MOSCOW, March 28 - RIA Novosti. An outstanding designer of the Russian military-industrial complex, academician Anatoly Savin, died on Sunday at the age of 96, the press service of the Almaz-Antey concern reported on Monday.

"Anatoly Ivanovich Savin was one of the luminaries of the domestic military-industrial complex, the developer of the country's anti-space defense system, the space echelon of the early detection system for missile launches, as well as the system of naval space reconnaissance and target designation of the Navy," the release says.

Academician Savin is the author of more than 500 scientific papers and inventions, with his direct participation, technological equipment was created for the production of weapons-grade uranium and plutonium, the creation of reactive guided weapons, global space information and information and control systems.

In the post-war years, Savin was the chief designer of the Artillery Plant No. 92 named after Stalin in Gorky. When the "Special Design Bureau for the Design of Special Machines" (now the enterprise of the state corporation "Rosatom" "Afrikantov OKBM") was created on the basis of the plant to solve the problems of the Soviet nuclear project, Savin became the chief designer of the Design Bureau, made a huge contribution to the creation of the Soviet enrichment complex uranium.

Savin: Russia has anti-satellite weapons, but not for attackAccording to Anatoly Savin, scientific director of the Almaz-Antey Aerospace Defense Concern, Russia has created an "original space reconnaissance system" that made it possible to detect and track the movement of US aircraft carrier formations in the oceans.

From the beginning of the 1950s, Savin worked in KB-1 (now the Almaz-Antey Concern VKO). Under his leadership, the country's anti-space defense system, the naval space reconnaissance and target designation system, and the space echelon of the missile launch early detection system were developed and put into service. The creation of these systems made it possible to make a significant contribution to the strategic parity between the USSR and the USA.

The experience of production, technological and design activities, accumulated during the creation of these systems, prepared the necessary conditions for the appointment of Savin in 2004 to the post of general designer of the Almaz-Antey concern. In this position, he headed a number of developments and projects aimed at solving the most complex scientific and technical problem of creating a country's aerospace defense system, creating an integrated control system for the aerospace defense, developing the appearance of the main backbone component of the aerospace defense - the global information field.

Anatoly Savin was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor (1976). He was awarded the Lenin Prize (1972), as well as three Stalin and three State Prizes of the USSR and Russia. He was awarded four Orders of Lenin, as well as many other state awards.

- Anatoly Ivanovich Savinwas born on April 6, 1920 in the city of Ostashkov
Tver province
(now - the administrative district center of the Tver region)
in a family of employees
Father - Savin Ivan Nikolaevich (1887-1943 ) worked as an accountant
and mother -
Savina Maria Georgievna(1890 - 1973) - teacher
Anatoly Savin graduated from elementary school V hometown, A after the family moved
V Smolensk, in the early 1930s with graduated with honors from secondary school
, What let him in 1937 enter without entrance exams on
Faculty "Artillery systems and installations"
Moscow Mechanics
machine-building institute
in 1943-1989 - Moscow Higher
technical school
named after N.E. Bauman , since 1989 - Faculty
"Rocket and Impulse Systems" of the Moscow State
technical university
named after N.E. Bauman ) .

WITH beginning of the Great Patriotic War, in July 1941,
A.I. Savin entered
V civil uprising, however before sending on the front was withdrawn, evacuated
V city ​​of Gorky
( now - Nizhny Novgorod ) , Where was appointed senior supervisor
foreman of the recoil device shop
on Artillery Plant No. 92
named after I.V. Stalin
In 1944 A.I. Savin became a member of the CPSU (b).
Behind working hours on enterprise Anatoly Ivanovich Savingot used to it very quickly
With artillery production technology And proposed a number of improvements
V design of the F-34 tank gun
, and then developed a fundamentally new And more
a technologically advanced recoil device is one of the most important components of the gun.
to the fact that young specialist Not supported by the Chief Designer of the plant
Vasily Gavrilovich Grabin, at support of the Plant Director Amo Sergeevich Elyan
on personal meeting With People's Commissar of Armaments of the USSR Dmitry Fyodorovich UstinovAnatoly Ivanovich Savinmanaged to achieve the introduction of anti-recoil
V production, What allowed V increase the daily output of finished weapons several times.
In 1942 while still a student, 22 year old
A.I. Savin becomes Chief
design department
, and in 1943 he was appointed Chief Designer
Gorky Artillery Plant No. 92 named after I.V. Stalin
working on these posts
Anatoly Ivanovichmade a significant contribution V Creation
anti-tank gun ZIS-2
model 1941(caliber - 57 millimeters)
And tank gun ZIS-S-53
model 1944(caliber - 85 millimeters) .
In 1946 A.I. Savin without interruption from production With graduated with honors
Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman.
A year earlier
, in 1945 Design department under leadership
A.I. Savina was
To work By Soviet atomic project.
By task of the Head of Atomic Science Academician
Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov
KB A.I. Savina was engaged in the creation of an experimental multi-stage installation
experimental verification of basic physical processes With purpose of determining
the possibility of practical implementation of the enrichment factor
, received
under named after diffusion plant No. 1.
These works were controlled by the First Main Directorate of the Council of Ministers of the USSR
Boris Lvovich Vannikov.
For their implementation on the plant was created a Special Design Bureau,
The chief designer of which was appointed
Anatoly Ivanovich Savin .
The installation was designed
V term And built V Nizhny Tagil.
IN the process of its creation OKB under leadership
A.I. Savina designed the most complex
unloading system for irradiated uranium blocks
And reactors on heavy water
(project OK-180).
In 1951 Anatoly Ivanovich Savin wastranslated V Moscow, V Design department
№ 1
( subsequently - MKB "Strela", Central Design Bureau "Almaz" ) at 3rd Main Directorate of the Council
Ministers of the USSR who oversaw the creation of reactive guided weapons
And Was assigned on position of Deputy Head of the design department.
Soon he became Deputy Chief Designer of KB-1.
IN at that time, KB-41 was developing an anti-aircraft missile system
defense "Berkut"
In 1953 KB-41 was reorganized V Special Design Bureau No. 41
(SKB-41) V composition of KB-1
V which A.I. Savin worked as head of department .
Since February 1955 he was the Deputy Chief Designer of SKB-41
By air defense.
On at this stage of his activity, he became one from leaders of the creation of a reactive
"Kometa" air-sea guided weapon systems
( together with Pavel Nikolaevich Kuksenko, chief And Chief designer
Sergo Lavrentievich Beria , Deputy Chief Designer of SKB-1 ) .
TO mid 1951 all elements of the system were made And prepared
l thorny tests . - From the history of the creation of the KS-1 "Comet": First flight of manned prototype " TO" was executed on January 4, 1951
test pilot
Amet Khan Sultan.
First drop of the prototype from under the carrier Tu-4K took place in May 1951.
Amet Khan Sultanin trials "Comets" took part
test pilots
Fyodor Ivanovich Burtsev, Sergei Nikolaevich Anokhin,
Vasily Georgievich Pavlov And
Pyotr Ivanovich Kazmin.
In total, four copies of the prototype were made to test the rocket:
K-1,K-2,K-3 And K-4.
After conducting 150 manned flights in May 1952,
unmanned launches KS-1 on board Tu-4K.
On November 21, 1952, the last test launch was carried out.
at the sea range in the area of ​​Feodosia.
A decommissioned cruiser was used as a target. "Red Caucasus",
which, after hitting it "Comets" broke in half and sank.
In 1953 KS-1 "Kometa" system
was officially adopted
although the series was launched a year earlier.
Since August 1954, this cruise missile has been tested in the complex
with an airplane Tu-16KS as a carrier.
In 1955, this complex was put into service.
In 1956-1957, measures were taken to improve the characteristics of the rocket.
In the first half of the 1960s, a replacement in operation was started. KS-1 for more
perfect types of missiles KSR-2 And KSR-11 with the corresponding refinement of missile carriers
before modifications Tu-16K-11-16 And Tu-16K-16
(Tu-16KSR, Tu-16KSR-2 ) .
Last KS-1 was decommissioned in 1969.
A.I. Savin was also the head of the creation of missile defense systems
air-sea class - "K-10", "K-22", "K-22 PSI";class "air-ground" - "K-20";
class "air-air" - "K-5" And its modernization "K-5M", "K-51", "K-9";
class "land-sea" - "Arrow"; ground-to-ground class - "Meteor","The Dragon";
class "sea-sea" - "P-15".
Also the team of SKB-41
(subsequently OKB-41) under leadership A.I. Savina introduced
huge contribution
V creation of a unique multi-echelon unified air defense system of Moscow introduced V action in 1953.
In 1960 A.I. Savin was appointedon position of Chief of Special
Design Bureau No. 41
According to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, OKB-41 was reoriented
on space theme And started To development of unique space systems
And complexes: space surveillance system behind water areas of the oceans,
anti-space defense complex, space echelon system
O missile attack.
Mastering the technology of developing highly intelligent By systems of that time
reactive guided weapons
, knowledge And experience, accumulated
Anatoly Ivanovich
And the team formed by him, prepared the conditions For transition To creation
space drums
, information management And intelligence systems.First from they became the system of orbital interception "IS"
(satellite fighter) ,elaboration of which in 1959 was started V OKB-52 under leadership
Vladimir Nikolaevich Chelomey.
IN within the framework of this system combat crews of the Scientific Research Test Site No. 5 of the USSR Ministry of Defense (Baikonur Cosmodrome)
launches of prototypes of satellite fighters were carried out - space
devices "Flight-1"
November 1, 1963 ) And "Flight-2" ( April 12, 1964 ) ,
capable of performing multiple maneuvers V outer space, What provided
the possibility of rendezvous with other spacecraft
In 1965 parent company By creation
satellite fighters became
V composition of KB-1.
Exactly V this period most clearly revealed talent
A.I. SavinaNot only How
constructor, but also excellent organizer of well-coordinated activities
a significant number of industry research institutes
industrial enterprises, Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR And research
institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR
Behind short term V a ground command and control post was created in our country,
the control equipment of the interceptor spacecraft was developed.
After a number of successful experiments November 1, 1968 first V world
practice, orbital interception was carried out
And kinetic defeat
target spacecraft
IN total V test By destruction of space objects
completed 7 field works
With positive results, What confirmed
high tactical and technical characteristics of the "IS" system
(satellite destroyer) .
In 1973 the IS system was adopted on armament, and by 1979 this system has been completely refurbished..
In 1983 testing this system V USSR were terminated By political considerations, But the anti-space defense complex itself is still
on combat duty.
It should be noted
, what in areas of anti-space defense of the USSR while
ahead of the US by more than for 25 years.

