On September 8, the Church prayerfully remembers the martyrs Adrian and Natalia, holy spouses, patrons of Orthodox families!

You can read their biographies in the articles:

And below is an akathist to the martyrs of Christ, which should be read as often as possible!

Seeing the Lord the purity of your heart, Adriane all-honoured, even if polytheism darkened by the darkness, both ready to accept the Truth, deign to call you into Your wonderful light and open the doors of Your Kingdom to you, with the prayers of your holy wife, with joy you called out to the Triune God, who enlightened you soul, a song of praise: Alleluia.

The mind of true theology suddenly embraced your soul, Adrian, when, at the command of the tsar, you inscribed with other notaries the names of the holy martyrs, led to suffering and death for the name of Christ, when you asked the servants of the Lord, what recompense they will receive from the Lord in His Kingdom for all the torment, they answered you, as if to speak with a powerfully mortal tongue and comprehend the weak mind, even if God has prepared for those who love Him. But you, Abie, abandoned all idol wickedness, rushed to Christ with all your heart and cried out boldly: “And I am a Christian!” Honoring your appeal to the true Sun of Truth, we pray thee, accept, together with your spouse, Saint Natalia, from us sinners, the praise of the sitsa: Rejoice, holy servant of the true God; Rejoice, fulfiller of the will of zeal. Rejoice, as all the red and sweet world of this love for the sake of Christ was despised by nature; rejoice, for you have sacrificed earthly love and conjugal happiness to the Beloved. Rejoice, you who teach us not to cling to earthly goods, but to be lifted up in spirit to God; Rejoice, enlightening our infirmity and ascending the ladder of the shrine to help us. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Fortified by power from above, you marched, blessed, courageously on the feat before you, thirsty to die for your beloved Savior and your God. Your wife, Saint Natalia, with prayers and admonitions, helped you to raise the cross sent from the Lord to you, and accept the crown of incorruption prepared for you in Heaven, and boldly sing to God: Alleluia.

Having to go to the lawless trial of Maximian, you were shut up in a dark prison, where with other saints the martyrs spent the whole night in prayers, hymns and spiritual conversations. Your loving spouse, having despised the weakness of women and the natural love of the flesh, imputing it to nothing, in every possible way urges you not to deviate from the faith of Christ, but to the end remain an unshakable confessor to the name of Jesus and not be afraid of death. The same to you, as a true warrior of Christ, in spiritual joy we cry out: Rejoice, orthodox courageous zeal; Rejoice, wickedness fearless and accusation. Rejoice, having put on patience, like a strong armor; Rejoice, the Cross of Christ is like an invincible weapon in the hand of the recipient. Rejoice, for you have surprised the lawless tormentors with your natural courage; rejoice, for you have glorified the name of God. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

The storm of cowardice and fear is driving away from your heart, glorious Adrian, and strengthening you for the future martyrdom, your blessed wife Natalia has not stopped talking with you all night about a wonderful and great reward, that God has prepared for Him your life laid down, and tako tells you “Blessed are you, my lord, for you have found a priceless treasure, precious beads - Christ your Lord! Do not retreat again into the darkness of idols, but remain faithful to Him Who loved you, crying out to Him from the bottom of your heart: Hallelujah.

Hearing Saint Natalia, sitting in her house, as if you were coming to her from prison, and thinking that you were afraid of torment and rejected Christ, weeping bitterly and, coming to you from the door of the house, starting to reproach you, because you have departed from the faith of Christ. But you, rejoicing in spirit and moreover strengthening yourself for suffering, told her with tears, as if you had not only departed from Christ, but more than that, you wish suffering for His Holy Name. Such is the height of Christian love, surprisingly, with tenderness, we cry out to you: Rejoice, the image of the true Christian matrimony; Rejoice, having truly shown the love of heaven in yourself. Rejoice, inspiring the feat of Christ's self-denial for us; Rejoice, all the red of this transient world despise us teaching. Rejoice, leave the valley and soar in spirit to the heavenly ones admonishing us; Rejoice, in all who are with us, see the will of God helping us. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Showing wonderful mercy and love, O Natalia, you fell at the feet of the prisoners, in prison, together with your husband for the name of Christ, prisoners, and kissing their sacred ulcers, you wiped their pus, relief and joy in every possible way to them, and in heartfelt tenderness to Heavenly God crying angelic song: Alleluia.

Having seen the wicked tormentor, the prisoners of the saint, shut up with you in prison, having reached so much exhaustion from their wounds, as if by no means could they endure the most cruel torment, command the one and only, Adrian, to bring before your judgment and exhort you in every possible way to renounce Christ, frightening you with the present torments. Both, strengthened above and comforted by your blessed wife, you remained firm, like adamant, against the temptation of the enemy. For this sake, for your sake, for Christ, suffering with love is gratifying and magnifying your holy spouse, we joyfully cry out to you: Rejoice, victorious servant of the Most High God; Rejoice, loud confessor of the faith of Christ. Rejoice, idol charms of daring reproof; Rejoice, fearless preachers of the glory of God. Rejoice, you who did not fear Maximian's wrath; rejoice, that rage is not imputed to anything. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

The eloquent preacher appeared to you, Adrian, when, standing before the judgment of the king, you fearlessly confessed Christ to be the true God, who created heaven and earth, you denounced the idol charm, and for this confession and denunciation, you raised the most severe beat, to your Ascetic cry: Hallelujah.

The light of the glory of Heavenly Hosya on your face, wise sufferer, always beaten in the womb, as if your womb was poured out from cruel blows, did not stop glorifying Christ and confessing His Holy name before all the people. Blessed Natalia, rejoicing in spirit, seeing your patience and courage, and prayerfully strengthening you, may your soul not fail and may you remain a faithful servant of Christ to the end, even together with you we, sinners, sing to the song: Rejoice, Holy Spirit sacred dwelling; Rejoice, glorious receptacle of the grace of Christ. Rejoice, spiritually and bodily with the light of the Divine shining; Rejoice, enlightenment from Christ the King from above. Rejoice, strengthened by the power of His Divinity; Rejoice, for you fearlessly marched on the feat of suffering. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Although the wicked king calls you to judgment, glorious Adrian, shut you up in prison with other holy martyrs, where holy Natalia comes to you and begins your patience to appease and strengthen you, saying: martyrs of Christ!" Rejoicing from the south, you cried out to God: Alleluia.

Inventing a new intrigue, the evil tormentor, commanded by his howl not to let women into prison to the prisoners, who come from the city for the sake of consolation and relief for the sufferers of Christ. Then you too, Saint Natalia, are forbidden to see your husband and serve him; Both the command of the tsar neglected, in a man's attire you came to prison and, as before your holy spouse, you strengthened you, but courageously come to torment and death for Christ the Lord. For this sake, we worthily praise thee, together with your holy husband, and we cry out to you: Rejoice, brightest decoration of the servants of Christ; Rejoice, magnificent glory of the confessors to the name of Jesus. Rejoice, you who love the narrow path and show it to us; rejoice, for by this quiet haven, the Kingdom of Christ, you have reached. Rejoice, for now you abide in endless glory and bliss; rejoice, as you save us from troubles and misfortunes with your prayers. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

A strange and wonderful thing was visible in the dungeon, where you were imprisoned, Adrian, with other sufferers of Christ, when, at the command of the formidable tormentor, crush your legs at will. Then, for your holy wife herself lifts up your feet and lays them on the anvil, so that they succumb to the torments of torment, and you will soon unite with your Lord, singing unceasingly to Him: Alleluia.

All burning with love for Christ, Martyr Adrian, you remained in patience until your most blessed death, when your pure soul united with your Lord, for His name you suffered so much, as if the hand of your cut-off life. Honoring your martyrdom, by faith we cry out to you and Saint Natalia: Rejoice, suffering mental torment along with bodily suffering for Christ; Rejoice, wings of heavenly love to God near the mountain. Rejoice, like eagles, soaring to the Sun of Truth; Rejoice, to the Light of the Non-Evening from the vale of weeping you have risen. Rejoice, in the host of saints the martyr has settled; rejoice, together with all the saints in Heaven singing a wondrous song to God. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

All the pride of the inhuman tormentor was put to shame, when heavy rain extinguished the fiery flame and did not allow the holy martyrs of Christ to burn with the honest remains of the holy martyrs of Christ, and the whole city was drowned by water, and people of wickedness with thunder and lightning frightened the former. But you, blessed Natalia, in joy sang to Christ, who is all good: Alleluia.

The ornateness of earthly praises does not suffice to praise your exploits, the holy martyrs of Christ Adrian and Natalia, oh, about the temporal glory and greatness of the earthly neglect, leave everything and lay down your soul for faith in Christ, oh, having overcome the natural weakness of women, masculinely labored, strengthening his wife in his torment and rejoicing at his blissful death. Toliya deeds of yours worthy of praising perplexedly, with love we cry out to you: Rejoice, invigorating heart the Cross of Christ on the frame raised; rejoice, you were not exhausted under its weight. Rejoice, former imitator of Christ's passions; rejoice, having crucified your flesh with passions and lusts. Rejoice, having shown the image of love and meekness in yourself; Rejoice, having taught us to bear one another's burdens. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

At least to save the bodies of the saints, the martyr from desecration and dishonor, a certain pious man with his wife came to Saint Natalia and the other brethren of Christians, asking them to deign to him, so that he would take the holy relics with him to Byzantium and put them there honestly until the time when Maximian the wicked dies . The Christians of the city of Nicomedia deigned to the petition of this man and entrusted him with a valuable treasure, joyfully crying out to God: Hallelujah.

