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A quarter of 420,000 London students come from abroad, investing ₤ 2.5 billion to the British economy annually. Of these, 1654 students who come to get a higher education in London are our compatriots. The most popular areas for disciplines among foreign students include business and administration, engineering, social sciences, art and design, medicine and jurisprudence.

Speaking about the best universities in London would be obvious to mention Cambridge university and his historical opponent Oxford University which stably occupy the highest lines in various world rankings. We have already mentioned them in. However, London has other higher education institutions that are recognized as the best level of education that combines the recognized quality of teaching, the learning process, the practical application of knowledge gained and further employment. It is about these best universities in London and will be discussed in this article. Separately, pay attention to the rating " " not only distinguished by high learning standards, but also take the largest number of foreign students annually.

1. London School of Economics and Political Sciences (London School Of Economics and Political Science)
- University of London's division, located in the heart of the British capital. Among the main disciplines, economics, politics and management, history, jurisprudence, finance and social science are highlighted. Almost 50% of students are foreigners from 140 states.

2. Imperial College London (Imperial College London) Particularly noted for a high level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills on medicine, science, engineering and management. Receiving requirements are high: less than 20% of applications are successful. The main of the eight campuses is located in the prestigious area of \u200b\u200bSouth Kensington.

3. University College London (University College London) - One of the oldest universities in England, founded in 1826 and the first university, which began to take students regardless of their sex and nationality. Today, more than 4,000 students receive higher education in the university college walls, and there are 40% of them - immigrants from other countries. Disciplines in the most different directions, including medicine, economics, history, mathematics, politicians, physics, various social sciences. It is no coincidence that the university is called the "intellectual generator of world-class ideas": from London University College graduates 26 Nobel Prize laureates. Located in the center of London, in the Bloomsbury district, next to West Enda Bulk Life.

4. Royal College of London (King "S College London)
- One of the oldest and most prestigious universities in London. It is considered one of the best universities in the world. 23,000 students, of which 20% are foreigners, receive an excellent opportunity to get high-level education and enjoy a variety of cultural and social events in the very center of London. The most sought-after directions include humanitarian and scientific disciplines of science (including medicine), jurisprudence.

5. University of St. George (St George "S, University of London) - The only independent university, giving higher education in the field of medicine and health. Located in the southern part of London.

6. University of Queen Mary (Queen Mary, University of London) - One of the largest universities in London, with 15,000 students (5,000 of them foreigners). The main disciplines include humanitarian and social sciences, engineering, medicine and dentistry. The largest of five campuses is located in Mile End, in the east of London, next to the BRICK Lane and Shoreditch metro stations and City Quarters.

7. London City University (City University London) - High university ratings are obtained due to the high level of employment and graduate wages. The main focus is on the direction of business and finance. The main campus is located in Islington, but 7 higher schools as part of this university are located all over London, including the prestigious Cass Business School and The City Law School. 24,000 students from more than 150 countries.

8. University of Brousel (Brunel University) - Having 8 academic schools and 10 research institutes, this university gives higher education in accordance with world standards for 15,000 students. Disciplines in different directions, but engineering and design are especially recognized. Located in the west of London in the UXBridge area.

9. Goldsmith University (Goldsmiths, University of London) - Founded in 1891, this university specializes in art, humanitarian and social sciences. His Faculty of Arts is recognized as one of the most prestigious in the United Kingdom, psychology, sociology, mass media and cultural studies, languages \u200b\u200band literature, anthropology are also highly evaluated. More than 9,000 students, 20% of which are international. Located in the south-east of London, in the burly district of New Cross.

10. University of Arts London (University of the Arts, London) - Consists of six world famous colleges located in various areas of London: two colleges of arts Camberwell College of Arts and Wimbledon College of Arts, two colleges of art and design Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design and Chelsea College of Art and Design, London College Fashion London College of Fashion. 18,000 students (46% of foreigners). 250 different courses with the expert leadership of various artists, experienced artists, artists, critics and designers.

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All high school graduates for higher education are trying to choose only the best universities. London has succeeded in this regard, since it is in this megalopolis that the most prestigious and popular higher educational institutions are located. London universities are famous everywhere with their effective teaching techniques, highly professional educators and an individual approach to each student. The English city is simply oversaturated by the educational institutions of the highest class. The education obtained in one of them is a strong foundation for creating a dizzying career in any country in the world.