And development specifics And creation of space defense systems
appointments predetermined the creation
in 1973 on based on OKB-41 independent
enterprises - Central Research Institute "Kometa"
General Director And General Designer of the Central Research Institute "Kometa"
Was assigned
Anatoly Ivanovich Savin .
IN the composition of the Central Research Institute included the plant "Mospribor" And SKB-39, branches V Yerevan, Ryazan,Leningrad,Kyiv,factories V Alma-Ata And Vyshny Volochek, individual divisions
V Moscow region and in Tbilisi.

...... Since 1979 - Research and Production Association "Kometa", since 1985 - Central Research and Production Association "Kometa", since 1999 - FSUE "Central Research Institute" Kometa ".
...... In 2004, the enterprise was transferred to the jurisdiction of Roscosmos.
...... In 2006, FSUE FSUE "Central Research Institute" Kometa "was awarded the status of the Federal Research and Production Center.
...... In 2012, on the basis of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Central Research Institute" Kometa "(FSUE" Central Research Institute "Kometa"), the Open Joint Stock Company "Corporation of Special Purpose Space Systems "Kometa" was established

Second space system, Job above which has already ended V Central Research Institute "Kometa",
became First V Worldwide All Weather Marine Space Intelligence System And
target designation
(ICRC) , dubbed "Legend", whose task was
behind surface targets on throughout the oceans With transfer
data directly
on ground or ship's command posts.
IN within the framework of this program, tests were carried out
spacecraft "US-A"
(Uruled WITH traveler A active- approx. ) And "US-P" (Uruled WITH traveler P passive- approx. )
With nuclear power plant , complexes of special equipment
"Kasatka-B" intended
For data acquisition co system satellites
MKRTS "Legend" which were equipped with underwater
boats projects 675
And 675mk.

High Efficiency Surveillance System behind the waters of the oceans were
in 1982 in real environment in Anglo-Argentine time
armed conflict
at Falkland Islands.
She provided operational control And situation forecasting V this area.

- In 1965, back in OKB-41,under leadership Anatoly Ivanovich Savinwere started
above space-based missile attack warning system V framework
which created a system for detecting launches of intercontinental
ballistic missiles
By radiation from flares of their propulsion systems.
This large information and control system, called "OKO"
( deciphered -ABOUT detection TO osmic ABOUT objects) required the development And creation of a unique spacecraft And command multifunctional
information and control complex
, equipped with branched
computer network
At support of the Military Industrial Commission at Council of Ministers of the USSR
A.I. Savin was initiated by the decision of the Government of the USSR O parallelization
research work
And basic
design solutions
(creation of a command post , ground facilities
rocket and space complex
and etc.
) .
IN This approach had a significant share of the risk ah, but The risk was justified
time to create the "OKO" system was reduced
In 1978 completed state tests, and in 1979 she
was accepted
on armament.

