Belgium makes it possible to get an excellent formation of students of any age. Education system in Belgium stepped: pre-school, then average, higher, postgraduate. Let us consider in detail them, as well as study on vacation and the peculiarities of the receipt for Russian-speaking citizens and foreigners.

Training the smallest

Pre-school education in Belgium takes about 90% of children from 2.5 to 6 years, it is free. Younger groups are constantly completed by the achievement of children of the desired age. Often pre-school centers are located at schools. The order of receipt is the same.

In the group, one educator, a unified program of classes is not. In the form of the game, children teach to know the world, communicate, engage in creativity, form responsibility, the ability to work in the team, respect for people, accuracy. The fundamental principles are their approach to each, clarity.

For children up to 2.5 years, paid nursery and nanny work. Place the child is reserved in advance (many - to childbirth), usually making payment (warranty of appears) when filling out the contract.

Middle (School) Training

School learning in Belgium is provided to children from 6 years, two stages are primary and secondary schools. Most schools are state, free, but private, mainly for individual categories of citizens (children of diplomats, sailors). Often private schools - Property of the Catholic Church.

For foreign language with a weak level, there are transitional classes: in them the feed rate of materials is lightweight, which helps to raise the level. The Russian school in Belgium is under the Russian embassy, \u200b\u200bchildren of the embassy workers, some other categories learn without payment.

The elementary school is divided into 3 stages of 2 years, is isolated from the average. Classes begin at 8:30 and lasts a maximum of 15:30. Food is paid, if desired. In elementary school, children are taught reading, writing, account, languages \u200b\u200b(French, English, German, Netherlands). Children attend game rooms, swimming pool (if there is in school), gyms, libraries, computer classes, mugs for choice; Psychologists work with them.

At the age of 12, the schoolboy goes to secondary school, also divided into 3 stages (two years each, and only the first four are obligatory). Secondary schools in Belgium are divided into types:

What can I learn on vacation

In the summer of studying in Belgium, you can send children from 3 to 18 years. There are many interesting programs for them, including sports, languages, visiting sights. For small, even stays of stay with mothers are provided. If the child hits such vacations, it will certainly give a huge impetus to its development, will significantly expand the horizons, increase the level of proficiency in the language and make a lot of friends. You need to go directly to schools.

Belgian higher education system

Getting higher education in Belgium can take from 2 to 12 years in some individual specializations. Bachelor can be in two years, the next three years will bring a master's degree. Higher education education is presented:

  • universities and higher schools - University: preparing bachelors ("candidates") - 2 years, masters ("licensee") - 2 - 3 years, hereinafter - Doctors of science (no less than a year and defended thesis), agrege (Belgian higher scientific degree) - at least 2 years;
  • educational institutions of a short, long training cycles - non-duplicate: 2 - 3 (bachelor) or 4 years, respectively.

In the first case, to obtain a bachelor or master's degree, you need to score at least 60 points, in the second - 30 - 30. The number of points depends on the tests for the training program. The bachelor's degree is a professional and academic, not requiring or requiring further study. The year is divided into two semesters. During training once a month, controls are held, students pass standings.

Almost all specialties do not need to undergo entrance tests. Exceptions:

  • Dentistry, medicine;
  • Art;
  • Management and related directions of major training;
  • Technical Direction of Master Preparation.

The best universities of Belgium (Liegeny State, University in Mons - Eano, State Gent, Free Brussels, Luvan Catholic) entrance exams still arrange.

Talented students on the application of Belgian specialists can receive a grant from the Federal Service. Such an opportunity is provided once a year, the issue is considered on the Commission.

Students writing a diploma (4 - 5th year) and a well-own language, 28-month scholarships from the French community of Belgium can be appointed. It is possible to obtain two 10-month scholarships from the Flemish Community of Belgium. Scholarships are assigned to students without restrictions on the areas of knowledge. Also, students receive help with small family income.

Education is conditionally free, payment fee is paid - approximately 800 €, the social tax is 480 € (annual). For students of non-state universities, the cost will be 2500 - 15,000 € / year. In addition, the student himself buys textbooks (about 500 €).

Requirements for higher education in Belgium for Russians:

  • certificate of the end of the 1st year of the Russian university or certificate of the average education of the European Sample (equivalent Belgian);
  • request for enrollment (contact the university need not less than 10 months);
  • documents confirming solvency;
  • certificate of the absence of criminal record;
  • confirmation of owning a foreign language;
  • passport (for a student visa, if you study more than 3 months);
  • health certificate;
  • resolution Register as a student.

Documents for registration for study in Belgium for Russian students are translated and assured, 2 copies are applied to them.

