Option I

Part of the Russian Empire by the beginning of the 19th century. included the territory:

a) Baku Khanate; b) parts of Northern California; c) Bukhara Emirate; d) Bessarabia.

2. Read an excerpt from a historical novel and indicate the date of the events in question.

“Accompanied by several conspirators, Bennigsen entered Alexander’s chambers. Shouts of “Long live Emperor Alexander I!” they let him know that it was all over and there was no longer any doubt about the price at which he got the throne. Seeing Palen, Alexander said:

Ah, Palen, how terrible is the opening page of my reign!”

3. An outstanding statesman of the first half of the 19th century, the developer of government reform projects was:

A) ; b) ; V) ; G) .

4. What was the name of the class in Russia in the first half of the 19th century that had a monopoly right to own serfs:

a) townspeople; b) merchants; c) boyars; d) nobles.

5. was appointed commander of the Russian army in the summer of 1812 instead of:

A) ; b) ; c) -de Tolly; G) .

6. Which of the following participated in the Patriotic War of 1812:

A) ; b) ; V) ; G) .

7. During the Patriotic War of 1812, the leaders of the partisan movement were (several answer options):

a) G. Kurin; b) ; V) ; G) ; d) V. Kozhina.

8. At the beginning of the 19th century, Russia fought wars:

a) with Iran and Afghanistan; b) with Turkey and Greece;

c) with Turkey, Iran, Sweden; d) with Afghanistan, Turkey and Austria.

9. Match dates and events.

1) 1803 a) formation of the State Council;

2) 1807 b) formation of the “Union of Salvation”;

4) 1805 d) Peace of Tilsit;

5) 1816 e) the battle of Austerlitz.

A. The invasion of Napoleonic army into Russia; B. Expulsion of Napoleonic army from Russia;

B. Battle of Maloyaroslavets; G. Tarutino maneuver; D. Council in Fili; E. Battle of Borodino.

Task 11. Look at a map of one of the stages of the Patriotic War of 1812.

The settlement marked on the map with the number “1” is

1) Borodino

2) Tarutino

4) Tsarevo Zaimishche

Task 12. Look at the image and complete the task.

Indicate the year the coin was issued.

Task 13. Arrange in chronological order the events and phenomena of the political history of Russia in the 19th century. Provide your answer as a sequence of numbers for the selected elements.

1) creation of the “Union of Salvation”

2) development by Ransky of the “Introduction to the Code of State Laws”

3) adoption of the Constitution of Poland

4) Foreign campaign of the Russian army.

Task 15. Which of the listed military leaders led the actions of Russian troops in the Patriotic War of 1812? Find two figures in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are listed.

1) P. A. Rumyantsev

2) A. V. Suvorov

Industry of Russia in the first half of the 19th century.

Write down the selected numbers under the corresponding letters in the answer line.

Task 17. Write down the term in question.

“Field land fortifications, facing the enemy, which were used by Russian troops in the Battle of Borodino and defended under the leadership of General Ration.”

Task 18. Compare the features of public administration in Russia during the reign of Peter I and during the reign of Alexander I. Select and write down the serial numbers of the similarities in the first column, and the serial numbers of the differences in the second.

1) the existence of ministries

2) absolute power of the monarch

3) division of the country into provinces

4) the existence of provinces - administrative-territorial units of the Russian Empire

Task 20. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, designate government bodies of the Russian Empire in the 18th–19th centuries.

1) Governing Senate; 2) Supreme Privy Council; 3) State Duma; 4) State Council; 5) Military Collegium.

Task 21. Name the emperor discussed in the passage. Indicate the subsequently rooted name of representatives of the social movement that is missing from the text.

From the work of a historian.

“One of the paradoxes of [the emperor’s] internal policy in the post-war period was the fact that attempts to renew the Russian state were accompanied by the establishment of a police regime, which later became known as “Arakcheevism.” One of its manifestations and the main symbol were military settlements, in which [the emperor] himself, however, saw one of the ways to free the peasants from personal dependence, but which aroused hatred in the widest circles of society. Instead of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Spiritual Affairs and Public Education was created, headed by the Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod and the head of the Bible Society A. N. Golitsyn. Under his leadership, the destruction of Russian universities was actually carried out. Severe censorship was established. [The Emperor] approved the Senate's proposal, which allowed landowners to exile their peasants to Siberia for “bad deeds.” At the same time, the emperor was aware of the activities of the first

organizations of future _______________, but did not take any action against their members, believing that they shared the misconceptions of his youth.

In the last years of his life, [the emperor] again often spoke to his loved ones about his intention to abdicate the throne and retire from the world, which, after his unexpected death from typhoid fever in Taganrog, gave rise to the legend of the elder Fyodor Kuzmich.”

Task 22. Find in the passage and write down a sentence containing a position that is confirmed by the facts given in the text. Indicate at least two facts cited to support this position.

Task 23. Early on a December morning, units of the guards regiments began to enter Senate Square in St. Petersburg. They were led by young officers who decided to attempt a military coup. They called on the soldiers to support the “legitimate emperor” Konstantin Pavlovich.

1) What year do the described events belong to?

2) Who did the young officers present to the soldiers as a usurper of the throne who illegally occupied it?

3) Formulate the main true goals of the speech leaders.

Task 24. There is a point of view that, despite the common trends in the development of education and enlightenment during the reigns of Catherine II and Alexander I, at the beginning of the 19th century. A lot of new things are appearing in the organization of education and enlightenment. Give at least two provisions confirming this novelty.

Task 25. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Russian foreign policy in the first quarter of the 19th century.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

The plan must contain at least three points. Write a brief explanation of the content of any two points.

The plan with explanations should reflect the main events (phenomena) associated with Russia's foreign policy in the 19th century.

Test on the topic: “The reign of Alexander I. Patriotic War.”

Option II

1. The tax-exempt class was:

a) clergy; b) peasantry; c) philistinism; d) Cossacks.

2. The circle of like-minded friends who surrounded Alexander I during the first period of his reign, in which reform projects were developed, received the name:

a) Supreme Privy Council; b) Secret Chancellery; c) Stacked commission; d) Secret committee.

