R Born in 1915 in the village of Nokshino, now the Velikoustyugsky district of the Vologda region. Russian. Member of the Komsomol. Hero of the Soviet Union (2.12.1942). Awarded the Order of Lenin.

In the summer of 1942, a difficult situation developed on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. The Nazi command continued to intensify the onslaught on the southern wing of the Soviet-German front, hoping to reach the regions of the Caucasus, the Don and the Volga. Fascist troops broke into the big bend of the Don. Defensive battles began on the distant approaches to Stalingrad. The 40th Guards Rifle Division of the 1st Guards Army, which included a battalion of the 119th Guards Rifle Regiment under the command of Guards Captain A. Kuznetsov, was stubbornly defending on one of the sectors of the front in the area of ​​the Dubovoy farm in the Ilovlensky District of the Volgograd Region. This division, in cooperation with other units and formations, not only prevented the enemy from reaching the left bank of the Don, but also retained a bridgehead on the right bank of the river.

After continuous attacks, the Nazis managed to capture a height from which the entire surrounding area was clearly visible. Captain Kuznetsov's battalion of guards was given the task of knocking out the Nazis from a height. Having received the order of the regiment commander, Kuznetsov decided to act suddenly, to launch a night attack. The battalion consisted mainly of paratroopers, whom the battalion commander knew well.

With the onset of darkness, the paratroopers secretly crept up to the height and occupied the starting line. The Nazis did not expect their rapid attack. The battle to capture the height lasted no more than an hour. The idea of ​​the guard captain Alexander Kuznetsov was a success. Throughout the night, the guards strengthened the height - everyone knew that the Nazis would not leave them alone.

On the morning of August 21, 1942, the enemy, trying to regain height, threw 16 tanks into battle. The paratroopers courageously accepted the unequal duel. With the fire of anti-tank rifles and grenades, they knocked out fascist vehicles.

Several tanks were already burning in front of the hill. The Nazis turned back. But after a short artillery raid, the enemy tanks again went on the attack. The infantry followed them. And this attack was beaten off by the guardsmen. During the day, suffering heavy losses, the paratroopers repelled several enemy attacks. On the battlefield, there were 11 wrecked enemy vehicles, many corpses of fascist soldiers and officers.

The Nazis continued to attack the guardsmen who remained on top. Six tanks and enemy infantry again headed for the trenches of the paratroopers. Guard captain Alexander Kuznetsov himself took an anti-tank rifle and personally knocked out three enemy vehicles. He was already wounded several times, but did not leave the battlefield. The guardsmen saw their commander in the most dangerous areas, by his example he inspired confidence, supported both strength and faith in victory. When repelling the last attack of the Nazis, the battalion commander fell, struck by a machine-gun burst. But the guards-paratroopers complied with the order and held the height until reinforcements arrived. At dawn, the paratroopers buried their combat commander.

The height near the Oak farm, which the brave battalion commander defended from the enemy with his guardsmen, is called by his name: "Kuznetsov's Height".

Now the remains of the Hero rest in a mass grave in the city of Kalach, Volgograd Region.

In the homeland of the Hero in the city of Veliky Ustyug, at school No. 11 in Volgograd, a pioneer squad bears the name of the Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Kuznetsov.


Vologda - Heroes of the Soviet Union. Vologda, 1970, pp. 182–185.

I'm going to ram. Volgograd, 1978, pp. 8–24.

First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and City Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks


Zhdanov, Andrey Alexandrovich


Popkov, Pyotr Sergeevich

Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b)

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Borovichi, Novgorod Governorate, Russian Empire

Date of death:

A place of death:



Levashovskoye Memorial Cemetery

Lieutenant General

(February 7 (20), 1905 - October 1, 1950) - First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and City Party Committee in 1945-1946. One of the organizers of mass purges and repressions in Leningrad and the North-West of Russia, then their victim.

