Transition to role-playing actions that reflect the social functions of people Roles are distributed before the start of the game, children adhere to their role throughout the entire game A chain of game actions united by one plot that corresponds to the real logic of the actions of adults 6-7 years old Reflection in game actions of relationships between people The technique of game actions is conventional Not only the roles, but also the idea of ​​the game are spoken out by the children before it begins. The plot is based on an imaginary situation, the actions are varied and correspond to real relationships between people

Information and communication technologies The world in which a modern child develops is fundamentally different from the world in which his parents grew up. This places qualitatively new demands on preschool education as the first link of lifelong education: education using modern information technologies (computer, interactive whiteboard, tablet, etc.).

ICT in the work of a modern teacher 1. Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, classrooms (scanning, Internet, printer, presentation). 2. Selection of additional educational material for classes, familiarization with scenarios for holidays and other events. 3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, the developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad. 4. Preparation of group documentation and reports. 5. Creating presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational classes with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings.

The goal of health-saving technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and habits for a healthy lifestyle, and to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life. Health-saving pedagogical technologies include all aspects of the teacher’s influence on the child’s health at different levels: informational, psychological, bioenergetic.

The choice of health-saving pedagogical technologies depends on: the type of preschool institution, the length of stay of children in it, the program under which teachers work, the specific conditions of the preschool educational institution, the professional competence of the teacher, and children’s health indicators.

Classification of health-saving technologies that ensure the preservation and enhancement of children's health under the guidance of medical personnel in accordance with medical requirements and standards, using medical supplies - technologies for organizing monitoring of the health of preschool children, monitoring children's nutrition, preventive measures, and a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions. Medical and preventive technologies for the development of physical qualities, hardening, breathing exercises, etc. aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the child’s health.

Ensuring the mental and social health of the child and aimed at ensuring the emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being of the child in the process of communicating with peers and adults in kindergarten and family Ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child is aimed at developing a culture of health for teachers, professional health, and developing the need for a healthy lifestyle; preserving and stimulating health (technology of using outdoor and sports games, gymnastics (for the eyes, breathing, etc.), rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, relaxation. Health conservation for teachers

Fostering a culture of health in preschool children, personality-oriented education and training. Educational technologies for the use of physical education classes, communicative games, problem-based games (game training, game therapy), self-massage); correctional (art therapy, music technology, fairy tale therapy, psycho-gymnastics, etc.) Teaching a healthy lifestyle, which means the systemic set and order of functioning of all personal instrumental and methodological means used to achieve pedagogical goals. Pedagogical technology of active sensory-developmental environment

Technology of research activities The goal of research activities in kindergarten is to form in preschoolers the basic key competencies and the ability for a research type of thinking. It should be noted that the use of design technologies cannot exist without the use of TRIZ technology (technology for solving inventive problems). Therefore, when organizing work on a creative project, students are offered a problematic task that can be solved by researching something or conducting experiments.

Methods and techniques for organizing experimental research activities: heuristic conversation; posing and resolving problematic issues; observations; modeling (creating models about changes in inanimate nature); experiments; recording the results: observations, experiences, experiments, work activities; “immersion” in the colors, sounds, smells and images of nature; imitation of voices and sounds of nature; use of artistic words; didactic games, game-based educational and creative development situations; work assignments, actions. Technology of project activity Goal: Development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction. Teachers who actively use project technology in the upbringing and teaching of preschoolers unanimously note that life activities organized according to it in kindergarten allow them to get to know the students better and penetrate into the child’s inner world. Types of projects By the dominant method, research, informational, creative play, adventure, practice-oriented By the nature of the content, they include the child and his family, the child and nature, the child and the man-made world, the child, society and its cultural values. By the nature of the child’s participation in the project, the customer, expert, performer, participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result By the nature of contacts, it is carried out within one age group, in contact with another age group, within a preschool educational institution, in contact with family, cultural institutions, public organizations (open project). By the number of participants: individual, pair, group, frontal. By duration short-term, medium-term, long-term

Stages of project activity stages Contents Selecting a project topic Satisfying the interests and needs of the child, parental requests, teacher-initiator Planning 1. Model of three questions What do we know? What do we want to know? How to find out? 2. Drawing up a “web” (types of activities aimed at implementing the project) 3. Project planning (final product) 4. Schedule planning Project implementation Task of the educator: organizing children’s activities in centers (educational areas), equipping with equipment and materials in accordance with the topic project Completion of the project Presentation of the final product

Name: Consultation and workshop as an effective form of methodological work in a preschool institution
Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments, Reports, teaching councils, seminars..., Teaching staff

Position: senior teacher
Place of work: MBDOU combined kindergarten No. 3
Location: Russia, Krasnodar region, Kushchevsky district, art. Kushchevskaya, per. Kutseva, 58

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined kindergarten No. 3 Consultation for teachers on the topic:

“Consultation and workshop as an effective form of methodological work in a preschool institution.”
Consultation for teachers “Consultation and workshop as an effective form of methodological work in a preschool institution.”

