In this lesson, we will learn that the paired consonant in the root of the word (in the middle and at the end of the word) needs to be checked. Let's learn how to check paired consonants in the root using a vowel. Let's do a lot of fun things.

Let's observe what happens to paired consonants at the end and in the middle of a word.

Let's name the items. Let's highlight the last sounds.

Train d

Ta h . We hear the sound C - we write the letter Z.

Let's check how a paired consonant sounds in the middle of a word before deaf consonants.

Lo d ka. We hear the sound T - we write the letter D.

Lo well ka. We hear the sound Sh - we write the letter Zh.

We conclude: voiced pairs at the end of a word and in the middle before deaf consonants are stunned, which means that the spelling of paired consonants must be checked.

Three ways to check paired consonants

This spelling occurs at the root of the word, therefore it was called "Spelling of paired consonants at the root of the word." And what words will be test?

Consider examples.

The first way to check the spelling of paired consonants is to change the form of the word so that a vowel appears after the paired consonant.

For example: cargo - cargo, snowdrift - snowdrifts, fruit - fruits.

The second way: mentally substitute the word "no".

For example: flag - no flag, frost - no frost, beak - no beak.

The third way: choose a single-root word so that a vowel comes after the double consonant.

For example: leg - leg, foot - sweetheart, grass - grass.

Rice. 6. Words with double consonants ()

The most dangerous.

Double in the word check

Substitute a vowel next to it.

And also, in order to check a double consonant, you need to change the word so that after the checked consonant sound, a voiced consonant sound H is heard.

For example: fish - fish, book - book.

Consolidation of knowledge in practice

And now we will consolidate the acquired knowledge by completing the tasks.

Insert the missing letters, name the test word.

Yu ... ka, du ... ka, blu ... ka, cold ..., exhibition ... ka, gla ... ki, dream ... ki, dirt ... b, short ... ka, kru ... ka, ringing ..., sea ....

Let's check what happened: skirt ka - skirt, dud ka - pipe, blouse ka - blouse, cold - cold, exhibition ka - expose, eye ki - eyes, snowki - snowy, mud - dirty, cows ka - cow, mug - mug, bell - calls, walrus - walruses.

Select the root in related words, insert a double consonant.

Tra…ka - tra…a, tra…ear, tra…inka.

Doo ... ki - doo ... ok, doo ... points, doo ... new.

Moro ... - frost ... s, frosty ... ny, frost ... it.

Herb ka - herb a, herb abalone, herb inca - root of herbs. Inserted the letter B.

Oak ki - oak ok, oak glasses, oak ovy - oak root. Put in the letter B.

Frost - frosts, frosty, frost - frost root. Insert the letter Z.

Let's name the items. In what words does the spelling differ from the pronunciation? Choose test words for them. Let's highlight the roots.

Bread, nail, hat, cake, dove.

Let's check. The pronunciation differs from the spelling of the words:

Bread, nail, dove.

Test words:

Bread - bread a, bread of ears, bread. Root bread.

Nail - nail and, carnation ik. The root of the nail.

Dove b - blue and, blue ok, blue other. Pigeon root.

We write words that are suitable in meaning with a double consonant at the end. All words start with the letter S.

…… blooms in spring.

Mom made ...... from cucumbers.

Winter is coming....

…… swept during a blizzard.

After the fight under the eye……

…… hay was removed from the field.

Let's check what happened (one of the options).

Garden blooms in spring.

Mom made a cucumber salad.

There is snow in the winter .

Snowdrift swept during a blizzard.

After a fight, a bruise under the eye.

Stack hay was removed in the field.

In the next lesson, we will learn the rules for writing words with a separating soft sign and consolidate this knowledge in practice by completing many interesting tasks.

  1. Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012 (
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Balass.
  3. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language. 2. - M.: Bustard.
  1. ().
  3. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ().
  • Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012. Do exercise. 165 p. 109, ex. 167, 168 p. 111.
  • Insert the necessary consonant at the place of the gap in the words.

Rice. 7. Task for spelling paired consonants at the root of the word ()

  • * Using the knowledge gained in the lesson, solve the puzzles, explain the spelling of the answer words.

