
1 Student research potential Supervisor N.V. Bordovskaya Performers S.N. Kostromina, N.L. Moskvicheva, S.I. Rozum, L.A. Darinskaya, N.N. Iskra, T.A. Dvornikova, M.A. Pakhmutova, D.S. Gnedykh

2 Research problem Analysis of literature and educational practice made it possible to highlight the contradictions between: understanding the importance of psychology in increasing the level of readiness of young specialists for scientific creativity to effectively solve professional problems and further scientific education and the lack of research revealing the psychological characteristics of students’ research activities; the study of individual psychological factors and conditions affecting the effectiveness of students’ research activities and the need for educational practice to take into account the main psychological factors or their entire complex. Problem: what is meant by IP, how to study it and by what methods

3 Methodological apparatus of research The object of research is the subject of research activity. The subject of the study is the psychological structure of students' research potential and factors of its change. The hypothesis is that the successful implementation of students' research potential is ensured by certain psychological factors. The goal is to build a theoretical model of the psychological structure of research potential, develop a methodology for studying and identifying factors for its implementation among students at the stage of master's studies. Methods: modeling, psychodiagnostic methods for studying motivation, cognitive and personal characteristics of students, method of expert assessments, content analysis, questionnaires, statistical methods. The achievement of this goal was carried out in three stages.

4 First stage (2011) Objective: developing a theoretical model of a student’s research potential and methods for studying it. Methods: theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem; method of modeling, design and exploratory experiment; bibliometric methods; questionnaire content analysis expert assessment statistical methods for processing research results using the hierarchical clustering method and the multidimensional scaling method.

5 Methodological foundations of the study Potential theory, scientific approaches to the study and development of potential, principles of studying potential in psychology as a self-actualizing possibility; General provisions of the domestic theory of activity and the subject-activity approach in psychology; A systematic approach to the study of psychic reality.

6 Research potential is considered as a person’s ability to successfully master the requirements (norms) of research activity and personal self-development in the role of a researcher, achieved as a result of previous education and development (intellectual and creative, personal development) is understood as a qualitative characteristic of the psychological resource of the subject of activity, which develops under favorable conditions Structurally, research potential is a three-level system

7 Theoretical postulates for constructing a structural-functional model of the research potential of a subject of research activity “research potential” necessarily includes the idea of ​​research activity and its subject; We consider research potential as human capabilities achieved as a result of previous education and development (intellectual and creative, personal development); research potential is based on a person’s internal resources, but is not limited to them; Structurally, research potential is a three-level bio-social-psychological system; research potential is a developing phenomenon; Research potential is characterized by at least three properties: the qualitative content of distinctive features, quantitative characteristics as a measure of implementation, and the level of change.

8 Research potential of a student The research potential of a student is a set of psychological qualities (motivational, cognitive and behavioral spheres determined by social, socio-psychological and university conditions), as well as their personal arrangement, providing an effective solution to research problems (within the framework of educational research and scientific research activities)

9 STAGES OF CREATION OF A METHODOLOGY STUDENT RESEARCH POTENTIAL Formation of a primary list of 260 characteristics; Expert assessment of the primary list of characteristics hierarchical cluster analysis; Formation of the second list of characteristics (90 characteristics); Expert assessment of the list of characteristics of research potential at the second stage and primary verification of the content validity of the questionnaire of 48 characteristics (51); Formulating judgments based on selected characteristics. Initial testing and validation of the questionnaire. Revision of the content of the questionnaire and formation of the final version of the questionnaire 51 characteristics.

10 Questionnaire 51 characteristics 10-point rating system 14 feedback judgments Consistency (Cronbach's α = 0.870); External validity representative sample. Convergent validity (relationships with cognitive and personality characteristics). Criterion validity (the level of IP changes in relation to research experience). Construct validity (factor analysis)

11 Studying the characteristics and identifying differences in the research potential of students Sample: 172, of which 79 are 3rd year students of the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University, 53 master’s students of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, 25 master's students of natural geography and 15 master's students of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics of the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University.

12 Results of the study of IP and the degree of expression of indicators The development of the cognitive component of the research potential of master's students is significantly higher than that of bachelors, the dynamics of the development of other components of research potential is ambiguous and requires additional research. The master's students showed significant differences in their research potential in general, as well as some differences in the values ​​of the cognitive and behavioral components.

13 Conclusion of stage 1 Differentiation in the development of master's students as researchers of the three study profiles studied is determined, first of all, by such psychological factors as the characteristics of the development of the cognitive sphere of the individual and the self-organization of research activities.

14 Stage 2 (2012) The goal is to determine the cognitive characteristics of students that influence the realization of their research potential. Sample: 40 1st and 2nd year undergraduates of the history and psychology faculties, among them 23 master’s students of the psychological faculty and 17 master’s students of the history faculty, and scientific supervisors of master’s students teachers relevant faculties - 39 people.

15 Characteristics of the cognitive sphere: convergent and divergent abilities; cognitive styles; conceptual system and features of operating concepts; flexibility or rigidity of thinking; creativity; reflexivity of thinking.

16 Methods Test of the structure of intelligence by R. Amthauer. Questionnaire “Thinking Style” Verbal Creativity Test (RAT) by S. Mednik Lachins Methodology “Study of the influence of past experience on the way of solving problems” Methodology for diagnosing an individual measure of the development of the property of reflexivity by A.V. Karpov Determining the degree of realization by a student of research potential to test various types of validity of the developed methods for studying research potential were used: the “Ability of Self-Management” method by N. M. Peisakhov, “Innovative Thinking” by M. Kirton; “Self-actualization test” adapted by Yu.E. Aleshina, L.Ya. Gozman, research competence test by E.V. Lebedev; survey of students and teachers (supervisors of master's students); mathematical methods of data analysis: statistical and comparative analysis (application of Mann-Whitney, chi-square, Kruskal-Wallis tests), correlation analysis (Spearman), hierarchical cluster analysis, regression analysis, factor analysis.

17 Indicators for determining the degree of realization of a student’s research potential indicators of student participation in research activities: number of scientific publications, number of reports (co-reports) at conferences, participation in the implementation of scientific projects, grants (based on the results of a survey of students regarding the degree of their activity in research activities) ; the results of an expert assessment by the supervisor of the level of the student’s research potential and the level of realization of his research potential in the process of studying and preparing a master’s thesis (both indicators were asked to be assessed in points from 1 to 10).

18 Correlation relationships between the components of research potential and the cognitive characteristics of students (Spearman, p 0.05) Analytical style of thinking Flexibility of thinking Verbal intelligence Motivation component General level of IP Practical abilities Cognitive component Behavioral component Ability to identify general. signs and properties, 2 subtest Theoretical abilities Ability to abstract, 4 subtest

19 Groups of students (low, medium, high level of IP) simultaneously differ significantly (p 0.05) in the following characteristics 4 Amthauer subtest (generalization, level of development of abstract thinking), verbal intelligence coefficient, theoretical abilities, indicators of analytical style, motivational, cognitive and behavioral components of research capacity.


21 Correlation analysis of the relationships between academic supervisors’ assessments of students’ research potential and their cognitive characteristics (Spearman, p 0.05) Stock and updating of knowledge, subtest 1 Verbal intelligence Assessment of IP by a supervisor Assessment of the implementation of an IP by a supervisor Participation in conferences Publications Participation in scientific projects Practical abilities Reflexivity

22 Conclusion 1. Over the entire selection, undergraduates have an average level of logic and speed of thinking, a low level of flexibility of thinking and a high level of critical thinking; 2. There is a gap between the external manifestations of research productivity and the real research capabilities of undergraduates.

23 Stage 3 (2013) Purpose: to study the personal characteristics of master’s students as a specific psychological factor influencing the effectiveness of their implementation of research potential

24 Sample Students (220 people, age (20.1±3.4)): faculties: philology (17.6%), physics and mathematics (8.6%) RGPU named after. A.I. Herzen, pharmaceutical (6.4%), medical (17.1%); psychological (9.1%), philosophical (16.2%), medical (14.1%), history (10.9%) faculties SPbSU Master's students (40 people, age (25.0±1.2)) faculties: psychological and historical

25 Methods “Five-factor personality questionnaire” by R. McCray, P. Costa (adapted by A.B. Khromov, 2000) “Time Perspective Questionnaire” by F. Zimbardo (adapted by O.V. Mitina, A. Syrtsova, 1996) “ Methodology for studying self-attitude" (MIS) S.R. Pantileeva Questionnaire “Research Potential” (IP51) N.V. Bordovskaya, S.N. Kostromina, N.L. Moskvicheva, S.I. Rozum, N.N. Iskra Analysis of documents and questioning of students and scientific supervisors to identify the level of implementation research potential of students; mathematical methods of data analysis: statistical and comparative analysis (application of Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis criteria), correlation analysis (Spearman), factor, regression and discriminant analysis.

26 Correlation relationships between the research potential of students and personal characteristics (Spearman, p 0.05) Extraversion - Introversion Internal conflict Self-confidence Self-control - Impulsivity Emotional stability Instability Expressiveness - Practicality Research potential Future Fatalistic present Negative past

27 Students with a high level of IP are characterized by high indicators of Extraversion, Self-Control, Emotional Stability and Expressiveness (Big Five), a dominant focus on the Future, high indicators of Self-confidence and Self-worth.

28 Students with a low level of IP are characterized by Introversion, Impulsivity, Emotional instability and Practicality, Time perspective focused on the Negative past and the Fatalistic present, indicators of Self-acceptance and Internal conflict.

29 Predictors of IP implementation In a sample of bachelors (180 people), the predictors of IP implementation are the following characteristics: personal factors: no predictors; time perspective: focus on the negative past (p=0.037), focus on the future (p=0.009); self-attitude indicators: no predictors. The predictors of academic performance are the following characteristics: personal factors: no predictors; time perspective: no predictors; self-attitude indicators: Self-confidence (p=0.089).

30 The degree of contribution of personal characteristics to the realization of the research potential of undergraduates Function 1 Future, 342 Self-leadership, 316 Fatalistic present -, 285 Expressiveness - Practicality, 248 Self-confidence, 239 Self-worth, 214 Emotional stability - Instability, 193 Self-blame, 173 Negative past, 162 IP level, 158 Closedness -.155 Positive past -.129 Anxiety - Carelessness, 114 Self-acceptance, 092 Hedonic present, 071 Extraversion Introversion, 041 Self-control - Impulsivity, 040 Reflected self-attitude -.031 Internal conflict, 016 Attachment - Isolation -.014 Self-attachment, 002

31 Typology of students

32 Conclusions of the 3rd stage the psychological factors of the growth of IP are time perspective, characterological characteristics (self-control/impulsivity, emotional stability/instability, expressiveness/practicality), self-attitude, as well as cognitive variables (originality, reflexivity and theoretical abilities). predictors of the implementation of IP at a university are orientation to the future, practicality and self-worth.

33 Results Bachelors are characterized by the lowest indicators of flexibility of thinking, critical thinking, logic and speed of thinking; Master's students have an average level of logic and quick thinking, a low level of flexibility of thinking and a high level of critical thinking; Graduate students and young teachers of higher education have high marks for all characteristics of the cognitive component of research potential.

34 Results Bachelors and masters differ significantly in such characteristics of research potential as intolerance to novelty, self-control, adaptability, assertiveness and critical thinking. Curiosity, self-control, critical thinking, logic and quick thinking are characteristics that develop linearly at each subsequent level of learning. That is, it can be assumed that they develop as the subject of research activity becomes established.


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MODERN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES Edited by Academician of RAO N.V. Bordovskaya Recommended by the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science on Psychology and Pedagogy as an educational

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142 L.V. Ismailova (Mozyr, Belarus) FORMATION OF READINESS FOR PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY IN THE PROCESS OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING The problem of readiness of graduates of pedagogical universities for professional

Bear social and ethical responsibility for decisions made (OK-2); readiness for self-development, self-realization, use of creative potential (OK-3). General professional competencies (GPC):

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus Educational Institution “Polotsk State University” Department of Technology and Teaching Methods (room 429 n) tel. 53-97-13 [email protected] S.A.

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Contents Block 1. Basic part Block 1. Variable part Block 2. Practices, including research work Block 3. Final certification Optional disciplines BLOCK 1. BASIC PART “Philosophy”

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BELARUSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY APPROVED by the Rector of the Belarusian State University S.V. Ablameiko “...” 2012 Registration UD- / base. PSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSTICS OF THE PERSON AND GROUP

Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 2010. T. 7, 2. P. 115 123. FEATURES OF SELF-ACTUALIZATION IN EMOTIONAL UNWELL-BEING AND CHRONIC FATIGUE IN ADULTRY O.A. IDOBAEVA Summary In the article

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REFERENCES 1. Bezrukikh, M.M. Left-handed child at school and at home. Ekaterinburg, 2004. 2. Bezrukikh, M.M., Khryanin, A.B. Psychophysiological and neurophysiological features of the organization of visual-spatial

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Foreign language The discipline “Foreign language (English, German, French)” belongs to Block 1 Basic part. The purpose of teaching the discipline “Foreign language (English, German, French)” is improvement

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5. Model "Mentoring" ("Mentoring" in English - mentoring) - implements a tough, authoritarian style of interaction between a specialist and a gifted person (or his parents, legal representatives, teachers,

List of test questions for the test in the discipline “Methodology of Scientific Research” For students of the training direction 08.04.01 “Construction”, the focus of the training profile “Expertise”

(method of V.I. Andreev )

Test instructions . The test uses a 9-point scale of self-assessment of personal qualities or the frequency of their manifestation, which characterize the level of development of an individual’s potential. However, it should be remembered that all estimates are relative. When self-assessing, mentally imagine the highest (9th) level of development of the corresponding quality and the lowest (1st) level and find your place on a nine-point scale.

Test material

1. How often do you manage to bring the business you started to its logical conclusion?

2. If all people are mentally divided into logicians and heurists, i.e. idea generators, then to what extent are you an idea generator?

3. To what extent do you consider yourself a decisive person?

4. To what extent does your final “product”, your creation, most often differ from the original project or idea?

5. To what extent are you able to be demanding and persistent so that people who promised you something would fulfill their promise?

6. How often do you have to make critical judgments about someone?

7. How often does the solution to problems that arise depend on your energy and assertiveness?

8. What percentage of people in your team most often support you, your initiatives and proposals?

9. How often do you feel optimistic and cheerful?

10. If all the problems that you had to solve over the past year are divided into theoretical and practical, then what is the proportion of practical problems among them?

11. How often do you have to defend your principles and beliefs?

12. To what extent does your sociability and communication skills contribute to solving problems that are vital to you?

13. How often do situations arise when you have to take on yourself the main responsibility for solving the most complex problems and matters in the team?

14. How often and to what extent do your ideas and projects manage to come to life?

15. How often do you manage, by demonstrating resourcefulness and even enterprise, to at least in some way get ahead of your rivals in work or study?

16. How many people among your friends and relatives consider you a well-mannered and intelligent person?

17. How often in your life have you had to undertake something that was perceived even by your friends as a surprise, as a fundamentally new thing?

18. How often have you had to radically reform your life or find fundamentally new approaches to solving old problems?

Processing and interpretation of test results

Personality quality

Score in points

1. Purposeful

3. Determined

5. Demanding

6. Independent

7. Energetic

9. Optimist

10. Practitioner

11. Principled

12. Sociable

14. Innovator


16. Intelligent

17. Revolutionary

18. Reformer

In addition, you can determine the level of your personal potential based on the total number of points you score.

Total points

Personal potential level

1 – very low

2 – low

3 – below average

4 – slightly below average

5 – average

6 – slightly above average

7 – above average

8 – high

9 – very high

Task 8. Use a psychological test to determine your preferred role in the group.

Test “Social roles in a group”

The purpose of the study is to determine the preferred social role in the group.

Instructions . In each section, allocate a total of 10 points among the statements that you think best describe your behavior. These points can either be distributed among several statements, or in rare cases, all 10 points can be given to a single statement. Record your scores in the attached table.

