List of medical universities in Moscow. The best and most prestigious public universities and institutions, as well as private and commercial educational institutions. Learn the cost of education in the medical academies of the capital, the presence of a hostel and the military department. Enter the Medical University in Moscow, having learned information about budget places and training on a fee.

The name of the university Type of educational institution Voted for university Rating
Non-state 0
State 58
State 62
State 214
State 105
State 41

The choice of higher education institution is one of those solutions that will subsequently affect your entire further life. And if you decide to get medical education, then the choice of the university is to approach the most responsible and weighted. The actual list of all medical institutions and universities of Moscow is given above, therefore, in a small text review, it makes sense to dwell on other aspects of medical education.

Medical specialty

Most specialties are collected in the section "Health and Medical Sciences", the most popular subsection in which is "clinical medicine". It is in it that those specialty, according to which the largest number of students study, who will subsequently be directly treating. The most popular specialties, as usual, general profile: therapeutic case, pediatrics and dentistry. Next, it is possible to specialization within the framework of the residency.

Traditionally, the competition in medical universities is large and depends on the specialty. If it is extremely difficult to enter dentistry and therapeutic case to budget places, then clinical psychology and pharmacy are in less demand. In addition to the obligatory exam in Russian and mathematics, it is usually required to pass an exam on biology and / or chemistry.

The Russian State Social University (RSU) was established in 1991 by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation. The building of the University is located at the address: Moscow, Wilhelm Pick Street, House 4, Building 1. RSUs specializes in the preparation of specialists of the social destination - lawyers, sociologists, psychologists, social workers, translators, etc. At the Faculty of Social Medicine, Adaptive Physical Culture and Sports are students who want to associate their profession with the rehabilitation of the population by means of sports and physical culture. In RSU, there is a correspondence form of training in the specialty "Nursing".

Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov

Moscow State University named after Lomonosov is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in Russia. It was founded in 1755 and at the moment includes more than a dozen different research institutes, 40 faculties and several hundred departments. One of these faculties is the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine. It has the departments of ophthalmology, pharmacology, pharmacy, urology and andrology, biochemistry and molecular medicine, etc. The faculty employs more than a hundred professors, assistants and associate professors. Among the teaching staff, 12 academics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and two members of the Russian Academy of Sciences are working. MSU named after Lomonosov is located at Moscow, Lenin Mountains.

Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov

Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov (Rnim) is one of the largest medical universities in Europe. It employs more than 9,000 students. The university includes the pharmaceutical faculty, medical and biological, pediatric, therapeutic and other faculties. The boardroom annually prepares more than two hundred doctors. The university has a department of a clinical order, on which more than 700 orders are trained in several dozens of medical specialties. RNIMU is located at Moscow, Ostrovyanova Street, house 1.

First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov

The first Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov is the largest medical university of Russia. It was founded in 1758 and includes the medical and preventive faculty, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, dental, pediatric and other faculties. The university is located at Moscow, Trubetskaya Street, House 8, Building 2.

Other medical universities

In addition to the above, there are other medical universities in Moscow: the Russian Peoples Friendship University (medical faculty, training in the specialty "Stomatology"), Moscow State Medical and Dental University. A.I. Evdokimova (Faculty of Dentistry), State Classical Academy. Maimonide (Faculty of Social Medicine, Training in the specialty "Stomatology"), Moscow State Regional Humanitarian Institute (Pharmaceutical Faculty, Training in the specialty "Pharmacy").

The Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk) of the Federal Health and Social Development Agency () is excellent among other materials on this list of universities. The same as state universities of Arkhangelsk, this higher education institution improves the qualifications of excellent specialists in the direction of "medical". We strongly recommend to take note of this higher educational institution as a decent alternative mentioned in Russia.

Komi branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kirov State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation in Syktyvkar

It is possible to consider such an option as a decent alternative mentioned on our website. The same as the State Academy of Syktyvkar This offer makes leaders in the specialty "medical". Komi branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kirov State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation in Syktyvkar () is superficially considered in the relevant article, the heading "State Academy of Syktyvkar", on the list of universities.

