The authority of German technical, humanitarian education in Russia is very high. The main obstacle to Russian citizens is a small number of schools with the German language of instruction. There are other difficulties in obtaining university education in Germany.

For the educational system of Germany, three types of higher education are characteristic. The classic "old" universities are represented by Heidelberg, Berlin Universities.Medical, philosophical, theological faculties remain in them leading, although modern specialties based on fundamental sciences are added.

The second type includes universities, academies that have grown from technical, sectoral institutions. Hannover University passed the Stages of Technical School, Technical University. Higher technical schools (Aachen, Darmstadt) are equal to them. Many universities have technical faculties (sprout) and, on the contrary, humanitarian sciences are taught in technical universities (Braunschwig).

New universities, few private universities do not compete with traditional areas of destinations, focusing on specific disciplines. These include the University of Rura (Bochum), Universities of Constanta, Regensburg, Bielefeld.

Best Universities in Germany

Berlin University is considered the best university of Germany. His teachers were Einstein, plank, Weber. During this period, German scientists were awarded 26 Nobel Prizes (physics, chemistry).

24,000 students study at Dortmund University. The best faculties - mathematical, chemical, chemical and technical, construction, architectural.

Ian University received an imperial university privilege in 1558. Member "Coimbra Group" teaches young people on legal, economic, philosophical, social, mathematical, physical faculties.

Berlin Technical University is the largest in Germany. Among 30 thousand students - 6 thousand foreigners. The highest reputation is machine-engineering, transport, architectural faculties.

Entrance exams, studies

Entrance examinations in our understanding in universities in Germany is not. The main exam for a foreigner is a language test confirmed by an international certificate. Naturally, the overwhelming majority of universities require knowledge of German. Only several institutes are trained in English, at the level of magistracy. Test levels are several, specific requirements need to be found individually.

In terms of payment, Germany belongs to the best European countries for Russians. Training fee is minimal (in the worst case - 500 euros per semester). The university fee may include the cost of a regional ticket (urban, regional intercity transport). For exceeded the standard training period (14 semesters), some regions introduce an increased semester duty (up to 800 euros).

Assistance to students in Germany have several funds, most often - regional, it is also available to foreigners. The possibilities of work are great (up to 120 full days per year), the average salary - 10 euros per hour. Many German students provide financial independence, stretching training for 10 years. Student canteens help save, where you can dine for 3 euros. Monthly medical insurance (80 euros) is required. Curriculums are not hurrying training - the exams are accepted by readiness, the student selection itself. The deduction with bad estimates is not practiced.

Prospects for work in Germany, CIS

Most foreign graduates seek to remain in Germany. For the search for work by law, a year and a half (a working visa is guaranteed). The German industry is interested in specialists regardless of nationality, with successful studies - you can get a job on the last courses.

German education in areas of electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, construction is highly valued in the world. Knowledge of German allows you to get a job in six German-speaking countries in Europe, all EU countries.

For employers in Russia, engineering specialties are most interesting. In German, Austrian, Swiss offices - German diploma, the ownership of two languages \u200b\u200bsignificantly increase chances.

You will need

  • - certificate of secondary education;
  • - extract from the certificate of medium education;
  • - a certified copy of the order of enrollment in the university (with estimates for entrance exams);
  • - certified extract from the test statement with the indication of all the subjects studied in the university with estimates and the number of hours;
  • - a certified copy of the certificate of state accreditation of the university (for students of non-state universities);
  • - certificates (certificates) on the study of the German language, indicating the number of listened hours (you must at least 600 hours);
  • - 9 color photographs (4 x 5cm).


If you already have a diploma of the university in your own country, you can apply for recognition of your diploma at Bachelor (bachelor) and continue learning from Master ().

You can submit documents in two ways: sending them yourself to each university or through a special organization Uni-Assist. This organization was created to accelerate the processing of documents of foreign applicants and to unload German universities when processing applications. Uni-Assist is based in Berlin and cooperates with a large number of higher educational institutions. If the selected university works with this organization, then you will have to apply only through it.

After the uni-assist receives your documents, the Bewerbernummer personal number will be reported to you, under which all your data will be registered. Therefore, you can learn about the status of processing your application. Uni-Assist will send your data to the university and the one, in turn, will decide on taking you on training. Through the organization, you have the right to apply for an unlimited number of educational institutions. You will need to separate one copy of documents and on a separate application for each university. Keep in mind that all documents must be translated into German and notarized.

