Boris Higir

Male patronymics
Women's patronymics
Grooms about brides
Brides about grooms
Your name and business.
"Difficult people" and compatibility in the team
Characteristics of some famous political figures and pop stars
(Berezovsky B.A., Putin V.V., Yeltsin B.N., Gazmanov O., Pugacheva A.B., and many others)

When I say your name
I want to yawn, miss, grumble,
While other names
When you say them, they open
Quite different doors of our feelings...

W. Shakespeare. Much ado about nothing


The name of a person carries a lot of information. It gives answers to numerous questions that concern not only parents, teachers, but the whole society. In what profession will the natural inclinations of the future citizen be most fully revealed? How will his relationship in the family develop? How will he raise his children? What negative character traits need to be softened, muffled by education, and what positive ones, on the contrary, should be singled out and developed?
Try to take the name as a guideline in your relationships with other people - and you will see what unexpected horizons will open up for you, how many problems will be removed.
Since ancient times, mankind has been reverent about the name. As a rule, it testified to the purpose of the newborn, and, giving a name, counted on the patronage and protection of God. In Islam, all ninety-nine epithets glorifying God serve as names. The source of many names that are still used today is the Bible. So, the virtues pleasing to God - love, meekness, patience - were expressed in the names Galina ("quiet") or Irina "peacemaker"), and in the name Isaiah, which literally means "may God save you", was embodied hope for the support of the Almighty. The mother of Jesus Christ, the long-awaited child of the elderly Joachim (“spell”) and Anna (“grace”), is called by a special name Mary, which means “exalted”, “exalted” or “lady”.
As one of the researchers of biblical names father Alexander Mumrikov points out (Science and Religion. 1994. N 8. P. 61), the significance of a person in ancient society increased according to his “renown”. If the name did not contain the idea of ​​patronage, its bearer was considered ignorant by genealogy or even insignificant and did not enjoy respect. Several names were given to an important person, called to perform as many glorious deeds as he has names. This custom is partially preserved in the Catholic Church, where a person often has three names given at birth, at baptism in childhood and at chrismation to enter the world with the grace of the Holy Spirit. In Japan, some noble and especially distinguished people still have up to thirty names, receiving them one after another, for example, as they change professions.
The name is an integral part of the personality. "To touch" a name means to touch a person. The "Second Book of Kings" tells about the census, which was perceived as the enslavement of the individual - through the promulgation of the secret name. The change of the name radically changed the social status of a person or meant the loss of his independence. But in special cases, the name was changed according to the instructions from above, this was a sign of the Divine mission. Giving the apostle Simon (“hearing”) the name Peter (“stone”), Jesus Christ entrusted him with the duty to become the foundation, the stone of the Church under construction, created a spiritual man from a carnal man (Matt., 16, 18).
The research I have conducted convincingly testifies that the brilliant guesses of the ancients about the fateful meaning of the name are not at all a trifle, not a historical rudiment. The name, of course, affects the personality, predetermining its psychological characteristics.
Even in my youth, I noticed that people with the same names have in many ways similar characters. About fifteen years ago, leaving the main profession, I completely went into the study of the issue that occupied me. I read a lot of literature, studied thousands of people with different names, until I was convinced that the character of a person really depends on the name.
In this book you will find my advice on choosing a name for a child - questions of this kind I most often hear during my speeches and meet in my mail.
From early childhood and throughout life, a person does not hear a single word as often as his name. Parents want the name to sound beautiful (although everything is very relative here, because what is beautiful from the point of view of one is sometimes unattractive for another), so that with its meaning it already endows the baby with positive qualities in advance (for example, Alexander - "courageous defender" or Valentina - "healthy, strong"). Sometimes a child is named according to family tradition, sometimes - in memory or in honor of a dear person.
In the 18th century there was no family where Catherine was not. According to the parents of numerous Catherines, their daughters, having received such a name as a gift, should have at least somewhat become like Mother Catherine the Great. Belief in the power of names is preserved, albeit not to the same extent, even today. In any case, it is rare that parents will call their baby the first name that comes across. “Recognizing a name as an empty sign, a shadow of shadows, an all-powerful insignificance and a conditional nickname, and at the same time bringing this insignificance in the fullness of tender feelings, as the first gift to a baby who has delighted with its birth, is psychologically absolutely impossible,” wrote P. Florensky. There are times when people turn to me with a request to help change the name of a child, because the baby is experiencing internal discomfort, he has an unstable nervous system, and unreasonable irritability. I willingly help those who wish to choose a different name, and after a while the character of a person gradually changes, adults have a personal life. You should not dramatize the events if you have already named the child, the concern may be in vain, but in order to avoid trouble, think carefully before making a decision.
As my further observations showed, the character depends not only on the name. It is important, it turns out, at what time of the year a person was born and what patronymic he wears. There is a certain pattern: people with one name and patronymic are impressed by others with certain names and patronymics. Some names and patronymics simply irritate them. Indeed, each name and patronymic are sound stimuli that in one way or another excite a certain part of the brain. This is, to some extent, the attraction of each person to each other or, conversely, their repulsion. Such sound vibrations are imperceptible, but are clearly reflected in the character of a person and even in his appearance. Some sounds are pleasing to our ears for reasons we do not understand, while others are unpleasant to us. If the name is consonant with those names of people whom we know and love well, then against our will there is sympathy for such a person, and vice versa. That is why we often hear: "I did not find my betrothed, we did not agree on the characters." And there were extremely few chances to get along in character, because this was originally inherent in the sound of the names and patronymics of each of the partners.
Using such a simple method as characterizing a person by name, patronymic and month of birth, it is possible, in principle, to determine the psychological type of a person, to predict behavior in certain situations. Both the strength of the family union and the success of entrepreneurship depend on psychological compatibility.
This book will become a kind of guide for you. Use it when in doubt. Remember, choosing a name is a very serious matter. It largely determines the fate of the person who came into this world. It is up to you to make her happy.

Alexander - "courageous defender" (gr.).
He is always decisive, smart, witty and sociable. But often he is quick-tempered, impudent, sharp, does not respect the boundaries of decency. Whoever tries to influence him from a position of strength, let him not count on success.