    What I think I can bring to group work:

A. I quickly find new opportunities.

B. I can work well with many people.

Q. I have a lot of new ideas.

D. I help other people come up with their ideas.

D. I am able to work very effectively and I enjoy intense work.

E. I agree to be unpopular if it ultimately leads to good results.

G. In my usual environment, I work quickly.

Z. I have no prejudices, so I always give the possibility of an alternative action.

    I have shortcomings in group work, perhaps it is because:

A. I am very tense until the event is planned, controlled, or carried out.

B. I give too much freedom to people whose points of view I consider valid.

Q. I have a weakness for talking a lot myself.

D. My own view of things prevents me from immediately sharing the enthusiasm of my colleagues.

D. If I need to achieve something, I can be authoritarian.

E. It is difficult for me to put myself in the position of a leader, because I am afraid of destroying the atmosphere of cooperation in the group.

G. I get very carried away by my own ideas and lose the thread of what is happening in the group.

Z. My colleagues think that I worry too much about unimportant details and worry that nothing will work out.

    When I am involved in working with others:

A. I influence people without suppressing them.

B. I am very careful, so there can be no mistakes due to carelessness.

Q. I am ready to insist on some action so as not to waste time and not lose sight of the main goal.

G. I always have original ideas.

D. I am always ready to support a good proposal in the general interest.

E. I am very attentive to new ideas and proposals.

G. People around me like my cold prudence.

Z. You can trust me to make sure that all the main work is done.

    In group work it is typical for me that:

A. I am very interested in knowing my colleagues well.

B. I am comfortable sharing the views of others or holding the views of a minority.

Q. I always have good arguments to refute erroneous proposals.

D. I think I have the gift of getting the job done as soon as the plan needs to be put into action.

D. I have a tendency to avoid the obvious by assuming something unexpected.

E. Everything I do, I try to bring to perfection.

G. I am ready to establish contacts outside the group.

Z. Although I am interested in all points of view, I do not hesitate to make my own decisions if necessary.

    I enjoy my work because:

A. I like to analyze situations and look for the right choice.

B. I like to find practical solutions to problems.

Q. I like to feel like I have an impact on creating good relationships.

D. I enjoy having a strong influence in decision making.

D. I have the opportunity to meet people who can offer something new.

E. I can get people to agree on how work is progressing.

G. I like to focus my attention on completing assigned tasks.

Z. I enjoy working in a field where I can use my imagination and creativity.

    If I unexpectedly receive a difficult task that must be completed in a limited time and with unfamiliar people:

A. I will feel driven into a corner until I find a way out of the impasse and develop my own line of behavior.

B. I will work with whoever has the best solution, even if I don't like him.

Q. I'm trying to find people with whom I can divide this task into parts, thereby reducing the amount of work.

D. My innate sense of time will not allow me to fall behind schedule.

D. I believe that I will calmly, at the limit of my capabilities, go straight to the goal.

E. I will achieve my goal despite any difficult situations.

G. I am ready to take over the work if I see that the group is not coping.

Z. I will host a discussion to encourage people to come up with new ideas and look for ways to move toward a goal.

    Regarding the problems I have when I work in a group:

A. I always show impatience if someone is slowing down the process.

B. Some people criticize me for being too analytical and lacking intuition.

Q. My desire to ensure that the work is performed to the highest standard causes dissatisfaction with those being inspected.

G. I get bored very quickly, and I only rely on one or two people who can inspire me.

D. It’s difficult for me to get started if I don’t have a clear idea of ​​my goal.

E. Sometimes it is difficult for me to explain to others some complex things that come to my mind.

G. I understand that I demand from others what I cannot do myself.

H. If I encounter real resistance, it is difficult for me to clearly state my point of view.

Questionnaire form

Processing of results and interpretation

Build a table in accordance with the “key” below, entering for each question next to the corresponding letter the number of points that you gave to this answer option in the test subject’s answer table. Find the sum of the points for each of the eight columns. Highlight those role columns where the largest amounts are collected. These are the roles you often play in a group.

Read and analyze the descriptions of roles in group interaction: Role I – chairman; II role – shaper; III role – generator of ideas; IV role – idea evaluator; V role – work organizer; VI role – group organizer; VII role – resource researcher; VIII role – completer.

Characteristics of roles in the team


    Functions: takes into account all possible opinions and makes decisions; properties: knows how to listen, speaks well, logical, decisive; type: calm, stable, needs a highly motivated group.


    Idea evaluator (critic).

    Functions: analysis and logical conclusions, control; properties: analytical, intellectual, erudition, “anchor of the group”, brings back to reality;

    type: reasonable, strong-willed, needs a constant influx of information and new ideas.

    Work organizer.

    Functions: transforming ideas into specific tasks and organizing their implementation;

properties: organizer, strong-willed, decisive; type: strong-willed personality type, needs suggestions and ideas from the group. Group organizer.

Functions: promotes group agreement, resolves disagreements, knows the needs and problems of group members; properties: sensitivity, diplomacy, kindness, communication; type: empathetic and communicative personality type, needs constant contact with all members of the group.Resource Explorer.

Functions: link with the external environment; properties: sociable, enthusiastic, energetic, attractive;

type: “assertive extrovert”, needs freedom of action.Finisher.

Functions: encourages the group to do everything on time and to the end; properties: professional pedantry, commitment, responsibility; type: pedantic personality type, needs group responsibility, commitment.

Task 9.

Determine the psychological climate in your group by taking a sociometric test.

Test “Psychological climate in the group”


Answer the questions in writing for the given situations.


A. You were personally assigned to lead the negotiations:

1. Who will you invite to your team for this purpose (only one name)? What qualities of this person prompted you to make this choice?

2. Who will you definitely not take to your team (only one name)? What qualities of this person prompted you to make this decision?

B. If another student from your group was assigned to lead the negotiations:

1. Who is this person who, as you are sure, will definitely invite you to his team for this purpose (only one name)? What qualities do you think would motivate him to make this choice?

2. Who do you think would absolutely not invite you to their team? What qualities do you think would lead him to this decision?

Situation 3

An accident (fire, flood) occurred on the premises of your university or dormitory. Saving financial resources, the management decided to carry out part of the restoration work on its own.

You have been included in the repair team:

1. Who would you like to see next to you during these unattractive jobs that do not correspond to your job responsibilities (only one name)? What qualities of this person prompted you to make this choice?

2. Who would you absolutely not want to do this kind of work with (only one name)? What qualities of this person prompted you to make this decision?

1. Who is the person who, as you are sure, would like to participate in this matter with you (only one name)? What qualities do you think would motivate him to make this choice?

2. Who, in your opinion, would definitely not want to participate with you in this matter (only one name)? What qualities do you think would lead him to this decision?

Situation 4

The management of your faculty has decided, at its own expense, to organize a fun picnic for students with a trip to nature.

1. Who would you definitely like to see at this entertainment event (only one name)? What qualities of this person prompted you to make this choice?

2. Who would you not like to see at the picnic (only one name)? What qualities of this person prompted you to come to this decision?

1. Who do you think would like to see you at the picnic (only one name)? What qualities do you think would motivate him to make this choice?

2. Who, in your opinion, would definitely not want to see you there (only one name)? What qualities do you think would lead him to this decision?

Situation 5

You have decided to celebrate your own birthday at home.

1. Who will you definitely invite to this holiday (only one name)? What qualities of this person prompted you to make this choice?

2. Who will you definitely not invite (only one name)? What qualities of this person prompted you to come to this decision?

1. Who do you think from your group would definitely invite you to their birthday party (only one name)? What qualities do you think would motivate him to make this choice?

2. Who from your group would definitely not invite you to their birthday (only one last name)? What qualities do you think would lead him to this decision?

Processing responses . For each situation, the number is calculated:

    positive elections;

    negative elections;

    assumptions about positive elections;

    assumptions about negative elections. Revealed:

    the leaders or “stars” of the group who received the most positive choices;

    group members who received the average number of positive choices;

    group members who received the fewest positive choices;

    outsiders who received the most negative elections;

    group members who received an average number of negative choices;

    group members who received the fewest negative choices;


Discussion carried out based on the results of testing from the point of view of the psychological climate in the group.

Task 10.

Presenter: “Let’s now try to create a cohesive community in our group in a few minutes. We will do this gradually, in several stages. First stage: we all stand up and arrange ourselves in one large circle (if the number of participants is large, then it’s possible – a circle within a circle). The arrangement in a circle in itself has a unifying effect on our group - everyone stands shoulder to shoulder (predisposes to unification), it is good to attack someone in the center, in this case - me. Now change places in the circle so that everyone stands “across” – boy and girl. The next step is to reduce the distance between us to a minimum. Stand as close to each other as possible and try to organize mutual friendly support - hold hands, shoulders, waist - whatever is comfortable.

Let's move on - let's try to feel our community. Let's sway a little, let's move together... What else can we do in our circle? I suggest singing a little. One condition is that everyone knows the words. What songs do we know? (The group chooses a song.) So, here we go!”

Analysis: How are we feeling now? Have you become “warmer”? Have we felt at least a little bit of our community? What changed before we stood in a circle and after this exercise? How do we feel now?

Task 11. Take part in a sociometric test, which will give you the opportunity to determine the adequacy of your perception of relationships in the group.

"Group Sociometry"

a) Each participant, in free order, stands in the center, closes his eyes, and everyone else is located from him at a distance that symbolizes the psychological “distance” in relation to this person. Everyone remembers their place, then everyone disperses.

b) After this, the participant opens his eyes and positions everyone present in the way that, in his opinion, they could position themselves in relation to him.

c) The group member then takes the place in which he originally placed himself.

Analysis: The procedure gives everyone the opportunity to check the accuracy and adequacy of their vision of relationships in the group, in particular, their own place in it. Who did he get right and who did he get wrong, and why?

Task 12. Take a sociometric test to get an idea of ​​the group structure.

Group Pie Method

The pie chart is your group. Divide it into pieces, one for each group member, for yourself and for the teacher. Write the last names and initials on the piece of who it belongs to. The size of the piece should correspond to the size of each person’s contribution to the group’s activities.

Give answers to the questions:

1. What criteria did you use to determine the size of each person’s contribution to the group’s activities?

2. Name the three people who received the largest pieces. Are they the leader of the group? If so, describe aspects of their leadership.

3. How did you rate yourself compared to other group members? Explain.

Task 13. Take part in a training exercise aimed at group cohesion.

"Falling Backwards"

The group forms a circle or splits into several subgroups of 5-10 people in pairs (one behind the other). Then the one who stands in front should fall into the hands of the one who stands behind (you can do it several times). Then the participants in the pair change places. The one who “caught” - “falls” himself.

Analysis: Who fell right away? Who hesitated? Who didn't fall at all and why? Who was held in your arms for how long? Link the readiness to fall with the level of trust of the participants in each other.

Task 14. Take part in a psychological game that gives you the opportunity to get to know your classmates better.

Psychological game “I have never...”

This game will help people get to know each other better. 7−15 people participate. To play, you need chips according to the number of participants. The first player says: "I have never...". Next he names something he has never done in his life (playing for honesty). For example: did not keep cats in the house, did not go abroad, did not wear boots, did not shave, etc.

Let's say the player said, "I've never eaten pineapples." All players who ate pineapples must give him one chip. Then the turn goes to the other player, and he calls something that he has never done. The task of each player is to name something that he has never done, but everyone or most of those present have done.

Task 15. Take part in a psychological game aimed at identifying leadership behavior.

Psychological game"Hot Air Balloon Disaster"

The group is in the basket of a hot air balloon, which flies over the ocean. Suddenly the ball begins to lose altitude. In the distance, in the direction of the wind, there are several uninhabited islands. There is a chance to escape and fly to the island if you free yourself from less important things in the ball's basket. The question is, what exactly should I throw away? Some things may be useful for life on the islands, although no one knows how long you will have to stay there. List of things in the balloon basket:

    Bowls, mugs, spoons.

    Flare launchers with flares.

    Geographic maps, compass.

    Canned meat.

    Axes, knives, shovels.

    Canister with drinking water.

  1. A rifle with a supply of ammunition.

    Gold, jewelry.

    Dog of the diver breed.

    Fishing gear.


    Salt, sugar, set of vitamins.

    Medical alcohol.

It is necessary to arrange the named objects according to the degree of their importance for the survival of people in these conditions. The first number marks the item that was decided to be thrown away first, the second number indicates what is thrown second, etc. The fifteenth number marks the most important item - it will be thrown away last. A list of things is distributed to the game participants. The game is played in three stages.

Stage 1. Everyone completes the task independently.

Stage 2. The task is performed in small groups.

Stage 3. The task is carried out by a large group.

To reach agreement, the group must reach a consensus. This is not easy to achieve, because not every assessment receives the full approval of everyone. The group should choose assessments with which everyone at least partially agrees. You can't waste time - you could die.

The analysis is carried out using answers to the questions:

    What was the atmosphere like in the group?

    What prevented reaching agreement?

    What signs of leadership have emerged?

    Who was active?

    Who was passive?

    Who dominated?

    What was the influence?

    What individual communication styles could be identified - withdrawal, suppression, personalization, psychological blackmail, searching for like-minded people, something else?

    Which behaviors helped and which hindered agreement?

Task 16. Reflection of personal position in the group. Please review the information below. Determine what your style of joining a professional group was. Why do you think so?

In modern management, there are the following four types of joining the team of a particular organization and assimilating its norms and values:

Negation. The person denies everything, he doesn’t like everything, and he accepts his new team, as they say, gritting his teeth, constantly showing it to everyone. Such workers do not stay in any company for long.

"Conformism". A person agrees with everything that is told to him and what is required of him. Such people do not have their own opinion and do not care too much about the affairs of the company, remaining passive in many situations. They can be good workers, but first of all they are performers who do not show the initiative that is valuable today.

"Mimicry". While outwardly agreeing with the norms and requirements of the organization, a person actually internally does not accept them. As a rule, such people are potential defectors to other organizations as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

"Adaptive Individualism".(Most productive). By demonstrating this type of inclusion, a person successfully adapts to the requirements of the new organization, but at the same time can openly express his disagreement and allow himself to criticize what he does not like. As a rule, these are very strong professionals who are passionate about the cause and cannot indifferently see what is being done poorly in the area in which they are well versed.

Task 17. Reflection of professional potential based on self-analysis of possibilities.

In the book of the American researcher Max Egger, “A Brilliant Career,” a list of questions was published to study your possibilities in building a career. Try to answer these questions reasonably.

Sketches of milestones in life's journey.

    How would I like to use my life and what would I like to achieve?

    What are my specific career goals: for this month, for this year, for this decade?

    How to stand out in a better way during a meeting: for today, this month, this year?

    What are my intended career milestones and when should I achieve them?

    Are my goals measurable and divisible into milestones?

    Is it possible to set realistic time frames to achieve my goals?

    What newspapers and magazines do I need to achieve my career goals?

Mapping out the milestones of your life's journey is associated with the task of strategic life planning. Experience shows that organizations and individual employees that do not have strategic planning skills have much worse performance compared to those that do have such planning. The same can be said about an individual person.

Identification of the point of best application of forces.

    In what situations do I succeed?


    What growth opportunities are there in my job?

What have I achieved success in today and why?

What should you give up in the interests of your career, and why?

A career must be built on a military principle - delivering the main blow, for which all forces are gathered at one point.

    Self-analysis and self-motivation.

    What is my most important motivator?

    How will I reward myself for diligence and success?

    How can I improve my work?

    What skills will I need in my future job?

    What personal qualities help and hinder me in my work?

    What did I learn useful today that will help me work better tomorrow?

What should I do to maintain my professional level: this week, this month, this year?

Without maintaining self-motivation at a high level, career growth will periodically fizzle out. Without proper steam pressure in the boiler, the locomotive will not move forward. Therefore, regular replenishment is needed.

    Study of the immediate superior.

    How did my boss and my boss’s boss get their jobs?

    What does my boss like and dislike about the way I work?

    How can I help my boss succeed?

    What does my boss read in his specialty and should I read the same?

    What strengths and weaknesses does my boss have? How can I use them?

Can I influence my boss in any way?

A good boss at work is like a good father at home. It is better to have a good boss in a bad organization than a bad boss in a good one. A good boss grows himself and encourages the growth of his subordinates.

    What is the culture of my organization and how do I fit in?

    Who is the leader in our organization and how am I different from him?

    How do people here get promoted?

    Who has real power in our organization?

    What is the classic path to advancement to the position I'm interested in in this field of work, in this organization?

    Who in the organization has significant influence on important decisions?

    Which organizations are the flagships of our industry and how can I get into them?

    How can I get management to notice my achievements?

    What are the criteria for success at work: for the organization, for my boss, for me?

    How is job success measured and ranked by me, my boss, in our organization?

