The section presents exemplary ones that you can choose to conduct an interesting study in any class of a general education school, both for an individual project and for group research activities.

Students can take any interesting topic of research work in the Russian language from the list below and, based on it, come up with a topic formulation that is more suitable for their hobbies and level of knowledge. When viewing the list, choose a topic that matches your abilities.

Topics of projects in the Russian language for grades 1, 2, 3, 4

The leader will help students of grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 of elementary school choose interesting topics for Russian language projects, change and adjust the topic to the specifics of the research work, and supplement it at their discretion. The topic of research work should correspond to the student's initial knowledge on the topic and at the same time allow him to acquire new knowledge in the area under study.

Topics of Russian language projects for grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

For your convenience, all Russian language project topics distributed to students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of a general education institution. If desired, the student can choose the topic of research work on the Russian language from any section, and then expand or shorten it, adjusting to the specifics of his research project.

Below are the topics of research and project work in the Russian language that are not included in certain classes, some of them are relevant for any class. According to the recommendations of the leader, in this list, the student can choose an interesting topic of work that will be the most relevant and non-trivial among classmates.

Project topics in the Russian language (general)

List of topics of research papers on the Russian language:

Analysis of the semantic group "Color names of the car".
Letters that have disappeared from the alphabet.
Contribution of A.S. Pushkin in the development of the modern Russian language.
The influence of interactive communication on the written speech of students.
The question of the origin of the terms "Rus", "Russia", "Russian"...
Questions of language ecology in the modern world.
IN AND. Dal. Walking for the word. "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language".
Outstanding linguists.
Life and work of "aliens" (loanwords) in Russian.
Book Tomorrow
Borrowed vocabulary in the names of maritime modes of transport.
Borrowed vocabulary in the names of flowers.
Is the writer deservedly forgotten ...
Why are aliases needed?
Borrowed words - good or bad for the modern Russian language.
Sound and meaning (on the example of the analysis of one or two poems).
The concept... in the works of Russian literature (the experience of compiling a dictionary).
Proper names in proverbs and sayings.
Names, surnames, patronymics in different languages ​​of the world.
History of cases. Prepositions and cases.
History of participles and participles.
Adjectives in place names.
Adjectives in the titles of works.
Adjectives in plant names.
Artificial languages.
The history of the origin of the Russian surname.
Studying the Russian language abroad as a way to familiarize yourself with the culture of Russia.
History of writing.
Proper names in proverbs and sayings.
How the Russian language lives in LiveJournal (in social networks...)
How to teach literacy in Rus'.
How are the norms of stress observed by the inhabitants of our village.
What are the literary awards today.
Book yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Red speech proverb
Red speech phraseological units.
Who and why is hiding under the mask of a pseudonym?
Lexical components of the image of St. Petersburg in the prose of F.M. Dostoevsky.
Lexical components of the image of the Motherland in the lyrics of S. Yesenin.
Linguistic and aesthetic features of the Futurists' "verbalism".
Linguistic errors are all around us.
Linguistic geography. How many languages ​​are there in the world?
Literary places of our city
Literary communities of the Internet.
People and Manuscripts.
The place of the Russian language among other subjects in our school.
The place and role of neologisms and occasionalisms in the lyrics of V. Mayakovsky.
The name of objects of material culture (clothing, footwear, household items, etc.) in Russian and their connection with the words of the primary languages.
Our friends are dictionaries.
Non-verbal means of communication.
The name of human character traits in comparison with animals in Russian.

