1. East Slavic peoples include
1) Poles 2) Serbs 3) Czechs 4) Russians
2. The Slavs are
1) Chud 2) Zyryans 3) Volynians 4) Adygs
3. Non-Slavic tribe
I) Muroma 2) Polyane 3) Volynians 4) Tivertsy
4. The tribal union of Novgorod Slovenes has developed
1) in the middle reaches of the Dnieper 2) on the banks of the Ilmen Island and the Volkhov River 3) on the banks of the Oka River 4) in the upper reaches of the Volga River
5. The main branch of the economy of the Eastern Slavs in the VI-VII centuries.
1) beekeeping 2) nomadic pastoralism 3) intermediary trade 4) slash-and-burn agriculture
6. The main deity of the pagan pantheon of the Eastern Slavs was not
1) Dazhdbog 2) Viy 3) Perun 4) Veles
7. The main city of the glades was
1) Novgorod 2) Chernigov 3) Kiev 4) Smolensk
8. The rudiments of statehood appeared earlier than others in
1) Drevlyans 2) Krivichi 3) Vyatichi 4) Glades and Novgorod Slovenes
9. The military leader of the East Slavic tribes was called
1) elder 2) headman 3) prince 4) warrior
10. One of the initial centers of the formation of the ancient Russian state was
1) Smolensk 2) Polotsk 3) Novgorod 4) Rostov
11. The theory according to which statehood was brought to Russia by the Varangians is called
1) Slavophile 2) Norman 3) Western 4) anti-Norman
12. The unification of the two centers of ancient Russian statehood took place in
1) 860 2) 862 3) 882 4) 911
13. In 862 he began to rule in Novgorod
I) Igor 2) Rurik 3) Oleg 4) Askold

14. Read the text and answer the questions
Customs and religion of the Slavs
All these tribes had their own customs, and the laws of their fathers, and traditions, and each had its own temper. The meadows have the custom of their fathers meek and quiet, bashful in front of their daughters-in-law and sisters, mothers and parents; before mothers-in-law and brothers-in-law they have great modesty; they also have a marriage custom: the son-in-law does not go for the bride, but brings her the day before, and the next day they bring for her - what they give. And the Drevlyans lived as an animal custom, lived like a bestial: they killed each other, ate everything that was not clean, and they did not have marriages, but they kidnapped the girls from
water. And the Radimichi, Vyatichi and Northerners had a common custom: they lived in the forest, like all animals, ate everything that was not clean and shamed them with their fathers and daughters-in-law, and they never had marriages, but games were arranged between villages, and converged on these games, on dances and all sorts of demonic songs, and here they kidnapped their wives in collusion with them; and they had two and three wives. And if someone died, they arranged a funeral feast for him, and then they made a large deck, and laid a dead man on this deck, and burned it, and after collecting the bones, they put them in a small vessel and placed them on poles along the roads, as they still do now Vyatichi . The same custom was followed by the Krivichi and other pagans, who did not know the law of God, but established laws for themselves.
The Tale of Bygone Years.
1. Were the laws and customs of the East Slavic tribal unions the same? Why do you think?
2. When describing the customs and mores of the meadows, the author of the PVL cites clearly Christian traditions. How can you explain it?
3. What is common and what are the differences in the customs of the other listed Slavic tribal unions?
4. What features of the funeral rite of the Eastern Slavs (in particular, the Vyatichi) are recorded by the author of the PVL, and which ones are omitted? Why do you think?
Ў:15sveta(C:\Documents and Settings\sveta.15229172177B413\My Documents\history\history of ancient Russia\tests\TEST Eastern Slavs.doc

History test Eastern Slavs in the VI-IX centuries. Education of the Old Russian State Grade 10 with answers. The test consists of 2 options, each option has 6 tasks.

1 option

A1. Geographical names: Constantinople, Dnieper, Lovat, Lake Ilmenskoe, Baltic Sea - associated with:

1) the division of the Slavs into three branches
2) trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks"
3) archaeological sites
4) the formation of tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs

A2. The consequence of the emergence of a neighboring community among the Eastern Slavs was the appearance of:

1) Varangians
2) beekeeping
3) writing
4) social inequality

A3. A detour by the prince and a squad of lands to collect tribute in the Old Russian state was called:

1) dragging
2) crowd
3) undercut
4) beekeeping


1) development of the economy
2) the emergence of written legislation
3) transfer of the capital from Novgorod to Kiev
4) the presence of large uninhabited territories

A5. Previously, other princes from the Rurik dynasty ruled:

1) cue
2) Askold
3) Igor
4) Svyatoslav

IN 1.

