There lived a chicken. She was white as the snow in the mountains, and her comb was golden - well, just like the sun at noon!
Once she went to a puddle to get drunk, saw her reflection in the water and cackled all over the yard:
- Ko-ko-ko! That's the scallop! It's pure gold! With such a scallop, I will certainly become the Queen of Spain!
Of course, not everyone can have a golden comb, but it is not so easy to become a queen with a golden comb. But the chicken was lucky. Rummaging through the dunghill, she found a gem.
Nobody knew whether it was a diamond, an emerald or a yacht, but it sparkled like a real diamond!
The hen was very happy:
“Now I have something to bring to the royal castle!” I will give the king a gem, the king will love me and make me a queen.
It didn't take long for her to hit the road. She wove a small basket of grass, hung it around her neck, put a pebble in the basket and went straight to the royal castle.
Before I could get out of the gate, geese, ducks, pigs, calves came running from all sides. They looked with surprise at the hen and in one voice asked her:
Where are you, beauty?
Thinking of going?
And the hen bowed to them and answered not without pride:
- I hasten to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
Then the geese, ducks, pigs and calves were even more surprised, bowed to the hen and wished her a good journey, because they all loved the hen very much. Only the old wolf did not love anyone. He ran out of the forest thicket, where it was dark even during the day, stood in the middle of the road and shouted in a terrible voice:
Where are you, beauty?
Thinking of going?
But the hen was brave. She was not afraid of the wolf and answered him as proudly as she answered everyone:
- I hasten to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
And the wolf burst out laughing in response and howled even more terribly:
- I won't miss you
And I'll swallow it right now!
Then the hen took out her precious stone from the basket to show it to the wolf and explain to him that she really was going to the king and, moreover, not empty-handed. And then something happened that the chicken herself did not expect. Seeing the sparkling stone, the old wolf blinked his eyes and suddenly became smaller and smaller. In less than a minute, he became no more than a barley grain. The hen pecked at the wolf, picked it up with its sharp beak and put it in a basket. And then she moved on.
Of course, it is not easy to defeat a wolf, but it is even more difficult to become the queen of Spain. The hen ran through the forest and suddenly saw a huge tree on the road. It was so tall that its branches rested on the sky! So fat that a hundred people couldn't wrap their arms around it. It was the oldest, mightiest oak in the whole forest. He stood across the road and creaked in a terrible voice:
Where are you, beauty?
Thinking of going?
But we already know that the hen was not one of the timid, she was not afraid of the terrible oak and answered him proudly, as she answered everyone:
- I hasten to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
Then the oak creaked even louder:
- I crack, I grind,
I won't miss you!
But you know the chicken had a magic stone. One time, she pulled it out of the basket. The oak tree looked at the stone and began to decrease and decrease until it turned into a small straw. And the hen picked up the straw with her sharp beak, put it in a basket and ran on her way.
Of course, defeating an oak is not easy, but becoming the Queen of Spain is even more difficult. The hen ran to the stormy river. Looks - there is no bridge, no ford. She went down to the very water and began to pray to the river:
- Can't you, vodka,
Step aside for a minute.
I hasten to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
But the river in response began to seethe and rustle even louder:
- What kind of bird is this?
I can't let go.
Waves in the sea I roll -
I won't miss you!
So what was the chicken to do? Do not turn back! Fortunately, she soon remembered that she was not going to the king empty-handed. She grabbed a magic stone from the basket, showed it to the river, and the river immediately began to decrease. First, it turned into a river, then into a stream, and in the end, only a drop remained from the stormy river. The hen pecked at a drop, put it in a basket and ran on.
The hen ran for seven days and seven nights and finally came to the royal castle. But there were guards at the gates of the castle.
- What kind of bird is this? shouted the guards at once.
But the hen drew herself up, shook her comb, and, not without pride, answered the guards:
- I came to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
- and showed the stone. The stone sparkled, and the guards flung open the gates of the castle!