As if we are protecting you with a wall with your holy prayers, Saints Adrian and Natalia, you always help us in all our troubles and misfortunes, and especially when we celebrate your memory with love and glorify Christ our God for you. Saved by your warm prayers for us, we faithfully praise you with these titles: Rejoice, unceasing prayer book for us to God; Rejoice, our helpers burning warm with love for us. Rejoice, our speedy intercessors and mentors; Rejoice, our teachers, who teach us to live pleasingly. Rejoice, our loving friends, condescending to our infirmities; Rejoice, for you raise us to the height of virgin purity and dispassion. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Blessed Natalia brought singing to God from the bottom of her heart, when you delivered you from the hand of the tribune, who wanted you to be his wife. For you, as the faithful wife of the martyr Adrian of Christ, did not want to encroach on your husband for the second time and with prayer you fled, sitting on a ship, to Byzantium, where the body of your holy husband was supposed to be. Having reached this city, with love you cried out to the Lord God: Alleluia.

The brightest lamp, the ship appeared, on it you swam the deep of the sea, having with you a valuable bead, the hand of your holy husband, having avoided his prayers of persecution of the tribune, Byzantium reached you unscathed and, with a joyful soul, kissing the body of your blessed master, in spiritual tenderness your soul in You betrayed the hand of the Lord. Your departure to the Lord, together with Saint Adrian, is magnifying, we sing to you: Rejoice, married couple of blessedness, who lived on earth in love and did not part after death; Rejoice, close friends of the Lord, who dwell at His Throne. Rejoice, you who enjoy the sight of His all-luminous vision; Rejoice, thou wholly enjoy eternal bliss. Rejoice, having found rest in the villages of the righteous; Rejoice, on earth you left your holy relics for healing to us. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

The grace of the fulfillment of the vessel showed your honest relics, given to us by Christ God, the holy martyr of Christ diligently flowing to them, the resolution of sins by your prayers is acceptable, crying out to God with all your heart: Alleluia.

Singing your honest suffering and blissful death, with it you will rise to the Mountain, to all the saints who have pleased God from the ages, we praise you, the all-glorious martyrs of Christ, Adrian and Natalia, and earnestly pray to unceasingly remember us at the Throne of Glory, who bless you: Rejoice, martyrs Praise and goodness warriors of Christ; Rejoice, invincible martyrs and conquerors of glory. Rejoice, champions of the true faith; Rejoice, virtues of the lamp of inextinguishability. Rejoice, coal, burning with divine love; Rejoice, crowned bearers, with heavenly blessings from the wedding of Christ. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

About the holy martyrs of Christ, Adrian and Natalia! Hear us, fervently praying to you and flowing into your temple, and pray to the merciful Master of our Lord Jesus Christ to grant us peace and health of souls and bodies, and save our souls, let us sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 1 (read again at the end of the akathist)

Burning with angelic love for the Lord, unceasingly sent out fervent prayers to God your Savior, all-blessed Natalia, may she enlighten the darkened heart of your husband with a ray of grace and turn it to the knowledge of Him, your Creator and Lord, until the King of kings heard your tearful petitions and touched your heart Adrianov, and Abie believer your husband with all my heart, and with a cheerful heart endured the most severe torment, and was not afraid to accept death for Christ. The same reverently marveling at your love for Christ and zeal for God, we joyfully cry out to you: Rejoice, lamps of all light, burning with Divine love; Rejoice, pillars of steadfastness against the bitterness of the wicked idolaters. Rejoice, bearing the Cross of Christ with patience and devotion; Rejoice, with this victory of the saints, with the sign of conquering the devil and shaming his machinations. Rejoice, incorruptible crowns received and glory from the Lord of the wedding; Rejoice, for now in Heaven is the Throne of the Almighty and pray for us sinners. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kontakion 1 (read again)

Chosen servants of God and all-glorious martyrs of Christ, despising all this world of vanity for the sake of love for Christ, the Son of God, and laying down your life, like a blameless and pure sacrifice, more willing to accept torment and death, rather than denying the true God, we praise you with love, Saint Adrian and Natalie! But you, in joy coming to the Throne of the glory of the Lord and taking out enjoying that behold, pray for us sinners, who flow to you with faith and reverence, but we cry out to you with gratitude: Rejoice, holy Adrian and Natalia, martyrs of Christ all-praise and sufferers of invincibility!


O sacred couple, holy martyrs of Christ, Adrian and Natalia, blessed spouses and good sufferers! Hear us, praying to you with tears, and send down on us all that is useful to our souls and our bodies, and pray to Christ God, have mercy on us and do with us according to His mercy, that we not perish in our sins! Hey, holy martyrs, accept the voice of our prayer and deliver us with your prayers from gladness, destruction, coward, flood, fire, hail, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from vain death and from all troubles, sorrows and diseases, but I will take it out, with your prayers and intercession of strengthening, let us glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due, with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

Thy martyrs, O Lord, Adrian and Natalia, in their sufferings have received incorruptible crowns from Thee, our God: having Thy strength, you will put down the tormentors, crush and the demons of weak insolence. Save our souls with those prayers.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us!

On September 8, the Church prayerfully remembers the martyrs Adrian and Natalia, holy spouses, patrons of Orthodox families!
And below is an akathist to the martyrs of Christ, which should be read as often as possible!

Akathist torment. Adrian and Natalia

Kondak 1

Ikos 1

Kondak 2
Seeing the Lord the purity of your heart, Adriane all-honoured, even if polytheism darkened by the darkness, both ready to accept the Truth, deign to call you into Your wonderful light and open the doors of Your Kingdom to you, with the prayers of your holy wife, with joy you called out to the Triune God, who enlightened you soul, a song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
The mind of true theology suddenly embraced your soul, Adrian, when, at the command of the tsar, you inscribed with other notaries the names of the holy martyrs, led to suffering and death for the name of Christ, when you asked the servants of the Lord, what recompense they will receive from the Lord in His Kingdom for all the torment, they answered you, as if to speak with a powerfully mortal tongue and comprehend the weak mind, even if God has prepared for those who love Him. But you, Abie, abandoned all idol wickedness, rushed to Christ with all your heart and cried out boldly: “And I am a Christian!” Honoring your appeal to the true Sun of Truth, we pray thee, accept, together with your spouse, Saint Natalia, from us sinners, the praise of the sitsa: Rejoice, holy servant of the true God; Rejoice, fulfiller of the will of zeal. Rejoice, as all the red and sweet world of this love for the sake of Christ was despised by nature; rejoice, for you have sacrificed earthly love and conjugal happiness to the Beloved. Rejoice, you who teach us not to cling to earthly goods, but to be lifted up in spirit to God; Rejoice, enlightening our infirmity and ascending the ladder of the shrine to help us. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 3
Fortified by power from above, you marched, blessed, courageously on the feat before you, thirsty to die for your beloved Savior and your God. Your wife, Saint Natalia, with prayers and admonitions, helped you to raise the cross sent from the Lord to you, and accept the crown of incorruption prepared for you in Heaven, and boldly sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Having to go to the lawless trial of Maximian, you were shut up in a dark prison, where with other saints the martyrs spent the whole night in prayers, hymns and spiritual conversations. Your loving wife, having despised the weakness of women and the natural love of the flesh, imputing it to nothing, in every possible way urges you not to deviate from the faith of Christ, but to the end remain an unshakable confessor to the name of Jesus and not be afraid of death. The same to you, as a true warrior of Christ, in spiritual joy we cry out: Rejoice, orthodox courageous zeal; Rejoice, wickedness fearless and accusation. Rejoice, having put on patience, like a strong armor; Rejoice, the Cross of Christ is like an invincible weapon in the hand of the recipient. Rejoice, for you have surprised the lawless tormentors with your natural courage; rejoice, for you have glorified the name of God. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 4
The storm of cowardice and fear is driving away from your heart, glorious Adrian, and strengthening you for the future martyrdom, your blessed wife Natalia has not stopped talking with you all night about a wonderful and great reward, that God has prepared for Him your life laid down, and tako tells you : “Blessed are you, my lord, for you have found a priceless treasure, precious beads - Christ your Lord! Do not retreat again into the darkness of idols, but remain faithful to Him Who loved you, crying out to Him from the bottom of your heart: Hallelujah.

