In each country of the world there are large and small, provincial and developed, tourist and unknown cities. All of them are unique and beautiful in their own way. But what is the biggest city in the world? What is his feature? We will understand the article.

Developed infrastructure, attractions, skyscrapers and shopping centers - these are the biggest cities of the world. These are the common characteristics of megacities. Of course, each of them has its secrets and interesting stories.

Here is the list of the world's largest city area:

Ordos (86,752 km²)

The mysterious city is located in the province of Inner Mongolia, and built by the Chinese authorities. Huge megapolis is rich in high spirits, shopping centers, museums, there is even a racing route. The only thing that is not in the Ordos is the population.

The deserted ghost city streets walk buses without people, and on sidewalks there are bikes for rolled products. Only with the benefits of civilization to use. Absurd? No, the decision of the local government.

Approximately 20 years ago, the area was famous for coal mining, so officials have invested money in a large city of the future, designed for 1 million inhabitants. According to the idea, this is a new cultural and economic center. In reality, this is a deserted megalopolis in which up to 100,000 people live.

People did not want to move to the Ordos due to high real estate taxes. Therefore, the main population of the city is migrant construction workers and officials. On the streets there are municipal employees who are broken empty sidewalks. The town planning catastrophe for local authorities turned out to be a good tourist attendance.

Chongqing (82 400 km²)

The world's largest city is located in China. It has a great population (about 32 million people) and ancient architecture. Chongqing founded more than 3 thousand years ago. Surprisingly, a huge megalopolis grew out of the fenced parisle of selenium.

Today Chongqing is a large commercial center of China. There are about four hundred plants aimed at the production of parts for cars. Also developed chemical, metallurgical industry. The city is the world leader in the production of drugs.

Chongqing is famous not only by industry, but also architecture. The main heritage is the Arched Cotanyman Bridge with the longest span in the world. The Yangtze River flows in the city, through which 25 bridges permanently.

Megapolis develops very quickly. Old buildings are actively demolished and new highlights are lined up. Multi-level overpass entee the city. The local population practically does not speak English, so the tourist without knowledge of the Chinese language will have to be difficult.

Mount Isa (43 310 km²)

The city spread in the semi-desert part of Australia. Despite the huge square, Mount Isa is far from other settlements. But this did not prevent settlement - 21,570 people live here.

In 1923, the gold defenter John Campbell explored the continent and opened the deposits of non-ferrous metals in rocky rocks near the Lejander River.

Soon people mastered the wilderness. Mount-Iza scratched and became divided by the river into two parts. A residential buildings are located on the eastern shore, and in Western industrial enterprises.

In 1959, residents decided to glorify the city and organized Rodeo. Since then, the largest competitions in Australia are held here, where athletes from all over the world come.

Hangzhou (16 840 km²)

The Chinese city is also called paradise on earth. Despite the rapid development and population growth (8.7 million people) - Hangzhou is drowning in colors and greens. It is here that the sea silk path originates, and the Silk Museum has been working as a museum of Silk since 1992.

In a large religious center, it is still manually collecting tea and produce products from bamboo. The pearl of the city - Lake Sih, which since 2011 is the Heritage of UNESCO. The reservoir is surrounded by magnificent landscapes, museums and famous Pododo Luhan. In ancient times, bells called here, warning the population about the approach of the enemy.

The largest city in the world specializes in light industry. Also Hangzhou is famous for the temple of the soul of Linyin. The Buddhist Monastery is famous for the ongoing reliefs and grots. Over the past 1600, it was destroyed several times and restored.

Hangzhou is a unique combination of modern metropolis, ancient architecture, magnificent nature. Residents honor and observe the rites and traditions, and also appreciate manual labor.

Beijing (16 808 km²)

China's gigantic capital has 21,705 million inhabitants. An ancient city in the XIII century was burned in Genghis Khan and was again built after 43 years. Now this turmoil megalopolis is filled with cars and people. It seems that the Chinese never sleep. This is the special charm of Beijing.