Processing a package of documents for feeding into one university costs 55 euros. For each subsequent application charges 15 euros. That is, if you sent 3 statements for 3 universities in University, you will need to pay 100 euros.

After receiving invitations from the school, you need to place a visa. To do this, to the main package of documents, you need to make a letter to enroll in the Higher Educational Institution of Germany and submit evidence of the availability of the necessary financial resources.


To file documents is necessary until January 15 (to enroll on the summer semester) and until July 15 (for the winter semester).

Training in universities in Germany lasts from 3 to 8 years.

The lyrical hero of the famous song was compiled on the fact that he, the martyr of science, to learn in the French side, on someone else's planet. Modern students are not so picky and willingly go to learn abroad. Many attract German Universities: Education here is free even for foreigners, and academic learning freedom makes it possible to work. In addition, universities and institutions of Germany, which are more than 300, are famous for their classical teaching traditions.


So, by setting the goal to certainly enter the German university, first of all, select a training course or a specialty that you will comprehend after enrollment. Please note that in Germany you can learn everything in the literal sense of the word. However, remember that some specialties are taken with great reluctance, because These faculties are usually popular and among the Germans themselves. These are faculties learning, pharmaceuticals, dentistry, jurisprudence, architecture, psychology and.

Enrollment in the German university is possible only according to the results of the test of knowledge. DAF, DSH, KDS, GDS certificates can be obtained directly at the university selected, and in Russia, for example, at the Institute. Mouth in Moscow. Tests should be prepared in advance, reinfeit to them with all seriousness. Fortunately, with most universities in Germany, there are free or inexpensive German courses, where you can tighten your knowledge and take speech.

If you have already received higher education in Russia, you can submit your documents for training in Germany Also free, as well as the current students. If you want to get a German education in the same area that you graduated in your country, keep in mind that many items can be reburied to you.

The German education system consists of three steps: initial, middle and higher. According to the laws Germanyall citizens of the country should get the average education, Therefore, training in public schools is free. In most cases, training in state higher education institutions is also free. Educational institutions in Germany are open to foreigners, but subject to certain requirements.


German schools suggest a 13-year study course. In order to enroll in the German school, you need to own the language, pass entrance exams and pass the interview. If the child does not own the German language or his knowledge is insufficient for training, preparatory courses will recommend him.

Schoolchildren who do not intend to continue their education are studying in the Main School (Nauphtschule).

Professionalschule - Professional School. It is focused on schoolchildren seeking to master a working profession.

In higher educational institutions, Germany learn from 3 to 6 years. If you want to enter the university, you will need a certificate of secondary education. In addition, you must speak well. You will have to take a special software exam. In many higher educational institutions in Germany, there are language courses for foreign students.

There are more than 300 higher educational institutions in the country. They are divided into types. The basis of higher education is also universities equivalent to them. These are classic universities (humanitarian and natural sciences, theology, medicine, etc.), technical universities, general universities, pedagogical institutions. The superior educational institutions of the non-university type are owned by musical colleges and colleges of the arts, as well as special professional higher education schools. Also, the highest educational institutions include medical, church and philosophical and theological colleges, sports.

The most famous and prestigious higher educational institution of the country is Heidelberg University, which is located 60 kilometers from Frankfurt am Main. It was founded in 1386 by the type of Paris Sorbonne.

Among students are very popular not only universities, but also special higher schools. In them, the learning time is reduced to 3-4 years, and training is focused on practical tasks. Here you can get knowledge in the field of economics, management, agriculture, engineering and computer specialties. However, higher schools, unlike universities, have no right to assign doctoral degrees. At the end of the course, you will assign Diplomgrad - this is an academic degree that is issued by the highest schools.


In Germany, you can learn in public schools, private, as well as in schools-boarding schools.

Enrollment in universities in Germany occurs twice a year: in spring and autumn.

Tip 5: Which German colleges are considered the most prestigious

Before you start studying in Germany, it is necessary to competently approach the selection of places where you will receive an education. There are more than 300 universities in this country, each of which can offer high-quality teaching on any disciplines: from economics to agriculture.

Humanitarian and natural sciences are best learn at universities. The rest of the specialty is better to study in schools.

