Lesson 2 4. A . Fet "Mother ! Look - ka from window ... » , "Matures rye above hot cornfield ... »

Goals: to acquaint students with the poems of A. Fet “Mom! Look out the window...”, “Rye is ripening over a hot field...”; to teach the correct reading of poetry, to see and understand the mood of the lyrical hero; develop memory, speech, thinking.

Planned results: students should be able to read poems, conveying the mood of the poet with the help of intonation; distinguish between poetic and prose texts; observe the life of words in a literary text, explain interesting expressions in a lyrical text; observe the repetition of stressed and unstressed syllables in a word (rhythm), find rhyming words.

Equipment: paintings on the theme of autumn; cards (text of speech warm-up, tasks); collections of poems by A. Fet, his portrait.

move lesson

I . Organizational moment

II . Examination homemade tasks

Expressive reading of poems by F.I. Tyutchev. Display the illustrations that the children have prepared.

III . speech warm-up

He's spinning

light, new,

The guys are over their heads.

He had a downy handkerchief

Spread over the pavement.

Ya Akim

- Read in a buzzing way.

- What is this poem about? How would you name it?(This is a poem about the first snow. You can call it that - “The first snow”.)

- To what does the poet compare the snow cover?(He compares it to a downy shawl.)

- Let's read, starting in a whisper, then amplifying the voice. (Reading by children.)

- And now it’s the other way around: let’s start loudly, then reduce the volume of the voice to a whisper.

- Read expressively, beautifully, as you understand this poem.

- Guess the riddles of O. Druzhkova.

White fluff will fall on the ground,

The swan fluff will hide the earth,

sparkle, sparkle,

It will turn into bright pearls.(Snow.)

Downhill - a horse, uphill - a piece of wood.(Sled.)

The tablecloth spread

Enough food for everyone

What do you put on it?

You will multiply with your work.(Field.)

IV . Job By topic lesson

A. Fet “Mom! Look out the window..."

Today we will get acquainted with a new poem written by a wonderful Russian poetXIXcentury Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet.

( The teacher shows his portrait. Reading the poem by the teacher

- On whose behalf is the poem written?(The poem was written on behalf of the child.)

- What did he see from the window? What surprised him?(The child saw that the whole yard was white, clean. Although yesterday there was dirt.)

- Why is he happy?(He is pleased that there is frost on the branches - it is not prickly, light blue.)

- What else fascinates him?(It still seems to him that someone has decorated the bushes with fresh, white, plump cotton wool. And this pleases the baby.)

- Do you understand all the words?(No, the word "horny" is not clear.)

- Find the meaning of this word.Generous - generous (not stingy).

- Read exclamatory sentences. (Children find and read.)

- What feelings of the child do they help convey?(Feelings of admiration, joy, delight.)

- Read the interrogative sentence. With what intonation will you read it?(Expressing a feeling of insecurity. The child does not know if his mother will let him go for a walk.)

- With what intonation does the child speak with his mother? How are we going to read this poem?(The child speaks quickly to his mother, he wants to quickly tell what he sees. The intonation is joyful, enthusiastic.)

- Guys, how do you understand the expression "I removed the bushes"?(The word "removed" is given here in the sense of "decorated, gave an elegant look.")

V . Physical education minute

Join hands together!

Hands up, hands down!

Hands quickly into a fist

They put it on the barrel.

swayed left and right,

Back-forward, back-forward.

Well, who's behind?

VI . Continuation work By topic lesson

1. Independent reading of a poem

- Consider whether pauses always coincide with the end of a line.(There are no pauses between lines 2-3, 7-8, 11-12, 14-15.)

- Where should you pause in the middle of a line?(In the 1st, 16th long is the end of the sentence. In the 4th, 5th, 7th, 11th - short pauses, as the intonation of the enumeration is going on.)

2. Discussion of the concept of "rhyme"

- What is a rhyme?(Rhyme - consonance of the ends of poetic lines.)

- Find the rhyme in the poem.(Window - cat; nose - freezing; blanket - turned white; blue frost; thorny - with cotton wool; you are bushes; dispute - uphill; run - walk; do not refuse - say.)

3. Expressive reading of a poem

- Well done! Now get ready to read the poem expressively, imagining that you are talking to your mother, telling her about what you saw. (Reading by students.)

4. A. Fet “Rye ripens over a hot field ...”

( The children read the poem on their own.)