Class: 2 "B"

Lesson topic: "A method for checking paired consonants at the end of a word"

Lesson type: explanation of new material

Textbook: "Russian language" Moscow "Business bustard" 2003

Target: Acquaintance with checking paired consonants at the end of a word by changing the form of a word.



¨ Provide conditions for the need to find a way to check the spelling of paired consonants at the end of a word;

¨ Teaches you to distinguish voiced and deaf consonants in words based on pronunciation, determine their position and designate sounds with letters;


¨ To develop analytical and synthesizing thinking: the ability to analyze, classify, accurately formulate a conclusion;

¨ To develop in students the skills of competent writing, speech

¨ To develop the ability of students to work at the right pace, in a group.

¨ Develop initiative, self-confidence.


¨ Cultivate a positive attitude towards knowledge.


¨ Signal cards with paired consonants;

¨ texts for self-learners;

¨ a drawing with objects in the names of which there are dubious consonants at the end.


1) "Spelling in primary school", Moscow "Enlightenment" 1990

2) "intellectual development of younger schoolchildren in Russian language lessons, Moscow" Vlados "2001

3) "Entertaining Grammar", Moscow "Omega" 1995

4), “I am going to a lesson at an elementary school”, Russian. Book 2, Moscow "First of September" 2000

Lesson stages

1) Organizational moment - 2 minutes

2) Organization of activities to prepare for the perception of new material - 5 min.

3) Discovery of new knowledge by children - 10 min.

4) Fixing - 10 min.

5) Independent work - 8 min.

6) Homework - 2 min.

7) The result of the lesson. Reflection - 3 min.

During the classes

Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Organizational moment

There is an epigraph on the board: “If you want to become a climber, go to the mountains.

If you want to be literate, learn to think, think

How do you understand words?

We are embarking on a difficult journey. Today in the lesson we will open spelling secrets. Success awaits those who will be attentive, inquisitive, active.

Children's answers.

2. Organization of activities to prepare for the perception of new material

- Name the letters:

b, p, c, f, d, k, e, t, f, w, h, s

- What are these letters?

- Consonants, because the sounds that they represent cannot be sung and the voice meets obstacles on the way. They are paired.

What two groups can they be divided into?

- Voiced and deaf.

What is the difference between voiced consonants and voiceless ones?


- Write only voiced consonants on one line, only voiceless consonants on the other line.

- Children write in notebooks:

b c d e f h

p f k t w s

Whose secret will we learn in class?

– Today at the lesson we will unravel the secret of paired consonants.

I can reveal this secret to you. You can read it in the textbook.

- Try to discover it yourself.

Let's try to discover it ourselves.

3. Discovery of new knowledge by children

On the desk:



- Guess which word is written.

– Explain its lexical meaning

- A rod is a thin broken or cut branch without leaves.

What letter shall we write?

- Rod - twig, write the letter T

- Make up a sentence with this word.

- I brought a long rod home.

How can the word be spelled differently? Explain the lexical meaning.

Pond - ponds, let's write D

The old pond is completely overgrown.

-What conclusion can be drawn?

- The double consonant at the end of the word needs to be checked. We hear one sound, but we need to write another letter. The lexical meaning of the word changes.

This is the first secret.

2) we will divide the words into two groups: 1 gr - - words in which the paired consonant at the end of the word needs to be checked.

2 gr - words in which you pronounce the consonant clearly.

Attachment 1

- Children work independently in pairs:

Snow - snow

Ice - ice

Frost - frost

Snowdrift - snowdrifts

- Name the words to be checked.

Why do they require verification?

- There is a stun at the end of a word. We hear one sound, and write another letter.

Which words have a clear consonant? Why?

In the words snow, ice, frost, snowdrifts, there is a vowel after the consonant, so it is heard clearly.

-Make a conclusion. How to check a double consonant at the end of a word?

To check the double at the end of a word, you need to change the word so that there is a vowel after the consonant.

This is the second secret of paired consonants.

4. Consolidation of acquired knowledge

Let's open the textbook on page 22

1) It is important not only to know this rule, but also to apply it in practice. And the algorithm will help us in this (on the board)

Children read the rule.