He began his career in 1922 as a worker at a sawmill in Borovichi. In the years 1924-1932 at the Komsomol work in the Novgorod province and Leningrad. Party member since 1925. Since 1932, at party work: instructor of the Leningrad city committee, deputy secretary, secretary of the district committees of the party in Leningrad, head of the regional committee department. Since 1937, the second secretary of the Leningrad regional committee, the city committee of the CPSU (b), during the Great Patriotic War, a member of the military councils of the Baltic Fleet, the Northern and Leningrad fronts, lieutenant general (1943).

He was awarded two orders of Lenin and 4 other orders.

Member of the Central Committee since 1939, in 1945-1946 the first secretary of the Leningrad regional committee and city party committee. Member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee March 18, 1946-March 7, 1949, Secretary of the Central Committee March 18, 1946-January 28, 1949.

In 1946-1949 he was the head of the Personnel Department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. From February 1949 he was secretary of the Far Eastern Bureau of the Central Committee of the Party.

He attended the June 1947 Philosophical Debate.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st-2nd convocations.

Arrested on August 13, 1949 in the "Leningrad case", by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR on September 30, 1950, sentenced to death, shot on October 1 of the same year. Rehabilitated by the military collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR on April 30, 1954, on February 26, 1988, the CPC under the Central Committee of the CPSU confirmed membership in the party since 1925.


  • Voinova's wife Zinaida Dmitrievna (1906-1971)

(through his wife A. Kuznetsov was a relative of A. Kosygin)

  • daughter Alla (1928-1957) was married to the son of Anastas Mikoyan Sergo.
  • son Valery (10.02.1937) - was married to the daughter of V. Ya. Kolpakchi, worked as a deputy. head of the Glavlita of the USSR, then in the Central Committee of the CPSU, during the years of perestroika he was the first assistant to Politburo member A. N. Yakovlev
  • daughter Kuznetsova Galina Alekseevna

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alexey Alexandrovich Kuznetsov (1905-1950) - First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and City Party Committee in 1945-1946.

A. A. Kuznetsov was born on February 7 (20), 1905 in Borovichi (now the Novgorod region). He began his career in 1922 as a worker at a sawmill in Borovichi. In 1924-1932, at the Komsomol work in the Novgorod province and Leningrad. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1925. Since 1932 in the party work:
instructor of the Leningrad city committee, deputy secretary, secretary of the district committees of the party in Leningrad, head of the department of the regional committee. Since 1938, the second secretary of the Leningrad city committee of the CPSU (b), during the Great Patriotic War, a member of the military councils of the Baltic Fleet, the Northern and Leningrad fronts, lieutenant general (1943).

Member of the Central Committee since 1939, in 1945-1946 the first secretary of the Leningrad regional committee and city party committee. He was involved in the atomic project of the USSR: through the efforts of the director of the Radium Institute V. G. Khlopin and A. A. Kuznetsov, he received additional premises. The decision to allocate space was made by the Special Committee in November 1945, carried out by the Chairman of the Operational Bureau of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR A. N. Kosygin and the representative of the State Planning Committee in the Special Committee N. A. Borisov.

Member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee March 18, 1946 - March 6, 1949 (removed from its membership simultaneously with M. I. Rodionov), Secretary of the Central Committee March 18, 1946 - January 28, 1949. According to some assertion, with the right to conduct meetings of the Secretariat of the Central Committee.

In 1946-1949, he was the head of the Personnel Department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, from February 1949 he was secretary of the Far Eastern Bureau of the Central Committee of the Party.

Arrested on August 13, 1949 in the "Leningrad case" together with M. I. Rodionov and P. S. Popkov in the office of the Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks G. M. Malenkov. On September 30, 1950, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR was sentenced to death by firing squad, shot on October 1 of the same year. Rehabilitated by the military collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR on April 30, 1954, on February 26, 1988, the CPC under the Central Committee of the CPSU confirmed membership in the party since 1925.

And before the war, and during the war, and after it, the political biography of A.A. Kuznetsova was closely intertwined with the activities of punitive bodies and with punitive functions. And it is not at all accidental that in 1946 Stalin entrusted him with the "observation" of the MGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs ...

After the war, this dangerous path led to a tragic denouement ("Leningrad business". L., 1990. S. 97-98).