The development of the OKO system was the created
in the 1980s early space system
detection of launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles "OKO-1"
With aircraft,With ground launchers and with submarines, For which
The team of the Central Research Institute "Kometa" developed a broadband radio measuring
control complex
(RIUK),ground And onboard controls,
And software.
lead role V its development belonged to the Central Research Institute "Kometa"
under leadership
A.I. Savina.
After the successful completion of flight design
And state tests,
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1996 system "OKO-1"
With spacecraft "Prognoz"
(US-KMO - Uunified WITH system TO control
M orei ABOUT oceans
) locatedon geostationary orbit And Western Command
paragraph was adopted
on armament by the Russian Armed Forces, and in 2002
V its composition was introduced by the Eastern Command Post.
All this was created in spite of
on collapse of the USSR, despite the loss of coordination With
numerous divisions V former Soviet republics And break
a huge number of economic and technical communications
For solution of the above problems, the team of OKB-41
( then - Central Research Institute "Kometa" )
under leadership Anatoly Ivanovich Savin conducted unique scientific
research work
By optoelectronics, informatics, radiophysics,
radio engineering, radio electronics, V areas of fundamental scientific research
, ocean, sushi And near-Earth space.
Were formulated And implemented on practice the physical basis of detection
And identification of small space objects on background of various
V atmosphere, ocean, on on dry land and in near-Earth space.A special place was given to research V computer science And image processing.
Many from created under leadership
A.I. Savina remote vision systems
underwater scenes
With using optical And radar aerospace
funds were far ahead of the existing US developments
And other countries.
The team of the Central Research Institute "Kometa"
under leadership
A.I. Savina took an active part V
creation of the space radio telescope KRT-10 With deployable antenna
10 meters .
The radio telescope was delivered
on board of the manned orbital station "Salyut-6"
And was collected on on board the station by the crew of the 3rd main expedition - cosmonauts
Vladimir Afanasyevich Lyakhov And Valery Viktorovich Ryumin .
After successful research
, astronauts
V.A. Lyakhov And V.V. Ryumin made an unplanned exit V outer space For docking station release from hooked behind him after the shooting of the radio telescope.
May 1999 Anatoly Ivanovich Savin was releasedfrom duties of the CEO And General designer And Was assigned
on position of Scientific Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Research Institute "Kometa".
Since May 2004
A.I. Savin held the position of General Designer of the Open
Joint Stock Company "Concern "PVO Almaz - Antey""
, and since May 2007 was the scientific director of this enterprise.
On In these positions, he was involved in the development of global information management
At the same time, he successfully worked By creation of information management
and in other areas, including creation of global monitoring systems
, control of emergency
(natural And man-made
) situations.
Under leadership
A.I. Savina The concern was also engaged in the creation of modern medical equipment For cardiodiagnostics And iridology.
Anatoly Ivanovich Savinalso worked as a teacher
And conducted social and scientific activities.
He carried out the general management of the basic departments of the Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics and Automation - "Information and Control Computing Systems" and "Space radio electronics".
(Central Research Institute "Kometa") A.I. Savin was the founder And leader
scientific school
By problems of creating large space systems of the global
V different spectral ranges.
In the 1950s
Anatoly Ivanovich Savin without interruptionfrom production is trained V
graduate school at KB-1, in 1959 he defended his dissertation on degree
Candidate of Technical Sciences
, and in 1965 after successfully defending his dissertation
was awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences
In 1984 he was awarded the academic title "Professor".
A.I. Savin 48 doctors trained And 126 PhDs.
March 15, 1979
Anatoly Ivanovich Savinwas elected a corresponding member
Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Department of General Physics and Astronomy
(specialty "Radiophysics and electronics")
December 26, 1984 he
was elected a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
by Department
informatics, computing and automation
(specialty" Automated systems " ) .
working V USSR Academy of Sciences
(Russian Academy of Sciences) A.I. Savinwas:Chairman of the Scientific Council And scientific council bureau By problems
image processing
Member of the Branch
And Bureau of the Division of Nanotechnology And information technologies
(section "Information technology and automation") .
, he was a member of the Advisory Board By sustainable
at State Duma of the Russian Federation And member of the Expert
at Government of the Russian Federation.
Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of January 26, 1946 No. 213
" Z and a radical improvement in technology and organization high -
productive in-line method for the production of guns
, providing
a significant increase in their output with a decrease
metal consumption
and reducing the need for labor
Stalin Prize I degree
in the amount of 150,000 rubles per team was awarded
Elyan Amo Sergeevich, Hero of Socialist Labor,
D Director of the Plant named after I.V. Stalin;
Lych yo to Grigory Dmitrievich , Gmaster technologist Plant named after I.V. Stalin;
Olevsky Mark Zinovievich , Maksimenko Vladimir Dmitrievich ,
Savin Anatoly Ivanovich
, Borodkin Konstantin Vasilievich ,
Gurikov Alexey Nikolaevich ,engineers of the same Z labor;
Gonor Lev Robertovich, Hero of Socialist Labor,
D Director of Plant No. 9;
Margolin David Mikhelevich ,
engineer H research institute 13 .
- Decree m of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of October 29, 194 9
"For the development of an unloading mechanism for plant "A" of plant No. 817".
Savin Anatoly Ivanovich
was awarded
Stalin Prize II degree as part of a team
in the amount of 100,000 rubles for the development team
- Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 29, 1949
"For the development of an unloading mechanism for plant "A" of plant No. 817"
Chief designer of the I.V. Stalin Savin Anatoly Ivanovich
was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor
( it was one of the few double achievement awards
in the improvement of production methods
- approx.
) .
Decree m of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 6, 1951
"For the fulfillment of a special task of the Government of the USSR".
Deputy Chief Designer of KB-1 Savin Anatoly Ivanovich
was awarded
Stalin Prize III degree in the amount of 50,000 rubles
as part of a team
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR April 20, 1956
"For the development and adoption of the R-5M missile" Deputy Chief
designer SKB-41
Savin Anatoly Ivanovich was awarded
Labor Red Banner .
By the decision of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1970
"For the totality of outstanding
works in the field of radio engineering control systems"
Doctor of Technical Sciences

Savin Anatoly Ivanovichwas awarded the Gold Medal
named after A.A. Raspletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR

Decreem Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1972
For the creation of the system "IS" ("Destroyer of satellites")
H head of OKB-41 Savin Anatoly Ivanovich
was awarded
Lenin Prize
as part of a team

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 15, 1976
"For outstanding services in the creation of the latest developments in weapons
and to strengthen the defense power of the USSR"
Director and Chief Designer
Central Research Institute "Kometa"
Savin Anatoly Ivanovichwas awarded the title
Hero of Socialist Labor with the award of the Order of Lenin
(№ 425025 ) and Gold Medal "Hammer and Sickle"(№ 17884 )
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1995 No. 636
"For services to the state and successes , achieved in labor
General Designer - General Director of the Central
Research and Production Association "Kometa"
Savin Anatoly
was awarded

III degree
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 4, 2000 N 505-r
"For a great personal contribution to the creation of special electronic equipment
appointment and in connection with the 80th anniversary of the birth"
Scientific director
Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Scientific and
research institute "Kometa"
Savin Anatoly Ivanovichwas awarded
Honorary Diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation
Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 10, 2006 No. 51-rp
"For a great contribution to the development of special equipment and many years of conscientious
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
, General designer of the open
Savin Anatoly Ivanovich
thanks were given
By the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2010"For the cycle of work
"Physical foundations for detecting low-contrast small-sized objects
against the background of various formations in near-Earth outer space""
Academician Savin Anatoly Ivanovichwas awarded the Gold Medal
named after A.S. Popov Russian Academy of Sciences
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 6, 2010 No. 424
"For his great contribution to the development, creation of special equipment
and many years of fruitful activity
Russian Academy of Sciences
, Academic Supervisor of the Open
JSC "Concern Air Defense "Almaz-Antey"
Savin Anatoly
was awarded
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland"
II degree

He was also awarded: The State Prize of the Georgian SSR
USSR State Prize
(in 1981),
State Prize of the Russian Federation
( in 1999 ),
National television award "Victory" in the nomination "Legend
military-industrial complex"
(May 20, 2005) -
For a special contribution to the creation of the defense shield of Russia.
Anatoly Ivanovich Savinwas also awarded two more Orders of Labor
Red Banner
(05.01. 1944 , 29.10. 1949 ) , Order of the Patriotic War
II degree
(18.11. 1944 ) ,medals.



On March 27, 2016, at the age of 96, Academician Anatoly Ivanovich Savin, an outstanding scientist and general designer - the creator of global space systems that largely determined the defense capability of our country and its strategic position in the world, passed away.

The scientific, design and production activities of Academician A.I. Savina. He began his career at plant No. 92 in Gorky, making a huge personal contribution to the creation of the most massive artillery systems, participated in solving the atomic problem, in the 1950-1960s he was engaged in the creation of systems for reactive guided weapons, and starting from 1960 1990s to the present - created global space information systems and the latest air defense (AD) systems that ensure strategic balance and strategic deterrence, preventing world war.