Topics of research projects in the Russian language

Some questions of the culture of speech of the modern Russian language.
Some aspects of the linguistic analysis of the joke.
New professions in the modern world and their names.
Nihilism and Nihilists. The emergence of the term, the originality of personality.
One-part sentences in the comedy by N.V. Gogol's "Inspector".
One-part sentences in the work of the poet Mikhail Mokshin.
Onomastics of the names of stores in my city.
Features of the language of SMS messages.
Features of precedent heading texts (on the material of the newspaper "Zapolyarnaya Pravda").
Features of the syntactic structure of M. Tsvetaeva's poems.
Peculiarities of the "skaz" language in the works of M. Zoshchenko.
Features of the language of "skaz" in the works of N.S. Leskov.
Where do adverbs come from?
Reflection of the pagan worldview of the Slavs in the language (phraseology, proverbs, sayings, onomastics).
Reflection of the names of Slavic pagan gods in the etymology of some words of the modern Russian language.
Representations of the ancient Slavs about time and their reflection in language and literature.
Representations of the ancient Slavs about color and their reflection in language and literature.
Origin of interjections.
The use of animal traits to describe a person's character.
Adjectives denoting shades of color in Russian.
The role of phraseological units in the Russian language.
The role of participles in works of fiction.
Russian language and its contacts with other languages.
The originality of the speech characteristics of characters in the dramatic works of A.P. Chekhov.
Declensions in Old Russian.
Slavic alphabets, their origin and relationship.
Empty words.
Word-building types of complex Russian surnames.
The current state of the issue of the origin of writing among the Eastern Slavs.
Phraseological units and idioms in Russian
The functioning of one-component sentences in texts of different styles of the Russian literary language.
The expediency of using borrowed vocabulary in the language of the media.
What is a good speech?
Experiments in the field of the word (on the material, fiction, journalistic literature, the language of the media and the Internet ...).
Emotions in pixels.
Etymology of words-exceptions from the rules of Russian spelling.
Advertising language.

Cool! 49


It is impossible to imagine a single nation that does not have its own native language. Without a language there is no people, and without a people there is no language in which this people would speak. Language is a system-forming element of national culture, but some languages ​​also reach a more global level, becoming languages ​​of international communication. One of them is our native Russian language...


The Russian language is surprisingly rich and beautiful; it is the main forming core of Russian culture. Russian culture cannot exist without language, therefore every cultured person is obliged to protect his native language.

There are many languages ​​in the world, each of which is unique, unusual, and interesting to learn in its own way. Each nation has its own original features, its own mentality, its own cultural experience - all this is reflected in the language, and it is with the help of the language that the people can preserve and increase their national heritage.

Russian is the language of high culture; outstanding works of world literature, world theater and cinema have been created in Russian. Russian is the native language for such generally recognized geniuses as Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alexander Pushkin and for many other writers, poets, playwrights, critics, public and cultural figures. The modern Russian language did not arise from scratch, it is the result of long-term transformations of the East Slavic languages. Also, the modern literary Russian language is also a consequence of the interaction between different dialects, between the features of the language of different social groups and strata of the population. This interaction took place over several centuries and led to the formation of the modern living Russian language.

Language is a system-forming part of culture, with its help not only communication between people is carried out, in each language the features of the mentality of the people are imprinted, the native language is the main factor in determining national identity. With the death of the language, culture also dies, so everyone who belongs to Russian culture and considers himself a cultured person must take care of the language he speaks. The Russian language is now, of course, not in danger of extinction, it is spoken by several hundred million people. Russian is still a relatively young language, which has yet to develop and change in the future. The protection of the language is inextricably linked with its development, it is necessary not only to preserve the traditions and heritage of Russian culture, but also to enrich the culture with new opportunities. The broadest possibilities for a language open up when a society develops its own language and develops along with it.

Russian is the language of international communication. For many centuries, it is the Russian language that has served as the most important basis for mutual understanding between the peoples of multinational Russia and other nearby states. Perfect knowledge of the Russian language not only enriches a person spiritually, but also makes him a part of the great treasures of Russian culture.

Even more essays on the topic: "Russian language":

Today I am one of 170 million people who consider Russian as their native language. I am proud of this, because Russian is a great world language. Russian belongs to the languages ​​of interethnic communication, it is one of the ten most common languages ​​on the planet. This is the state language of the largest state in the world - Russia, as well as the second state language in Belarus. Russian is the working language of the United Nations.

In the modern world, another 110 million people speak Russian, for whom it is not their native language. There are dozens of countries in the world where Russian is taught in schools and universities. This is especially common in the countries of the former USSR, because Russian was the main language in the Union. For example, half of the population of Ukraine speaks Russian, and in a number of areas it is recognized as a regional language.

Why is the Russian language so common? Firstly, the borders of the Russian Empire, and then the USSR, were very wide. The Russians had, and still have, a great political, economic and cultural influence on other peoples.