Current page: 1 (total book has 22 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 15 pages]

Boris Higir
The secret power of the name and patronymic

© Boris Khigir

© Hemiro Ltd, Russian edition, 2015

© / agsandrew, Ensuper, dvargg, aporokh, cover, 2015

© Book Club "Family Leisure Club", artwork, 2015

© OOO Book Club Family Leisure Club, Belgorod, 2015

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Between living people, no one is nameless

Not at all; at the moment of birth, each, both low and noble,

He receives his name from his parents as a sweet gift.

Homer. Odyssey

From the author

Even in my youth, I noticed that people with the same names have largely similar characters. About fifteen years ago, leaving the main profession, I completely devoted myself to the study of the issue that occupied me. I read a lot of literature, studied thousands of people with different names, until I was convinced that the character of a person really depends on the name. My further observations showed that not only the name affects the character, it is important, it turns out, with what patronymic it is combined, and besides, what time of the year the date of birth falls. The optimal, harmonious combination of these three components positively affects both the formation of a person’s character and a person’s career, affects his relationships with relatives and friends, and even corrects his innate qualities to some extent.

The results of my research on this problem are presented in the book brought to your attention. Perhaps some of the readers will be upset if they do not find themselves among the "actors". But, firstly, it is impossible to cover all the names and patronymics in their endless combinations in one book. And secondly, the basis of each characteristic is not just a description of the specific person I am studying, but the results of purposefully conducted observations on his namesakes of different ages, social status, born at other times of the year.

Annexes 1 and 2 provide a list of the most favorable combinations of male and female names and patronymics.

Khigir Boris Yuzikovich, Leading Specialist, Doctor of Psychology, Professor

Called by name, called by patronymic

When a child is born, he does not yet have a name, but already has a patronymic.

The middle name carries genetic information, what is inherent in nature itself is a kind of gene code that is passed down from generation to generation. It symbolizes a person's belonging to a certain genus and gives him an additional name - after his father.

The answer to the question: "What is your father's name?" - will complement the psychological characteristics of a person's name, bloom it with new colors. The patronymic, as it were, corrects the existing image. It does not radically change it, but clarifies, softens or, on the contrary, sharpens some features, makes them more convex, gives them sharpness.

The owners of patronymics of “hard”, solid articulation have a harder time in life than their namesakes with patronymics that are softer, calmer: the character of the former is much more complex, more impulsive.

The “hard” patronymics include, first of all, for example, such as Nikolaevich, Igorevich, Stanislavovich, Adolfovich, Vissarionovich, Vitalievich, Anatolyevich, Voldemarovich, Rostislavovich, Emmanuilovich, Samuilovich, Lyudvikovich, Yulianovich, Andoimovich; to "soft" Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Efimovich, Ilyich, Ignatievich, Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Pavlovich, Makarovich, Yakovlevich, Leontievich, Viktorovich, Nazarovich, Antonovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Markovich, Vyacheslavovich, Vasilyevich, Olegovich, Valterovich. When naming a child after their father, think carefully!

More softly pronounced names and patronymics belong to people who are kind, accommodating, able to easily communicate with others. These are Mikhail Ivanovich, Andrei Vladimirovich, Sergei Mikhailovich, Mikhail Sergeevich, Mikhail Mikhailovich, and: Vladimir Ivanovich, Sergey Vladimirovich, Petr Sergeevich, Alexey Viktorovich.

Person with a middle name Aleksandrovich usually impulsive, first commits an act and only then thinks about it. All Igorevichi stubborn, tough. A Nikolaevichi, although by nature and kind people, they behave like rude people. It is difficult to find a common language with them, especially when drunk. Holders of all male and female patronymic names Nikolaevich, Nikolaevna give increased emotionality, to some extent inconsistency. And these are just a few examples.

We should also not forget that a lot depends on the time of birth, so different features in people with the same middle name will manifest themselves in different ways. Those born in winter are always more complex, sharp and stubborn. Conflict situations often arise in their lives. At the same time, those born in summer are more gentle, kind and accommodating. When reading the characteristics of patronymics, do not forget about this, because if a person's name carries gentleness, kindness, pliability, the opposite qualities brought by the patronymic will be neutralized. But if the characteristic features of the name and patronymic coincide, then nothing can be done. Don't be discouraged if the resulting portrait doesn't look exactly the way you imagined. After all, the above characteristics are not individual, but if there are still not the most attractive features in your character, try to draw a conclusion for yourself - that's why we look in the mirror to look better.

All the worries, worries and suffering associated with the birth of your child are behind you. Question number one: what name to give the child? What to be guided by when choosing a name? Beautiful sound? Memory of a friend? The desire to perpetuate the name of a close relative? Fashion? Whatever your motives, try, first of all, to take care of the happy fate of your child, which to a large extent depends on how his name will be combined with a patronymic.

There are no instructions for this. The saints used in the past simplified this procedure, but they have outlived their time. You have freedom of choice. And yet I advise you to proceed from criteria common to all names. What are they?

It is better if the name is easy to pronounce and remember both by itself and with a patronymic. A name that is difficult to pronounce becomes a hindrance in communication, causes tension in the one who is addressing, and awkwardness in the one to whom they are addressing.

It is desirable that the name does not impede the formation of affectionate forms ( Sanya, Vasyutochka, Alinushka and so on.). This makes it possible to convey various nuances of attitude towards a person.

The name should make it easy to form a patronymic, otherwise it will bring suffering to your grown-up grandson.

It is very important that the name sound soft and easy, for example: Alexander Vladimirovich, Alexey Mikhailovich. Say these combinations out loud and you will immediately feel the difference with others: Stepan Igorevich, Dmitry Stanislavovich.

Harmonious sound occurs if the stress in the name and patronymic falls on the same syllable. It is desirable that a beautiful sound range is obtained, in other words, that at the junction of the name and patronymic there is no heap of consonants or vowels.

