BUSINESS CARD for the competition "Teacher of the Year 2014"

"Theory of My Life"

ON THE. goes out and speaks on the phone.:

Yes, Irina Ivanovna, well, what news are you talking about ... .., and on which site .... Well, now we'll look and look for a candidate.

Sits down at the table: I found it, let's see...


ON THE. So here we go! Let's start casting.

(knock on door)

ON THE. Are there any contenders? So so so. Please pass.

Me - Hello! So I decided to take part in your casting, but I don’t know where to start. (I carry with me a pyramid with points)


I- What tough requirements you have, but I AM READY.

I'm going the hard way between rules, theorems
sometimes the topic is boring, with many problems.
But I was able to understand the beauty of exact science!
I'm a theorem
of my life now I want to prove to you.

Theorem: Pedagogy is a profession, a hobby and the main business of a teacher's life.

-Given: object of study: I ​​am Yulia Ivanovna Kardakova, teacher of mathematics

- Required to prove that the level of my teaching skills tends to perfection and I can take part in the competition "Teacher of the Year"

-Let's move on to the proof.

-P1. CHILDHOOD (tear off leaf)

Everyone has a "Coast of Childhood" in their life,
Where is the sea of ​​fairy tales and magical dreams.
Don't miss this beauty...
It makes me want to go back to my childhood...

Only child, daughter, joy,

I grew up in love and believed in a dream,

What in the footsteps of both grandmothers and mothers,

I'm going to work as an accountant.

I- Nina Alekseevna, you have noticed that mathematical and analytical abilities are in my genes.

ON.-Yes, you have good genetics, but what kind of education.

P.2 Education (tear off)


School years are wonderful
With friendship, with a book, with a song,
How fast they fly!
You can't bring them back.
School years (wonderful).

I had a lot of talent

Everything was given effortlessly, easily.

I wanted to become a teacher.

Went away to study.

Dreams have changed

Debit, credit no longer delighted me,

I dreamed about theorems at night.

I dreamed about mathematics.

-Dreams come true, and I'm a student

I studied at the institute with dignity,

I have mastered the program by 5.

received the basics of government in the magistracy

and even distinguished herself in the candidate

ON.-That's good, but what about work

I- And the work is great!

P.3 Work book(tear off)

After Peda at the Polytechnic University

This is my first success.

Graphs, logic, discrete

For students like candy

Senior Lecturer

attentive to students.

Years go by, muscles swim

And now I'm a physical education teacher

Great move time

Wins and awards.

Mind and body, all in good shape

And everyone is happy about it.

And this is my purpose

I teach kids math.

Minds childish strong impulses,

There is no greater joy in the profession.

I told you about work!

N.A. - The experience is impressive, but tell us about your professional skills.

P4. Pedagogical competencies

I use in class

I'm all kinds of TCO,

multimedia projector,

How am I now without him

And "live mathematics"

For science like romance

I have my own website

I can work with him.

I teach children to explore the world,

Love for math starts here

Fractals and ciphers, we can handle everything.

And this process never ends.

Also, I'm a class teacher.

I love your 10th grade

They are my second children

We are together though there are few of us.

Let's overcome everything.

We will hand over the tests and the exam,

And fix the trouble

And if necessary, we will win,

we are in a school competition without looking.

P5. Hobbies

There are a lot of hobbies on earth

I wanted to be everywhere

And I sang and danced.

I did well in sports games

Chasing balls

Weaving macrame crafts,

So what else about me

I can do all this now

I can score the ball in the basket

And I can perform in the club

I can drive a car

I help my husband in the household.

Life is interesting and beautiful

There is no place for boredom

To go with love to the whole world

and receive warmth in return.

N.A- Oh, what a diversified

P6 Family

A support and support for me my family

Daughter and husband help

They always make me happy.

Love! And value happiness!

It is born in the family

What could be more expensive

In this fabulous land

ON - Yulia Ivanovna - YOU are an excellent candidate for participation in the competition "Teacher of the Year 2014"

Do you have everything?

Yes, the theorem is proved, CTD.

ON THE. – What is wht?

I - Q.E.D. Can it be different





Educational project for 9th grade students. Extracurricular activities in mathematics.
The form of the event is the game KVUN (club of cheerful smart resourceful)

Members: 5th students
Project Manager:
Mathematics teacher Borisova Irina Ivanovna

KVUN "With mathematics through life"
1. To develop interest in the study of mathematics, to increase educational motivation for the subject.
2. Awaken curiosity, quick thinking and initiative;
3. Develop the ability to communicate in a group, find the right solution through brainstorming.
The hall is colorfully decorated: there are mathematical newspapers on the walls, students' drawings about mathematics, crossword puzzles, scientists' statements, a computer and a multimedia projector, and musical arrangement.
Preliminary preparation.
1. Organization of the project work headquarters.
2. Formulation of the goals and objectives of the project.
3. Development of the scenario of the event.
4. Election of curators for each class.
5. Work of curators with teams:
- Discussion, selection and preparation of the team's business card. (See Appendix 1 for the approximate content of the business card)
- Conducting classes with classes in various areas (Solving logical problems, studying the history of mathematics, performing arts.)
- Design work (Wall newspaper, mathematical statements, stage design, etc.)
- Preparation of business cards for teams.
- Preparation of team paraphernalia.
- Preparation of homework "Mathematical surprise" (sketch, song, dance, etc.)
6. Preparing a multimedia presentation
7. Selection of musical arrangement.