Now the spread of the Russian language in the countries of the former USSR is not to everyone's liking. Some politicians seek to oust it and claim that it oppresses national languages. But people still communicate with each other in Russian, read Russian-language newspapers and books. The significance of the Russian language cannot be eliminated by artificial means.

The second reason why Russian is widespread in the world is that many emigrants from Russia live in Europe, in the USA, in Canada. Russians also love to travel the world and communicate with people. I heard that in some American or Israeli cities all the sellers know Russian: they have Russian-speaking buyers. Arabs and Turks learn Russian: Russians come to them to rest.

The third reason for the significance of the Russian language in the world is literature. Russian literature is one of the greatest in world culture. The names of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and other great writers are known in far corners of the planet. Germans, French, Spaniards study Russian at universities in order to read the works of these authors in the original.

Now in the world among the languages ​​of interethnic communication, English is the leader. English words penetrate even into the Russian language, often littering it. But I think it's all relative.

Firstly, now a whole army of translators is working, translating from Russian into English: Russian culture influences the English language too. Secondly, once upon a time there was already a fashion: everyone spoke French. Then the fashion changed, and people rushed to something new. And the great and rich Russian language, Russian culture live for centuries.


The Russian language is the national, interstate language of a great people and our heritage. I am proud that I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, that I was born on our Russian land. The Russian language has filled my life since my birth and is of great importance not only in my life, but also in the life of each of us. Therefore, we are obliged to protect our native language.

From birth, we hear Russian speech around us. She accompanies us throughout our lives. In whatever corner of Russia we go, everywhere we are accompanied by our faithful assistant - the Russian language. At school, at home, in the theater, in the cinema - everywhere we hear Russian speech. But few people think about how important the mother tongue plays in our lives. Without him, we would not be able to talk with friends, read an interesting book, write a letter to relatives.

Thus, the Russian language is the language of global communication, is of great importance in our lives and on the world stage. Language acts as a necessary tool of communication. During school breaks, you can often hear statements like this: “How tired of this Russian lesson! We teach him from the first grade! And why teach it? Everyone already knows him!” But it is impossible to know the Russian language thoroughly, although it is our native language. After all, the possibilities are endless! You can learn the Russian language all your life, always learning something new, but never know all its secrets.

I would compare the meaning of the Russian language in my life with the meaning of the Motherland for me. Just as I cannot imagine my life without the Motherland, so I cannot imagine it without the Russian language. The Russian language is the basis of our entire spiritual culture, our priceless gift. I owe him a lot. He gave me the opportunity to join the rich, centuries-old culture of the peoples inhabiting Russia, to learn everything about the life around us. I am sure that the Russian language will help me find a worthy place in my adult life.

I am grateful to fate that I live in Russia, study at a Russian school and study Russian language and Russian literature, and speak Russian.

Therefore, I say: "The importance of the Russian language in my life is great!".


The Russian language is the greatest language in the world and it has the status of an international language. Why? Firstly, a large number of people, knowing him, talk, and he is also widely known around the world. Secondly, in the United Nations the working language is Russian. Thirdly, our language is informative and expressive; for each word there are synonyms, and there is a name for each subject.

The Russian language was praised by many writers and poets. They were not only Russian, but also foreign poets and writers. For example, I would like to cite the statement of Prosper Merimee: “The Russian language, as far as I can judge of it, is the richest of all European dialects and seems deliberately created to express the subtlest shades. Gifted with wonderful conciseness, combined with clarity, he is content with one word to convey thoughts when another language would require whole phrases for this. Yes, our Russian language is indeed rich, I am sure of that. I am proud that my native language is Russian, and I will not be ashamed of it!

A very famous writer Anna Akhmatova wrote poems about our mighty language during the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945:

It's not scary to lie dead under the bullets,
It's not bitter to be homeless,
And we will save you, Russian speech,
Great Russian word.
We'll carry you free and clean
And we will give to our grandchildren, and we will save from captivity

Such a "strong" poem that it touches the soul. Each soldier, leaving for battle, recited this poem, it served as a hymn for them. The poem gave them strength, masculinity, stimulus and adrenaline.