3. In accordance with the Decree on free cultivators:

a) landowners received the right to free serfs;

b) serfdom was abolished in Russia;

c) the peasants of the western provinces were freed from the power of the landowners;

d) landowners undertook to transfer serfs from rent to quitrent.

4. What form of government was Russia at the beginning of the 19th century:

a) constitutional monarchy; b) an aristocratic republic;

c) absolute monarchy; d) a democratic republic.

5. As a result of the retreat of Russian troops at the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812:

a) Napoleon defeated the Russian troops separately; b) the French army captured Kyiv;

c) the French army approached St. Petersburg;

d) The 1st and 2nd Russian armies managed to unite near Smolensk.

6. Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was founded:

a) in 1881; b) in 1842; c) in 1811; d) in 1864

7. According to the Peace of Tilsit between Alexander I and Napoleon:

a) Russia lost Moldova; b) ceded Wallachia; c) transferred to France the territory of the Duchy of Warsaw; d) was forced to join the continental blockade of England.

8. He proposed to lay the basis of the state structure on the principle:

a) Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality; b) the supremacy of judicial decisions;

c) a combination of collegiality and supremacy; d) separation of powers.

9. Match dates and events.

1) 1803 a) Decembrist uprising;

2) 1815 b) the beginning of ministerial reform;

3) 1810 c) Decree on free cultivators;

4) 1825 d) Constitution of Poland;

5) 1802 e) the battle of Austerlitz.

10. Arrange the events of the Patriotic War of 1812 in chronological order, starting with the earliest:

A. The invasion of Napoleonic army into Russia; B. Expulsion of Napoleonic army from Russia; B. Battle of Maloyaroslavets; G. Tarutino maneuver; D. Council in Fili; E. Battle of Borodino.

Task 11. Look at the diagram and answer the question.

In 1812, the territory designated on

map by number

Task 12. Look at the image and complete the task.

Indicate the name of the square where the events are shown in the picture.

1) Palace

2) Voznesenskaya

3) Senate

4) Red

Task 13. Place the following events in chronological order. Provide your answer as a sequence of numbers for the selected elements:

1) Russia’s accession to the Continental blockade;

2) the Battle of Austerlitz;

3) Congress of Vienna;

4) expulsion of Napoleon's troops from Russia.

Write down the selected numbers under the corresponding letters in the answer line.

Task 15. What territories became part of Russia in the first half of the 19th century? Find two territories in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Western Siberia;

2) Baltics;

3) Duchy of Warsaw;

4) Finland;

Task 16. Using the data from the statistical table, complete the judgments presented below, correlating their beginnings and completion options.

Population of some Russian cities before the start of the “Great Reforms”

(thousand people)

Write down the selected numbers under the corresponding letters in the answer line.

Task 17. Write down the term in question.

“The conventional name for a policy characterized by petty regulation, the omnipotence of the bureaucracy, the suppression of all self-will, given by the name of one of Alexander I’s close associates.”

Task 18. Compare the foreign campaign of the Russian army and participation in the European wars of 1805-1806. Select and write down the serial numbers of the similarities in the first column, and the serial numbers of the differences in the second.

1) the main enemy was France

2) Russia’s international position has strengthened

3) signing of the Tilsit Treaty

4) the existence of an anti-French coalition of states

Task 19. Write down the word missing in the diagram.

Task 20. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, denote classes.

1) nobility; 2) philistinism; 3) peasantry; 4) bureaucracy; 5) clergy.

Find and write down the serial number of the term that “falls out” from this series.

Task 21. Name the name of the Russian commander missing in the text. Indicate the year in which the events described took place.

From the historian's essay

“In recent years, contrary to the established belief in science that<…>was a great commander who won a victory at Borodino (if not actual, then moral), doubts arose regarding this conclusion. Firstly, there is plenty of evidence that the commander-in-chief of the Russian army did not have the initiative on the battlefield. He was so inert that one of the participants in the battle, General N.N. Raevsky, wrote: “No one commanded us.” The initiative was completely in the hands of Napoleon, who dictated the course of the battle. And ultimately, the conqueror achieved the strategic goal he had set for himself - he occupied Moscow, the defense of which was declared by the Russian commander-in-chief to be the main goal of the battle.

But Napoleon still did not defeat the Russian army. After the battle, he did not see the usual disorderly flight of the enemy. Crowds of prisoners did not pass before his eyes (in total, 1 thousand prisoners and 15 guns were captured, the same number of prisoners and 13 guns were captured by the Russians). Dozens of defeated enemy banners did not lie on the ground in front of the French emperor. Undoubtedly, the Russian army survived the difficult battle. And the reason for this was the extraordinary perseverance of the Russian soldier, inspired by a high and sacrificial sense of patriotism, standing up for the Tsar, the Orthodox faith and the Fatherland.”

Task 22. In the second paragraph of the passage, find and write down a sentence that describes a situation, evidence of which is indicated in the subsequent text. Write down at least two confirmations of this situation.

Task 23. On a winter day, about 30 like-minded officers brought soldiers of the Moscow and Grenadier regiments and sailors of the Guards naval crew to Senate Square. The organizers of the uprising tried not to

allow a new emperor to ascend the throne, and also declared their desire to abolish the autocracy and abolish serfdom. The performance was suppressed.

1) Name the month and year when the described events occurred.

2) Name the emperor in question.

3) Why did the performance in question end in failure? Give any one reason.

Task 24. There is a point of view that, despite significant differences in the views of the leaders of the Northern and Southern Decembrist societies, their program documents contained much in common. Give at least two provisions confirming this generality.

Task 25. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “The liberal reforms of Alexander I.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points. Write a brief explanation of the content of any two points. The plan with explanations should reflect the main events (phenomena) associated with the reforms of Alexander I.


1 option

1. Who initiated the creation of military settlements in Russia?

A) M. Speransky B) A. Benckendorff C) A. Arakcheev D) Alexander I

2. Why did Alexander I refuse to introduce a constitution in Russia after the war?

A) Peasant riots prevented, B) the War of 1812 prevented;

3. Decree on free cultivators of 1803:

A) granted personal freedom to state peasants; B) consolidated the privileges of single-yard peasants; C) allowed landowners to release their peasants for a ransom.