- What did Fet depict in his poem?(The poet depicted a grain field.)

- How do the words help to present the picture depicted by the poet:hot; capricious - capricious, with whims, with quirks;gold; boundless - so wide, stretching out into boundless space, limitless;fire-breathing - breathes fire?(A hot summer day is shown. The field is also hot. The rye is yellow, so the poet calls it golden. These words help us feel the heat of this day.)

- Find the meaning of the wordadjoins. (Adjacent - closes.)

- Read the poem out loud. What intonation will you choose?

( Expressive reading for children.)

5. The teacher's story about the author

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (1820-1892). “This is not just a poet, but rather a poet-musician,” wrote P.I. Chaikovsky. Really,Fet's poems have amazing musicality, it is not without reason that many wonderful romances have been written on his words, for example, the romance "At dawn, you don't wake her." The poetic and musical landscape lyrics of Fet, who loved nature to self-forgetfulness, knew and subtly felt it.

wonderful picture,

How are you related to me?

white plain,

Full moon.

the light of the heavens above,

And shining snow

And distant sleigh

Lonely run.

A.A. Fet is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable Russian landscape poets. His poetry excites the soul, awakens the imagination, evokes deep thoughts in us, makes us feel the beauty of the earth and the native word.

VII . Reflection

VIII . Summing up results lesson

- What is a rhyme? Give examples.

- According to A.A. Fet the mood of a lyrical hero?

homemade exercise

Learn by heart one of A. Fet's poems. Draw an illustration for it.

How poor is our language!

How poor is our language! – I want and I can’t.
Do not pass it on to friend or foe,
What rages in the chest with a transparent wave.
In vain is the eternal languor of hearts,
And the venerable sage bows his head
Before this fatal lie.

Only you, poet, have a winged word sound
Grabs on the fly and fixes suddenly
And the dark delirium of the soul, and the vague smell of herbs;
So, for the boundless, leaving the meager valley,
An eagle flies beyond the clouds of Jupiter,
A sheaf of lightning carrying instantaneous in faithful paws.

June 11, 1887

Oh, don't trust the noisy...

Oh, don't trust the noisy
The brilliance of the unreasonable crowd, -
You are his crazy world
Drop it and don't worry about it.
Linger you at least to the transient,
Trembling bliss alluring, -
Only one real
They value only one.
Between 1874 and 1886

A whole world of beauty...

A whole world of beauty
From big to small
And you're looking in vain
Find its beginning.

What is a day or a century
Before what is infinite?
Although man is not eternal,
That which is eternal is human.

Between 1874 and 1886

From the wilds fogs timidly ...

From the wilds fogs timidly
Native closed the village;
But the spring sun warmed
And the wind blew them away.

Know it's boring to wander for a long time
Over the expanse of lands and seas,
A cloud stretches for the homeland,
Just to cry over her.

June 9, 1886

I won't tell you anything...

I won't tell you anything
And I won't bother you at all
And about what? I silently say
I dare not hint at anything.

Night flowers sleep all day long
But only the sun will set behind the grove,
Leaves are quietly opening
And I hear the heart bloom.

And in a sick, tired chest
It blows with moisture at night ... I'm trembling,
I won't disturb you at all
I won't tell you anything.

September 2, 1885

Learn from them - from oak, from birch ...

Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch.
Around winter. Tough time!
In vain, tears froze on them,
And cracked, shrinking, the bark.

All the angrier blizzard and every minute
Angrily tears the last sheets,
And a fierce cold grabs at the heart;
They stand silent; shut up and you!

But believe in spring. Genius will rush her
Breathing warmth and life again.
For clear days, for new revelations
A grieving soul will be ill.

December 31, 1883

This morning, this joy ...

This morning, this joy
This power of both day and light,
This blue vault
This cry and strings
These flocks, these birds,
This voice of the waters

These willows and birches
These drops are these tears
This fluff is not a leaf,
These mountains, these valleys,
These midges, these bees,
This tongue and whistle

These dawns without eclipse,
This sigh of the night village,
This night without sleep
This haze and the heat of the bed,
This fraction and these trills,
It's all spring.

May night

Retarded clouds are flying over us
Last crowd.
Their transparent segment melts gently
At the moon crescent.

Mysterious power reigns in spring
With stars on my forehead. -
You gentle! You promised me happiness
On a vain land.