Conducting the game.

From each parallel of 5 classes from 6 to 8 students take part in the game.
Leading - two students of the 9th grade.
Jury - 9th grade students, mathematics teachers, representatives of the school self-government.
Class 5A Team–
Team 5 B class -
Team 5 B class

All participants are seated in the hall. Below, near the stage, there are 3 tables and chairs for each team. The children take their place at the table after the performance.

Greetings from the teacher-project leader.

Like air, mathematics is needed,
The very courage of an officer is not enough.
Calculations! Volley! And the target is hit
Mighty blows of metal.
And the warrior remembered for a moment
As a schoolboy dreamed during the hours of study:
About a feat, about flurries of fire,
About the furious impulse of the offensive. .
But the teacher was strict
And every time he interrupted the boy rudely:
- Dream enough, repeat the story
On the properties of a circle and the angles of a square.
And the warrior's love is preserved
To a distant, gray-haired teacher.
Like air, mathematics is needed
Today to a young officer.
Math is as essential as air! And indeed it is! No profession in the world can do without the knowledge of mathematics. Mathematics is everywhere: And in the brush of the artist, and in the verses of the poet. Without mathematics, a surgeon cannot perform an operation, and a baker cannot bake bread. An agronomist will not be able to sow a field, and a designer will not be able to build an airplane.
I want you guys to love this very interesting science. And it is not so difficult, our mathematics, but very exciting and sometimes even magical and fun. Today's competition, which was prepared for you by students of grade 9 A, will help you make sure of this.
1 host:
We start our game. And as in every game, there must be winners. There will be winners in our game, but there will be no losers. After all, getting new knowledge, new emotions, new friends is already a victory!
2 leader. Allow me to introduce our jury: (Introduces the jury to the applause of the participants and fans)
1 leader. Dear jury! I ask you to announce the rules of our game (Appendix 3)
(One of the jury members reads the rules of the game)
2 leader. Today the game is attended by students of the 5th grade of our school.
But today they are not just students, they are a team. And now each team will tell about themselves, introduce themselves and greet the jury and rivals. The order of performance will be determined by lot. (Draw)
Presentation of teams The jury announces the results of the first competition. 2nd host announces the 2nd competition "Counting is fun together." (Appendix 4)
Envelopes with examples have been prepared for each team, which are on the table, on the stage
for example: (20-5 + 3), you need to quickly run up to the table, count and sit down in your place. The queue passes to the next team member. The team that spends less time and gives more correct answers wins the competition.
1 leader. The last participant must quickly place the envelope on the jury table.
I'm starting the countdown. At the expense of three, we run to the table, open the envelope and begin. One two Three!
2 leader. The competition is over, well done guys, they did it quickly. The jury announces the results of the second competition.( Presentation) (Appendix 2)
1 leader. The next contest is "Math Roulette". I explain. Terms of this competition.
Each team in turn spins the roulette wheel, chooses the field behind which the question is hidden. All commands answer this question. The right to answer first is given to the leading team. If the team does not answer, the right to answer passes to the opposing team. Each team spins the roulette wheel 1 time. You have 3 minutes to think. If the team copes with the task earlier and answers correctly, it gets 1 point.
2 leader. The right to spin the roulette wheel first is given to the team with the most points……..
1 leader. While the jury is summing up the results of the competition, the teams are preparing for the competition
"Math Surprise", we will play with the fans and try to earn extra points for our teams.

Game with fans
1. Black, tailed, does not bark, does not bite, but does not let her from class to class. (Deuce)
2. The more you take from it, the more it becomes. (Pit).
3. Bagels are hung on the ladder, click, yes click,
4. five, yes five, so we learn to count. (Accounts).
5. What kind of birds fly by, seven in each flock?
They fly in a string, do not return back. (Days of the week).
6. An annual bush drops a leaf every day. A year will pass, the whole leaf will fall off. (Calendar).
7. He is golden and mustachioed, there are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. (Ear)
8. I am stronger than ten horses. Where in the fields I will pass in the spring, in the summer the bread will become a wall. (Tractor).
9. There is a commotion in the yard, peas are pouring from the sky. She ate six peas of Zina, she now has a sore throat. (Grad).
2 leading. Dear jury, I ask you to add points to our teams that the fans have earned for them. And announce which team and how many points scored in previous competitions. 1 leader. And we are starting the competition "Mathematical Surprise", for which the teams, together with their curators, prepared in advance. This competition evaluates artistry, fun, activity and incendiary. After all, mathematics is a fun science!
The team is invited to the stage …….
2 leading. Dear jury! Announce the results of the competition. Sounds saver "Captains of KVN"
1st host: it's time to show yourself to the team captains.