4. The confrontation between which powers determined the international situation at the beginning of the 19th century?

A) Russia and France; B) England and Russia; B) England and Russia; D) France and England.

5. What is the date of the Battle of Borodino:

6. What obligations did Russia undertake under the Treaty of Tilsit?

A) had to recognize all territorial changes in Europe for France;

B) became an ally of France in the war against England;

B) was obliged to enter the war against England.

7. After what battle was the French army forced to retreat along the old Smolensk road?

A) near Smolensk, B) near Kaluga, C) near Maloyaroslavets.

8. Determine who we are talking about? “I was born into the family of a poor landowner. In 1808-1810 served as Minister of War. Since 1815, he actually led the State Council and the activities of ministries. He was distinguished by impeccable honesty. Executive officer. He was merciless and even inhuman in his diligence. And it was these traits that caused the negative attitude of others towards him.

A) N. Novosiltsev; B) M. Speransky; B) A. Arakcheev.

9. What is the purpose of military settlements?

A) suppress the wave of peasant protests;

B) reduce government spending on the maintenance of the army,

C) organizing mass training of reserves.

10. Which congress consolidated the results of the Allied victory over Napoleonic France?

A) Viennese; B) Parisian; B) Berlin.

11. Who led the Russian army before Kutuzov was appointed to this post?

A) M. Barclay de Tolly; B) P. Bagration, C) I. Murat.

12. Determine who we are talking about? “His family coat of arms was decorated with the motto “Loyalty and Patience.” He enjoyed a reputation as an honest, cold-blooded and selfless officer. Commanded Russian armies in several wars. On the eve of the Patriotic War of 1812, he was Minister of War and commanded the first army. The court careerists did not like him. Many accused him of the retreat of the Russian troops and even spoke of his treason.”

13. On May 23, 1816, Alexander I approved the regulation on Estonian peasants, according to which in the Baltic provinces:

A) serfdom strengthened; B) serfdom was abolished;

C) the duties of peasants were determined depending on the quantity and quality of land.

14. The first secret organization of future Decembrists was called:

A) preservation of serfdom; B) liberation of peasants without land;

16. What kind of system was established in Russia according to the project of P. Pestel?

A) constitutional monarchy, B) democratic republic,

B) Autocratic monarchy.

A) P. Pestel, K. Ryleev, S. Muravyov-Apostol, M. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, P. Kakhovsky.

B) S. Trubetskoy, V. Kuchelbecker, M. Lunin, I. Muravyov, I. Dolgorukov.

19. How the issue of serfdom was resolved in the Constitution of N. Muravyov:

Russia during the reign of AlexanderI

Option 2

1. Who initiated the introduction of the examination for office in 1810?

A) M. Speransky; B) A. Arakcheev; B) N. Novosiltsev.

2. Why did Alexander I refuse to introduce M. Speransky’s draft constitution?

A) Peasant riots interfered, B) the Russian-Turkish war interfered;

C) the nobility resisted reforms.

3. In 1818, A. A. Arakcheev submitted to Alexander I a project for the abolition of serfdom, according to which he assumed:

A) begin a large-scale purchase of landowners’ estates with serfs for the treasury,

B) liquidate landownership,

C) transfer of all land to peasants.

4. Find the odd one out: At the Congress of Vienna, the main decisions were made by:

A) England; B) Duchy of Warsaw; In Russia; D) Prussia; D) Austria.

5. The Patriotic War began:

6. What was the name of the treaty under which Russia joined the continental blockade of England?

A) Erfurt, B) Schönbrunn; B) Tilsitsky.

7. At the council in Fili the question was decided:

A) leave Moscow without a fight or fight for it to the last drop of blood;

B) who should lead the Russian army;

C) how to replenish food supplies?

8. Determine who we are talking about? “I came from the family of a rural priest. He worked as a teacher for some time. At the beginning of the reign of Alexander I, he was among the main characters in the government. It was he who was commissioned by Alexander I to develop a project for state reform. It was about him that Napoleon said “The only bright head in Russia.”

A) N. Novosiltsev; B) M. Speransky; B) A. Arakcheev

9. What are the main reasons for the Russian-Turkish war of 1806 – 1812:

A) Russia entered into this military conflict in accordance with its obligations to France;

B) Russia’s desire to dominate the Black Sea;

C) territorial claims of Russia and Turkey.

10. In what year did Alexander I sign the constitution of the Kingdom of Poland?

A) 1815; B) 1818; B) 1820

11. Kochubey, Czartoryski, Novosiltsev, Stroganov. What do these names have in common?

A) these are heroes of the Patriotic War;

B) All of them were part of the circle of “young friends” of Grand Duke Alexander I;

C) All of them were like-minded people of Paul I

12. Determine who we are talking about? “I came from a family of Georgian princes. A favorite of the army, he was fearless in battle. During the Patriotic War of 1812 he commanded the second army. He insisted on a general battle. He was seriously wounded in the Battle of Borodino."

A) M. Kutuzov; B) M. Barclay de Tolly; B) P. Bagration

13. In 1822, Alexander I issued a decree according to which...

A) landowners were allowed to exile unwanted peasants to Siberia without any punishment;

B) it was forbidden to exile unwanted peasants to Siberia;

C) it was forbidden to sell street people.

14. The second secret organization of future Decembrists was called:

A) “Union of Salvation”, B) “Union of Welfare”, C) “Union of Officers”

15. “Constitution” by N. Muravyov suggested:

A) preservation of serfdom;

B) liberation of peasants without land;

C) preservation of landownership.

16. What kind of system was established in Russia according to N. Muravyov’s project?

A) constitutional monarchy,

B) democratic republic,

B) Autocratic monarchy.

17. Which of the Decembrists was executed after the defeat of the uprising in 1825?

A) S. Trubetskoy, V. Kuchelbecker, M. Lunin, I. Muravyov, I. Dolgorukov.

B) P. Pestel, K. Ryleev, S. Muravyov-Apostol, M. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, P. Kakhovsky

B) S. Volkonsky, A. Odoevsky, A. Bestuzhev, F. Glinka.