Anatoly Ivanovich Savin was born on April 6, 1920 in Ostashkov. After graduation, he entered the Moscow Higher Technical School. N.E. Bauman (Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman) to the faculty of artillery weapons. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a senior student joined the people's militia, but was soon recalled from the front and sent to work in the city of Gorky at the largest plant for the production of field and tank artillery. Here, for the first time, his outstanding engineering, design and organizational abilities appeared. In 1941-1943. A.I. Savin designed and went into mass production a recoil device for the gun of the T-34 tank and a number of artillery pieces. In 1943 A.I. Savin was appointed Chief Designer of the Design Bureau (KB) of the Gorky Artillery Plant. During the war years, more than 100 thousand different guns and devices developed by Savin were produced, including the most massive artillery system - the 76-mm ZIS-3 gun.

At the beginning of 1946, a new stage began in the creative biography of the Chief Designer A.I. Savin, connected with the solution of the atomic problem. In the Design Bureau of the Gorky Plant, under his leadership, on the instructions of Academicians I.V. Kurchatov, I.K. Kikoina, A.P. Aleksandrov and A.I. Alikhanov developed a number of basic designs for key industrial technologies for obtaining enriched uranium and plutonium. A set of equipment for the diffusion separation of uranium isotopes was created, which made it possible to organize the production of weapons-grade uranium in the shortest possible time. Savin designed the most critical and complex system for unloading irradiated uranium blocks from the first commercial nuclear reactor for plutonium production. Beginning in 1948, he participated in the development of industrial uranium-graphite nuclear reactor (project OK-110) and a heavy water reactor (project OK-180).

During the Cold War, the task of creating effective systems of reactive guided weapons became a priority. This required the development of new methods and means of radar, thermal location, automatic control, etc. To solve these problems, by decision of the Government of the country in 1951, A.I. Savin was transferred to the Moscow Design Bureau-1, where under his leadership a number of complex combat systems of the Air-Sea, Air-to-Earth, Air-to-Air, Sea-Sea, Earth-to-Earth classes were developed.

In 1959, after graduating from graduate school, he defended his Ph.D., and in 1965 - his doctoral dissertation.

The experience of creating systems of reactive guided weapons, accumulated by A.I. Savin and the team formed by him, prepared the conditions for the transition to the creation of global space information and information management systems. The design of such systems began under the leadership of A.I. Savin in the 60s of the twentieth century. Under his leadership, complex systems for the early detection of missile launches were created; marine space reconnaissance and target designation; anti-space defense, a space system for lighting surface and underwater situations and a number of other systems, the successful operation of which, together with the country's nuclear missile shield, has become the basis for maintaining strategic balance and strategic parity in the world to prevent a global nuclear war.

All space systems created under the guidance of A.I. Savin, were unique, they were distinguished by the novelty of the applied solutions and the absence of analogues. The creation of such systems would be impossible without the development of new scientific areas in the fields of physics, computer science, radio engineering, radio electronics and optoelectronics, without fundamental scientific research into the atmosphere, ocean, land and near-Earth space. The cycles of research works carried out under the guidance of Academician A.I. Savin in these areas ensured the formation of the physical foundations for the detection and identification of low-contrast small-sized and spatially extended objects on various background formations. An important place in the works of Academician A.I. Savin was occupied with research in the field of remote sensing of the Earth and the processing of large flows of information, the development of models of background-target conditions. He headed the Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences on the problems of image processing. The works of the scientific school of Academician A.I. Savin in the field of remote sensing of the Earth in order to see underwater scenes, as well as global and regional monitoring of the planet to ensure environmental safety and prevent emergencies. Achievements of the scientific school of Academician A.I. Savin in these areas are in many ways ahead of the foreign level. They are summarized in numerous monographs and scientific publications.

A.I. Savin was the largest organizer of science and production in our country. He is the founder, first general director and general designer of the Central Research Institute "Kometa" (currently - JSC "Corporation" Kometa ").

In 2004, Anatoly Ivanovich became the general designer of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern and worked in this organization until the last days of his life. He headed a number of scientific and technical developments and projects aimed at creating the most complex systems of the Aerospace Defense (aerospace defense) of the country, an integrated control system of the aerospace defense. He developed the appearance of the main system-forming component of the aerospace defense - the global information field.

The legendary designer, "father of space wars", Anatoly Ivanovich Savin turned 95 years old. Even today, one might say, in combat formation, he continues to work in the Almaz-Antey air defense concern, which is creating the aerospace shield of the Fatherland.

Anatoly Ivanovich Savin - Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of Lenin, three Stalin and one State Prize of the USSR, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He was awarded four Orders of Lenin, three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, and many other awards and titles. Currently, he is the scientific director of JSC Concern "PVO Almaz-Antey". He is the author of more than 500 scientific papers and inventions.

Below we present a conversation between Sergei Ptichkin, a journalist from Rossiyskaya Gazeta, and Anatoly Ivanovich.

One of the creators of the world's first anti-satellite system and interceptor satellites was Anatoly Ivanovich Savin. Today he is the scientific director of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern. About how the country's missile defense system, which includes a system of interceptor satellites, was created and modernized, we are talking with one of the most closed domestic designers.

Knowing people called you "the father of space wars." But the very concept of "space wars" came from across the ocean. And SDI - the strategic defense initiative, of which war in outer space was an integral part, is always associated with the name of US President Ronald Reagan. Why did you become a "father"?

The fact is that it was under my leadership that an anti-satellite defense system was created for the first time in the world. It is impossible to talk about many things today, but I will tell you something.

Since the beginning of the 1960s, the United States has been very actively working on the militarization of space, and this is a historical fact. Although, as it turned out later, the declaration of ambitious intentions and their embodiment in metal are not the same thing. There is a proverb: "it was smooth on paper ...". However, we could not ignore the fact that Washington was heading for a confrontation in near-Earth space. And they also began to work in this direction.

We managed to develop a unique, even by today's standards, automated complex, associated with the protection of ours and the destruction, if necessary, of satellites of a potential enemy.

Then it was not advertised for the reason that the USSR under no circumstances would have started a war in space first. We developed tools that are still part of Aerospace Defense today. Defense, not attack.

The first tests began in 1970. Then our interceptor satellite blew the target to pieces. Directly from the command post, I reported on the results of the tests to the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU D.F. Ustinov and Minister of Defense A.A. Grechko on the phone. Then there were new tests and new defeats of target satellites. In 1979, our complex was put on combat duty. While they were noisily advertising overseas and trying to create their own SDI, the USSR destroyed up to a dozen target satellites in space. That's when they began to call me "the father of space wars."

The United States was only able to hit a target in space in 1985. So you are 15 years ahead of them. Could our country actually wage space wars, or is it still an exaggeration?

I don’t understand where the belief came from that across the ocean we are always and in every way ahead of us. Naturally, we had technological problems, we could not do something for objective reasons. After all, 1970 is only 25 years after the end of World War II. We got out of seemingly dead-end situations through, as they say now, a creative approach. Many of our design solutions were much simpler and better than what they did in the USA. That's why we got ahead of them in the space arms race. Although, I repeat, the Soviet Union would never have been the first to start a war in space.

However, the space information and control systems we created made it possible already in the early 1970s to achieve and still maintain military-strategic parity not only with the United States, but with the entire NATO bloc.

Major General Kirill Makarov, Deputy Commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces for Air Defense, said that automatic radar systems operating without people would be deployed in the Arctic. He also said that the S-500 anti-aircraft missile systems being created will be able to solve not only air defense tasks, but also missile defense. Does this mean that the systems you have developed are being developed at a new level, including in the field of anti-missile and anti-satellite defense?