Rysnsko-Westphalian University of Aachen

In the field of scientific and technical education and advanced technologies, Aanchen is not competitors. The same can be said about Technical University. It is included in the list of the most prestigious universities of the country. This institution is famous for teaching electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and industrial construction.

University of Mannheima

This university is located in an old castle made in a baroque style. The university is the first in the economic sphere. Here it is best to explore such areas as a business economy and national economy.

Technical University Munich

This university is one of the best research universities, which also specializes in applied sciences. Here the student has the opportunity not only to engage in research in any area, but also to receive money for it. In addition, it is better to teach economic informatics.

Technical University of Ilmenau

The university is located in the small town of Ilmena. This university is known for its achievements in the field of information technology. It was here for the first time in Germany opened the specialty "Media Technology". In addition, there is a professorship in the university's walls to create and develop computer and video games.

Westphalian University of Caiser Wilhelm II in Munster

This university is known for many scientific research centers open on its basis. In addition, the university releases the best specialists in the field of economics and jurisprudence.

Technical University Berlin

This university is able to give excellent knowledge in many specialties. It teaches mechanical engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, natural sciences, jurisprudence, national economy, etc. and university's multiprobility does not at all affect the quality of education.

FirstlyThis is due to the aging of the German population. As you know, now there is a demographic crisis, caused by the fact that the secured Germans do not want to start children. This leads to the fact that even more old men and less young people are becoming. The economy begins to suffer because it becomes less workers. In order to solve this problem, the German government decided to take workers from abroad. But first you need to train them.

  • By the way, the migration crisis was largely man made, as European countries are beneficial to cheap labor.

Secondly, making your education free, government universities in Germany can choose truly excellent students, as they want a lot. Which also increases the competitiveness of the German economy.

Should a foreign student pay?

The word "free" does not mean the absence of any spending, students should pay semester fees on average about 500 euros. They also need to pay for their accommodation, which is not cheap pleasure.

How to enroll in university in Germany?

Firstly, it is necessary to know the state language well - German.

SecondlyIf you enter the undergraduate immediately after school, you will need at least a year to adhere in the university of Russia, since in Germany, schoolchildren learn 12 years.

I do not know German, what should I do?

First, it is necessary to master the German at the base level in Russia, then you can start learning in the language school at the German University.

What documents do you need to collect?

Each university has its own list, but there is a standard package of documents:

  • School graduation diploma
  • Completed form
  • international passport
  • 2 photos
  • Invitation from the university Germany
  • Help proving a financial condition (an account will be opened in a German bank and put about 8,000 euros there, which will be paid to you as studying)
  • Certificate of knowledge of German
  • Motivation letter


  • Ten myths about studying in Germany with the eyes of the Russian

Germany is the leading economy of Europe and one of the most important players on the geopolitical map of the world. The successes of German science and industry fit the legends: the modern world would be completely different without discoveries and inventions of German scientists, engineers and doctors. In addition, Germany is proud of brilliant academic traditions in philosophical and social sciences, as well as in music and visual arts. It is necessary to say that such achievements would be impossible without an effective higher education system.

To date, more than 450 state universities are working in Germany, almost 20 of which are annually entering the prestigious rating of the best universities in the world according to QS. About 12% of all students in German universities are foreigners, which makes Germany in the world's most popular non-English-speaking country among foreign students.

First of all, the universities of Germany come to study natural and technical specialties, as well as an engineering case, because it was in these disciplines that the German Higher School has established himself especially well. Almost all German universities have excellent technical equipment and modern laboratories, which makes the learning process with fascinating and productive. In addition, medical and economic universities in Germany also have excellent reputation. We draw your attention to the fact that in many German universities can be trained in English.

Thousands of students from all over the world are dreaming of entering German universities not only because of the world's recognition of diplomas of German universities, but also due to the low cost of training. Country universities are funded by the state, which allows them to offer some of the most accessible programs of higher education in the world. The cost of living in German cities also remains one of the most acceptable in Europe. In addition, Germany highlights huge funds to attract talented students to the country. In particular, the country is known for the world's largest scholarship program DAAD, within which thousands of bright young people come to universities in Germany every year.