In no case should a son be called by his father's name, for example: Alexander Alexandrovich, Nikolai Nikolaevich etc. Daughters should not be named after their mother. This gives the character of the child instability, increased emotionality, excessive irritability. This is explained by the fact that a child already inherits a lot from his parents, and it’s good if he has the best qualities, but more often it’s the other way around. The repetition of the parental name contributes to the development of negative qualities.

You should not name a child in honor of deceased loved ones, for example, a brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, so as not to repeat the unwanted life conflicts of these relatives.

Choosing a name is a very responsible matter. They largely determine the fate of the born person. In many ways, it depends on her parents for her to be happy.

In the book you will find a table of desirable combinations of male and female names with patronymics, which have a beneficial effect on personality development.

When were you born?

Winter natures. Winter, with its severity, generously endowed those born at this time with talents, determination, and great willpower. These are, as a rule, thinking personalities and at the same time contradictory, stubborn, proud. They do not spare themselves in work and therefore achieve high results. It is difficult to confuse them, as they are sure of what they are doing. But in the personal life of these people, difficulties lie in wait, and considerable ones. It is not easy for them to live in a family. They sometimes argue over trifles, bringing themselves to an extremely excited state.

Men born in winter have a strong temper, do not like to obey, are unpredictable in their actions, and sometimes cruel, which is not their essence and brings them suffering.

Women born in winter have the most complex character of the male warehouse. They are bold, fearless, always go ahead, some are devoid of tenderness.

Spring nature. Those born in the spring are physically vulnerable, selfish, indecisive, fastidious. Often these are gifted people, but uncertainty prevents them from becoming leaders and they are more willing to accept the role of followers. Although they think correctly, every word, deed is weighed, they carefully listen to the opinion of the interlocutor. These are reinsurers who find it difficult to get used to changes. They are stubborn, selfish, cautious, pliable to flattery, not devoid of self-admiration. The characteristic habits of men are often looking in the mirror, biting their nails.

Spring natures are flexible in various situations, but few of them have fighting qualities. But among them there are many talented mathematicians, brilliant speakers, and there are also successful athletes. Girls are hard to get married. They are hindered by caution, fear of change.

Summer natures. Summer has a beneficial effect on those born at such a time. Natures are broad, not petty, ready to take risks, they are alien to careerism. Great diligence allows you to achieve success in business. These are very emotional, impressionable, quick-tempered, impulsive natures. Their kindness extends to other people's children, to animals, and their temper does not develop into rancor. Those born in summer are proud, courageous and persistent in achieving their goals. Sexually active.

Autumn natures. Wise autumn, associated in our minds with maturity, experience, slowness, endowed people born at this time with the corresponding features. They are prudent and think for a long time before doing something. There are many pedants among them. Creatures are diplomatic and principled, they are diligent and diligent, adhere to a clear line of conduct, and are persistent in business. A clear and balanced mind, a stable and easy character, devotion contribute to strong marriages. Those born in autumn rarely conflict in the family, they love children and animals. Among them are actors, philosophers, architects, people of exact sciences.

Knowing the name, patronymic and time of birth of a person who has become close to you, you can predict the fate of your future union.

My research has shown that the most successful marriages are those in which one of the partners was born in the summer. But only one! If both were born in the summer, the union is so fragile, and in the fourth part of all marriages it is difficult.

The same applies to spouses born in spring or autumn, and especially in winter, as well as those cases where one spouse was born in spring and the other in autumn.

Why is it so? Remember the features of those who were born in winter. These people are impulsive, stubborn, sharp in actions. And if two such characters come together, there will certainly be quarrels, and over trifles, and there are so many of these trifles in life!

For example, nothing good awaits the spouses Nikolai Dmitrievich, who was born in January, and Olga Igorevna, who was born in February. Nikolai Dmitrievich is jealous, selfish, stubborn and cunning, while Olga Igorevna is hardly ready to make concessions. She has a complex personality. She is jealous, stubborn, grumbling. This is how the scythe will find a stone once, twice. A crack is forming in the relationship of people who were still in love with each other yesterday, irritation will begin to grow.

And why can't those born in autumn coexist peacefully, maintaining love and devotion to each other? After all, we have already said that they have a stable and easy character, do not conflict in the family. Everything is so, but besides, these are people of principle, often pedants. And when principled pedants converge, do not expect good!

People born in the spring also converge poorly. Victor Dmitrievich, who was born in March, is stubborn, vulnerable, disposed to alcohol, fell in love, for example, with Alla Dmitrievna, jealous, contradictory, difficult to communicate. She is hard to please, she does things her own way. Most likely, such a family will go wrong.

People born in the summer are kind, sacrificial, wide natures. But they can't get along together. Couples converge much better, where one of the spouses was born in the winter, the other or the other in the summer. Opposite characters are much better rubbed.

Sexual harmony of spouses is of great importance in creating and strengthening a family. In my research on the influence of a person's name on the formation of his character and temperament, I also developed this aspect - the dependence of sexuality on anthroponymic characteristics. My observations have shown that the name of a person affects the degree of his sexual activity, and the combination with one or another particular patronymic enhances or weakens the sensuality and passion of nature.

In conclusion, I would like to answer a frequently asked question about how significant the influence of a name is on the formation of certain qualities of a person: among the hundreds of thousands of human destinies that have passed before me, I have met individuals and married couples, happy in spite of everything. Love, mutual respect, a high culture of communication are capable, as I have seen more than once, to transform people.

But the most important thing is the family in which boys and girls are brought up, their environment.

The secret of the patronymic of men. Description of the most common male patronymics


In childhood, they are prone to respiratory diseases, bronchitis. The nature of these guys is impulsive, restless, they are naughty and fidgety, often change their addictions, quit what they started to get carried away by another. Dreamers dreaming of distant wanderings. Often endowed with a good ear for music. Very vulnerable, suspicious and quick-tempered, but quick-witted and not vindictive. Not deprived of friends. They like to be in the center of attention, somewhat selfish. In the family, these are mom's favorites. Laziness is a big drawback of Alexandroviches, but when it comes to health or career, they develop a stormy activity. Avid debaters, they will defend their ideas with enviable persistence. They are talented, but their lives often do not turn out too well. Sensual natures.