The brothers, named Rurik, Sineus and Truvor, famous either by birth or deeds, agreed to take power over people who, knowing how to fight for liberty, did not know how to use it.

Option 2

A1. The main agricultural tool of labor among the Slavs in the VI-IX centuries. was:

1) board
2) plow
3) drag
4) digging stick

A2. The reason for the emergence of a neighboring community among the Eastern Slavs was:

1) the development of tools
2) the emergence of the state
3) the emergence of writing
4) calling the Varangians to Russia

A3. Roman historians of the 1st c. n. e. Slavs were called

1) Varangians
2) Wends
3) Great Russians
4) Indo-Europeans

A4. The reason for the formation of the Old Russian state:

1) adoption of Christianity
2) the existence of a tribal community
3) the emergence of social inequality
4) cessation of the fight against external enemies

A5. The founder of the dynasty of Kievan princes was:

1) cue
2) Rurik
3) Oleg
4) Svyatoslav

IN 1. In what year did the event take place? in question in an excerpt from a document?

Having killed Askold and Dir, Oleg established himself in Kiev, made it his capital city; according to the chronicler, Oleg said that Kiev should be "the mother of Russian cities."

Answers to the test on the history of the Eastern Slavs in the VI-IX centuries. Education of the Old Russian State Grade 10
1 option
IN 1. 862
Option 2
IN 1. 882

Lashman main comprehensive school name

Academician V.A.Kanaikin

Test 3. Eastern Slavs and their neighbors.

6th grade

Teacher of history

Alkin D.N.

1. Arrange the following events in chronological order.

1) settlement by Eastern Slavs of the East European Plain

2) the allocation of the Balto-Slavic tribes from the group of Indo-European tribes

3) the division of the Balto-Slavic tribes into Balts and Slavs

4) the division of the Slavic tribes into three branches

2. Establish a correspondence between the Slavic peoples and the groups of Slavs to which they belong.


A) Poles

B) Serbs

B) Russians

D) Croats

D) Ukrainians

E) Slovaks


1) Eastern Slavs

2) Western Slavs

3) southern Slavs

3. Distribute the occupations of the Eastern Slavs and the results of labor that relate to them.


A) farming

B) cattle breeding

B) hunting

D) beekeeping


1) honey of wild bees

2) wheat, rye, millet

3) meat of pigs, cows

4) fur skins

4. Read an extract from a historical document and answer the questions.

“Entering the battle, most of them go to the enemy with shields and darts in their hands, but they never wear shells; others do not wear shirts (chitons) or cloaks, but only trousers, pulled up by a wide belt on the hips, and in this form they go to battle with enemies ... They are very tall and of great strength.

1) What people are mentioned in the text?

2) What weapon is mentioned in the passage?

5. The list lists the gods of the Eastern Slavs. Find TWO extra names.

1) Stribog

2) Zeus

3) Yarilo

4) One

5) Perun

6) Mokosh

6. Write down the term in question.

The popular assembly among the Slavs, which decided the most important issues, is