Where is happiness? Not here, in a miserable environment,
And there it is - like smoke.
Follow him! after him! air way -
And fly away to eternity!

Again invisible efforts ...

Again invisible efforts
Again invisible wings
Bring warmth to the north;
Brighter, brighter day by day
Already the sun in black circles
Trees circled in the forest.

The dawn shines through with a shade of scarlet,
Wrapped in unparalleled brilliance
Snow-covered slope;
Still the forests stand dormant,
But the more audible in every note
Feathered joy and enthusiasm.

Streams, murmuring and meandering
And calling to each other,
They rush to the echoing valley,
And the rushing waters
Under white marble vaults
They fly with a cheerful roar.

And there along the fields in the open
The river spread like a sea
Steel mirror brighter
And the river to her in the middle
Behind an ice floe releases an ice floe,
Like a flock of swans.

What a night!

What a night! How clean the air
Like a silver leaf slumbers,
Like a shadow of black coastal willows,
How peacefully the bay sleeps
As the wave does not sigh anywhere,
How silence fills my chest!

Midnight light, you're the same day:
Only shine is whiter, shadow is blacker,
Only the smell of juicy herbs is thinner,
Only the mind is brighter, more peaceful disposition,
Yes, instead of passion, he wants breasts
Here is the air to breathe.

By the fireplace

The coals are fading. In the twilight
Transparent twisted light.
So splashes on the crimson poppy
Wing azure moth.

Visions of colorful string
Attracts, tired gaze,
And unrevealed faces
They look from the gray ashes.

Gets up nice and friendly
Past happiness and sadness
And the soul lies that it does not need
All that is deeply regrettable.

Rye ripens over a hot field ...

Rye ripens over a hot field,
And from the field to the field
Whimsical wind blows
Golden overflows.

Timidly the moon looks into the eyes,
I'm amazed that the day hasn't passed
But wide into the region of the night
Day embrace spread.

Over the boundless harvest of bread
Between sunset and east
Only for a moment the sky closes
Fire-breathing eye.

Late 50s.


Sounded over a clear river,
Rang out in the faded meadow,
It swept over the mute grove,
It lit up on the other side.

Far, in the twilight, bows
The river runs away to the west.
Burning with golden rims,
Clouds scattered like smoke.

On the hillside it is either damp or hot,
The sighs of the day are in the breath of the night,
But the lightning is already glowing brightly
Blue and green fire.


Among the virgin maples and weeping birches
I cannot see these arrogant pines;
They confuse the swarm of living and sweet dreams,
And their sober look is unbearable to me.

In the circle of resurrected neighbors, only one
They don't know awe, they don't whisper, they don't sigh
And, unchanging, jubilant spring
Reminds me of winter.

When the forest drops the last dry leaf
And, silent, will wait for spring and rebirth, -
They will remain cold beauty
Frighten other generations.

The swallows are gone...

The swallows are gone
And yesterday dawn
All the rooks flew
Yes, how the network flickered
Over that mountain.

In the evening everyone sleeps
It's dark outside.
The leaf falls dry
At night the wind is angry
Yes, knock on the window.

It would be better if snow and blizzard
Happy to meet you!
As if in fear
Shouting out to the south
The cranes are flying.

You will leave - willy-nilly
It's hard to cry!
Look across the field
Jumps like a ball.

How fresh it is here under the thick linden...

How fresh it is here under the thick linden -
The midday heat did not penetrate here,
And thousands hanging over me
Swing fragrant fans.

And there, in the distance, the burning air sparkles,
Hesitating, as if he were dozing.
So sharply dry hypnotic and crackling
Grasshoppers restless ringing.

Behind the haze of branches, the vaults of the sky turn blue,
Like a little haze,
And, like the dreams of a dying nature,
Wavy pass clouds.

Look forward to a clear day tomorrow...

Look forward to a clear day tomorrow.
Swifts flash and ring.
purple streak of fire
Transparent illuminated sunset.

Ships slumber in the bay, -
The pennant barely flutters.
The heavens are far away
And the sea distance has gone to them.

So timidly runs a shadow
So secretly the light goes away
What don't you say: the day has passed,
Do not say: the night has come.


I will disappear from melancholy and laziness,
Lonely life is not sweet
Heart aching, knees weak,
In every carnation of fragrant lilac,
Singing, a bee crawls in.