Ikos 4
Hearing Saint Natalia, sitting in her house, as if you were coming to her from prison, and thinking that you were afraid of torment and rejected Christ, weeping bitterly and, coming to you from the door of the house, starting to reproach you, because you have departed from the faith of Christ. But you, rejoicing in spirit and moreover strengthening yourself for suffering, told her with tears, as if you had not only departed from Christ, but more than that, you wish suffering for His Holy Name. Such is the height of Christian love, surprisingly, with tenderness, we cry out to you: Rejoice, the image of the true Christian matrimony; Rejoice, having truly shown the love of heaven in yourself. Rejoice, inspiring the feat of Christ's self-denial for us; Rejoice, all the red of this transient world despise us teaching. Rejoice, leave the valley and soar in spirit to the heavenly ones admonishing us; Rejoice, in all who are with us, see the will of God helping us. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 5
Showing wonderful mercy and love, O Natalia, you fell at the feet of the prisoners, in prison, together with your husband for the name of Christ, prisoners, and kissing their sacred ulcers, you wiped their pus, relief and joy in every possible way to them, and in heartfelt tenderness to Heavenly God crying angelic song: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
Having seen the wicked tormentor, the prisoners of the saint, shut up with you in prison, having reached so much exhaustion from their wounds, as if by no means could they endure the most cruel torment, command the one and only, Adrian, to bring before your judgment and exhort you in every possible way to renounce Christ, frightening you with the present torments. Both, strengthened above and comforted by your blessed wife, you remained firm, like adamant, against the temptation of the enemy. For this sake, for your sake, for Christ, suffering with love is gratifying and magnifying your holy spouse, we joyfully cry out to you: Rejoice, victorious servant of the Most High God; Rejoice, loud confessor of the faith of Christ. Rejoice, idol charms of daring reproof; Rejoice, fearless preachers of the glory of God. Rejoice, you who did not fear Maximian's wrath; rejoice, that rage is not imputed to anything. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 6
The eloquent preacher appeared to you, Adrian, when, standing before the judgment of the king, you fearlessly confessed Christ to be the true God, who created heaven and earth, you denounced the idol charm, and for this confession and denunciation, you raised the most severe beat, to your Ascetic cry: Hallelujah.

Ikos 6
The light of the glory of Heavenly Hosya on your face, wise sufferer, always beaten in the womb, as if your womb was poured out from cruel blows, did not stop glorifying Christ and confessing His Holy name before all the people. Blessed Natalia, rejoicing in spirit, seeing your patience and courage, and prayerfully strengthening you, may your soul not fail and may you remain a faithful servant of Christ to the end, even together with you we, sinners, sing to the song: Rejoice, Holy Spirit sacred dwelling; Rejoice, glorious receptacle of the grace of Christ. Rejoice, spiritually and bodily with the light of the Divine shining; Rejoice, enlightenment from Christ the King from above. Rejoice, strengthened by the power of His Divinity; Rejoice, you who fearlessly marched on the feat of suffering. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 7
Although the wicked king calls you to judgment, glorious Adrian, shut you up in prison with other holy martyrs, where holy Natalia comes to you and begins your patience to appease and strengthen you, saying: martyrs of Christ!" Rejoicing from the south, you cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
Inventing a new intrigue, the evil tormentor, commanded by his howl not to let women into prison to the prisoners, who come from the city for the sake of consolation and relief for the sufferers of Christ. Then you too, Saint Natalia, are forbidden to see your husband and serve him; Both the command of the tsar neglected, in a man's attire you came to prison and, as before your holy spouse, you strengthened you, but courageously come to torment and death for Christ the Lord. For this sake, we worthily praise thee, together with your holy husband, and we cry out to you: Rejoice, brightest decoration of the servants of Christ; Rejoice, magnificent glory of the confessors to the name of Jesus. Rejoice, you who love the narrow path and show it to us; rejoice, for by this quiet haven, the Kingdom of Christ, you have reached. Rejoice, for now you abide in endless glory and bliss; rejoice, as you save us from troubles and misfortunes with your prayers. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 8
A strange and wonderful thing was visible in the dungeon, where you were imprisoned, Adrian, with other sufferers of Christ, when, at the command of the formidable tormentor, crush your legs at will. Then, for your holy wife herself lifts up your feet and lays them on the anvil, so that they succumb to the torments of torment, and you will soon unite with your Lord, singing unceasingly to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
All burning with love for Christ, Martyr Adrian, you remained in patience until your most blessed death, when your pure soul united with your Lord, for His name you suffered so much, as if the hand of your cut-off life. Honoring your martyrdom, by faith we cry out to you and Saint Natalia: Rejoice, suffering mental torment along with bodily suffering for Christ; Rejoice, wings of heavenly love to God near the mountain. Rejoice, like eagles, soaring to the Sun of Truth; Rejoice, to the Light of the Non-Evening from the vale of weeping you have risen. Rejoice, in the host of saints the martyr has settled; rejoice, together with all the saints in Heaven singing a wondrous song to God. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 9
All the pride of the inhuman tormentor was put to shame, when heavy rain extinguished the fiery flame and did not allow the holy martyrs of Christ to burn with the honest remains of the holy martyrs of Christ, and the whole city was drowned by water, and people of wickedness with thunder and lightning frightened the former. But you, blessed Natalia, in joy sang to Christ, who is all good: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
The ornateness of earthly praises does not suffice to praise your exploits, the holy martyrs of Christ Adrian and Natalia, oh, about the temporal glory and greatness of the earthly neglect, leave everything and lay down your soul for faith in Christ, oh, having overcome the natural weakness of women, masculinely labored, strengthening his wife in his torment and rejoicing at his blissful death. Toliya deeds of yours worthy of praising perplexedly, with love we cry out to you: Rejoice, invigorating heart the Cross of Christ on the frame raised; rejoice, you were not exhausted under its weight. Rejoice, former imitator of Christ's passions; rejoice, having crucified your flesh with passions and lusts. Rejoice, having shown the image of love and meekness in yourself; Rejoice, having taught us to bear one another's burdens. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 10
At least to save the bodies of the saints, the martyr from desecration and dishonor, a certain pious man with his wife came to Saint Natalia and the other brethren of Christians, asking them to deign to him, so that he would take the holy relics with him to Byzantium and put them there honestly until the time when Maximian the wicked dies . The Christians of the city of Nicomedia deigned to the petition of this man and entrusted him with a valuable treasure, joyfully crying out to God: Hallelujah.

Ikos 10
As if we are protecting you with a wall with your holy prayers, Saints Adrian and Natalia, you always help us in all our troubles and misfortunes, and especially when we celebrate your memory with love and glorify Christ our God for you. Saved by your warm prayers for us, we faithfully praise you with these titles: Rejoice, unceasing prayer book for us to God; Rejoice, our helpers burning warm with love for us. Rejoice, our speedy intercessors and mentors; Rejoice, our teachers, who teach us to live pleasingly. Rejoice, our loving friends, condescending to our infirmities; Rejoice, for you raise us to the height of virgin purity and dispassion. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 11
Blessed Natalia brought singing to God from the bottom of her heart, when you delivered you from the hand of the tribune, who wanted you to be his wife. For you, as the faithful wife of the martyr Adrian of Christ, did not want to encroach on your husband for the second time and with prayer you fled, sitting on a ship, to Byzantium, where the body of your holy husband was supposed to be. Having reached this city, with love you cried out to the Lord God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
The brightest lamp, the ship appeared, on it you swam the deep of the sea, having with you a valuable bead, the hand of your holy husband, having avoided his prayers of persecution of the tribune, Byzantium reached you unscathed and, with a joyful soul, kissing the body of your blessed master, in spiritual tenderness your soul in You betrayed the hand of the Lord. Your departure to the Lord, together with Saint Adrian, is magnifying, we sing to you: Rejoice, married couple of blessedness, who lived on earth in love and did not part after death; Rejoice, close friends of the Lord, who dwell at His Throne. Rejoice, you who enjoy the sight of His all-luminous vision; Rejoice, thou wholly enjoy eternal bliss. Rejoice, having found rest in the villages of the righteous; Rejoice, on earth you left your holy relics for healing to us. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 12
The grace of the fulfillment of the vessel showed your honest relics, given to us by Christ God, the holy martyr of Christ diligently flowing to them, the resolution of sins by your prayers is acceptable, crying out to God with all your heart: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
Singing your honest suffering and blissful death, with it you will rise to the Mountain, to all the saints who have pleased God from the ages, we praise you, the all-glorious martyrs of Christ, Adrian and Natalia, and earnestly pray to unceasingly remember us at the Throne of Glory, who bless you: Rejoice, martyrs Praise and goodness warriors of Christ; Rejoice, invincible martyrs and conquerors of glory. Rejoice, champions of the true faith; Rejoice, virtues of the lamp of inextinguishability. Rejoice, coal, burning with divine love; Rejoice, crowned bearers, with heavenly blessings from the wedding of Christ. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 13
About the holy martyrs of Christ, Adrian and Natalia! Hear us, fervently praying to you and flowing into your temple, and pray to the merciful Master of our Lord Jesus Christ to grant us peace and health of souls and bodies, and save our souls, let us sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 1 (read again at the end of the akathist)
Burning with angelic love for the Lord, unceasingly sent out fervent prayers to God your Savior, all-blessed Natalia, may she enlighten the darkened heart of your husband with a ray of grace and turn it to the knowledge of Him, your Creator and Lord, until the King of kings heard your tearful petitions and touched your heart Adrianov, and Abie believer your husband with all my heart, and with a cheerful heart endured the most severe torment, and was not afraid to accept death for Christ. The same reverently marveling at your love for Christ and zeal for God, we joyfully cry out to you: Rejoice, lamps of all light, burning with Divine love; Rejoice, pillars of steadfastness against the bitterness of the wicked idolaters. Rejoice, bearing the Cross of Christ with patience and devotion; Rejoice, with this victory of the saints, with the sign of conquering the devil and shaming his machinations. Rejoice, incorruptible crowns received and glory from the Lord of the wedding; Rejoice, for now in Heaven is the Throne of the Almighty and pray for us sinners. Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kontakion 1 (read again)
Chosen servants of God and all-glorious martyrs of Christ, despising all this world of vanity for the sake of love for Christ, the Son of God, and laying down your life, like a blameless and pure sacrifice, more willing to accept torment and death, rather than denying the true God, we praise you with love, Saint Adrian and Natalie! But you, in joy coming to the Throne of the glory of the Lord and taking out enjoying that behold, pray for us sinners, who flow to you with faith and reverence, but we cry out to you with gratitude: Rejoice, holy Adrian and Natalia, martyrs of Christ all-praise and sufferers of invincibility!