Captains must correctly and quickly answer the same question. Points are awarded only to the first person to answer the question correctly. Captains are given signal cards. Red means "disagree", green means "agree".
One ton has a thousand kilograms "YES"
basic unit of length - centimeter "NO"
natural numbers "NO" are used to count objects
the digit "zero" means the absence of units of this digit in the decimal notation of the number "YES"
the rays into which the point divides the line are called complementary to each other "YES"
zero refers to natural numbers "NO"
the plane has edges "NO"
the result of comparing two numbers is called the "NO" equation
in ancient Rus', the number ten thousand was called the word "darkness" "YES"
the number from which it is subtracted is called the “subtracted” “NO”
to solve an equation means to find all its roots (or make sure that there are none) "YES"
German scientist Carl Gauss is called the king of mathematics "YES"
to find an unknown divisor, it is necessary to divide the dividend by the quotient "YES"
2³ = 6 "NO"
foot, verst, sazhen, inch, yard - these are all units of mass "NO"
S \u003d a b - area formula "YES"
the areas of equal figures are equal to "YES"
hectare is the area of ​​a square with a side of 100 m "YES".
2nd leader. While the jury is summing up the results of the competition, we are holding the Teams in 3 minutes must draw a picture, which should be depicted only in numbers. A fun screensaver sounds, the teams draw.
On a piece of paper, all team members draw a picture, which should be depicted only in numbers.
1st leader.
The game is over, it's time to find out the result.
2nd leader.
Who worked best of all, distinguished himself in our KVUN?
The jury sums up the results of the final competition and the entire KVUN.
At the conclusion of the KVUN, all those present sing a song (Appendix 7)
It's no secret that it's hard to be friends with mathematics,
And the tasks are not easy to solve,
But, now we can handle them wonderfully
We know what to look for
We know what we have!
Under a friendly chuckle
Under a quiet sniff
Under joyful singing
Is born into the world.
Big answer for a little one
For such a small problem,
For such a modest task,
Such a huge secret
Oh, it was 6 only where, Oh, it would only be when,
Ah, it would have been someone to write it off!


Annex 1

Preparing for an extracurricular KVUN event.
Venue - MOU secondary school No. 1, Novoulyanovsk. Assembly Hall.
Time - 7.15.15
Participants are 5th grade students. Teams of 8 people.
Organizers and presenters: Pupils of the 9th grade.
Preparation for the event:
1. Select the curators of the teams and students of grade 9A
5A- account. mathematicians Borisova I.I. Cl. hands Kondyurina E.A.
Curators: __________________________________________________________
5B - teacher of mathematics Grigoryeva R.A. class head Pribylova N.S.
Curators ____________________________________________________________
5th century Mathematics teacher Aliullina K.Kh class. head Fashutdinov N.V.
Curators __________________________________________________________
Curators together with the teams prepare:
1. Team name.
2. The motto of the team.
3. Greetings to the opponent's teams.
4. Greetings from the jury.
Homework: Math Surprise.
Attention! All points of preparation must be with a mathematical tint.
According to the results of the competition, the winner and prize-winners are determined. All will be awarded diplomas and prizes.

Appendix 2

Competition "Mathematical Roulette" answers.
1.Magic triangle
Arrange the numbers from 1 to 9 on the balls of the triangle so that their sums on the sides of the triangle are equal.
Answer: 5 - 4 - 9 - 2 - 7 - 3 - 8 -1 - 6 - 5.
2. Cryptor
In this encrypted entry, the same characters represent the same numbers from 1 to 9. Decipher the entry.
Answer: 99+9=108, 18∙9=162, 68: 2=34, 89-32=57.
3 We are going friends ....
Two cars left Moscow and St. Petersburg at the same time towards each other. They moved evenly, without stopping, at speeds of 80 km/h and 95 km/h. How far apart will they be one hour before the meeting?
Answer: 175 km.
4. Exercise for the mind
Find out if the numerical value of the expression 534∙974∙824 + 846∙916 is divisible by 10?
Answer: yes.
5. Black box
There are three hints on the screen, each hint reduces the result of the answer by 1 point.
Answer: Rubik's cube.
6. Turn on the logic
Given a series of numbers: 1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13…, continue it. (Answer is on the slide.)
Answer: 8+13=21
7. Abracadabra
Among the following words: mamus, considered, shkoka, nusim, exclude the superfluous. (Answer is on the slide.)
Answer: shkoka (cat).
8. Farm
A horse eats one cart of hay in a month, a donkey in a month and a half, and a goat in three months. How many cartloads of hay do a horse, a donkey, and a goat eat in one month?
Answer: 2 carts.
9. Once a square, two squares ...
The side of square ABCD is 3 times the side of square MNPK. How many times greater is the area of ​​the shaded figure than the area of ​​the square MNPK?
Answer: 8 times.
10. In the garden or in the garden.
Lyubushka and Maryushka ate 9 apples together, Lyubushka and Lizonka ate 10 apples, Lizonka and Maryushka 11 apples. How many apples did Maryushka, Lyubushka and Lizonka eat together?
Answer: 15 apples.
11. In the store
All products are marked with a barcode, which is formed by black and white stripes, and the extreme stripes are black. There are usually 30 black stripes, they are narrow and wide. The number of white stripes is 10 more than the narrow black ones. How many wide black bars does this barcode have?
Answer: 11 wide black stripes.
12. Signs
Conventional symbol for designating numbers is Digit
How are lines marked on a drawing? 1 small latin letter or 2 capital latin letters
What symbols are used to compare numbers?<; >; =
What is the letter for the path? S
13. Cat geometry
On the slide is a drawing made using geometric shapes. Answer the questions:
Which figure is not in the picture? a) a circle b) a square; c) a rectangle; d) triangle; e) all of the listed figures are present.
Answer: d) triangles.

Appendix 3

Rules for the KVUN game and the rules for evaluating and criteria for evaluating competitions. Rules
1. The game is played among students in grade 5. Materials for competitions are selected from the program material in mathematics for grades 4-5 of high school. As well as tasks for logic and ingenuity, corresponding to the age of the participants in the game.
2. The activity of participants in each class is encouraged. The activity of the fans with the use of chants, posters.
3. The jury has the right to remove penalty points due to violation of discipline by the participants themselves or fans.
4. The jury has the right to remove points for insufficient or excessive number of participants in the team.
5. Full, informative answers of the participants, clear and understandable formulations are welcome.
Criteria for evaluating competitions.