    How can I gain greater confidence in myself, in my work, in my boss, in the results of my own work, in my organization?

Creating a network of connections and acquaintances.

    How can I maintain useful contacts so that they help my activities?

    What do I do or read that might be helpful to those I include in my network?

    Who do I have a relationship with and how can I improve it?

    Who would I like to establish contacts with and how can I achieve this with the help of colleagues and acquaintances?

    Which contacts will benefit me most in my career development?

Dating and connections are the ropes that can lift you to the heights of success. This is the same time and money that helps professional growth. You need to work on developing the dating sphere and maintaining it in the same way as on your professional skills, if not more.


1. The social community with which an individual relates himself as with a certain standard is ... a group.

a) formal;

b) conditional;

c) referential;

d) real.

2. A person’s conscious compliance with the opinion of the majority of the group, changing his behavior under the influence of the group in order to avoid conflict with it is...

a) suggestibility;

b) conformism;

c) non-conformism.

3. According to importance for the individual, groups are distinguished:

a) real and conditional;

b) formal and informal;

c) referential and non-referential.

4. Conformism is:

a) a negative attitude towards someone;

b) submission to the influence of another person;

c) a positive attitude towards something;

d) subordination of a person to group pressure.

5. What leadership style corresponds to the directive method of leadership?

b) democratic;

c) liberal.

6. What leadership style corresponds to the collegial method of leadership?

b) democratic;

c) liberal.

7. Formal and informal groups are divided according to classification:

a) by the nature of the activity;

b) by type of ownership;

c) by the nature of internal connections;

d) by status.

8. The informal structure of the team is not affected by:

a) communication;

b) identification;

c) adaptation;

d) integration;

d) subordination.

9. What type of relationship is characterized by distancing from each other in the absence of both cooperation and competition?

a) friendly cooperation;

b) friendly competition;

c) non-interference;

d) cooperation of antagonists;

d) rivalry.

10. What type of relationship is characterized by an individual goal orientation, even in conditions of joint work based on general mutual trust?

a) friendly cooperation;

b) friendly competition;

c) non-interference;

d) cooperation between antagonists.


A number of social and legal factors currently operating in Russia, as a rule, do not allow persons with a bachelor's degree to obtain a decent job in business and in the public service in various fields of activity. Therefore, students who have received a bachelor's degree try to continue their specialized training in a master's program. It should be noted that if a few years ago, mostly students who planned to enroll in graduate school entered the master's program, now the main motive for enrolling in the master's program is that a bachelor's degree today is not perceived by the majority of Russian employers as a higher education diploma. education. However, even after completing a master’s degree, successful work in production, postgraduate studies and further work in “technical” departments requires engineering experience and knowledge. The article presents a technology for assessing the potential of bachelor's degree graduates, which can be used both to solve the problems of career guidance for bachelor's degree graduates and the problems of competitive selection for master's programs.

Information Systems

research potential

master's degree

1. Berestneva E.V. The main tasks of the university stage of career guidance for students // Modern problems of science and education. – 2014. – No. 6.

2. Berestneva O.G., Marukhina O.V. Methods of multidimensional data analysis in problems of assessing the quality of education // Radioelectronics, informatics, management. – 2002. – No. 1. – P. 15–19.

3. Bordovskaya N.V., Kostromina S.V., Potential and real readiness of a student for research // Higher education in Russia. – 2010. – P. 125–133.

4. Choice of alternatives in the formation of a bachelor’s educational trajectory / O.V. Marukhina, E.E. Mokina, O.G. Berestneva // Level training of specialists: state and international standards of engineering education: collection of proceedings of the scientific and methodological conference, March 26–30, 2013, Tomsk. – Tomsk: TPU Publishing House, 2013.

5. Information technologies for assessing the competence of IT specialists / O.G. Berestneva, G.E. Shevelev, L.V. Massel, S.V. Bakhvalov, D.O. Shcherbakov. – Tomsk: Tomsk Polytechnic University Publishing House, 2012. – 188 p.

6. Marukhina O.V., Berestneva O.G. Analysis and processing of information in the tasks of assessing the quality of teaching of university students // News of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. – 2004. – T. 307. – No. 4. – P. 136–141.

7. Marukhina O.V., Berestneva O.G. A systematic approach to assessing the quality of higher education // Open Education. – 2002. – No. 3. – P. 38–42.

8. Kostromina S.N. Psychological factors of self-organization academic activity of students // Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives. – 2012. – Vol. 10 (No. 2). – R. 187–196.

9. Zharkova O.S., Berestneva O.G., Moiseenko A.V., Marukhina O.V. Psychological Computer Testing Based on Multitest Portal // World Applied Sciences Journal. – 2013 – No. 24. – P. 220–224.

In 2010, changes were made to the federal state educational standards for higher professional education. Thus, in accordance with paragraph 5.2.7 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2010 No. 337 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 21, Art. 2603; No. 26, Art. ... 1110) approved changes are being made to the federal state educational standards of higher professional education in areas of training, confirmed by the assignment of the qualification (degree) “master” to individuals and, along with the qualification (degree) “master”, the special title “master engineer” is awarded.

A master's engineer is a specialist with a creative approach to work; he must have a master's degree and study for at least six years, and maybe more. He does not have to become a research scientist at all: only 10% of masters continue their scientific career. Thus, master's programs should also be focused on the needs of employers.

In the need to adapt education to the existing demands of the labor market, one more important trend can be identified, which is directly related to career guidance: in modern working conditions, it is not a person’s knowledge (which becomes obsolete faster and faster), but his potential and ability to learn that is becoming increasingly important. It is this potential that most employers are “hunting” for, focusing their attention on modern students. A competency-based approach to assessing young specialists is becoming important. This approach allows us to determine a person’s potential, the direction of this potential, the most pronounced competencies and the scope of their most effective labor application. The optimality of this approach is also justified by the fact that graduates are difficult to evaluate based on professional work experience (since not everyone has it), so the only thing their real value can be is their potential. And it is the potential that is most interesting for modern employers.

For successful master's studies, along with a conscious choice of the master's training profile, the student's potential readiness for research activity is important.

In order to successfully solve research problems, it is necessary to have a certain internal resource - motivation and abilities. Candidates for master's programs face two main questions:

1. Do applicants to master’s programs have not only special scientific knowledge and skills, but also the necessary psychological resources to be successful researchers or initiate innovations in their professional activities?

2. What is the measure of its implementation, and first of all, for master’s students, who, as part of the transition of all Russian universities to a multi-level system of professional education, are purposefully beginning to prepare for research activities?

The process of reforming the scientific personnel training system is characterized by the importance of answering these questions, since undergraduates are motivated not only by cognitive needs and interest in scientific work.

The concept of “research potential” (IP) was introduced in N.V. Bordovskaya and S.V. Kostromina and is new for pedagogical science and practice. There is no generally accepted definition of this concept today. We understand the research potential of students as an integral characteristic of a student’s internal resources and acquired in the process of education, sufficient for him to master the requirements for research activity and its successful independent implementation. To study the potential readiness of students for independent research activities, the author’s methodology “NIP” was used (N.V. Bordovskaya, S.N. Kostromina, S.I. Rozum, N.L. Moskvicheva, N.N. Iskra).

Analysis of the results of this experimental study allowed the authors to draw the following conclusion that undergraduates cope at a fairly high level with the mandatory types of research activities provided for by the standard and curriculum (writing coursework, theses, working on a master's thesis). However, for some reason the majority do not go further than this, i.e. do not participate in scientific conferences, research projects, or have scientific publications. In fact, the obtained result aggravates the problem of selection for master's programs, which is now based exclusively on the “knowledge” paradigm.

Thus, with a high degree of probability we can talk about the dependence of the level of realization of the research potential of undergraduates on their attitude to time (time perspective), emotionality (level of tension, dissatisfaction), originality (uniqueness of the ideas put forward), and a sense of self-worth. Each of these characteristics is important to ensure a high level of involvement in scientific research and productivity in communicating the results obtained to the scientific community.

Assessing the level of research potential in relation to the level of education made it possible to identify the heterogeneity in the development of components of research potential at different levels of education.

Potential assessment methods

Professional potential refers to the level of student mastery of professional competencies. Let's define professional competence as the knowledge, abilities, skills and personal abilities necessary to solve work problems and to obtain the necessary work results. Due to the widespread use of the competency-based approach in educational programs for all areas of master's training, there is a list of professional competencies that the student must master during the learning process.

The personal potential of a candidate for a master's degree is determined by the presence of professionally significant personal qualities for the chosen area of ​​master's training. The results of psychological testing, expert assessment and self-assessment can be used as tools for assessing personal potential.

The research potential of students is understood as an integral characteristic of the student’s internal resources and acquired in the process of education, sufficient for him to master the requirements for research activity and its successful independent implementation.

To assess research potential, special methods can be used (N.V. Bordovskaya and S.N. Kostromina), indicators of scientific activity (participation in conferences and research competitions, scientific publications, participation in real scientific projects), tests of cognitive abilities, expert assessment and self-esteem.

The potential assessment technology is presented in the figure as a diagram.

Thus, the main methods used to assess potential are psychological testing, expert assessment and questioning. Depending on the direction of the educational trajectory, in the scientific or engineering field, it is necessary to pay attention to the corresponding positions.

Using these technologies, individual characteristics of professional, personal and research potential can be measured. However, the problem of forming a generalized assessment of potential arises. To form a generalized assessment of potential, a voting method was chosen, described in detail in.

Let for each class with ⊂Y a set of logical patterns (rules) specializing in distinguishing objects of this class:

It is believed that if , then the rule assigns the object x ⊂X to the class c. If, however, that rule refrains from classifying the object x.

and assigns object x to the class for which the largest share of votes was cast: .

If the maximum is reached simultaneously on several classes, the one for which the cost of error is lower is selected.

A normalizing factor is introduced to prevent sets with a large number of rules from dragging objects into their class.

Methods for assessing student potential

It is customary to normalize the weights to one: for all with ⊂Y. Therefore, the function Γc(x) is also called a convex combination of rules. Obviously, simple voting is a partial case of weighted voting, where all weights are the same and equal.

In our case, the areas of master's training at the Institute of Cybernetics of Tomsk Polytechnic University are considered as classes. So, for example, when determining personal potential, the same set of personal qualities is used, but for each direction the contribution of this quality to personal potential (weights) will be different. Together with experts in the subject area, a table of scales for determining personal potential was developed for all areas of master's degree programs in IC. The results of assessing personal potential are subsequently used to form a conclusion about the degree of correspondence of the personal qualities of a bachelor's degree graduate to the areas of master's training at the Institute of Cybernetics.

Data for analyzing achievements in the scientific and educational fields can be obtained from the university’s unified information environment (EIS), and for assessing personal orientations and socio-psychological qualities - the MultiTest portal, as well as the information system for assessing the achievements of students of Tomsk Polytechnic University “Flamingo”, which contains data on the scientific and educational achievements of students and generates ratings of their scientific and educational activity.


The presented technology makes it possible to identify students with high potential (primarily research potential) from the moment they enter the university and track their activity throughout the entire learning process, from undergraduate to postgraduate study, which is undoubtedly relevant in the context of the transition to a three-level educational training system in the higher education system.


Romanenko S.V., Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Head. Department of Ecology and Life Safety, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk;

Fokin V.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Medical and Biological Cybernetics, Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk.

Bibliographic link

Berestneva E.V. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR ASSESSING STUDENTS' POTENTIAL // Fundamental Research. – 2015. – No. 8-3. – P. 458-461;
URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

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NOT. Stenyakova, O.V. Kudryashova

At present, despite the modernization of higher professional education in Russia, the main problem has been and remains the preparation of highly qualified specialists. At the same time, an important question is how to structure the educational process so that as a result of professional training we receive a competitive specialist who is ready to solve professional problems in dynamically changing conditions.

A change in attitude towards higher education leads to a change in the content of professional training for students at a university. An educational psychologist is a practice-oriented specialty, and the existing school education system requires an experienced psychologist from a university who is capable of solving professional problems and who knows the specifics of the educational environment and educational relations in general. Therefore, the preparation of a practicing psychologist for educational institutions is one of the most important issues of today, because it is during the period of study at a university that a psychologist becomes a specialist.

Analysis of existing research in the theory and practice of vocational education comes down to the following set of approaches to the professional training of specialists: axiological (Z.I. Ravkin, V.A. Slastenin, etc.), acmeological (A.A. Bodalev, A.A. Derkach and etc.); competence-based (V.I. Bidenko, E.F. Zeer, I.A. Zimnyaya, D.E. Ivanov, A.V. Khutorskoy, V.D. Shadrikov, etc.), contextual (A.A. Verbitsky, V.V. Serikov); personal-activity (B.G. Ananyev, A.N. Leontiev, A.V. Petrovsky, etc.), professional (N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Slastenin, etc.), systemic (V.G. Afanasyev, I.V. Blauberg, G.P. Shchedrovitsky, E.G. Yudin, etc.), ethnopedagogical (D.I. Latysheva, M.G. Taychinov, R.Z. Khairullin, etc.).

In turn, the practice of providing psychological assistance requires not only special knowledge and skills from a specialist, but also the possession of certain personal qualities. Both foreign and domestic psychologists (D. Kottler, J. Bugental, I. Yalom, etc.) refer to the fact that it is the personal characteristics of the educational psychologist (such as empathy, care, tolerance and others) that contribute to success in activities to a greater extent than mastery of technology. Therefore, the presence and implementation of certain personal characteristics for a practicing psychologist is a matter of professional success. In this regard, both the professional development of a student at the stage of studying at a university and his personal development are important.

In this regard, A.K. Markova, discussing the “model of a specialist”, distinguishes the “model of a specialist’s activity” and the “model of a specialist’s personality”. But at the same time, the “personality model of a specialist” itself is often defined as “the set of his (the specialist’s) qualities that ensure the successful completion of tasks arising in the production sphere, as well as the self-training and self-development of the employee.” Although it is known that personality is not just a “totality” or a set of qualities.

E.F. Zeer, discussing the professional development of an individual, speaks of this as “a process of progressive personality change under the influence of social influences, professional activity and personal activity aimed at self-improvement and self-realization” and emphasizes that “formation necessarily presupposes the need for development, possibility and reality her satisfaction." This understanding of the formation of the personal component of a specialist’s activity covers some essential points (“self-improvement”, “self-realization”, “own activity” and “need for development”), but the very mechanism of such formation remains unclear. At the same time, E.F. himself Zeer writes that today “the concept of professional personality development in psychology has not yet taken hold.”

L.M. Mitina identifies two models of personality development in professional activity: an adaptive model, which reflects the development of a specialist who is a bearer of professional knowledge, skills and experience; a model of professional development that characterizes a professional who is proficient in professional activities as a whole, capable of self-design and self-improvement. At the same time, the driving forces of specialist development are the contradictions between the increasingly complex requirements of professional work and individual style, experience and abilities. The experience of the contradiction between “I am the active” and “I am the reflected” encourages the individual to search for new ways of self-realization.

I.V. Dubrovina considers three successive and interacting stages of entry into a profession: the stage of pre-professional training, the stage of basic vocational education, the stage of postgraduate vocational education, which differ in the context of the general values ​​and goals of the professional activity itself. At each stage, the professional development of a specialist occurs: at the first stage, career guidance, that is, the development among schoolchildren of interest in psychological knowledge and professional orientation, as well as the formation of ideas about their future profession; at the second stage - the foundation of the professional culture of a practical educational psychologist, that is, the actual professional preparation of the student for work in the specialty; on the third - further development of professional self-determination of a practical psychologist.

Based on the above, the scientific works of domestic psychologists reflect the main problem - how to structure the learning process at a university so that the student is ready for the professional activity of a practicing psychologist. And here we are faced with several difficulties in training psychologists: firstly, the specialist’s lack of a systematic vision of the psychological and pedagogical reality in which the future practicing psychologist will have to work; secondly, most often senior psychology students do not have professional plans regarding their future activities and ways of implementing them. Consequently, the university curriculum should provide for the development of students’ professional development, which is a long and multifaceted process that occurs throughout a person’s life, but it is university education that is responsible for the seriousness, awareness and semantic value of the student’s readiness for real professional activity.

In our research, in determining the professional training of future educational psychologists, we rely on the professiographic approach, the essence of which is revealed through studying the professional activities of a specialist and is expressed in the concept of “professiogram” - “... an overview, a special description of the profession. Professionograms compiled for the purpose of career guidance acquaint readers not only with what a particular specialist does, how, with what tools and means he works, but also with what personal qualities are required of him.”