Children, using the algorithm, perform exercise. No. 000 page 91

Oak - oaks

Rows - Row

Boots - boots

Physical education minute

Annex 2

2) Find where in the class the paired consonants "hid" and insert them into the right word. What word is missing?

3) Find in the picture the words in the name of which there is a double consonant at the end of the word. Show him.

Bear ... carrot ... b

Zhira… arbu…

Le… grapes…

Children work with signal cards

Pillar, oak, locomotive, train, bridge, embankment, cargo, train, horse, haystack, fence.

5. Independent work of students

Annex 3

Working with text on cards

Appendix 4

a) Read the text and fill in the missing letters.

b) Mutual check of works

c) Change each sentence so that you get a description of the winter forest.

Children work in groups (orally)

Beautiful winter outfit of the forest. Sparkling snow lies on the trees.

On the thin branches of birches there is snow fluff. An oak tree is covered in snow. Frost did a good job!

6. Homework

Write the new text about winter that you have now compiled at home in a notebook.

7. The result of the lesson.

What spelling secrets did you learn in class?

The double consonant at the end of the word must be checked.

To check a double consonant at the end of a word, you need to change the word so that there is a vowel after the consonant.


Choose a statement:

I understand everything, I can help others ...

· Got it...

I can, but I need help...

· Understood nothing…

Attachment 1

Snow, snow, frost, snowdrift,

Snow, ice, frost, snowdrifts

Appendix 4

Paint. autumn dress. the woods. Leaves turned yellow on the trees. On thin branches take. fluttering golden leaves. In crimson color is du. Autumn colors did a great job!

Reference words:

There is sparkling snow.;

winter, snow fluff;

all covered in snow; freezing. .

Annex 2


Does the word have a double consonant at the end?" width="30" height="31 src="> the consonant was a vowel

We hear we hear

voiced deaf" width="12" height="27">

write: b, c, d, e, h, f write: p, f, k, s, t, w

Theme of the lesson: "Methods of checking
paired consonants at the end of a word

Target: To consolidate knowledge about writing paired consonants at the end of a word.



    develop phonetic awareness;

    develop the ability to recognize paired consonants;

    to form the ability to apply in practice the rules of spelling of paired consonants;

    clarify students' knowledge about the features of test words and methods of verification;

    to form graphic vigilance;

    repeat words with unchecked vowels;

    make interdisciplinary connections.


    to form an interest in the poetic word, in oral folk art;

    cultivate respect for the environment;

    to cultivate the ability to feel: to understand and love the beauty of native nature.


    develop interest in the language as a learning material based on the rules learned;

    develop spelling vigilance, speech skills, accuracy;

    enrich vocabulary;

    develop the ability to observe, compare, draw conclusions, generalizations;

    develop communication skills, curiosity, attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

Equipment: a crossword puzzle with vocabulary words, cards with autumn leaves, a ribbon of paired consonants, pictures for the spelling "Voiced and deaf consonants", cards with methods for checking paired consonants, a slogan, individual handout cards with proverbs, gifts of autumn, the text "Winter", a poster "Basket with gifts of autumn", signal cards for feedback.

During the classes

I . Organizing time.

W. Guys! Today we have not an ordinary lesson, but a tournament of literacy experts. You will compete on teams. We will warm up before the start of the tournament. This is a minute of cleansing.

II . Working with unchecked spellings.

U. Do you want to know who prepared the tasks and rewards for the winners?

To do this, open the envelope with a leaflet and determine from which trees these leaves are.

We collected them during the autumn excursion in the Ecopark.

Complete the crossword. If you do it right, you will read who is our guest today.

D. Autumn.

U. That's right, it's Autumn.

D. In a variegated golden dress

Autumn came to us in the hall,

Like a beautiful queen

Opening ball.

U. The first team to complete this task was No. ... They get an acorn. At the end of the lesson, we will count and identify the winning team.

Write on the board.

(Children write on the board, read spelling one word at a time).

III . Repetition.

U. And now write out in a notebook from these words all the letters denoting consonant sounds.

(Children write out).