Indeed, we laid the foundation for the creation of fully automatic and autonomous systems decades ago. Anti-satellite defense was envisaged that it could function with a minimum number of service personnel. Today, the Aerospace Defense of Russia, based on our long-standing design solutions, is being implemented at a completely new technological level.

- For more than 30 years you headed the Central Research Institute, and then NPO Kometa, where anti-satellite defense systems and missile attack warning systems were developed. You were able to ensure that after the collapse of the USSR in Tajikistan, the Oko-1 optical-electronic complex was put into operation and put on combat duty. And today, with all the problems, the roots of which go back to the 1990s, Russia has a very effective missile attack warning system. The foundations of which, as many believe, were laid during the creation of the "Legend" marine space reconnaissance and target designation system, which still functions today. What is this system?

Indeed, we have created a very original system of space intelligence. It made it possible to detect and track the movement of US aircraft carrier formations in the oceans, as well as NATO strategic submarines with nuclear ballistic missiles on board. We began to keep almost the entire water area of ​​the World Ocean under constant surveillance. Moreover, the data obtained by space intelligence were used not only for military purposes, but also for scientific purposes.

We have observed and are observing the development of natural elements, the migration of fish, and much more. Now such observation is called remote sensing of the earth. In many ways, our country has been a leader in this direction for many years.

"Legend" provided and provides accurate guidance of cruise missiles launched from nuclear submarines of the "Granit" and "Antey" projects - these are modern missile-carrying submarines.

- Anatoly Ivanovich, how did you get into the defense industry?

I always wanted to be an engineer and entered the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman. Managed to complete four courses. When the war began, he immediately signed up as a volunteer and went to the front. He could have died, and this conversation would not have happened. However, in 1941, Stalin issued an order to recall from the fronts students, so to speak, of military technical universities, to which Baumanka belonged.

I was sent directly from the front line to Gorky, to the 92nd plant, which was then the main enterprise for the production of field and tank artillery. I was immediately appointed foreman. I quickly entered the subject of production and even made a very important rationalization proposal: to change the design of the recoil devices of the F-34 tank gun. This gun was designed by the famous Grabin, who was the chief designer of the plant. I must say that he did not like my initiative. And in fact, he is a recognized creator of artillery pieces. And I am a half-educated engineer, one might say, a boy. And I dare to make improvements in its design.

However, my recoil device turned out to be much simpler, more technologically advanced and more economical than Grabin's. The improved node was appreciated by the then director of the enterprise A.S. Elyan. My rationalization was put into production.

It is known that in 1943, at the age of 23, you were appointed chief designer of the largest defense enterprise. How did the venerable gunners react to this appointment?

It was military time, then they didn’t argue whether you were younger or older. There is an order - and carry it out. I worked with people on good principles, I did not pound the table with my fist. Leading designers worked until late at night, drawings "in proteins" were transferred to production directly from the drawing board. In total, during the war years, our plant alone produced more than 100,000 artillery and tank guns. In 1946 I received the first Stalin Prize. In the same year, on the job, he wrote a diploma and graduated from the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman.

In 1949, the plant was entrusted with the development of a project for an industrial heavy water reactor. Moreover, it was necessary to make not only the project itself, but also make stands, equipment, and then deliver it to the same Chelyabinsk-40. And we have successfully solved this problem. Thus, I also participated in the domestic atomic project, thanks to which the USSR was able to create its own nuclear weapons, depriving the United States of its monopoly. In 1951, I was transferred to Moscow, to KB-1, and later on I was engaged in guided missile weapons. I do this to this day.

For more than seventy years I have been working for the good of the Motherland, and this gives me strength. I actively go in for sports, never smoked and have a negative attitude to alcohol.

As you know, yesterday, at the age of 96, Anatoly Ivanovich Savin, an outstanding designer of weapons systems of the USSR, scientific director of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern, died. What was this person? I just don’t remember even among our outstanding designers who during the war would have participated in the development and production of cannon artillery systems, then participated in the atomic project, then in the air defense project, which was part of the missile project and subsequently also involved in anti-satellite space systems and anti-missile systems providing control over launches and destruction of potential enemy ICBMs.
Here's what we found:

SAVIN Anatoly Ivanovich

SAVIN Anatoly Ivanovich

Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin, three Stalin, State Prizes of the USSR and Russia, the State Prize of Georgia, General Designer of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Born on April 6, 1920 in the city of Ostashkov, Tver Region. Father - Savin Ivan Nikolaevich (1887-1943). Mother - Savina Maria Georgievna (1890-1973). Wife - Grigoryeva Evgenia Vasilievna (1919-1998). Daughters: Lidia Anatolyevna Savina (born in 1942), design engineer; Savina Irina Anatolyevna (born in 1949), artist. Granddaughters: Evgenia Sergeevna (born in 1970), teacher; Alexandra Sergeevna (born in 1973), artist.
A. Savin's childhood years are connected with the most beautiful Central Russian place - Lake Seliger. For the rest of his life he kept the memory of the benevolence, respectfulness and disinterestedness of the local people. From an early age, Anatoly Savin fell in love with fishing, swimming, skiing - he still remains faithful to these hobbies. Of course, the times were not easy then, but even today, after decades, Anatoly Ivanovich recalls them as a happy time - he believes that the will of the boys of the 1920-1930s was tempered in overcoming difficulties.
In the mid-1930s, the Savin family moved to Smolensk, where Anatoly entered the 9th grade of one of the best secondary schools in the city. Having received a matriculation certificate with honors, he went to Moscow and in 1937, without entrance exams, became a student at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. In the 3rd year, after the reorganization of the structure of the university, A. Savin enrolled in the faculty of artillery weapons.
With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Anatoly joined the people's militia, but soon (by order of I.V. Stalin concerning students of the largest institutes) he was recalled from the front and sent to the city of Gorky to the factory? 92 is one of the largest in the production of field and tank artillery in the USSR.
The plant was headed by an experienced director A.S. Yelyan, who was able to consider and evaluate the engineering and organizational skills of Anatoly Savin, who, working as a foreman in the recoil device workshop, proposed a number of innovations in the design of the F-34 tank gun of the famous V.G. Grabin - the chief designer of the plant? 92. Grabin reacted coldly to the student's proposals, but the faith and perseverance of Elyan and Savin confirmed the correctness of the young designer.
Anatoly Ivanovich Savin recalls:
The situation on the fronts was almost catastrophic. German troops advanced to the outskirts of Moscow, Leningrad was under blockade, most of Ukraine was occupied in the South.
The issue of artillery weapons was especially acute. In all the wars of those times, artillery has always played a dominant role. Winning the war against Nazi fascism, and this became clear from the first days of the war, was possible only with powerful field, anti-tank, tank, self-propelled artillery.
The main task of the People's Commissariat of Armaments and the People's Commissariat of Defense was the urgent maximum increase in the production of artillery systems of this profile in the shortest possible time. Was our factory the only operating plant producing such artillery systems at that time? 92 in the city of Gorky, since most of the defense plants in Moscow, Leningrad, Ukraine were in the process of relocating to the east. Control over the work of the plant was directly provided by People's Commissar D.F. Ustinov and GKO Chairman I.V. Stalin. So we were at the very edge of events.
In the autumn of 1941, People's Commissar for Armaments D.F. Ustinov arrived at the plant.
Factory? 92 was built during the first five-year plans and equipped for the production of artillery systems for the full technological cycle from in-house metallurgy to assembly and testing of systems completed by the manufacturer. At that time, he was at the stage of mastering new models of the F-34 tank gun and the F-22-USV divisional gun designed by V.G. Grabin, whose design office was also located on the territory of the plant. The director of the plant was Amo Sergeevich Elyan, appointed a year before the start of the war, before that he was the director of the cartridge plant in Ulyanovsk. In fact, in the future, these leaders, together with the people's commissar, had to bear the brunt and responsibility for the fulfillment of the assigned task, which played an indisputable role in turning the tide of the Great Patriotic War: the defeat of the Germans near Moscow in 1941, the victory in the Battles of Stalingrad and Kursk.
Dmitry Fedorovich got acquainted in detail with the state of affairs at the plant. At that time, 5-6 thousand guns per year were produced here. It was necessary to increase the production of field, tank and anti-tank guns by 15-20 times.
The People's Commissar, together with the leaders of the enterprise, developed specific measures in all areas: organizing production, reconstructing the plant and reducing labor costs, reducing the cost of products by improving the design and technology of their manufacture.
By that time, on the basis of an analysis of the F-34 tank gun recoil devices accepted for production, mounted on T-34 tanks, and subsequently on KV tanks, I developed and proposed a new design of recoil devices. Replacing the existing design of recoil devices in the F-34 cannon with the design I proposed made it possible to significantly reduce labor costs for their production, improve their quality while reducing weight and dimensions, and save expensive materials. As it turned out later, the total effect of the introduction of this design in monetary terms amounted to more than 5 million pre-war rubles a year (about 300 million rubles at the rate of 2000). In the process of discussing the planned measures to increase the production of guns, I was introduced by the director of the plant, D.F. Ustinov as the inventor of new recoil devices, who showed a useful initiative in the current difficult situation.
The meeting took place in the workshop during an acquaintance with the state of affairs in the production of recoil devices. The director warned me that I would tell the people's commissar about my invention. Since I have already experienced a rather indifferent attitude towards my proposal on the part of the design bureau V.G. Grabin, he did not attach much importance to this event, since he imagined the people's commissar as a very respectable person, weighed down by complex state affairs, who finds it difficult, as they say, "on the go" to delve into the essence of the proposed new proposal and make a decision.
I did not know anything about Ustinov, since the level of people's commissars did not interest me much, since I was an ordinary soldier in the industrial army, and he was the commander in chief. The distance is enormous. The impression of him as a person was overwhelming. I saw a physically strong, brave, young guy with a dashing forelock of thick blond hair, with an intelligent penetrating look and a very quick reaction to everything that happens. He, like a good design engineer, knew in detail about recoil devices, their manufacturing technology and organization of production. It was noticeable that he was primarily interested in everything that made it possible to reduce production time, the number of scarce and expensive materials and the possibility of reconstructing production in order to increase the number of manufactured products. Having determined that the existing areas would not allow a sharp increase in the production of recoil devices, he proposed to urgently build a new special shop for recoil devices (this shop with an area of ​​​​more than 10 thousand square meters was built and put into operation in 26 days).
He spoke favorably of my report and supported the need for the rapid introduction of this design into tank guns put into production, despite the opinion of opponents of this decision among designers and manufacturers, who feared that this would cause a violation of production plans. The decision was carried out, and, as time has shown, it turned out to be correct and played a significant role in the overall measures to increase the production of guns.
New recoil devices designed by A.I. Savina were made, passed all kinds of tests, and ultimately the Grabin gun
F-34 with recoil devices A.I. Savina was put into service with the Red Army. This gun was mass-produced by the plant to equip the T-34 tank and, together with the tank, entered the history of the Great Patriotic War as one of the most effective weapons of those years - like the field gun designed by Grabin ZIS-3, which was also produced by the plant? 92. In a short time, the production of artillery systems increased from 3-4 to 150 units per day.
In 1942 V.G. Grabin, along with the main staff of his design bureau, was transferred to Moscow, where he headed the newly created Central Artillery Design Bureau (TsAKB) in Podlipki. At the factory? 92 remained a group of designers, united in the design department, which was headed by
A.I. Savin.
In 1943, the People's Commissar for Armaments of the USSR D.F. Ustinov appoints A.I. Savina the chief designer of the plant? 92, who was entrusted with the creation of the cannon
85-mm caliber for the rearmament of the T-34 tank in connection with the appearance of information about the armament of the German army with tanks of the "Tiger", "Panther" and self-propelled guns "Ferdinand". The design bureau of the plant, with the participation of TsAKB, created the ZIS-S-53 gun, as well as the ZIS-2 anti-tank gun, which played a significant role in the victory at Kursk.
In total, during the war years, the Gorky Plant? 92 produced more than 100 thousand different guns, continuously increasing the rate of production and reducing the cost of production by improving the design and manufacturing technology, to a large extent thanks to the efforts of the design team led by A.I. Savina. In 1946, the chief designer A.I. Savin was awarded the Stalin Prize of the 1st degree. In the same year, on the job, he graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
A new stage in the creative biography of A.I. Savina is connected with the nuclear project. Academician Anatoly Ivanovich Savin, a direct participant, tells:
There was no victory at Berlin yet, there were no atomic explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the leadership of the Soviet Union set about solving the atomic problem. The creation of an atomic bomb for a country that withstood an unprecedented moral and economic war and achieved victory at the cost of enormous efforts and sacrifices was a new ordeal for the entire Soviet people.