According to Yu.K. Chernova’s professional program can highlight the following modules.

1. Personal module, which includes the level of development of general culture, civic position, social norms and values, and pedagogical position.

2. Subject-technological module, consisting of subject-knowledge competence, pedagogical competence, subject-methodological competence and technological competence.

3. Psychological and pedagogical module, which includes psychological and pedagogical competence, analytical and diagnostic competence, communicative and organizational skills and reflection.

A high professional level of training of a future specialist is not only unconditional knowledge of psychology and impeccable mastery of a wide variety of psychological techniques, methods and other means, but also a developed mind, general and psychological culture, since at present there is an increasing expansion of the boundaries of the activities of an educational psychologist, then There is an important personal module when preparing a specialist in the educational environment of a university.

The specifics of the practice-oriented specialty of a teacher-psychologist also leaves an imprint on the process of preparing a specialist, that is, the learning process must be structured in such a way as to form in the future specialist the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, and ultimately - to form a holistic picture for the student professional activity.

In accordance with this approach, personal potential, which we define as a system of internal resources of the student’s personality and external conditions for their manifestation, which is expressed in educational and professional activities aimed at obtaining socially significant results (positive achievements in the professional development of the individual), is a component of the personal module of the professiogram .

Based on the works of V.N. Markov about the theory of human potential from the point of view of the hierarchy of potentials, the “laws” of the functioning of potential, the limitations in its implementation, as well as the “patterns” of its development, we reveal the personal potential of students of future educational psychologists in this way: revealing the essence of the professional-personal through the projection of requirements activity on the sphere of personal resources of the subject of professional activity and the personal and professional potential of a person through the projection of personal resources on the sphere of requirements of a specific professional environment (according to V.N. Markov), allows us to take a more accurate look at the personal potential of students in the process of their professional training at a university.

By revealing the structure of a student’s personal potential through the above-mentioned components, both the requirements of a specific type of activity, in our case a teacher-psychologist, and the capabilities (resources) of a particular student are taken into account.

Considering potential as an opportunity, we note that often opportunities are not realized in reality, and the educational environment of the university is designed to create conditions for the maximum development of the personal potential of each student.

In order to reveal personal potential in the process of their professional training, it is necessary to use the following methods:

CASESTUDY method, or case method: the advantage of this method is that the creation of a problem situation based on facts from real life, the resolution of which contributes to the development of analytical thinking and professional reflection, communication skills, the formation of internal motivation (search for additional information), and also this unique training in solving non-standard, unstructured problems;

training as immersing students in an atmosphere of safety and acceptance, and learning in this space their personal characteristics, abilities and potential;

a personality-oriented approach to learning ensures the disclosure of the abilities and capabilities of each student, that is, space is created for the individual trajectory of the student’s professional development in the educational environment of the university.

Thus, the effectiveness of professional training of future educational psychologists, in our opinion, depends on the extent to which the personal potential of each student was revealed in the process of studying at a university, which contributes to the formation of readiness for real professional activity.


personality professiogram training zeer

1. Markova A.K. Psychology of professionalism. M., 1996.

2. Markov V.N., Sinyagin Yu.V. Professional development of pedagogical university students: Textbook. Syktyvkar, 2003.

3. Chernova Yu.K. Professional culture and the formation of its components in the learning process. M.; Tolyatti, 2000.

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Abstract of the dissertation on this topic ""

Gaponova Galina Ivanovna

As a manuscript



13 00 08 - theory and methodology of vocational education

Krasnodar 2007

The work was carried out at the Department of Social Work, Psychology and Pedagogy of Higher Education of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kuban State University"

Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Vasilovsky Vladimir Ignatievich

Official opponents Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Sazhina Natalya Mikhailovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Ignatova Valentina Vladimirovna

The leading organization of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Shuisky State

Pedagogical University"

The defense will take place on May 26, 2007 at 10 a.m. at a meeting of the dissertation council D 212 101 06 at Kuban State University at 350 040, Krasnodar, Stavropolskaya St., 149.

The dissertation can be found in the scientific library of Kuban State University

Scientific secretary of the dissertation council

A N Kimberg

general description of work

Relevance of the problem. Modern educational concepts place emphasis on the development of personal qualities of students who implement the social order “to be an individual.” Psychological and pedagogical research has created the prerequisites for vocational education, the purpose of which is the development of the individual, the realization of its potential in the process of vocational training. The requirements for professional training have increased interest scientists to the problem of professionalism and studying the personal potential of students

The development of the personal, professional and creative potential of students was carried out by E E Adakin, O A Blokha, V. V. Ignatova, MI Ridnyak, E. M. Razin-kina, V. I. Slivkin, I. E. Yarmakeev, the peculiarities of the organization of the pedagogical process in the formation of students’ need for self-development of physical potential - L Yu Averina, L A Popova, M M Telemtaev, integrative processes of formation of professionalism of students - L D Deulina, A K. Kozybay, problems of competence as a component of professionalism - A L Fatykhova, V I Shapovalov, etc.

For pedagogical understanding and clarification of the subject field of the problem, a significant place is played by the work of scientists in the field of interdisciplinary research on the acmeological foundations of professional development (A A Bodalev, A A Derkach, V G. Zazykin, N V Kuzmina, L A Rudkevich, A K Markova, V N Markov), on the role of the teacher’s personal and professional position in the development of students’ subjective potentials (V P Bederkhanova, I F Berezhnaya, A V Beloshitsky, N M Borytko, A K Osnitsky), on the importance of the educational environment in which the development of personal potential occurs student (I F Ametov, LD Berezhnova, GB Gorskaya)

The process of professional development of an individual at the stage of studying at a university is considered from different positions in the context of the specifics of student age as an important stage of personal development (K A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, B G Ananyev, A A Verbitsky, S G Vershlovsky, L N Granovskaya, V G Lisovsky , L I Ruvinsky, etc.), identifying the essence of the stages and determining factors in the formation of a specialist as a subject of activity (L I Antsifirova, E F Zeer, E A Klimov, A K Markova, L M Mitina, O V Kuzminkova), studying the development of professional self-awareness as the central line of the process of becoming a professional (V N Koziev, T L Mironova, L M Mitina, A I Shuteiko, etc.), the role of abilities, interests, motives, individual personal characteristics of the formation of professionally important qualities of a specialist (A G Asmolov, F N Gonobolin, E A Klimov, N V Kuzmina, L M Mitina, K K Platonov, M I Stankin, B M Teplov, V D Shadrikov).

Issues of professional suitability and professional competence are studied by N. S. Glukhanyuk, S. L. Lenkov, E. Yu. Pryazhnikova, R. X. Tugushev, S. N. Fedotov, L. B. Schneider and others; the criteria of professionalism are studied by M. A. Dmitrieva, S. A. Druzhilov, E. P. Ermolaeva, Yu. P Povarenkov

The formation of professionalism is considered either as the appropriation of experience, i.e. knowledge, skills, abilities, qualities necessary to perform professional activities (E A Klimov, A E Shcherbakov), or as a process

based on the development and self-development of the individual (N S Pryazhnikov, F 3 Kabi-rev), or as a combination of both approaches (N V Kuzmina, I N Semenov, E F Ze-er)

Despite the presence of a large body of research on the problems of professional training, the pedagogical aspect of the formation of student professionalism based on personal potential is not sufficiently studied. There is a need not only to update the role of personal potential at the stage of mastering professionalism, which encourages the development of a model for the realization of personal potential, but also to justify methodological tools that ensure the formation of student professionalism

There is a need to resolve the contradiction between satisfying the leading needs of youth in self-knowledge, updating personal potentials (B G Ananyev, L S Vygotsky, E F Zeer) and the existing educational situation in universities with a socio-economic profile due to the lack of disciplines that carry knowledge of personality psychology, professional pedagogy, career growth, methods of self-development, insufficient development of methods for the formation of professionalism. This led to the choice of the research topic - “Realization of a student’s personal potential in the process of formation of professionalism”

Object of study: formation of professionalism at a university Subject of study: personal potential in the process of formation of professionalism of students

Purpose of the study: to theoretically substantiate, develop and test a model for the realization of personal potential in the process of developing students’ professionalism, to determine the methodology for developing professionalism at a university. Research hypothesis:

Insufficient methodological support of the educational process in the development of a student’s personal potential apparently slows down the process of formation of professionalism

Formation of professionalism of students based on the development of personal potential has the prospect of success if

The process of vocational education is based on the development of personal and professional independence,

Pedagogical technologies and methods are being improved that form professionalism through solving professional problems,

Includes a methodology for the formation of professionalism with a program for training students through a special course on the development of personal potential,

The educational work of the university is aimed at developing professionalism based on the development of personal potential

Research objectives: 1 Analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature and summarize theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of professionalism 2. Determine the essence of the basic concepts of the study, identify the role of personal potential in the formation of professionalism 3 Give a theoretical justification for the model of realization of personal potential and test it in experimental work

4 Develop and test a methodology for developing professionalism based on the development of personal potential and the success of solving professional problems

The methodological and theoretical basis of the study is

humanistic and anthropological approaches to the knowledge of pedagogical phenomena, general methodological approaches, systemic, complex, subjective, fundamental principles of personality development based on the theory of L. S. Vygotsky, general methodological principles of the unity of consciousness and activity

The study is based on the methodological principles of a systematic approach in pedagogy (V. I. Zagvyazinsky, N. V. Kuzmina, V. V. Kraevsky), the principles of philosophy and psychology about human potential (B. G. Ananyev, L. S. Vygotsky, M. S. Kagan, I. T. Frolov, B. G Yudin), psychological and pedagogical theories of vocational education (E F. Zeer, E A Klimov)

The concepts of professional development of personality by K A Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, B G Ananyeva, A G Asmolov, A A Bodaleva, Yu M Zabrodina, E F. Zeera, E A Klimova, TV Kudryavtseva, B F Lomova, were adopted as a theoretical basis. V Ya Lyaudis, A K Markova, A Maslow, N N Nechaeva, N S Pryazhnikova, J Supera, V D Shadrikova, J Holland

The study is based on the theoretical positions of the activity approach in vocational education, which addresses the individual experience of students, their needs for self-organization and self-development, which contributes to the development of personal potential (E.F. Zeer, V.V. Serikov, I.S. Yakimanskaya), a subjective approach that allows one to study a person as a subject of his own life from the position of independence (K A Abulkhanova - Spavskaya, B G. Ananyev, A V Brushlinsky, V V Znakov, S L Rubinstein, 3 I Ryabikina), an interdisciplinary acmeological approach that clarifies the understanding of a person in the dynamics of his self-improvement, self-determination in various areas of self-realization (A A Bodalev, A. A. Derkach, N V Kuzmina), potential-oriented approach (E E Adakin, N V Martishina, I E Yarmakeev)

Research methods. Theoretical, analysis of scientific literature, pedagogical experience, design of results at different stages of research work, empirical observation, questioning, conversation, testing of motivation using the methodology of T I Ilyina, methods of studying the motives of educational activity of students by A A Rean and V A Yakunin, self-assessment of mental states G Eysenck, Yu M Orlov’s methodology “The need for achievement”, A A Yarulov’s, A K Markova’s methodology for diagnosing mastery of pedagogical skills, experimental pedagogical experiment, methods of quantitative (non-parametric statistical criteria, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney inversion criterion) and qualitative analysis of experimental data, mathematical and statistical data processing. Base and stages of research.

The experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Kuban Socio-Economic Institute, students from the faculties of economics, law, engineering, socio-cultural services and tourism took part in it. Teachers from the Kuban Socio-Economic Institute, at the Faculty of Advanced Studies, were involved in the process of empirical research

qualifications and professional retraining of KubSU - teachers of the Kuban College of Culture, Economics and Law, Medical Institute of Higher Nursing Education

The first stage of the study (1997-2001) was a theoretical-search stage, during which the state of the problem was studied, the methodological and theoretical foundations of the study, its parameters were determined, the conceptual apparatus and research methods were clarified

The second stage of the study (2001-2004) - experimental work was carried out, a model for realizing a student’s personal potential was determined and tested, professional training methods were developed to promote the development of personal potential, a special course for students “Personal Potential and Its Development” was tested

The third stage of the study (2004-2006) - analysis of experimental data, systematization of research results and conclusions. Scientific novelty of the research results:

1 The concept of “personal potential” is clarified as the disclosure, acquisition, deployment, development of personal qualities (based on the available resource) in educational and professional activities

2 The role of personal potential as a source, means, base, and condition for the formation of professionalism is substantiated

3 From the standpoint of pedagogical management, which makes it possible to effectively achieve the planned result, a model for the realization of personal potential has been developed, which includes social, psychological, pedagogical, and methodological components. These components embody the unity of social relations, potential capabilities, and activity principles of the individual.

4 The concept of personal and professional independence was introduced as an integrative quality of the individual, the essence of which is the formation of readiness to perform professional actions

5 The typology of tasks (perceptual-mnemonic, productive-heuristic, reflexive) aimed at developing professionalism is specified

6 Game methods have been developed that form a competitive professional: conceptual and terminological game, business game, educational and heuristic dialogue

7 A methodology has been created for developing professionalism based on the development of personal potential and solving professional problems

Theoretical significance of the study

The inclusion of three components (social, psychological-pedagogical, methodological) into the model for realizing personal potential is theoretically justified; their interdependence and interrelation allow the formation of a student’s personal qualities, relationships that are in demand in professional activities,

The concept of professionalism (at the stage of pre-professionalism, when a person studies at a university) is clarified as an acquired ability to successfully solve professional problems with the simultaneous development of personal potential,

Levels of professionalism are substantiated based on the development of skills to solve professional problems: initial, elementary, independent and creative,

The stages of solving a professional problem in the process of forming professionalism are determined: installation, motivation, involvement in activity, self-organized activity, partnership, reflection

The practical significance of the research results lies in the creation and implementation of the author's special course for students on the realization of personal potential, in the development of a collection of educational and professional tasks, game techniques for the formation of professionalism based on personal potential, in the creation of methodological procedures for student self-assessment of their personal qualities that contribute to the formation of professionalism ( questionnaires for assessing the level of manifestation of personal qualities, for a comparative assessment of one’s own properties and reference persons, assessment of the level of expression of personal qualities in the actual and potential state, etc., procedures for student self-assessment of success or failure in solving problems), methodological recommendations for students and teachers on the development of personal potential , which determines the formation of student professionalism

The developed scientific and methodological tools can be used by both students and teachers of universities and colleges

The reliability of the research results is ensured by clear methodological positions, a set of empirical and theoretical methods adequate to the goals and objectives of the study, the use of quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis of factual material, the successful implementation of recommendations in the educational process, comparable positive results in the formation of students’ professionalism based on the development of personal potential obtained by the applicant and other researchers working according to the author’s method

The applicant’s personal contribution to obtaining scientific results is determined by the development of basic theoretical principles, the creation of an original model for the realization of students’ personal potential, the development of scientific and methodological support for the educational process for the formation of students’ professionalism based on the development of personal potential, and independent conduct of experimental work.