During the Great Patriotic War A.A. Kuznetsov is one of the leaders of the defense of Leningrad. In June 1941, divisional commissar; member of the Military Council of the Baltic Fleet (1939-1946), Northwestern (June-August 1941) and Leningrad (September 1941 - December 1942, March 1943 - May 1945) fronts.

A.A. Kuznetsov actually directed the entire life of besieged Leningrad: he headed (in the summer and autumn of 1941) the Commission for the management of the construction of defensive structures, led the organization of the life of Leningraders, the formation of militia units and the selection of military personnel, the creation of partisan detachments; resolved issues related to the activities of the political department of the front and fleet. A.A. Kuznetsov, as a member of the Military Council of the Leningrad Front, participated in the development of operations to defeat the Nazi troops near Leningrad.

In 1945-1946. A.A. Kuznetsov is the first secretary of the Leningrad regional committee and the city party committee. Then - an employee of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in Moscow. In 1949 he was arrested in the "Leningrad case", convicted and shot. Rehabilitated in 1954 (posthumously).

IN AND. Berezhkov writes: “It seems that the high-ranking security officer P.A. Sudoplatov, who in those years rotated in the highest spheres of the Kremlin and had objective information, is close to the truth about the reasons for the emergence of the Leningrad case. In his book Intelligence and the Kremlin, he writes: “All this was fabricated and caused by the ongoing struggle among Stalin’s assistants ... The motives that forced Malenkov, Beria and Khrushchev to destroy the Leningrad group were clear: to strengthen their power. They were afraid that the young Leningrad team led by Kuznetsov would replace Stalin "" (Berezhkov V.I. Petersburg procurators. St. Petersburg, 1998. S. 239-241; "Leningrad business". L., 1990).

"The so-called" Leningrad case "was provoked and organized by Stalin, who sought to maintain among the top leaders an atmosphere of suspicion, envy and distrust of each other and on this basis to further strengthen his power" (Rehabilitation. Political processes of the 30-50s. M., 1991. S. 312).

Two orders of Lenin
four other orders and medals

After in 1947 Stalin named Kuznetsov his successor as General Secretary of the Central Committee and entrusted him with supervision over the state security agencies, Alexei Alexandrovich made two terrible enemies - Beria and Malenkov.

This year marks the 111th anniversary of his birth. He led the besieged Leningrad. But the high point in his dizzying career was the meeting of the Politburo in 1947. Then Stalin said: “Time passes, we grow old. In my place I see Alexei Kuznetsov...”

Stalin's successor - - MK

The purpose of this article is to find out how the murder of the Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, ALEXEY ALEXANDROVICH KUZNETSOV, was incorporated into his FULL NAME code.

Watch in advance "Logicology - about the fate of man".

Consider the FULL NAME code tables. \If there is a shift in numbers and letters on your screen, adjust the image scale\.

11 31 40 54 60 83 98 101 102 114 120 131 149 155 165 166 178 184 195 213 214 228 233 250 265 268 278 302
302 291 271 262 248 242 219 204 201 200 188 182 171 153 147 137 136 124 118 107 89 88 74 69 52 37 34 24

1 13 19 30 48 54 64 65 77 83 94 112 113 127 132 149 164 167 177 201 212 232 241 255 261 284 299 302
302 301 289 283 272 254 248 238 237 225 219 208 190 189 175 170 153 138 135 125 101 90 70 61 47 41 18 3


302 = 238-\ 118-SENTENCED + 120-DEATH \ + 64-EXECUTATION.


302 \u003d 170-SHOOTING + 132-LEAVING LIFE.

302 \u003d 232- \ 170-SHOOT + 62-LEAVING \ + 70-FROM LIFE.

302 = 171-LIFE DONE + 131-SHOT.

302 = 120-LOSSED + 182-\ 51-LIFE + 131-SHOT \.

302 \u003d 102-SHOT + 200-DEATH FROM SHOT \ a \.

302 \u003d 165- \ 102-SHOT + 63-DEATH \ + 137-FROM SHOT \ a \.

102 = SHOT

Code DATE OF DEATH: 1.10.1950. This is = 1 + 10 + 19 + 50 = 80 = LIFE FOR \ over \.