Germany is the leading economy of Europe and one of the most important players on the geopolitical map of the world. The successes of German science and industry fit the legends: the modern world would be completely different without discoveries and inventions of German scientists, engineers and doctors. In addition, Germany is proud of brilliant academic traditions in philosophical and social sciences, as well as in music and visual arts. It is necessary to say that such achievements would be impossible without an effective higher education system.

To date, more than 450 state universities are working in Germany, almost 20 of which are annually entering the prestigious rating of the best universities in the world according to QS. About 12% of all students in German universities are foreigners, which makes Germany in the world's most popular non-English-speaking country among foreign students.

First of all, the universities of Germany come to study natural and technical specialties, as well as an engineering case, because it was in these disciplines that the German Higher School has established himself especially well. Almost all German universities have excellent technical equipment and modern laboratories, which makes the learning process with fascinating and productive. In addition, medical and economic universities in Germany also have excellent reputation. We draw your attention to the fact that in many German universities can be trained in English.

Thousands of students from all over the world are dreaming of entering German universities not only because of the world's recognition of diplomas of German universities, but also due to the low cost of training. Country universities are funded by the state, which allows them to offer some of the most accessible programs of higher education in the world. The cost of living in German cities also remains one of the most acceptable in Europe. In addition, Germany highlights huge funds to attract talented students to the country. In particular, the country is known for the world's largest scholarship program DAAD, within which thousands of bright young people come to universities in Germany every year.

German universities - what is their feature?

Universities in Germany differ from Russian many: first, they are not so much. Most often, one university for the whole city (and not in every city), in large cities like Berlin and Munich - no more than five universities.

Ahtung! We are talking right now about universities; Universities of other species, for example, academy, institutions (higher schools in this article are not considered). Therefore, it is impossible to confirm with the names, in most cases universities wear the names of cities that are: University of Hamburg, the University of Potsdam (German also has a conversational reduction of the word "University" - "University", so University of University, Uni Potsdam).

Because of the small number of German universities, you can allocate the second difference from the Russians: they are big. And the campuses themselves (in small cities, the student campus sometimes takes the entire city, and therefore is called the student city for example Hildesheim, Bielefeld), and the corps, and the number of students in large cities - and more.

Nevertheless, the difference between the huge international universities, where many foreign students learn and at lectures are 500 people, and universities rather small cities, where teachers know most of their students personally and can provide an individual approach to everyone remains. Each university type has its advantages and disadvantages - in this case, rely on your own preferences.

In relation to faculties offered by universities, universities in Germany do not differ from the Russians: there are both "thematic" universities dedicated to a certain sphere of science and mixed universities with a wide range of sciences.

Universities of the second type, naturally, more, and they are in every city where there is a university. If the university is dedicated to a certain sphere of sciences, it is usually indicated in the name of the university: Technical University of Munich, University of Art Berlin, etc.

If Germany's technical universities are even more or less common in Germany as individual educational institutions, it is much more difficult to look for, for example, architectural, economic or legal universities. Maximum that you can find are higher schools (Hochschulen) according to the sciences. It will be much better to find a university with a strong recognized science in the faculty of interest to you: Economics, jurisprudence, etc.

Mr. "Bachelor", Lady "Master" and just Dr. Science

In brief, then in the scientific world of Germany there are three steps of "steepness", i.e. Scientific degrees that are achieved naturally, only in order:

  1. Bachelor.
  2. Master / Diploma.
  3. Ph.D.

But you are probably interested in the details? And even more, for sure, the correspondence of these scientific degrees of Russian academic titles? About this below.

Bachelor (Bachelor) - This is the first scientific degree received after training at the University (or Academy) after 3 years of study. As we have already written about the life of the German Student, 3 years are only a norm (it can be reduced or increased at its own discretion). Usually a bachelor's training program is divided into two parts:

  • Grundstudium (first 2 years, or 4 semesters)
  • AUFBAUSTUDIUM (5 and 6 semesters), in the 6th semester, is written by Bachelor's work. From the university to university, the rules differ in the amount of work, and in the timing of its writing, and even in the need for its protection.

After the successful end of the bachelor's training is issued a certificate with a bachelor's degree, which, depending on the main subject (which is the main subject, can be formulated in different ways). For example, B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) The most common type of bachelor - applies to all humanitarian and social sciences (except for jurisprudence). B.SC. (Bachelor of Science) is intended for natural, economic and engineering sciences.