The following main provisions are submitted for defense: 1. A model for the realization of personal potential in the process of forming a student’s professionalism, including

Social component, which provides for the creation of a favorable environment for the development and implementation of social, life, cultural, professional experience This component determines the actions of I - for myself, the Other, the Other - for me I - create a favorable environment for my professional development and the Other, the Other - helps to create a favorable environment for my professional development,

Psychological and pedagogical component that forms the ability to engage in professional activities and include the Other, the Other helps me

engage in professional activities, the ability to achieve high results,

A methodological component that provides methodological support for the process of professional development, the search for means, ways, methods of realizing personal potential for the formation of my professionalism and the Other, the Other - helps me realize the opportunities that form professionalism

2 The basis for the formation of professionalism is personal and professional independence, the essence of which lies in the readiness to independently perform professional actions. The core of personal and professional independence is the formation of qualities that make a person competitive, the ability to learn, work in a team, quickly get involved in the work pace, the ability to independently accept decisions, be responsible for these decisions

3 The result of professional readiness is preparation for professional activity - professionalism We consider professionalism as the acquired ability to successfully solve professional problems in the process of developing personal potential

Testing and implementation of research results. The main provisions and results of the research were presented by the author at international conferences (Krasnodar, 2004, Saratov, 2006), at all-Russian conferences (Izhevsk, 1999, Krasnodar, 2003, 2005, Chelyabinsk, 2006), at interregional conferences (Krasnodar, 2005, Pyatigorsk , 2006), at regional ones (Krasnodar, 2000, Krasnodar, 2005, 2006) The main provisions and results of the 2001-2006 study were discussed at meetings of the department of social and humanitarian disciplines of the Kuban Socio-Economic Institute, the department of social work, psychology and pedagogy of higher education Kuban State University The course on the development of personal potential was tested at the Kuban Socio-Economic Institute at the economics and law faculties and included in the curriculum, at the Kuban College of Culture, Economics and Law at the legal department

The program for the formation of professionalism through the development of personal potential and solving professional problems was implemented in the educational process of the Kuban Socio-Economic Institute, the Kuban College of Economics, Culture and Law, the Kuban Socio-Economic College

Structure of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, including 198 sources, 8 appendices, 23 tables, 3 figures

In the first chapter, “General scientific aspects of the formation of professionalism based on personal potential,” an analysis is given of the definitions of “personal potential.”

style", "professionalism", the issues of formation of professionalism are considered, the author's model of the realization of personal potential is substantiated, pedagogical conditions are identified that contribute to the formation of professionalism based on personal potential

Following E A Klimov, we consider professionalism as a property, process, state of a person. However, in our dissertation research we focus on professionalism as a process of professional training. We take into account the ideas of A K Markova about the professionalism of the individual and its stages of adaptation to the profession, self-actualization in it, free mastery of a profession in the form of mastery, E F Zeer, who defines professional development as “a productive process of development and self-development of the individual”; In S. Bezrukova, who believes that “professionalism is determined by the degree of mastery of both the content of work and the means of solving professional problems”

Taking into account what has been done in the study of professionalism by leading scientists and specialists, based on our practical experience and experimental work, we clarify some aspects of the problem of professionalism

Sharing the point of view of E. F. Zeer about such a factor of personal development as time, we consider the professionalism of a student at the stage of pre-professionalism, when a person does not have the full set of qualities of a real professional, undergoes intensive training in the conditions of higher professional education. Professionalism is understood by us as a “process” in which a person, based on the internalization of social and professional norms, stereotypes of professional behavior, taking into account his own potential capabilities, forms a set of personal properties, professional traits that determine his professionalism

The term “potential” is widely used in psychology, pedagogy, philosophy, acmeology and is characterized by the following components: human resources, life potential, personal potential. Potential is considered either in terms of personalization and individualization (B M Bekhterev, P P Blonsky, K D Ushinsky, S T Shatsky , A. Adler, W. McDougall, G. Tarde, etc.), or in connection with the definition of specific private potentials of creative, reflexive, motivational - in the absence of appropriate theoretical interpretations of these definitions. Often the definition of potential is used not as a scientific concept, but as a synonym for words “resources”, “opportunities”, for example, aesthetic potential, economic potential, development potential, scientific potential, etc. In foreign psychology, the works of Rotter (social learning theory) speak of “behavioral potential”, in the works of DE Berlyne - “of potential activation", Hull uses the concept of "reaction potential"

Domestic scientists combine the problem of studying the potential in a person with the study of abilities and motivation (T I Artemyeva, V G Aseev), B G Ananyev explores the reflexive-innovative and creative potential of an adult, methods of its development. Serious research can be noted on the study of the professional potential of personnel Department of Civil Service (A A Derkach, T A Zhavoronkova, V G Zazykin, V N Mar-

kov, Yu V Sinyagin, E G Chirkovskaya and others), V N Markov believes that potential has a systemic quality (it is itself a complex self-developing system and at the same time an element of the social system) Valuable methods for measuring, for example, moral potential, intellectual, social, developed by L D Kudryashov and A F Kudryashov

Studying the problem of realizing personal potential, the features and patterns of this process, we found out that scientists view the concept of “personal potential” ambiguously. I T Frolov understands personal potential as the ability to be creative, the desire for self-improvement and self-development, D A Leontiev presents personal potential as an integral characteristic personal maturity, which reflects the extent to which a person overcomes “himself”, tasks and circumstances, E F Zeer considers personal potential as resource opportunities for a person’s professional development, his ability to successfully carry out professional activities, based on the nature of work activity, which is “served” by personal potential , V S Bezrukova believes that through professional education, vocational education and training, the personal potential of the future specialist is developed

We have established that what is common to all studies of potential is its characterization as a self-developing system of internal human resources. A personal resource is understood as everything that belongs to it. In the aspect of personal potential, these are character traits, abilities, values, motives, etc.

Based on the theoretical concept of L S Vygotsky, E Erikson about the stages of development as a sequence of sensitive periods, referring to the ideas about personal and professional development of E F Zeer, we came to the conclusion that personal potential changes, transforms, according to age characteristics, is formed due to direction personality to develop potential capabilities specified by age boundaries

We consider personal potential as a set of internal capabilities, needs, traits and means of achieving a person’s goals, objectives, positively defined, constructively influencing the student’s personal and professional independence

Taking into account the opinion of BG Ananyev, Yu M Zabrodin, N S Pryazhnikov that personal potential is an important factor in professional development, we believe it is necessary to expand the idea of ​​professionalism as a developing ability and orientation (aspiration) of the individual to discover and use potential opportunities in the formation of professionalism

The unit of professional activity, according to N. V. Bordovskaya, A. K. Markova, A. A. Rean, S. L. Rubinstein, G. S. Sukhobskaya and others, is a professional task. Agreeing with this idea, we clarify that a student’s professionalism can be considered at the stage of professional training at a university as acquired ability to successfully solve professional problems

As a result of studying scientific and methodological literature, our own experience and experimental work, we came to the conclusion that the basis for the formation of professionalism is personal and professional self-

independence as an integrative quality, the essence of which is readiness to perform professional actions

There is no term “personal and professional independence” in dictionaries. There is a phrase “professional independence”, but there is no single interpretation of it. In the modern encyclopedia on pedagogy, professional independence is interpreted as “active and purposeful activity in the practical mastery of a profession” If we proceed from the understanding of the individual as a subject of activity ( A V Brushlinsky, 3 I Ryabikina), then by the degree of manifestation of independence one can judge active or passive self-realization, the criteria of which are behavior, activity, initiative and responsibility. In this aspect, it is appropriate to talk about the formation of the student’s personal and professional independence, since in its structure responsibility dominates, which allows the individual to strive for self-understanding and the formation of professionalism through the realization of his personal potential

Personal and professional independence, including a personal component, allows you to develop the student’s emotional sphere, emotional, personal, moral attitude towards interactions with Others in the study group when performing professional tasks that can be gaming or educational in nature.

The process of forming professionalism requires building a model for realizing personal potential.

The model we have developed for realizing a student’s personal potential from the perspective of pedagogical management includes three components

The social component involves the development of the ability to master social experience, socialization and adaptation to the professional and social environment, the ability to navigate and interact with different people, the highest level of this interaction is cooperation

In the process of realizing his potential, a person acts as a subject of activity, communication, manages the life situation, creating his own versions of behavior and communication scenarios. In the process of social interaction, when a person realizes his potential, when choosing methods of relationship, one can determine the essence of the interaction I-for myself (exterior- rization of one’s own version), I-for Others (interacting with Others) - development of one’s own personality occurs, Others - for me (creation of a “significant situation” (V N Myasishchev), a favorable environment for development)

The psychological and pedagogical component manifests itself as the ability and readiness to know oneself, to study, requires the formation of motives that set the direction for professional activity, the ability to get involved in activities oneself and to include others, the desire to achieve high results in professional activity, forms personal quality - desire and ability self-educate, independence

The methodological component requires a search for means and methods for an individual to realize their capabilities (potentials), skills, to independently master new knowledge and actions, to develop professionally, and includes methodological support for the effective solution of professional problems based on personal potential [Figure 1]

Model for realizing a student’s personal potential

Social component

Psychological and pedagogical

Social adaptation Communication skills

Creating a favorable environment for the professional development of oneself and others

Tolerance Cooperation


Ability to learn

Inclusion in the activities of oneself and others





Ability to plan activities

Ability to organize and streamline your work and others



Ability to achieve results, to be successful Ability to self-development

Fig 1 - Model for realizing a student’s personal potential The social component contributes to the development of the social and communicative qualities of the individual necessary for the realization of his potentials, the psychological and pedagogical component involves the development of the individual’s ability for self-improvement, self-development in the conditions of vocational training, the methodological component provides for the mastery of methodological tools for professional training

The realization of the components of personal potential is facilitated by the step-by-step formation of the student’s professionalism

By formation we mean a change in characteristics demanded by the development situation, society, the person himself, which are not yet in the personal structure, or exist, but need to be supplemented

We identify five steps in the formation of professionalism. The first is the determination by the strategy of the educational process of the university of a system of pedagogical priorities for the development of personal potential, focused on the formation of the student’s professionalism. The second is the determination of the structural components of the model for the realization of personal potential and personality traits, allowing to center the subject content implemented by the educational disciplines of the university. As a result, the substantive characteristics of the designed model are specified. The third is through the components of the model for the implementation of personal

potential, the logical and substantive basis of the stages of formation of professionalism is set. Fourth - a model representation of the realization of personal potential, which allows us to systematize pedagogical means, methods and techniques, forms of training and education. Fifth - the definition of pedagogical technologies through which the process of forming a student’s professionalism is included.

In the second chapter, “Experimental work on the realization of personal potential based on the methodology for developing professionalism of students,” the role of personal potential is substantiated based on the methodology for developing student professionalism, the experience of introducing the model of personal potential is described experimentally through solving professional problems, game and non-game means on Based on the development of personal potential, the characteristics of the formation of personal and professional independence are considered, the methodology that forms the foundations of professionalism is substantiated

The experimental work included a number of preparatory stages, at which diagnostic procedures were carried out that determined the level of readiness of the subjects of the educational process to study and understand the role of personal potential in vocational education, the main stage, which included all subjects (students and teachers) in educational and professional activities in academic disciplines and the special course developed by the author “Personal Potential and Its Development”, a program for improving psychological and pedagogical qualifications for beginning teachers based on enhancing the role of personal potential in the professional development of a student, the final systematization of methodological procedures and evaluation of their effectiveness

In the experimental part, the formation of professionalism was considered through the success of solving the educational and professional situation. According to S D Smirnov, this is “an organized system of variables of the educational process, which includes the goal, content, activity, the core of which is the interactions, relationships and communication of the teacher with students and students with each other with a friend” We proceed from this position, determining the directions for studying professionalism through the development of personal potential (personality characteristics, motivation, professionalism of teachers, pedagogical technologies that develop professionalism)

When conducting the research at the preparatory stage, we took into account the personal characteristics of students, interests, motives, values, continuity of work to activate the motives of self-knowledge and self-development aimed at revealing personal potential, the interaction of subjects of the educational process to update the resources of vocational education

The experimental work was carried out in a project mode and began with studying the role of personal potential, its significance and place in the formation of professionalism of students at the stage of university education. For this purpose, first-year students of KSEI were offered the author’s questionnaire to determine the level of knowledge about

personal potential and self-esteem of the ability to develop personal potential

Processing of the results obtained revealed the following picture: 48% of the respondents show a low level of ideas about personal characteristics, do not have knowledge about potential, 36% - an average level of ideas about their potential, 16% - a high level (they know, strive, are familiar with the means of development potential) Then the motivation for the development of personal potential was studied using the methodology of A A Rean, V A Yakunin. The dominant motives among second-year students of KSEI turned out to be

a) the desire to become a highly qualified specialist, to ensure the success of future professional activities - 63% (profession-oriented motive), b) the desire to obtain deep and lasting knowledge - 69% (cognitive motive, aimed at knowledge), c) the desire to independently expand knowledge - 32% (motive that activates independence), d) desire for self-knowledge, self-education - 42% (motive aimed at developing personal potential)

Analysis of the motivational sphere allowed us to determine that students have sufficient motivational potential, which can be updated under certain pedagogical conditions

Using content analysis, obstacles in the development of personal potential, named by students, were clarified. They were classified into groups: a) poor understanding of potential, characteristics of personal development (lack of knowledge in this area), b) lack of knowledge and skills in mastering the means of self-development (how to do it ), c) negative or indifferent attitude towards the process of self-education and self-development, d) lack of support from teachers in the development of personal potential

The preparatory stage of the experimental work allowed us to draw a conclusion about how students imagine the role of personal potential in professional and personal development at the cognitive, motivational, emotional and evaluative level

At the main stage of experimental work - the formation of professionalism through the development of personal qualities - the student is an active subject of the educational process

This stage showed that for the successful formation of professionalism, a special course is needed on the development of personal potential, which would allow one to understand and accept the values ​​of potentials, it is necessary to develop a methodology for organizing the educational and professional activities of students, it is necessary to activate the personal, reflective position of students in learning to solve professional problems

The special course we developed “Personal Potential and Its Development” was tested at the economic and law faculties of the Kuban Socio-Economic Institute. The special course included participation in self-research, projects, creative work, expression of “I-positions” during classes, drawing up one’s own psychological portrait, development of ability in self-analysis and psychological observation, participation in intellectual

creative events, determining self-esteem through questionnaires, reflection, conversation

An experimental test of the special course showed the feasibility of final educational and creative seminars, at which students share their acquired experience of trial and search actions in solving life problems, situations, the results of mini-research and small experimental work, creative projects of various types (literary texts, fairy tales, stories about oneself , a psychological portrait of a friend, a pedagogical project for a future family), draw up individual plans for the self-development of potential capabilities for the immediate and long-term prospects. The experiment showed that the methodology for developing professionalism requires the inclusion of reflective exercises, which are carried out in each lesson and create an opportunity to express feelings, analyze the work performed, attitude towards oneself and fellow students. These exercises are dominant in the process of professional self-development

The results of the implementation of the special course indicate that inclusion in educational and professional activities helps students realize their own potential capabilities, creates the need to study personal potential qualities, which triggers the processes of goal setting, drawing up a self-development plan, self-control, which leads to self-movement, turning potential into actual for the individual

An important part of the experimental work was the formation of professionalism as an acquired ability to successfully solve professional problems. We have developed methodological procedures that contribute to the successful inclusion of students in solving professional problems and the development of personal and professional independence

Training in solving professional problems is based on updating the student’s personal potential and experience of interaction in the solution process. First, the skills of collective problem solving are acquired, then individual-group and individual, accompanied by discussion, dialogue, and written review

In order for a task to include a student in the solution process, it must arouse interest, activate the technological steps of a professional solution, update and expand knowledge and skills in the disciplines studied, develop professional thinking, and be personally significant

Based on the taxonomy of educational tasks by D. Tolingerova, taking into account the methodological ideas of V. Ya Lyaudis, we have developed a set of professional tasks, consisting of three groups that contribute to the self-regulation of the individual, the development of his potential, and the “building up” of professionalism

The first group includes tasks of perceptual-mnemonic reproduction and simple mental operations aimed at familiarization, modeling actions. The second group includes tasks that perform a productive heuristic function, they are aimed at solving simple and complex professional situations. The third group includes tasks of a reflexive nature that serve to generalize and systematize previous knowledge and experience, contribute to the understanding of professional and personal position Solving a professional problem includes four stages

At the first stage, which we called “attitude, motivation,” the teacher’s actions are aimed at introducing students to the designated problem, creating a motivational basis for inclusion in the activity. Students’ actions involve updating knowledge to solve a problem, turning to personal and other people’s experience. At the same time, students can use various means to solve the problem, attract their knowledge, use life experience, interact with Others

At the second stage - “involvement in activity” - the teacher creates conditions that facilitate the inclusion of students in solving a professional problem. He can instruct and explain, encourage independence, observe, creating an atmosphere of cooperation that encourages students to be independent. Students, being involved in the activity of solving a problem, actualize their personal qualities that help to solve a problem productively; independence, the ability to regulate their emotional states, cooperation and self-development. An educational problem situation promotes an appeal to the internal reserves and capabilities of the student’s personality. If he knows the methodology for developing these qualities, he will be successful and productive in solving a professional problem At this stage, the means of solving the problem can be texts, manuals, reference books

At the third stage, which we called “self-organized activity,” the actual process of solving a professional problem occurs. The teacher observes (students with a high level of independence), supports (students with an average level of independence who need support), helps (students with a low level of independence, low motivation, undeveloped operational skills, poor knowledge) The student can a) independently solve a professional problem, b) with the help, in collective interaction, c) only with the help of Others

