Spelling - the correct spelling according to the corresponding rule or according to tradition, chosen from several possible ones. It is one of the basic units of spelling.

There are alphabetic and non-alphabetic spellings on the basis of choosing from several options for one letter or choosing from several options for the correct spelling of a word - together, separately, through a hyphen, or finding out where the word is transferred from line to line.

In spelling recognition, the speaker must be guided by the spelling rule that explains it (the rules for pronunciation and spelling of unstressed "e, and", etc.).
The number of spellings is determined by the number of spelling rules.

The word "spelling" is well known to every schoolchild and adult. How many times has everyone heard from a language teacher: "Do not forget to highlight the spelling in the word." The Russian language has a whole section that is responsible for the rules for writing words, all these basic rules make up a system. The entire section, which studies the spelling of words in terms of spelling, can be represented as the following subsections:

  1. Writing morphemes;
  2. Hyphen, separate and continuous spelling;
  3. Uppercase and lowercase letters in words;
  4. Hyphenation;
  5. Graphic abbreviation.

All spellings of Russian words obey the principles of Russian spelling. There are also several of them, they have their own characteristics, areas of application. One can talk about each of them for a long time. It is important to understand the most important thing in these principles.

Principality of spelling

All spellings can be divided into those that are written according to the principles:

  1. Morphology;
  2. phonetics;
  3. Differentiations;
  4. The traditional way.

What does the morphological principle imply?

Particular attention is paid to the morphemes of cognate words. When writing, they remain unchanged, although they can change phonetically. This principle completely ignores the processes taking place in phonetics: consonants are stunned or voiced, whether they soften. All types of morphemes in a related verbal series remain the same.

What does phonetics dictate?

When spelled phonetically, words are forced to adhere to the spelling they hear. It is enough to remember the prefixes ending in the letters "z" and "s". The letter “z” denotes a voiced sound, which means that the prefix with it will be written in a word whose root also has a voiced consonant sound at the very beginning. The complete opposite is marked with the letter "c". An example is the word "selfless".

There are prefixes that are pairs (time - roses and rose - roses). The spelling of the vowel in them depends on the stress, for example, " overclocking" And " sledge».

The roots of words in which the first letter is "and" depend on the prefixes on the consonant (the outcome is hopeless).

What is differentiation?

With a differentiated writing principle, everything depends on the alternating vowels and letters or suffixes that need to be paid attention to. This applies to the roots of pir-per, kas-kos and others.

By tradition, words are written that have unchecked vowels and consonants in their composition. Such a spelling is best checked in a dictionary, you can, relying on memory, remember. These include mainly exceptions to the rules and foreign loanwords.

Additional spellings

There are a number of spellings that affect entire groups of words, highlighted by similarity in spelling. Writing through a hyphen, fused or separate is directly related to the independence of parts of speech. To do this, you need to know which morphological unit the word in question belongs to. What is this? A negative or indefinite pronoun, or perhaps an adverb. Each part of speech has its own algorithm for determining its spelling. For example, the pronoun someone is written with a hyphen.

Syntax and vocabulary regulate the spelling of proper names and the first words of sentences.

Word hyphenation is based on division into syllables. There are several prohibitions for this rule: you can not transfer, do not leave one letter. Two identical consonants can be transferred by distributing them on both lines. For example, you can transfer the word class in this way: class-sa.

There are several rules for shortening words. It is impossible to shorten by throwing out the initial part of the word; there are no abbreviations that end in vowels and letter-signs. When you need to shorten a word, you can remove at least two letters.


spelling- (from the Greek orthos - correct and gramma - letter) - spelling that corresponds to the rules of spelling, requiring the application of these rules, spelling rules.

The main sections of spelling:

Writing morphemes in various parts of speech,

Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of words,

The use of uppercase and lowercase letters


Unstressed vowels are divided into unchecked, checked, alternating. Checked unstressed vowels are checked by placing stress in single-root words.

Unverified unstressed

Spellings are checked in the dictionary Letters I, H, A after hissing

Alternating unstressed vowels

Check according to the rules:

  • at the root of the word, letter combinations are written -oro, -ol \ * are checked by stress:
  • are checked by the suffix -a-:
  • checked by the consonant of the root:

Vowels O and E after hissing in different parts of the word

1. At the root under stress:

  • Ё (E) is written if there is an alternation with E in cognate words or word forms:

whisper (whispers), silk (silk);

  • written O if there is no alternation with E:

rustle, powder

2. In suffixes and endings of nouns, adjectives, adverbs:

  • in an unstressed position, it is written E:
  • under stress is written O:

3. In the suffixes of passive participles and verbal adjectives, Yo (E) is written.

4. In suffixes it is written Yo (E)

5. In the endings of verbs, Yo (E) is written: extract, guard, save, bake, lie, cut

Letters i-s after q

After c at the root of the words is written and (number, compass). Exceptions: gypsy, chick, tiptoe, chick, chick. After c in endings and suffixes, s is written (well done, chubby). Exceptions: words in -tion (aviation).