University Birkbeck.

If you are considering global capitals, where there are the best universities, London should take into account first. It is here that about 40 prestigious institutions giving higher education are concentrated. One such institution is the Bircbeck College, which is included in the University of London London. BirkBeck is a global educational and research institution, which allows learning in the evening together with London working specialists. Daytime remains free to prepare for educational and work practice.

The University of Birkbeck was founded in 1823. Today, he offers students more than two hundred specialties and a huge amount of faculties. Birkbeck is included in the list of the best universities of Earth in such directions as philosophy, English literature and history. Psychology, right, geography and linguistics are taught at the highest level. This institution in the academic center of the British capital, in the Bloomsbury region.

Technical imperial university

The university has eight basic faculties. He is known for his research activities. There are more than 26 thousand students from 140 countries of the Earth. College is located on the list of seven best universities in England and 20 best universities in the planet. The university has four campus, each of which has its own library.

A special reputation has won the institution in the field of medicine, dentistry, public and humanities, as well as rights. Six research medical centers are based on.

Modern university with a long history

Huge popularity among applicants enjoyed training in London at the University of London Metropolitan University, which has gained its popularity thanks to the widest selection of programs. College's history began in the year before last, when the University of Northern London and London University of Gildholl were opened.

Only in 2002, they were combined into a large educational institution, which today has several libraries, their own museum and archive. Training takes place on the basis of two campuses. One of them is located in the northern part of London, the second - in the center of the English capital.

For an extensive spectrum of disciplines and for increased academic standards London Metropolitan University in 2011, became the owner of the Quality Assurance Agency Award.

The university has its branches in Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan and other countries.

City University

The best higher education is able to give only university, college for many years, college for many years. London is the city in which a huge number of old educational institutions that have been concentrated are focused on decades. City University belongs to this category of universities.

Since 1894, the University is conducted since 1894, when The Northampton Institute was founded, which received the university accreditation only in 1966. The highlight of the institution is that his leadership involves university life, projects and research in the professional activities of London's commercial organizations.

The institution is located in the center of the business part of London - City. Such a location contributes to the fact that 40% of students from other powers arrive here. City University himself differs from other universities in that it has the highest employment rating of their graduates among all universities in Great Britain.

One of the first universities for women

In the capital of England are truly royal universities. London is the city of kings, and therefore many institutions (universities, hospitals, theaters and others) were organized by the monarchs. For example, Royal Holloway University of London is a training structure founded in 1886 by the Queen of Victoria. Founder's Building is the main building of the institution, which is considered one of the most excellent training buildings on Earth.

The university, the open Queen, became one of the first to be the right to receive a weaker sex. Since then, a lot of time has passed, and Royal Holowaway became a university with more than 20 academic directions. And more than a century, he is considered part of the University of London.

The best of the best

We presented almost all the best universities in London. But there are still a few institutions, which would not like to forget:

Middlesex University - located in the Northern District of the Capital Hendon. Founded by the University of Middlesks in 1878 and eventually seven colleges were attached to the institution, and in 1973 he became the Polytechnic Institute of Middlesks. The university institution was announced only in 1992.

University of Greenwich in 2015 celebrated its 125th anniversary. The main buildings of the institution are built on the banks of the River Thames, in Greenwich. Greenwich University has many different types of studies to which the most modern and innovative approaches are applied.

UNIVERSITY OF WESTMINSTER was founded in 1838. Then it was the Royal Polytechnic Institute. Officially became called in 1992. Here on the highest level taught languages, design and art. In addition, students are offered to the greatest spectrum of foreign languages \u200b\u200bin the UK.

Wanting to get higher education in Europe, consider London as a potential city for dream. After all, there are really many first-class universities.

If you dream free to communicate in any foreign language, the best way for this is to sign up for courses. A foreign language is impossible to learn without constant practice, therefore the most optimal thing to be done in this situation is to find the same like-minded people or move to the country whose language you are studying. And a good option is to visit language courses in the country under study. 2-3 weeks of intensive classes and complete immersion in the language environment outside lessons, allow you to get the result that at home is achieved by years of training.

Foreign courses are held in a group or individually with a teacher, there are groups separately for children and adults, and there is a joint program "Children and Parents". In addition, there are special programs for short-term education abroad, English for the head, summer business courses and much more.