Video: Training experience in Belgium

Improving the qualifications of persons with higher education

Universities and Belgian enterprises have developed many programs and courses to improve the qualifications, provide grants to scientific employees when collecting certain documents and the availability of motivation. There are programs for employees of various organizations. The duration ranges from 2 weeks to 3 years, you can get acquainted with them on the websites of universities and companies involved in support.


Official language:Netherlands, French, German

Main religion:Christianity (Roman Catholic Church)

Country population:11 358 952

Currency:Euro (EUR)

Address of the Embassy in Russia:ul. Malaya Molchanovka, 7, Moscow, 121069

Education system in Belgium
Stage Age Type of educational institution Features
Preschool education From 2.5 to 6 years Public and private kindergartens The pre-school stage lasts from 2.5 years to 6 - at this time the children visit kindergartens. It is free and optional, so the child can study at home. Each such an institution is assigned to the elementary school. In kindergarten, various interactive classes are held, where children learn to communicate, and for them are arranged various circles for interests.
Primary education From 6 to 12 years Primary School The whole process is divided into three cycles, each of which takes two years. Children attend classes on basic subjects, and the morning begins with learning languages, letters, arithmetic, and ends the school day with creative classes. Lessons can be conducted in different languages, depending on which community is a school.
Secondary education From 12 years old high school In addition to the base program, which is the same for all, you also need to choose additional disciplines that are divided into two groups - traditional and updated. The first option is divided into 2 cycles for 3 years and implies humanitarian specialization. The second option has 3 cycles for 2 years, the first includes common disciplines, the second is aimed at choosing a profession, and the third assumes only the study of items necessary for admission to a higher education institution. At the same time, the student can get a basic education for further study at the university or professional, after which you can go to work. Having a diploma with good estimates, you can enter many universities or colleges without entrance exams.
Higher education Since 19 years University
Professional College
Higher education is represented by colleges and universities. In college, you can get a diploma equivalent to the degree of bachelorhip, it takes 3-5 years, depending on the program. In universities, bachelors training lasts 3 years, a master's diploma can be obtained in 1-2 years, it is also possible to receive a doctoral degree, for this it is necessary to study at least 3 years.


Now everything is more and more often you can hear about education obtained abroad. Of course, it requires a certain courage - come to another country, where other culture, mentality ... Avoid pitfalls, choose the appropriate program of training at an affordable price. Master will help you. And Belgium is one of the most interesting and useful options for this.

Belgium is a distinctive country with excellent landscapes and temperate climates. Its culture is unusual than the lack of a single nucleus, and the groups are formed within the linguistic communities. The state is famous for the magnificent kitchen and freedom of religion. Languages \u200b\u200b- French, Dutch.

Studying in Belgium is available.

The formation system is divided into four parts:

    · Primary school (6-12 years)

    · High School (12-16 years)

    · Medium profile school (16-18 years)

    · Higher School (18-23 years)

In elementary school there are no teachers, there are teachers, in charge of which, apart from training, general education objects include the task of teaching children to work in a group, care, accuracy, to show respect for each other, responsibility for their actions and work.

The secondary school is divided into several stages, and during the first disciple must choose which program they want to learn further and a group of additional classes, on which they depends in which area they will be able to study in the future.

In Belgium, there is also a division of secondary schools on 4 types:

    · The school of medium-sized art education allows you to continue learning in the university in the field of art.

    · Technical secondary schools - it depends on the type that granting a school that vaccinates practical skills go to work, but those who have received general technical knowledge can continue their studies in the university.

    · Professional and technical educational institutions - they are taught to specific working specialties, and for admission to the university you need additional training.

    · Secondary secondary school - after it you can safely enroll in the university.

Higher education in Belgium has two types: university and non-university (short (2-3 years) and long (2 + 2 years) cycle). It has a system of three levels - Bachelor, Magister, Doctor.

Training in Belgium for Russians

The Iron Curtain has long been raised, and go to study abroad is easy, however, if you choose Belgium, it is for a start to decide on the university of the Flemish or French-speaking part of the country you want to do.

Submission of documents should be abandoned in advance, at least 10 months before the desired start of learning, since the number of places for foreigners is limited, and beyond this can be accessed by the university for an additional fee.

Usually, a package of documents for filing to a university consists of a health status certificate certified by the Belgian Embassy / Consulate, certificates of nonudacity, a passport, a higher education diploma, or a certificate of completion of the university of the University with estimates, confirmation of the financial condition, permission to register in One of the educational institutions.

In Belgium, there are also scholarship programs when students do not need to pay training from their own wallet. There are quite a lot of scholarship programs for foreign students who can be obtained for several months, but without the right to extend. If you wish, you can get grants for training, however, they have a fairly high competition.

Learning in Belgium is prestigious, more and more students choose this particular country to obtain either continuing education.

If you are young, active, want to see the world and at the same time want to learn - study in Belgium can be the most suitable option for you. This small prosperous European country is hospitable for foreign students, and accommodation and studies are organized at the highest level.