7. The city that became the center of the Ilmen Slovenes, a tribe of Eastern Slavs, is

1) Kiev

2) Smolensk

3) Novgorod

4) Chernihiv

8. The list contains the tribes of the Eastern Slavs. Find TWO extra names.

  • clearing
  • Khazars

3) Volhynia

4) radimichi

5) votyaki

6) krivichi

9. Match the term with its meaning.


A) rope

B) colonization

B) people's militia

D) paganism


1) an army consisting of representatives of the community

2) a community among the ancient Slavs

3) economic development of land

4) belief in many gods

10. Mark the rivers along which the tribes of the Eastern Slavs settled

1) Vistula, Oder

2) Dniester, Dnipro

3) Vyatka, White

4) Sava, Morava

11. Establish a correspondence between the Slavic peoples and the groups of Slavs to which they belong.


A) Russians

B) Czechs

B) Slovaks

D) Belarusians

D) Bulgarians

E) Serbs


1) Eastern Slavs

2) Western Slavs

3) southern Slavs

12. Establish a correspondence between the farming system and its characteristics.


A) prevalence mainly in the forest belt

B) prevalence in the steppe zone

C) use the soil until exhaustion, then,

after 20-30 years, reuse

D) cutting down trees, burning stumps


1) slash and fire

2) shifting

13. Read an extract from a historical document and answer the questions.

“They believe that only God, the creator of lightning, is the master of all, and bulls are sacrificed to him and other sacred rites are performed. They revere rivers, and nymphs, and all sorts of other deities, make sacrifices to all of them, and with the help of these sacrifices, they also perform divination.

2) What occupation of the Eastern Slavs does the described ritual of sacrifice speak of?

3) What mythological creatures are mentioned in the text?

14. Establish a correspondence between the names of the Slavic gods and their functions.


A) Mokosh

B) Veles

B) Stribog

D) Yarilo


1) god, lord of the wind

2) goddess of fertility

3) patron of cattle breeding

4) sun god

15. The list lists the tribes of the Eastern Slavs. Find TWO extra names.

1) cheremis

2) Dregovichi

3) krivichi

4) Pechenegs

5) vyatichi

Test 1. Eastern Slavs

1. For the first time, the question of the origin of the state among the Russians was raised:

1) the ancient Greek historian Herodotus;

2) chronicler Nestor;

3) German scientists working in Russia, Miller and Bayer;

4) M. V. Lomonosov;

5) in the Russian Pravda of the Yaroslavichs.

2. The ancient Greeks and Romans called the Wends:

1) glades;

2) glades and drevlyans;

3) Drevlyans and Balts;

4) Balts and Germans;

5) tribes that lived in the territory from the Baltic to the Carpathians.

3. In ancient Slavic legends, folk heroes are fighting with Baba Yaga, who personified:

1) the afterlife; 2) wildlife; 3) a female leader among the Sarmatians;

4) forest witch; 5) Scythian healers.

4. For many centuries, the unions of Slavic tribes that had developed by the 5th century received as neighbors and eternal opponents the Turkic-speaking tribes moving from the depths of Asia, among which the first appeared:

1) Huns; 2) torks; 3) Pechenegs; 4) Cumans; 5) Scythians.

5. In the VI century. Slavic leaders with a squad were taken to serve in:

1) city-states of the Northern Black Sea region;2) Volga Bulgaria;

3) Byzantium; 4) Czech Republic and Hungary;5) Bukhara and Khorezm.

6. "They despised gold and silver as much as other mortals desired it," wrote a Greek historian of the ancients:

1) Scythians; 2) Sarmatians; 3) Slavs; 4) Khazars; 5) Bulgars.

1) wife's infidelity; 2) the murder of a husband; 3) theft; 4) mutilation;5) insulting the Magi.

8. The Greeks noted that among the Eastern Slavs, a neighbor had to take revenge on a neighbor if he:

1) will notice him in courting his wife;2) steal his clothes or utensils;

3) take his pets away;4) will not ensure the safety of a foreigner;

5) insult the prince or sorcerer.

9. The Greeks claimed that among the Eastern Slavs it was considered shameful to die:

1) from the hands of relatives;2) punished for theft;

3) because of cowardice;4) from old age or any case, and not in battle;

5) when tested with water or iron.

1) lifelong slaves, like other peoples;

2) a kind of commodity for a ransom;

3) captives for a certain time, and then after making a ransom they received freedom;

4) slaves, and during the next military campaign equal soldiers;

5) slaves (sometimes husbands) of women whose husbands died on the battlefield.

11. In the middle of the 7th century. from Asia, the Khazars approached the lands of the Eastern Slavs, settled:

1) in the Volga region; 2) in the Volga region and in the North Caucasus;

3) in the North Caucasus and the Northern Black Sea region;

4) in the North Caucasus, the Northern Black Sea region and the Volga region;

5) the Volga region, the Caspian Sea and the North Caucasus.

12. Moved closer in the middle of the 7th century. to the Eastern Slavs, the Khazars created a state headed by:

1) khan; 2) kagan; 3) emir; 4) sultan; 5) the emperor.