Foreign language courses are very often becoming the first step towards making a decision on obtaining medium or higher education abroad. This is an excellent chance to achieve stunning results in the development of a foreign language, find new friends, get acquainted with the country and get unforgettable impressions.

Secondary education in foreign schools

Secondary education abroad is the best private and public schools in Europe and America, as well as the opportunity to continue their studies in one of the universities. In addition, this is the most efficient way to master a foreign language since school bench. Learning in high school abroad will give a child practical knowledge, will expand the horizons, it will help to develop creative skills and talents, will allow you to feel adult and independent.

For schoolchildren, special exchange programs have been developed, allowing you to live in families and study in American school. Programs are designed for a period of six months to a year. Participation in this exchange allows you to plunge into another school world, make new friends, improve the knowledge of a foreign language, learn the traditions, customs and culture of the country of stay.

Higher education in foreign universities

Higher education abroad can be obtained in one of the best universities in Germany, Spain, Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia. Getting high-quality higher European education is a contribution to a promising future, a foreign language ownership (and perhaps not one), the expansion of the horizons of career and professional growth.

Star Academy Specialists will help everyone to enter a foreign university to prepare to prepare for the entrance exams. Special training programs and preparation for international tests of IELTS, GMAT, GRE, SAT with the possibility of free trial testing, allow applicants to determine the level of their knowledge, identify weak points and eliminate them on time.

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Do you want a better future for yourself or your child? Learn languages, get an education, comprehend the world in all its diversity. Education will never come out of fashion, and study in a foreign school or university may well be the best time in your life. Build your future today, and Star Academy will always help you!

Such a concentration of universities, which is noted in London, the rare capital of even an advanced state can boast. To date, British education is considered one of the best on the globe. In view of this, the training system adopt the leading countries by type of Australia, Canada, will not be superfluous that British diplomas are accepted in 50 different countries of the world. This made the UK one of the leading countries, ready to accept a large number of foreign students to universities, including Russian-speaking students from the CIS.

What to do in the best universities in the capital of England - London?

Despite the enormous desire of our compatriots to break through into the universities of the capital, not everyone can do it even after a lot of attempts. There is a lot of factors for that, first of all, the deficit of information on the flow conditions. Another reason is the high cost of training in England.

What package of documents is required for admission? The procedure for admission to the best universities in London is clarified, logical and sequence. Responsible for the set of students is the UCAS Agency - Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. Everyone who wants to get to the universities of the capital almost a year before admission must fill out a special application form. Also, students should provide certificates who own all learning references on the results of the exams, as well as write a creative essay on their own expectations and ambitions.

These are the standard conditions that are valid in all universities, but during the receipt, specific universities can nominate additional requirements for entry. These conditions may concern exam scores, for example, a specific score will be set, in the event of a non-defense, the student refuses to enter the university.

Conditions for enrollment differ for those students who have received secondary education in the British school or have a certificate equivalent model in their hands. As a rule, the formation of our Russian-speaking students is equivalent, that is. The student graduated from our Patriotic School and seeks to get education in England or in London.

Rules for admission of students in London Universities with a certificate equivalent to British

For such students, as a rule, there are certain requirements for foreigners. First of all, the achievement of 18 years at the time of the beginning of the new school year. It is worth saying that the Russian certificate is not considered to be equivalent to British. The fact is that the average duration of training in Russian schools is 11 years old, while in London - 13 years.

In this case, our students can assist IB Program - International Baccalaureate. That is, a graduate who graduated from high school is additionally learning under the international undergraduate program and standardizes its diploma under the diploma of the British sample.

Another option that most often use Russian-speaking students for admission to the best universities in London - This is an admission to one of the universities in your country and are additionally trained in two courses. That is, it turns out that in the amount of the formation of 13 years, which is equivalent to British requirements. Next, the procedure for admission to the university requires passing exams in English. It is understood by the presence of points on the Cambridge certificate or by IELTS. In the event that these conditions were observed, the student can submit an application with documents in UCAS.

In the event that the student has not been reached by passing points in English, it can take advantage of the right to visit English courses in language schools. This will make it most likely to enter the desired university.

Support for students from the CIS at the time of receipt of the University of London

An independent entry with a minimum of information is extremely difficult and dramatically reduces the ability to learn in London. Therefore, when admission to Universities in London (the list can be found on the site), it is worth seeking support for competent persons employed in this area by a single year.