Learn well always and everywhere, but it is a study in Europe most often attracts young foreigners. It is easily explained, and in the case of Belgium - especially. This country is known for the whole world of its multi culture, it is located in the center of Europe physically, financially and culturally. First, for the period of study, Belgian foreigners have a residence permit - i.e. The right to travel throughout the Schengen zone, and from Belgium a lot where you can quickly reach. Then, after graduation, graduates have a good chance to get a job - again, in any part of Europe. Finally, studying in Belgium is, in addition to high-quality European education, there is also the opportunity to learn several foreign languages \u200b\u200bwell, because English, French and Flemish languages \u200b\u200bin Belgium are equally neighboring.

Training in Belgium is conducted in all three of these languages. Education system since 2004 - Bologna, i.e. Education steps are divided into bachelor, master's and doctoral studies. And higher education institutions are divided into universities actually and higher schools. The date of education depends on the selected specialty, the minimum term of study is 4 years, but the maximum may be 10, and 12 years old - for example, if you decide to finish doctoral studies, or choose medicine with your specialty.

The academic year in Belgium is divided into two semesters, as in Russia. Entrance examinations, as such, no - although some, the most prestigious universities still arrange additional introductory tests. Education is paid, but, first of all, the cost of it is relatively small, and secondly, it is possible to get a scholarship - it is necessary to further find out on the websites of Belgian universities, as well as on the Belgian Embassy website in Moscow. In addition to scholarships, Belgian universities provide their students with the opportunity to work out (though, not more than 20 hours a week), and graduates - to pass internship in international organizations whose headquarters are located in Belgium.

The main Belgian universities are as follows:
- Liegeny State,
- University in Mons - Eino,
- State Gent,
- Free Brussels
- Louvenan Catholic

In Brussels and Antwerp, there are also branches of foreign universities.

For foreign students to enter one of the universities of Belgium, except for a set of documents confirming your previous education, it is necessary to make a certificate of financial viability - either a printout of a bank account, or a letter of the guarantor. In addition, Belgium requires a certificate of "trustiness" from the native country and medical insurance. Unfortunately, if you plan to go to learn to Belgium immediately after school, most likely you will need to do and finish the first course in Russia - only in this case, your secondary education will be considered in Belgium, as completed.

As for prices, in Belgium, training costs are about $ 1,000 per year. This is due to the fact that the main costs are about 5 thousand dollars - the Belgian universities take themselves, even for foreign students. Thus, students in Belgium the biggest consumption associated with study is the books that each semester needs to acquire - and which takes at least $ 500.

Separate interest for those who think about studying in Belgium can represent language schools, which in Belgium are very much - again, due to the multipleness of this country. On the benefits and disadvantages of studying foreign languages \u200b\u200bin Belgium Businesstimes will separately tell in one of our following materials.

Higher education in Belgium is rightly recognized by one of the most prestigious. In 2004, this country joined the Bologna process and organized a higher education system in the form of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies, thanks to which the diplomas of the Belgian universities began recognizable and widely demanded throughout Europe.

Since the population of Belgium is divided into language communities: French, Flemish and German, this state willingly takes on training foreigners and gives them the opportunity to study at the university for the desired specialty.

The most prestigious universities of Belgium

Universities in Belgium in the type of management are divided into public, private and catholic, managed by the religious parties of the country. Here is a list of universities, educational students on the system of undergraduate and magistracy in Belgium:

  1. Liewn Catholic University (Catholic University Of Leuven) is the first higher educational institution of the country, today 55,000 students are studying here. The cost of learning per year is $ 1,500.

  2. Gent University (Ghent University) - 27th place in the world ranking of universities, the first French-speaking university of Belgium. Leading areas of education: biology, chemistry, physiology. The cost of learning per year is 1,300 dollars.

  3. Louvenan Catholic University (Catholic University of Louvain) - 29th in the world ranking of universities. The most popular educational direction in this university is the statistics and related disciplines. The cost of learning a year is $ 4500.

  4. Brussels free university (VUB) Vrije Universiteit Brussel - is famous for research activities in the field of humanitarian and social sciences. It has two compartments: French-speaking and Netherlands. The cost of training is 1591 dollars.

  5. Liege University University of Liege) - 49 Place in the world ranking of universities, leading directions of education - Natural sciences, pharmacology and veterinary medicine.

  6. Antwerp University (University of Antwerp);

  7. Université Libre de Bruxelles;

  8. Institute of Tropical Medicine Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp);

  9. University of Mons.;

  10. University of Namur.;

To study in universities of Belgium, you need to know French well, since the entire educational process is built on it.