Of course, getting to the king in the castle is not so easy, but it is even more difficult to become the queen of Spain. But what happened to the chicken in the castle? In the first hall, she was met by the royal butler. He didn't even look at the chicken with the golden scallop, he thought it was the simplest chicken. He shouted for the servants to send her away. But it was not so easy to drive her away. The hen drew herself up, shook her golden comb and said proudly:
- I came to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
But the butler did not even listen to her, and the servants - already right there - run to grab the chicken and throw it out the window. And the hen with the golden comb quickly put her beak into the basket and took out a stone. This stone must have been really precious, because the butler immediately ordered the servants to leave, took the stone from the hen and carried it to the king.
The king liked the stone very much. He put it in his wide pocket and asked the butler:
Who brought this stone?
“Some kind of chicken,” the butler replied with a bow.
The king smiled kindly.
- Give the chicken my thanks! - And then he added: - Send her to the chicken coop. This is the perfect place for a chicken!
The butler rushed to fulfill the royal order, and the hen did not even have time to blink, as she found herself in the royal chicken coop.
- Ko-ko-ko! the hen screamed at the top of her voice.
- I came to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
Hearing such words, the royal hens, roosters and turkeys became so angry with the proud stranger that they began to peck at her, beat her wings and trample her feet. So the poor hen would have disappeared if she had not remembered the wolf in time.
- Wolf, wolf, grow up,
Protect from villains!
- exclaimed the hen and pulled the wolf out of the basket. And the gray wolf began to grow. He grew until he was as big and scary as before. He pounced on defiant hens, roosters, and turkeys, and ate all but the golden-scalloped hen.
When the sun rose, the hen ran out of the chicken coop, entered the palace and began to walk around the royal halls. The servants saw her and ran to the king with a report.
The hen ran away from the chicken coop! shouted the servants with one voice.
The king was angry:
- For such impudence, throw her in a dungeon!
And the servants immediately caught the chicken and threw it into the dungeon.
It was a real royal dungeon. Its walls were as thick as seven carts lined up in a row, but inside it was so cramped that even a small hen had nowhere to turn or move. In addition, it was completely dark in the dungeon. Oh, how bad it was for the poor hen! But then she remembered the mighty oak, shook out the straw from the basket and began to ask:
- Oak, oak, grow up,
Protect from villains!
And now the dwarf oak rested its roots on the floor and began to grow. It got bigger and bigger, broke through the ceiling with its top, tore the walls with branches and went outside, destroying half of the palace. And with him flew to freedom and a white hen with a golden comb.
- Ko-ko-ko! she shouted to the whole royal court:
- I came to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
The king saw her in the window, got angry and ordered the servants to burn the stubborn bird in the fire. The servants grabbed the chicken and dragged it into the fireplace, which was already blazing with a hot flame. They threw it into the fire, but this time the brave hen was not afraid either: she threw a drop of dew out of the basket and shouted:
- Ko-ko-ko!
River, river, grow up,
Protect from villains!
And immediately a river began to boil in the fireplace. She extinguished the flame, flooded the whole room, flowed through the palace halls - into the garden, into the courtyard and poured out of the gate! Thundering and foaming, a mighty stream rushed to the sea, washing everything away, overturning and carrying it away. And the royal castle floated to the sea, spinning like a piece of wood in a stormy whirlpool.
The king was afraid. He began to beg the chicken to stop the furious stream and immediately agreed to make her his wife and queen of Spain. On the same day, a joyful wedding was celebrated in the palace. The guests arrived, the drummers came, the trumpeters blew their trumpets, and the king opened the ball. He danced in the first pair with his chicken bride, and the chicken performed with such dignity as if she had been born in a palace and never lived in a chicken coop in the backyard.
And I was at this wedding
I got a pair of boots -
Boots great pair
From the king as a gift.
I danced in them all evening -
At first one boot stopped,
Then the other broke
And I was left with nothing!
As he was, he remained a poor man,
But to the poor and barefoot
Always a dance to the heart ...
And you have a fairy tale.
José was born poor
And Pedro is a complete fool,
But, as people say,
He was rich from the cradle.
The poor man, when the bag is empty, He took money on bail,
Here comes the fool to take your mind,
At least a little bit of mind
I couldn't do it anywhere.
Louder, louder
Ring, guitar,
Sing, friend
to your sounds
And old
With you guitar
We are about joy
We call people.