The big city of the world is a major iron and highway country node. In 2008, local authorities held the Olympic Games worth $ 44 billion. In 2022, Beijing will again have to organize the Winter Olympics.

The city has the largest square in the world Tiananmen, whose sizes make up 440 thousand m². Daily here raise the national flag of China. Also in Beijing is the Palace of Emperor "Forbidden City". On its territory there are 980 buildings in which 9999 rooms are numbered.

In addition to interesting architecture, the city is known for an increased degree of air pollution. The norm is exceeded five times. Similar to the emissions of plants and transport, and the movement is often paralyzed by sandy storms.

Brisbane (15 826 km²)

In Australia, the Sunny city of Brisbane is the capital of Queensland. The obvious advantage of the central part of the state in the absence of heavy industry. Therefore, the metropolis is distinguished by clean air.

The wonderful climate, the abundance of vegetation attracts more tourists in Brisbane, who stay here. Therefore, the city ranks second in Australia in terms of population growth. The number of residents is more than 2 million people and increased by 5.11% every year.

Brisbane, and earlier - Edengussi, was founded in 1824 as a cortica for prisoners. Until 1842, the locality was closed for settlement. Australians are often called the city of a large village, because even the center most buildings are not higher than two floors, and the streets are abounding palm trees, eucalyptus, mango trees.

The main developing sectors are agriculture, tourism, hotel business. Just a paradise for migrants from Europe, India and China.

Chengdu (12 390 km²)

Ancient Chinese city was formed in 311 BC. e. Now the population is 11.5 million people. Chengdu is an important economic, shopping and cultural center of Western China.

Another largest city in the world is the only place where Panda breed. Here are nurseries, research centers and museums of Panda, which are open to visiting tourists.

The Chengdu market sells a huge amount of natural medicines: herbs, roots, infancy and various parts of animals. Exotic place shocks visitors.

Also, the city ranks second in the number of skyscrapers in China, although old buildings with traditional architecture are preserved.

Sydney (12 144 km²)

An amazing place where the highlights coexist with the most beautiful beaches of the world. It all started in 1788, when the European navigator Arthur Phillip landed ashore ashore. The settlement was built around a small Sydney Bay. Today is one of the large megalopolises of Australia with a population of 5.13 million people.

Sydney takes fifth place in the list of the most expensive cities in the world. The state center of the New South Wales is also famous for the coup, which happened because of Roma. In 1808, Governor William Blya forbade to pay with working alcohol, which led to the rebellion and the offset of the official from office.

In Sydney, there is the most famous structure in the world - the Opera House, which meets on postcards and is part of the UNESCO Heritage. Danish architect Yorn Uton won the right to build a building in 232 competitors. Instead of conceived $ 7 million for construction, $ 102 million and 14 years have gone.

Tianjin (11,760 km²)

Not far from Beijing, the third population of China Tianjin was spread. 14.4 million people live on its territory, among which Koreans, Manchuri and Mongols meet.

The big city is actively developing a light and heavy industry. In Tianzin, life flows more calmly and measured than in Beijing, and each area is saturated with special charm. Pearl of the city - China Porcelain House porcelain house.

Tianjin is also known for a huge zoo, which includes water park and other entertainment. The complex is located in the southern part of the city and contains animals from around the world.

On the streets of Tanjin there are often playing men playing cards and mahjong. In the evenings, the women of the older generation include music and go dancing. The population lives in his pleasure and enjoys every day.

Melbourne (9,990 km²)

The sports and cultural capital of Australia is considered the southern city millionaire. 4.5 million people live here. This is the main commercial and industrial artery of the country. According to the Rating of The Economist Magazine Melbourne is the best place to live.

This is one of the largest cities in the world in which free and liberated people live. One of Melbourne's popular places is Sand Kilda Beach. On the coastline there are cafes, pubs, restaurants. The place is also popular with surfing lovers, swimming.

Shopaholiki will surprise and please the Queen Victoria market - the largest in the southern hemisphere. Everything exists here: from food to souvenirs, jewelry and antiques. Also here they often conduct culinary workshops and gastro tours.