The main resources of the country during the period of the creation of the first samples were involved not in the creation of the atomic bomb itself, but in the production of large quantities of enriched uranium and plutonium. The technology for obtaining these materials required special equipment in huge quantities. It was created for the first time in world practice in conditions of extraordinary secrecy. There were no specialists in this field, scientists, engineers, designers, technologists, manufacturers, builders, installers and operators had to work, forming a completely new scientific and technical direction, starting from scratch, while observing the strictest rules preventing information leakage.
To solve this most complex scientific, technical and production problem, the Council of Ministers of the USSR created a special government institution with the broadest powers - the 1st Main Directorate of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. It was headed by B. L. Vannikov, who in wartime was the People's Commissar of Ammunition of the USSR, and in the pre-war period - the People's Commissar of Armaments of the USSR before being appointed to this position by D.F. Ustinov.
As the head organization responsible for the scientific and technical side of the project, a special Laboratory of Measuring Instruments of the Academy of Sciences (LIPAN) was created at the USSR Academy of Sciences, headed by the scientific supervisor of the atomic project I.V. Kurchatov.
One of the most difficult areas in obtaining materials for the atomic bomb was the separation of uranium-235 from natural uranium by gaseous diffusion.
In 1945, by the decision of the 1st Main Directorate, our plant was connected to the creation of an experimental multi-stage installation designed for experimental verification of the main physical processes in order to determine the possibility of practical implementation of the given main parameter - the enrichment factor and clarify the initial data, necessary for the working design of equipment and the plant as a whole. Already the beginning of work has shown that the creation and testing of the installation with a complete confirmation of the initial data will take a significant amount of time. Therefore, D.F. Ustinov, B.L. Vannikov and A.S. Yelyan makes a decision - in parallel with the creation of a pilot plant, develop a working design of the plant based on the available data.
For this at the factory? 92, a Special Design Bureau is created. The head of the design bureau was appointed the director of the plant, the chief designer of the design bureau was the chief designer of the plant. As a result, this role fell to my lot. So I, an artillery engineer, had to master a completely new field of activity. However, not only to me, but to all the participants in this gigantic project.
The work began at the beginning of 1945, and until the end - the commissioning of the D-1 plant in the Nizhny Tagil region - they were under the closest attention personally to I.V. Stalin, as well as L.P. Beria, D.F. Ustinova, V.M. Ryabikov (First Deputy Ustinov), I.V. Kurchatov. The D-1 diffusion plant program was carried out by the same methods as military orders for artillery during the war. The novelty of the problem gave a powerful impetus to research work at the Design Bureau.
On the part of the 1st Main Directorate of the USSR Council of Ministers (B.L. Vannikov) and the People's Commissariat of Armaments of the USSR (D.F. Ustinov, V.M. Ryabikov), the necessary conditions were created for the joint work of physicists, designers, technologists and production workers a variety of specialties. These government structures ensured all-Union cooperation between enterprises to carry out a huge amount of work, planning, financing and monitoring their execution. Apparently, it is not worth emphasizing that the requirements for meeting the deadlines and the quality of work were the highest. All this ultimately determined the successful completion of the program to create a diffusion plant D-1.
In the design bureau of the Gorky plant under the leadership of A.I. Savin on the instructions of academicians I.V. Kurchatov, I.K. Kikoina, A.P. Aleksandrova, A.I. Alikhanov, a number of basic designs are being developed for industrial technologies for obtaining enriched uranium and plutonium. A complex of equipment for the diffusion separation of uranium isotopes was created, which made it possible to set up the production of weapons-grade uranium in the shortest possible time. As part of this project, A.I. Savin designed a complex system for unloading irradiated uranium blocks and a heavy water reactor (project OK-180). The merits of the designer were awarded two Stalin Prizes.
With the onset of the Cold War, the priority task for the Soviet defense complex was to create new weapons systems - guided missile systems (RUK), primarily of the air-to-sea class: the potential adversary had a powerful navy capable of conducting missile attacks, including including the use of nuclear weapons. A situation developed in which the USSR did not have the means to repel such a missile attack.
As the head organization for the creation of reactive guided weapons in 1947, by decision of the Government of the USSR, a design organization was created subordinate to the 3rd Main Directorate - a design bureau? 1 (KB-1). Scientific adviser - Pavel Nikolaevich Kuksenko, chief designer - Sergey Lavrentievich Beria.
In 1951, in order to increase the efficiency of work on the creation of new types of weapons, the director of the Gorky Plant was transferred to KB-1? 92 A S. Elyan, chief designer A.I. Savin and a group of employees. Anatoly Ivanovich begins work in a new place as deputy head of the design department, then is appointed deputy chief designer and then - chief designer of SKB-41, created in 1953 as a result of a large-scale reorganization of KB-1. Reactive guided weapons are becoming a new object and stage in the life of the winner of three Stalin Prizes, designer A.I. Savina.
The creation of the Comet system is a bright milestone in the military history of our Fatherland. Work on this project, which began in 1947, ended with successful testing of the system as early as 1951. The cruiser Krasny Kavkaz was chosen as the target, which cruised according to an agreed pattern along the coast of Crimea. The tests went “increasingly”: first, the uncoupling of the KS-1 jet projectile from the Tu-4 carrier aircraft and its approach to the target in the guiding beam of the radar system were practiced, then the ship was attacked by an aircraft projectile without a warhead, and finally, it was the defeat of the "Red Caucasus" by a projectile with a live charge. As a result of an accurate hit, the ship broke in two and sank after 3 minutes. In 1952, the complex was adopted by the Soviet naval aviation for service.
The KB-1 team made a significant contribution to the creation of a unique Moscow air defense system impenetrable to enemy aircraft, which is a complex territorial system of interconnected objects: long-range early warning radar systems, powerful anti-aircraft systems, system control systems as a whole and means of ensuring continuous combat duty. To a certain extent, the scale of the work carried out is conveyed by the numbers: within the framework of the project, by 1953, the following were put into operation: a central, reserve and 4 sectoral command posts, 8 technical bases for the storage and maintenance of ammunition of 3360 anti-aircraft missiles, 500 km of concrete roads around the capital, 60 residential settlements, 22 objects of the inner and 34 objects of the outer ring, which included anti-aircraft missile systems, launch positions, communication systems with command posts. The system could conduct simultaneous shelling of 1120 (!) targets flying up to Moscow.
“In those years, with the direct participation and under the guidance of A.I. Savin developed a number of air-to-sea defense systems (Kometa, K-10, K-22, K-22 PSI), air-to-ground (K-20), air-to-air” (“K-5” and its upgrades - “K-5M”, “K-51”, “K-9”), “land-sea” (“Strela”), “land-to-ground” ( “Meteor”, “Dragon”), “sea-sea” (“P-15”)”.
In the 1950s, A.I. Savin is a postgraduate student at KB-1, in 1959 he defends his Ph.D. thesis, in 1965 he becomes a doctor of technical sciences.
Since 1960 A.I. Savin is the head of SKB-41. He invites the staff and industry leadership to start working in a new scientific and technical direction: the development of global space information and control systems, which should ensure strategic parity in space.
Academician A.I. Savin:
By the beginning of my work in KB-1, the main duties were distributed as follows. S.L. Beria, D.L. Tomashevich and a group of officers from the Mozhaisky Academy led the Kometa and ShB-32 systems, P.N. Kuksenko and A.A. Raspletin - the Berkut system. Soon I was appointed Deputy Chief Designer S.L. Beria on the enterprise.
After the resignation of S.L. Beria and P.N. Kuksenko, Deputy Chief Designer for Science A.A. Raspletin was appointed chief designer for anti-aircraft missiles, and I was one of his deputies. V.P. became the head of the enterprise. Chizhov, chief engineer F.V. Lukin. In February 1955, SKB-31 and SKB-41 were formed as part of KB-1. A.A. was appointed the chief designer of SKB-41. Kolosov, and me as his deputy.
Soon, quite difficult times came for our design team. On the one hand, after N.S. Khrushchev about the futility of strategic aviation, work began to be curtailed on aircraft systems for jet weapons - our main topic. On the other hand, the excessive enthusiasm of the head of state for rocket science led to the rapid growth of rocket design bureaus.
G.V. Kisunko was engaged in an experimental missile defense system, and an influx of personnel from Raspletin and Kolosov began to him. Seeing the growing authority of Grigory Vasilyevich literally by leaps and bounds, specialists went to work for him. He accepted them willingly, especially since the staffing of his SKB-30 was constantly increasing. Alexander Andreevich was engaged in the modernization of the Moscow air defense system, and the country's leadership treated his activities favorably. We are in danger of closing. We had to save the team.
While developing aviation, anti-aircraft and anti-tank systems, I drew attention to a completely new and, as it seemed to me, space theme that was very close to us. Our weapons were designed to deal with mobile targets - aircraft carriers, aircraft, tanks. Destroying a maneuvering target is a difficult task, so we paid the main attention to the creation of missile control and guidance systems. Gradually, a unique team of high-class specialists was formed. There were no such specialists among the developers of ballistic missiles (BR), since BR are designed to deal with fixed targets.