"Queen Hen" ... Well, so what? Do we know the Frog Princess and the Swan Princess? This means that the chicken, about which this funny Spanish fairy tale tells, could also become the queen. The hen was unusually good-looking: and white as snow in the mountains, and her comb was golden, like the sun at noon! And with such beauty and wealth, how could she not become the proud Spanish queen? But in order to achieve this, our heroine had to accomplish many extraordinary feats, and for this you need to have either considerable courage or some kind of super-chicken mind!

And here is another beauty with rosy cheeks. This is Ant, who once, walking along the road, found a small copper penny under a large gray stone ...

Both tales came to us from a distant country of Spain for a long, long time. And the tales themselves are Spanish, and they were first composed in Spanish, which is why some of the names and titles in them are Spanish - they certainly could not be retold in Russian, like the whole fairy tale. So, let's go on a journey through fairy tales!

Audio fairy tale "Queen Hen"

staging f. Sheina
Music by I. Kadomtsev

Storyteller - G. Vitsin
Hen - E. Krasnobaeva
Dog, Guard - V. Goryushin
Wolf, Oak - R. Filippov
River - M. Korabelnikova
Butler - V. Abdulov
Servant - I. Bargy
King - F, Shane

Directed by F. Shane

Playing time: 22.50

Fairy tale "Ant"

A wonderful Spanish folk tale about an ant who once, walking along the road, found a small copper penny under a large gray stone.

Audio fairy tale "Ant"

Actors and performers:
Storyteller - N. Litvinov
Ant - M. Korabelnikova
Bull - R. Filippov
Mouse - M. Lobanov
The song of the Little Mouse is performed by V. Abdulov
Dog - V. Goryushin
Dove - V. Abdulov
Partridge, Seller - M. Agafonova
Beetle, Locksmith - I. Bargy
Dove - E. Krasnobaeva
Creek - T. Shatilova
Princess - I. Solonin
Instrumental Ensemble conducted by A. Korneev
Directed by F. Shane

Playing time: 23.03

Sound engineer - T. Strakanova
Editor - I. Yakushenko
Artist - V. Popov
Recordings 1980

Dramatization by F. Shane with account. G. Vitsina


Spanish fairy tale (22-50)

Dramatization by F. Shane
Music by I. Kadomtsev

Actors and performers
Storyteller G. Vitsin
Hen E. Krasnobaev a
Dog, Guard V. Goryushin
Wolf, Oak R. Filippov
Butler V. Abdulov
River M. Korabelnikova
King F. Shane

Instrumental Ensemble conducted by A. Korneev
Directed by F. Shane
Sound engineer T. Strakanova
Editor I. Yakushenko

"The hen is the queen" ... Well, so what? Do we know the Frog Princess and the Swan Princess? This means that the chicken, about which this funny Spanish fairy tale tells, could also become the queen. It is not for nothing that people have been remembering her for so long, but the name of her husband - arrogant at first and very proud of himself - has long been forgotten ...
This is not surprising. What's so special about a king? The king is like a king: he sits on his throne, orders the servants, and they run on his behalf. Nothing special. Did he have to perform any feats to become king? He was born into a royal family and eventually donned the crown. Everything is very simple.
On the other hand, the hen - the heroine of our fairy tale - was unusually good-looking: she was white as snow in the mountains, and her comb was golden, like the sun at noon! And besides, she found a sparkling pebble, rummaging through the dunghill. And with such beauty and wealth, how could she not become the proud Spanish queen?
But still, let's think about this: a scallop with a scallop, a pebble with a pebble ... But to imagine a chicken on the royal throne is not so easy, you must agree! To achieve this, our heroine, at least, must either perform a whole bunch of all sorts of extraordinary feats - and this requires considerable courage, or have some kind of super-chicken mind!
And - imagine - it was so. So let's quickly get ready for the road. Otherwise, we will be late: the hen has already gone through the forests and rivers to the city. She can't wait to become the bride of the king! On the road - for a fairy tale!

Well, you already ran around the yard, played enough with your friends, then tinkered on the carpet, making a pyramid of multi-colored, one less than the other, circles, sang your favorite song with your mother. And now sit quietly and listen to the tale of the beauty with rosy cheeks. About an ant who once, walking along the road, found a small copper penny under a large gray stone.
The fairy tale about the ant came to us from a distant country of Spain for a long, long time. And the fairy tale itself is Spanish, and at first they composed it in Spanish, therefore some names and titles in it are Spanish - they can’t be retold in Russian, like the whole fairy tale.
But here's what's especially interesting; you can play this story. Why play? Yes, because it is such a fairy tale: it was composed effortlessly, it is a game in itself.
This is a fairy tale pyramid. Just imagine that one of the circles that you string on top of each other is suddenly lost somewhere. And what will happen then? Yes, nothing will work! The whole pyramid will collapse.
So is the fairy tale. You cannot miss a single word in it, not one of the chains that cling to one another, and then suddenly you have in your hands - a whole big and beautiful chain! None of the links of this chain must be lost, otherwise the whole chain will break. And nothing can be taken apart. After all, our fairy tale is a “chain”! This is the name among all peoples of fairy tales, which are composed of separate links-events.
Well, that's just like our Russian folk tale about the turnip, which they "pull, pull, they can't pull out." And when the whole "chain" - grandfather, woman, granddaughter, dog, cat and mouse - was formed, then the turnip was pulled out!
Now let's listen carefully, trying not to miss any of the many "if, if, if" that make up our fairy tale pyramid.
M. Pavlova