1 contest "Business card"
- The content of the speech corresponds to the theme of the game, i.e. contains mathematical topics, terms, symbols, -1 b
- The performance is well-coordinated, fun, organized. – 1 b
- The team has insignia. - 1b.
- The team has a single uniform. – 1b
-All team members take part in the performance -1b.
-There is a motto -1b
- There is a greeting from the jury - 1b
-There is a greeting to rivals -1 b
- There is a greeting to the fans. -1b
-There is musical accompaniment - 1b
Total 10 points.
2 competition "Together it's fun to count"
Annex 4. Competition task for participants

For each correct answer - 1 point.
The team that completed the task first gets 2 points, the team that finishes the second gets 1 point.

3 competition. Math roulette.

For each correct answer, the team gets 3 points.
4 competition. "Game with fans" Conducted by the presenter. The assistant distributes chips for the correct answers.

For each correct answer, the team is awarded 1 point.
5 competition. Math Surprise"
Originality of performance 1 point.
Mathematical content 1 point
Brightness, coherence, entertainment performance 1 point.
Team activity 1 point
Participation of curators 1 point
6 competition "Competition of captains"
1 point for each correct answer
7 competition "Final"
1. Only numbers are used in the picture 2 points
2. The picture is done neatly, colorfully 2 points.
3. The team spoke in an original and vivid way about the content of the picture 2 points

Teacher Information

Date of Birth



1986, higher, Rostov State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, mathematics teacher

Pedagogical experience

Subject taught

mathematics, computer science

Year of attestation

1. Full name of the teacher Grigorova Natalya Alexandrovna
2.General experience, professional experience 31 year; 31 year
3.The problem the teacher is working on (the topic of self-education)
"Activation of cognitive activity of students, development of their initiative and creativity"
Theme of self-education: "Didactic game as a means of developing the cognitive activity of students in mathematics lessons"
4. Courses, when, where, topic of courses From March 21, 2016 to April 2, 2016, she underwent advanced training at the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution DPO AIC and PPRO under the additional professional program "New approaches to teaching mathematics in the context of the implementation of the Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education in the Russian Federation" in the amount of 72 hours
In May 2016, according to the advanced training program "Basics of Information and Communication Competence of a Specialist in an Educational Institution", she took distance courses at the ANO "St. Petersburg Center for Additional Professional Education" on the topic "Internet technologies and social networks as a means of educational communication in the activities of a computer science teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards" in the amount of 72 academic hours.

5.teaching materials used by the teacher(brief description, concept and principles of implementation of the teaching materials) 5-9 grades use the teaching materials Muravinykh G.K. and O.V. (mathematics 5-6, algebra 7-9), which reflects modern views on the content of education. With its content and scientific and methodological support of the teaching materials Muravinykh G,K. and O.V. creates favorable conditions for the formation of general educational skills and abilities among students, ensures the development of key competencies. The main goals of education: the development of the student's personality by means of mathematics, preparing him for continuing education and for self-realization in modern society.

Didactic principles for the implementation of teaching materials

1) The principle of scientificity
2) The principle of developmental learning
3) The principle of succession
4) The principle of separation of difficulties
5) The principle of comfort
6) The principle of consistency
7) The principle of advanced formation of an indicative basis of activity
8) The principle of enlargement of didactic units
9) The principle of differentiated learning

Developmental aspect

1) The task system is divided into standard and non-standard
2) Explanatory text in small portions
3) Problematic study of the material
4) Tasks for recognition of types and methods of training
5) Through the textbook, the search for solutions to educational tasks is organized
6) Humanitarian-oriented direction
7) Dialogue is either introductory or motivated
8) For small fragments of the theory, a small set of tasks of different levels of complexity is given
9) Tasks for ingenuity continue the theme
10) Tasks are worked out on tasks of different levels

Features of textbooks

1) Bright and attractive (5-6)
2) Appeal of the author to the student
3) Symbolism of tasks
4) Checklist
5) Reading Rules
6) Workshops on problem solving
7) Research work
8) Home tests (7,8,9)
9) Reference and additional material
10) Flight activities
11) Availability of answers and solutions
12) Advertising of educational literature

Learning Technology

1) Making the Most of the Tutorial
2) Frontal conversation
3) Feedback
4) Written independent work
5) Homework - repeated independent work
6) Independent work under a carbon paper
7) Alternation of activities
8) Encouragement or positive marks

I teach geometry in grades 7-9 according to the teaching kit (EMC) "Geometry" (authors: Atanasyan L.S., Butuzov V.F., Kadomtsev S.B., Poznyak E.G., Yudina I.I.) intended for grades 7-9 of educational institutions. The textbook won first place at the All-Union competition of textbooks in mathematics for secondary schools in 1988. UMK "Geometry" for grades 7-9 Atanasyan L.S. and others are published by the Prosveshchenie publishing house.