Amur State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Without unnecessary fluctuations, take this institution and other state academies of Blagoveshchensk, as an alternative to similar, often on this resource. Amur State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Amur State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation) is superficially painted in materials on a specific list of universities. Like other state academies of Blagoveshchensk, this proposal makes managers towards "medical".

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University SPBGPMU

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University SPBGPMU (State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation) is excellent, and decorated on a section on this resource. As many other state universities in St. Petersburg, this university makes masters of their business in the field of "Medical". You can quite seriously take such an option as a decent alternative to many others in the catalog.

Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy of the Federal Health and Social Development Agency

As well as the State Academy of Chelyabinsk, this school teaches and produces high-grade specials in the specialty "medical". You can postpone for subsequent analysis this offer as a decent alternative mentioned here. Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy of the Federal Health and Social Development Agency () Together with the map is scheduled and decorated in the current resource.

Kirov State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Like other state academies of Kirov, this educational institution makes professionals on the subject of "medical". It is possible to take note of this proposal and other state academies of Kirov, as an alternative to similar, often mentioned here. Kirov State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kirov State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation) is superficially painted among other materials on the current list of universities.

Astrakhan State Medical Academy (AGMA)

You can immediately accept this option as a replacement similar to the list. Astrakhan State Medical Academy (AGMA) (State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Astrakhan State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation) is significantly discussed in the relevant article on the current portal. Not similar to other state academies of Astrakhan prepares excellent specialists in the field of "medical".

Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy

Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy (State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation) is very poorly considered in one of the notes on a specific portal. The same as the state academies of Nizhny Novgorod takes such an option and prepares leaders in the specialty "medical". Without unnecessary oscillations, take this educational institution as a substitute for such, often in Russia.

Voronezh State Medical Academy. N.N. Burdenko

Voronezh State Medical Academy. N.N. Burdenko (State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation) is significantly more detailed in announcements and articles, headings "State Academy of Voronezh", on the resource. You can quite seriously take note of this option as a replacement like, often on our website. Probably, as the State Academy of Voronezh, this Higher Educational Institution conducts training for the leaders in the field of "Medical".

Bashkir State Medical University

Bashkir State Medical University (State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Bashkir State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation) is much more reviewed in the materials at the current meeting. We advise you to inspect this proposal as a worthy alternative similar to our site. Not similar to other public universities Ufa This option makes managers by the Profile "Medical".

Chita State Medical Academy of the Federal Health and Social Development Agency

The same as state academies of cheats this option is trained for good workers on the subject of "medical". You can postpone for subsequent analysis this option and other state academies of cheats, as an alternative to similar, often in the list. The Chita State Medical Academy of the Federal Health and Social Development Agency () is significantly described in the relevant article on the current site.

Ivanovo State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Ivanovo State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ivanovo State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation) is much more detailed among other materials, the heading "State Academy Ivanovo", on the BD- interface. We propose to postpone for subsequent analysis this school as a decent alternative similar to the topic in the directory. Like other state academies Ivanovo, this option makes professionals in the Profile "Medical".

Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. War Yarenetsky

Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. War-Yasenetsky (State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Professor V.F. Krasnoyarsk State Medical University" The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation) superficially considered by us in announcements and articles, heading "State Universities of Krasnoyarsk", on the resource. The same as state universities of Krasnoyarsk, this university trains and produces leaders in the field of "medical". You can accept this option and other State Universities of Krasnoyarsk, as an alternative to similar, often in Krasnoyarsk.

Novosibirsk State Medical University of the Federal Health and Social Development Agency

The same as the state universities of Novosibirsk this university takes and prepares professionals in the "Medical" profile. Novosibirsk State Medical University of the Federal Health and Social Development Agency (State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation) together with the map described for you in announcements and articles, headings "State Universities Novosibirsk" , on the portal. You can postpone for subsequent analysis this is a higher educational institution as a decent alternative to many other mentioned here.