Our promising company organizes students from the CIS to the UK and its capital. For this, we are fully informeding customers about the conditions of receipt, documents, the possible difficulties and ways to solve them.

We also help to determine the vector of learning: We tell about existing programs, types of educational institutions, the specializations they provide. This significantly increases the chance of admission to the desired department in an optimal university.

Another aspect of our activity is assistance in adapting already received students. This is an organization of residence, employment, conducting familiarization with London events, excursions and many others.

Entered the desired University together with competent experts is simpler!

On Gaer Street - the street behind Malet Street - the elegant, made in the classic style of the first facade of the first, specially built for the University of the building - University College - the oldest and still the largest university building, which this year celebrates his stalleting. By the beginning of the XIX century, London remained the only one from the cities-capitals of the main European countries, in which there was no own university. In Oxford and Cambridge universities, founded in the XII and in the XIII century, respectively, received only those who belonged to the Anglican Church. The only other British universities were four educational institutions founded in the XV and XVI centuries, University of St. Andrei, and universities in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen.

During the social and political coups in Europe for decades following the French Revolution (in the UK, they ended with the adoption of Bill on the reform of the Parliamentary Representative Office of 1832) Group of leading radicals - the most outstanding among them were the poet Thomas Cambell, Philosopher Jeremy Benthem and Lawyer Lord Bruhem - successfully nominated the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a university of university in the capital of the country. The first students were adopted in University College in 1828, and the success of the undertaking caused a positive reaction of the Tori Party Establishment. The initiators of creating a new college, headed by Archbishop Kanterbury, Sir Robert Saw and Prime Minister Wellington, have achieved from the King of George the fourth support to the founding of Kings-College. The college was opened in 1831, and by 1835 he moved to a magnificent building on Strange Street, leaving Thames.

Kings-college had and remain strong connections with the Anglican Church, unlike the "godless" institution on Gaher Street (so criticism called University College). And yet in 1836, both colleges were combined under the auspices of the University of London at a federal basis, on the basis of which the university operates and so far, although now it has expanded significantly. From the very beginning, only the university was granted the right to award degrees, but only in 1900 he got the opportunity to recruit his own state of teachers. Until now, the University of London remains mainly an organization coordinating college activities. Tony Mills, responsible for the university's connection with the press representatives, so characterizes the university: "A very free association of colleges, mainly carrying out self-government and having their own charters and governing bodies." Mills, however, notes that the university having his own court, the Senate and the Council, has a very great influence, as it distributes funds from the Fund at 400 million rubles. The Foundation annually provides the University Committee on the Distribution of Universities Subsidies (according to the first letters of the English name - UGS).

In rounded figures, the university consists of approximately 15 colleges, 15 medical faculties, 15 institutions, which are managed by the University and half the colleges associated with them. The exact data will be carried out difficult, since the university is now in the process of reorganization - one of the most significant history for all his shocking history. In the course of this reorganization, a merger and translation into other premises of various institutions are carried out, as a result of which their number will decrease. 42,000 students of the University of London London can be the population of a small town. Their number is much higher than the number of students in Oxford and Cambridge - approximately 10,000 students in each of these universities - not to mention the remaining 42 British universities created mainly after the war (until 1945 there were 17), in each of which Learn an average of 3,000 to 6,000 people. Journal students who are engaged in their free time are at the University of London 22,000. Thus. London University is undoubtedly the largest educational institution of the country.

But, despite its size, most people believe, according to Tony Millons, that the university consists only of four of the most famous colleges. The largest of all - University College - "Almost University in itself," over 6,000 students study in it, and on the nine faculties, traditional scientific and humanitarian disciplines are studying. The college includes one of the most important medical faculties in the country. Previously, this faculty worked on the basis of the Universiti College Hospital, and now it includes a medical school at the Middlsex Hospital and three specialized research institutes with graduate school. The college also includes industry, but nevertheless well-known branches in the country, for example, Art School, Slade School and Architectural and Planning School Bartlett-Skul.