18. Pestel’s “Russian Truth” suggested:

A) division of land into communal and private, equality of all citizens before the law,

B) transfer of all land into state ownership while maintaining landownership,

C) transfer of all land to peasants.

19. How the issue of serfdom was resolved in P. Pestel’s “Russian Truth”:

Option I

Option #1

1.Select the odd one out: Laharpe, Catherine II, Pavel I, M.M. Speransky. Explain your answer.

3. Match:

1) 1801 a) decree on “free cultivators”

2) 1803 b) the beginning of the reign of Alexander I

3) 1802 c) creation of ministries

d) censorship regulations

4.Continue the row: Kochubey, Czartoryski, ______

orders, boards, ministries

Option No. 2

1.Select the odd one out: Czartoryski, Laharp, Stroganov, Kochubey. Explain your answer.

2.Draw up a control scheme proposed by M.M. Speransky, using the following concepts:

Senate, ministries, legislative, power, executive, State Duma, judicial

3. Match:

1) 1825 a) decree on the purchase of land by non-nobles

2) 1802 b) end of the reign of Alexander I

3) 1810 c) creation of ministries

d) creation of the State Council

4.Continue the row: Laharpe, Catherine II , ______

5.On what principle is the series formed:

decree on “free cultivators”, ban on selling peasants at the fair, abolition of the right of landowners to exile peasants to Siberia


Option #1

1. M.M. Speransky, since all the other educators of Alexander I

legislative executive judicial

State Duma Ministry Senate

4.Novosiltsev, because are members of the Secret Committee

5.Executive authorities

Option No. 2

1. Laharpe, since all the others are members of the Secret Committee

Option I

1. What were they called in the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries. representatives of the privileged class who owned serfs?

1) boyars 3) townspeople

2) nobles 4) Cossacks

2. In 1805, a battle took place between the armies near Austerlitz

1) Russian-Austrian and French

2) Russian-French and English

3) Russian-Swedish and English

4) Russian-French and Austrian

3. Note the reason for the appearance of secret societies in Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century.

1) strengthening contacts with Western countries

2) dissatisfaction of the highest officials with the reforms of Alexander I

3) the government’s desire to involve society in the development of reform projects

4) dissatisfaction of the church with the internal policies of the tsarist government

4. The territory in which permanent residence of Jews was allowed in Russia was called

1) colony 3) Pale of Settlement

2) localism 4) oprichnina lands

5. The Battle of Borodino took place in 1812.

6. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Empire, the estate was (las, lis)

1) intelligentsia 3) peasantry

2) bourgeoisie 4) workers

7. According to the Treaty of Tilsit with France, Russia obliged

1) join the coalition of “cordial agreement”

2) destroy all fortifications on the Black Sea coast

3) join the continental blockade against England

4) join the Union of Three Emperors

8. The activities of secret organizations of the Decembrists relate to

1) 1801 - 1811 3) 1827 - 1828

2) 1816 - 1826 4) 1829 - 1830

9. In the 19th century. the supreme legislative and judicial power in Russia belonged to

1) Senate 3) Supreme Privy Council

2) the emperor 4) III department of the imperial chancellery

10. The years of the reign of Alexander I are characterized

1) creation of the theory of official nationality

2) cancellation of redemption payments

3) carrying out the reform of the state village

4) publication of a decree on “free cultivators”

11. What was one of the reasons for the defeat of Napoleon’s army in Russia in 1812?

1) joint military actions of the armies of Russia and Prussia

2) significant losses of the French army

3) Napoleon’s reluctance to give a border battle at the beginning of the war

4) significant numerical superiority of Russian armies over French ones at the beginning of the war

12. Which of the following events happened first?

1) entry of Russian troops into Paris

2) siege of Plevna

3) suppression of the revolution in Hungary by Russian troops

4) the battle of Austerlitz

13. Which of the following was included in M.M. Speransky’s reform project?

1) restoration of the practice of convening Zemsky Sobors

2) the creation of a constitutional monarchy according to the English model

3) establishment of a republican form of government in Russia

4) establishment of a legislative advisory State Council

14. Which settlement went down in the history of the Patriotic War of 1812 as the place where the Russian army, having broken away from the French troops, replenished its numbers and weapons, and gained strength for further struggle?

1) Fili 3) Austerlitz

2) Smolensk 4) Tarutino

15. Indicate the years of the reign of Alexander I

1) 1796 – 1801 3) 1801 - 1825

2) 1825 – 1855 4) 1855 – 1881

16. Russian troops as part of the allied forces won the battle of Leipzig in

1) 1805 2) 1813 3) 1854 4) 1878

17. Which of the listed persons was a member of the “Unofficial Committee?”

1) Andrey Zhelyabov 3) Kondraty Ryleev

2) Mikhail Muravyov 4) Pavel Stroganov

18. Which of the following are the main reasons for the creation of the Holy Alliance?

1) the struggle between Russia and Austria for dominance on the Balkan Peninsula

2) protection of the Christian population of Georgia from forced Islamization

3) the need to maintain order and regimes established in Europe after the defeat of Napoleonic France

4) the spread of atheistic and socialist views in Russia

19. Which of the above is related to the concept of “Arakcheevism”?

1) creation of the Corps of Gendarmes 3) publication of a decree on three-day corvee

2) the establishment of military settlements 4) the introduction of a circular “on cooks’ children”

20. What was one of the reasons for the retreat of the Russian army at the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812?

1) waiting for help from the allies in the anti-Napoleonic coalition

2) the decision to use “scorched earth” tactics

3) hope for unfavorable natural conditions for the enemy

Tests on the topic “The Reign of Alexander I”

Option II

1. During the time of Alexander I, who was called a temporary worker and shadow prime minister?

1) M. M. Speransky 3) A. A. Arakcheeva

2) V. P. Kochubey 4) A. A. Chartoryski

2. Decree of Alexander I of December 1801:

1) equalized the land rights of the nobility and other classes

2) undermined the foundations of serfdom by allowing serfs to buy their freedom

3) expanded the rights of serf owners

4) allowed non-nobles to buy uninhabited lands, contributed to the development of capitalist relations

3. Ministries appeared in Russia in

1) first half of the 18th century. 3) the first half of the 19th century.