Goal: Increasing the competence of teachers in understanding the meaning and methodology of conducting such forms of methodological work as consultation and workshop.

Preparation of any methodological event begins with defining the goal. It is important to answer the questions “What do we want to achieve by organizing this event?”, “What should be the result?”, “What should change in the activities of teachers?” If the goal is real, then it encourages the teacher to act and makes him active.

Answering the question “What is pedagogical experience?”, K.D. Ushinsky explained: “More or less facts of education, but, of course, if these facts remain only facts, then they do not give experience. They must make an impression on the mind of the educator, qualify in it according to their characteristic features, generalize, and become a thought. And this thought, and not the fact itself, will become the correct educational activity.”

I would like to start my speech by explaining what a consultation is.

Consultation (Latin consultatio - meeting)— discussion of any special issue with a specialist; meeting of specialists.

Consultations can be occasional, unscheduled or pre-planned. Unscheduled consultations arise on the initiative of both parties: both teachers and specialists responsible for methodological work. Consultations are divided into: individual and collective, informational and problem-based.

Basic consultations are planned for a year, and changes and additions are made to the plan as necessary. When drawing up the annual plan of a preschool educational institution, each task is solved through consultation, through active methods of teaching teachers, through thematic testing and pedagogical council. Consultation is the first form of work in a holistic system of methodological support for preschool teachers, which helps eliminate shortcomings identified as a result of monitoring and prepare teachers for open events. Consultations are characterized by a monologue form of presentation of information.

It is necessary to carefully prepare for each consultation. The quality of the material can only be ensured by a professionally competent specialist. Therefore, I believe that information consultation for teachers should meet the following requirements:

  1. The content must be scientifically reliable, in accordance with the achievements of modern pedagogy, psychology and pedagogical practice.
  2. The material must be logical and consistent, clearly presented.
    To do this, when preparing for a consultation, it is necessary to draw up a plan for presenting the material in advance. It is advisable to formulate the problems that will be considered during the consultation.
  3. Provide a differentiated approach to the presentation of material, taking into account the experience of teachers, the age group of children, and the type of group.
    Plan separate consultations for teachers of groups of different ages and specializations: early childhood, speech therapy groups, full-time and short-term groups.
  4. During the consultation process, it is necessary to specify advice and recommendations that should be realistically feasible, to ensure synchronicity in the study of the theoretical and practical aspects of each issue.
  5. Consider the use of forms of active inclusion of teachers during the consultation.
    Active forms and methods of work should motivate the teacher to study the topic and ensure the consolidation and reproduction of the content of the consultation.
  6. Select methodological literature on the problem, which teachers can subsequently become familiar with.

Each method and form of consultation is not universal. They are purely individual for each topic and group of preschool educational institutions.

The end result of any methodological activity, including counseling, will be high and the impact will be effective if during preparation and implementation various methods of involving each teacher in active work were used.

Methods of consultation

Changes in state policy in the field of education, a change in priorities, an appeal to the personality of the teacher, to his creativity, and active principles, have made adjustments to the working conditions of the teacher, in particular to the methodology of consultations.

Today, various methods of consultation are used.

  1. Problematic presentation of the material. The teacher poses a problem and solves it himself, through the disclosure of a system of evidence, comparing points of view, different approaches, thereby showing the train of thought in the process of cognition. At the same time, listeners follow the logic of presentation, mastering the stages of solving holistic problems. At the same time, they not only perceive, realize and remember ready-made knowledge and conclusions, but also follow the logic of evidence, the movement of thought of the speaker or the medium that replaces him (cinema, television, books, etc.). And although listeners with this method of counseling are not participants, but merely observers of the process of thinking, they learn to resolve cognitive difficulties. The purpose of this method is to show examples of scientific knowledge and scientific problem solving.
  2. Search method. When using the search method, educators actively take part in putting forward hypotheses, drawing up an action plan, and finding ways to solve the problem. Most often, during consultations, the explanation method is used. It has a number of positive qualities: reliability, economical selection of specific facts, scientific interpretation of the phenomena under consideration, etc. In order to stimulate the attention of educators and encourage them to follow the logic of presentation, at the beginning of the consultation it is useful to formulate questions; contacting teachers helps them comprehend their experience and express their considerations, formulate conclusions. Thus, the essence of the teaching method comes down to:

— not all knowledge is offered to students in a ready-made form; some of it needs to be obtained on their own;

— the speaker’s activity consists of operational management of the process of solving problematic problems.