The character is calm, hardworking. Alekseevichs are complaisant men who do not express their feelings in words, but try to prove it with deeds. They are somewhat slow in their work, although they do it carefully. Vulnerable, they try to experience all their grievances in themselves. Fastidious, love comfort and order. Grouchiness often becomes a companion of their old age. Family is highly valued. They love children and devote much of their time to them. Marry late. They try not to impose their views on other people. They are not conflictual by nature. They often suffer from stomach problems.


People with a very complex, stubborn character, principled, they seem to be looking for trouble. Hot-tempered and vulnerable. It is very difficult to get along with people, it is not easy to communicate with them. However, to those who manage to understand them, they are attentive, tolerant and even gentle. Having parted with them, you will nevertheless keep wonderful memories. A distinctive feature of the Anatolyevichs is their extraordinary capacity for work. They have golden hands, and everything in life they achieve exclusively by their own labor. Success usually comes to them after thirty years. Fidgets do not like to linger in one place, so the wife will have to get used to the idea that her husband will spend a significant part of his life on the road. They love travel. Very hospitable. In the family, leaders tend to impose their will.


Those born in the spring are good speakers, they can express their thoughts beautifully and convincingly. Andreevichs are impressionable, vulnerable people, with a superbly developed imagination, often with musical abilities. Kind and accommodating. In communication, they are simple and trusting, sometimes unnecessarily. They love themselves, with age they become grouchy and cautious in dealing with people.


Very active and mobile. They have a flexible mind. Stubborn and persistent in achieving the goal. Combined with enviable diligence, this guarantees them success in life. They are true to their word and do not tolerate people who are unreliable, optional.


They have excellent business skills. They are patient and move towards their goal slowly, but without turning off the path. Most often they manage to occupy a good position in society. Very obligatory and reliable as partners. Flexibility and diplomacy allow them to bypass sharp corners and not impose their opinions by force.


Cunning, stubborn, persistent and determined. Whatever they undertake, they will definitely bring the matter to the end. They go ahead, never listen to someone else's opinion, even knowing that they are taking the wrong step. Excessively quick-tempered and irritable. They are not too talkative, they like to grumble, they remember their grievances for a long time.


Cunning kind people who love to play a trick on their friends, but their jokes are never offensive or evil. They are always surrounded by many friends. Despite all their shortcomings, they have one invaluable quality - diplomacy. Laziness is their drawback, the Borisovichs have to be urged on all the time, otherwise all their impulses will remain only impulses, and the things they have begun will never be realized. The nature of these men is complex and contradictory, which is why misunderstandings and complications arise in the family. They love to travel and drive a car.


Endowed with a complex, contradictory character. They have a pragmatic mindset, they carefully calculate all possible options. Differ in stubbornness and perseverance. However, those born in summer are more patient and calm. It is difficult to get along with people, they do not like to obey, although their wives often try to take power into their own hands. They are hardworking, but it is better not to entrust difficult cases to them. Homebodies.


Despite hard work and dedication, they make a career with difficulty. They are categorical, do not always find contact with people and cannot adapt to circumstances. Quick-tempered, but quick-tempered and not vindictive. Cautious and do not rush to final conclusions. They do not endure dictatorship over themselves.


They have a flexible, tolerant character. Resourceful, hardworking and talented. But, like most creative people, they are somewhat disorganized. So, having entrusted Vasilievich with some important business, it is useful to check how it is moving. A certain irresponsibility makes it difficult to move up the career ladder. Vasilyevichs are brave, fearless in extreme situations. They are kind and pliable, faithful in friendship, but cannot stand coercion. In a state of intoxication, they are very cool.


These are very kind and gentle men, often spineless, gullible, adoring their children, and mutually. They are easy to manipulate, they easily fall under the influence of others, both good and bad, with all the ensuing consequences. Viktorovicham is categorically contraindicated for alcohol.


Unbalanced, poorly managed. In the morning they like to soak up in bed. Curious, endowed with an analytical mindset. Not overly sociable. Some of them are stubborn, like to argue, proving their point of view, sometimes over trifles. There are often conflicts at work. Due to their somewhat absurd nature, they often do not realize their potential. They are gifted with talents in various fields of activity, but mainly in mathematics, electronics. Most receive higher education, but do not work in their specialty. Very careful, first they think, and then they act. They choose their own friends. They often spend most of their time at work.


Natures are complex, impulsive, stubborn. These people are on their own. They have very few or almost no sincere and devoted friends: they communicate with people and welcome them as long as they need them. This is especially true for men born in winter. They are strong, persistent, sometimes cocky. "Summer" - calmer, more tolerant, softer.


They are cunning and stubborn, they like to argue about insignificant things. A little dull. They are not mandatory. Persistent, persistent and even bold, if the case promises them great benefits. They are not devoid of careerist aspirations, and yet they make a career with difficulty. Jealous. Hospitable, like to live in a big way.


Kind and generous people. They have a very warm, tender relationship with their mothers. By nature, they are altruists, always ready to help not only with good advice, but also with concrete deeds. They are quick-tempered: it is better for them not to fall under a hot hand, but, as a rule, their anger is short-lived. They are able to analyze the situation well. Bold and resolute, they have very developed kindred feelings.


Men with such a patronymic are calm, complaisant, but with a cunning. These are excellent family men, they occupy a leading position in the family, although their wives try to command them. They marry quite late, carefully choosing an excellent mistress and mother of the family as their companions. Hardworking, setting a goal, will make every effort to achieve results. Feel free to take on a new business, do not endure the routine. In relations with people, they are diplomatic and patient, they try not to impose their point of view, although their opinion is worth listening to - Grigoryevichs are prudent and prudent, they never commit rash acts. They make excellent teachers and mentors. They are good at adapting to people. They often succeed in business.


This patronymic brings to the character such traits as complaisance, prudence. Danilovichi will first think over everything, calculate it, and then they will get down to business. They are very hardworking, they can be entrusted with any work with confidence that it will be brought to the end. Sociable, surrounded by friends. Their disadvantage is excessive gullibility, which is often used by unscrupulous and dishonorable people.