Just like other major colleges in the University of London, University College has a whole network of students' service systems, from medical service to club and sports center. Many of the leading teachers and college scientists are prone to liberal views, continuing the tradition of freedomity, on the principles of which the college was founded. This, perhaps, in a large extent contributes to the presence of nor less than Jeremy Bentham itself. After the death of Bentham in 1832, its wax statue was made, the basis of which is a real skeleton of Bentham. Most of the year, the statue "lives" in a glass cabinet and is available for visitor to visitors, but before each meeting of the board members of the Bentham College is removed and sitting on an honorable place.

In Kings College, such a procedure would cause explicit disapproval. This more Puritan College, which occupies the same place towards the University-Colm, as Cambridge - to Oxford, is known for its high level of teaching and enjoys a special reputation for its scientific and theological studies. The Medical Faculty of College works on the basis of one of the five largest clinical hospitals of London - Kings College Hospital in the southern part of the capital. Although all students in college itself are about 4500, his merger with other university colleges will bring the Kings College to the sizes of University College. Chelsea college participates in this merger - a former higher technical school with 2000 students - a significant number of them are graduate students. The second educational institution, united with Kings-College - Queen Elizabeth College, which is located in the London District of Kensington. This college was founded as the Women's Kings College Branch and specializes in the study of nutrition and food industry.

A new group of colleges may also include a Westfield College, founded in 1882 and located in the Hampeed area. More than 500 college students study objects associated with art. Since 1964, men and women are studying in Westfield College, although it was originally created as a higher educational institution for women. In this area, the college was first. It was the first college in the country, which began to award the extent to women (this happened in 1878). In it, the woman also first became a professor, (which happened in 1912).

Bedford College, originally located on Bedford Square was founded as an educational institution for women back in 1849. Then the college was transferred to Baker Street to Baker Street, and then in 1913 in Ridgements Park, where he was transformed into college with mixed learning, the total number of students exceeded 1400 people. Since the rental for the building in which the college has recently placed, has expired, Bedford College has united with Royal Hollowau College in Egema (County Sarray). Royal Holloway, founded as a college for women, was named after his founder of Thomas Hollouey - the heads of the company that made proprietary medicines. Holloway provided for his new undertaking a magnificent building built in the style of the castle Shambo - the largest castles in the Louarean Valley in France. The building, named by the founder, is in the center of land of 40 hectares. It has a beautiful picture gallery with the works of famous Masters of the Victorian era - Constable, Gainesboro and Turner.

The size of the land surrounding the college contributed to the wide range of works related to the study of natural sciences, and allowed us to build a number of buildings - both hostels and educational buildings. Work is now underway in the amount of 16 million rubles to accommodate the faculties of Bedford College. Over 3000 students of the new Institute put it in the ranks of the six largest colleges of the university.

Three other major college - Impeir College, Queen Mary College and the London School of Economics were also the first to each in their own field. Queen Mary College - There are now more than 3,500 students in it, and this number is still growing - leads its origin from technical schools, which included in the so-called Palace of the People - Victorian Center for Culture, Rest and Education of the London East End.

This college entered the university in 1912, and received his current name in 1934. On the college and for several years have been working great work on the construction of premises for the biological, chemical and physical faculties of the Westfield College, after in 1982 an agreement was reached on cooperation between both colleges. Extensive plans for the placement of the new faculty of the main industries of medical sciences, which will be engaged in medical students before passing practice in the clinic and future dentists. Training will be carried out in collaboration with the hospital of St. Bartholomew and medical colleges of the London Hospital.

The London School of Economics, known to everyone in the first letters of the English name - LIC, enjoys such a high reputation that, as Tony Mills says, "the mass of people simply does not know that the school is part of the university." Founded in 1895, the London School of Economic and Political Sciences - so it sounds its full name - specializes in social sciences, including, as stated in College Avenue, "Many branches of economics, accounting, geography, jurisprudence, logical and scientific methodology of philosophy, political sciences, Economy and World History, International Relations, Sociology, Social Anthropology, Social Psychology, Social Sciences and Management Methods, Demography, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Engineering and Operational Analysis, as well as industrial relations. "

Of the four more than thousands of LCE students, much more than a third are graduate students. For decades from the former Pets of the School - Foreigners, a lot of political leaders who have held senior posts in their countries have come out. In recent years, the school began teaching and implementing research and development work in the field of business, new technology and use of computers.

