The time for vacations is chosen by the school administration independently, but at the same time it adheres to the recommendations established by the Ministry of Education.

Some schools have different vacation times. This is due to the type of education that is conducted in a particular school. In some schools, children study in quarters, and in others, in trimesters.

Vacation features

Schoolchildren studying in quarters take rest every year at the same periods:

  • Fall... The nine-day vacation is the last week of October and the first week of November.
  • Winter... 2 weeks of New Years holidays.
  • Spring... The final week of March.
  • Summer... The whole summer period.

First graders take one more week off in the winter as they need more rest time due to their age.

In the trimester type of study, everything is simpler. Students go to class for 5 weeks and then rest for a week. The exception is New Year's holidays, which do not depend on the type of study.

Autumn break period

After summer, children find it difficult to get involved in their studies, and they look forward to the onset of a period of rest.

School holidays, the most long-awaited ones, come in the 2016-2017 school year at a deciduous time - in the fall. There is one public holiday per week of rest (November 4), so children will start resting at the end of October.

School education will start on November 7, 2016.

For those who study on a trimester type, the rest will take place already two times:

  • 10.2016-12.10.2016;
  • 10.2016-24.10.2016.

Don't forget that some teachers give homework for the holidays. Come to school with appropriate training.

Winter break period

Pupils are waiting for the New Year with a special desire. After all, this is not only the arrival of Santa Claus with gifts, but also a rest from lessons and daily homework.

Holidays in the coldest time of the year divide the school year in half. At this time, students and their parents spend holidays together at home or go on vacation. The winter break period is the same for all schools. It lasts 2 weeks.

Holidays are periods of rest from school for schoolchildren.

In Moscow, the vacation schedule is set by the city Department of Education. It is the same for all schools.

Winter vacation

The period of winter school holidays depends on the school system.

Students have a quarterly rest in the winter once: in late December - early January. Vacations last 10-14 days. First graders receive an additional one week winter weekend in February.

Students in terms of trimester rest twice in winter: in late December - early January and in February. The first vacation lasts 10-14 days, the second - a week.

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying in quarters (Moscow)

For students on quarters in Moscow, the winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will be held from Monday, January 1 to Wednesday, January 10, 2018 inclusive. In fact, the rest will begin on Saturday, December 30 (with a five-day training system). Schoolchildren will start classes on Thursday, January 11th.

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying in quarters (regions of the Russian Federation)

For students in quarters in the regions of Russia (all except Moscow), the winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will run from Monday December 25, 2017 to Monday January 8, 2018 inclusive. In fact, the rest will begin on Saturday, December 23 (with a five-day training system). Schoolchildren will start classes on Tuesday January 9th, after the end of the New Year holidays.

First graders will receive an additional winter break from Monday 19 February (in fact, from Saturday 17 February) to Sunday 25 February 2018.

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying in terms of trimester (Moscow)

For students in terms of terms in Moscow, the winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will last 2 periods:

  • from Monday January 1 to Wednesday January 10, 2018 inclusive (in fact, the rest will start from Saturday December 30 - with a five-day training system);

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying by trimester (regions of the Russian Federation)

For students in terms of terms in the regions of Russia (all except Moscow), the winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will last 2 periods:

  • from Monday December 25, 2017 to Monday January 8, 2018 inclusive (in fact, the rest will start from Saturday December 23 - with a five-day training system);
  • from Monday 19 February to Sunday 25 February 2018 (in fact, the rest will begin on Saturday 17 February - with a five-day training system).

Additional holidays

The administration of an educational institution may introduce additional holidays in winter if:

The air temperature is below -25 ° C (for students in grades 1-4), -28 ° C (grades 5-9) and -30 ° C (grades 10-11);

The temperature in classrooms is below +18 ° С;

The epidemic threshold for morbidity exceeds 25% of the total number of students in the school.

Many parents whose children are schoolchildren, and the students of educational institutions themselves, want to know in advance what the vacation schedule will be for the next 2017-2018 academic year. Why? It's pretty simple. Adults want to understand when children will be free from school in order to calmly plan their family vacation or find ways to keep their children busy. Whereas the students themselves are interested in when they will be able to "take a break" from the boring school routine.

What determines the dates of vacations for schoolchildren?

Each parent is concerned that his child would be constantly at work, attending school, studying in sections and developing as correctly and comprehensively as possible. Firstly, it is so useful and interesting for the student himself. Secondly, he is constantly busy, which means that unpleasant situations are excluded, in which children so often find themselves wandering aimlessly all day.

Therefore, often the approaching vacation for children makes parents nervous and spend a lot of time planning the daily routine for their child. In such planning, the urgent question becomes: "How many days will the break from school work last?" Moreover, you want to know the vacation schedule in advance, in order, for example, to understand when it is best to coordinate your next vacation at work and spend more time with your son or daughter.