Men with a difficult character. Stubborn, persistent, courageous. Little trust people, tend to rely only on themselves. Hardworking, but do not like to listen to other people's advice, even good ones. They lack flexibility, diplomacy. They can deceive, behave very rudely not only towards colleagues, but also in the family, so often their family life does not work out, although they are homely, zealous owners and are attached to the house. Heavy to lift.


Bold and determined, they always get their way. Strive to be leaders. They like to do things slowly, but thoroughly. They have a great capacity for work, are fanatically devoted to their favorite work, but prefer to work alone, without helpers. Somewhat harsh and unsociable, but exemplary family men. They are looking for their place in life for a long time and persistently. It is difficult to get along with people, it is painful to part.


People are stubborn, stubborn, but indecisive. They are very difficult to please, as well as to convince of something. Sociable, people get close easily, disperse without regret. In the morning they like to sleep, they are more efficient in the afternoon.


Hardworking, persistent and persistent in achieving the goal. Talented, but not always able to realize their abilities. Hot temper and selfishness are not the best traits of their character. They quickly make new acquaintances, but part without regret if differences of opinion arise. They demand attention to themselves, without understanding that this process cannot be one-sided. Inner selfishness prevents them from noticing the problems of their loved ones and helping them as best they can.


Calm, patient, flexible phlegmatic. Balanced, thoughtful, with a somewhat slow reaction, not able to quickly calculate all the possible benefits or disadvantages of the upcoming business. They are hardworking, but slow, and pushing them is an absolutely pointless exercise. They have golden hands, they are housewives, good family men, very attached to children. However, they are often unlucky in marriage. Thanks to their kindness, they fall under the heel of their wife. Those born in winter are unrestrained and quick-tempered, especially when drunk. Spend a lot of time at work. They love to mess with the car, and not only with their own. They are easy to climb, willingly take off, perfectly orient themselves in unfamiliar surroundings. Ivanovichi are kind, they have many friends who often abuse their patience and responsiveness. Suspecting someone of an unscrupulous or mercenary attitude towards themselves, they easily and forever break friendly relations. In their personal lives they are not too happy. They are not distinguished by openness and experience their failures in silence. No career aspirations. They love animals.


Talented and creative individuals. Cunning, strive to be the first everywhere and, as a rule, succeed in this (with the exception of the "summer"). They are prudent, but often act under the influence of a sudden inner impulse. They lack tolerance, flexibility, so it is not always possible to find a common language with people.


Very calm, modest people, with a stable nervous system. They are patient, attentively listen to someone else's opinion, although they almost always act in their own way. They will not impose their own point of view by force, but will try to convince the opponent with strong arguments. Liveable, devoid of careerism. Punctual and meticulous. They love to travel. They are well versed in people - they are able to appreciate their friends and buddies. Very often - small in stature.


These are people with a complex, difficult character. It is extremely difficult to communicate with them, they are distrustful, cautious, cunning. In companies - not the most welcome guests. Iosifovichi live with anguish, not always adequately reacting to the current situation. They are hyper-emotional.


Fond of nature, gifted with many talents, with a very wide range of interests. Hardworking and committed. In everything they love rigor and order. They never rush into assessments, do not act at random. Everything should be logical, balanced and thoughtful.


Strict, prudent and at the same time kind and generous. As a rule, these are broad natures who know how to get along with people, although they are not very sociable. You can always come to them with your troubles, they will carefully listen to you, and maybe they will help with advice or deed. Talented, but not everyone manages to fully reveal or realize their abilities. Proud and not devoid of vanity. The efficiency of these people truly knows no bounds, they are masters of their craft. Very neat and often look smart.


The inconsistency of character makes these men unpredictable: on the one hand, they are complaisant, reasonable and benevolent, on the other hand, they are impulsive, stubborn and cunning. Sometimes they completely lose their sense of humor and any, even a completely harmless joke addressed to them, is perceived as a blood offense. This quality makes it very difficult to communicate with them. It's hard to get along with people. In marriage, they are not too lucky, although they usually do not decide on a divorce. They are attracted by technology, often they graduate from some technical university, although they do not always work in their specialty. They like to sleep in the morning. They treat their appearance with special attention, before leaving the house they spin for a long time in front of the mirror. Almost all Leonidoviches have a sweet tooth.


People of extraordinary thinking. Stubborn, prudent and selfish. "Autumn" especially succeed in life, reaching great heights. Talent, multiplied by diligence, helps the Lvovichs to take a good position in society. Tied to the house, some are reluctant to go on business trips. Are fond of children. They have a weakness for detective stories, preference and chess.


Friendly, tactful and obligatory. Easy to communicate. They have great willpower, never complain about their troubles, of which they have a lot. They make a career with difficulty, although they are excellent workers. Devoted sons. They are good at words.


These men lack commitment, precision and organization, but if something vital is at stake, they will make every effort to achieve the goal. However, they are lucky, and they require less effort than others. The Matveyevichs have one extremely unpleasant feature: they are surprisingly jealous. Their wives or lovers have to be extremely careful, but despite this, stormy scenes cannot be avoided.


Kind, sometimes to spinelessness, are influenced by stronger natures. Compliant, open and friendly, you can always find good advice and disinterested help from them. But, despite all their good nature, they are cunning, carefully considering every step, although they can act impulsively. With an analytical mindset, they make great leaders. They are able to correctly assess the situation and make an accurate decision that guarantees success. In addition, these people are extremely cautious and adapt well to circumstances. They have many friends with whom they spend time not only in intellectual conversations, but also in friendly feasts, to which they are clearly not indifferent. Sensual and popular with women. However, they are good family men, attentive husbands and caring fathers. They love to travel and enjoy driving.