The thinking process becomes productive, but at the same time it is gradually directed and controlled by the teacher or the students themselves based on work on programs

  1. When exchanging experiences between educators, the method of heuristic conversation is appropriate. During the conversation, individual provisions of the studied methodological literature are revealed in more detail, explanations are given on topics that are of greater interest to teachers, errors in judgment are identified, the degree of understanding and assimilation of new information is revealed. However, the effectiveness of heuristic conversation will be achieved if certain conditions are met. It is better to choose a practically significant, topical issue that requires comprehensive consideration as the subject of conversation. Anyone preparing a consultation in the form of a heuristic conversation must draw up a well-founded conversation plan that allows them to clearly imagine what knowledge the educators will receive and what conclusions they will come to. When organizing a heuristic conversation, it is advisable to alternate the statements of experienced and novice educators. A heuristic conversation conducted for the purpose of transferring knowledge requires serious preparation.
  2. Discussion method. In form and content, the discussion is close to the conversation method. It also involves choosing an important topic that requires a comprehensive discussion, preparing questions for educators, and introductory and concluding remarks. But unlike a conversation, a discussion requires a struggle of opinions and the raising of controversial issues. During the discussion, many other additional questions have to be asked, the number and content of which cannot be foreseen in advance. The leader of the discussion needs to have the ability to quickly navigate the situation, capture the train of thoughts and moods of the participants, and create an atmosphere of trust.
  3. Business game. It brings the audience closer to the real conditions of professional activity, clearly shows behavioral or tactical mistakes made in a given situation, and develops the best approaches to solving various pedagogical and organizational problems. Direct development of business game materials includes the following stages:

— creation of a business game project;

— description of the sequence of actions;

— description of the organization of the game; preparation of tasks for participants;

Preparation of equipment.

Psychologists have noticed that an experimenter-consultant who doubts the truth of the data obtained cannot be a good lecturer-popularizer. His thinking should be focused on accuracy and reliability of data. Of course, a lot depends on the personality of the consultant, on his self-confidence, and therefore in his achievements.

When organizing counseling, questions arise about establishing an adequate relationship between the person being consulted and the consultant. There are several professionally necessary qualities of a contact when organizing counseling:

  • Sociability;
  • Contact;
  • Dynamism;
  • Flexibility of behavior;
  • Tolerance towards others;
  • Professional tact;
  • Delicacy - the ability to fully construct and maintain one’s line of behavior
  • Ability to analyze difficult situations with the counselee.

The basis of effective pedagogical activity is the continuous process of teacher education.

Seminar ( from lat. seminarium- nursery, greenhouse) - a form of educational and practical classes in which students (students, interns) discuss messages, reports and abstracts they have completed based on the results of educational or scientific research under the guidance of a teacher. The teacher (seminar leader) in this case is the coordinator of discussions on the topic of the seminar, preparation for which is mandatory. During seminars, the speaker presents lecture material to the audience. In this case, words can be illustrated with films and slides. Subsequently, a discussion begins, during which all participants can express their opinions or ask questions, and also try to apply the information received in practice. If we take into account such features, then answering the question of what a seminar is, we can confidently say that it is an interactive form of training that allows you to achieve high efficiency.

Workshop– one of the effective forms of methodological work in kindergarten, because allows you to more deeply and systematically study the problem under consideration, support theoretical material with examples from practice, showing individual techniques and ways of working.

The main objectives of the workshops are:

— improving the professional skills of teachers in a certain type of activity;

— development of creativity and imagination of teachers;

— discussing different points of view, conducting discussions;

— creation of problem situations that allow us to develop common positions in solving the problem;

It is possible to identify a universal structure for carrying out this form of methodological work:

  1. Preparatory work(thematic exhibitions, viewings of open classes, mutual visits, etc.) – the goal is to identify the problem;
  2. Theoretical part(speech by the organizer of the workshop, a member of the creative team, multimedia presentation, “questions and answers”, etc._ - the goal is a theoretical justification of what is being discussed;
  3. Practical work(frontally, in groups) - the goal of this stage is to disseminate teaching experience, acquire new skills by teachers;
  4. Summing up the event— the result of the work can be visual materials (booklets, memos, didactic games, etc.), made by the hands of educators, recommendations for their use that can be used by all teachers.

The workshop differs in that it includes practical tasks, observations of colleagues’ work, followed by discussion. Teachers have the opportunity not only to master work techniques, but also to develop a system for organizing activities with children in certain conditions.

In addition, during the workshops, it is possible to discuss different points of view, debate, and create problematic situations, which ultimately make it possible to develop a common position on the issue under consideration.

An important condition for organizing this form of work is the inclusion of all seminar participants in the discussion of the topic. To do this, opposing points of view are considered, game modeling methods are used, etc. Based on the results of the seminar, an exhibition of the teachers’ works can be arranged.

Thus, in methodological work at this stage of development of preschool education, it is necessary to use such forms of work that would contribute to the continuous education of teaching staff, improve their professional qualifications, provide real assistance to teachers in developing their skills as an alloy of professional knowledge and skills necessary for a modern teacher properties and qualities of personality.