Large cities in the world are distinguished by culture and unique flavor. Most of them were founded for a long time, so they have an interesting history of development. Be sure to visit world megacities and immerse yourself in an exotic paradise.

And you knew that in the largest city of the world, it lives three times more than in Moscow, and the city itself is 32 times more Moscow? Read below.

№10. Wuhan (China) - 8 494 km²

Wuhan stands at the site of mergers of the Yangtze and Hanshui Rivers. The territory of the Metropolis of Wuhan consists of 3 parts - participants, Hankou and Khanyan, who, together, are called "Three-Grade Wuhan." These three parts are opposite each other in different shores of the rivers, they are bound by bridges. The population of the uhang is 10,220,000 people.

The history of the city has 3000 years, when an important trading port was formed on the site of the future. In Uhana, there are 8 national and 14 public colleges and universities.

№9. Kinshasa (Congo) - 9,965 km²

Kinshasa - the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is located on the Congo River. Until 1966 Kinshasa was called Leopolville. The population of the city is 10,125,000 people.
Kinshasa - the second population of the city of Africa, after Lagos.

№8. Melbourne (Autraulia) - 9 990 km²

Melbourne - the second largest city of Australia, the capital of the state of Victoria. The population with suburbs is about 4,529,500 people. Melbourne - the most southern millionaire city in the world.

Melbourne is one of the main commercial, industrial and cultural centers of Australia. Melbourne is also often called the "sports and cultural capital" of the country.

The city is famous for its architecture and combination of the styles of the Victorian era and modernity, parks, gardens. In 2016, The Economist magazine was the sixth time in a row called Melbourne most comfortable for living in the city of Planet for the aggregate of signs.

Melbourne was founded in 1835 as an agricultural settlement on the banks of the River Yarry.

№7. Tianjin (China) - 11,760 km²

Tianjin is located in the north of China along the Bohaji Gulf. The population of the city is 15,469,500 people. Most of the population are Hanz, but the representatives of small nations also live. Mostly it is: Hueans, Koreans, Manchuri and Mongols.

In the XX century, Tianjin became the locomotive of Chinese industrialization, the largest center of hard and light industry.

№6. Sydney (Australia) - 12 144 km²

Sydney is the largest city of Australia, whose population is 4,840,600 people. Sydney - State Capital New South Wales.

Sydney was founded in 1788 by Artur Phillip, who arrived here at the head of the First Fleet. Sydney first place of the colonial European settlement in Australia. The city was named after Lord Sydney - Minister of Colonies of Great Britain.

The city is famous for its opera house, the Harbor Bridge bridge and beaches. Residential neighborhoods of Big Sydney is surrounded by national parks. The coastline is rich in the bays, bays, beaches and islands.

Sydney is one of the most multicultural and multinational cities in the world. Sydney ranks first in Australia and 66 place in the world in terms of life.

№5. Chengdu (China) - 12 390 km²

Chengdu is a subsidian city in southwestern China, in the valley of the River Minjiang, the administrative center of Sichuan Province. Population - 14,427,500 people.

The emblem of the city is the ancient golden disk "Birds of the Golden Sun", which was found in 2001 during the excavations of Jinsha culture within the city.

Chengdu is a major center of the economy, trade, finance, science and technology, as well as - an important center of transport and communications. Chengdu became the main center of the new urbanization of China.

№4. Brisbane (Australia) - 15 826 km²

Brisbane is a city in Australia, Queensland. The population of the city is 2,274,560 people.
The city is located in the east of Australia, on the banks of the Brisbane river and the Morton Bay of the Pacific Ocean. It is included in the first hundred of global cities in the world.

Founded in 1825, the old name - Edengussi. Since 1859, the capital of the state of Queensland.

Number 3. Beijing (China) - 16,801 km²

Beijing is the capital of China. This is the largest railway and road assembly and one of the main aircraft of the country. Beijing is the political, educational and cultural center of the People's Republic of China.