The fourth stage is “partnership, reflection” The teacher’s actions are aimed at analyzing the professional task in a situation of mutual partnership, taking into account the subjective position of the participants in the educational process, with the formation of reflective skills The students’ actions are focused on discussing the task Means of implementation can be a written answer, speech, dialogue discussion or completing a task with creativity

Taking into account the theoretical principles of K K Platonov, N V Kuzmina, E A Klimov, we determined the levels of formation of professionalism in solving professional problems and experimentally tested them at the university. It is advisable to talk about four levels

Creative - complete independence in solving a problem with a fixed time, mastery of solution technology, the maximum number of completed operations required by a professional task, responsibility for the productivity of one’s work, non-trivial solutions,

Independent - the task is solved independently, with awareness (the ability to explain) the goal, method of solution. All dominant operations required to complete the task are named, 1-2 non-dominant operations are missing;

Elementary - the problem is solved using some solution methods, seeking help or support from another fellow student, a book, notes, reference book, discussed in interaction with classmates, the required minimum of operations on the task is performed,

Initial - determined by a weak level of personal and professional independence, unformed motive for action, inability to address and actualize one’s personal potential qualities, passivity. The student mainly relies on the help of Others

We compared the results of acquiring the skills to solve professional problems (the number of necessary operations performed for each task was taken into account) in the same groups of students at the beginning and end of the academic year. The results of the initial and control sections are presented in Table 1

Table 1 - Results of solving professional problems

Levels of implementation Initial cut (beginning of the year) Control cut (end of the year)

Creative 6% 11%

Independent 18.5% 55%

Elementary 17.4% 15.3%

Initial 21% 17%

In our experimental work, it was important to determine the set of qualities that form the basis of personal potential, which activates the formation of professionalism. Through numerous tests and checks, 20 qualities were identified that are necessary for a socio-economic specialist. Of these, based on expert assessments, the most significant were five: independence, responsibility, organization, desire for self-education, ability to cooperate

Purposeful work on the development of these qualities really contributed to the formation of professionalism, but market conditions put forward the task of training a competitive specialist. It was necessary to take into account the requirements of employers for a young specialist. Having brought these requirements together, we identified the five most significant mental qualities necessary for a competitive specialist: the ability to learn, work in a team, quickly integrate into the working rhythm of the enterprise, make decisions independently, and bear responsibility for these decisions

Taking into account the emphasis on the mental qualities of the individual, it was necessary to make appropriate changes to the methodology for the formation of professionalism. In particular, active learning methods turned out to be the most successful for preparing a competitive professional

It is impossible to count the number of works devoted to role-playing and business games. However, the inclusion of role-playing and business games separately in the educational process requires a large amount of time, which is not much at the disposal of the teacher. We experimentally tested the possibility and feasibility of combining both games into one. The dissertation describes and the results of two business games “I am a lawyer”, “Conflict Analysis” are analyzed, providing

simultaneous formation of both interpersonal relationships and professionalism through solving production situations

In developing professionalism among students, it is important to create a situation of successful activity through pedagogical means, which contributes to the manifestation of positive emotional states and overcoming difficulties in solving professional problems

We made an attempt to measure this state of students when engaging them in activities. For this purpose, a self-assessment sheet for “success or failure” was developed when learning to solve problems of three levels of difficulty. Students themselves chose the level of difficulty of the task, assessed their state of success from situational tasks to participation in professional activities. role-playing situations that require the ability to embody a role, to tasks that require organizing one’s own activities from independence to creativity

The results of our self-assessment sheet were compared with the methodology of the need to achieve success developed by Yu M Orlov. This contributed to obtaining objective results of achieving success. Situations of success were created throughout the years of students’ education using a variety of psychological and pedagogical means

At the same time, students were trained in reflective exercises to enrich the experience of self-study, autopsychodiagnostic skills, formed favorable interpersonal relationships through collective forms of work, game simulation and non-imitation techniques

Table 2 presents the means and methods that contribute to the realization of personal potential in the formation of professionalism of students from the 1st to the 5th year

Table 2 - Means and methods for realizing the personal potential of KSEI students

Course Pedagogical process focused on the formation of professionalism through the development of students’ personal potential

1st year Special course for students “Learn to Learn”, training on the student’s socio-psychological adaptation to new learning conditions, competition “Best Student”, subject department clubs, Olympiads, a meeting of excellent students at the All-Russian Children’s Center “Orlyonok”, using the potential of disciplines to form independent work skills

2nd year Personal growth training, youth club “My Family”, inclusion in socially significant public activities (patronage of an orphanage in Labinsk), volunteer movement, leadership school, scientific and creative student society “Creativity of the Young”, student newspapers “ Campus", "Tourist Trails", "Rescue Service", a detachment to help the Ministry of Emergency Situations "Rescuer"

3rd year Development of the student’s personality through the potential of academic disciplines of social, humanitarian and special profiles, the formation of professional independence through solving professional problems, training in planning and organizing future professional activities, special course “Personal potential and its development”, a meeting of student activists, a student labor team

4th, Professional tests, research activities of students

5th dents and teachers, implementation of educational and professional projects, educational and practical training, profession fair, presentation of specialties, club of future lawyers_

Theoretical and methodological analysis of literature, experimental work allowed us to specify the methodology for the formation of professionalism through the development of personal potential and solving professional problems

This methodology includes a set of methodological procedures

Creating a situation of success in activities to develop professionalism,

Realization of acquired personal properties in the process of social and educational interaction, creation of a psychological portrait through autopsycho-diagnosis, analysis and discussion of professional and personal problems,

The use of methodological recommendations, which included a set of self-assessment questionnaires and tables with developed criteria and levels of manifestation of various personal qualities that contribute to the formation of professionalism. Independent work with this methodological support stimulates the study of the student’s current and potential capabilities,

Implementation of a program for studying the motives of activity, achieving goals, diagnostics of possession of psychological and pedagogical skills,

Providing the educational process with a complex of methods, tools, pedagogical tools that contribute to the formation of professionalism based on the development of personal potential (solving professional problems, game and non-game techniques, trainings, watching videos with fragments of professional situations and their analysis), joint individual creative activity of the teacher and students ,

Organization of a system of special classes to involve teachers and students in the development of personal potential in the disciplines studied and special courses,

Pedagogical organization of the entire educational process of the university, aimed at developing the professionalism of students through the development of personal potential and solving professional problems

In conclusion, the conclusions and results of the study are presented.

1 The role of personal potential as a source, means, base, and condition for the formation of professionalism is substantiated. Personal potential provides the opportunity for a person’s professional development. Success in this case is determined not so much by the potential opportunities themselves, but by the degree of productivity of their use and the active independence of a person as a subject of life in general

2 Professional formation can be presented in the form of two main lines: a) as the development of activity - its structure, a set of methods and means, the order of which follows each other has a target

termination, b) as a process of development of a professional person. These two approaches are complementary

3 From the position of pedagogical management, a model for the realization of personal potential has been developed, including social components (creating a favorable environment for the professional development of oneself and others, using society to realize personal potential), psychological and pedagogical components (formation of the skills to engage in professional activities, the ability to achieve goals, to be successful in the profession), methodological, aimed at methodologically providing oneself and others with the means of successful professional development. It has been proven that the implementation of these components sets the professional orientation of the educational process

4 The concept of personal and professional independence is clarified as an integrative quality, the essence of which is the formation of readiness to independently perform professional actions, including goal-setting, planning, the ability to make decisions and bear responsibility for them

5 The characteristics of a student’s professionalism are given as an acquired ability to successfully solve professional problems and aimed at developing personal potential. The stages of problem solving are substantiated: installation, motivation, inclusion in activity, self-organized activity, partnership, reflection

6 Levels of professionalism have been determined based on the ability to solve professional problems: initial, elementary, independent and creative. It has been proven that solving professional problems develops personal potential, contributes to the formation of personal and professional independence, and increases the need for self-education

7 A methodology for the formation of professionalism based on the development of personal potential and solving professional problems has been created, which includes the creation of a situation of success, a program for studying personal characteristics, motives of activity, a set of methods, means that form professionalism, the pedagogical organization of the entire educational process of the university

8 It was revealed that according to the traditional training scheme, the emphasis is on the acquisition of knowledge, skills, abilities that indirectly affect personal development. However, it is necessary to create pedagogical conditions for the development of personal potential, personal and professional independence, which contributes to successful professional development

9 The general opinion of employers was revealed that professionalism requires the formation of mental qualities that make a person competitive (the ability to learn, work in a team, quickly get involved in the work rhythm, the ability to make decisions, be responsible for these decisions) So far, our educational standards do not pay sufficient attention to the formation of these qualities , therefore, in reality, the professional “fine-tuning” of a young specialist takes from two to three years. We believe it is necessary to consider one of the key indicators of the quality of a university’s work - the formation of the career of each university graduate, his accomplished professionalism

Our research has not exhausted all the possibilities for solving this problem. Further research requires questions of training a competitive specialist; development of special pedagogical concepts that define personal potential, the relationship between personal potential and crises of professional development

The main provisions of the dissertation are reflected in the following publications

1 Gaponova, GI Psychodynamic characteristics of female medical students during the training period / GI Gaponova, T Ya Starosotskaya, V Ya Starosotsky // First Congress of Nursing Personnel of the Udmurt Republic, materials of the congress - Izhevsk, 1999 - 0.1 p l

2 Gaponova, G I About the problems of socio-psychological adaptation of hearing-impaired and deaf students in the conditions of vocational training / G I Gaponova, N A Mironova // Improving the system of training and education of children with disabilities Collection of materials from the first regional scientific and practical conference. - Krasnodar, 2000 - 0.3 p l

3 Gaponova, G I Candlelight Conversations / G I Gaponova // Pedagogical Bulletin of Kuban, 2000 - No. 2 - 0.2 p l

4 Gaponova, GI Psychological approach to understanding forgiveness as a factor in interpersonal relationships among students of the Faculty of Law of KSEI / GI Gaponova // Economics Law Print KSEI Bulletin - 2003 - No. 2 - 0.2 p l

5 Gaponova, GIK on the issue of studying some features of relationships in a student family / GI Gaponova // Economics Law Print Vestnik KSEI. - 2003 - No. 2 - 0.2 p l

6 Gaponova, GI The role of the teacher as a mediator in the professional socialization of the individual / GI Gaponova // Economics Law Print KSEI Bulletin - 2004 - No. 4 - 0. 2 p l

7 Gaponova, GI Study of the influence of emotional stress on the professional activity and health of law enforcement officers / GI Gaponova, N Petruk, A L Poskunko // Economics Law Print KSEI Bulletin -2004 - No. 4 -0, 3 p l

8 Gaponova, GI Teacher and student as subjects of the educational process / GI Gaponova // Economics Law Print KSEI Bulletin -2005, No. 1-3 -0, 2 p l

9 Gaponova, GI Dialogue cooperation in teaching psychology to students - future journalists / GI Gaponova // Student as a subject of the educational process Proceedings of the interregional scientific and practical conference - Krasnodar, 2005 -0.3 p l

10 Gaponova, GI The role of the teacher in the development of personal potential and the formation of professionalism of students / GI Gaponova // Modernization of the vocational education system based on regulated evolution Proceedings of the 4th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference - Chelyabinsk, 2005, part 3 - 0, 3 p l

11 Gaponova, G. I. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of students’ personal potential / G. I. Gaponova // Modernization of the professional education system

formation based on regulated evolution Proceedings of the 4th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference - Chelyabinsk, 2005, part 4 - 0.3 p l

12 Gaponova, G.I. Personal potential and its development educational and methodological manual / G.I. Gaponova - Krasnodar, 2005 - 10 p l

13 Gaponova, GI Study of the relationship between students’ self-esteem and the psychological climate in the group / GI Gaponova, I Timofeeva // Resorts Service Tourism -2006 -No. 1(7) - 0.4 p l

14 Gaponova, GI Professionalism and competence in modern approaches to education / GI Gaponova // Economics Law Print KSEI Bulletin - 2006 - No. 1-3 - 0.4 p l

15 Gaponova, G I Methodology for the formation of independence as a component of the personal potential of students / G I Gaponova // Integration of methodological (scientific and methodological) work and systems for advanced training of personnel Proceedings of the 7th All-Russian intramural and part-time scientific and practical conference - Chelyabinsk, 2006 - 0 , 3 p l

16 Gaponova, GI Formation of professionalism of students through the system of educational work / GI Gaponova // Philosophical, pedagogical and religious foundations of education in Russia history and modernity Fourth Pokrovsky educational readings - Ryazan, 2006 - 0.3 p l

17. Gaponova, G.I. Realization of personal potential in students’ ideas about family relationships / GI Gaponova // Social pedagogy dialogue between theory and practice Materials of the international scientific and practical conference - Saratov, 2006 - 0.3 p l

18 Gaponova, GI Updating the self-development of students as a condition for revealing personal potential / GI Gaponova // Economics - legal and spiritual problems of our time Proceedings of the regional scientific and practical conference - Pyatigorsk, 2006 - 0.4 p l

19 Gaponova, G I Psychology and pedagogy teaching aid / G I Gaponova - Krasnodar, 2006 - 9.5 p l

20 Gaponova, GI Psychological and pedagogical workshop (collection of educational and professional tasks and exercises, game simulation techniques for developing student professionalism) Methodological manual / GI Gaponova - Krasnodar, 2006 - 5.3 p l

21 Gaponova, G I Results of experimental work on the formation of professionalism of students / G I Gaponova // Human Community Management (Appendix Questions of social and humanitarian knowledge) - Krasnodar, 2006 - 0.4 p l

22 Gaponova, G I Methodological justification for the pedagogical idea of ​​developing personal potential as a factor in the professionalization of a student / G I Gaponova // Professional education (Appendix New pedagogical research) - M, 2007 - No. 2 - 0.9 p l

Gaponova Galina Ivanovna


Signed for printing 04/13/2007

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Contents of the dissertation author of the scientific article: candidate of pedagogical sciences, Gaponova, Galina Ivanovna, 2007



1.1 Analysis of the problem of professionalism and individual potentials.

1.2 Personal potential as a psychological and pedagogical category.

1.3 Pedagogical foundations for the formation of student professionalism in the process of vocational training.

1.4 Theoretical aspects of the implementation of the model of personal potential.

1.5 Conditions for the formation of professionalism based on the development of the student’s personal potential.

1.6 Justification for the choice of methods for developing professionalism.


2.1 Justification of experimental work.

2.2 Studying the preparedness of students for the development of personal potential in the educational process.

2.3 Experimental testing of the implementation of the personal potential model.

2.4 Formation of personal and professional independence of the student.

2.5 Implementation of the special course “Personal Potential and Its Development” in the student professional training program.

2.6 Experience in learning to solve educational and professional problems.

2.7 Methodology for the formation of professionalism based on the development of personal potential.

Introduction of the dissertation in Pedagogy, on the topic “Realization of a student’s personal potential in the process of forming professionalism”

The relevance of research

The relevance of the problem of developing professionalism based on the development of personal potential is determined primarily by the state order for the modernization and renewal of the higher education system. The declared focus on the development of the individual and his potential entails changes in many traditional educational technologies. In the conditions of the labor market, university graduates are, first of all, not required to have a ready-made set of professionally important personality qualities, but the activity-organizational ability to “grow” in the profession, the ability to analyze their activities, quickly develop professional skills, master new professional areas, which is possible, in our opinion, due to the actualization of personal potential.

According to sociologists, no more than 40% of university graduates are employed in their specialty. The rest either join the ranks of the unemployed or are engaged in other work than originally planned (G. Zborovsky). Considering that young specialists will have to enter an increasingly complex world and dynamic sociocultural transformations, withstand not only competition in the labor market, but also be ready to change professions, we consider it especially important in professional training to form the foundations of a student’s professionalism through the realization of personal potential. We believe that for this it is necessary to increase students’ attention to their awareness of the role of their own personal potentials, the study and their actualization, which in the process of educational and professional activities can develop into the personal qualities of a successful professional.

The theoretical basis for this pedagogical task is the concept of B.G. Ananyev about the development of personality, potential in it; J.T.C. theory

Vygotsky, which found its psychological and pedagogical completion in the works of A.N. Leontyeva, D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydova; works by E.F. Zeer, E.A. Klimova. The process of professional development in this case is understood as the formation of a student as a subject of educational activity, the ability to organize independent, professionally and personally significant actions.