These men are not easy. They are quick-tempered, impulsive, stubborn. At the same time, they are excellent specialists who argue any business: no matter what they undertake, they will bring everything to the end. They are not careerists by nature, but it is the Nikolayevichs who prevail among high-ranking leaders. Sometimes they are too straightforward, they do not know how to bypass sharp corners. Listening to someone else's opinion, they still do everything in their own way. With a very developed sense of self-worth. Ambitious in the best sense of the word. Subtly feel any injustice and protest against it. In emergency situations, they act decisively and quickly. Their weakness is indifference to alcohol, especially the "winter" ones. In a state of intoxication, they can behave aggressively. Nikolayevichs are thrifty and tidy, they prefer good-quality, comfortable clothes and wear them for a long time. Punctual. It is difficult to get along with people, so their circle of friends is quite narrow. These are inveterate fans, and they themselves are not alien to the sport.


Very difficult people, with claims. It is difficult to make new acquaintances and quickly, without regret, can break all ties. Stubborn, persistent, principled. Quick-tempered, vigorously prove their point of view. Olegovichi are talented, they are fond of technology, sports. They read a lot. They work by inspiration, however, having set a goal, they are able to move mountains. It is not easy to communicate with them in everyday life, but it is very interesting. Olegovichi are one of those people who are said to be not bored with them: you never know what they will do next. Outwardly similar to mothers. Marry late.

B. Higir

Boris Khigir, specialist in non-traditional methods of assessment and selection of personnel, author of many books on this topic. A person for him is an open book, which he reads without censorship, often abruptly and directly, not embarrassed by expressions. Some are afraid of Khigir, others find his theories doubtful - nevertheless, there are many cases when Boris Yuryevich gave a person an accurate description by voice alone. What is the secret of this trick? What can a patronymic say about a person? And can non-traditional recruiting methods help a company out of the crisis? We asked the professor of psychology Boris Yuryevich Khigir about this.

Boris Yuryevich, at the conference “Personnel Motivation in a Crisis” you gave a sharp critical assessment to all the speakers. Do you really think that your method is the only correct and effective one when selecting people for a company?

Yes! What was at the conference - one continuous terminology. Everyone interpreted the problem in their own way, but essentially nothing was said. The essence was not sounded - deep, scientific and correct. The people who spoke, they do not know the concrete practical psychology. And my method has already been worked out. According to the results of my work, there are solid statistics, and they are really true. Of course, there are misfires, but the percentage is very small.

Why, then, the course "Non-traditional ways of recruiting" has not yet been introduced at universities?

People are afraid of me, afraid of my words. As soon as I start talking, the characters of those around me are immediately revealed. Including, the characters of leaders who, after my words, are at great risk of losing their authority. In fact, I believe that it is necessary to open a school of psychology and train hrs in it. There will be a school - there will be the right people who will select staff not for five hours, but much faster. The problem is that a modern personnel officer cannot recognize a swindler between the lines, even with a higher education. A psychologist must work in the personnel department.

Many HR departments have psychologists with higher education, but they do not work according to your methodology…

You know, now many become psychologists, because they could not go anywhere else. They do not know how to count, they do not understand mathematics, physics, cybernetics. In addition, at the psychological faculties they teach to identify a person not by name, not by face, but by tests. But tests are human-made, and humans make mistakes. Another problem: today psychologists are not taught practical things, but philosophy. A graduate of the Faculty of Psychology knows a lot of theory, but will not be able to determine the potential of a person by voice or blood type.

By blood group?

Yes. And very easy. For example, a person has the first group, and his name is Nikolai Igorevich. This cannot be taken as a leader. Why? This is a man of mood, easily explodes. People with the first blood group are very emotional. But Andrey Ivanovich with the second blood type, on the contrary, can lead, calmly treats his subordinates, his character is balanced. The third, fourth group are people for second roles. They are executive, well able to analyze the situation.

Are there names whose owners should not be invited for an interview at all?

Hardly. It is necessary to look not only at the name and patronymic. If, for example, Alexey Mikhailovich comes and talks to you very languidly, you shouldn’t take him, he has a state of depression, you can’t cook porridge with such a person. Following Alexei Mikhailovich, Eduard Igorevich enters. He, on the contrary, can be hired - and the head of some link.

Is that all it takes to be a leader? To be called Eduard Igorevich?

Many factors play a role in determining character. Voice, name, patronymic, month of birth, handwriting. Whenever possible, I consider everything as a whole. The type of temperament is also very important. The first persons cannot be put choleric, only sanguine and melancholic. And choleric people are excellent substitutes, they quickly perform everything.

Yes, they have some disorganization, but this also depends on the name and patronymic. For example, a choleric named Mikhail Petrovich will quickly perceive everything, remember, he is a reliable person, he will defend his field. In the same way, Irina Petrovna, Irina Alexandrovna - these names indicate a good memory, developed logic and emotional stability.

Can Irina Petrovna be hot-tempered?

Maybe. But only under the influence of physiology. Women have a lot to do with physiological processes.

If a woman named Alla Borisovna Pugacheva came to you for an interview, would you hire her?

Perhaps, but only in supporting roles. All Borisovichs can only be taken on supporting roles. They are overly emotional.

What if Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev came?

Dmitry Anatolyevich are calm people, they know how to speak, to win people over. They have a lot from their mother in character and behavior. Handwriting is usually balanced, slightly to one side. They know how to clearly define tasks and calculate their actions, they never cut in haste. Don't yell at your subordinates. Dmitry Anatolyevich are good leaders in any profession.

What would you say at an interview to a person named Roman Abramovich?

That he doesn't like to write and likes to talk a lot. That he is a very enterprising person, purposeful, with business acumen. Romans Arkadyevichs can work in different areas, they easily adapt. But in general, a person with that name does not show much independence in his career. If he achieves dizzying success, it means that someone is standing behind him, providing rear.

What is the essence of technology? Does the number of vowels and consonants in a name affect a person's character? Or maybe the whole thing is in the history of names (suppose, after Peter I, all Petrovichi are powerful people, leaders)?

History has nothing to do with it. This is a biological system: character is passed from parents to children, and the father is very important. Even if a woman has experienced artificial insemination, the character of the child will be dominated by the traits of the donor. For example, Nikolai was the donor, and Vladimir raised and raised - the child will have the characteristics of Nikolai. A lot comes to us with a patronymic. Aleksandrovichi, Igorevichi, Dmitrievichi, Olegovichi, Borisovichi, Stepanovichi are people with a very complex character.