O sacred couple, holy martyrs of Christ, Adrian and Natalia, blessed spouses and good sufferers! Hear us, praying to you with tears, and send down on us all that is useful to our souls and our bodies, and pray to Christ God, have mercy on us and do with us according to His mercy, that we not perish in our sins! Hey, holy martyrs, accept the voice of our prayer and deliver us with your prayers from gladness, destruction, coward, flood, fire, hail, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from vain death and from all troubles, sorrows and diseases, but I will take it out, with your prayers and intercession of strengthening, let us glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due, with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4
Thy martyrs, O Lord, Adrian and Natalia, in their sufferings have received incorruptible crowns from Thee, our God: having Thy strength, you will put down the tormentors, crush and the demons of weak insolence. Save our souls with those prayers.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us!

The end of the III, the beginning of the IV century - the time of the last persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. The historian A.P. Lebedev writes: “It was a terrible feast, but a feast celebrated by paganism in itself, because it was the eve of the triumph of Christian society over pagan.” This persecution was raised originally by the emperor Diocletian and continued by his co-rulers, one of them was Maximian (d. 310). When he arrived in Nicomedia of Bithynia, he ordered to search for Christians in order to put them to death. At the same time, 23 Christians were captured and taken to prison. Here they were approached by a pagan named Adrian, who was one of the leaders. As a result of communication with prisoners, the grace of God touched him and he became a Christian. This aroused great anger towards him on the part of the pagans, and he was immediately arrested. All this was reported to his wife, Natalia. She was already a Christian, but hid it from her husband. In the prologue of the life of the saints, it is very touchingly said that the saint “was glad with pity.” So, having learned that her husband believed in the true God, she rejoiced in her soul and began to come to prison and serve him, strengthening him to bear the coming sufferings. The life says that Saint Natalia “compassionately appeases her husband and is unshakable to the invasion of torment, exhorting her to endure”. A poetic comparison is made in the service: “Adam's spouse was exiled from paradise by the council of the serpent; Natalia Adrian wisely entered into paradise, with sacred conversations. Below in the service, the care and merciful service of the saint is sung: “Dew is the verb of your honest healing of illnesses, truly be your spouse, who tasted the best love, God-wise Natalia, martyrs concubine.” Then she, aggravating her feat, together with other pious wives, like Saint Anastasia the Destroyer (†c. 304; commemorated December 22), helped imprisoned Christians in prison.

Another parallel can also be drawn. With her labors, Saint Natalia continued the ministry of the Gospel myrrh-bearing women. In the Synaxar of service to them, with reference to the Apostle Luke, it is said about their service “to Christ and His disciple, from their estates. As if you had preached the resurrection and said many dogmas according to us, as an assurance and announcement of the true resurrection of Christ<…>to all those who have announced the saving sermon, and to those who have lived according to Christ fairly, and as worthy of women taught from Christ.

Martyr Adrian suffered at the age of twenty-eight, leaving his worldly wealth for the sake of Christ. The bodies of all the martyrs were then transported to Byzantium. The pious Natalia, after the martyrdom of her husband, kept as a great shrine part of his holy relics - his hand. She adequately maintained marital fidelity even after the suffering of her husband, when they tried to marry her: “... you did not betray your chastity,” the service says. To do this, she left Nicomedia, going with other Christians to Byzantium, where the tomb of her husband was located. At the same time, she was twice vouchsafed to miraculously see Saint Adrian. The martyr appeared and announced to her the joy that the Lord was accepting her into His heavenly abodes. Being next to the coffin of her husband, she, having fallen asleep in a bodily sleep, passed into eternal life.

The Church venerates Saint Natalia, together with her husband, as a martyr who, compassionate to him, showed the courage of faith “by feeling and by labor.” Saint Natalia “completed her martyrdom, although without the shedding of blood.” In some ancient Monthly Books, the date of her death is indicated - December 1. Their life was written "not earlier than the fifth century." At the end of the 6th, beginning of the 7th century, the relics of the martyr Adrian were transferred to Rome on September 8 and, as Archbishop Sergius writes, “are in the church of his name in the Roman forum.” The relics of the martyr Natalia now rest in the Milan Cathedral of St. Lorenzo the Great.

Martyr Adrian voluntarily joined the already captured Christians, but, according to the Gospel word, he, however, was the first to suffer (Matthew 19:30) and his name was preserved in church memory. The holy martyrs-spouses are an example of zeal in the faith, family fidelity and devotion to each other. The akathist says to them: “Rejoice, married couple of blessedness, having lived on earth in love and not parted after death.” In the service, they are also glorified as a married couple: “O cherished couple and beloved of Christ ... But, holy couple, pray to God for us.”

Lives of Martyrs Adrian and Natalia

Su-pru-gi Adri-an and Na-ta-liya lived in the city of Ni-ko-mi-dia in the Bithyn region of Asia Minor. Adri-an was a tongue-no-one and served chi-nov-no-one to them-pe-ra-to-ra Mak-si-mi-a-na Ga-le-ria (305-311) , go-ni-te-la hri-sti-an. Na-ta-liya would-la tai-naya hri-sti-an-ka. During the go-not-ny near Ni-ko-mi-dia, 23 ve-ru-yu-shih were hidden in the cave. Sing them-ma-li, su-di-li, is-cha-for-li and for-stav-la-whether at-not-sti sacrifice to ido-lams. Therefore, they were taken to the su-deb-pa-la-tu to write down their names. Here on-the-head-nick of the pa-la-you Adri-an, someone asked them what kind of grad-du they expect from their th God for mu-che-niya. They answered him: “I didn’t see that eye, I didn’t hear the ear, and it didn’t come to the heart of a man-lo-ve-ku, that God forgot to love Him ”(). Hearing this, Adri-an said to the scribes: “For-pi-shi-te and my name together with them, because I am hri-sti-a-nin ". Adri-a-na-sa-di-li in prison. Im-pe-ra-tor co-ve-to-val him cross out his name from the list of hri-sti-an and ask for forgiveness. Adri-an assured him that he didn’t fool around, but acted like that out of his own conviction. Is-half-elk he was then 28 years old.

Upon learning of the incident, Na-ta-lia in a hurry-shi-la to prison, where encourage-la-Adri-a-na to be masculine. When-the-key-chen-nyh chri-sti-an pri-su-di-li to the death penalty, Adri-a-na from-pu-sti-li for a short-term until -mine, so that he informs his wife about it. Seeing the dev Adri-a-na, Na-ta-liya was-pu-ha-las that he renounced Christ, and did not let him into the house.

Having returned to prison, Adri-an, together with other mu-che-no-ka-mi, was subjected to a terrible is-ty-for-ni-pits: mu-che-no-kam pe-re-bi-wa-li ru-ki and no-gi with a heavy mo-lo-tom, from what are those in terrible mu-che-no-yah die-ra-whether. When the turn came to Adri-a-na, but more than anything, I was afraid that her husband would not smother-lo-shower-no-chal and not repudiate is from Christ. She strengthened-la-la Adri-a-na and attached-hold-a-wa-la his hands and feet, for-pa-lach pe-re-bi-val their mo-lo-tom. Saint Adri-an died together with the rest of us mu-che-no-ka-mi in 304. When their bodies were burnt down, a thunderstorm arose and the stove went out, a few pa-la-chees were killed by lightning.

You-sya-che-on-chief-nick of the army wanted to-thread-sya on Na-ta-lii, someone-paradise would-la still mo-lo-yes and bo-ga-ta. Even before the death of Adri-a-na Na-ta-liya pro-si-la prayed for him not to marry her. Now Adri-an appeared to her in a dream and said that she would soon follow him. And so it happened: Na-ta-liya died on the coffin of her husband in the outskirts of the city of Wi-zantii, ku-da his body pe-re-carried-whether ve-ru-yu-shchi.

See also: "" in from-lo-same-nii svt. Di-mit-ria Rostov-sko-go.


Troparion to the Martyrs Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia, tone 4

Thy martyrs, O Lord, / in their sufferings have received incorruptible crowns from Thee, our God: / for having Thy strength, / put down the tormentors, / crushing and demons of weak insolence. / Those prayers / / save our souls.

Translation: Thy, O Lord, have received incorruptible crowns from Thee, our God; for they, having thy strength, cast down the tormentors, crushed the feeble audacity of the demons. Through their prayers, Christ God, save our souls.

Kontakion to Martyrs Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia, Tone 4

The martyr ascended the Divine memory / and illumined all the ends of the earth with light, with joy calling // Thou art the martyrs, Christ, rejoicing.

Translation: The sacred memory of the martyrs shone forth and brightly illuminated all the ends of the earth for all who solemnly cry out: “Christ, You are the joy of the martyrs.”

In Kontakion to Martyrs Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia, Tone 4

Wives of God-wise Divine words in your heart, / Adrian, martyr of Christ, you zealously rushed to torment, / / ​​with your wife accept the crown.

Translation: Keeping the words of the God-wise wife in your heart, Adrian, martyr of Christ, you willingly rushed to martyrdom, having received martyr's crowns with your wife.