Modern educational concepts place emphasis on the development of personal qualities of students who implement the social order “to be an individual.” Psychological and pedagogical research has created the prerequisites for vocational education, the purpose of which is the development of the individual, the realization of his potential in the process of vocational training. The requirements for professional training have increased the interest of scientists in the problem of professionalism and the study of the personal potential of students.

Of great importance in pedagogical science for the study of potential and its role in professional activity are the works of scientists who study the development of personal, professional and creative potential of students (E.E. Adakin, O.A. Blokha, V.V. Ignatova, M.I. Ridnyak, E. .M Razinkina, V.I Slivkin, I.E. Yarmakeev); features of the organization of the pedagogical process in the formation of students' needs for self-development of physical potential (L.Yu Averina, M.M Telemtaev, L.A. Popova), integrative processes of the formation of students' professionalism (L.D Deulina, A.K. Kozybay); problems of competence as a component of professionalism (A.L. Fatykhova, V.I. Shapovalov).

For pedagogical understanding and clarification of the subject field of the problem under study, the works of scientists in the field of interdisciplinary research played a significant role: on the acmeological foundations of professional development (A.A. Bodalev, A.A. Derkach, N.V. Kuzmina, L.A. Rudkevich, A. .K. Markova, V.N. Markov); about the role of the teacher’s personal and professional position in the development of students’ subjective potentials (V.P. Bederkhanova, I.F. Berezhnaya, A.V. Beloshitsky, N.M. Borytko, A.K. Osnitsky); about the importance of the educational environment in which the development of a student’s personal potential occurs (I.F. Ametov, L.D. Berezhnova, G.B. Gorskaya).

Based on the analysis of studies studying the problems of professional development of an individual at the stage of studying at a university, it has been established that this process is considered from different positions: in the context of the specifics of student age as an important stage of personal development (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, B.G. Ananyev , A.A. Verbitsky, S.G. Vershlovsky, J.I.H. Granovskaya, V.G. Lisovsky, L.I. identifying the essence of the stages and determining factors in the formation of a specialist as a subject of activity (L.I. Antsifirova, E.F. Zeer, E.A. Klimov, A.K. Markova, L.M. Mitina, O.V. Kuzminkova); studying the development of professional self-awareness as the central line of the process of becoming a professional (V.N. Koziev, T.L. Mironova, L.M. Mitina, A.I. Shuteiko, etc.); The role of abilities, interests, motives, individual and personal characteristics of the formation of professionally important qualities of a specialist is studied by such scientists as A.G. Asmolov, F.N. Gonobolin, E.A. Klimov, N.V. Kuzmina, L.M. Mitina, K.K. Platonov, M.I. Stankin, B.M. Teplov, V.D. Shadri-kov.

Issues of professional suitability and professional competence were studied by N.S. Glukhanyuk, S.N. Fedotov, E.Yu. Pryazhnikova, R.Kh. Tugushev, L.B. Schneider, S.L. Lenkov and others; criteria for professionalism are studied by M.A. Dmitrieva, S.A. Druzhilov, Yu.P. Povarenkov, E.P. Ermolaeva.

The formation of professionalism is considered in the context of various theories and approaches. Professionalism is studied either as the appropriation of social experience necessary to perform professional activities (E.A. Klimov, A.E. Shcherbakov); or as a process based on the development and self-development of the individual (N.S. Pryazhnikov, F.Z. Kaberev); or as a combination of both approaches (N.V. Kuzmina, I.N. Semenov, E.F. Zeer).

Despite the presence of a large body of research in various directions and at different levels on the problems of professionalism and professional training, as we have identified, the pedagogical aspect of studying a student’s professionalism through the development of personal potential is little studied.

Scientists theorists and practitioners of education note that so far, due importance has not been given to pedagogical equipment, methodological elaboration of the educational process of higher education in the context of providing conditions that contribute to the actualization of the role of personal potential in the professional development of a student.

There is a need not only for updating the role of personal potential at the stage of mastering professionalism, which encourages the development of a model for the realization of personal potential, but also for a thorough pedagogical development of methodological tools that ensure the formation of student professionalism.

The above characterizes the relevance of the theoretical analysis of the pedagogical conditions for the formation of professionalism through the development of personal potential and further experimental research of these influences on the professionalization of the student.

There is a need to partially resolve the contradiction between satisfying the leading needs of youth for self-knowledge, actualization of personal potentials (B.G. Ananyev, J.I.C. Vygotsky, E.F. Zeer) and the existing educational situation in universities with a socio-economic profile due to the lack of disciplines carrying knowledge about personality psychology, professional pedagogy, career growth, methods of self-development, as well as the lack of development and experimental testing of pedagogical conditions for the formation of professionalism.

An experimental study of students' difficulties in self-knowledge and self-development of potential revealed that these are: lack of knowledge in the field of psychology and pedagogy; lack of knowledge about methods of self-knowledge, undeveloped skills in autodiagnosis, lack of a mentor in stimulating these processes, complacency, uncriticality, stereotypes of thinking and behavior. Thus, the theoretical analysis of existing contradictions and the experience of experimental testing of students’ difficulties influenced the choice of the research topic: “Realization of a student’s personal potential in the process of developing professionalism.”

Object of study: the formation of professionalism at the university.

Subject of research: personal potential in the process of developing students' professionalism.

Purpose of the study: to theoretically substantiate, develop and test a model for the realization of personal potential in the process of developing students’ professionalism, to determine the methodology for developing professionalism at a university.

Research hypothesis:

1. Insufficient methodological support of the educational process for the development of the student’s personal potential, apparently, slows down the process of formation of professionalism.

2. Formation of professionalism of students based on the development of personal potential has the prospect of success if:

The process of vocational education will be based on the development of personal and professional independence;

Pedagogical technologies and methods that form professionalism through solving professional problems are being improved;

Includes a methodology for the formation of professionalism with a program for training students through a special course on the development of personal potential;

The educational work of the university will be aimed at developing professionalism based on the development of personal potential.

Research objectives:

1. Analyze psychological and pedagogical literature and summarize theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of professionalism.

2. Determine the essence of the basic concepts of the study, identify the role of personal potential in the formation of professionalism.

3. Give a theoretical justification for the model of realization of personal potential and test it in experimental work.

4. Develop and test a methodology for developing professionalism based on the development of personal potential and the success of solving professional problems.

Methodological and theoretical foundations of the study

The methodological basis of the study was the philosophical foundations of humanistic and anthropological approaches to the knowledge of pedagogical phenomena; general methodological approaches: systemic, complex, subjective; a system of fundamental principles of personality development based on the cultural-historical theory of JI.C. Vygotsky; general methodological principles of the unity of consciousness and activity, the principle of determinism.

The research is based on special methodological principles of a systems approach in pedagogy (V.I. Zagvyazinsky, N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Slastenin), principles of humanistic psychology (A. Maslow, K. Rogers); philosophy and psychology of human potential (L.S. Vygotsky, B.G. Ananyev, I.T. Frolov, M.S. Kagan, B.G. Yudin); psychological and pedagogical theories of vocational education (E.F. Zeer, E.A. Klimov).

The theoretical basis of the concept of professional personality formation is the research of the personality and activities of K.S. Abulkhanova - Slavskaya, B.G. Ananyeva, A.G. Asmolova, B.F. Lomova, N.N. Nechaeva, V.D. Shadrikov, as well as the works of A.A. Bodaleva, Yu.M. Zabrodina, E.A. Klimova E.F. Zeera, T.V. Kudryavtseva, A.K. Markova, N.S. Pryazhnikov, works of foreign scientists A. Maslow, J. Super, J. Holland.

This study is based on the theoretical positions of the personal-activity approach in vocational education, which addresses the individual experience of students, their needs for self-organization and self-development, which contributes to the development of personal potential (E.F. Zeer, I.A. Zimnyaya, V. V. Serikov, I.S. Yakimanskaya); subjective approach, which allows you to study a person as a subject of his own life, from the position of independence and activity (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, B.G. Ananyev, A.V. Brushlinsky, V.V. Znakov, S.JI. Rubinshtein, Z. .I. Ryabikina); interdisciplinary acmeological approach, clarifying the understanding of a person in the dynamics of his self-improvement, self-determination in various spheres of self-realization (A.A. Bodalev, A.A. Derkach, N.V. Kuzmina), potential-oriented approach (E.E. Adakin, N. V. Martishina, I.E. Yarmakeev).

Research methods. Theoretical: analysis of scientific literature, teaching experience, design of results at different stages of research work; empirical: observation, questioning, conversation, motivation testing according to T.I. Ilyina, methods of studying the motives of students’ educational activities by A.A. Reana and V.A. Yakunin, self-assessment of mental states by G. Eysenck, Yu.M. Orlova “The need for achievement”, methodology by A.A. Yarulova, A.K. Markova on diagnostics of teaching skills; experimental: pedagogical experiment, methods of quantitative (non-parametric statistics criteria: Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney inversion criterion) and qualitative analysis of experimental data, mathematical and statistical data processing.

Base and stages of research.

The experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Kuban Socio-Economic Institute, students from the faculties of economics, law, engineering, socio-cultural services and tourism (250 people) took part in it. Teachers from the Kuban Socio-Economic Institute were involved in the process of empirical research; at the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of KubSU

Teachers of the Kuban College of Culture, Economics and Law, Medical Institute of Higher Nursing Education (73 people).

The first stage of the study (1997-2001) was a theoretical-search stage, during which the state of the problem was studied, the methodological and theoretical foundations of the study, its parameters were determined, the conceptual apparatus and research methods were clarified.

The second stage of the study (2001-2004) - experimental work was carried out, a model for realizing the student’s personal potential was determined and tested; vocational training methods were developed and implemented to promote the development of personal potential; A special course for students “Personal potential and its development” was tested.

The third stage of the research (2004 -2006) - analysis of experimental data, systematization of research results and conclusions, preparation of the dissertation work.

Scientific novelty of the research results:

1. The concept of “personal potential” is clarified as the disclosure, acquisition, deployment of personal qualities (based on the available resource) in educational and professional activities.

2. The role of personal potential as a source, means, base, and condition for the formation of professionalism is substantiated.

3. From the standpoint of pedagogical management, which allows achieving the planned result, a model for the realization of personal potential that forms professionalism, which includes social, psychological, pedagogical, and methodological components. These components embody the unity of social relations, potential opportunities, and activity principles of the individual.

4. The concept of personal and professional independence was introduced as an integrative quality of the individual, the essence of which lies in the formation of readiness to perform professional actions.

5. The typology of tasks (perceptual-mnemonic, productive-heuristic, reflexive) aimed at the formation of professionalism is specified.

6. Game methods have been developed that form a competitive professional: conceptual and terminological game, business game, educational and heuristic dialogue.

7. A methodology has been created for the formation of professionalism based on the development of personal potential and solving professional problems.

Theoretical significance of the study:

The inclusion of three components (social, psychological-pedagogical, methodological) into the model for the realization of personal potential is theoretically justified; their interdependence and interrelation allow the formation of a student’s personal qualities and relationships that are in demand in professional activities;

The concept of professionalism (at the stage of pre-professionalism, when a person studies at a university) has been clarified as an acquired ability to successfully solve professional problems with the simultaneous development of personal potential;

The levels of professionalism are substantiated based on the development of skills to solve professional problems: initial, elementary, independent and creative;

The stages of solving a professional problem in the process of forming professionalism are determined: installation, motivation; involvement in activities; self-organized activity; partnership, reflection.

The practical significance of the research results lies in the creation and implementation of the author’s special course for students “Personal Potential and Its Development”; in the development of a collection of educational and professional tasks, game techniques for the formation of professionalism based on personal potential; in the creation of methodological procedures for student self-assessment of their personal qualities, contributing to the formation of professionalism (questionnaires for assessing the level of manifestation of personal qualities, for a comparative assessment of their properties and reference persons, assessment of the level of expression of personal qualities in the current and potential state, etc.; procedures for student self-assessment of success - failure to solve problems); methodological recommendations for students and teachers on the development of personal potential, which determines the formation of a student’s professionalism.

The developed scientific and methodological tools can be used by both students and teachers of universities and colleges.

The reliability of the research results is ensured by clear methodological positions; a complex of empirical and theoretical methods adequate to the goals and objectives of the study; application of quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis of factual material; successful implementation of recommendations in the educational process; comparable positive results in the formation of professionalism of students based on the development of personal potential, obtained by the applicant and other researchers working according to the author’s methodology.

The applicant’s personal contribution to obtaining scientific results is determined by the development of basic theoretical principles, the creation of an original model for the realization of students’ personal potential, the development of scientific and methodological support for the educational process for the formation of students’ professionalism based on the development of personal potential; independently conducting experimental work.

The following main provisions are submitted for defense:

1. A model for the realization of personal potential that shapes the student’s professionalism, including:

The social component provides for the creation of a favorable environment for the development and implementation of social, life, cultural, and professional experience. This component determines actions: I - for myself, for the Other; The other one is for me. I - create a favorable environment for my professional development and the Other, the Other - helps to create a favorable environment for my professional development;

Psychological and pedagogical component that forms: the ability to get involved in professional activities and include the Other, the Other helps me to get involved in professional activities; ability to achieve high results;

A methodological component that provides methodological support for the process of professional development: the search for means, ways, methods of realizing personal potential for the formation of my professionalism and the Other, the Other - helps me realize the personal qualities that form professionalism.

2. The basis for the formation of professionalism is personal and professional independence as an integrative quality of the individual, the essence of which is the readiness to independently perform professional actions. The core of personal and professional independence is the formation of qualities that make a person competitive: the ability to learn, work in a team, quickly get involved in the work pace, the ability to make decisions independently, and bear responsibility for these decisions.

3. The result of professional readiness is preparation for professional activity - professionalism. We consider professionalism as the acquired ability to successfully solve professional problems in the process of developing personal potential.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main provisions and results of the research were presented by the author at international conferences (Krasnodar, 2004; Saratov, 2006), at all-Russian conferences (Izhevsk, 1999; Krasnodar, 2003,2005; Chelyabinsk, 2006), at interregional conferences (Krasnodar, 2005; Pyatigorsk , 2006), at regional ones (Krasnodar, 2000; Krasnodar, 2005; 2006). Main provisions and results of the study 2001-2006. discussed at meetings of the department of social and humanitarian disciplines of the Kuban Socio-Economic Institute, the department of social work, psychology and pedagogy of higher education of Kuban State University. The course on the development of personal potential was tested at the Kuban Socio-Economic Institute at the Faculty of Economics and Law and is included in the curriculum at the Kuban College of Culture, Economics and Law at the Department of Law.

Conclusion of the dissertation scientific article on the topic "Theory and methodology of vocational education"

Conclusions on the second chapter of the dissertation research.

The experimental basis of the research was studied, diagnostic procedures were carried out to study the readiness of students for experimental work on the development of personal potential. Based on self-assessment methods, a general trend in the educational process of the university was identified in terms of the state of pedagogical conditions conducive to the development of professionalism. The model of personal potential was supplemented and tested in experimental work; Methods for developing personal and professional independence and professionalism of students based on the development of personal potential have been developed and implemented. Criteria and indicators of personal and professional independence have been developed. The work presents pedagogical technologies that contribute to the formation of professionalism in students, and provides thorough methodological recommendations for their use. A program has been developed and implemented to intensify the educational process of KSEI in the formation of professionalism. Thus, the effectiveness of the pedagogical efforts we organize can be assessed by changes in the conditions of the educational process aimed at the formation of professionalism: - by improving didactic provision (preparation and publication of teaching aids, methodological recommendations for students and teachers), which strengthens psychological and pedagogical training students, focused on the development of personal potential, which as a result positively changes the quality of professional training; - on changes in the personal sphere of students with an increased focus on the development of their potential, emotional - volitional, motivational sides of the personality (which has been experimentally confirmed); to improve methodological skill, the indicator of which is changes in the dynamics of personal and professional independence.


I. Initial theoretical and methodological positions of our research.

A person’s personal potential includes, on the one hand, real potential capabilities, his readiness for their effective implementation, and on the other hand, unrealized, unclaimed, internal reserves of a person. There is a certain connection between human reserves and potentials. In the process of activity, conflicting relationships may arise between the conditions of the activity and the person’s capabilities to carry it out. The human psyche, which plays the role of an integral regulator, ensures adequate expenditure and maintenance of all types of human resources at the proper level.