13. The Khazars, who settled in the 7th century, settled their capital city of Itil. in the neighborhood with the Eastern Slavs, built:

1) in the North Caucasus; 2) at the mouth of the Volga; 3) near Lake Seliger;

4) in the Northern Black Sea region;5) on the Middle Volga.

14. Peaceful relations between the Eastern Slavs and Khazaria since the 7th century. interspersed with military conflicts due to:

1) militancy of the Khazars;2) militancy of the Slavs;

3) the desire of the Slavs to liberate their territories from the Khazar domination;

4) the desire of the Slavic leaders to subdue Khazaria;5) famine and crop failures.

15. The beginning of the city of Kiev gave a tribe:

1) Drevlyans; 2) glades; 3) Volhynians; 4) Slovenian; 5) radimichi.

16. In the middle Dnieper region by the VIII century. there was a powerful union of tribes united by the name:

1) glades; 2) Drevlyans; 3) Slovenian; 4) Krivichi; 5) Vyatichi.

17. The center of the Polyansky lands was the city:

1) Iskorosten; 2) Rostov; 3) Kiev; 4) Suzdal; 5) Chernigov.

18. The city of Novgorod arose on the lands of the tribe:

19. The city of Ladoga arose on the lands of the tribe:

1) northerners; 2) radimichi; 3) Dregoviches; 4) Slovenian; 5) Polochan.

20. City of Novgorod and Ladoga in the 9th century. became the maintribal centers:

1) northerners; 2) radimichi; 3) Dregoviches; 4) Polochan; 5) Slovenian.

21. Novgorod Slovenes in the VIII-IX centuries. grouped around the cities:

1) Novgorod and Izborsk;2) Novgorod and Pskov;3) Novgorod and Arkhangelsk;

4) Novgorod and Ladoga;5) Novgorod and Beloozero.

22. The Slavic tribe of the Drevlyans grouped around the city:

1) Chernihiv; 2) Iskorosten; 3) Rostov; 4) Suzdal; 5) Beloozero.

23. Iskorosten in the VIII-IX centuries. was the main city in the lands:

1) glades; 2) Dregoviches; 3) Vyatichi; 4) radimichi; 5) Drevlyans.

24. On the territory of modern Belarus in the VIII-IX centuries. one of the Slavic tribal unions was formed, called:

1) Vyatichi; 2) Krivichi; 3) Drevlyans; 4) Dregoviches; 5) Slovenian.

25. The name of the Dregovichi (Dryagovichi) tribe comes from the word "dryagva", which meant:

1) forest; 2) fertile hills between forests; 3) swamp; 4) lake; 5) apple orchard.

26. In the interfluve of the Oka, Klyazma and Volga in the VIII-IX centuries. settled:

1) Slovenia; 2) Vyatichi; 3) Drevlyans; 4) radimichi; 5) krivichi.

27. Rostov and Suzdalwere the main cities in the lands:

1) Krivichi; 2) radimichi; 3) northerners; 4) dulebs; 5) Vyatichi.

28. In the places of settlement of the Vyatichi, the main city (cities) was (were):

1) Rostov; 2) Rostov and Suzdal;3) Suzdal and Smolensk;

4) Smolensk and Polotsk;5) Polotsk and Chernigov.

29. In the upper reaches of the Volga, Dnieper and Western Dvina in the VIII-IX centuries. lived:

1) krivichi; 2) catch; 3) Tivertsy; 4) northerners; 5) Slovenia.

30. Smolensk in the VIII-IX centuries. became the main city of the tribe:

1) Dregoviches; 2) Drevlyans; 3) glades; 4) Polochan; 5) Krivichi.

31. The city became the center of the Krivichi tribe:

1) Iskorosten; 2) Chernihiv; 3) Rostov; 4) Smolensk; 5) Suzdal.

32. The Polotsk tribe got its name from:

1) the Poles, from whom it emerged by the 7th century;2) the city of Polotsk;

3) the main occupation of the population, weaving the linen; 4) lake Poloch; 5) Polota rivers.

33. The city of Polotsk became the center of the tribe:

1) radimichi; 2) Dregoviches; 3) northerners; 4) Polochan; 5) Slovenian.