Composition of teaching materials "Geometry" for grades 7-9:
- Textbook. Geometry. 7-9 grades. Authors: Atanasyan L.S., Butuzov V.F., Kadomtsev S.B., Poznyak E.G., Yudina I.I.
- Workbooks for 7th, 8th and 9th grades. Authors: Atanasyan L.S., Butuzov V.F., Glazgov Yu.A., Yudina I.I.
- Didactic materials for grades 7, 8 and 9. Authors: Ziv B.G., Mailer V.M., Bakhansky A.G.
- Thematic tests for 7, 8 and 9 grades. Authors: Mishchenko T.M., Blinkov A.D.
- Independent and control work. 7-9 grades. Author: Ichenskaya M.A.
- Guidelines for the textbook. 7-9 grades. Authors: Atanasyan L.S., Butuzov V.F., Glazgov Yu.A.
- Working programs. 7-9 grades.

The presentation of the material of the textbook combines clarity and strict logic. Basic geometric concepts are introduced on the basis of visual representations, which makes the textbook accessible for independent study by schoolchildren. The main tasks are given after the paragraphs, additional - at the end of each chapter. There are answers to all problems, and instructions for solving them for the most difficult ones.

The didactic materials included independent and control work, repetition work and mathematical dictations in several versions and different levels of complexity, as well as tasks of increased difficulty and exemplary tasks for the exam.

The use of thematic tests in geometry in the educational process allows you to quickly test the knowledge and skills of students received in the learning process, and prepare for the final certification in the 9th grade.
Independent and control works are designed in the form of split cards and contain 2 options for all topics of the course. This increases the teacher's ability to work individually with students. Additionally, cards are presented for the final tests in grades 7-9, as well as tasks in the "Planimetry" section and tasks with practical content.

6. ESM used by the teacher
“Interactive mathematics grades 5-9. Bustard"
"1C: Educational collection. Algebra 7-11 grades. Copetentum LLC
"1C: Educational collection. Planimetry grades 7-9. Copetentum LLC
"Geometry 7-9. Virtual mentor.BukaSOFT»
"Algebra 7-9. Virtual mentor.BukaSOFT»
“Math 5-11. Educational electronic edition. New opportunities for mastering the course of mathematics. Bustard"
City of young mathematicians. The best children's educational program. SCHOLASTIC. new disk"
“Math 5-11. Practicum.1C: Education Institute of New Technologies with the assistance of NFPK»
RusEdu “Together we will make learning brighter! »
Archive of training programs and presentations “We are together! »
self-help community of teachers social network of educators

multimedia application for lessons
Math lessons 5-10. The disc contains presentations for each lesson in Power Point. Publishing house "Globus"
Math lessons 5-6. The disc contains presentations for each lesson in Power Point, as well as interactive tests, games, independent work and mathematical dictations for students in grades 5-6. Publishing house "Planet"

7.Topics of presentations, lessons using ESM (2-3)
No. Presentation Topics Lesson Topics
1 Stories about geometry Math train to the country "Geometry"
2 Arithmetic square root Arithmetic square root
3 Quadratic function Graph of the function y =ax² +bx+c

8.Technologies used by the teacher in the work
Problem learning technology
Technology of level differentiation based on mandatory results
Technology of block-modular presentation of educational material in geometry
Information Technology
9.Methods, techniques for increasing the motivation of students
To increase students' motivation, I use the following methods and techniques: changing activities during the lesson, involving students in analytical and evaluative activities, creating problem situations, situations of success, using assignments to develop students' creative abilities, using game moments, visual material, appeals to children's life experience, testing students' knowledge, techniques "Speaker", "Author", "Theme".

10.Techniques for the formation of UUD, the implementation of a system-activity approach
Mathematics plays an important role in the formation of cognitive and regulative universal learning activities.
The content of the federal state standard for basic general education reads: “The Standard is based on a system-activity approach, which should ensure: the formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education; design and construction of a developing educational environment; active educational and cognitive activity of students. One of the ways to increase the motivation and effectiveness of educational activities is to include students in research and project activities. To do this, I use techniques in the classroom: the formation of research skills, the development of the ability to see problems, the ability to change one’s own point of view, look at the object of study from different angles, the tasks “Is there a mistake here?”, The development of the ability to put forward hypotheses, the development of the ability to ask questions, the development of the ability to give definitions to concepts, the development of skills to express judgments and draw conclusions, the development of skills to classify, observe.
To gain experience in working with information, I teach schoolchildren:
to carry out an extended search for information using the resources of libraries and the Internet;
use sign-symbolic means for processing information,
carry out the processing of mathematical information for its further use;
to record and fix information using ICT tools.
In order to form a regulative universal educational action - the action of control, self-checks and mutual checks of the solution of the problem are carried out. In the formation of regulatory (including self-control) UUD, such techniques are used as: working with a textbook (Internet resources, reference books), drawing up an answer plan in mathematics, organizing homework, doing written work in mathematics, studying the content of the theorem, mastering the theorem, monitoring the assimilation of the theorem, etc.
The basis for the development of communication skills is the systematic use of three types of dialogue in the lessons:
a) dialogue in a large group (teacher - students);
b) dialogue in a small group (student - students);
c) dialogue in pairs (student - student).
Questionnaire work.
Oral and written exercises
Solving problems and examples.
The task of using mathematics lessons to educate and strengthen in students a strong sense of pride in their homeland and love for it has a specific difficulty, the obvious reason for which lies in the abstract nature of mathematical science. However, the use of the technique, which consists in giving a patriotic orientation to a number of historical information, helps to solve this problem as well. The history of Russian and Soviet mathematics is rich in facts, acquaintance with which can arouse joyful pride in students.
Thus, the most important task of the modern education system as the formation of a set of UUDs that provide the ability to learn, the ability of the individual to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience, and not just the development of specific subject knowledge and skills by students, is successfully implemented in the process of teaching mathematics. At the same time, knowledge, skills and abilities are considered as derivatives of the corresponding types of purposeful actions, since they are generated, applied and stored in close connection with the active actions of the students themselves. In this regard, the main goal that faces me as a teacher of mathematics is to teach children to acquire knowledge on their own. And for this it is necessary: ​​to create an educational environment for students on the basis of a system-activity approach, to create conditions for the development of cognitive activity of students through the use of innovative techniques and methods in their work.