Let me go out into the open field
Or completely lost in the forest ...
With every step it's not easier at will,
The heart is beating more and more
Like coal in my chest I carry.

No, wait! With my longing
I will part here. Bird cherry is sleeping.
Ah, those bees under her again!
And I can't understand
Whether on flowers, whether it rings in the ears.

piece of marble

My gaze wanders in vain, measuring your begun marble,
Vainly inquisitive thought wants to solve the riddle:
What does the bark of a roughly chopped mass wear?
Is Titus' clear forehead, Faun's changeable face,
The serpent of the conciliator is a rod, wings and a swift-footed camp,
Or the modesty of virgins with a thin finger on their lips?

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet

Rye ripens over a hot field,
And from the field to the field
Whimsical wind blows
Golden overflows.

Timidly the moon looks into the eyes,
I'm amazed that the day hasn't passed
But wide into the region of the night
Day embrace spread.

Over the boundless harvest of bread
Between sunset and east
Only for a moment the sky closes
Fire-breathing eye.

The second half of the nineteenth century in literary Russia was marked by the struggle between representatives of the "natural school" and "pure art". The conceptual difference between the two currents was in relation to the reflection of social problems in creativity. Supporters of the "natural school" believed that the people's troubles, the political situation should be described in works of art. Realism became the main method in this case. The adherents of "pure art" tried to move away from the problems of the outside world as much as possible in their work. They devoted their poems to the themes of love and nature, philosophical reflections. Fet was also an apologist for "pure art". He believed that it was impossible to accurately convey things and phenomena with words. His landscape lyrics are a captured moment, described through the prism of individual perception. Often in the poems of Afanasy Afanasyevich, transitional moments and states of nature were recorded. Such is the work "Rye is ripening over a hot field ...", dated to the end of the 1850s and first published in the Russky Vestnik magazine in 1860.

The sunset is before the readers. The day is almost over, but the night has not yet come into its own. This boundary time is accurately and briefly described by Fet in the last three lines of the poem:

... Between sunset and east
Only for a moment the sky closes
Fire-breathing eye.

Afanasy Afanasyevich does not paint a picture of some abstract sunset. His landscape is truly Russian. It is not for nothing that rye is present in it - a breadwinner plant for ordinary village people. The boundless plain is another integral feature of the landscape of central Russia. Therefore, Fet's grain harvest is characterized by the adjective "boundless." Before the eyes of readers, a picture clearly arises of native endless expanses, a rye field, along which you can run for a long, long time, arms outstretched.

There is only one color characteristic in the poem - the poet called the overflows golden. With the help of this adjective, Afanasy Afanasyevich manages to convey the mood of the picture he draws, to create the atmosphere of a hot summer day at its end. From the word “golden” in the work “Rye ripens over a hot field ...” breathes warmth, tenderness and even the smell of freshly baked bread. It is amazing how Fet breathes life into the depicted landscape through precisely noticed details.

Rye ripens over a hot field,
And from the field to the field
Whimsical wind blows
Golden overflows.

Timidly the moon looks into the eyes,
I'm amazed that the day hasn't passed
But wide into the region of the night
Day embrace spread.

Over the boundless harvest of bread
Between sunset and east
Only for a moment the sky closes
Fire-breathing eye.

Analysis of Fet's poem "Rye ripens over a hot field ..."

The second half of the nineteenth century in literary Russia was marked by the struggle between representatives of the "natural school" and "pure art". The conceptual difference between the two currents was in relation to the reflection of social problems in creativity. Supporters of the "natural school" believed that the people's troubles, the political situation should be described in works of art. Realism became the main method in this case. The adherents of "pure art" tried to move away from the problems of the outside world as much as possible in their work. They devoted their poems to the themes of love and nature, philosophical reflections.

Fet was also an apologist for "pure art". He believed that it was impossible to accurately convey things and phenomena with words. His landscape lyrics are a captured moment, described through the prism of individual perception. Often in the poems of Afanasy Afanasievich, transitional moments and states of nature were recorded. Such is the work "Rye is ripening over a hot field ...", dated to the end of the 1850s and first published in the Russky Vestnik magazine in 1860.

The sunset is before the readers. The day is almost over, but the night has not yet come into its own. This boundary time is accurately and briefly described by Fet in the last three lines of the poem:
... Between sunset and east
Only for a moment the sky closes
Fire-breathing eye.