Spelling of consonants in word roots

  • Checked deaf and voiced consonants are checked by selecting single-root words:

request - ask, crawl - crawl, labor - labors;

  • Checked unpronounceable consonants are checked in the same way:

late - late, but: terrible - horror;

Use of ь after hissing words at the end

In nouns:

  • nouns of the 3rd declension b are written:

youth, midnight, retouching, help;

  • for nouns of the 1st and 2nd declension, b is not written:

rack, match, pencil, comrade.

  • For plural nouns in the genitive case, ь is not written:

thefts, TV shows, Katyusha, groves.

In adverbs:

  • ь is written after w and h:

backhand, jump.

  • ь is not written after zh:

married. (Exception: wide open.)

In short adjectives, ь is not written:

In verbs:

  • In verbs of the 2nd person in the singular, it is written ь:

write, guess.

  • In verbs whose initial form ends in "-ch" is written ь:

cut, lie down.

  • In verbs answering a question in which there is a soft sign, ь is written:

(what to do?) play, walk

Soft sign in numerals

Written at the end: 5-20, 30 (eight, eleven, twenty).

Written in the middle: 50-80; 500-900 (seventy, six hundred).

Soft sign in other cases

b in verbs is written:

  • in the indefinite form of the verb (before -sya (-s) is preserved): take care - take care, bake - bake;
  • in the endings of the 2nd person singular (before -sya (-s) is preserved): repel - repel;
  • in the imperative mood after consonants (before -te and before -sya (-s) is preserved): acquaint - acquaint - acquaint.

Dividing b and b

Separating b is written after prefixes on a consonant before the letters e, e, u, i. In other cases, a separating b is written before these letters and before and:

Spelling prefixes

1. Do not change in writing:

2. Prefixes on Z (S):

  • the letter Z in prefixes is written before the letters denoting voiced consonants:
  • the letter C in prefixes is written before the letters denoting deaf consonants:

3. Prefixes that differ in meaning. Prefix pre-:

  • can denote the highest degree of quality (the prefix is ​​close in meaning to the word very);
  • may be close in value to re-;

Prefix at-:

  • approach, accession;
  • proximity;
  • incomplete action.

Letters i-s after consonant prefixes

After Russian prefixes on a consonant in roots starting with and, it is written ы:

After the prefixes of inter-, super- and foreign prefixes, it is written and:

Spelling of noun suffixes

1. The suffix is ​​written:

  • after roots ending in d, t, s, s, g:
some water
  • after on d, t, s, s, f, k, h:

2. The suffix is ​​written if, when declining, the vowel e in the suffix drops out:

3. The suffix is ​​written if the vowel is preserved in the declension and in the suffix:

Spelling of adjective suffixes

The suffix -k- is written:

  • in qualitative adjectives that have a short form:
  • in relative adjectives after bases on k, h, c, (k, h alternate with c):

The suffix -sk- is written,

  • if the final vowels of the stems d, t, z are preserved before -sk-:
  • in relative adjectives that do not have a short form:

H and HH

Spelling H and HH in adjectives

One N is written: NN is written:
In suffixes -an-, -yan-, -in-: chatter A n th.

Exceptions: yellow A nn oh, invisible A nn ouch, ugly A nn oh, unexpectedly A nn oh, unheard A nn oh, nope I nn oh, glass I nn th, trees I nn th, tin I nn th.

In suffixes -onn-, -enn-, -yonn-: straw e nn th
In non-suffix adjectives not formed from other parts of speech: Yu n ouch, si n uh, mind n th In adjectives formed with the suffix -n- from nouns with a base on n: country n n th
In short adjectives, if one -n- is written in the full form: green trees n s (green n s). In short adjectives, if the full form is written -nn-: the road is empty nn a (empty nn and I).
In a non-prefix adjective wind n th In prefixed adjectives from the word wind: downwind nn th

Н and НН in the full form of participles and verbal adjectives

H is written if participles and verbal adjectives are formed from imperfective verbs and do not have dependent words: baked potatoes, knitted jacket, dried mushrooms, fried fish.