With a patronymic, it’s clear, you can’t get away from heredity. What about the name? The choice of the name of the child, it turns out, parents should be extremely scrupulous? After all, it can change his entire future fate.

Certainly. It is very important that the sound range is harmonious, the name and patronymic go well together. Like, for example, Igor Vladimirovich. But in general, Igori at an early age are all restless - hysterical, naughty, increased stubbornness ... I also do not advise parents to shorten their names, to call their children diminutive names. Polina is not Polechka, Ira is not Irishka. In this sense, it is worth being strict.

Did you choose your wife by name?

Yes! I have Natasha. We met by chance in the park. I don't know if we would have got along with her or not if she had been called differently. Our daughter's name is Asya. Graduated from the Academy of Human Resources Management, works in the Human Resources Department. Constant career growth. Smart girl.

Is it easier for you to identify a character by name or by face?

It doesn't matter to me. At least in terms of sound. Every Friday I work live on one of the TV channels. A lot of calls. Sometimes it is enough for a person to simply introduce himself, so that I can tell with 90% accuracy what he is like. In general, the face, of course, is interesting to read the character. I look at the shape of the nose and ears, the thickness of the lips, the color of the eyes ...

What if the person had plastic surgery?

It's harder, of course. Once I participated in the following experiment: it was necessary to “read” a person in makeup, with a beard glued on. I gave a precise description. If a person has undergone plastic surgery, he still has a name, patronymic, month of birth. Plus gestures, facial expressions, sounds, grimaces, handwriting - all this is of tremendous importance.

The character of a person is shown in the features of his face. Can there be feedback? Can plastic surgery change character traits?

It seems to me that this is impossible. Character, as I said, is a genetic, biological level.

In your opinion, the sign of the Zodiac affects personal characteristics? And how is the location of the stars at the time of a person's birth combined with the influence of the name and patronymic?

All this is nonsense. Often it turns out that according to the sign of the Zodiac, the character is one, according to the name - completely different. And the definition by name turns out to be correct. Astrologers, I think - people are not quite healthy. Why, if they know everything, has not a single astrologer predicted a crisis?

About the crisis. Do you think non-traditional recruiting methods can help companies cope with a difficult economic situation?

No, because, in my opinion, the crisis is a very convenient system for our entrepreneurs. A lot of money is being made in a crisis. In addition, this is the time when you can fire all unnecessary, weak, incomprehensible people. Thanks to my methodology, it is possible to recruit strong people who will be of great benefit to the company in the vacant positions.

In your opinion, can staff turnover sometimes be useful?

After all, this is a surge of fresh blood and new energy. - No. No benefit. Turnover does not create the internal foundation that every business should have. And this foundation begins with the reception of people.

When I say your name

I want to yawn, miss, grumble,

While other names

When you say them, they open

Quite different doors of our feelings...

W. Shakespeare . Much ado about nothing


The name of a person carries a lot of information. It gives answers to numerous questions that concern not only parents, teachers, but the whole society. In what profession will the natural inclinations of the future citizen be most fully revealed? How will his relationship in the family develop? How will he raise his children? What negative character traits need to be softened, muffled by education, and which positive ones, on the contrary, should be singled out and developed?

Try to take the name as a guideline in your relationships with other people - and you will see what unexpected horizons will open up for you, how many problems will be removed.

Since ancient times, mankind has been reverent about the name. As a rule, it testified to the purpose of the newborn, and, giving a name, counted on the patronage and protection of God. In Islam, all ninety-nine epithets glorifying God serve as names. The Bible is the source of many of the names that are still used today. So, the virtues pleasing to God - love, meekness, patience - were expressed in the names Galina ("quiet") or Irina "peacemaker"), and in the name Isaiah, which literally means "may God save you", the hope for the support of the Almighty was embodied . The mother of Jesus Christ - the long-awaited child of the elderly Joachim ("spell") and Anna ("grace") - is called by a special name Mary, which means "exalted", "exalted" or "lady".

As one of the researchers of biblical names Father Alexander Mumrikov points out (Science and Religion. 1994. N 8. P. 61), the significance of a person in ancient society increased according to his "renown". If the name did not contain the idea of ​​patronage, its bearer was considered ignorant by genealogy or even insignificant and did not enjoy respect. Several names were given to an important person, called to perform as many glorious deeds as he has names. This custom is partially preserved in the Catholic Church, where a person often has three names given at birth, at baptism in childhood and at chrismation to enter the world with the grace of the Holy Spirit. In Japan, some noble and especially distinguished people still have up to thirty names, receiving them one after another, for example, as they change professions.

The name is an integral part of the personality. "To touch" a name means to touch a person. The "Second Book of Kings" tells about the census, which was perceived as the enslavement of the individual - through the promulgation of the secret name. The change of the name radically changed the social status of a person or meant the loss of his independence. But in special cases, the name was changed according to the instructions from above, this was a sign of the Divine mission. Giving the apostle Simon (“hearing”) the name Peter (“stone”), Jesus Christ entrusted him with the duty to become the foundation, the stone of the Church under construction, created a spiritual man from a carnal man (Matt., 16, 18).

The research I have conducted convincingly testifies that the brilliant guesses of the ancients about the fateful meaning of the name are not at all a trifle, not a historical rudiment. The name, of course, affects the personality, predetermining its psychological characteristics.

Even in my youth, I noticed that people with the same names have largely similar characters. About fifteen years ago, leaving the main profession, I completely devoted myself to the study of the issue that occupied me. I read a lot of literature, studied thousands of people with different names, until I was convinced that the character of a person really depends on the name.

In this book you will find my advice on choosing a name for a child - questions of this kind I most often hear during my speeches and meet in my mail.