2) second half of the 18th century. 4) second half of the 19th century.

4. Russia concluded the Peace of Tilsit with France in

1) 1799 2) 1807 3) 1812 4) 1815

5. Which event happened before all the others?

1) Foreign campaign of the Russian army 3) establishment of military settlements

2) signing of the Peace of Tilsit 4) creation of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire

6. Which of the named battles took place during the Patriotic War of 1812?

1) near Kormi, near Novgorod 3) near Narva, near the village of Lesnoy

2) in Sevastopol, near Kars 4) near Smolensk, near Maloyaroslavets

7. Which of the named persons led partisan detachments during the Patriotic War of 1812?

1) I.S.Dorokhov, D.V.Davydov 3) A.P. Ermolov, M.I. Platonov

2) N.A. Tuchkov, P.I. Bagration 4) N.N. Raevsky, A.I. Kutaisov

8. Which of the named organizations arose in 1816-1818?

1) Northern society, Southern society

2) “Land and Freedom”, “People’s Will”

3) Union of Salvation, Union of Prosperity

4) Southern and Northern Unions of Russian Workers

9. Which of the named military leaders became famous during the Patriotic War of 1812? Please provide two correct last names.

1) N.N. Raevsky 3) P.I. Bagration

2) P.S. Nakhimov 4) M.D. Skobelev

10. As a result of the retreat of Russian troops at the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812

1) Napoleon defeated the Russian armies separately

2) the French army captured Kyiv

3) the French army approached St. Petersburg

4) The 1st and 2nd Russian armies managed to unite near Smolensk

11. The foreign campaign of the Russian army took place in

1) 1811 – 1812 3) 1853 – 1856

2) 1813 – 1814 4) 1857 – 1864

12. In what year did the battle of Maloyaroslavets take place?

1) 1801 2) 1807 3) 1812 4) 1815

13. What event happened in 1825?

1) Decembrist uprising 3) creation of a liberal censorship charter

2) opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum 4) adoption of the law on succession to the throne

14. Which of the following refers to the consequences of the conclusion of the Peace of Tilsit?

1) elimination of contradictions in Russian-French relations

2) Russia’s entry into an alliance with England and Prussia

3) accession of Finland to Russia

4) division of Polish lands between Russia and Prussia

15. The circle of friends of Alexander I, who discussed the ideas of reform at the beginning of his reign, was called

1) Elected Rada 3) State Council

2) Secret Committee 4) Secret Chancellery

16. The decree on “free (free) farmers” provided

1) abolition of serfdom among peasants

2) the right of landowners to release peasants with land for ransom

3) liberation of peasants from temporary obligatory state

4) the right of peasants to leave the community with land

17. Which government bodies were replaced by ministries?

1) collegium 3) zemstvo

2) orders 4) Zemsky Sobors

18. What were the names of the representatives of the social group that arose in 1810, into whose category, along with soldiers, were state-owned peasants who combined military service with agricultural work??

1) military villagers 3) Cossacks

2) serfs 4) archers

19. As a result of the publication of a decree on “free (free) cultivators”

1) a wave of peasant uprisings arose

2) only a few tens of thousands of peasants were liberated

3) all peasants were freed from serfdom

4) military settlements were abolished

20. Which of the above was related to the consequences of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Foreign Campaign of the Russian Army (1813-1814)? Give two correct statements.

1) the formation of the Triple Alliance 3) the rise of national consciousness in Russia

2) the growth of Russia’s influence in Europe 4) Russia’s participation in the partitions of Poland

Option 1.

1. Defeat in the Crimean War forced Alexander 2 to go for liquidation:

A) Streltsy army B) absolutism

C) serfdom D) local army

2. In the 19th century the following were called “temporarily obligated”:

A) peasant otkhodniks B) residents of military settlements

C) peasants who performed emergency duties in favor of the state

D) peasants who performed duties in favor of the landowner before the conclusion of the redemption transaction

3. The reason for peasant land shortage in the second half of the 19th century:

A) segments

B) liquidation of the community

C) transfer of land for the construction of factories

D) reduction of the territory of the Russian state

4. The main governing body in the village after the Peasant Reform of 1861:

A) magistrate B) provincial elder C) village assembly D) landowner’s administration

A) peasants were exempt from paying the poll tax

B) the size of the peasant plot depended on the quality of the land

C) it was forbidden to involve peasants in corvee work on weekends and holidays

D) peasants received economic and civil rights

D) peasants, at the request of the landowner, received a plot of land as their own

Option 1: 1-B, 2-G, 3 - A, 4 - C, 5 - B, G

Test on the topic “The Reign of Alexander II”

Option 2.

1. The significance of the Peasant Reform of 1861 was:

A) eliminating the class system B) accelerating the modernization of the country

C) liquidation of the labor system D) liquidation of landownership

2. Lands that were confiscated from peasants if their allotment exceeded the norm established by the Peasant Reform were called:

A) segments B) allotments C) stripes D) tithes

3. The reason for peasant impoverishment after the abolition of serfdom:

A) redemption payments B) liquidation of the community

C) growth of household taxes D) the beginning of the global financial crisis

4. According to the Peasant Reform of 1861, peasants received the largest land plots in:

A) Siberia and Asia B) non-chernozem zone

C) black earth zone D) Baltic provinces

A) military settlements were liquidated

B) the right of landowners to exile peasants to Siberia was limited

C) before the transition to redemption, peasants were considered temporarily liable

D) peasants were allowed to trade freely and establish their own enterprises

D) landowners of their own free will provided personal freedom to the peasants with the allocation of their allotment for use.

Option 2: 1 - B, 2 - A, 3 - A, 4 - B, 5 - C, D

Test on the topic: “Russia under Alexander II”

Option I

  1. Who was the mentor of Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich?

a) F. Laharpe; b) V.A. Zhukovsky;
c) M.N. Pogodin; d) S.S. Uvarov.

  1. Who owns the words that “it is better to begin the destruction of serfdom from above, rather than wait for the time when it begins to be destroyed by itself from below”?

a) A.I. Herzen; b) N.P. Ogarev;

c) Alexander II; d) Chairman of the Reaction Commissions Ya.I. Rostovtsev.