There lived a chicken. She was white as the snow in the mountains, and her comb was golden - well, just like the sun at noon!
Once she went to a puddle to get drunk, saw her reflection in the water and cackled all over the yard:
- Ko-ko-ko! That's the scallop! It's pure gold! With such a scallop, I will certainly become the Queen of Spain!
Of course, not everyone can have a golden comb, but it is not so easy to become a queen with a golden comb. But the chicken was lucky. Rummaging through the dunghill, she found a gem.
Nobody knew whether it was a diamond, an emerald or a yacht, but it sparkled like a real diamond!
The hen was very happy:
“Now I have something to bring to the royal castle!” I will give the king a gem, the king will love me and make me a queen.
It didn't take long for her to hit the road. She wove a small basket of grass, hung it around her neck, put a pebble in the basket and went straight to the royal castle.
Before I could get out of the gate, geese, ducks, pigs, calves came running from all sides. They looked with surprise at the hen and in one voice asked her:
Where are you, beauty?
Thinking of going?
And the hen bowed to them and answered not without pride:
- I hasten to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
Then the geese, ducks, pigs and calves were even more surprised, bowed to the hen and wished her a good journey, because they all loved the hen very much. Only the old wolf did not love anyone. He ran out of the forest thicket, where it was dark even during the day, stood in the middle of the road and shouted in a terrible voice:
Where are you, beauty?
Thinking of going?
But the hen was brave. She was not afraid of the wolf and answered him as proudly as she answered everyone:
- I hasten to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
And the wolf burst out laughing in response and howled even more terribly:
- I won't miss you
And I'll swallow it right now!
Then the hen took out her precious stone from the basket to show it to the wolf and explain to him that she really was going to the king and, moreover, not empty-handed. And then something happened that the chicken herself did not expect. Seeing the sparkling stone, the old wolf blinked his eyes and suddenly became smaller and smaller. In less than a minute, he became no more than a barley grain. The hen pecked at the wolf, picked it up with its sharp beak and put it in a basket. And then she moved on.
Of course, it is not easy to defeat a wolf, but it is even more difficult to become the queen of Spain. The hen ran through the forest and suddenly saw a huge tree on the road. It was so tall that its branches rested on the sky! So fat that a hundred people couldn't wrap their arms around it. It was the oldest, mightiest oak in the whole forest. He stood across the road and creaked in a terrible voice:
Where are you, beauty?
Thinking of going?
But we already know that the hen was not one of the timid, she was not afraid of the terrible oak and answered him proudly, as she answered everyone:
- I hasten to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
Then the oak creaked even louder:
- I crack, I grind,
I won't miss you!
But you know the chicken had a magic stone. One time, she pulled it out of the basket. The oak tree looked at the stone and began to decrease and decrease until it turned into a small straw. And the hen picked up the straw with her sharp beak, put it in a basket and ran on her way.
Of course, defeating an oak is not easy, but becoming the Queen of Spain is even more difficult. The hen ran to the stormy river. Looks - there is no bridge, no ford. She went down to the very water and began to pray to the river:
- Can't you, vodka,
Step aside for a minute.
I hasten to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
But the river in response began to seethe and rustle even louder:
- What kind of bird is this?
I can't let go.
Waves in the sea I roll -
I won't miss you!
So what was the chicken to do? Do not turn back! Fortunately, she soon remembered that she was not going to the king empty-handed. She grabbed a magic stone from the basket, showed it to the river, and the river immediately began to decrease. First, it turned into a river, then into a stream, and in the end, only a drop remained from the stormy river. The hen pecked at a drop, put it in a basket and ran on.
The hen ran for seven days and seven nights and finally came to the royal castle. But there were guards at the gates of the castle.
- What kind of bird is this? shouted the guards at once.
But the hen drew herself up, shook her comb, and, not without pride, answered the guards:
- I came to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
- and showed the stone. The stone sparkled, and the guards flung open the gates of the castle!
Of course, getting to the king in the castle is not so easy, but it is even more difficult to become the queen of Spain. But what happened to the chicken in the castle? In the first hall, she was met by the royal butler. He didn't even look at the chicken with the golden scallop, he thought it was the simplest chicken. He shouted for the servants to send her away. But it was not so easy to drive her away. The hen drew herself up, shook her golden comb and said proudly:
- I came to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
But the butler did not even listen to her, and the servants - already right there - run to grab the chicken and throw it out the window. And the hen with the golden comb quickly put her beak into the basket and took out a stone. This stone must have been really precious, because the butler immediately ordered the servants to leave, took the stone from the hen and carried it to the king.
The king liked the stone very much. He put it in his wide pocket and asked the butler:
Who brought this stone?
“Some kind of chicken,” the butler replied with a bow.
The king smiled kindly.
- Give the chicken my thanks! - And then he added: - Send her to the chicken coop. This is the perfect place for a chicken!
The butler rushed to fulfill the royal order, and the hen did not even have time to blink, as she found herself in the royal chicken coop.
- Ko-ko-ko! the hen screamed at the top of her voice.
- I came to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
Hearing such words, the royal hens, roosters and turkeys became so angry with the proud stranger that they began to peck at her, beat her wings and trample her feet. So the poor hen would have disappeared if she had not remembered the wolf in time.
- Wolf, wolf, grow up,
Protect from villains!
- exclaimed the hen and pulled the wolf out of the basket. And the gray wolf began to grow. He grew until he was as big and scary as before. He pounced on defiant hens, roosters, and turkeys, and ate all but the hen with the golden scallop.
When the sun rose, the hen ran out of the chicken coop, entered the palace and began to walk around the royal halls. The servants saw her and ran to the king with a report.
The hen ran away from the chicken coop! shouted the servants with one voice.
The king was angry:
- For such impudence, throw her in a dungeon!