Thinking about the prospects of our Design Bureau, I realized: either we will move on to the space theme, or we will cease to exist as a team. Calling V.N. Chelomeya, I asked to be accepted. Vladimir Nikolaevich immediately set the time, and soon we met in his design bureau. I thoroughly prepared for the meeting, drew diagrams that illustrated my story. Chelomei listened attentively, but did not give a final answer. The meeting is over.
I was waiting. Rumors began to be heard that several leading designers had approached Chelomey with "cosmic" ideas. Will my proposals be accepted? Finally, I was informed that V.N. Chelomei called a meeting. When I arrived, Raspletin, Kisunko and Kalmykov were already sitting in his office. They discussed among themselves the distribution of roles within the framework of future topics. And they did it, emphatically ignoring my presence. Chelomei started the meeting. Listening to him, I felt that the ground was slipping from under my feet. At the end of his speech, he announced that Kisunko was entrusting the anti-satellite system, and Raspletin was entrusting naval space reconnaissance.
After that, I spoke and justified a different strategy and tactics for conducting work. V.N. Chelomey, seeing that the decision was clearly not ready, did not start a "quarrel" and stopped the meeting. Soon the decision of the directive bodies was issued, which had the effect of an exploding bomb. It entrusted our SKB-41 with carrying out a complex of works on space reconnaissance and in the field of anti-satellite defense.
As a result of the reorganization, SKB-41 was transformed into OKB-41 with a single space theme. The main direction of work was the creation of an anti-satellite defense complex, which was tasked with intercepting and destroying artificial Earth satellites for military purposes of a potential enemy flying over the territory of the USSR.
A.I. Savin becomes the chief designer of the complex. The space systems created in subsequent years under the leadership of Anatoly Ivanovich are unique. The ongoing cycle of research work in optoelectronics, computer science, radiophysics, radio engineering and radio electronics, fundamental scientific research of the atmosphere, ocean, land and near-Earth space provided the creation of physical foundations for the detection and identification of low-contrast small-sized and spatially extended objects against the background of various formations in the atmosphere, ocean, on land and in near-Earth space. A special place is given to research in the field of informatics and image processing, as well as the hydrodynamics of the seas and oceans, the development and models of background-target conditions. A.I. Savin's proposals for the creation of remote vision systems for underwater scenes using optical and radar aerospace facilities were far ahead of the existing analogues.
The works of A.I. Savin and his school on remote sensing for the purpose of global and regional environmental monitoring of the Earth. In cooperation with OKB-52 V.N. Chelomeya A.I. Savin and his Design Bureau are creating a unique and effective automated anti-satellite defense system. Its components are a ground-based command and computing and measuring station (object 224-B), a special launch pad at the Baikonur test site (object 334-B), a launch vehicle and an interceptor spacecraft.
Testing of the complex began in 1968. The world's first successful defeat of a target in space took place in August 1970: the combat crew of the anti-space defense system (PKO) received the task of destroying an artificial satellite of the Earth. The "hunt" in space ended with maximum effect: the fragmentation-warhead part of the combat equipment smashed the target to pieces.
In 1979, the PKO complex was put on alert. American satellites, figuratively speaking, were "on the hook."
By the time the American SDI program began (1983), the USSR had already destroyed up to a dozen satellites in space. In 1985, after Yu.V. Andropov declared the unilateral obligation of the USSR not to launch weapons into space; the American Sram-Altair rocket hit a target satellite in space. In the press of the United States and Western countries, this was presented not only as the first combat test of a new generation of American anti-satellite weapons - the ACAT system, but in general as the first defeat of a satellite target in outer space. The Americans were cunning - at that time they were losing the USSR, and quite a lot. On August 18, 1983, a statement was made by the head of the Soviet state, and the anti-space defense complex fell silent. Silent, but not dead. He was still on combat duty; space testing has been discontinued.
In the late 1950s, OKB-52 created anti-ship weapons - homing operational-tactical cruise missiles with a long range. For their over-the-horizon launch, these missiles needed information about the sea situation. A decision is being made to use for this purpose spacecraft equipped with means of all-weather surveillance of surface ships. OKB-41 under the leadership of A.I. Savina successfully carried out work on the creation of ground-based radio-electronic systems of the system and on-board controls for spacecraft.
According to Colonel-General Yu. Votintsev, the first commander of the missile and space defense forces, the first place in importance among the means that came at the disposal of the missile defense and air defense forces to defend the country should be given to the missile attack warning system (SPRN):
It is designed for timely, with high reliability, detection of a nuclear missile strike from any continent, from any point in the waters of the World Ocean, with the issuance of information to notified command posts. This system has become a reliable bridle for any aggressor. It guaranteed to rule out the possibility of an unexpected unanswered nuclear strike.
Work to expand the combat capabilities of the PKO complex was carried out productively in the future. The systems created provided the Soviet Union with the necessary information base, on the basis of which the modern defense concept of strategic balance is being built.
In 1973, the OKB-41 team led by A.I. Savina separated from the Almaz Central Design Bureau, of which he had previously been a member. The Central Research Institute "Kometa" was created, and Anatoly Ivanovich became the General Designer and General Director of the Institute for the next 27 years. The Central Research Institute also included the Mospribor plant and SKB-39.
In 1979, on the basis of the Central Research Institute "Kometa", an NPO was formed, and then (1985) - the Central Research and Production Association (TsNPO) "Kometa". Branches in Yerevan, Ryazan, Leningrad, Kiev, factories in Alma-Ata and Vyshny Volochek and separate divisions in the Moscow region and Tbilisi were gathered in a single organization around the Central Research Institute "Kometa".
In the 1970s, the team of A.I. Savina is developing a system that provides operational detection of launches (single, group and mass) and tracking the trajectories of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) by radiation from the propulsion system in the infrared range. In subsequent years, this resulted in the creation of a global system for detecting launches of ICBMs placed on aircraft, on ground (mine) launchers and on submarines. For this system, the Central Research Institute "Kometa" developed a broadband radio measuring control complex (RIUK), ground and airborne controls, algorithmic and software.
Despite the problems with financing during the “perestroika” period, by 1990, the installation and configuration of equipment at the system’s facilities was fully completed, the first flight spacecraft were manufactured, and regular programs for the analysis of special information were worked out. In the first half of the 1990s, 3 satellites were launched into orbit as part of the program. Having successfully passed flight design and state tests, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 25, 1996, the system was put into service.
Assessing the situation that has developed in connection with the collapse of the USSR, the General Designer - General Director of the TsNPO "Kometa" Anatoly Ivanovich Savin developed the concept of maintaining a strategic balance in the world based on the global information management systems (GIMS) developed at the TsNPO.
The experience accumulated by Kometa in creating large information and control systems has been applied in other areas, including the creation of global systems for monitoring the Earth, control of emergency situations (natural and man-made), as well as in the development of modern medical equipment for cardiodiagnostics and iridology.
In May 2004, A.I.Savin was appointed General Designer of JSC Concern "PVO Almaz-Antey".
Academician AI Savin brought up a whole generation of highly qualified scientists - doctors and candidates of sciences, as well as young specialists. Under his leadership, the basic departments of MIREA (Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics and Automation) function.
A.I. Savin is a member of the Expert Advisory Council for Sustainable Development under the State Duma of the Russian Federation, leads the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problems of image processing, actively works in the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation and in a number of other councils.
Anatoly Ivanovich Savin - Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize, State Prizes of the USSR and Russia, State Prize of Georgia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of a number of other academies, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. On May 20, 2005, he was awarded the title of laureate of the National Television Award "Pobeda" in the nomination "Legend of the military-industrial complex" for his special contribution to the creation of the defense shield of Russia. He was awarded four Orders of Lenin, three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, Orders of the Patriotic War II degree, "For Services to the Fatherland" III degree, medals, including the gold medal named after A.A. Raspletin, and many other awards.
The statement that a talented person is talented in everything is fully applicable to Anatoly Ivanovich. Brushes A.I. Savin owns many remarkable paintings. Despite his age, he is still fond of sports, preferring tennis, skiing and swimming to TV broadcasts.