  1. Which of the following refers to the judicial reform of 1864?

a) the adversarial nature of the parties during the trial;

b) punishment of the guilty with rods;

c) publicity of the court;

d) periodic rotation of judges;

e) creation of a special court for nobles;

f) the salary of judges is one of the highest in the world;

g) introduction of jury trials;

h) lack of class of the court.

  1. Zemstvo institutions did not resolve issues...

a) road construction;

b) construction of schools and hospitals;

c) organization of judicial bodies;

d) development of trade and industry.

  1. Representatives of which class predominated in the zemstvos?

a) peasants; b) nobles;

c) merchants; d) bourgeois.

  1. Which peasants were considered temporarily liable?

a) those who have not concluded a redemption transaction with the landowner;

b) peasants of the Siberian provinces;

c) state peasants;

d) all indicated under a), b), c).

  1. Why were editorial commissions created?

a) to collect statistical data on peasant plots;

b) to draw up a unified draft law on the emancipation of peasants;

c) to draw up a final report to the Main Committee for Peasant Affairs;

d) for the editors of magazines and newspapers.

  1. According to the reform of 1861, the land after paying the ransom became...

a) the property of a peasant family;

b) the property of the peasant community;

c) state property;

d) was transferred to the peasants by the landowner on a lifetime lease.

  1. How much did the peasants have to pay the landowner for the purchased plot?

a) immediately 20-25% of the cost of the plot, and 75-80% was paid by the state;

b) immediately 100% of the cost of the allotment;

c) 100% of the cost of the allotment for 59 years;

d) 50% of the cost of the plot, and the rest was paid by the state.

  1. The labor of peasants on the land of the landowner for the land they rented was called...

a) month; b) sharecropping;

c) corvee; d) working off.

  1. What reflects the bourgeois character of the Great Reforms?

a) abolition of serfdom;

b) volost court for resolving small peasant cases;

c) allotment of land to peasants;

d) adversarial legal process;

e) communal land ownership;

f) the emergence of a mining system;

g) the all-class character of zemstvos;

h) universal military service;

i) peasant land shortage;

j) segments.

  1. New industrial base based on oil production in the 70s of the XIX century. Was laid down:

a) in Donbass; b) in Siberia;

c) in the Baku region; d) in Central Asia.

  1. Match the event with the date:
  1. the beginning of the transfer of peasants for ransom; a) 1878
  2. judicial reform; b) March 1, 1881
  3. assassination of Alexander II; c) 1863
  4. Berlin Congress; d) 1864
1. 2. 3. 4.
  1. The founder of which movement of populism was P.L. Lavrov?

a) Bunatra; b) propaganda;

c) conspiratorial; d) liberal.

  1. What was the name of the first populist organization in Russia?

a) “Land and Freedom”; b) “Black redistribution”;

c) “People's Will”; d) “Liberation of labor.”

  1. Which direction of social thought did B.N. belong to? Chicherin, K.D. Kavelin, who defended the introduction of a constitution, democratic freedoms and the continuation of reforms?

a) liberal; b) radical;

c) conservative; d) reactionary.

  1. Which name is the odd one out and why?

a) I.V. Gurko; b) A.M. Gorchakov;

c) M.D. Skobelev; d) P.S. Nakhimov.


  1. What happened at the Berlin Congress:

a) revision of the provisions of the San Stefano Peace Treaty;

b) strengthening Russia’s position;

c) recognition of the decisions of the San Stefano Peace Treaty;

d) creation of a new coalition against Russia.

  1. With which country was an agreement signed in 1860 that assigned the Ussuri region to Russia?

a) with Japan; b) with China;

c) from the USA; d) with Korea.

a) Treaty of San Stefano;

b) the beginning of the transfer of peasants for ransom;

c) the split of “Land and Freedom”;

d) going to the people;

e) defense of the Shipka Pass.

Option I.

  1. a, c, d, g
  2. a, c, d, g.
  3. 3-b, 1-c, 2-d, 4-a.
  4. b, d, d, a, c.

Test on the topic: Test on the topic: “Russia under Alexander II”

Option II

  1. Implementation of the Great Reforms of the 1860-1870s:

a) slowed down the development of capitalism in Russia;

b) gave impetus to the development of capitalism in Russia;

c) did not affect the pace of development of capitalism in Russia;

d) made the development of capitalism in Russia impossible.

  1. Which bodies were involved in drawing up a unified draft law for the abolition of serfdom?

a) editorial commissions; b) provincial noble committees;

c) peasant committees; d) all indicated under a), b), c).

  1. Global mediators...

a) checked the correctness of the drafting of the charter;

b) appointed by the Senate;

c) resolved disputes between peasants and landowners;

d) everything indicated under a), b), c).

  1. What were the peasants called before the transition to redemption?

a) not redeemed; b) landless;

c) serfs; d) temporarily obligated.

  1. Which of the following was part of the zemstvo reform of 1864?

a) the elective nature of zemstvos;

b) zemstvos in the first two curiae were elected on the basis of property qualifications;

c) provincial officials could be appointed only with the consent of zemstvos;

d) in a number of provinces it was decided not to create zemstvos;

e) zemstvos maintained hospitals, schools, prisons, roads;

f) at the head of the provincial zemstvos was the central zemstvo;

g) zemstvo deputies were called vowels.

  1. What reform was not carried out in the 60-70s?

a) peasant; b) supreme authorities;

c) judicial; d) military.

  1. Which of the above terms reflect the capitalist nature of Russia's development, and which reflect the preservation of feudal remnants?

a) working off; b) segments;

c) rent of land by peasants; d) construction of factories and factories;

e) redemption payments from peasants for land; f) peasant land shortage;

g) railway boom.

  1. Handled minor criminal and civil cases...

a) district court; b) volost court;

c) magistrate's court; d) global mediator.

  1. Jurors are...

a) judicial officials; b) specially selected people to render a verdict;

c) judge in minor cases; c) candidates for magistrate judges.