Medicine is stably leading in the list of "Dream Professions". The most responsible graduates of schools are striving for a majority of life in a white coat. Sociological studies show that a consistent high demand for medical specialties is not manifested in all subjects of the country. Among the graduates of Moscow and St. Petersburg, for example, it became less than those who wish to make a career on the doctoral field, while inside the professional community of doctors in these cities, stability is observed.

Another thing is the regions: provincial youth is still a great desire to receive one of the doctoral professions. And if for this there is a sufficient volume of knowledge or a bet on paid training is made, then one question remains on the agenda - in which university or the Academy to submit documents.

Perhaps initially thinking about the arrival of medical, boys and girls are more obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing enrolled on 1 course. All the principal factor in the assessment of the educational institution should be the quality of education. People who understand this are trying to enter the prestigious universities - of course, Moscow and St. Petersburg. The winners of the All-Russian, International Olympics and another "Golden" contingent, who have the right to enter outside the competition are striving for this.

REFERENCE: Healthcare is the only direction of the formation of a non-humanitarian nature, where the average score on the EGE exceeds the mark "70". In Russia, more than 75 universities of the Ministry of Health provide overestimated requirements for the quality of basic knowledge from applicants. This suggests the prestigious profession of the doctor.

In the sphere of paid education, the place was distributed as follows:

  • 32 thousand incoming in 2016 preferred economic specialties;
  • 20 thousand people bowed to the management;
  • 15.5 thousand - these are future doctors.

The composition of the highest medical school of Russia

In 2019, in the Russian Federation, the reception of applicants carry out 89 higher educational institutions and faculties of the Ministry of Health - of them:

  • 48 head public institutions;
  • 4 branches of state universities;
  • 7 non-state accredited educational institutions;
  • 2 branches of non-government universities.

Among them, 23 head physics in 2015 passed a complete accreditation procedure.

What medical universities look like against the background of the general ranking from the expert

The use of the fundamental principles of methodological research and impersonal in the assessment are two weighty grounds to consider the ratings of medical universities RaEx (expert RA) among the most reliable. The opinion of the educational institutions of the health sector has developed from 3 characteristics:

  • quality of education;
  • research work;
  • in demand by employers.

The group of respondents, among whom a survey was conducted, included graduates, students, teachers representing the scientific and academic collegium, employers.

In the first hundred, according to the results of 2016, the 16 best medical universities were. As a result, the rating of medical universities in Russia 2019 on the quality of education and other criteria is as follows:

No. p / p № in ranking University
1 22 First Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenova (the first MGMU named after I. Schechenov)
2 23 St. Petersburg State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlova (Pspggmu. Acad. I.P. Pavlova)
3 27 Russian National Research Medical University. N. I. Pirogova (Rnim. N.I. Pirogova)
4 32 Kazan State Medical University (KGMU).
5 34 Siberian State Medical University (SibGMU, Tomsk)
6 46 Northwest State Medical

university. I. I. Mechnikova (SGMU, SPB)

7 49 Voronezh State Medical

academy. N. N. Burdenko (VGMA).

8 51 Samara State Medical University (Samgm).
9 62 Ural State Medical Academy
10 70 Omsk State Medical Academy
11 73 Volgograd State Medical

university (Volggm).

12 79 Ryazan State Medical University

them. Academician I.P. Pavlova (Ryazgmu).

13 81 Kursk State Medical University
14 83 Altai State Medical University
15 87 Saratov State Medical

university named after V. I. Razumovsky

16 95 Tyumen State Medical Academy

Judging by the results of the rankings drawn up by the Agency's expert for the last 4 years, the quality of education in medvosakh is insignificant, but improved. In 2014, for example, there were 11 institutions that produce certified doctors, and after 2 years, the list of leaders was replenished with four new names.

What specialties are taught in the best meduses of the state and what is the cost of education obtained on a commercial basis - we present information on the top five leaders:

№1: First MGMU named after I.M. Suchenova

№2: PSPBGMU them. Acad. I.P. Pavlova

№3: RNYMU them. N.I. Pirogov

№4: KGMU (Kazan)

№5: SIBGMU (Tomsk)

Budget or commerce - EEG points will determine

Points scored according to the results of the USE are still a criterion that determines the quality of the knowledge of the applicant. The cherished figures are taken for the very threshold value, to oversail which - it means on September 1, officially stand for the threshold of the selected university. Candidates who do not accept the necessary "glasses" will have to choose between paid education in the same institution, enrollment in another university with a more loyal body policy or to make another attempt to enter the "University of Dreams", but in a year.