11.Methods and forms of work on assessing the achievements of students
I have developed a system for evaluating the educational achievements of students in geometry in block-modular technology. I have many years of experience with this system.
I have a system for evaluating homework in algebra for grades 7-9 with obligatory marking in a journal. In the magazine, these marks are in the cells on the left, on the right there are marks for class work. The whole cell is occupied by marks for tests, practical tests, tests.
In evaluating students, I use the following methods and forms of work: “evaluate yourself”, “evaluate your neighbor”; group work, pair work.
I keep diagnostic charts of progress in mathematics for each student with notes on special achievements in extracurricular activities in the subject.

12.Achievements of students: development of educational programs, on "4" and "5"; olympiads, educational competitions
Mastering educational programs - 97%, for "4" and "5" - 45%
Every year I hold an Olympiad in mathematics at the school level
For the first time in November 2015, five students of grades 7-9 took part in the VI All-Russian Mathematics Olympiad "Red Cat". Diplomas of the winners were received by: Glushchenko Alina 7th grade second place, Egorov Vladimir 8th grade third place, Savateeva Anastasia 8th grade third place.
In December, 25 students of grades 5-9 took part in the All-Russian educational campaign "Hour of Code 2015".
For the fourth time in March 2016, school students took part in the international competition - the Kangaroo game. The best results were shown by: Panina Alexandra 5th grade - (99.15% of tasks completed correctly) - second place in the district, Shkuropat Vyacheslav 9th grade - (98.95%) - first place in the district, Glushchenko Alina 7th grade - (95.05%) - second place in the district. It should be noted Ivanova Alina 9th grade (77.11%), Zabrodskaya Anastasia 5th grade (68.04%) and Dmitry Ruzhensky 9th grade (51.72%).
13.Extracurricular activities, parent meetings
- mathematical KVN between teams of classes 5-6 2015, 2016;
-- intellectual game "The smartest" in the subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle 2012, 2014, 2016;
-- Competition for solving problems with a fabulous condition in 2015; 2016;
-- competition "Draw by coordinates" 6-9 2014, 2015, 2016;
-- Competition "Kangaroo" 5-6kl 7-8kl 9-10kl 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016;
-- competition "Mathematical crossword" 2014, 2015, 2016;
-- competition "Puzzles" 2014; 2016
-- Competition "Interactive Mathematics" 5-9 grades 2013, 2014; 2015, 2016
-- homework competition 2014, 2015;
-- contest of tasks 2015;
-- competition "Miss Mathematics - 2011" 2016;
-- exhibitions of students' works in 2013, 2015;
-- Cognitive game "Kaleidoscope" 5-9 2013;
-- competition "Get the word" 5-9 grades 2013, 2015;
-- competition of drawings in the graphic editor "Paint" 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016;
-- Competition "Portfolio" 6-9 grades 2013, 2015.

Parent meetings.

1 "On the use of the results of the state (final) certification of 9th grade graduates of 2013, 2014, 2015 in teaching mathematics at the Istominsk secondary school" 2014, 2015, 2016
2. "State (final) certification of graduates of the 9th grade of educational institutions (in the form of the OGE) 2016"
3. "Preparing for the final certification in mathematics 2013.2014, 2015.2016"
14. Publications of the teacher, dissemination of their own work experience Certificate of creation of a personal website in the social network of educators. Website web address:

Certificate of publication in electronic media. Methodological development "Unified system for assessing educational achievements of students in geometry in block-modular technology" Publication web address:

Certificate of publication in electronic media. Methodical development “Cognitive game on the subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle “The smartest”” Web-address of the publication:

Gratitude to Grigorova N.A., teacher of MBOU Istominsk secondary school for the materials presented from the author Verizhnikova E.A. "Handbook of a modern teacher" Aksai 2012.
Certificate of publication in electronic media. Abstracts of geometry lessons of grade 7 UMK Atanasyan L.S. on the topic "Triangles"
15.Participation in professional skill competitions
Innovation Festival 2007, winner
- All-Russian:
1) "Scarlet Sails" "The best ideas, techniques, modern finds - everything for effective work" February 2015
2) “The best portfolio of a teacher” 11.11.15-10.11.15;

3) "Scarlet Sails" "The Best of Teaching Practice" December 2015
international competition of pedagogical ideas "Educational process -2015" 25.11.15
16.Awards, promotions, diplomas
1. Diploma of the winner of the regional festival "Innovations in Education -2007"
2. A letter of thanks from the head of the Aksai district for high professionalism, responsible attitude to work, the ability to find an individual approach to each child. 2009
3. Diploma of the head of the UO AAR for many years of fruitful work, significant success in organizing and improving the educational and upbringing processes. year 2009
4. Certificate of Appreciation of the VIII International Forum "Chekhov Cup" for refereeing. July 2014, Taganrog
5. Diploma of the III degree "Scarlet Sails" "The best ideas, methods, modern finds - everything for effective work" February 2015