Professional activity is considered as a system of human relations with the surrounding educational and professional environment, with its determining role in the formation of a person’s professionalism. Psychological and pedagogical science recognizes the decisive role of activity in the formation of a professional’s personality. In this regard, educational and professional activity should be considered as a resource for the formation of human professionalism. Based on this position, we believe that the educational process is a resource for optimizing professional training.

Professional development is characterized as the resolution of internal and external contradictions. The contradictions that arise in a person’s life between goals, objectives - and the means available to achieve them, between a person’s aspirations, capabilities, potentials - and his interests, relationships and orientation are resolved in activity and serve as the driving forces for the development of a person’s individuality.

Professional formation can be presented in the form of two main lines: a) as the development of activity - its structure, a set of methods and means, the order of which follows each other has a target determination; b) as a process of development of a professional person. These two approaches are complementary.

Personal potential provides the opportunity for a person’s professional development. The paths he chooses may be different. Success in this case is determined not so much by the potential opportunities themselves, but by the degree of productivity of their use and the activity of a person as a subject of life in general.

II. Results of the study:

1. The role of personal potential as a source, means, base, and condition for the formation of professionalism is substantiated.

2. From the perspective of pedagogical management, a model for the realization of personal potential has been developed, which includes the following components: - social (creating a favorable environment for the professional development of oneself, others, others for me);

Psychological - pedagogical (formation of skills to get involved in professional activities for Myself and to include Others, Others help me get involved in activities); - methodical, aimed at methodological support for myself, others, methodological assistance from others in my professional development.

3. The concept of “personal and professional independence” is characterized, understood as an integrative quality, the essence of which lies in the formation of readiness to perform professional actions.

4. The characteristics of a student’s professionalism are given as an acquired ability to successfully solve educational and professional tasks and a focus on developing personal potential.

5. Levels of professionalism are determined through the ability to solve professional problems: initial, elementary, independent and creative. It has been proven that solving professional problems develops personal potential, contributes to the formation of personal and professional independence, and increases the need for self-education.

6. A methodology has been developed for the formation of professionalism through solving three groups of educational and professional tasks: perceptual - mnemonic, productive - heuristic, reflective.

7. It was revealed that according to the traditional education system, the emphasis is on the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities that indirectly affect personal development. We consider it necessary to create conditions for the development of personal potential, personal and professional independence, which contributes to successful professional development.

8. The general opinion of employers was revealed that professional qualities are not the main thing, that a profession can be learned, much more important are the personal, mental qualities that make a person competitive (the ability to learn, work in a team, quickly get into the work rhythm, the ability to make decisions, be responsible for these decisions).

Unfortunately, our educational standards do not pay enough attention to the formation of these qualities, so in reality, it takes a young specialist two to three years to “fine-tune” his professional skills.

9. We believe it is necessary to consider as one of the key indicators of the quality of a university’s work the development of the career of each university graduate, his accomplished professionalism. The problem of training a competitive specialist requires further research.

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69. Klimov, E. A. Psychology of a professional / E. A. Klimov. - M. Voronezh: 1996.

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73. Kozybay, A.K. Formation of professionalism of an engineer teacher in the university training system: specialty 13.00.08: auto-ref. dis. for the job application scientist step, doctor of ped. Sciences / Kozybay A.K.; MSPU. - Moscow, 2005. 90.

74. Kon, I. S. In search of oneself: Personality and its self-awareness / I. S. Con. -M.: Politizdat, 1984. 335 p.

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95. Markov, V.N. Management potential and its assessment / V.N. Markov // World of Psychology. 2004 - No. 3. - P. 164 - 171.

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125. Professional pedagogy / ed. S. Ya. Batysheva. - M.: 1998311p.

126. Professional and cultural formation of a student in the educational process / resp. ed. V. V. Ignatova, O. A. Shusherina. Tomsk: Tomsk University Publishing House, 2005 - 264 p. - ISBN 5-7511-19-21-5

127. Pryazhnikov, N. S. Professional and personal self-determination / N. S. Pryazhnikov; Moscow psychosocial int. M.: Voronezh: Institute of Practical Sciences. psychology; MODEK, 1996. - 256 p. - ISBN 5-87224-095-5

128. Pryazhnikov, N. S. Psychology of labor and human dignity: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / N. S. Pryazhnikov, E. Yu. Pryazhnikova. M.: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2003. - 480 e. - ISBN 5-7695-0741-1

129. Psychology of personality formation and development: collection. Art. / USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of Psychology; resp. ed. JI. I. Antsyferova. M.: Nauka, 1981. - 365 p.

130. Raven, J. Competence in modern society: identification, development and implementation / J. Raven. - M.: Cogito-Center, 2002. 395 p.

131. Razinkina, E. M. Formation of the professional potential of university students using new information technologies: specialty 13.00.08: abstract. dis. for the job application scientist step. Dr. ped. Sciences / Razinkina E. M. Magnitogorsk, 2005.

132. Raitsev, A. V. Development of professional competence of students in the educational system of a modern university: specialty 1300.08: abstract. dis. for the job application scientist step, doctor of ped. Sciences / Raitsev A.V.; Ross. state Pedagogical University named after Herzen. St. Petersburg, 2003.

133. Rean, A. A. Social educational psychology / A. A. Rean, Ya. JI. Kolominsky. St. Petersburg: Petersburg, 1990 - 268 p. - ISBN 5-8046-0174-1

134. Reshetova, 3. A. Psychological foundations of vocational training / Z.A. Reshetova M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1985. - 207 p.

135. Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia: in 2 volumes / ch. ed. V.V. Davydov. -M.: Great growth. encyclopedia, 1993-1999.

136. Rubinstein, S. JI. Fundamentals of general psychology / S. JI. Rubinstein. -SPb.: Peter Kom, 1998. - 705 p. - ISBN 5-314-00016-4

137. Rubinstein, S. JI. Selected philosophical and psychological works / S. JI. Rubinstein. M.: Knowledge, 1997. - 375 p.

138. Ryabikina, 3. I. Personality. Personal development. Professional growth / 3. I. Ryabikina. Krasnodar: KubSU, 1995 - 156 p. - ISBN 5-230-07777-8

139. Savelyev, A.Ya. Model of formation of a specialist with higher education at the present stage / A. Ya. Savelyev, L. G. Semu shina, V. O. Kachermanyan M.: 2005 - 163 p.

140. Salov, Yu. I. Psychological and pedagogical anthropology: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / Yu. I. Salov, Yu. S. Tyunikov. M.: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2003. - 256 units - ISBN 5-305-00107-2

141. Sarsenbaeva, B. I. Psychology of personal and professional self-improvement of future teachers: educational method. allowance / B.I. Sarsenbaeva. M.: Ross. acad. Education, 2005. - 176 p. - ISBN 5-89502-726-1

142. Selevko, K. G. Modern educational technologies: textbook. allowance / K. G. Selevko. M.: National Education, 1998. - 256 p.

143. Simonov, V.P. Pedagogical management: 50 know-how in ex. ped. systems: textbook. allowance / V. P. Simonov. M.: Ped. island of Russia, 1999. - 426 pp. - ISBN 5-93134-017-3

144. With asthenia, V. A. Pedagogy: textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook institutions / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; edited by V. A. Slastenina. 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003. - 576 e. - ISBN 5-7695-0878-7

145. Slastenin, V. A. Pedagogy of vocational education: textbook. allowance / V. A. Slastenin. M.: "Academy", 2006. - 368 p. - ISBN 57695-2603-3

146. Slobodchikov, V. I. Human psychology / V. I. Slobodchikov, E. I. Isaev. M.: School - Press, 1995. - 383 p.

147. Smirnov, I.P. Theory of vocational education / I. P. Smirnov M.:, 2006. - 320 p.

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150. Sokolov, V. N. Pedagogical heuristics: textbook. manual for university students / V. N. Sokolov. M.: Aspect Process, 1995. - 225 p.

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154. Scientific notes of the Department of General Psychology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Vol. 1 / under general ed. B.S. Bratusya, D.A. Leontyev. M.: Smysl, 2002. - 407 p. - ISBN 5-89357-136-3

155. Ushinsky, K. D. Pedagogical works: In 6 vols. T. 1. / K. D. Ushinsky M.: Pedagogics, 1988. - 418 p.

156. Fatykhova, A. L. Formation of social-perceptual competence of social educators in the process of studying at a university: specialty 13.00.01: abstract. dis. for the job application scientist step, doctor of ped. Sciences / Fatykhova A. L.; MGOU-Moscow, 2005.

157. Feldshtein, D. I. Psychology of human development as a person: selected. tr. / D. I. Feldshtein. - M.: Publishing House of MPSI; Voronezh: Publishing house NPO "MODEK", 2005. 456 p. - ISBN 5-89502-670-10

158. Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1983.- 840 p.

159. Fokin, Yu. G. Teaching and education in higher education: methodology, goals and content, creativity: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / Yu. G. Fokin. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2002. - 224 p. -ISBN 5-7695-0362-9

160. Fonarev, A. R. Psychology of personal development of a professional / A. R. Fonarev; RAS, Institute of Psychology. -M.: Institute of Psychology RAS, 1998. 347

161. Fromm, E. Flight from freedom. A man for himself / E. Fromm, trans. With. English G. F. Shveinik. Minsk: Potpourri, 1998 - 672 p. - ISBN 985-438-146-3

162. Khutorskoy, A.V. Modern didactics: textbook. for universities / A. V. Khutorskoy. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - 544 p.

163. Man in search of meaning: Sat / V. Frankl; under general ed. JI. A. Gozman, D. A. Leontyev. M.: Progress, 1990. - 367 p. - (Library of Foreign Psychology). - ISBN 5-01-001606-0

164. Human potential: experience of an integrated approach / RAS. Human Institute; edited by I. T. Frolova. -M.: Editorial URSS, 1999. 176 p. - ISBN 5-8360-0033-6

165. Shadrikov, V. D. Formation of a subsystem of professionally important qualities in the process of professionalization. Problems of industrial psychology / V.D. Shadrikov, V.N. Druzhinin. - Yaroslavl: YarSU, 1979 208

166. Shadrikov, V. D. Psychology of human activity and abilities: textbook. allowance / V.D. Shadrikov. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M: Logos Publishing Corporation, 1996. - 320 p.

167. Shadrikov, V. D. New model of a specialist: innovative training and competency-based approach / V. D. Shadrikov // Higher education today. - 2004.-No. 8. - P. 26-31.

168. Shatalova, N. I. Deformation of employee labor behavior / N. I. Shatalova // Sociological studies. - 2000. - No. 7. pp. 26 - 33.

169. Shevandrin, N. I. Psychodiagnostics, correction and personality development / N. I. Shevandrin. M.: Humanitarian, ed. center "VLADOS", 1998. - 507

170. Shelten, A. Introduction to professional pedagogy / A. Shelten. Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. state prof. ped. Univ., 1996. - 288 p.

171. Shusherina, O. A. Justification of the content of the concept of “professional and cultural development of the personality of a university student” / O. A. Shusherina // Human World: scientific information. ed. Krasnoyarsk: Sib State Technical University, 2003. - P. 118.

172. Shchedrovitsky, G. P. System of pedagogical research: methodological aspect / G. P. Shchedrovitsky // Pedagogy and logic: collection. - M.: Kastal: LLP “International. magazine "Magisterium", 1993. P. 168.

173. Shchukina, G.I. Pedagogical problems of forming cognitive interests of students / G.I. Shchukin. M.: Pedagogy, 1988. - 203 p.

174. Elkonin, D. B. Selected psychological works. Problems of developmental and pedagogical psychology / D. B. Elkonin; edited by D. I. Feldshtein. -M.: International. ped. Acad., 1995.-224 p. ISBN 5-87977-022-2

175. Erickson, E. N. Identity: youth and crisis / E. N. Erickson; total ed. and preface A.V. Tolstykh. M.: Progress Publishing Group, 1996. -592 p.

176. Yakunin, V. A. Training as a management process: psychol. aspects /V. A. Yakunin; Leningrad State University named after A. A. Zhdanova. L.: Leningrad State University Publishing House, 1988. - 159 p. - ISBN 5-288-00016-6

177. Yarmakeev, I. E. Development of the professional and semantic potential of the future teacher: specialty 13.00.01: abstract. dis. for the job application scientist, step, doctor of ped. Sciences / Yarmakeev Iskander Engelevich Kazan, 2006.

178. Yarulov, A. A. Technology of an individual-oriented learning system: method, manual / A. A. Yarulov. Krasnoyarsk, 2001. - 132 p.

179. Edmund, King. Education Revised for a world in Transformation / King E. // Comparative Education. 1999. - V35. - No. 2. June. - P. 109-119.

180. Erikson, E.N. Identity, youth and crisis / E.N. Erikson -N.Y., 1950.

181. Gatta, L. Student Advocacy Program. A Means of Effectiveness Teachers / L. Gatta, N.A. McCabe // The High School Journal. Chapel Hill., Vol.80. - No. 4. -P. 273-278.

182. Gibson, G. Using research on employers performance to study the effects of teachers on students achievement / G. Gibson // Sociology of education.- Washington, 1997.- Vol.70.- No. 4.- P. 572-582 .

183. Leo, Reisberg. Student Stress is Rising Especially Among Women / R. Leo // The chronicle of higher education. N.Y., 2000. - January 28. - P.A49-A52.

184. Mangan, K.S. Harvard law school tries to figure out why many of its students are not happy / K.S. Mangan // The chronicle of higher education.- N.Y., 1999.-V.XI.VII.- No. 6.- P. A55-A56.

185. Maslow, A. Motivation and personality / A. Maslow. N.Y.: Harpers, 1954.-IX.- 453 p.

186. Maslow, A. Toward psychology of being / A. Maslow. N.Y., 1968. - 117

187. Reeve, J. Autonomy-Supportive Teachers: How They Teach and Motivate Students / J. Reeve, H. Bolt, Y. Cai // Journal of Educational Psychology. -Washington, DC: APA, 1997.- V.91. No. 3. - P. 537-548.

188. Rogers, C. On becoming a person / C. Rogers Boston, 1961.

189. Basic concepts on the research topic

191. Formation of personality This is the “shaping” of a personality that is adequate to the requirements of society and the needs of the individual for development and self-realization. E.F. Zeer. Psychology of vocational education. M. 2003

192. To form completeness, to generate; create, compose, organize. S.I. Ozhegov Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

193. Professional qualifications These are the stages of a worker’s professional preparedness to perform a particular type of work of a certain quality and a certain complexity. B.C. Bezrukova. Pedagogy. Yekaterinburg 1996

194. Professional competence This is “the main cognitive component of the subsystem of professionalism of activity, which allows you to carry out professional activities with high productivity” Derkach A.A. 2003

195. Resource Reserve Reserves, sources of something. A reserve from which new strength and resources are drawn. S.I. Ozhegov Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

196. Personal resource Everything that belongs to her, in particular character traits, abilities, values. V.N. Markov “Personality Potential” // World of Psychology. -2000.-№1с.250

197. Competence Considered as a “personal property” that allows a person to act independently and responsibly N.V. Kuzmina. Professionalism of the personality of the teacher and master of industrial training. 1990

198. Competence “Knowledge-based, intellectually and personally determined experience of social and professional life” Zimnyaya I.A. 2003

199. Key qualifications General professional knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as abilities and personality traits necessary to perform work in a certain group of professions. E.F. Zeer. Psychology of vocational education. M. 2003

203. Questionnaire to study the assessment of the ability to develop personal potential

204. Are you able to organize your activities without external coercion from others (group teacher)? a) mostly capable; b) capable only in collaboration with the teacher; c) not capable.

205. Are you capable of self-education, self-development of your personal potential, does this tendency manifest itself in you? a) appears quite clearly; b) appears, but from case to case; c) does not appear.

206. Are you sufficiently independent when performing cognitive and professional tasks and solving problems? a) is quite independent; b) I prefer to work with the help of a teacher; c) I work only with the help of others, with support, according to an algorithm.

207. Are you able to control the process of implementation and the result of your cognitive and professional work? a) mostly capable; b) capable only with the help of a teacher; c) incapable, control of others is necessary.

208. Are you able to independently evaluate the results of your cognitive and professional activities? a) mostly capable; b) capable only with the help of a teacher; c) as a rule, I rely on the assessment of others and the teacher.