U. What groups can consonants be divided into?

D. On hard and soft.

U. What else?

D. On voiced and deaf.

(I turn over the cards on the board).

U. Since we are in the autumn forest, let's play Echo.

(One per chain).

U. [b] [b "] [d] [c] [c "] [l] [g] [g "] [r] [d] [d "] [m] [g] [n] [s ] [z "] [h "] [c] [x] [u "]

D. [n] [n "] - [f] [f "] - [k] [k "] - [t] [t"] - [w] - [c] [ c"] – – – –

U. Well done. Who is not mistaken, will receive an acorn.

U. Why does the "echo" sometimes not respond?

E. When you uttered an unpaired consonant, the "echo" did not respond.

U. Do I need to check unpaired consonants when writing?

D. No, they sound clear.

W. And the paired ones?

D. Yes, they are sometimes spelled differently than they sound.

U. So what will we remember in the lesson today?

IV. Statement and solution of the educational problem.

D. Today in the lesson we will remember which consonants when writing should be checked and how.

U. Guess who prepared the next task for you.

D. The orchard is empty,

Webs fly into the distance.

And to the south end of the earth

Cranes stretched out.

School doors opened.

What month has come to us?

D. September.

U. Open the envelope “Gifts of Autumn”, write the names of the first five gifts on the cards, prove that they wrote correctly.

D. (Team members sign one card at a time).

mushroom - mushrooms

carrot - carrot

bow - bow

grapes - grapes

watermelon - watermelons

U. The first team to complete this task was No. ... They get an acorn.

U. How to check a double consonant?

D. It is necessary to change the word so that after the consonant there is a vowel.

U. Let's check how you completed the task. Write on the board. What verification methods do you remember?

D. "A lot", "No", "Call me affectionately."

U. Write in your notebook and on the board.

(I open a table with such cards on the board, the children enter the words with the test in the appropriate column with a comment. The rest write in a notebook).

D. [flu] - [p] at the end of the word you need to check - [mushrooms]

(I put paired [b] [b '], [p] [p '] on the board.

[markof] - [f] at the end of the word you need to check - [markovochka]

(I put on the board paired [c] [c '], [f] [f '].

[bow] - [to] at the end of the word you need to check - [bow]

(I put paired [g] [g ’], [k] [k ’] on the board.

[vinagrat] - [t] at the end of the word you need to check - [grape]

(I put paired [d] [d '], [t] [t '] on the board.

[arbus] - [s] at the end of the word you need to check - [watermelons]

(I put paired [s] [s '], [s] [s '] on the board.

(Children writing words on the board put a basket of pictures with objects on the board, the basket is filled with gifts of autumn).

U. Now look at the sixth picture. There is a picture of a potato. How should I write this word: "potato" or "potato"?

D. Potato.

W. Prove it.

D. You can call it affectionately: "Potato".

U. What interesting thing did you notice?

D. It turns out that the paired consonant "hid" in the middle of the word.

W. Yes. In words, double consonants are often followed by voiceless consonants. Then you also need to be careful and use the same verification methods. Call them again in unison. Write it on the board and in your notebook along with the test.

(I put [w] [w] on the board).


Hands raised and shook:

These are the trees in the forest.

Hands bent, brushes shaken:

The wind knocks down the dew.

To the side of the hand, gently wave:

The birds are flying towards us.

How they sit down, we will also show

Fold the wings back.

V Anchoring

U. Who brought the next assignment? Guess.

D. All the darker face of nature,

Blackened vegetable gardens

The forests are bare

Frequent rain pours and pours.

What month is coming to us?

D. October.

U. October brought you proverbs about the autumn months. They are in the third envelope. Read and write the name of the month on the line.

(Children read, the team captain writes in one copy).

cold September, yes, full.

IN September and the leaf does not stick to the tree.

October - Kapusnik, smelled of cabbage.

October - a spoonful of water, a bucket of dirt.

November- gates of winter.

IN november the peasant says goodbye to the cart, climbs into the sleigh.