302 = 80 + 222-\ 102-SHOT + 120-END OF LIFE \.

Code of the full DATE OF DEATH \u003d 191-1st of October + 69- \ 19 + 50 \ - (code of the YEAR OF DEATH) \u003d 260.

260 \u003d 191-OCTOBER FIRST + 69-END.


Code for the number of complete YEARS OF LIFE = 76-FORTY + 96-FIVE = 172 = BRAIN WOUND.

302 = 172-FORTY-FIVE + 130-CERAIN WOUND \ brain \.

Look at the column in the top table:

184 \u003d 102-DEATH + 82-SHOT \ en \

184 - 124 \u003d 60 \u003d IN ZATA \ lok \.

302 = 204-\ 102-DEATH + 102-SHOOTED \ + 98-TO THE NECK.


Operational decryption of the code of the FULL NAME OF ALEXEY ALEKSANDROVICH KUZNETSOV can be obtained as follows:

Sum of vowel codes:

Y \u003d 20 + E \u003d 6 x 4 + O \u003d 15 x 2 + A \u003d 1 x 3 + I- (Y) \u003d 10 x 2 \u003d 20 + 24 + 30 + 3 + 20 \u003d 97 \u003d 97 \u003d SENTENCE.

302 = 97-SENTENCE + 205-\ 103-SHOT + 102-SHOT \.

205 - 97 = 108 = SHOT.

Today, you will not surprise anyone with publications about Yeltsin's successors and Putin's possible heirs. But few people know that such issues were also discussed at the meetings of the Politburo of the times of Joseph Stalin. Moreover, there was already the coming of the “St. Petersburg” to Moscow, and they talked about moving the capital back to the banks of the Neva ...

The surname of Stalin's successor is, according to statistics, the most common in Russia. Kuznetsov.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of his birth. He led the besieged Leningrad. But the most high point in his dizzying career was the meeting of the Politburo in 1947. Then Stalin said: “Time passes, we grow old. In my place I see Alexei Kuznetsov...”

And the last day in his life was October 1, 1950, when he died from a shot in the back of the head.

When I saw the last photo of my father, which was kept in the materials of the criminal case, I could not recognize him, - says the son of Alexei Kuznetsov Valery. - A broken, tormented, exhausted man was looking at me from the picture. Judging by this photo, dad was tortured. Cruel. I re-shot this photo and I can’t, you know, I can’t show my older sister Galina ...

Out of almost a thousand protocols of interrogations, Valery Alekseevich ran into the memory of an episode that was repeated over and over again. The investigator turns to Kuznetsov: “Are you an enemy of the people? Are you a traitor? Are you a traitor? You were waiting for the death of Stalin?!” And Alexey Alexandrovich echoed: “Yes, yes, yes ...”

The Kuznetsov family received access to these terrible documents only in January of this year ...

Gift box

The image of a politician from the time of Joseph Stalin can hardly be sculpted only from white marble. But the memory of relatives retained, of course, only the brightest features.

Dad is from the Novgorod province. There he organized the first Komsomol cell and became the leader of the Komsomol movement, recalls Valery Kuznetsov. - In the early 30s, Kirov noticed him. Invited to work in Leningrad. In 1938, my father was already appointed second secretary of the regional and city committees. The first was Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov.

In fact, Alexey Kuznetsov became the first person in the city in the first days of the war. Then Zhdanov was resting in Sochi, and it was Alexei Alexandrovich who had to make vital decisions.

All the threads of organizing the defense of the city, building fortifications, providing food came down to the father, - says Valery Alekseevich. - Zhdanov was not against this order of affairs. He was not embarrassed by the fact that dad was lower than him in status.

Moreover, Zhdanov did not hide from Stalin that Kuznetsov was in charge of the city. He admitted that he physically cannot stand the sounds of exploding bombs and the whistle of shells. Therefore, almost all the time he spends in a bomb shelter. Stalin then asked: “And who is doing business at the top?” Zhdanov answered: "Kuznetsov."