  1. In 1862, the nobility of the city turned to Alexander II with an address to renounce all class privileges...

a) Moscow; b) St. Petersburg;

c) Voronezh; d) Tver.

  1. What was the purpose of “going” to the people?

a) get to know the life of peasants;

b) train peasants in various specialties;

c) cause a revolutionary explosion in the villages;

d) explain to the peasants the meaning of the abolition of serfdom.

  1. Which active participant in the populist movement expressed the idea of ​​replacing the state with free autonomous societies by revolutionary means?

a) P.N. Tkachev; b) M.A. Bakunin;

c) P.L. Lavrov; d) G.V. Plekhanov.

  1. Which organization in Russia was engaged in terrorist activities?

a) “Black redistribution”; b) “People's Will”;

c) “Ax and reprisal”; d) “Land and Freedom.”

  1. With the name M.T. Loris-Melikova related:

a) creation of the III department;

b) a project for convening elected zemstvos with the right of advisory vote;

c) creation of the State Police Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

d) project for convening the State Duma.

  1. Match the event with the date:

1. Manifesto for the liberation of the peasants; a) 1874

2. “Walking among the people”; b) 1877-1878

1. 2. 3. 4.
  1. Which states united in the “Union of Three Emperors”?

a) France, Russia, Türkiye; b) Austria-Hungary, Türkiye, Russia;

c) France, England, Russia; c) Russia, Prussia, Austria-Hungary.

  1. What was the main foreign policy task facing the Minister of Foreign Affairs A.M. Gorchakov at the first stage of his activity?

a) search for allies for military revenge after defeat in the Crimean War;

b) the creation of a military bloc against England and France;

c) the struggle for the abolition of the restrictive articles of the Paris Peace;

d) creation of a coalition against Austria-Hungary and Prussia.

  1. According to the San Stefano Peace Treaty of 1878...

a) the independence of Bulgaria was proclaimed;

b) independence was granted to Herzegovina;

c) Russia received indemnity from Turkey;

d) The cities of Ardagan, Batum, Kars, and Bayazet were ceded to Russia.

  1. What event did Chancellor A.M. What did Gorchakov call the darkest page in his career?

a) Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878.

b) London Conference of 1878

c) Berlin Congress of 1878

d) Treaty of San Stefano.

  1. Place in chronological order:

a) a manifesto on the liberation of peasants from serfdom;

b) the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war;

c) creation of the “Union of Three Emperors”;

d) zemstvo reform;

e) Berlin Congress.

Option II

  1. a, b, d, g.
  2. 1-c, d, g; 2 – a, b, d, f;
  3. 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c;
  4. a, d, c, b, d.

Test on the history of Russia “The Reign of Alexander II”, grade 8, option 1

1. With the name M.G. Loris-Melikova in the history of Russia in the 19th century. connected)…

A. creation of the III department, corps of gendarmes;

B. a project on convening elected representatives of zemstvos with the right of advisory vote;

IN. project for the creation of a legislative body - the State Duma;

G. carrying out judicial, military and peasant reforms.

2. Name the years of liberal reforms carried out by Alexander II, called the “Great” ones:

A. 1880-1890; B. 1860-1870; IN. 1810-1820; G. 1890-early 1990s.

A. peasants received equal rights with landowners;

B. peasants received land without ransom;

IN. the temporarily obligated position of peasants was abolished;

G. The peasant community was preserved.

4. Indicate the main task of the military reform of the 70s of the XIX century. in Russia:

A. creation of a system of military settlements;

B. creation of a system of military courts;

IN. transition from the principle of conscription in the army to all-class military service;

G. creation of new branches of troops within the armed forces.

5. Which branches of Russian industry were most developed in the 60-70s? XIX century?

A. mechanical engineering; B. oil production;

IN. light industry; G. timber processing industry.

6. Determine the trait that cannot be named a relic of serfdom after the reform of 1861:

A. providing peasants with personal freedom; B. segments;

IN. landownership; G. redemption payments.

7. Point out the line Not characteristic the situation of peasants after the reform of 1861:

A. land shortage; B. lack of money;

IN. lack of rights; G. creation of farms.

8. Indicate the year of local government reform in Russia:

A. 1861; B. 1864; IN. 1874; G. 1880

9. Indicate the correspondence between the historical figures of Russia and the type of their activities:

1 . Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich; A. initiator of the creation of the Moscow Merchant Bank;

2. A.I. Herzen; b. Minister of Education, against real gymnasiums;

3. YES. Tolstoy; V. headed the Main Committee for the preparation of the project

4. V. Kokarev. peasant reform of 1861

G. editor of the magazine "Bell".

A. 1a 2c 3b 4d; B. 1b 2a 3d 4c; IN. 1c 2d 3b 4a; G. different answer

10. Indicate what formed the basis for calculating the amount of ransom paid by the peasant under the reform of 1861?

A. quitrent amount; B. rental value of land;

IN. nominal value of land; G. the number of male souls in the family.

11. Determine which position Not provided judicial reform of 1864:

A. introduction of the legal profession; B. introduction of a single all-class court;

IN. establishment of a jury trial; G. abolition of corporal punishment for peasants.

12. Indicate the significance of the liberal reforms of 1870-1880:

A. they actually became the Constitution;

B. contributed to the transformation of Russia into a bourgeois monarchy;

IN. they destroyed the autocracy;

G. they completely destroyed the political lack of rights of the people.

13. Centers of large-scale mechanical engineering in Russia in the 60-70s of the 19th century. become:

A. Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow; B. St. Petersburg and Moscow;

IN. Baku and Shuya; G. Tula and St. Petersburg.

14. Name the public figures of the 19th century who were Westerners:

A. V.G. Belinsky and A.G. Herzen; B. M.A. Bakunin and N.P. Ogarev;

IN. K.D. Kavelin and G.N. Granovsky; G. P.Ya. Chaadaev and S.S. Uvarov.