NN is written if participles and verbal adjectives are formed:

  • from perfective verbs:

knitted sweater, problem solved. Exceptions: named (brother), imprisoned (father), finished (man);

  • from imperfective verbs and have dependent words:

baked in a fire, knitted from wool;

  • in words ending in -ovanny, -ovanny:

illustrated, uprooted, spoiled.

Exceptions: forged, chewed.

  • if the verb has a prefix (other than not):



“[…] The appearance of the first letter to the niger […] is associated with the appearance in the passive past participle suffix doubled [n] (for example, sent, worked out, etc.) […] which in turn is associated with the fact that approximately in 17th century participles with the suffix -n-, acting as definitions, became adjectives and coincided with the corresponding verbal adjectives, once formed with the help of the suffix -н-> -н-, that is, such participles as mowed (hay), rozorennye (cities), coincided with such adjectives as descriptive (term), delayed (petition), etc. Because of this, a new means of distinguishing participles from adjectives should have been developed in the language - this means was the secondary suffix -н-> -н- in participial forms: command, unwritten > ordered, written, etc.”

Letters A (I) and E before NN in the passive past participles

The letter A (I) in the passive participles of the past tense is written if in an indefinite form before -t stands a or I: fired (to fire), promised to promise. The letter E in the passive past participles is written if in an indefinite form before -th stands and or e: released (let go), considered to consider.

Sections and principles of Russian spelling in teaching methods

Read also:

The proposed method of mastering the rules is suitable for an advanced level of learning spelling. Such tables can be compiled with high school students in the humanities classes.

The basic orthograms of the Russian language are studied at school. A little more than seventy rules should be remembered by the student in order not to make spelling mistakes. But if everything was so simple, then spelling lessons would be needed a little. In fact, it is required to learn a lot of theoretical material, including the concepts of parts of speech and parts of words, as well as an understanding of the principles of Russian spelling.

Principles of Russian spelling

Linguists do not have a single coherent theory regarding the principles of spelling. Different authors talk about different numbers of them. Summarizing the studies of L. L. Kasatkin, L. V. Shcherba, Yu. S. Maslov and others allows us to distinguish four groups of requirements that justify the choice of spelling.

1. Phonetic principle. It is supposed to spell the word in accordance with the sound. For example, the spelling of prefixes bes- and bez-.

2. Morphological principle. It relies on the uniform spelling of the morpheme with different pronunciations. This includes orthograms: an unstressed vowel at the root of a word, unpronounceable consonants, etc.

3. Traditional principle. The word is spelled in accordance with historical conditions, while it is impossible to choose a test word or explain the spelling from the point of view of modern Russian. These are spellings such as vowel alternation in roots or double consonants in borrowings.

4. Differentiating principle. The difference in spelling delimits parts of speech and displays different semantic content. On and on, burn and burn, etc.

The sections of spelling studied at school are also divided into several groups. They relate to the representation of sounds by letters, the use of capital letters, continuous, hyphenated or separate spelling, word hyphenation, as well as abbreviation rules (complex abbreviated words, abbreviations, graphic abbreviations).

Each spelling belongs to its own section and is based on one or another principle of writing. All these generalizing concepts are needed for structuring and systematizing knowledge and, ultimately, for solid spelling literacy when creating texts. A good help in remembering the stated theory about the principles and sections of spelling can be a table that the student will fill out, referring each new rule to one category or another.

10 spellings of the Russian language

As you understand, any rule can be placed in a table by adding rows. Practical work on compiling such tables can help students who are interested in the theory and history of spelling to delve deeply into the subject.

Sections of orthography and principles of writing

Morphological principle

Phonetic principle

Traditional principle

differentiating principle

Transmission of speech sounds in writing

Unstressed checked vowels in the root of words.

In an unstressed position at the root of the word, the same letter is written as in the test word under stress: fade - fade, forestry - forest.

Writing A / O in prefixes raz- / ras- / ros- / rose-.

O is written under stress, A is written in an unstressed position. Reflect, search, painting, mailing.

Unchecked unstressed vowels.

Spelling is checked in the dictionary: dog, kalach, periphery.

Writing b to distinguish between feminine and masculine: night, sword, lie, knife.


Each new line in the poem is capitalized, regardless of the punctuation mark at the end of the previous line.

Ring, ring, golden Rus',
Worry, indefatigable wind!
Blessed is he who celebrates with joy
Your shepherd's sadness. (Yesenin)

Continuous, hyphenated and separate spelling

· Continuous spelling of prepositions and adverbs formed by the fusion of a preposition and a noun: below, instead, towards.