Benefits of learning in Belgian universities

Successful students of Russia and CIS countries choose Belgian universities for several reasons:

  • High level of education. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 42.2% of Belgians under the age of 30 have higher education, while in other European countries the percentage of the population with higher education is only 30%. Belgium is located in 19th in the ranking of countries with the highest education level according to the international PISA program and 18th place on the UN Education Index. Particularly successful students of the Flemish part of the country are considered.

  • Diversity of languages \u200b\u200band cultures. At the universities of Belgium, students speakers speaking Netherlands, English, French and German, and this is a tremendous possibility for intercultural communication and expansion of the horizons. Belgian universities take an active part in the Erasmus programs, therefore are popular with students of the European Union countries and beyond.

  • Budget cost of education. Compared to such states as the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, the cost of studying in Belgium is quite acceptable for the average foreigner student. On average, training in the Belgian university costs 4,000 euros per year, and in state universities this amount sometimes does not exceed thousands of euros per year.

Getting higher education in Belgium gives a student the opportunity to work in any European country, as Belgian diplomas are quoted throughout Europe.

Cons Education in Belgium

Despite the huge number of advantages, universities of Belgium contain some disadvantages that can embarrass foreign students:

  1. The language barrier. If you do not speak English or French, you may have serious difficulties with the educational process.

  2. The cost of living in Belgium. In addition to paying student, the student will have many domestic costs associated with food, as well as accommodation in the hostel. The cost of living in Belgium is about 8,000 euros per year.

  3. High passing score for many specialties, especially medicine, chemistry and other areas associated with natural and technical sciences.

The main directions of higher education

Leading directions of training in Belgian universities are science and technology, medicine, politics, journalism, as well as theology and religion. Belgium is famous for its scientists who committed the greatest discoveries in the field of physics and chemistry, including Georges Lemeter, the founder of the theory of "Big Explosion". Belgian scientists received three Nobel Medicine Premiums, as well as on one award in physics and chemistry.

For those who want to make a journalist career, Belgian universities offer practice at headquarters of leading international organizations. It is known that Brussels by the number of successful journalists went around Washington, so those who wish to become a "shark pen" seek to do in Belgian universities.

Despite the fact that the Society of Belgium is secular, much attention in the country is given to the study of various religious currents, and religious authorities are responsible for the development of Catholic churches. Universities of Belgium are an opportunity for future philosophers, theologists and religious scientists to carry out various studies, develop their own theories and communicate with like-minded people in different religious flows.

Graduates of the Belgian universities associated with religion are taught at universities, and also implement themselves in scientific and philosophical activities. No less demanded in Belgium is the direction associated with visual art and music. Many Belgians and Belgians are fond of music and visual arts, so this direction is popular.

There are several artistic academies in Belgium, which produce artists, photographers, fashion designers, sculptors and designers, as well as musicians. One of the oldest art schools of Belgium is the Royal Academy of Fine Arts - a branch of Gent University. Those who want to tie their lives with music should pay attention to the Liegean Conservatory, which offers a huge number of educational programs that are preparing vocalists, musicians and conduits.

What to do to the University of Belgium to Russians

To enroll in the Belgian university, the Russian applicant must have a certificate of secondary education with him. Further, it all depends on the specifics of the educational institution, where the student is preparing to do. For example, for admission to a medical or technical university, you will need to pass exams for special services, such as physics, chemistry, mathematics.

If the Russian student enters the Art Academy, he will be offered to pass entrance tests. Depending on the policy of the university and the specifics of the course of study, the reception committee may require a student a certificate confirming the ownership of English or French. All requirements regarding the receipt should be recognized directly in the educational institution.

Visa Documents

As soon as the student is credited to study at the university, he needs to begin to live and receive education in this country on legitimate grounds. Submission of documents for a class D visa is carried out personally at the Belgian consulate at the place of residence of the applicant. The appointment for submission of documents is carried out a few days before the procedure. To submit documents, you need to collect original originals and photocopies of some papers:

  • Application form for a visa with filled fields and signatures (in two copies);
  • A valid passport (until the end of the action of which has been left more than 12 months);
  • Documents confirming the admission of a student to the Higher Educational Institution (for example, a certificate from the university about enrollment to the Faculty);
  • If education will take place not by day form of training - proof that given training is to prepare for full-time and the main occupation of the future student (curriculum and letter with recommendations);
  • Documents providing access to education (certificates, diplomas, list of marks - an application to a diploma or certificate);
  • Extract from the bank confirming the availability of cash for life in Belgium;
  • Medical certificate of health;
  • Medical insurance with a coating size of 30,000 euros for the entire validity of the visa;
  • Help on the absence of criminal record from the police.

Copies of documents and originals are provided to the diplomatic representation of Belgium, which then the applicant receives back. All documents (except for passports and insurance) must be legalized and apostilylated. Translation of documents should be legalized twice: in the form of a separate paper in accordance with the procedure set out in the country of origin, and then at the Consulate of Belgium.