Beijing is one of the four ancient capitals of China. In 2008, the Summer Olympic Games were held in Beijing. In 2022, the Winter Olympic Games will be held in the city.
The population of the city is 21,705,000 people.

№2. Hangzhou (China) - 16 840 km²

Hangzhou is a subsidian city, the capital of Zhejiang Province, located 180 km south-west of Shanghai. The population of the city is 9,018,500 people.

The former name of Hangzhou - Linhan, in the Domongol era was the capital of the South Sun dynasty and was the most populated city of the then world. Now Hangzhou is famous for tea plantations and natural beauty. The most famous place is Lake Sihu.

№1. Chongqing (China) - 82 400 km²

Chongqing is the largest area of \u200b\u200bthe four Chinese cities of central subordination. The population of the city is 30,165,500 people.

Chongqing emerged more than 3 thousand years ago. The city was the capital of the kingdom of Ba and wore the name of Jiangzhou.

Now Chongqing is one of the largest commercial centers of China. Most of the city's economy is built on industry. Main industries: chemical, engineering and metallurgical. Chongqing is also the largest car for the production of China. There are 5 plants for the production of cars and more than 400 plants for the production of automotive parts.

Moscow - 2561 km2
Sank-Petersburg - 1439 km2
Ekaterinburg - 468 km2
Kazan - 425 km2
Novosibirsk - 505 km2
Volgograd - 565 km2

Once the population of the largest cities was measured with tens of thousands of people. Today the situation has changed, and many megalopolises rose to huge scales both by the area occupied and in terms of the number of residents. Against this background, real giants were separated, where the expense of the inhabitants went to millions. Of these, the top list of the largest, active and developed cities has developed.

The largest cities of the planet 2018

The top 10 largest cities in the world in terms of population include the following megacities:

  1. Chongqing
  2. Shanghai
  3. Karachi
  4. Beijing
  5. Lagos
  6. Istanbul
  7. Tianjin
  8. Guangzhou
  9. Tokyo

Each of these giants is impressive in its own way and has a unique unique atmosphere.

1st place in ranking - Chongqing

Chinese Chongqing is the largest city in the world in the population. It officially registered 30,751,600 people. The territory of a huge megapolis exceeds the area of \u200b\u200bAustria. In the areas of modern development, only 20% of citizens of the largest city of the planet live. The remaining 80% live in rural suburbs.

Most of the inhabitants of the world's largest city are involved in the industrial sector. In Chongqing, about 400 automotive plants and almost as many factories producing synthetic drugs are working. The world's largest city in the world flows the mighty river Yangtzi. In the drawing of the metropolis, 25 bridges cross it. The most popular Chajotanyman is recognized as the longest arched span and is considered a visiting card of a giant Chongqing.

2nd place in Top 10 - Shanghai

In the second position in the list of the largest cities in the world is Shanghai, located in China. The number of its inhabitants is 24,152,700. Citizens from smaller settlements and people from neighboring countries come here in the hope of finding a job and settles in Shanghai.

In the world, today there are more than 2.6 million cities, the population of which can be calculated by tens of millions of inhabitants, and may not exceed twenty citizens. In the world ranking of the most populated cities, Russia is at the eleventh place from 12.3 million people living in Moscow. The first ten places were distributed between such countries as the PRC, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Turkey, Japan.

1. Chongqing

The first place in the ranking of the largest cities in the world in the world is occupied by Chongqing, having indicators of 53.2 million people and an area of \u200b\u200b82.4 thousand km 2. There is a settlement, in terms of the number of inhabitants and territory, significantly leading all other cities in China at the site of the merger of the Yangtze and Jianginjiang rivers, around eighty rivers flow through the city with suburbs. The city's length is 470 km with a width of 450 km. The urbanized zone of Chongqing takes 1473 km 2. The city includes 26 districts, 8 counties and 4 autonomous districts.

2. Shanghai

The second place among the largest cities in population also occupies the Chinese city, which is Shanghai. On Square 6.34 thousand km 2 lives 24,152 million people. Located in the eastern part of the country in the Delta of the Yangtze River, the city is a major seaport and the most important cultural and financial center of the state. Shanghai is divided into 17 districts, east-China Sea is located east of the city. The economic development of this settlement is carried out on a unique system, which includes several dedicated growth zones corresponding to certain areas of industry, trade or science.