U. The first to do this task were the guys from team No. .... They get an acorn. Read the proverbs.

D. (read one by one from the team).

U. Write down the first proverb.

Which word has a double consonant at the end? How to check?

D. Satisfied - well-fed.

U. Yes, there are other ways to check.

We'll talk about them later.

VI . Homework

U. At home, pick up three proverbs about autumn or write these ones down, underline the letters of paired consonants, pick up test words.

Where can you find proverbs?

D. In books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, the Internet.

W. Yes.

VII . Anchoring

U. He prepared the next task for us ... Guess.

D. The field has become black and white,

It's raining, it's snowing,

And it got colder

Ice bound the waters of the rivers.

Freezing in the field of winter rye,

What month, please.

D. November.

U. Assignment of November in the fourth envelope. This is an excerpt from a poem by Alexei Pleshcheev. Read.

D. Withers and turns yellow

Grass in the meadows.

Only turns green

Winter in the fields.

U. In what word is the paired consonant sound "hidden" in the middle of the word and is not pronounced as it is written?

D. We say [trafka], the test word "grass", we write with the letter "c".

U. Write down the quatrain.

D. (Write)

U. How do you understand the meaning of the highlighted word?

D. Ozim is rye sown in autumn.

U. Guess why the winter is called that? From what word was the word "winter" formed?

D. From the word "winter".

U. Why are winter and winter written with the letter "and"?

D. Unstressed vowels are checked by shock - zimushka.

W. Yes, and we will talk about this in the next lessons.

Autumn is coming to an end, winter is coming soon. The lesson ends, it's time to take stock.

VIII . Summarizing

U. What new did you learn today, what did you make sure that you remembered?

D. - I remembered paired consonant sounds and letters, their designation.

Today I made sure that paired consonants need to be checked when writing.

I know there are different ways to check for paired consonants.

I learned that a double consonant in the middle of a word can sound different than it is spelled.

I guessed that the double consonant in the middle can also be checked by calling it affectionately.

U. Well done. Now, count which team got the most acorns. These are our winners. They get a "5" for the lesson. In second place is team #…. They get "4". The rest did a good job too. They'll get grades when I check the notebooks. And the last gift from autumn, a cheerful rhyme. Let's read together.

(I put the card on the board).

If you hear a paired sound,

Be careful my friend.

Check the consonant sound

Substitute a vowel next to it.

Introspection of the lesson

Class - 2 according to the program 1-4.

Topic: "Methods for checking paired consonants

at the end of a word"

This IIIlesson on this topic. The purpose of this lesson: to consolidate knowledgestudents about writing paired consonants at the end of a word.

To conduct a lesson-reinforcing, I chose an unconventional form - a tournament of experts. Tournament lesson allows you to create positive motivation;provides a situation of success for all groups of students, includingunderachievers; activates the cognitive activity of students;teaches children the ability to negotiate, that is, to cooperate.

In the planning of the lesson there were elements of innovativetechnologies. For example, in the task “Gifts of Autumn”, a problem-dialogical method was used when discussing the spelling of the word “potato”. A differentiated approach to teaching is implemented in the scope of tasks and inhomework: children themselves can choose the level of difficulty of the task(pick up on your own or write off existing proverbs about autumnmonths). In the course of the lesson, problematic situations were created thatwere resolved by the children on their own with the leading role of the teacher.

The lesson combined verbal-visual-practical methodsstudents' activities. The selected teaching methods were subordinated to the goals andobjectives of the lesson and corresponded to the level of learning of students. Lesson stageswere logical and consistent. Learning activities in the classroom werevaried: frontal, group, individual. Literarythe material of the lesson made it possible to implement educational tasks, the mainwhich is caring for the environment. In this lesson,students were formed such skills as the development of phonetichearing, the ability to recognize paired consonants, to put into practice the rulesspelling of paired consonants.

The psychological and pedagogical requirements forlesson. I think that I managed to create a friendly atmosphere onlesson. Throughout the lesson, the students had the opportunity toshow your individuality.

In accordance with health-saving teaching technologies, the class was aired, oral and written forms of work alternated, to removefatigue, a physical culture minute was held, in the meaning associated withlesson content. Lesson time was used rationally, planned the plan has been completed.