Prayer to the Martyrs Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia

Oh, holy couple, holy martyrs of Christ, Adrian and Natalia, blessed spouses and good sufferers! Hear us praying to you with tears, and send down on us all that is good for our souls and bodies, and pray to Christ God that he have mercy on us and work with us according to His mercy, that we not perish in our sins. Hey, holy martyrs, accept the voice of our prayer and deliver us with your prayers from gladness, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire, hail, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine strife, from vain death and from all troubles, sorrow lei and sickness, but take it out, With your prayers and intercession of strengthening, let us glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due, with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Second Prayer to the Martyrs Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia

Oh holy martyrs Adriana and Natalia! Hear us, servant of God (names), at this hour, praying to you: pray for us to the Lord Christ God, you have acquired much boldness towards Him, sincere prayers for us exist. Beg the Lord to forgive our sins and the Kingdom of Heaven grant us grace, and together with you we will glorify the magnificent name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Canto 1

Irmos: As if Israel had walked on dry land, in the footsteps of the abyss, seeing the persecutor of Pharaoh being drowned, we sing a song of victory to God, crying out.

Chorus: (Bow.)

In the night of my life, with a fierce sleep, I am obsessed with deeds, to the light of repentance, God, raise up Your martyrs with prayers, Christ, may I glorify Thee.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us.

The east of the mental sun lit up the martyrs, and the sons of the former day, all the darkness of the idols firmly consumed.

Glory: From the mouth, digging for the sweetness of the divine mind, having enjoyed, Adrian, the poison vomited up the former foolishness, truly, blessed.

And now: Receive your Sodetel, as if You yourself will, from the seedless of Your womb, more than the mind, incarnated, Pure, the creatures truly appeared to be the Mistress.


Canto 3

Irmos: Nothing is holy, as You, O Lord my God, have lifted up the horn of Your faithful, O Blessed One, and established us on the rock of Your confession.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us.

Having escaped the idolatrous vanity, martyr, thou hast been bound by the desire for the love of Christ and the bonds, sufferer, thou hast joined His joy.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us.

We crush the legs with iron shins, the passion-bearers of the Lord, wickedness, the bones of patience with conspiracies and courage, truly crush.

Glory: With the fire of love, the divine soul of the scorched spouse inflamed you with a desire for Christ, carnal love, Natalia, hating to the end.

And now: Divine Nativity of Thy Pure, every order of nature surpasses a miracle; For you conceived God more naturally in the womb, and having given birth, you remain the Ever-Virgin.

Pray to God for us, the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia, as we diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for our souls. (Bow.)

Lord have mercy. (Three times.)

Sedalen, tone 4

You quenched the wickedness of piety with irrigation, O passion-bearer, by crushing your udons, you destroyed the idol fortress, you found a spouse an assistant to all the fierce, martyr, militia, with no south you settled in the Kingdom, strong-hearted Adrian. Pray to Christ to give mercy to all who honor you.

Glory, now Bogorodichen: I am overwhelmed by passionate unscrupulous turmoil, Pure, I call on Thee warmly, but do not despise me, accursed, perish, giving birth to the abyss of mercy, except for You, hope is not imam. Yes, no, joy and laughter are the enemy, hoping for You, I will appear, for you can, if you wish, like the Mother of all God.

Canto 4

Irmos: Christ is my strength, God and Lord, the honest Church sings divinely, crying out from the pure meaning, celebrating in the Lord.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us.

Christ the martyr has acquired a fortress, the weak severity of the persecutors is truly right, and the crowns of victory have come from Heaven.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us.

With pus, everywhere flowing around the holy bodies, having truly brought peace to God, the suppuration of the charm cleansing sovereignly.

Glory: With your blood, you stained your clothes with incorruption, put off your clothes of corruption, and now stand before Christ, Adrian, with glory.

And now: As if truly unknown and incomprehensible even to Your divine, Mother of God, the essence of the Nativity, existing on earth and in heaven, Ever-Virgin, sacraments.

Pray to God for us, the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia, as we diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for our souls. (Bow.)

Canto 5

Irmos: With Thy light of God, Blessed, illumine those souls that morning Thee with love, I pray, lead Thee, the Word of God, the true God, calling from the darkness of sinfulness.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us.

Ten is a purely sufferer with a simple trinity, now praying to Christ, resolving the cous of wickedness, being serfless, Trinity fortress, valiant.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us.

Like the sun, standing in the midst of bright stars, Adrian, with you the suffering shone with the light of piety, driving away the darkness of wickedness, and enlightened the ends of the world.

Glory: Dew is the verb of your honest healing of illnesses, truly be your husband, who tasted the best love, God-wise Natalia, martyr cohabitant.

And now: Theotokos Thee from the heart, the Mistress of the good world, save those who confess: You are the intercession of the invincible imams, the true Mother of God.

Pray to God for us, the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia, as we diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for our souls. (Bow.)

Canto 6

Irmos: The sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife, erected in vain by the misfortunes of the storm, has flowed to Your quiet haven, crying out to Thee: raise my belly from aphids, O Many-merciful One.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us.

We feed the hand of Christ piously, godless the abyss of the abyss and to the quiet haven of the highest lordship, sufferers of the Lord, rush.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us.

It’s like blooming, your feat is fragrant, wiser, even more than the nature of overcoming, for God appeared to you, Adrian, fragrant censer, scorched by the fire of torment.

Glory: With the kindness of faith, your holy soul is adorned, all-honorable, and, looking for kindness, as if truly Christ's immeasurable, Natalia, do not sin your desires.

And now: All-pure Mistress, who gave birth to the helmsman of the Lord, my passions, fickle and fierce, quench embarrassment and give silence to my heart.

Pray to God for us, the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia, as we diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for our souls. (Bow.)

Lord have mercy. (Three times.) Glory, and now.

Kontakion, tone 4

The martyr ascends the divine memory and illumines all the ends of the earth with light, with joy calling: Thou art the martyrs, Christ, rejoicing.


On the Tree of the Cross, the flesh of the nailed Christ the Tsar, desiring valiantly, warriors, diligently enduring cruel diseases and terrible torments, trampling down all idol wickedness, and lowering lawless resistance, the tenth and the trinity martyr. At the same time, Adrian and Natalia, the husband of the red, these are sighted, jealous of them and, rejoicing, cry out: Thou art the martyrs, Christ, joy.

Canto 7

Irmos: An angel made a fertile cave as a reverend youth, while the Chaldeans, the scorching decree of God, admonished the tormentor to cry out: Blessed be Thou, God of our fathers.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us.

Irresistible as the pillars appear, Zion of the Most High Martyr, who laid down the allegations of all the enemy with the patience of your suffering. Temzhe revered piously your memory forever.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us.

Adrian's assistant Natalia, as if unanimous from God, was bestowed, dragging out this coal in the depths of delusion, and crying assuringly: blessed be the God of our fathers.

Glory: It is like a valuable treasure, hiding the hand of the martyr, did not betray the chastity of your treasure to steal the zealous, honest, nourished by the hand of the fathers of God.

And now: Holy prophets will proclaim, Pure, the sacrament of Your honorable Nativity is revealed, and now we, looking at the events from afar, piously appease Thee.

Pray to God for us, the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia, as we diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for our souls. (Bow.)

Canto 8

Irmos: Thou hast exuded dew from the fire of the saints, and thou hast burnt the righteous sacrifice with water; We exalt you forever.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us.

By the fire of torment we burn everything, all the flames of wickedness are extinguished by your blood, sufferers, calling: We exalt you, Christ, forever and ever.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us.

Wonderful wives, who will not be surprised at the existence of love for God? As if you hate the desire of the flesh and assure the spouse of honor and glorify Christ forever and ever.

Glory: Confounding the godless fuss and desiring the beauty of Christ, the pillar of piety was faithful, martyr, passion-bearer Adrian all-blessed.

And now: Thou conceived from the Light of the Light-giver of the Word, and having given birth to the inexpressibly Substantial, the Spirit of God dwelled in Thee, Virgin. The same we sing, Pure, forever.

Pray to God for us, the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia, as we diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for our souls. (Bow.)

Canto 9

Irmos: God cannot be seen by man; But by you, the All-Pure One, appearing as a man, the Word is embodied. His majestic, with heavenly howls we please Thee.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us. (Bow.)

Udov contrition, fierce punishment, neither the sword, nor fire, nor the death of the flesh of Christ's perishable love, separate you, glorious sufferers, by no means possible. Wherefore, always rejoice with Him forever.

Holy Martyrs Adriana and Natalia, pray to God for us.

Candles of divine light, shining stars, lamps, illuminating the light of piety for us, the sun of glory of radiance, the child of non-evening bliss, the martyr of Christ's all-honour.

Glory: The source, the waters are full of spiritual, and the river of divine gifts is full, and the cup of suffering, shedding currents, the abyss of salvation, the martyrs, appear, the storms of various misfortunes delivering us.

And now: The rise of the dead is now bestowed by Your inexpressible and inexpressible Christmas, the All-Pure Mother of God: Bo from You, life is overlaid with flesh, destroy all the ascension and mortal decrepitude.

Pray to God for us, the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia, as we diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for our souls. (Bow.)