· Hyphenated spelling of particles: something, koi-, -ka, -either, -anything, -that, -tka, -s, -de. Somehow, some, we are waiting, sir.

· Writing homophones with different lexical and grammatical meanings: on and about.

Transfer Rules

You cannot break a monosyllabic prefix if it is followed by a consonant: horseshoe, once-carrier.

Reduction Rules

With doubled consonants before the vowel, only the first one should be left in the reduction: gram. error, class differences.

Not all rules are easy to enter into the proposed table, however, the very reasoning on the topic of which section of spelling it belongs to and on which or what principles it relies on helps to better understand the spelling of the Russian language. Such "entertaining gymnastics" in the Russian language is available to high school students, students and specialists. For younger students, you can offer another spelling workshop, such as learning it online. For this, special exercises have been developed on the site mogupisat.ru.

Tags: spelling, high school
Elena Mazur
Publication Certificate No. 203452 dated August 9, 2015

Today, there are many different rules in the great and mighty Russian language. Some of them may seem incomprehensible and even incorrect. But all of them necessarily obey spelling. What is spelling? The word itself comes from two Greek words:

Orphos - correct gramma - letter

The literary translation will look like this - “I write correctly”.
From here came a whole science - spelling, which studies all spellings and contains the entire set of rules of the Russian language.

What is the choice of spelling based on?

on specific principles. Here they are:
— Phonetic.
The main requirement here is the spelling in accordance with the pronunciation. For example, ownerless, again, immediately.
- Morphological.
According to him, all morphemes in a word are written the same way. Example, mountain - mountain, water - water.
— Traditional.
If the spelling is difficult to determine and cannot be explained by its modern rules, then the old rules are used in such words, that is, they are written according to tradition. For example - Mirage, Heel, Dog.
- differentiating.
You should not discount the fact that in the Russian language there are a lot of words borrowed from other languages ​​of the world. At the same time, the language already had a word with the same spelling and pronunciation. And this is where the differentiating principle comes into play. For example, company - campaign, ball-point.

How to select and designate spelling ?!

The spelling can be located in different parts of the word: prefix, root, suffix, ending.
To highlight the spelling found in the word - just mark the part of the word in which the spelling is located. Also graphically explain the spelling next to it.
For example, consider the spelling "Alternating unstressed vowels at the root of the word" on the word "Application". The spelling in this case is the spelling of the letter "O" in the root - "lie". We will designate it like this - we select the root, we emphasize the letter O with one line, and the letter Zh with two lines. In this case, the spelling of this alternating unstressed vowel completely depends on the subsequent consonant.
The second example is the word "steamed". Here we are interested in writing a prefix. To indicate the spelling in a word, the letter C and the subsequent consonant letter P must be emphasized. In this case, the spelling depends on whether the voiced or voiceless consonant is located after the prefix. We emphasize the letter “C” with one line, and the letter “P” with two lines.
There can be several spellings in one word at once. If you correctly designate them, you will write words correctly.

Hearing the word "spelling", many recall with a nostalgic shudder the wonderful school years, accompanied by the memorization of numerous rules of the Russian language. However, in reality, everything is not so scary if you concentrate and understand what a spelling is. If you translate this word from Greek, you get the phrase "I write correctly."

The concept of spelling

Our Russian language is famous for its complex spelling. What is a spelling? This is the spelling of a word that corresponds to a spelling rule. The section of the language that studies spelling is called spelling.

In order to write correctly, first of all, you need to learn to recognize spellings, that is, those places in words in which you can make a mistake when writing. At the same time, the most dangerous places in which it is easy to make a mistake can be divided as follows:

  • Firstly, these are unstressed vowels in various parts of the word - in the root, suffix, prefix. For correct spelling, you need to know the principles of word formation and the composition of the word;
  • Secondly, the spelling of vowels after hissing and the letter q;
  • Thirdly, writing a soft sign after hissing at the end of a word;
  • Fourth, this is the spelling of "not" in different parts of speech.

Any spelling consists of two parts:

  1. A variant in which letters and their combinations are written correctly (for example, writing a soft sign after hissing ones);
  2. Characterizing the spelling situation. Returning to the example from the first paragraph, the soft sign after the hissing is written:
    • In the nominative case of the singular feminine nouns (daughter, night, silence);
    • In all forms of verbs (cut, wait, wash);
    • In one adverb on w (wide open) and in all adverbs on w and h (backward, completely).