All of the above indicates that the goal of the lesson has been achieved,tasks have been completed.

Valentina Alekseevna Krasnova
Method for checking paired consonants at the end of a word

Method for checking paired consonants at the end of a word

Target: to form the ability to justify writing paired consonants at the end of words by selecting test words.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Knowledge update

1) Individual work

Insert missing letters test words. Zu., sa., kru., dr., zavod., fl. , red..

How ?

2) vocabulary work


What unites these words? (They are dictionary)

Can they be divided into groups? (Yes)

(Children perform grouping).

Check vowels, groupings.

name words with a double consonant at the end of a word. (plant, bear)

How check double consonant at the end of a word?

III. Self-determination to activity

Written on the board words:

cart (s, h) tetra (d,t) b table (p, b)

yo (w, w) moro (s, h) dream (g, k)

Name the missing letters, explain their spelling (students show letters with signal cards)

How check double consonant at the end of a word?

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

Textbook work

Ex. 173 (p. 100)

Find in the riddle words, which are needed verify.

Pick up to them verbal test words. Write down the text of the riddle, underline in words letters which we checked.

Ex. 174 (p. 100)

(Words compared by lexical meaning and by pronunciation.)

What is the similarity? What is the difference? (They are pronounced the same, and depending on the letter we write, word will make a difference).

V. Physical education

VI. Consolidation of the studied material

Independent work (multilevel)

1 level

(The words are written on the blackboard. burn words in a notebook exemplary:


cart (s, h) tetra (d,t) b table (p, b)

yo (w, w) moro (s, h) dream (g, k)

2 level

Correct the mistakes, write next test words.

Sugrop, sail, gorot, dove, berek.

3 level

Extract from the text words with paired consonants at the end of a word. Next write test words

Forest in winter

Beautiful winter outfit of the forest. There is snow on the paws of the fir trees. Here is the field. An oak tree is covered in snow. The frost did a good job in the forest!

- Examination doing independent work.

VII. Reflection

(Oral dictation using signal cards)


The red maiden is sitting in a dungeon, and the scythe is on the street. (Carrot)

Transparent as glass

Don't put it in the window. (Ice)

On a green cord

White bells. (Lily of the valley)

Worth Antoshka

On one leg. (Mushroom)

In a golden ball

The oak tree hid. (Acorn)

Under the pines, under the trees

There is a bag of needles. (Hedgehog)

Bel, but not sugar

No legs, but walking. (Snow)

People are waiting for me, calling

And I will come to them - they run away. (Rain)

VIII. Lesson summary

Finish my sentence.

To check double consonant at the end of a word, necessary….


Ex. 175. (p. 101)

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A way to check paired consonants at the end of a word. 2nd grade

The purpose of the lesson:

1. familiarization with the verification of paired consonants at the end of a word by changing the form of the word;

2. develop attention, memory; writing skills, working on calligraphy;

3. to form the ability to justify spelling by selecting a test word.

During the classes

    Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

(Slide #1)

Shka…, other…, kru…, moro…, gri…

What is the spelling of these words? (Double consonant at the end of a word.)

What should we do to write these words correctly? (Choose a test word.)

Tell me, what are we going to do in class today? (Today in the lesson we will learn to find test words).

What are the paired consonants?

Why should they be checked?

How to check the spelling of a consonant paired sound at the end of a word

Ask questions for these words.

(Slide #2)

2. Calligraphy.

Open notebooks, write down the number, class work.

Recording Her

- Guess the riddles:

Last time I was a teacher
The day after tomorrow - the driver.
He must know a lot
Because he ... (Artist)

(Slide #3)

The caftan on me is green,
And the heart is like a kumach,
Tastes like sweet sugar
And he looks like a ball.


What letter do words start with? (Starting with the letter A.)

Which of these words needs to be checked in order to write correctly? (Watermelon)

Come up with a single-root word for the word WATERMELON, in which there will be a double consonant to be checked. - Write down the spelling. - Let's check.

What other similar-sounding words can you think of for this word?

Add. question: what words are called single-root?

Today we will work on the capital letter A.