34. Chernihiv in the 9th century became the main city of the tribe:

1) Polochan; 2) buzhan; 3) Dregoviches; 4) Croats; 5) northerners.

35. The tribe of northerners grouped around the city:

1) Chernihiv; 2) Rostov; 3) Suzdal; 4) Beloozero; 5) Smolensk.

36. Along the rivers Desna, Seim, Sula in the VIII-IX centuries. tribe lived:

1) Dregoviches; 2) Polotsk; 3) buzhan; 4) Krivichi; 5) northerners.

37. In the VIII-IX centuries. along the Sozh and Seim rivers lived:

1) radimichi; 2) catch; 3) Tivertsy; 4) dulebs; 5) vyatichi.

38. In the basin of the Bug River in the VIII-IX centuries. settled:

1) only boiled potatoes; 2) buzhane and dregovichi;3) Polotsk and Buzhan;

4) northerners and radimichi;5) Volhynians and Buzhans.

39. In the lands bordering Bulgaria between the Dniester and the Danube in the VIII-IX centuries. lived:

1) glade and drevlyans;2) Volhynians and Buzhans;3) Vyatichi and Krivichi;

4) incriminate and Tivertsy;5) Croats and Dulebs.

40. In the Danube and the Carpathians in the VIII-IX centuries. tribes (tribe) lived:

1) Croats and Dulebs;2) streets and Tivertsy;3) Volhynians and Buzhans;

4) Dregoviches and Polochans;5) northerners and glades.

41. East Slavic tribes did not live in isolation from foreign-speaking neighbors. So, Finno-Ugric tribes lived in their habitat:

1) whole and korela; 2) Korela and Chud; 3) Chud and Murom; 4) Muroma and Mordovians; 5) all specified.

42. The city of Rostov was at first the main settlement of the Finno-Ugric tribe:

1) muroma; 2) all; 3) chud; 4) measuring; 5) Korela.

43. The city of Beloozero was at first a settlement of the Finno-Ugric tribe:

1) chud; 2) Korela; 3) muroma; 4) measuring; 5) all.

44. The city of Murom was the main settlement of the Finno-Ugric Murom tribe, located in the 9th century. near:

1) Lake Ilmen; 2) the interfluve of the Oka and Volga;3) the interfluve of the Volga and Kama;

4) the upper reaches of the Volga, the Western Dvina and the Dnieper;5) modern Moscow.

45. Tribute to the Khazars in the VIII-IX centuries. the tribes paid

1) glades; 2) glades and northerners;3) northerners and radimichi;

4) Radimichi and Vyatichi;5) radimichi, vyatichi, glade and northerners.

46. ​​Tribute to the Varangians in the VIII-IX centuries. paid:

1) Novgorod Slovenes;2) Slovenian and Krivichi;3) Krivichi and Polotsk;

4) Polotsk and Radimichi;5) radimichi and northerners.

47. The amount of tribute levied in the VIII-IX centuries. Khazars from Slavic tribes, ranged from "smoke" (courtyard) according to:

1) two measures of grain;

2) two measures of grain and one protein;

3) one squirrel and an ermine;

4) an ermine and two birds;

5) two birds and a ram.

48. The two-field and three-field system of agriculture instead of slash-and-burn among the Slavs is distributed in:

1) VI-VII centuries;

2) VII-VIII centuries;

3) IX century;

4) IX-X centuries;

5) X-XI centuries.

49. Before the introduction of a metal coin in Russia, its equivalent when imposing tribute on the population served (served):

1) wheat and peas;

2) flax;

3) furs;

4) sheep and chickens;

5) various metal products.

50. Cities among the Eastern Slavs were born as centers that performed the following tasks:

1) political;

2) political and economic;

3) economic and religious;

4) religious and military;

5) both political, and economic, and religious, and military.

History test East Slavs and their neighbors for 6th grade students with answers. The test includes 2 options, each with 10 tasks.