The next step in the system of scientific degrees is Master or Diploma. These are not synonymous, these are two different types of one and the same scientific degree.

Master - This is a logical continuation of bachelor, an in-depth study of a certain industry. This academic degree can be obtained by having a bachelor's degree certificate and earning up, as a rule, four semesters in the same direction, according to which the bachelor was obtained by writing and defending the workshop of work (which has a rather large volume and elements of its own innovative research).

Diploma - This is a scholarship degree of the second stage (as well as the master), but it combines a bachelor's and masters. Those. Learning on a diploma lasts, as a rule, as on a bachelor and masters combined, and built in the same way. The initial stage (or grundstudium) is similar to Bachelor, after which the main training (hauptstudium) follows the ending state. exams and writing the graduation work.

For the wizard, the same reductions are used as for bachelor - for example, M.A. (Master of Arts), M.SC. (Master of Science). Designations for the diploma look different, for example, Dipl.ING (Diplom Inneur / In), Dipl. Komm.wirt (Diplom KommunikationsWirtschaft), etc. Both degrees - Master and Diploma provide access to the third academic stage - graduate school.

In graduate school - At the third and last step - training lasts usually long. Two semesters of active learning, and you can be taken for writing dissertation, after successful protection of which is awarded the scientific degree of Doctor (Dr.). Doctor's scientific degree as an order - distinguishes you from all the rest of the mortals and inspires respect. He is also written before the surname and in official appeals, this title is always mentioned. For example, Frau / Herr Doktor Mustermann.

And what about the Russian system? Specialists who have 5 years of higher education behind their back, they are German (more precisely, the European) system who? But what about Russian masters who are a logical continuation of bachelors (on a new system)? What about the candidates and doctors of science, where are they counting, being in Germany?

Go ahead. As for the new system of academic degrees in Russia - bachelor (4 years) and master (+ 2 years), it fully corresponds to the European content, only have, unfortunately, other names that create confusion. In Germany, there is an academic degree of master's degree, but it, since the times of Bologna reform, gradually removed from universities and is no longer carried out!

So, Russian bachelors are the same bachelors in Europe, Russian masters are German masters. Memorize and do not confuse!

As for the old system, which includes specialists (5 years) - in Germany, a specialist diploma is equal to Bachelor! Re-read the last offer once again and remember. This is, unfortunately, the most huge confusion: Many Russian students believe that, having 5 years of study at the university at the university in Russia, equates to German masters (after all, they also have a total of 5 years of study at the back: 3 years on bachelor and 2 years on the master), but everyone forget that the first two years of our tower in Germans are still a school level (if you are accurate: gymnasiums)! So, Russian specialists, do not hinder the noses - you can go to Germany for the degree of master!

What about candidates and doctors of sciences? Since in Germany, the highest degree in Germany is the doctor - then Russian and candidates, and doctors of science are doctors in Germany. In the case of the title of the doctor, everything is clear, but the Russian candidates of science have a significant plus in Germany: in their homeland - candidates, in Germany already doctors!

So what is the conclusion?

  • With the transition of Russia to the new system of academic degrees "Translation", they are simplified to the European system, but it remains confusion in the names.
  • Candidates of science in general in the winning version - run to Germany for the title of Doctor!
  • The most important thing: Russian specialist is the first scientific degree on the European system. With a diploma of a specialist in Germany, you can continue training for the masters in the same direction, which was studied in Russia, or start a new one from scratch.

Every year we enlighten into German Studencollegia and universities of more than 100 students. Our experience is your key to success.

The best German universities or which university do?

If you are not interested in some kind of definite science, but you want to study in the prestigious university of Germany, whose diploma will be appreciated everywhere, regardless of the chosen subject, then you need to explore the list of elite universities in Germany.

The best universities in Germany are chosen once every 5 years as part of the Excellent UNI initiative. This is a federal program aimed at identifying the most scientifically-oriented and promising universities in Germany, which will receive over the next 5 years from the state treasury ("Non-cheat") financial resources for scientific research.

Thus, the listed universities are leading in the field of science, have eminent professors and in the best way libraries and laboratories, and young people with enviable for any employer are going out of the doors of these universities for any employer.

This program has recently exists - in 2007 the first list of the best universities was announced, in 2012 this list was anew: some universities lost their title, others - were recorded. We publish here the current list of elite
