There are several cases when the student may need a letter of recommendation. First, it is necessary for the passage of internship. Your head or curator of the direction writes it on a special blank, where it sets out your achievements and personal qualities. Secondly, such letters are provided in universities who are engaged in the distribution of graduates after their studies. Consider the main features of the student recommendation letter.

What do you point in the letter?

The representative of the university notes when you did what they graduated, which major disciplines were studied and what they showed themselves. He also characterizes your personal qualities and makes a conclusion about your professional compliance. In fact, the recommendation reminds the characteristic, but is written in a more free form. The document itself is printed on the official form, in compliance with the correctness of the design of the headline and signature. In terms of volume, text is usually small, no more than a thousand characters. 1.
Student Ovechkin V.G. He graduated from the St. Petersburg State University, the Department of Applied Economics of the Economic Faculty. During his studies, he has established itself as an executive student, seeking to increase its level of knowledge and qualifications. Profile subjects had excellent marks. Relations with the team developed well, participated in educational and practical events held by the department.
I recommend Ovechkin V.G. As an intern in the regional branch of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg.

Deputy Protector for Academic Affairs, D.E., Professor Platonov A.V. (date, signature)

Student Vlasova M.N. He was trained at the Department of Higher Mathematics of the Natural and Scientific Faculty of Moscow State University. During his studies, actively participated in seminars, conferences and round tables. Prepared three reports and five articles on the topic of the thesis. In a personal plan, he showed himself exclusively on the positive side: the executive, disciplined, seriously refers to any work performed.
I consider it necessary to enroll Vlasov M.N. To the staff of the subdivision younger researcher or engineer.

Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics, D.F-M.N., Professor Zhdanov K.G.

If you think about entering a higher education institution, it will not be superfluous to have with you recommendation letter for admission to university. This is especially true if you want to enter the university abroad, there a recommendation letter can play a decisive role. Chances of successful arrival can be repeatedly raised if you make it correctly.

This is relevant not only for admission to higher educational institutions abroad, but also for Russian universities. A letter of recommendation can be made up of military unit in which the applicant was served. If he is a letter in which the recommendations will be positive, the future student has every chance of getting benefits during training.

For the university, this document is of great value, since it contains the personal characteristics of the applicant, you can trace the inclination and ability of the future student. The leadership of the university will be able to understand the positive and negative aspects of the person, and on the basis of these data, make the appropriate conclusion about to take it on training or not.

First you need to find out how to get this document. In the event that an applicant is a graduate of a school or college, first of all, you can ask the recommendation letter from the director, as a last resort, you can use the teacher asking himself to comprise himself. If a person is already a graduate of any university, it is best to turn to the scientific leader. For working best to turn to the employer. For servicemen - to the part where he passes service.

The following tips are best used if you want to make a letter of recommendation as informative as possible.

  • If you have the opportunity to choose a person who will make you a letter of recommendation, then it is best to contact the superior to persons. Recommendations from such people will have much greater importance.
  • Be sure to specify a person who constituted a letter of recommendation, as well as his position towards a person for whom the letter is made.
  • It is necessary to describe the traits of the nature of the applicant. Best of all, if it is not a simple listing. You can describe specific situations where a person has shown himself with one side or another, where it has been proven that it has the necessary features of the character, which are described in the letter. The less template will be written the letter, the better. If the description causes the reader's attention to the applicant, then we can say that the letter is written successfully. You need to be able to draw up a letter of recommendation, it is not so simple.
  • Well, if the letter will indicate previous achievements and successes of a person. You can give a list of success, which we managed to achieve an approach for the previous time, as well as bring evidence.
  • A description of professional knowledge that the applicant possesses. You can list the tendency of a person to some other science, which is given the easiest.
  • In order to most effectively compile a letter, you need to focus on the future specialty on which the applicant wants to enter.
  • Write basic recommendations based on the information that was set out above. It is recommendations that will serve as the main conclusions for the leadership of the university.

Imagine the situation: you student and you urgently need a letter of recommendation for any case ( Letter of Recommendation or Recommendation Letter). How to proceed to this, where to start? Presented? Excellent! It is in this article that you will get acquainted with how to write a recommendation message to the student in English. What is a recommendation letter?

The task is not simple, but not from the most difficult. After reading the main points of writing recommendatory letters , with examples of his writing, very soon you can write so many advisory letters as you need. The main thing, be careful and follow our advice.