Despite the fact that Impeir-College, as such, was founded only in 1902, it was formed from three colleges that existed even earlier - the Royal College of Science (1845), the Royal School of Mining (1851) and College City and London Guilds ( 1884). All these colleges continue to exist within the framework of the Impeir College, and their total number of students exceeding 5000 (including graduate students) makes a college, like University College, almost an independent university. Impeir-College is funded directly from the UGS Committee Funds, which provides a college independence from the university, which serves as the environment of other colleges. In college prospectus, it is explained why this happened: "College was chosen in 1953 as a leading educational institution in order to decide on national scale the problem of the release of a larger number of scientists and engineers with higher education. In 1965, the government allocated a college as one of the three highest Technical educational institutions whose work will be financed first - in order to ensure the continuation of their development. "

We have already mentioned several medical faculties university. Together they produce about half of all doctors in the country. In addition to approximately the top ten faculties attached to the main clinical hospitals, for example, to the Hospital of Guy in the southern part of London, 12 specialized institutions that have graduateurs are related to the British medical federation of graduate students. The Faculty of Faculty of the University since 1947 includes the Institute of Psychiatry, associated with the hospital model, the Pediatric Institute, which is located in the Children's Hospital to Great Ormond Street, and the Institute of Ophthalmology at the Eye Hospital Murfid. Together with hospitals, faculties and institutions form, perhaps the most versatile and modern center of medical knowledge in the world.

Specialized Institutes of the University of London, for example, the School of Study of Eastern European and Slavic countries or the Institute for Latina-American Countries, are intended mainly for graduate students. Many of them have libraries in which researchers from Great Britain and foreign countries can be engaged. At the Institute of Fine Arts Kurtold, there is an art gallery in which half a dozen large collections are stored. The most noteworthy of them, probably, is the striking collection of pictures of French impressionists - the gift of Samuel Kurtold - the founder of the textile empire. From the point of view of the number of students, the most important department of the University of London is the Pedagogical Institute.

The Institute in which about 2,600 students study is half of them visits the evening branches, "provides not only preliminary training of future teachers, but also the release of certified specialists and owners of academic degrees for a variety of specialized disciplines. The Institute also is also on the advanced study of scientific research in the field of education and, as indicated in his prospectus: "provides scholarships to perform approximately 40 projects and programs with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Health and Social Security. Council for Economic and Social Research, Council on the development of the program and methods of training in schools and a number of guardianship, official and private organizations. "

And finally, the university's last group includes half a dozen associated with it, but separately funded educational institutions. They include, among others - three musical college - Royal, Trinity and College of Music of the Royal Academy, as well as the Jewish College, Gouldsmith College and the London School of Business Studying Business. As the name of the Jewish College itself shows, the College is the leading center of the yudaika; Gouldsmith College began its existence as the Institute of Technology and Rest Guild of Golden Affairs Masters, which studied artwork, various musical and technical items. In college, the college could end in correspondence university courses and get a diploma in scientific disciplines.

The founding conditions of the university themselves led to the fact that correspondence education in it was always considered the main part of the learning system. Therefore, as we have said, the number of architect students at the university has now reached 22,000 - many of them arrived from abroad. The department of correspondence university provides the opportunity to undergo a full university course in the framework of adult education, and the course of vocational education - as part of the continuation of education. Courses prepare students for diplomas, for example, on social work or diplomas and certificates for practical biology. But those who do not want to take exams after graduating course can be engaged in various colleges of adult education inside London and in other places.

The most striking example of the system of absentee and evening training is Berkbek College, from 2,700 students whom only 200 learn at the day office. The college was founded before the university himself Dr. George Berkbeck in 1923 as the London Institute of Mechanics. After that, the College began to serve adult students who could only be given part of their time classes, as they had to earn their lives. All courses in the college are built so that they can be visited in the evenings. In addition to courses, which are completed by receiving degrees and diplomas, there are also training programs designed for a period of from week to two years. After the passage of which you can get certificates and other certificates of education.

Summing up, we can say that the University of London is an educational institution, consisting of an incredible number of colleges specializing in various fields. Not to mention the capital, his branches can be found across the country - from the Millport on the Scottish Island of Cambone, where the sea biological station is located, to the center of County County - the location of the Way-College, the agricultural branches of which have a farm with a plot of 300 hectares intended For the cultivation of various crops, a plot for growing hops in 13 hectares and a vineyard. The faithful principles of eclecticism, it covers the theological chitrop-college, and the Royal Veterinary College.