  1. The first MGMU named after I.M. Schechenov
  2. Rfficking them. N.I. Pirogov.
  4. SPBGMU them. Academician I.P. Pavlova
  5. NGMU, Novosibirsk.
  6. Ryazhm.
  7. Volggm.
  8. SIBGMU (Tomsk).
  9. Krasgmu, Krasnoyarsk.
  10. ROSGMU, Rostov-on-Don.

The best among paid medical universities

The highest level of education is shown by educational institutions of health care Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Kazan, Voronezh, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Tver. In these cities, the profession of the doctor is trained in a fee, while even "for commerce" applicants fall with the highest scores of the exam. Information was obtained as a result of monitoring on the initiative of Mia Russia today and HSE.

We present the first ten of universities, for the paid branches of which it is difficult to get due to the overestimated competitive points:

  1. PSPBGMU them. Acad. I.P. Pavlova
  2. Wgm them. Burdenko.
  3. MGMS them. A.I. Evdokimova.
  4. Kgmu.
  6. Kubbma, Krasnodar.
  7. The first MGMU named after I.M. Schechenov.
  8. Samgm.
  9. TGMU, Tver.
  10. NIGMA, Nizhny Novgorod.

By tradition, the most demanded specialties with the relevant competition are:

  • stomatology
  • medical work
  • pediatrics
  • pharmacy.

It is impossible to get a doctor's profession. In Russian universities, there are a number of faculties, where such a form of training is acceptable, but firstly, their number is gradually reduced to zero, secondly, they are taught here not to future therapists and dentists, and specialists with a conditional medical profile - for example, nursing With a management bias.

How high the diploma of the Russian medical university abroad is valued

Contracts for the award of international qualifications in the field of medicine today is not endowed with a single body in the world. Given this fact, the low status of the diploma of the Russian university and its non-convertibility should be taken as false and no confirmed judgment. A similar myth earlier, in Soviet times, government officials and interested structures tried to overlap the road to the West qualified specialists.

The quality of education in higher education institutions, as well as the prestige of the institution itself, is not entirely judged by the assigned awards and regalia. The most objective assessment factor is the practitioners of graduates - their work, career and achievements. It is possible to hold high status only with a constant presence in the market and the presence of progress in all directions, incl., On research and development and cooperation with "abroad".

The US legislation, for example, allows you to host doctors with university diplomas registered with WHO and in the IMED-Faimer agency (authority authorized by the state). Employers should not be anyway, which institution has graduated - Harvard or GMU in Krasnodar. The chapter is not the place of receipt of the diploma, but professionalism and personal abilities. If the name of the institution is not listed in the WHO list, you should not count on the vacancy. Specifically, the name of the Medvoz should be mentioned in the "Avicenna" catalog (contains an extensive list of educational institutions of world working on health care and other activities) and in WHO WorldDirectory of Medical-Schools.

By the same feature, you should choose a facility for education: if its name is not in the WHO catalogs, it loses attractiveness from incoming and cannot claim prestige.

The registration of medical practices in WHO is based on an application filed by the state body competent in solving such issues. In Russia, such instance is the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The registration procedure itself is performed automatically, but this process is sometimes artificially delayed for reasons known to the representatives of the international organization. The example of this is the medical faculty of St. Petersburg State University: a year of its foundation - 1995, and officially in WHO lists, it appeared only in 2003, and in 2006, after the administration request, was entered into the immed list.

It would seem, for such a period you can learn about human diseases. However, as practice shows, and this time is not enough for a graduate to become a true professional in a short time. Much more important for the student of the medical school depth and the quality of knowledge gained, and this already depends on their efforts, efforts and, of course, the most educational institution. Where is the best education and the formation of which medical university can be considered truly high-quality? We have come answers to these questions and made up their rating of medical higher educational institutions that prepare the best doctors in Russia.