15. Indicate a characteristic feature of the revolutionary ideology of the social movement in Russia in the 30-50s of the 19th century:

A. the hope that the reforms will be initiated by the supreme power, relying on the support of the progressive public;

B. justification of the legitimacy and necessity of revolutionary violence in order to bring about changes in society;

IN. confidence in the need to preserve the foundations of Russian society - Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality;

G. the expectation that reforms will be gradual and cautious.

16. Which of the events of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878? happened before others:

A. capture of Adrianople;

B. crossing of the Danube by the Russian army;

IN. fall of the Plevna fortress;

G. signing of the San Stefano Peace Treaty.


17. A form of feudal rent (income not related to entrepreneurial activity), the forced labor of a serf who worked with his equipment on the feudal lord’s farm. In Russia it was widely used until the middle XIX century

18. A plot of land provided for the use of a peasant by a feudal lord or the state for the performance of certain duties.

19. Name the ancient form of organization of Russian peasants that survived until the 20th century, which was characterized by regular redistribution of land, mutual responsibility, and meetings.

20. Russian military leader of the second half of the 19th century. Participant in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878. Under his command, a brilliant victory was won near Lovcha, two assaults on the city of Plevna were carried out, a winter crossing through the Balkan ridge was won, the battle near the village was won. Sheinovo. The soldiers called him the “white general” for his habit of appearing in dangerous places on a white horse in a white jacket and white cap.

21. Persons of different ranks and titles.

22. The name of the St. Petersburg magazine, whose editor was N.G. Chernyshevsky.

23. A socio-political movement that sought to transition Russia to socialism through the peasant community.


17. corvee

18. allotment

19. community (or peasant community)

20. Skobelev M.D.

21. commoners

22. "Contemporary"

23. populism

24. Bakunin M.A.

Test on the history of Russia “The Reign of Alexander II”, 8th grade, 2nd option

1. Name the statesman who proposed to Alexander II to convene a commission of elected zemstvos and create a representative body under the tsar, with the right of an advisory vote:

A. M.G. Loris-Melikov; B. A.A. Arakcheev; IN. OH. Benckendorff; G. S.S. Uvarov

2. Choose a historical term that characterizes the liberation of peasants from serfdom, fundamental changes in social, cultural life in 1870-1880. while maintaining the state system:

A. revolution; B. counter-reforms; IN. reforms; G. counter-revolution.

3 . Indicate the changes in the lives of peasants that occurred during the reform of 1861:

A. a class of state peasants appeared;

B. a layer of “temporarily obliged” peasants appeared;

IN. the plots of most peasants increased significantly;

G. a class group of “economic” peasants arose.

4. Indicate the new industrial region of Russia that arose in the first post-reform decades of the 19th century:

A. Ural; B. Petersburg; IN. Moscow; G. Southern.

5 . Indicate a mandatory feature of a capitalist factory in the middle of the 19th century:

A. work on government orders; B. use of a steam engine;

IN. use of hired labor; G. work for the foreign market.

A. Alexander II; B. Nicholas I; IN. A.I. Herzen; G. ON THE. Milyutin

7. Define the progressive feature of the peasant reform of 1861:

A. liberation of peasants with allotments; B. ransom (monetary) of peasants for land;

IN. mutual responsibility of peasants in the community; G. incomplete personal freedom of peasants.

8. Name the years of the reign of Alexander II:

A. 1801-1825; B. 1855-1881; IN. 1825-1855; G. 1881-1894

9. Indicate the correspondence between government officials and the reforms they carried out and the reform projects they prepared:

1. MM. Speransky; A. development of a project on convening elected representatives from zemstvos;

2. A.A. Arakcheev; b. establishment of military settlements;

3. YES. Milyutin; V. the project for convening a legislative body - the State Duma;

4. M.G. Loris-Melikov; G. preparation and implementation of military reform in the 60-70s of the 19th century.

A. 1a 2b 3d 4c; B. 1c 2b 3d 4a; IN. 1c 2d 3b 4a; G. different answer

10. Specify incorrect position in the list of reasons that prompted Emperor Alexander II to carry out reforms in the 60-70s:

A. the growth of peasant protests;

B. the economic disadvantage of maintaining serfdom;

IN. the development of the liberal serfdom movement;

G. increased pressure from leading European powers.

11 . Continue the sentence. Zemstvo reform of 1864...

A. was a reform of local government;

B. recognized that Zemstvo assemblies approved the governor;

IN. assumed large state subsidies to zemstvos;

G. transferred all power in the province to the noble assembly.

12. Indicate the provision provided for by the military reform of 1874:

A. cancellation of recruitment;

B. introduction of limited military service;

IN. compulsory service in the infantry (10 years);

G. the opportunity for a representative of any class, including peasants and townspeople, to become an officer.

13. Determine the function of zemstvo institutions according to the reform of 1864:

A. exercise of political and legislative power at the local level;

B. performing police functions;

IN. solving economic, administrative and cultural issues of local importance;

G. collection of taxes and duties.

14. The basis of the revolutionary movement in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. become:

A. peasants; B. bourgeois; IN. nobles; G. commoners.

15. Name the public figures of the 19th century who were Slavophiles:

A. G.N. Granovsky, A.I. Herzen; B. F.M. Dostoevsky, V.G. Belinsky;

IN. M.P. Pogodin, S.P. Shevyrev; G. K.S. Aksakov, Yu.F. Samarin.

16. Determine which event in the political history of Russia in the 19th century. happened before others:

A. creation of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party;

B. the emergence of the organization “Land and Freedom”;

IN. the emergence of the Northern and Southern Decembrist Society;

G. creation of the “Liberation of Labor” group.


17. Name the year of the assassination of Alexander II by the Narodnaya Volya.

18. The path of development of society, which involves a sharp, abrupt transition to a new socio-political system, is ... a path.

19. Methods used by an illegal organization to keep its existence and activities secret.

20. Name the type of feudal service that serfs owed up to the middle XIX century in Russia they had to pay in kind or in cash.

21. What was the name of the newspaper published by A.I. Herzen and N.P. Ogarev abroad from 1857 to 1867.

22. What was the name of the Turkish fortress, which was stormed three times by Russian troops during the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878?

23. Mandatory payments for the land of peasants freed from serfdom, which must be repaid within 49 years.

24. Organized work stoppage to enforce demands.


revolutionary path

· conspiracy

· "Bell"

· Plevna (Pleven)

· redemption payments