But, to our great regret, our powerful and rich in its expressions and words, the Russian language is in fifth place in the list of international languages. Sorry, very sorry. With the help of the statement of the Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, I would like to urge people to take care of our beautiful Russian language and not forget about it: “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, it is a property handed down to us by our predecessors. Treat this mighty weapon with respect; in capable hands, it can work wonders.”

I love the Russian language and I'm proud of it! After all, the Russian language for me is like a breath of fresh air, like a breath of thirst-quenching water after a long thirst, and like a ray of bright and warm sun after a long, long darkness. There is no language dearer than the Russian language !!!


Many people do not even think that his language is considered the richest. Why exactly Russian? The answer is very simple, the Russian language is the only language in the world in which words can be replenished again and again. From many expressions and invented words, our language, our culture is replenished, because much that was popular with our grandparents goes into our colloquial vocabulary, and our grandchildren will also speak our phrases.

The Russian language is very difficult, but this does not make it less attractive. Many writers said that any conversation can be conducted in Russian: a declaration of love, communication with an enemy, a friendly conversation, because it is he who can convey all feelings and emotions better than any other language. The main thing is to learn to be a literate person, you should not shout to the whole world that he is too complicated and that they have come up with too many stupid rules.

It should be remembered that the language we speak is a gift from our ancestors and not the teaching of the language - it is tantamount to forgetting about relatives, not accepting their culture, becoming a stranger among our own. It is especially sad to hear this from a small, still growing generation. After all, they still do not know that by knowing it, you can discover a new world. In Russian, there are many words of synonyms, so it will not be difficult for anyone to compose poetry, choosing the right word, its meaning will not change. It is very funny to learn new words, because a word meaning one object or action can sound like it is associated with a completely different object.

Having fallen in love with a language, it will open up many opportunities for you, I have verified all this from my personal experience. After reading a large number of books, you no longer remember the rules, and you write sentences freely without making any mistakes. That's what it means - a rich Russian language. So it's better to take care of your tongue from a young age.

Topics of projects on literature and the Russian language

5th grade

1. Ancient mythology in the "Chronicles of Narnia" ("The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe").

2. Epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" in modern cinema
(animated films in 1978 and 2007).

3. The myth of Orpheus in paintings

4. The image of Hercules in paintings

5. The image of the dragon in children's literature

6. Labors of Hercules on antique vases

7. Red speech proverb

8. Literary fairy tale is a direct successor of the folk tale

9. We are in the mirror of proverbs

10. Small genres of folklore

11. Russian folk themes in the 5th grade mathematics course

12. folklore of my family

13. folklore box

14. The mythopoetic basis of the story by V.P. Astafiev "Dark-dark night".

15. The mythopoetic basis of the book by V.P. Astafiev "The Last Bow" (on the example of the stories "Dark Dark Night" and "Feast after the War".

16. Images of animals in the stories of V.P. Astafiev "Geese in the Polynya" and "Belogrudka"

17. The image of music in the story of V.P. Astafiev "Far-close fairy tale".

18. Gogol N.V. - verbal cook.

19. The objective world in N.V. Gogol "Old World Landowners"

20. The symbolism of color in Gogol's story "Taras Bulba"

21. Krylov's fables and fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin.
“I love where there is a chance, to pinch vices ...” (Features of a fable as a literary genre).

22. The image of a wolf (fox) in folk tales and in Krylov's fables

23. The story of N.S. Leskov "Lefty" and its cinematic interpretation.

24. Word creation and folk etymology in the works of N.S. Leskova

25. Antique images in the poetry of A.S. Pushkin.


27. Ancient names in the early stories of A.P. Chekhov

28. The names of the heroes of Greek mythology in the early stories of A.P. Chekhov

29. "Ranks and titles" of heroes in the early stories of A.P. Chekhov

30. Means of Expressing the Comic in L. Filatov's Fairy Tale "About Fedot the Archer".

31. Herodotus' story about the Scythians and Tolstoy's story "How much land does a man need?".

32. Language game in the work of L. Carroll "Alice in Wonderland".

33. Heroes of the English Limericks

34. Literary portraits of heroes in "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and illustrations for the book.

35. "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn": travel map.