Many years later, we were told an interesting story, - recalls Valery Alekseevich. - It was the deep autumn of 1941. Stalin, in the presence of members of the State Defense Committee, took a piece of paper and by hand (which was a rarity, because he always used the services of secretaries) wrote: “Alexei, all hope is on you. The Motherland will not forget you.” And he also decided to make a gift - on the box of cigarettes "Herzegovina Flor" brought out in red pencil: "Stalin". He summoned Merkulov, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, and instructed him to urgently fly to besieged Leningrad, to hand over the letter and a box of cigarettes personally to Kuznetsov.

Until the end of his days, Aleksey Alexandrovich carefully kept a box of Herzegovina Flor at home. And the letter was locked at work in a safe ...

Special ration from Smolny

- It turns out that it was your father who led the besieged Leningrad?

Right. He was engaged in the organization of defensive lines, the formation of partisan detachments, work with the political departments of front-line units, and the organization of production. My father invented a new technology for baking bread - when vitamins were added to flour. I remember how in the summer they planted potatoes, carrots, greens in the flowerbeds and front gardens of Leningrad. This is also by order of the Pope. The city had to be saved from starvation.

- During the blockade, the children of the second secretary of the city committee were probably in a safe place?

Despite the fact that I was five or six years old, my father considered it necessary to leave me in the besieged city. And my two sisters and my mother were sent for evacuation to Chelyabinsk.

- And why did they leave you in Leningrad?

Dad talked like this. If ordinary residents of Leningrad see that Kuznetsov left his little son in the city, then they will probably decide that not everything is so bad in Leningrad, the city can be defended.

I lived in Smolny. There was the Pope's study and a recreation room adjoining it. Slept on the sofa. And when my father went to the factory or to the front, he took me with him. And on the podium, when dad made a speech, I stood next to him, holding his hand.

At the front, we lived with him in a dugout. You know, they even sewed a military uniform for me. The dressmakers took the shape of the smallest soldier and adjusted it to my size. And they even provided a helmet. So at the front, as a five-year-old boy, I was also in full military uniform.

I remember very well how dad walked past the lined up units with a quick step. I couldn't keep up with him, minced. But the generals did not keep up with him. They were all with a solid belly.

- It was they who ate belly in the special dining room of Smolny? ..

Already there it was impossible to eat the belly. I dined in that canteen and remember well how they fed. Lean, thin cabbage soup relied on the first. On the second - buckwheat or millet porridge and even stew. But the real delicacy was jelly. When my dad and I went to the front, we were given army rations. It almost did not differ from the diet in Smolny. The same stew, the same porridge.

They wrote that while the townspeople were starving, there was a smell of pies from the Kuznetsovs' apartment on Kronverkskaya Street, and fruits were delivered to Zhdanov by plane ...

How we ate, I have already told you. And for the entire time of the blockade, my dad and I came to Kronverkskaya Street only a couple of times. To take wooden children's toys, melt the stove with them and somehow warm up, and pick up children's things. As for pies... Probably, it will suffice to say that I, like other residents of the city, had dystrophy.

Zhdanov ... You see, my father often took me with him to Zhdanov's house, on Kamenny Island. And if he had fruit or sweets, he would certainly have treated me. But I don't remember that.

- How do you remember besieged Leningrad?

Imagine, so many years have passed, and I still clearly remember the camouflage nets stretched over the Smolny, Kazan and St. Isaac's Cathedrals. How deep, deep into the ground, the monuments to Catherine and Peter were buried. And the howl of sirens announcing the air raid. Of course, gloomy, deserted streets. After all, thousands of people left for evacuation along the Road of Life.

Did your father invent it too?

Certainly. I even went with him to Ladoga when preparatory work was just being carried out there.

The ice road was vital. In spring and summer, food was brought to the city by caravans of transport ships. But in winter it could be done in only two ways. On planes - but it is expensive and almost impossible due to constant shelling. There was only one way: on the ice.

I remember that my dad and I came to Ladoga. You know, at first the ice was cleared from snow with special machines - graders. After that, this space was covered with straw. And the polynyas were covered with boards. I was almost mistakenly sent to evacuate with other children there. There were cars with children who were supposed to be taken out of the city over the ice. Dad's adjutants let me out of their sight, and some guy thought I just got out of the car. So he took me by the scruff of the neck - and into the car. Thank God, the adjutants came to their senses in time and found me.