6. Letters of thanks from the Russian Organizing Committee of the "Kangaroo" contest for active participation in the international mathematical competition-game "Kangaroo" in their educational institution March 2014, March 2015, March 2016, March 2017
7. Diploma of the winner of the 1st degree No. AB3948 “The best portfolio of a teacher” 11/11/15;

8. Diploma of the winner of the 1st degree "Scarlet Sails" "The best of teaching practice" December 2015)

9. Diploma of the laureate of the 1st degree of the open International competition of pedagogical ideas "Educational process -2015" No. 199-pF 7.12.15

10. Letter of thanks from the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Rostov Region for the great contribution to the development of the education system of the Rostov Region, many years of conscientious and highly professional work, order No. 13-n dated 12.05.2015

11. Diploma of the head of the UO AAR for creative work, success in organizing and improving educational and educational processes, a great personal contribution to the development of education in the Aksai district, order No. 703 of 09/07/2015

17.Future prospects
I really want to find and educate myself a replacement within the walls of my favorite school, master the standards of the second generation, learn how to form students' UUD, implement a system-activity approach in their lessons and never lose faith in service - "sow the reasonable, good, eternal."

1 slide: Hello dear colleagues and jury. You have already learned a little about me, and now let's plunge into my teaching activities.

2 slide: The landmark of my future profession was given to me by the Komi State Pedagogical Institute. My friendship with him ended with a diploma in Mathematics - Informatics. Further, the staff of the Usinsky Polytechnic College, where I have been working for more than 6 years, accepted me into their arms.

3 slide: Nothing happens without difficulties. In my work, I encounter such problems as - weak motivation for learning activities, manifested by disinterest in general professional and general education disciplines; insufficient level of educational and cognitive competence of students.

4 slide: On the screen, you see that students come with a rather low quality of knowledge.

5 slide: That's why Every day, when I come to work, I set a goal for myself. To educate qualified competitive specialists and workers. After all, that is the point of teaching.

6 slide: To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks:

1. form a free socially competent person; 2. effectively build the educational process; 3. not only teach the student your subject, but develop your own interest in learning.

7 slide: To achieve this goal in the classroom, I use various technologies that improve the quality of students' knowledge and their interest in the subject.

8 slide, 9 slide, 10 slide: My students take an active part in various olympiads and competitions, both in mathematics and computer science. Of particular interest to children are subject weeks, in which they reveal themselves from a new side.

11 slide: I am also the group's curator every year.. We conduct and take part in events of various kinds and levels, both in the college and outside it. The other day, a student of my group took 1st place in the All-Russian competition "Art - pro video" in the specialty TOE.

12 - 15 slide: I also try to be an example for my students, so I also take an active part in competitions, quizzes at various levels, exchange experience with other teachers, and post my methodological developments to the community. I am an expert of the pedagogical community "My Education".

16 slide, 17 slide : Special a place in my activity as a teacher is occupied by professional development. This work includes not only courses raise qualifications and internships, but also self-education. At the moment, the topic of my self-education"The use of information technology in the oil industry".

18 slide: And, of course, I look to the future and I have big plans for it, namely: to continue working to increase students' motivation for learning activities; to introduce into educational activities; to engage in scientific and practical work in the oil field, using information technology; continue to take part in competitions at various levels. I hope everything works out for me!

The team business card is an individual thing, as it depends on the name.

Otherwise, the speakers are about the same, but you need to stand out.

Therefore, I am now giving you ideas for representing the team at the business card competition, it will be much easier to come up with a performance based on them than with a complete absence of options in your head))

As soon as you sort through several positions of what I call "presentation format", and stop at the one that hooked you, consider that half the battle is done. Further - easier. So,

Team business card - ideas for presentation,

or How to present a team

1. In the format of an interview

The participants seem to be interviewed right there on the spot by a well-known journalist, a popular presenter, a famous artist, an odious politician - moreover, the degree of popularity of the interviewer can be both global and local.

Or just come up with your own idea and announce Konstantin Vizitkin, a “mega-popular video blogger in narrow circles”, who interviews the team for his coolest YouTube channel))


2. In news format

For an example, look here on my website for the scene “School News”. Only there is news about the whole school, and you make a news business card about your team, showing yourself from a different angle, rally or KVN.


3. In the form of different heroes of one thing

Famous movie, cartoon, browser game, fairy tale, literary work.

Not in the sense of staging, but as a message to the audience, to whom which character is conditionally identical and why.

Or - who and how is similar at once to the whole team (or the team to him).


Conditional example of a business card on musketeers


We have collected the very best. From Athos they took his wisdom and fearlessness, from Porthos - cheerfulness, equanimity and love for delicious healthy food ( here you can show a picture of light gluttony), from the Queen - love for diamonds ... Oh, sorry, a typo .. Okay, later we'll figure out what we have in common with the Queen ... But obviously something must be ( adopted a royal posture)… They wanted to borrow deceit from Cardinal Richelieu, but then they decided – we are above it, we will act honestly. This decision was given to us with difficulty, really ... But we are also open to the world, like D'Artagnan, so we speak honestly about everything ....


4. Business card in the format of one hero, but in different ways:

From several different works, in different periods of life or under different life circumstances

  • Harry Potter in volume 1, 3 and 7;
  • A ball from Prostokvashino - sad-sad at the very beginning and confident-business after receiving a photo gun

Or - captains from different films and books.