3. Karachi.

The third position in the ranking of the largest cities is occupied by Karachi, the port city in Pakistan with a population of 23.5 million people. The country is an important banking and industrial center, significantly affecting the economic development of the state. The area of \u200b\u200bthe city takes 3530 km 2. Karachi is the largest educational center of South Asia. The settlement is located on the coast of the Indian Ocean, in particular, the Arabian Sea. The city refers to the province of Sind and has a three-level principle of division, its composition includes 18 techsilov.

4. Beijing

The capital of PRC Beijing with a population of 21.7 million people ranks fourth in the world in the number of residents. The area of \u200b\u200bthe territories is estimated 16.8 thousand km 2. For China, the city has the most important political, cultural, transport value. Administrative division provides for the presence of 14 regions and 2 counties. The architecture of Beijing has a bizarre styles mixing, including the fusion of the development of the 50s with the latest skyscrapers with a futuristic appearance. The rich history of the city made it a global tourist center with a continuing increase in foreign tourist flow.

5. Delhi

Located in the north of India on the Jamna River Delhi with a population of 16.3 million. It takes the fifth position of the rating. The settlement is distinguished by its multinational composition and the mixing of cultural traditions. The economy of the city is completely dependent on the activities of various ethnic layers. There are more than 60,000 monuments with world importance in Delhi. The area of \u200b\u200bthe city takes 1483 km 2, the territory is divided into three urban corporations. Delhi has nine districts, each of which includes three areas. The city is the national metropolitan region.

6. Lagos

The most populated city of Nigeria Lagos is the sixth population in the world. Having the number of citizens is 15.1 million people, the settlement is recognized as the largest in Africa. Until 1991, the city with an area of \u200b\u200b999.5 km 2 was the capital of Nigeria. Lagos has a complex placement, occupying the territory of the islands and the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The city includes 16 local governments, almost completely occupying the same state. Almost 50 percent of the Nigerian industry accounts for this settlement, the city is recognized as the center of the National Film industry.

7. Istanbul

The seventh place in the world in the population is occupied by Istanbul, the number of residents of which is 13.8 million people. An important cultural and industrial center of Turkey, a large port of the country is located on the shores of the Bosphorus Strait. The area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement covers 5343 km 2. The city is located in Europe and Asia, on the territory of the first are two urban areas, in the second - 35 districts. Most of the inhabitants are confessing Islam, while the townspeople are loyal to foreign citizens, unintentionally violating religious traditions.

8. Tokyo

At the eighth place in the rating of large cities in the world there is Tokyo from 13.3 million inhabitants. The capital of Japan has an area of \u200b\u200b2,188 km 2 and is located on the island of Honshu on the Pacific Coast. The city is the country prefecture and has the most important economic, cultural and financial importance for the state. Tokyo occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of growth in the urban economy. The city includes 23 special areas, 26 cities, 1 county and 4 districts. Part of the Tokyo administrative units is located on other islands.

9. Guangzhou

Located in the south of China Guangzhou City and the Administrative Center for Guangdong Province with a population of 13 million. It takes an area of \u200b\u200b7434 km 2. The settlement is a major trading and industrial center, the seaport of the South China Sea, as well as the city with more than 2000-year history. Administrative Guangzhou is divided by ten districts and two counties. For the economic development of the city, the tourist industry has a significant impact, the settlement is known beyond the borders of China and is popular with foreign guests.

10. Mumbai

The tenth place of the rating of the largest cities is occupied by Mumbai. The settlement located on the coast of the Arabian Sea has a population of 12.4 million people. Area of \u200b\u200bterritories exceeds 600 km 2. Mumbai is located in the western part of India and is an important international transport center and a large seaport. In the life of the state, the settlement plays defining cultural and economic significance. Mumbai consists of two parts, directly city and outlook, administratively divided into 23 district.