"Lavrenty, let's go to the bathhouse!"

After the long-awaited Victory, Alexei Kuznetsov moved to the capital: he was elected secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, a member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee.

Father did not want to leave Leningrad, - recalls Valery Alekseevich. - But I had to.

Historians believe that in 1946, when Zhdanov was already the second leader of the country, a period of acute intra-party struggle began, the result of which was the “Leningrad affair”. Researchers believe that Zhdanov, having moved to the capital, decided to move the “Leningrad team” closer to the Kremlin. Surround yourself with reliable people and thus pave the way for your own appointment to the post of General Secretary after Stalin's death.

Then, in two years, more than 800 people went from Leningrad to leading work in Moscow and to lead other regions - a real coming of the “Petersburg”!

Meanwhile, Kuznetsov's wife and children, not knowing anything about high political intrigues, enjoyed life in the capital. In Moscow, the family of the secretary of the Central Committee was given a nine-room apartment on Granovsky Street and a spacious dacha in Zarechye.

I remember that in winter we went skating with the whole family, ”recalls Kuznetsova’s daughter Galina Alekseevna. - There were no children's skates at that time. So we first put on socks, then felt boots and then skates. They played hockey. Only instead of a puck they used a tennis ball.

Especially touching in the Kuznetsov family celebrated birthdays.

In the morning, each member of the family put his birthday present on a high wooden table and put a card with a wish on top, - continues Galina Alekseevna. - I still have some gifts from that time. A small painted box, almost a toy vase. Yes, I still keep my dad's gift - a grandiose pencil. It is so long, it will be thirty centimeters ...

In the bedroom, on the nightstand by the bed, was a government telephone.

I often came to this room early in the morning, climbed onto the bed with my dad, woke him up, ”recalls Valery Alekseevich. - He also liked to play tricks. He picked up the telephone receiver and shouted there: “Lavrenty, let's go to the bathhouse!” Dad laughed to tears. Can you imagine? Of course, they didn’t connect me with Beria, but the telephone operator echoed into the receiver: “Who do you want?” Beria was informed about my hooliganism, and he somehow let my father know about my tricks.

wedding with tears

After in 1947 Stalin named Kuznetsov his successor as General Secretary of the Central Committee and entrusted him with supervision over the state security agencies, Alexei Alexandrovich made two terrible enemies - Beria and Malenkov. After all, earlier Beria was involved in security issues, and Malenkov was in charge of personnel. The “offended” members of the Politburo were not at all going to sit idly by...

The duet Beria-Malenkov skillfully ignited Stalin's anger against the "Leningraders" group. At the beginning of 1948, the Central Committee received reports: they say that citizens learned about the monetary reform in advance and managed to invest money in savings banks for figureheads. The monetary reform was carried out by a member of the "St. Petersburg team" Voznesensky ...

"Leningraders" decided to hold the All-Russian Fair in Northern Palmyra. But it was attended by representatives of the Union republics. The organizers did not receive permission from the Central Committee. And this was only a small fraction of the denunciations.

And in August 1948, the head of the “Leningrad group”, Zhdanov, died. Historians still call this death mysterious.

On February 15, 1949, Alexey Alexandrovich, as usual, arrived at his work early in the morning. He went into the office, sat down at the table and saw the decision of the Central Committee to remove him from all posts for "anti-government activities." In fact, it was a death sentence.

Our wedding with Alla (the eldest daughter of Kuznetsov) was scheduled for this day, - says Sergo Anastasovich Mikoyan. - Relatives gathered at the Kuznetsovs' dacha, Alexei Alexandrovich also arrived. And no one knew that it was removed. I am amazed at his courage, he found the strength to have fun, toast to the happiness of the young ...

After that, Kuznetsov was sent ... to study - in Perkhushkovo, in a branch of the Lenin Military-Political Academy.