However, the bureaucratic reality is that the Ministry of Education and Science approves the recommended schedule almost on the eve of September 1. In rare cases - a little earlier. For example, before summer. Therefore, the school holidays for the upcoming 2017-2018 academic year should be officially "dated" only in the near future.

At the same time, we must not forget that the Ministry of Education only recommends a list of dates for schoolchildren, taking into account the list of work and days off approved by the government, and the workload, and various circumstances (the same quarantine). But the heads of educational institutions directly have the right to make adjustments to suit their needs - to shift the beginning and end of the "school leave" by 1-2 weeks.

Advice! Active interaction with the parental council and the leadership of the educational institution will help to keep abreast of the planned dates for the holidays.

If we talk about the main reasons for changing the dates of rest of schoolchildren, then there are only two of them:

  1. The calendar itself changes every year. As a rule, the days of the week are slightly shifted (by 1-2 days) relative to similar calendar numbers for the previous year.
  2. Our government constantly approves a new production calendar. As a result, there is a redistribution of holidays and weekends.

Thus, the annual change in the schedule is natural in order, for example, to avoid overlaps.

Estimated vacation dates for 2017-2018

There are three main educational systems currently in use in the Russian Federation:

  1. by quarters;
  2. by modules;
  3. by trimester.

However, we note that the modular calendar and trimester planning approach coincide, so the children will have rest in the same period.

These are only approximate figures. The only exceptions are the beginning and end of training. Everything here is the same as before: on September 1, 2017 we go to school, on May 31, 2018 (junior grades earlier) we finish school.

What can affect the changes in the calendar?

Educational institutions with a quarter education system

The very first - the autumn holidays, which are marked by the celebration of the Day of National Unity - 04.11. This year, the holiday falls on Saturday, as a result of which the All-Russian day off was postponed to the next Monday - 11/06/2018. How exactly this transfer will be assessed by your educational institution and how it will set terms for rest, it is better to check with the school management.

As for winter, the 2018 New Year holidays, as a rule, coincide with the all-Russian weekend, timed to coincide with the New Year and Christmas. This means that students go on vacation from about December 27 to 30. Therefore, January 09-10, 2018 is the beginning of the third quarter, as well as the first working day for adults throughout the country.

In the spring of the 2017-2018 academic year, no national holidays are planned, and therefore the change in the period of their holding in the spring of 2018 depends only on the decision of the school management. Any unforeseen circumstances may also affect - the same quarantine, during which lessons are not held. As a result, it is necessary to "catch up" in order to have time to teach all the topics of the school curriculum. Because of this, the terms of the spring "leave" of schoolchildren may be shifted.

Important! For children 6-7 years old who will go to school for the first time, an additional winter weekend is set in the last week of February.

Trimester schools

Oddly enough, this training system is somewhat easier for parents, although they themselves studied differently. The fact is that the method is initially based on the following scheme: the child learns for five weeks, rests for one - and this cycle repeats over and over again. The same period lasts modules for a different type of training.

The only exception is the winter vacation, which lasts longer. After all, it is associated with the New Year holidays, approved by the production calendar. Therefore, the number of days off during the winter break from studies is always greater.

What causes the deadlines to be shifted?

The main reason why the final word in the approval of the vacation period was left to the director of the educational institution is too large a palette of territorial features of each region.

Thus, in a number of Siberian and northern regions, training is often canceled due to severe frosts. Another objective reason may be a severe flood or an epidemic of diseases. Therefore, you can focus on the preliminary school schedule of school days and days off, but you should not take it as final and approved.

  • The school's official website is the first source of accurate, specific information. By law, each organization carrying out educational activities is required to post an annual calendar of lessons on its website;
  • Electronic resource: student's diary. The information you are interested in will be posted as an ad for parents or you can just scroll through the diary, if there are no classes, then you have found what you were looking for;
  • The class teacher always has information on the schedule of the educational process of his wards and, of course, will tell you when the holidays will begin or end;
  • Phone call to the school principal's office. The secretary is also aware of the teaching and learning schedule and is authorized to provide you with this information.

The vacation schedule for schools, universities and institutions of secondary vocational education in Moscow is approved individually for each educational institution by its director, rector or other person responsible for making decisions. In practice, the vacation schedule rarely differs from the recommendations of the higher authority.

Russian schools live according to two educational "calendars": quarters and trimesters. Depending on this, as well as being guided by the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, educational institutions themselves determine the dates of the holidays. In general, it is beneficial for the school to adhere to the generally established framework, since general vacations mean more opportunities in organizing high-quality children's leisure: performances, excursions, concerts, etc.

Vacation in schools with a system of teaching in quarters

Those who study in quarters have four holidays a year - autumn, winter, spring and summer.

Autumn holidays 2019-2020 academic year

Of these, the dates of the autumn holidays at the end of October and the beginning of November are less stable: the date of their end depends on the Day of National Unity, which is celebrated on November 4.