36. Literature and my land

37. My peers in literary works

38. What riddles do modern schoolchildren know?

39. Writers, poets nearby

40. Works interpreted by illustrators

6th grade

    Selflessness, love and suffering in Andersen's fairy tale "The Little Mermaid"

    Mytho-epic basis of Astafiev's story "Trees grow for everyone"

    The mythoepic basis of Astafiev's book "The Last Bow"

    Mysticism and reality in Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas"

    The role of mysticism in Gogol's work

    "Colored" adjectives in Gogol's "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka"

    The role of landscape in the artistic world of Green's extravaganza "Scarlet Sails"

    Color Images in Grin's Extravaganza "Scarlet Sails"

    The image of a sea wave in Lermontov's poetry

    The theme of the duel in the lyrics of Lermontov

    Life and customs of the Russian nobility (on the example of Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky" and the collection "Belkin's Tales")

    The image of a nanny in the life and work of Pushkin

    Book Tomorrow

    Ilf and Petrov: irony and satire in the story "Football Lovers"

    Literary places of our city

    Literary places of our region

    Features of the organization of artistic space in travel novels

    The image of a teacher in the works of writers of the 20th century

    In the footsteps of literary heroes

    Proverbs and sayings in the speech of modern schoolchildren and their analogues in the modern language.

    Nicknames of my classmates and their meanings.

    Texts of modern songs: poetry or anti-poetry.

    What are my peers reading?

    What is being read in my class?

    The theme of love in the works of Dragunsky, Nagibin, Fraerman.

    The role of epithets and metaphors in I. Khristolyubova's story "Topalo and the imp Trishka"

    Richard the Lionheart in A. Lindgren's story and historical legend.

    Why are aliases needed?

    The semantics of the image of a stone in the artistic world of O. Mandelstam's collection "Stone"

    Word-building innovations in adolescent speech

7th grade

1. Geographical knowledge in A. Belyaev's novel "The Island of Lost Ships".

2. Cinematic techniques in A. Belyaev's novel "The Island of Lost Ships".

3. Poeticization of everyday life in the work of B. Okudzhava.

4. Life of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks in the image of Gogol (based on the story "Taras Bulba").

5. The image of St. Petersburg in "Petersburg Tales" by N.V. Gogol.

6. Servants and gentlemen (based on the works of A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol).

7. Biological knowledge of the heroes of the novel by J. Verne "The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain" and modern science.

8. Latin "winged expressions" in the novel by J. Verne "Fifteen-year-old captain".

9. Terminological vocabulary in the novel by J. Verne "Fifteen-year-old captain".

10. Ancient images in the poetry of A.S. Pushkin.


12. The motive of the game in the story of A.S. Pushkin "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" and in the film adaptation of the same name by A. Sakharov.

13. The family theme in the works of A.S. Pushkin on the example of the novel "Dubrovsky" and the story "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman".

14. From comic poems by A.S. Pushkin ("Count Nulin", "House in Kolomna") to the comic poems by M.Yu. Lermontov ("Sashka", Treasurer", "A fairy tale for children").

15. Biblical quotations in the fairy tales of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (any work).

16. The comic and its forms in the fairy tales of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

17. Laconism of prose: the functions of verbal vocabulary in a literary text (on the example of A.P. Chekhov's story "The Death of an Official").

18. Speaking surnames in the works of writers.

19. The names of ancient heroes in the everyday life of a modern student.

20 What are the literary awards today

21. Literary communities on the Internet.

22. The image of rain in the works of modern poets

23 Ancient images in the poetry of F.M. Tyutchev.

24. Old Russian "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" and its cinematic interpretations

25. Images of plants and flowers in literature

26. Monuments to literary heroes

27. Letters of heroes and their role in the plots of Pushkin's works

28. The symbolism of the apple in Russian literature as a beautiful past of the native country

29. Word-symbols in Japanese poetry

30. Language means of creating humor in works

8th grade

1. The symbolism of yellow in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky and A.A. Akhmatova

2. "Heart of a Dog" by M. Bulgakov and V. Bortko

3. The Artistic Nature and Function of the Grotesque in Gogol's Petersburg Tales.

4. The image of a sea wave in the poetry of M.Yu. Lermontov

5. The use of Old Slavonicisms in the lyrical works of A.S. Pushkin

6. Traditions of the "Gothic short story" genre in Pushkin's story "The Queen of Spades".

7. Cossacks in the poetic and historical consciousness of A.S. Pushkin

8. Folklore traditions of the Russian folk tale in the story of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

9. Landscapes of Turgenev and their place in the structure of artistic narrative

10. The originality of "folk portraits" in the "Notes of a hunter" I.S. Turgenev.

11. Analysis of the thematic group of proverbs and sayings that include personal names in their structure

12. Old Russian and Western European versions of a similar plot (comparison of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" and the novel "Tristan and Isolde").