1 option

1. Arrange the following events in chronological order.

1) settlement by Eastern Slavs of the East European Plain
2) the allocation of the Balto-Slavic tribes from the group of Indo-European tribes
3) the division of the Balto-Slavic tribes into Balts and Slavs
4) the division of the Slavic tribes into three branches


A) Poles
B) Serbs
B) Russians
D) Croats
D) Ukrainians
E) Slovaks

Groups of Slavs

1) Eastern Slavs
2) Western Slavs
3) southern Slavs

3. Distribute the occupations of the Eastern Slavs and the results of labor that relate to them.

A) farming
B) cattle breeding
B) hunting
D) beekeeping

Labor results

1) honey of wild bees
2) wheat, rye, millet
3) meat of pigs, cows
4) fur skins


“Entering the battle, most of them go to the enemy with shields and darts in their hands, but they never wear shells; others do not wear shirts (chitons) or cloaks, but only trousers, pulled up by a wide belt on the hips, and in this form they go to battle with enemies ... They are very tall and of great strength.

1) What people are mentioned in the text?
2) What weapon is mentioned in the passage?
3) What country is the historian, author of the text from?

5. The list lists the gods of the Eastern Slavs. Find two extra names. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Stribog
2) Zeus
3) Yarilo
4) One
5) Perun
6) Mokosh


The people's assembly among the Slavs, which decided the most important issues, is __________.

7. The city that became the center of the Ilmen Slavs, a tribe of Eastern Slavs, is

1) Kiev
2) Smolensk
3) Novgorod
4) Chernihiv

8. two

1) clearing
2) Volhynia
3) votyaki
4) Khazars
5) radimichi
6) krivichi


A) rope
B) colonization
B) people's militia
D) paganism


1) an army consisting of representatives of the community
2) a community among the ancient Slavs
3) economic development of land
4) belief in many gods

10. Mark the rivers along which the tribes of the Eastern Slavs settled.

1) Vistula, Oder
2) Dniester, Dnipro
3) Vyatka, White
4) Sava, Morava

Option 2

1. Arrange the following events in chronological order.

1) the settlement of Slavic tribes in the territory from the White Sea to the Balkan Peninsula, from the Elbe to the Volga and Don
2) settlement by East Slavic tribes of the territory of the East European Plain
3) the settlement of Indo-European tribes in the territory from India to Western Europe
4) the participation of Slavic tribes in the Great Migration of Peoples

2. Establish a correspondence between the Slavic peoples and the groups of Slavs to which they belong.

A) Russians
B) Czechs
B) Slovaks
D) Belarusians
D) Bulgarians
E) Serbs

Groups of Slavs

1) Eastern Slavs
2) Western Slavs
3) southern Slavs

3. Establish a correspondence between the farming system and its characteristics.


A) prevalence mainly in the forest belt
B) prevalence in the steppe zone
C) use the soil until depletion, then, after 20-30 years, reuse
D) cutting down trees, burning stumps

farming systems

1) slash and fire
2) shifting

4. Read an extract from a historical document and answer the questions.

“They believe that only God, the creator of lightning, is the master of all, and bulls are sacrificed to him and other sacred rites are performed. They revere rivers, and nymphs, and all sorts of other deities, make sacrifices to all of them, and with the help of these sacrifices, they also perform divination.

5. Establish a correspondence between the names of the Slavic gods and their functions.

A) Mokosh
B) Veles
B) Stribog
D) Yarilo

1) god, lord of the wind
2) goddess of fertility
3) patron of cattle breeding
4) sun god

6. Write down the term you are talking about.

The neighboring community among the ancient Slavs is __________.

7. The city is the center of the Ilmen Slovenes, a tribe of Eastern Slavs

1) Smolensk
2) Novgorod
3) Kiev
4) Iskorosten

8. The list includes the tribes of the Eastern Slavs. Find two extra names. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) cheremis
2) Dregovichi
3) krivichi
4) Pechenegs
5) vyatichi
6) Drevlyans

9. Match the term with its meaning.

A) colonization
B) veche
B) beekeeping
D) double field


1) a national assembly among the Eastern Slavs
2) economic development of land
3) the system of agriculture among the Slavs
4) collecting honey from wild bees

10. Mark the rivers along which the tribes of the Eastern Slavs settled.

1) Dnieper, Volkhov
2) Yaik, Vyatka
3) Danube, Elbe
4) Seine, Thames

Answers to the history test East Slavs and their neighbors
1 option
1) Slavs
2) shield, darts
3) Byzantium
Option 2
1) Procopius of Caesarea
2) sacrifice
3) nymphs