It so happened that it was the capital of states that are the largest in terms of population, and, as a result of this factor,.

We travel, albeit on the pages of the site, the world and visit different parts of the planet in order to find out what the largest capital in the area and population.

Europe has the greatest population density, but the capital is not so big as in Asia.

For example, the population of London is about 9 million, but the square of the megapolis is one of the largest in Europe.

London is almost a peer of a new era of humanity, was founded by the Romans in 43.


Areas and quarters of the Peruvian Capital Center are located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Due to the numerous attractions of Decolumbovoy, Lima listed on the World Heritage List.

The largest economic and shopping center Peru is numbering almost 12 million inhabitants, and once was the center of the mysterious and mysterious Empire of Inca.

One of the largest state centers of the world is the capital of the state of Bangladesh in Dhaka.

The city is located among the picturesque landscapes of Delta Ganges, and the first settlements appeared here in the VII century.

The total number of urban agglomeration is about 13 million people.

The name of one of the oldest settlement of Latin America translates from Spanish as "clean air" or more romantic "good wind". Today, 14.5 million people breathe this air.

In the middle of the XIX century there was a period when Buenos Aires was even a separate, independent state, in 1862 he became the capital of Argentina.

One of the largest urban agglomerations of the Middle East, the Egyptians themselves are often called Masr, as well as all Egypt.

The capital of Egypt, with a population of 17.8 million inhabitants, began its history in ancient times, and in 640 he was captured by Arabs.

Tourists attract majestic and unique architectural monuments and numerous Museums of Cairo.

About 16 million inhabitants live in the capital of the Russian Federation, and in the area ranked fifth in the world.

One of the most beautiful cities of the Planet has a centuries-old history, and its first mention in historical sources refers to 1447, although the last archaeological studies have much increased the age of Moscow.

The first settlements on the place of the future capital of China appeared in the first millennium BC. Small villages over time have merged.

Today in the northern capital, as literally, you can translate the name of the Chinese city, there are about twenty and a half people, and this is not counting workers from rural areas, which are about 10 million.

The Philippine capital, spreading on Luzon at the merger of two rivers, has almost 21 million inhabitants. But the area is inferior to Ceson.

Beautiful views of the Manila Bay open from the eastern part of the city, and tourists attract multiple sights, museums, Buddhist temples and magnificent beaches on the ocean.

One of the largest cities in India is divided into urban and rural areas. In total, more than 23 million people live in the city.

Delhi has a glorious history, and 60 thousand monuments of world importance are located on its territory according to archeology.

The first settlement in this region was founded in 3000 BC, this is the name goes back to the Persian language, and in Russian translates as a "threshold" or "border".

The Mexican capital was erected at the former religious and cultural center of Aztecs. It lives today for more than 23 million.

According to the legend, the God of the Sun commanded the Aztecs to establish a settlement in the area where they meet the eagle holding a snake in the beak. And the Aztecs found such a place, and highly in the mountains spread their neighbors magnificent Mexico City.

The only city of Korea has a special status, and in its 16 self-governing areas there are more than 25 million.

Throughout its history, Seoul was an administrative center of state associations that existed on the Korean Peninsula.

In 1948 he became the capital of the Republic of Korea, who after the war was divided into two states on 38 parallels.

The special metropolitan district and the largest city of Indonesia is located on the north-west coast of Java Island, and its population is 25.4 million people.

It is noteworthy that the population grows from very quickly and since the 30s of the last century increased 17 times. This factor led to the fact that Jakarta is the largest capital in the world in the world.

Japanese Tokyo, having the status of the largest city of the planet, naturally ranked first and in the list of the world's largest capitals.

Until 1868, I wore the name of the Edo, named after the Fort Edo Taro Siganova built here in the XII century.

Today it is a major financial, cultural and political and administrative center of the country of the rising sun.


The largest capital of the world is located in different parts of the Earth, but due to the peculiarities of demography, they are most in the Asian region. Over time, growing up, they absorb smaller urban settlements, which were located next door.