Conditional example of a business card oncaptains

For example, say:

  • we are as smart and resourceful as Captain Nemo
  • as brave and determined as the 15-year-old captain and the children of Captain Grant
  • purposeful and stubborn, like both captains Kaverin
  • sometimes in the classroom we imagine ourselves as superheroes - almost like Captain America
  • well, yes - from time to time we are as predictable as Captain Obvious
  • and the same ... as Captain Fantastic ( replace the ellipsis with similar qualities).

You can also compare yourself in some way with Captain Vrungel ( do not confuse with Wrangel - today is NOT about him), Captain Flint, Jack Sparrow...

And finish the card with a song (or a fragment from it) « Captain, captain, smile”, Preferably by remaking the song for his performance.


See how many different famous captains there are! And those are just the ones I quickly remembered. You, I'm sure, calmly thinking, remember more. And you will get a completely non-standard visiting card of the team. No matter what place you take at a competition or a tourist meeting, you will remain in the memory of fans and the jury as erudite, witty people who know how to play a trick on themselves.

“Let success be capricious, it chooses from those who can be the first to laugh at themselves!” (With)

Come up with a team name

you can in the same thread:

  • "Solid captains", "Captains and nothing more", "13 ( 5, 8, others.) captains" - according to the number of team members
  • “10 captains and one beauty”, “7 captains and two smart women” - if there are more boys, and girls do not claim the title of captain
  • “4 captains and two handsome men”, “8 captains and one smart guy” - if there are more girls in the team and they want to be called captains according to the business card ( DO NOT call captains, this word means the wife of the captain)

5. Making a business card for a contest in style

"We are through the eyes of others"

That is, talking about yourself, conveying the vision of the people around you.

Once upon a time, the picture “My Room” with 4 connected images was walking around the Internet, it was even published somewhere on my site. There were signatures:

  1. This is how my mother sees my room (photo of the room in complete chaos)
  2. So mom tells about her (photo of the ruins)
  3. This is how I see my room (impeccable order)
  4. This is what it actually looks like (moderate mess).

So you can make a story - or even a show - about yourself in a similar way.

For example:

we combine the presentation ideas from points 4 and 5, take the cat from Shrek and Puss in Boots, prepare their large images on posters, or better - for display on the screen if the screen is available at the venue of the competition, and start the creative presentation of the team.

Participants take turns saying the explanatory part first:


Team business card, introduction

(introduction - this or that - you will definitely need whatever presentation format you use)

Talking about yourself is always difficult.

Because we see ourselves subjectively, and therefore - only in a good light ( a flashlight was lit over the head of the speaker, the speaker straightened his hair and made a frozen smiling face as for a photo )

And in a bad light - we don’t see at all ( the flashlight was extinguished, the last one spoke with a frightened face and a cry - Where am I? - feels the space )

And sometimes we see, but we do not recognize ourselves ( a conditionally late member of the team quickly goes to the others, on the way he looks in the mirror held by one of the guys, is horrified at himself and with the exclamation “oh, who is this?!” jumps in fear)

True, teachers and parents often do not recognize us ( then pre-recorded voices of teachers / parents sound - real or imitated by children. Or imitate directly on stage into the microphone:

  • I simply don’t recognize my son - I took out the garbage myself, without a reminder of how the child was replaced!
  • 7-Ah, I don’t recognize you, you stopped being late for classes, what happened? Or is it not yet evening, right?

In general, it is hard work to represent yourself.

Therefore, we will tell

And we'll even show

How others see us

Perhaps it will be more objective.

And to make it clearer to you

Let's use the example of cats.

As they say, cats are in your feed ( this is a very popular phrase on Facebook that accompanies photos of cats or those who are passed off as them. If this expression is unknown in your environment, then, unfortunately, there is no point in using it - the jury and the audience will not understand what it is about. ).


Intro ended, went directly

Business card on the example of cats

Moms say that in general we are, of course, good, but sometimes we don’t react too politely to comments and fair criticism.

And they see us like that (photo 1 was shown. Please note: I combined the photos into a collage to save space on the page, but you show only one large photo at a time!)

Grandmothers do not say anything, and have been seeing us for 10 (11-15, etc.) years, still three-year-old little ones ...

But WE see by their faces - they are clearly worried that after their pies we will not fit into any mirror (shown photo2)

Friends love us like this, and they don’t even imagine others (shown photo 3, with a guitar)

Teachers sometimes think we're lazy

Like that cat that doesn't catch mice at all (showed photo 4)

Some of the respected jury may think that, having made a mistake in the performance, we will ask with an imploring look not to deduct points (showed photo 5)

Rivals, even if they don’t give a look, deep down they really hope that we will lie down, put our paws together, and give up without a fight (showed photo 6)

We plan to fight and win in a fair intellectual (sports) battle and intend to prove it today (showed photo 7)

Well, this is us after the performance)) (showed photo 8)


What do you think?

In my opinion, it turns out quite a cool business card of the team. At the same time, mind you, witty and almost truthful))


I also have

Another business card idea

for today - final:

tell us about yourself in the format of a popular flash mob now

"10 facts about us, 2 of which are not true"

(Or: ... all of which are true.)

But here, develop the idea yourself. Or - through "".

And please write to me in the comments, which of my today's ideas for representing the team at the business card competition did you like the most.

Will you use something in your speech?

What other ideas and useful thoughts did I give you?

Wishing you to leave a good impression Not only

in the team's business card, but also under this article,

Your Evelina Shesternenko and the site "Holiday for Encore".