Afanasy Afanasievich does not paint a picture of some abstract sunset. His landscape is truly Russian. It is not for nothing that rye is present in it - a breadwinner plant for ordinary village people. The boundless plain is another integral feature of the landscape of central Russia. Therefore, Fet's grain harvest is characterized by the adjective "boundless." Before the eyes of readers, a picture clearly arises of native endless expanses, a rye field, along which you can run for a long, long time, arms outstretched.

There is only one color characteristic in the poem - the poet called the overflows golden. With the help of this adjective, Afanasy Afanasievich manages to convey the mood of the picture he draws, to create the atmosphere of a hot summer day at its end. From the word "golden" in the work "Rye Ripens ..." it breathes with warmth, tenderness and even the smell of freshly baked bread. It is amazing how Fet breathes life into the depicted landscape through precisely noticed details.

The poem “Rye ripens over a hot field” is made in a manner characteristic of Fet. As an adherent of "pure art" he could not fail to capture a beautiful picture of nature. A brief analysis of “Rye is ripening over a hot field” according to the plan will help 10th grade students better understand the essence of this work and Fet’s heritage as a whole. It can be used as a preparatory material for a literature lesson.

Brief analysis

History of creation- the exact date of writing is unknown, approximately this work dates from the late 1850s. Published for the first time in the journal "Russian Messenger" in 1860.

Subject- the height of summer, which the poet describes as a time that is pleasing to the eyes.

Composition- one-part, with one stroke Fet paints the whole picture, describing it from different angles.

Genre- landscape lyrics.

Poetic size- a four-foot trochee with a cross rhyme.

epithets“hot field”, “whimsical wind”, “golden play”, “boundless harvest”, “fire-breathing eye”.

Avatars“a whimsical wind drives”, “the month looks timidly”, “the month is amazed”, “for a moment the fire-breathing eye closes the sky”.

History of creation

It is not known exactly what year this work was written. Researchers date it to the end of the 1850s, and it was published in 1860, then connoisseurs of Fet's poetry could read this work in the Russkiy vestnik magazine.

Fet was an apologist for the idea of ​​"pure art", he believed that poetry should be separated from politics and other problems of the outside world. Most often, he turned specifically to the theme of nature, describing not so much the picture that the reader was supposed to see, but the emotion that had to be felt. So the poem “Rye ripens over a hot field” is the essence of a verbal expression of happiness and beauty.


The main theme of the poem is just a description of the height of summer and what feelings this time of the year evokes in the lyrical hero. It is interesting that at the same time he describes not a hot afternoon, which would be symbolic. Fet very accurately conveys the state of peace experienced by the lyrical hero. This state is dictated by the fact that the rye was born well, which means that the winter will be full. This is more of a subconscious feeling than a formed thought, but this feeling is closely related to the theme of the work.


The composition of the verse is one-part, throughout all three stanzas Fet describes the same picture and the emotional state of the lyrical hero associated with it.

So, in the first stanza, the reader is presented with a beautiful picture of a field with already ripened rye, which sways in the wind.

The second stanza is an indication of the time when the action takes place - that period of the day when the moon is already appearing in the sky, but the sun has not yet completely gone.

And the third stanza shows the sun setting over the edge of the field, marking the end of the day. The transition from day to night is a magical time that evokes a deep response in the soul of the lyrical hero.

Fet does not directly indicate the presence of a person, but the idea and sensations belong to him. This manifests the psychologism of the poet's work, which distinguishes his works among the Russian literary heritage of the 19th century.


This is a classic landscape lyrics - one of the three directions in poetry, which was recognized as worthy of "pure art".

The three-foot trochee with a cross-rhyme makes the poem very simple in terms of rhythmic organization, while helping the poet express admiration for the beauty of the sunset summer evening. Simple rhythm makes it easier to perceive the work and feel all the emotions invested in it.

means of expression

In his poem, Fet uses classical expressive means to help him complete his artistic task:

  • epithets- “hot field”, “whimsical wind”, “golden overflows”, “boundless harvest”, “fire-breathing eye”.
  • Avatars- “a whimsical wind drives”, “the month looks timidly”, “the month is amazed”, “for a moment the fire-breathing eye closes the sky”.

Thanks to personifications, nature appears as something that is not subject to man, something that has its own will. A person can admire and admire her, can dissolve in her - and only then can he understand her essence, feel real harmony.

Poem Test

Analysis Rating

Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 18.