Let's see for a start to share what a letter is a recommendation and "what they eat with it." As a rule, a letter-recommendation is a kind of document, which is a feedback on a person from his former head or an employee. If the letter recommendation needs a student from the place of practice, for admission to a magistracy or on another occasion, then, as a rule, it is written by the teacher, dean, the curator of the group, fellow students, etc.

Thus, the recommendation message writes a reference. For a graduate, a person without work experience, professor, Dean of the Faculty can perform a recommender. The recommendation message may contain a brief description of the learning skills and qualities, achievements of a person, its main success while studying, strengths.

If you decide to help your student ward and write a recommendation message for him, then ask him to provide some data in writing:

  • His interests, occupations in extracurricular time, hobbies and its achievements in this (for example, he is the captain of the sports team);
  • Data on why he wants to enroll on one job, why this sphere is interested, whether he is ready for this;
  • The address of the recipient and the envelope with the brand.

We bring to your attention a number of main items, following which you can easily cope with a letter of recommendation for a student.

  • Introduction

In this part we write about who and wherever we recommend. How well we know this student, as he manifests himself in school and outside it. If you are a teacher, then it is appropriate to indicate my degree and so on.

  • Characteristic of activity

At this point it is important to write not only about studying. Perhaps your student has manifested himself somehow: he worked as a laboratory assistant, secretary, replaced you at lectures or other options. More details and specifics. But it is not worth exaggerated to capture the student, the reception board will not take it.

  • Personal qualities

It is important to mention what qualities inherent in this person: attentiveness, hard work, etc. Again, the details and specifications are welcome. It is necessary to write the truth, you should not fail the student with such features that he does not possess.

Move the result of the letter by the fact that underline the most important characteristics and make the verdict, draw out.

So, the basic rules are already known to you, let's turn to writing the letter itself!
Sample of writing a letter of recommendation to a student in English

Mr. Anders!
John Fonteyn Was a Student of Our College Since The 2000 Semester. He Was Always An Outstanding Student.
Yours Truly, Mr. Johns, Boston Colledge

But this example with the translation:

Mr. Anders!
John Fontaine was a student of our college since 2000. He was always an outstanding student.
Mr. Fontain demonstrated a complete absorption of substantive material, both in the classroom and in writing. His works have always been distinguished by punctuality and talent. Moreover, he was an active participant of class discussions and helped to make a complete experience for everyone. He is a hardworking, patient and responsible person.
Consequently, I can recommend Mr. Fontaine, confidently and without any hesitation, as an assistant in your travel agency.
Sincerely, Mr. Jones, Boston College

Use this example by placing it like a trash and try to write your own.

As you could already make sure, write a letter of recommendatory type in English is not so difficult. Dare, friends, and you will succeed!

The letter of recommendation is a document that is perceived by two. In some companies, it belongs to it as a remnant of the past, in some (most in the West) - this is a "travel ticket", for example, for a student. One way or another, this application to the summary will not be superfluous.


The document written on behalf of the teacher may look something like this:

I, Associate Professor Petrov Alexey Petrovich, - teacher Alekseeva Alexander Dmitrievich in the period 2009-2013. According to the disciplines "International Tourism", "Ethics", "new directions of Russian tourism". During the training, he noted a high level of knowledge of Alexander Dmitrievich: written and oral exams, delivered to "excellent"; Participation in urban student conferences with reports: "Prospects for the development of tourism in Murmansk", "The exit of regional tourism for the international level", "Development of extreme tourism in the field"; Successful passage of educational and production practices in the tourist agencies "Russia-Tour", "around the world" as a manager.

Alexander Dmitrievich - My Diploma, his project "Rural tourism in the Murmansk region: development prospects" was defended on a unanimous assessment of "5". The student conducted his study on the basis of personally collected data, surveys, which gives his work much value.

I am sure that Petrov Alexander Dmitrievich will manifest itself as an initiative, responsible, creative employee in the future workplace.

  • The high status of the referenta, as well as the mention of his personal acquaintance with the bearer.
  • The inclusion of views "from the side": students of the student, teachers, dean.
  • Specific examples of student achievements are a minimum of unfounded laudatory characteristics.
  • The above-mentioned successes should be echoing with the specific position.
  • Description of both professional, business and personal qualities.

An recommendation letter is a document that can help the applicant, especially abroad. Its meaningful, stylistic faithful, reasonable filling is often the main factor for the decision-making by the employer.