13. Playing with morphemes and morphological features in modern Russian literature

14. Using antonyms to create contrast, antithesis, oxymorons

15. The Image of the Mother of God in Russian Icon Painting and Russian Literature

16. The Image of an Object-Symbol in Russian and Foreign Literature

17. The rite of initiation in Homer's poem "The Odyssey" and in Russian fairy tales.

18. Odyssey and Russian folk tales

19. The role of the newspaper headline in the effectiveness of print media

20. Symbolism of the poem "The Bronze Horseman".

21. Collecting Mirrors! ("The Snow Queen", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and 7 Heroes", "Svetlana", "Alice Through the Looking-Glass", "Christmas Eve

22. Stylistic functions of synonyms in works of fiction.

23. Stylistic use of professional and terminological vocabulary in works of fiction

24. Stamps and stereotypes in modern public speech.

25. Landscape in the late stories of Leo Tolstoy.

Grade 9

1. Features of the poetic language "Woe from Wit".

2. Interpretation of the image of Chatsky, the main character of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", staged by Russian theaters.

3. Heroes of the century in the novels of M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" and A. Musset "Confession of the son of the century."

4. Zilov and Pechorin based on the play by A. Vampilov "Duck Hunt" and the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov

5. The theme of the prophet in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov

6. The relevance of fantastic images N.V. Gogol for modern Russia

7. Ghosts and phantom images in the works of N.V. Gogol.

8. Intertextuality of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

9. The world of the noble estate and the world of the city in the novels "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen and "Fathers and Sons" by I.S. Turgenev.

10. Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva in the life and work of A.S. Pushkin

11. The ball as an element of noble life on the pages of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

12. The biblical legend of the prodigal son and its transformation in A.S. Pushkin "The Stationmaster"

13. Duel in the life and work of A.S. Pushkin

14. Bookshelves of Onegin

15. Poeticisms in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

16. Signs of time and life in the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" by A.S. Pushkin.

17. Funny and sad in the stories of A.P. Chekhov: "Little Trilogy".

18. E. Dickinson and M. Tsvetaeva: similar motives of lyrics.

19. Women's fates in poetry in the lyrics of Tsvetaeva and Akhmatova.

20. The influence of J. Byron's work on Russian classical literature

21. The test of heroes by a duel (based on the works of Russian literature

22. The communicative function of the adolescent questionnaire

23. The concept of love in the works of A.I. Kuprin

24. The image of the city in the work of S. Dovlatov

25. The Image of the Sea in Russian Classical Literature

26. The Image of a Dog in the Literature of the 20th Century

27. Bird names in literature

28. The color palette in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "White Nights".

29. The language palette in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign...".

30. The environmental context of Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick

Grade 10

1. Zoomorphic symbolism of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "The Break".

2. Biblical motifs in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

3. Reforms of Alexander II and their reflection in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

4. Rhetorical devices in the dialogues of F.M. Dostoevsky (on the material of several episodes of the novel "Crime and Punishment").

5. "Shakespearean" in Russian prose of the second half of the 19th century (based on one of the works of F.M. Dostoevsky).