Kondak 1

Chosen servants of God and all-glorious martyrs of Christ, despising all this world of vanity for the sake of love for Christ, the Son of God, and laying down your life, like a blameless and pure sacrifice, more willing to accept torment and death, rather than denying the true God, we praise you with love, Saint Adrian and Natalie! But you, in joy coming to the Throne of the glory of the Lord and enjoying His contemplation, pray for us, sinners, who flow to you with faith and reverence, but we cry out to you with thanksgiving:

Ikos 1

Burning with angelic love for the Lord, unceasingly sent out fervent prayers to God your Savior, all-blessed Natalia, may she enlighten the darkened heart of your husband with a ray of grace and turn it to the knowledge of Him, your Creator and Lord, until the King of kings heard your tearful petitions and touched your heart Adrianov, and Abie believer your husband with all my heart, and with a cheerful heart endured the most severe torment, and was not afraid to accept death for Christ. At the same time, reverently surprised by your love for Christ and zeal for God, we joyfully cry out to you:

Rejoice, lamps of all light, burning with Divine love;

Rejoice, pillars of steadfastness against the bitterness of the wicked idolaters.

Rejoice, bearing the Cross of Christ with patience and devotion;

Rejoice, with this victory of the saints, with the sign of conquering the devil and shaming his machinations.

Rejoice, incorruptible crowns received and glory from the Lord of the wedding;

Rejoice, for now in Heaven is the Throne of the Almighty and pray for us sinners.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 2

Seeing the Lord the purity of your heart, Adriane all-honoured, even if polytheism darkened by the darkness, both ready to accept the Truth, deign to call you into Your wonderful light and open the doors of Your Kingdom to you, with the prayers of your holy wife, with joy you called out to the Triune God, who enlightened you soul, a song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The mind of true theology suddenly embraced your soul, Adrian, when, at the command of the tsar, you inscribed with other notaries the names of the holy martyrs, led to suffering and death for the name of Christ, when you asked the servants of the Lord, what recompense they will receive from the Lord in His Kingdom for all the torment, they answered you, as if to speak with a powerfully mortal tongue and comprehend the weak mind, even if God has prepared for those who love Him. But you, Abie, abandoned all idol wickedness, rushed to Christ with all your heart and cried out boldly: “And I am a Christian!” Honoring your appeal to the true Sun of Truth, we pray to you, accept, together with your spouse, Saint Natalia, from us sinners, the praises of Sisev:

Rejoice, holy servant of the true God;

Rejoice, fulfiller of the will of zeal.

Rejoice, as all the red and sweet world of this love for the sake of Christ was despised by nature;

rejoice, for you have sacrificed earthly love and conjugal happiness to the Beloved.

Rejoice, you who teach us not to cling to earthly goods, but to be lifted up in spirit to God;

Rejoice, enlightening our infirmity and ascending the ladder of the shrine to help us.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 3

Fortified by power from above, you marched, blessed, courageously on the feat before you, thirsty to die for your beloved Savior and your God. Your wife, Saint Natalia, with prayers and admonitions, helped you to raise the cross sent from the Lord to you, and accept the crown of incorruption prepared for you in Heaven, and boldly sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having to go to the lawless trial of Maximian, you were shut up in a dark prison, where with other saints the martyrs spent the whole night in prayers, hymns and spiritual conversations. Your loving wife, having despised the weakness of women and the natural love of the flesh, imputing it to nothing, in every possible way urges you not to deviate from the faith of Christ, but to the end remain an unshakable confessor to the name of Jesus and not be afraid of death. The same to you, as a true warrior of Christ, in spiritual joy we cry out:

Rejoice, zealous zealous orthodoxy;

Rejoice, wickedness fearless and accusation.

Rejoice, having put on patience, like a strong armor;

Rejoice, the Cross of Christ is like an invincible weapon in the hand of the recipient.

Rejoice, for you have surprised the lawless tormentors with your natural courage;

rejoice, for you have glorified the name of God.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 4

Drive away the storm of cowardice and fear from your heart, glorious Adrian, and strengthen you for the forthcoming martyrdom, your blessed wife Natalia did not stop talking with you all night about the wonderful and great reward, that God has prepared for Him your life laid down, and tako tells you “Blessed are you, my lord, for you have found a priceless treasure, precious beads - Christ your Lord! Do not retreat again into the darkness of idols, but remain faithful to Him Who loved you, crying out to Him from the bottom of your heart: Hallelujah.

Ikos 4

Hearing Saint Natalia, sitting in her house, as if you were coming to her from prison, and thinking that you were afraid of torment and rejected Christ, weeping bitterly and, coming to you from the door of the house, starting to reproach you, because you have departed from the faith of Christ. But you, rejoicing in spirit and moreover strengthening yourself for suffering, told her with tears, as if you had not only departed from Christ, but more than that, you wish suffering for His Holy Name. Such is the height of Christian love, wondering, with tenderness, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, the true image of Christian matrimony;

Rejoice, having truly shown the love of heaven in yourself.

Rejoice, inspiring the feat of Christ's self-denial for us;

Rejoice, all the red of this transient world despise us teaching.

Rejoice, leave the valley and soar in spirit to the heavenly ones admonishing us;

Rejoice, in all who are with us, see the will of God helping us.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 5

Showing wonderful mercy and love, O Natalia, you fell at the feet of the prisoners, in prison, together with your husband for the name of Christ, prisoners, and kissing their sacred ulcers, wiped away their pus, relief and joy in every possible way to them, and in heartfelt tenderness to God An angelic song is crying out to heaven: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the wicked tormentor, the prisoners of the saint, shut up with you in prison, having reached so much exhaustion from their wounds, as if by no means could they endure the most cruel torment, command the one and only, Adrian, to bring before your judgment and exhort you in every possible way to renounce Christ, frightening you with the present torments. Both, strengthened above and comforted by your blessed wife, you remained firm, like adamant, against the temptation of the enemy. For this sake, for your sake, for Christ, the suffering of love is gratifying and your holy spouse is great, we joyfully cry out to you:

Rejoice, victorious servant of the Most High God;

Rejoice, loud confessor of the faith of Christ.

Rejoice, idol charms of daring reproof;

Rejoice, fearless preachers of the glory of God.

Rejoice, you who did not fear Maximian's wrath;

rejoice, that rage is not imputed to anything.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 6

The eloquent preacher appeared to you, Adrian, when, standing before the judgment of the king, you fearlessly confessed Christ to be the true God, who created heaven and earth, you denounced the idol charm, and for this confession and denunciation, you raised the most severe beat, to your Ascetic cry: Hallelujah.

Ikos 6

The light of the glory of Heavenly Hosya on your face, wise sufferer, always beaten in the womb, as if your womb was poured out from cruel blows, did not stop glorifying Christ and confessing His Holy name before all the people. Blessed Natalia, rejoicing in spirit, seeing your patience and courage, and prayerfully strengthening you, may your soul not be exhausted and may you remain a faithful servant of Christ to the end, even with you, we, sinners, sing to this song:

Rejoice, sacred home of the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, glorious receptacle of the grace of Christ.

Rejoice, spiritually and bodily with the light of the Divine shining;

Rejoice, enlightenment from Christ the King from above.

Rejoice, strengthened by the power of His Divinity;

Rejoice, for you fearlessly marched on the feat of suffering.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 7

Although the wicked king calls you to the judgment, glorious Adrian, shut you up in prison with other holy martyrs, where holy Natalia comes to you and begins your patience to appease and strengthen you, saying: “Blessed are you, my lord, as you were honored with a part of the saints martyrs of Christ!" Rejoicing from the south, you cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Inventing a new intrigue, the evil tormentor, commanded by his howl not to let women into prison to the prisoners, who come from the city for the sake of consolation and relief for the sufferers of Christ. Then you too, Saint Natalia, are forbidden to see your husband and serve him; Both the command of the tsar neglected, in a man's attire you came to prison and, as before your holy spouse, you strengthened you, but courageously come to torment and death for Christ the Lord. For this sake, we worthily praise thee, together with your holy husband, and we cry out to you:

Rejoice, bright decoration of the servants of Christ;

Rejoice, magnificent glory of the confessors to the name of Jesus.

Rejoice, you who love the narrow path and show it to us;

rejoice, for by this quiet haven, the Kingdom of Christ, you have reached.

Rejoice, for now you abide in endless glory and bliss;

rejoice, as you save us from troubles and misfortunes with your prayers.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 8

A strange and wonderful thing was visible in the dungeon, where you were imprisoned, Adrian, with other sufferers of Christ, when, at the command of the formidable tormentor, crush your legs at will. Then, for your holy wife herself lifts up your feet and lays them on the anvil, so that they succumb to the torments of torment, and you will soon unite with your Lord, singing unceasingly to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All burning with love for Christ, Martyr Adrian, you remained in patience until your most blessed death, when your pure soul united with your Lord, for His name you suffered so much, as if the hand of your cut-off life. Honoring your martyrdom, by faith we cry out to you and Saint Natalia:

Rejoice, you who endured mental torments, coupled with bodily ones, for Christ;

Rejoice, wings of heavenly love to God near the mountain.

Rejoice, like eagles, soaring to the Sun of Truth;

Rejoice, to the Light of the Non-Evening from the vale of weeping you have risen.

Rejoice, in the host of saints the martyr has settled;

rejoice, together with all the saints in Heaven singing a wondrous song to God.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 9

All the pride of the inhuman tormentor was put to shame, when heavy rain extinguished the fiery flame and did not allow the holy martyrs of Christ to burn with the honest remains of the holy martyrs of Christ, and the whole city was drowned by water, and people of wickedness with thunder and lightning frightened the former. But you, blessed Natalia, in joy sang to Christ, who is all good: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The ornateness of earthly praises does not suffice to praise your exploits, the holy martyrs of Christ Adrian and Natalia, oh, about the temporal glory and greatness of the earthly neglect, leave everything and lay down your soul for faith in Christ, oh, having overcome the natural weakness of women, masculinely labored, strengthening his wife in his torment and rejoicing at his blissful death. Toliya deeds of yours are worthy of praising perplexedly, with love we cry out to you:

Rejoice, with an invigorating heart, the Cross of Christ on the frame raised;

rejoice, you were not exhausted under its weight.