And the servants immediately caught the chicken and threw it into the dungeon.
It was a real royal dungeon. Its walls were as thick as seven carts lined up in a row, but inside it was so cramped that even a small hen had nowhere to turn or move. In addition, it was completely dark in the dungeon. Oh, how bad it was for the poor hen! But then she remembered the mighty oak, shook out the straw from the basket and began to ask:
- Oak, oak, grow up,
Protect from villains!
And now the dwarf oak rested its roots on the floor and began to grow. It got bigger and bigger, broke through the ceiling with its top, tore the walls with branches and went outside, destroying half of the palace. And with him flew to freedom and a white hen with a golden comb.
- Ko-ko-ko! she shouted to the whole royal court:
- I came to the king in the city:
Soon I will be queen!
The king saw her in the window, got angry and ordered the servants to burn the stubborn bird in the fire. The servants grabbed the chicken and dragged it into the fireplace, which was already blazing with a hot flame. They threw it into the fire, but this time the brave hen was not afraid either: she threw a drop of dew out of the basket and shouted:
- Ko-ko-ko!
River, river, grow up,
Protect from villains!
And immediately a river began to boil in the fireplace. She extinguished the flame, flooded the whole room, flowed through the palace halls - into the garden, into the courtyard and poured out of the gate! Thundering and foaming, a mighty stream rushed to the sea, washing everything away, overturning and carrying it away. And the royal castle floated to the sea, spinning like a piece of wood in a stormy whirlpool.
The king was afraid. He began to beg the chicken to stop the furious stream and immediately agreed to make her his wife and queen of Spain. On the same day, a joyful wedding was celebrated in the palace. The guests arrived, the drummers came, the trumpeters blew their trumpets, and the king opened the ball. He danced in the first pair with his chicken bride, and the chicken performed with such dignity as if she had been born in a palace and never lived in a chicken coop in the backyard.
And I was at this wedding
I got a pair of boots -
Boots great pair
From the king as a gift.
I danced in them all evening -
At first one boot stopped,
Then the other broke
And I was left with nothing!
As he was, he remained a poor man,
But to the poor and barefoot
Always a dance to the heart ...
And you have a fairy tale.
José was born poor
And Pedro is a complete fool,
But, as people say,
He was rich from the cradle.
The poor man, when the bag is empty, He took money on bail,
Here comes the fool to take your mind,
At least a little bit of mind
I couldn't do it anywhere.
Louder, louder
Ring, guitar,
Sing, friend
to your sounds
And old
With you guitar
We are about joy
We call people.