From early childhood and throughout life, a person does not hear a single word as often as his name. Parents want the name to sound beautiful (although everything is very relative here, because what is beautiful from the point of view of one is sometimes unattractive for another), so that with its meaning it already endows the baby with positive qualities in advance (for example, Alexander is a “courageous protector” or Valentine - “healthy, strong”). Sometimes a child is named according to family tradition, sometimes in memory or in honor of a dear person.

In the 18th century there was no family where Catherine was not. According to the parents of numerous Catherines, their daughters, having received such a name as a gift, should have at least somewhat become like Mother Catherine the Great. Belief in the power of names is preserved, albeit not to the same extent, even today. In any case, it is rare that parents will call their baby the first name that comes across. “Recognizing a name as an empty sign, a shadow of shadows, an all-powerful insignificance and a conditional nickname, and at the same time bringing this insignificance in the fullness of tender feelings, as the first gift to a baby that has delighted with its birth, is psychologically absolutely impossible,” wrote P. Florensky. There are times when I am asked to help change the name of a child, because the baby is experiencing internal discomfort, he has an unstable nervous system, and unreasonable irritability. I willingly help those who wish to choose a different name, and after a while the character of a person gradually changes, adults have a personal life. You should not dramatize the events if you have already named the child, the concern may be in vain, but in order to avoid trouble, think carefully before making a decision.

As my further observations showed, the character depends not only on the name. It is important, it turns out, at what time of the year a person was born and what patronymic he wears. There is a certain pattern: people with one name and patronymic are impressed by others with certain names and patronymics. Some names and patronymics simply irritate them. Indeed, each name and patronymic are sound stimuli that in one way or another excite a certain part of the brain. This is, to some extent, the attraction of each person to each other or, conversely, their repulsion. Such sound vibrations are imperceptible, but are clearly reflected in the character of a person and even in his appearance. Some sounds are pleasing to our ears for reasons we do not understand, while others are unpleasant to us. If the name is consonant with those names of people whom we know and love well, then against our will there is sympathy for such a person, and vice versa. That is why we often hear: "I did not find my betrothed, we did not agree on the characters." And there were extremely few chances to get along in character, because this was originally inherent in the sound of the names and patronymics of each of the partners.

Using such a simple method as characterizing a person by name, patronymic and month of birth, one can in principle determine the psychological type of a person and predict behavior in certain situations. Both the strength of the family union and the success of entrepreneurship depend on psychological compatibility.

This book will become a kind of guide for you. Use it when in doubt. Remember, choosing a name is a very serious matter. It largely determines the fate of a person who has come into this world. It is up to you to make her happy.

Tell me your name and I'll tell you who you are... For Boris Khigir - professor, doctor of psychology - this is a common thing.

For almost thirty years, Khigir has been studying people and their names, comparing, contrasting, and drawing conclusions. Huge factual material forms the basis of his books, which are simply doomed to success. And this is understandable: a name chosen correctly will become a name for a happy person. What parent wouldn't want to see their son happy?

Offering this or that name for the newborn, Boris Khigir proceeds from many things. It takes into account the time of birth, the name of the father (after all, the middle name is a continuation of the name), even the name of the mother (it is she who forms the spiritual world of her baby and communicates with him even before he is born).

In Higira's daily practice, purely psychological developments are supplemented by the intuition of a scientist, a unique ability to "get" information literally from everything - from the voice, from the characteristic features of the structure of the face, from facial expressions and gestures, but also a large statistics that he has been keeping for more than thirty years. Khigir is able to characterize a person simply by talking to him on the phone. And if he also sees him... The express analysis of the personality, which Boris Yuzikovich is doing before your eyes, is simply amazing. For example, he is able, by the name of a person living in very far abroad, to tell not only about how this person communicates with people and what habits he has, but also to clarify whether he knows foreign languages, whether he is happy in marriage, and even what kind of his wife! By the way, the person in question was Chinese...

Serious scientists treat these studies with great interest. Here is what the President of the Russian Psychoanalytic Association, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.I. Belkin:

“I have known Boris Khigir for the past five years. At each meeting, I never cease to be amazed at his unique abilities, rarely found in nature. The speed with which he captures obvious and hidden character traits sometimes borders on a parapsychological phenomenon. and the time of birth, Khigir is able to assess not only today's personality traits, but also past experiences that left a noticeable trace in the soul.

Boris Khigir turned out to be exactly the researcher who first developed a little-known field of psychology, linking the name with the character and fate of a person. The demand for such a technique turned out to be truly fantastic! Therefore, B. Khigir's books diverge in huge circulations, and each speech on radio and television causes a huge "counter wave" - ​​letters are sent to the author in a stream.

"I think that the fate of my son is completely connected with his name. They named him Volodya - in honor of his grandfather and uncle. Grandpa was a good person, and his uncle is also a good person. Although, like his grandfather, he is an alcoholic and a heavy smoker."

And Volodya repeats the fate of those in honor of whom he received his name ...

Here is another letter - confirmation by life itself of the famous "Khigirov" theory:

"Every day my daughter and I come to the conclusion that his name has a negative impact on the child. Considering your experience, we ask you to recommend another name. The grandson himself says that he wants to be called Andreika."

Often this is not just a request, but a cry for help.

“I beg you to help our family. The eldest son, Alexei (the name is given in honor of his grandfather), has been suffering from colds since birth, often has tonsillitis. With age, as we hoped, this did not go away, moreover, heart problems appeared - the son is observed After listening to your program, we decided to take extreme measures and change the name, although this worries my son very much, because he is already an adult ...

And my youngest daughter, Svetlana, married Viktor Arkadyevich. What would be the best name for their unborn child? In the relatives of the son-in-law from generation to generation, there are only two names - Victor and Arkady. How do you like it? We have suffered so much with our children that we live only one dream - to have healthy grandchildren ... "

Name and health, name and well-being in the family, name and addiction to drugs... Numerous studies allow Higir to draw conclusions and receive information, knowledge of which would help many. Those who turn to the author's books and advice understand this well. No wonder one elderly woman ends her letter like this: "Health to you and success in your noble work." And at the very end he adds: "God bless you!"

A huge number of books and positive reviews brought Boris Heeger not only all-Union, but also world fame.


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