Rejoice, former imitator of Christ's passions;

rejoice, having crucified your flesh with passions and lusts.

Rejoice, having shown the image of love and meekness in yourself;

Rejoice, having taught us to bear one another's burdens.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 10

At least to save the bodies of the saints, the martyr from desecration and dishonor, a certain pious man with his wife came to Saint Natalia and the other brethren of Christians, asking them to deign to him, so that he would take the holy relics with him to Byzantium and put them there honestly until the time when Maximian the wicked dies . The Christians of the city of Nicomedia deigned to the petition of this man and entrusted him with a valuable treasure, joyfully crying out to God: Hallelujah.

Ikos 10

As if we are protecting you with a wall with your holy prayers, Saints Adrian and Natalia, you always help us in all our troubles and misfortunes, and especially when we celebrate your memory with love and glorify Christ our God for you. Saved by your warm prayers for us, we faithfully praise you in this rank:

Rejoice, unceasing prayer book for us to God;

Rejoice, our helpers burning warm with love for us.

Rejoice, our speedy intercessors and mentors;

Rejoice, our teachers, who teach us to live pleasingly.

Rejoice, our loving friends, condescending to our infirmities;

Rejoice, for you raise us to the height of virgin purity and dispassion.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 11

Blessed Natalia brought singing to God from the bottom of her heart, when you delivered you from the hand of the tribune, who wanted you to be his wife. For you, as the faithful wife of the martyr Adrian of Christ, did not want to encroach on your husband for the second time and with prayer you fled, sitting on a ship, to Byzantium, where the body of your holy husband was supposed to be. Having reached this city, with love you cried out to the Lord God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The brightest lamp, the ship appeared, on it you swam the deep of the sea, having with you a valuable bead, the hand of your holy husband, having avoided his prayers of persecution of the tribune, Byzantium reached you unscathed and, with a joyful soul, kissing the body of your blessed master, in spiritual tenderness your soul in You betrayed the hand of the Lord. Greater is your departure to the Lord, together with Saint Adrian, we sing to you:

Rejoice, blessed couple, who lived on earth in love and did not part after death;

Rejoice, close friends of the Lord, who dwell at His Throne.

Rejoice, you who enjoy the sight of His all-luminous vision;

Rejoice, thou wholly enjoy eternal bliss.

Rejoice, having found rest in the villages of the righteous;

Rejoice, on earth you left your holy relics for healing to us.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 12

The grace of the fulfillment of the vessel showed your honest relics, given to us by Christ God, the holy martyr of Christ diligently flowing to them, the resolution of sins by your prayers is acceptable, crying out to God with all your heart: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your honest suffering and blissful death, by which you will rise to the Mountain, to all the saints who have pleased God from time immemorial, we praise you, the all-glorious martyrs of Christ, Adrian and Natalia, and earnestly pray to unceasingly remember us, who bless you, at the Throne of Glory:

Rejoice, praiseworthy martyrs and good warriors of Christ;

Rejoice, invincible martyrs and conquerors of glory.

Rejoice, champions of the true faith;

Rejoice, virtues of the lamp of inextinguishability.

Rejoice, coal, burning with divine love;

Rejoice, crowned bearers, with heavenly blessings from the wedding of Christ.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 13

Oh, holy martyrs of Christ, Adriana and Natalia! Hear us, fervently praying to you and flowing into your temple, and pray to the merciful Master of our Lord Jesus Christ to grant us peace and health of souls and bodies, and save our souls, let us sing to Him: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


Oh, holy couple, holy martyrs of Christ, Adrian and Natalia, blessed spouses and good sufferers! Hear us, praying to you with tears, and send down on us all that is useful to our souls and our bodies, and pray to Christ God, have mercy on us and do with us according to His mercy, that we not perish in our sins! Hey, holy martyrs, accept the voice of our prayer and deliver us with your prayers from gladness, destruction, coward, flood, fire, hail, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from vain death and from all troubles, sorrows and diseases, but I will take it out, with your prayers and intercession of strengthening, let us glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due, with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

When Adrian was tortured for confessing the Christian faith, his wife Natalya urged her husband to remain firm. After the martyrdom of her husband, she remained faithful to him, rejecting all proposals and urges for a new marriage. They are revered as helpers in a pious Christian marriage, prayer books for fidelity and harmony between husband and wife.

Kondak 1

Chosen servants of God and all-glorious martyrs of Christ, despising all this world of vanity for the sake of love for Christ, the Son of God, and laying down your life, like a blameless and pure sacrifice, more than wanting to accept torment and death, rather than denying the True God, we praise you with love, Saint Adrian and Natalie! But you, in joy coming to the Throne of the glory of the Lord and enjoying His contemplation, pray for us, sinners, who flow to you with faith and reverence, but we cry out to you with thanksgiving:

Ikos 1

Burning with angelic love for the Lord, you unceasingly sent up fervent prayers to God your Savior, all-blessed Natalia, may she enlighten the darkened heart of your spouse with a ray of grace and turn it to the knowledge of Him, your Creator and Lord, until the King of kings heard your tearful petitions and touched your heart Adrianov, and Abie believer your husband with all my heart, and with a cheerful heart endured the most severe torment, and was not afraid to accept death for Christ. At the same time, reverently surprised by your love for Christ and zeal for God, we joyfully cry out to you:

Rejoice, lamps of all light, burning with Divine love.

Rejoice, pillars of steadfastness against the bitterness of the wicked idolaters.

Rejoice, having carried the cross of Christ with patience and devotion.

Rejoice, with this victory of the saints, with the sign of conquering the devil and shaming his machinations.

Rejoice, thou who didst receive incorruptible crowns and crowned with glory from the Lord.

Rejoice, for now in Heaven is the Throne of the Almighty and pray for us, sinners.

Kondak 2

Seeing the Lord the purity of your heart, Adriane all-honoured, even if polytheism darkened by the darkness, both ready to accept the Truth, deign to call you into Your wonderful light and open the doors of Your Kingdom to you, with the prayers of your holy wife, with joy you called out to the Triune God, who enlightened you soul, a song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The mind of true theology suddenly embraced your soul, Adrian, when, at the command of the tsar, you inscribed with other notaries the names of the holy martyrs, led to suffering and death for the name of Christ, when you asked the servants of the Lord, what recompense they will receive from the Lord in His Kingdom for all the torment, they answered you, as if to speak with a powerfully mortal tongue and comprehend the weak mind, even if God has prepared for those who love Him. But you, Abie, left all idol wickedness, rushed to Christ with all your heart and cried out boldly: "And I am a Christian!" Honoring your appeal to the true Sun of Truth, we pray you, accept, together with your spouse, Saint Natalia, from us sinners, the praises of Sisev:

Rejoice, holy servant of the True God.

Rejoice, fulfiller of the will of zeal.

Rejoice, as all the red and sweet world of this love for the sake of Christ was despised by nature.

Rejoice, for you have sacrificed earthly love and conjugal happiness to the Beloved.

Rejoice, you who teach us not to cling to earthly goods, but to be lifted up in spirit to God.

Rejoice, enlightening our infirmity and helping us ascend the ladder of the holy place.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all-praise and sufferers of invincibility.

Kondak 3

Fortified by power from above, you marched, blessed, courageously on the feat before you, thirsty to die for your beloved Savior and your God. Your wife, Saint Natalia, with prayers and admonitions, helped you to lift the cross sent from the Lord to you, and accept the crown of incorruption prepared for you in Heaven, and boldly sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having to go to the lawless trial of Maximian, you were shut up in a dark prison, where with other saints the martyrs spent the whole night in prayers, hymns and spiritual conversations. Your loving wife, having despised the weakness of women and the natural love of the flesh, imputing it to nothing, in every possible way urges you not to deviate from the faith of Christ, but to the end remain an unshakable confessor to the name of Jesus and not be afraid of death. The same to you, as a true warrior of Christ, in spiritual joy we cry out:

Rejoice, zealous zealous believers in orthodoxy.

Rejoice, wickedness fearless and denunciation.

Rejoice, having put on patience, like a strong armor.

Rejoice, cross of Christ, like an invincible weapon in your hand.

Rejoice, for you have surprised the lawless tormentors by your natural courage.

Rejoice, for you have glorified the name of God.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all-praise and sufferers of invincibility.

Kondak 4

Drive away the storm of cowardice and fear from your heart, glorious Adrian, and strengthen you for the future martyrdom, your blessed wife Natalia did not stop talking with you all night about a wonderful and great reward, that God has prepared for Him your life laid down, and tako tells you : "Blessed are you, my lord, as if you have found a priceless treasure, precious beads - Christ your Lord!

Ikos 4

Hearing Saint Natalia, sitting in her house, as if you were coming to her from the dungeon, and thinking that you were afraid of torment and rejected Christ, weeping bitterly and, coming to you from the door of the house, starting to reproach you, because you have departed from the faith of Christ. But you, rejoicing in spirit and moreover strengthening yourself for suffering, told her with tears, as if you had not only departed from Christ, but more than that, you wish suffering for His Holy Name. Such is the height of Christian love, wondering, with tenderness, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, true image of Christian matrimony.