Find test words for the following words. We call the test words a chorus, we show the consonant at the end of the word with a signal card.

Carrot, closet, scarf, hut, soup, tooth, giraffe, poppy.

4. Physical education.

It's easy fun
Turns left and right.
We all know for a long time -
There is a wall, and there is a window. (Turns of the body to the right and left.)
We squat quickly, deftly.
Here, the trick is already visible.
To develop muscles
You have to sit down a lot. (Squats.)
And now walking in place
This is also interesting. (Walking in place.)

5. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Open textbooks on p. 111.

(Slide 10) Exercise 167

What word is chosen for testing? (related )

And after a dubious consonant, what will be the sound? (Vowel )

Algorithm (... a related word so that a vowel sounds after the consonant)

Formulate a validation rule.

Work in pairs according to the textbook

(Slide 11) Page 111 exercise 168. Analysis orally. writing in pairs.

Choose only three words from the suggested ones.

Examination. - Prove why they wrote it like that ... Self-esteem.

3. -Well done, now complete my sentences:

    Sounds happenvowels and consonants.

    Consonant sounds arehard and soft.

    Consonant sounds arevoiced and deaf.

    Consonant sounds arepaired and unpaired.

    Paired consonants areb c d e f h
    p f k t w s

    unpaired consonants. Always voicedl m n r y

Always softh sh x c

On the desk

Formulation of the problem, discussion and implementation of the project to get out of the difficulty. Group work (Slide 12)

How else you can check dubious paired consonants, you will determine by working in groups

What? Which?

holo.. (d, t) coldn th

gris.. (b, p) …….. n

moro.. (h, s) ……..n

true.. (h, s) ……..l

On the slide. We check. We draw a conclusion.(Slide 13)

(In the test word, after a dubious double consonant, it may turn out ...)

Let's readrule "Steps to Skill" in the textbook (p. 112)

Algorithm (... change the word so that after the consonant there are consonants [l], [m], [n], [r])

Compiling a cluster (cards appear on the board)

What are the names of consonants that have a pair of voiced-deafness?

In what part of the word do these paired consonants cause us doubts when writing?

What needs to be done to correctly write the desired letter?

How to check paired consonants at the end of a word?

Paired consonants

at the end of a word

change word

after a consonant after a consonant

vowel sounds voiced consonants sound

[N], [M], [R], [L]

4.-Now let's do a test that will show how you learned the rule for checking paired consonants at the end of a word. (Slide number 6)

TEST. On the desk

Write out paired consonants:

B, Z, Ch, F, Y, X, F

Write the words with a double consonant at the end:

Eye, cat, bow, dwarf, cart:

Insert letter:

Moro…, fat…, pyro…, baga….

Exchange notebooks with a neighbor on the desk, we will conduct a mutual check.

(Slide number 7)

6. Vocabulary and spelling work.

1. The game "Photographer".

Now we will play the game "Photographer". I will show dictionary words, and you will have to read the word very quickly, remember how it is spelled, insert the missing letter, write it down.

Berry, girl, fox, sparrow, hare, bear, notebook.

2. Work on a new vocabulary word.

Guess who are we?

If it's raining, we don't grieve -
We smartly spank through the puddles,
The sun will shine -
We stand under the hanger.
(Boots.) (Slide number 8)

Write the word boots. Put emphasis.

What does this word mean? (Shoes.)

Can I buy one boot in the store?

Boots are a pair. Therefore, we ask you to show us the boots, give us a try on boots, I want to buy boots.

The paired consonant at the end of the word boots can be checked with a wordboots. And here is the unstressed vowelbut this word must be remembered.

Make up and write a sentence with this word.

7. Consolidation of the studied material.

(Slide number 10)

Find words in this picture that contain a double consonant at the end of a word. Choose test words.

8. The result of the lesson. (Slide number 11)

How to check a double consonant at the end of a word?

Give examples.

Homework: uch.s.112 rule, ex.169

In the word "radish": syllables-2 (radish), letters-6, sounds-5:

consonant, unpaired voiced, sonorous, paired soft vowel consonant, double deaf, double soft vowel