New Year's holidays 2019-2020 academic year

New Year's holidays, as a rule, begin in the last week of December and end on the 10th of January. Schoolchildren go to school on Monday. Winter holidays in the 2019/2020 academic year will last from December 31 to January 12. First graders will have additional vacations in winter * - from 17 to 24 February.

Spring break 2019-2020 academic year

The situation with the rest in spring is much simpler - the dates do not depend on the holidays. Spring break falls in the last week of March and the first week of April. In 2020, schoolchildren will have a rest from March 23rd to March 31st.

Summer holidays 2019-2020 academic year

Summer holidays will start as usual - from June 1 to September 1 schoolchildren are waiting for three whole happy months free from lessons.

* For students of the first grades and classes of correctional and developmental education.

In addition to scheduled holidays, school may be canceled on the following

The children rested four times a year and the longest vacations are summer ones, three months of freedom. in Moscow: the table helps everyone to check, because now the schedule "floats" every year.

Probably there is no child in the country who does not anxiously follow the calendar, counting how many weeks are left before the holidays. Teachers, too, do not let them forget, it is important for them that the children pass the "tails" before the rest and work out all the passes. After all, at the end of the quarter, everyone receives a final grade. Therefore, the subject students appoint control tests shortly before the holidays. True, a few years ago the schedule was constant and approved, both teachers and students and parents knew it. But now he “swims” every year. Why is this happening and when to plan a vacation for children in 2017?

Reasons for the new "floating" schedule

Modern Russian laws speak directly - there is no approved, uniform timetable for school activities and vacations now. The ministry gave schools the right to independently plan the number of days of rest and activities for children. How long will the short periods of vacation last, how much rest in the summer. As with all extracurricular activities, such as summer work.

Parents need to know one thing: when choosing a school for a child, find out what system is taught there. Traditional, where four quarters a year and, accordingly, rest as all schoolchildren used to do, or modular (when children study for five weeks and have one rest). Holidays 2016-2017 academic year in Moscow: each option has its own table, respectively, and there are clear dates for the upcoming holidays. This is the situation in Moscow itself. The educational authorities send written recommendations to the regions every year, where the dates for the duration of the holidays are set. But these are only recommendations, not clear orders. The final decision rests with the school administration.

After that, the last, final quarter on April 3 will begin. Usually teachers remind the children that this is the last spurt and you need to try to make the annual grades good. It does not last long, traditionally until May (the school administration decides for itself when the last of the school days comes, because then some extracurricular activities may be planned for the last call and you need to agree on the time for preparation), but usually the end of the school year falls on the period from 21 it happens until May 31, after which the guys will be released for three whole months.

Training schedule for modular schools with the "5 + 1" mode

This is a recently adopted innovation, along with the Western example of teaching, where children in some gymnasiums study as students and rest only a couple of times a year, is practiced by some schools. Usually, parents will find out in advance the features of the educational process of the chosen school and the holidays for the 2016-2017 academic year in Moscow: the table in modular schools will be as follows:

Autumn first October 3 to October 9;
autumn second November 14 to November 20;
winter first December 31 to January 8;
winter second 20 February to 26 February;
spring 10 April to 16 April.

With such a schedule, you can also plan a joint vacation with your child, as well as all of his extracurricular activities. So schoolchildren can rest more often and the educational process is divided into smaller layers than that of their comrades from traditional educational institutions.

School schedule for all quarters

Moscow schools, where the process is organized in the usual way and is divided into the usual 1 quarters, the children will rest as follows:

Autumn October 31 - November 6;
winter December 26-January 8;
spring March 27 - April 2;
summer (May 21-31) - September 1;
and additional holidays (for first graders) on February 20-26.

Moreover, the latter was introduced more recently, noting how difficult the educational process is for the smallest, who went to kindergarten last year.

Who can I get the school schedule from?

It is clear that there is no single, approved timetable for all, and each school (gymnasium, closed institution, college) is forced to set its own timetable. Therefore, it is impossible to find out the exact information on the website of the Ministry of Education on the dates of the holidays. Usually parents are notified of the new schedule at the meeting on September 1st or a little later, when the parent committee meets for the first or second time. Holidays 2016-2017 academic year in Moscow: the table is sometimes posted on the notice board below and then it is available to everyone. But if this is not the case, you can find out the schedule of your child in different ways:

Visit the site of your school - yes, now many schools (not only private and gymnasiums) have their own sites. It contains the address of the institution, the full name, all awards and features of the curriculum and, of course, the schedule. It is updated annually.
if your school has a new electronic diary system that parents can use to check all of their child's grades. It contains not only the comments of the teachers, but also the schedule of the year. Sometimes teachers do not inform parents about the schedule, but they must fill out the diaries.

Holidays 2016-2017 academic year in Moscow: a table on the school website or in an electronic diary is available for download.