Rejoice, having truly shown the heavenly love in yourself.

Rejoice, for you inspire us to the feat of Christ's self-denial for us.

Rejoice, all the red of this transient world despise those who teach us.

Rejoice, leave the valley and soar in spirit to the heavenly ones admonishing us.

Rejoice, in all who are with us, see the will of God helping us.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all-praise and sufferers of invincibility.

Kondak 5

Showing wonderful mercy and love, O Natalia, you fell at the feet of the prisoners, in prison, together with your husband for the name of Christ, prisoners, and kissing their sacred ulcers, you wiped away their pus, giving them relief and joy in every possible way, and in heart tenderness to God An angelic song is crying out to heaven: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the wicked tormentor, the prisoners of the saint, shut up with you in prison, having reached so much exhaustion from the wounds, as if by no means could they endure the most cruel torment, command the one and only, Adrian, to bring before your judgment and exhort you in every possible way to renounce Christ, frightening you with the present torments. Both, strengthened from above and comforted by your blessed wife, you remained firm, like adamant, against the temptation of the enemy. For this sake, for your sake, for Christ, the suffering of love is gratifying and your holy spouse is great, we joyfully cry out to you:

Rejoice, victorious servant of the Most High God.

Rejoice, loud confessors of the faith of Christ.

Rejoice, idol charms of daring reproof.

Rejoice, fearless preachers of the glory of God.

Rejoice, you who did not fear Maximian's wrath.

Rejoice, that rage is not imputed to anything.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all-praise and sufferers of invincibility.

Kondak 6

A vociferous preacher appeared to you, Adriana, when, standing before the judgment of the king, you fearlessly confessed that Christ was the true God, who created heaven and earth; Thou hast denounced the idol charm, and for this confession and denunciation, thou hast raised the most severe beat, crying out to your Ascetic: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The light of the glory of Heavenly Hosia on your face, wise sufferer, always beaten in the womb, as if your womb was poured out from cruel blows, did not stop glorifying Christ and confessing His Holy name before all the people. Blessed Natalia, rejoicing in spirit, seeing your patience and courage, and prayerfully strengthening you, may your soul not be exhausted and may you remain a faithful servant of Christ to the end; even together with you, we, sinners, sing sitse:

Rejoice, sacred home of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, glorious receptacle of the grace of Christ.

Rejoice, spiritually and bodily with the light of the Divine shining.

Rejoice, enlightenment from Christ the King from above.

Rejoice, strengthened by the power of His Divinity.

Rejoice, for you fearlessly marched on the feat of suffering.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all-praise and sufferers of invincibility.

Kondak 7

Although the wicked king calls you to the judgment, glorious Adrian, shut you up in prison with other holy martyrs, where holy Natalia comes to you and begins your patience to appease and strengthen you, saying: “Blessed are you, my lord, as if you were honored with a part of the saints martyrs of Christ!" Rejoicing from the south, thou didst cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Inventing a new intrigue, the evil tormentor, commanded by his howl not to let women into prison to the prisoners, who come from the city for the sake of consolation and relief for the sufferers of Christ. Then you too, Saint Natalia, are forbidden to see your husband and serve him; Both the command of the tsar neglected, in a man's attire you came to prison and, as before, you supported your holy spouse, but courageously come to torment and death for Christ the Lord. For this sake, we worthily praise thee, together with your holy husband, and we cry out to you:

Rejoice, luminous adornment of the servants of Christ.

Rejoice, glorious glory of the confessors in the name of Jesus.

Rejoice, you who love the narrow path and show it to us.

Rejoice, as by this way, a quiet haven, the Kingdom of Christ, you have reached.

Rejoice, for now you abide in endless glory and bliss.

Rejoice, as you save us from troubles and misfortunes with your prayers.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all-praise and sufferers of invincibility.

Kondak 8

A strange and wonderful thing was visible in the dungeon, where you were imprisoned, Adrian, with other sufferers of Christ, when, at the command of the formidable tormentor, crush your legs at will. Then, for your holy wife herself lifts up your feet and lays them on the anvil, so that they will be beaten by the hands of tormentors, and you will soon unite with your Lord, singing unceasingly to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All burning with love for Christ, Martyr Adrian, you remained in patience until your most blessed death, when your pure soul united with your Lord, for His name you suffered so much, as if your hand was cut off. Honoring your martyrdom, by faith we cry out to you and Saint Natalia:

Rejoice, you who endured mental anguish, coupled with bodily torment, for Christ.

Rejoice, wings of heavenly love, mountain to God near.

Rejoice, like eagles who have soared to the Sun of Truth.

Rejoice, having risen up to the Light of the Non-Evening from the vale of weeping.

Rejoice, martyr who has settled in the host of saints.

Rejoice, together with all the saints in Heaven singing a wondrous song to God.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all-praise and sufferers of invincibility.

Kondak 9

All the pride of the inhuman tormentor was put to shame, when heavy rain extinguished the fiery flame and did not allow the holy martyrs of Christ to burn with the honest remains of the holy martyrs of Christ, and the whole city was drowned by water, and people of wickedness with thunder and lightning frightened the former. But you, blessed Natalie, in joy sang to Christ, who is all well-placed: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The ornateness of earthly praises does not suffice to praise your exploits, the holy martyrs of Christ Adrian and Natalia, oh, about the temporal glory and greatness of the earthly neglect, leave everything and lay down your soul for faith in Christ, oh, having overcome the natural weakness of women, masculinely labored, strengthening his wife in his torment and rejoicing at his blissful death. Toliya deeds of yours are worthy of praising perplexedly, with love we cry out to you:

Rejoice, having raised the cross of Christ on the frame with an invigorating heart.

Rejoice, you are not exhausted under its weight.

Rejoice, former imitator of Christ's passions.

Rejoice, having crucified your flesh with passions and lusts.

Rejoice, having shown the image of love and meekness in yourself.

Rejoice, having taught us to bear each other's burdens.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all-praise and sufferers of invincibility.

Kondak 10

At least to save the bodies of the saints, the martyr from reproach and dishonor, a certain pious man with his wife came to Saint Natalia and the other brethren of Christians, asking them to deign to him, so that he would take the holy relics with him to Byzantium and put them there more honestly until the time when Maximian the wicked dies . The Christians of the city of Nicomedia deigned to the petition of this man and, entrusting him with a valuable treasure, joyfully cry out to God: Hallelujah.

Ikos 10

As if we are protecting you with a wall with your holy prayers, Saints Adrian and Natalia, you always help us in all our troubles and misfortunes, and especially when we celebrate your memory with love and glorify Christ our God for you. Saved by your warm prayers for us, we faithfully praise you in this rank:

Rejoice, unceasing prayer book for us to God.

Rejoice, our helpers burning with love for us.

Rejoice, our speedy intercessors and mentors.

Rejoice, our teachers, who teach us to live pleasingly.

Rejoice, our loving friends, condescending to our infirmities.

Rejoice, you who raise us to the height of virginal purity and dispassion.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all-praise and sufferers of invincibility.

Kondak 11

Blessed Natalia brought singing to God from the bottom of her heart, when you delivered you from the hand of the tribune, who wanted you to be his wife. For you, like the faithful wife of the martyr Adrian of Christ, did not want to encroach on your husband for the second time and with prayer you fled, sitting on a ship, to Byzantium, where the body of your holy husband was supposed to be. Having reached this city, with love you cried out to the Lord God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

A bright lamp, the ship appeared, on it you swam the deep of the sea, having with you a valuable beads, the hand of your holy husband, having avoided his prayers of persecution of the tribune, Byzantium reached you unscathed and, with a joyful soul, kissing the body of your blessed master, in spiritual tenderness your soul in You betrayed the hand of the Lord. Greater than your departure to the Lord, together with Saint Adrian, we sing to you:

Rejoice, blessed couple, who lived on earth in love and did not part after death.

Rejoice, close friends of the Lord, who dwell at His Throne.

Rejoice, you who enjoy the sight of His all-luminous vision.

Rejoice, thou wholly enjoy eternal bliss.

Rejoice, you who have found rest in the villages of the righteous.

Rejoice, you who have left your holy relics on earth for healing.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all-praise and sufferers of invincibility.

Kondak 12

The grace of the fulfillment of the vessel showed your honest relics, given to us by Christ God, diligently flowing to them, holy martyrs of Christ, we accept the resolution of sins by your prayers, with all our hearts crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your honest suffering and blissful death, with it you rise to the heavenly, to all the saints who have pleased God from time immemorial, we praise you, the all-glorious martyr of Christ, Adrian and Natalia, and earnestly pray to unceasingly remember us at the Throne of Glory, who bless you:

Rejoice, praiseworthy martyrs and good warriors of Christ.

Rejoice, invincible passion-bearers and conquerors of glory.

Rejoice, champions of the true faith.

Rejoice, virtues of the lamp of inextinguishability.

Rejoice, coal, burning with divine love.

Rejoice, crowned bearers, with heavenly blessings from the wedding of Christ.

Rejoice, Saints Adriana and Natalia, martyrs of Christ of all praise and sufferers of invincibility!

Kondak 13

About the holy martyrs of Christ, Adrian and Natalia! Hear us, fervently praying to you and flowing into your temple, and pray to the Gracious Master, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant us peace and health of souls and bodies and save our souls, let us sing to Him: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos: "Angelic to the Lord ..." and the 1st kontakion: "Chosen servant ...".