On August 13, dad told us: “Here's some money for you, run to Voentorg and buy ice cream. - recalls Galina Kuznetsova - Just don't eat without me. Wait.” Gone. Valerka and her mother still managed to wave to him through the window... We were waiting for him. One, two, three...

And at seven in the evening, it was still light, the bell rang in the apartment. Four men in dark suits and wide-brimmed hats entered the hallway. People in civilian clothes were looking for the same letter that Stalin gave to Kuznetsov in besieged Leningrad and which read: “The Motherland will not forget you.” So they didn't find it. Disappeared - as if evaporated ...

During the arrest of Kuznetsov, Alla and I rested in Sochi, - recalls Sergo Anastasovich Mikoyan. - When we returned, my father called me to his room and informed me about the arrest of Kuznetsov. He listed the allegations. And I remember how trifling they seemed to me. I knew that in the 1930s Bukharin and Zinoviev were accused of espionage. And even in the fact that they wanted to kill Stalin ... Then it made an impression. In this case, the accusations were as follows. Allegedly, Kuznetsov said that there were many non-Russians in the Politburo. From the Caucasus - Stalin, Beria and my father. Jews - Kaganovich. It was as if Kuznetsov was saying: they say, when Stalin dies, he will try to change this.

And he was also accused of exalting his own role in the defense of Leningrad, and that even in the Museum of the Defense of Leningrad, on his instructions, they hung his portrait ...

From a letter from the Politburo to members of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks:

“At present, it can be considered established that at the top of the former Leningrad leadership a group hostile to the party has been formed for a long time, which included A. Kuznetsov, Popkov, Kapustin, Solovyov, Verbitsky, Lazutkin.

At the beginning of the war, and especially during the siege of Leningrad, the Kuznetsov group, having become cowardly and completely bewildered by the prevailing difficulties, did not believe in the possibility of victory over the Germans.

Kuznetsov's group nurtured the idea of ​​taking leadership positions in the party and the state.

In the enemy group of Kuznetsov, the question of transferring the capital of the RSFSR from Moscow to Leningrad was repeatedly discussed and prepared.

"Dad won't come back"

The family was immediately evicted from the apartment on Granovsky Street, having seized all their belongings, to Starokonyushenny Lane, into a small "kopeck piece". There was no information about Kuznetsov. And then his wife was arrested. In prison, she was kept shackled, subjected to sophisticated torture.

When my mother was arrested, I was 18 years old, - says Galina Alekseevna. - I tried to go to college. But they didn't accept me. In the questionnaires, she wrote: “parents are arrested.” Didn't get hired either. After long ordeals, I was nevertheless accepted to work as a laboratory assistant at the school that I graduated from. This is how they lived. My grandmother was paid a pension of 102 rubles, and my salary was 300. Of course, they starved. They baked potato pies with sauerkraut, cooked oatmeal jelly, cereals. The Mikoyan family was very helpful. I remember they brought delicious sausages.

When did your mother return?

I will remember this day forever. February 9, 1954 She stood on the threshold in a thin dress. Skinny. Completely gray. And seriously ill...

Sister Alla has arrived. She brought food, we set the table. How happy my mother was when she saw processed cheese on the table! Already late in the evening, Alla said that she needed to go, and asked me to accompany her. We went down the stairs, and Allochka quietly said: “Wait. Listen to me. Papa won't come back."

Two months later, Kuznetsov's wife was summoned to the Central Committee of the party and informed that her husband had been shot in 1950. And this despite the fact that three years earlier the death penalty had been abolished in the USSR...

More than 50 thousand victims of Stalinist repressions are buried on the Levashovskaya wasteland near St. Petersburg. Among them is the unmarked grave of Alexei Kuznetsov. By an evil irony of fate, the trial of the investigator in the Kuznetsov case took place in the same hall where Alexei Alexandrovich himself was once tried ...

From the case of Kuznetsov, it clearly follows that during interrogations his spine was broken and during the trial he could not stand ... The one who conducted the case in this way was shot. And they buried him on the same Levashovskaya wasteland. This happened in 1954, when Alexei Kuznetsov was rehabilitated. Posthumously.