Umbum is the strongest regional university, leading training for doctors of different profiles. His graduates after the end of training without problems find work in clinics and hospitals of the Sverdlovsk region, as well as other regions of our country. The level of education, which is given to students of the UGM, meets all the current requirements of medical professions. Special attention is paid here. Practice is given - under the university there is a dental clinic that provides medical assistance to residents of Yekaterinburg.

Image Source: HTTP: // Sensitive- Congestion.rf

From 57,000 to 119,000 rubles per year *

SGMU them. Razumovsky produces specialists for more than a hundred years. During this time, a clinical hospital, clinics of tradecores and hematology, eye, skin and venereological diseases, and edematology, orthopedics and neurosurgery, as well as a medical college and the lyceum of a chemical-biological profile, opened at the university. Since 1991, the university has been actively working with foreign students - today specialists from 19 different countries have emerged from the walls of the SGMU, and since the 1995th university, it actively cooperates with the North Carolina Medical School (USA). Highly developed under the university and - students of the SGMU are active propagandists of a healthy lifestyle among the population. The opportunity is wide, and therefore he is among the top ten of the country's best medical universities.

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Passing point and preparation directions *:

Training cost (full-time): from 39,000 to 174,000 rubles per year *

Samgu is one of the best medical universities Volga region. The teaching staff here is collected from highly qualified specialists, and special attention is paid to the practice during training. Competition for one budget place in Sammu is usually large - up to 15 people per place. The university attracts many applicants from other regions, since the demand for graduates of this university in employers is quite high.

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Passing point and preparation directions *:

Training cost (full-time):from 75,000 to 176,000 rubles per year *

VGU - one of the oldest medical schools in Russia. Its existence has more than 200 years. During this time, the university has undergone a lot of changes. For example, the most recent of them is the acquisition of the status of the university (previously university was the Academy). Today VGMU has an active promotion of scientific schools on cardiac surgery, nephrology, clinical immunology, anesthesiology and reanimiology.

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Passing point and preparation directions *:

Training cost (full-time): from 99,000 to 180,000 rubles per year *

In 2016, the European Scientific and Industry Chamber of Ares gave the Omsk State Medical University Rating BB +, determining the teaching in this university reliable, and the demand of his graduates is high. According to this rating, the OMGMU beat a number of medical universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk and entered the top ten in Russia.

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Passing point and preparation directions *:

Training cost (full-time): from 44,000 to 133 000 rubles per year

This university is more famous as the St. Petersburg State Academy named after I.I. Mechnikov - In 2011, the university was merged with the Academy of Postgraduate Education, and one university was formed on their basis. However, despite the fact that the university with this title exists only six years, his story originates in the 20th century. The traditions laid down by the Academy in those times were transferred to the North-West University, and accumulated knowledge allow teachers to prepare specialists about 50 different profiles.

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Passing point and preparation directions *:

Training cost (full-time): from 129,000 to 324,000 rubles per year *

The second Petersburg university, who turned out to be in our list, occupies the fourth line of the ranking. In SPbGMU. Pavlova is widely deployed international activities: every year there are various scientific conferences and symposia here, on which leading doctors and professors of medical sciences from Europe, the CIS and other countries are held. Students are involved in international activities no less - they help in conducting scientific research to foreign colleagues from the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Germany, Holland, Sweden, Japan, PRC and the United States.

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Passing point and preparation directions *:

Training cost (full-time):from 85,000 to 245,000 rubles per year *

Most recently, SibGMU received the status of a support university - now this is the first and only medical university in Russia, which is endowed with the right to create and develop innovative projects. And for this, the SIBGMU has all the possibilities: highly qualified professorship, the newest technological equipment, a widely unfolded network of 10 clinics and financial support from the state. Here you can get not only a good education, but also help with the implementation of the most bold medical startups. The university is actively scientific developments in the field of using IT technologies in medicine, pharmacology and clinical studies. By choosing training in SibGMU, you can be sure - you will know about human health much more than your colleagues who graduated from other universities.

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