6. What do the heroes of Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" read

7. A proverb in the work of A.N. Ostrovsky (any work)

8. The meaning of Pushkin's poem "The Poor Knight" in the structure of Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot"

9. The image of St. Petersburg in the works of A.S. Pushkin

10. Pushkin's intertext of Goncharov's novel "An Ordinary Story"

11. Armament of the Russian and French armies in Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"

12. Depiction of military operations in the works of Tolstoy

13. The story of Herodotus about the Scythians and the story of Tolstoy "Does a person need a lot on earth?"

14. The role of comparisons in Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"

15. Traditions of Russian and German romanticism in Turgenev's essay "Ghosts"

16. Ancient images in the poetry of A.A. Fet

17. Tyutchev's reflections on space and chaos

18. Sound images in the poems of F.I. Tyutchev about nature

19. Ring composition in the poems of A.A. Fet

20. A. Menshikov in history and literature (based on the novel by A. Tolstoy "Peter 1")

21. Hero of modern Russian and French literature

22. Hero-truth seeker in the literature of the late 20th and early 21st century

23. Cards and card game in 19th century literature

24. Women's fates in the verses of our contemporaries

25. The image of food in the works of Russian writers

26. Images of trees in Russian poetry of the 19th century

27. Language and humor in the work of Ilf and Petrov "The Twelve Chairs"

28. Teacher ... What is he like on the pages of Russian literature?

29. Flora and fauna in the poetry of the Silver Age

30. Sholokhov's geography: from the origins to the Nobel triumph.

Grade 11

1. A. Pushkin in the lyrics of A. Akhmatova

2. Color symbolism of the image of a rose in Akhmatova's poetry

3. Flowers in Akhmatova's poetry

4. Epigraph as a means of forming the dialogic modality of a literary text in the works of Akhmatova

5. Game as a method of postmodernism in the work of Akunin

6. Artistic techniques and features of Akunin's novels

7. Biblical motifs in Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita

8. Eternal themes in Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita

9. The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov and Faust by Goethe

10. Roman Bulgakova in the assessment of the clergy

11. Your choice: life or ... (the problem of drug addiction in the works of Bulgakov's "Morphine" and Aitmatov's "Blach")

12 The concept of the world and man in the work of Bunin and Hemingway

13. Kawabato and Bunin: dialogue with beauty, love and death.

14. Transformation of the idea of ​​eternal femininity in V. Solovyov in the image of the Beautiful Lady in the work of Blok

15. Television and literature: what will be stronger?

16. The originality of the style of satirical stories by M. Zhvanetsky

17. The role of dreams in literary works.

18. Means of speech expressiveness in various types of political text (based on pre-election publications)

19. Development of the dystopian genre in the literature of the 20th century

20. Techniques of speech influence in newspaper publications.

21. Monuments to literary heroes in Russia.

22. The world of fantasy in modern literature

23. The concept of "sadness" and "longing" in Russian folklore and poetry of Koltsov

24. Use of obsolete words in everyday life.

25. The influence of precious stones on the fate of literary heroes.

26. The concepts of "truth" and "truth" in the Russian language and the works of Platonov.

27. The concept of "desert" in Russian poetry of the 19th-20th centuries

28. Interpretation of the images of Slavic mythology in the novel by M. Vishnevetskaya "Koschei and Yaga or heavenly apples"

29. "Their eyes are riveted to the sky" (motif of a star in Russian poetry of the 19th-20th century)

    Nickname as a variety of modern anthroponyms

Russian is the official language of our country, it is spoken by most of the population of Russia. The study of the Russian language begins in grade 1 and continues until the end of schooling. Moreover, at the initial stage, students learn to write, and only then they begin to study the rules of the Russian language.

  • Education is roughly divided into three sections respectively elementary school, middle school and high school.

What are the Russian language at school

In primary school(grades 1-4) students learn the basics of spelling and orthoepy, and also receive basic information about words, sentences and text. In addition, the basic rules of syntax are studied.

5th grade is a link between the program of primary and secondary schools in the Russian language. The main parts of speech are studied, and the concept of basic concepts from the vocabulary is also given.

6th and 7th grades devoted to the study of independent and service parts of speech. The basic rules of spelling and punctuation associated with the use of these parts of speech are considered.

8th and 9th grades devoted to the study of syntax. The main types of sentences are studied: simple, complicated and complex (compound, complex, non-union). After the 9th grade, an exam in the Russian language is provided in the form of a GIA.

10 and 11 grades more devoted to the repetition of what has already been studied, as well as the study of the culture and style of the language, the study of language means of expression.

It is worth noting that after graduation, students take the exam in the Russian language without fail.

All materials are divided into classes:

Russian language grade 1
Russian language grade 2
Russian language grade 3
Russian language grade 4
Russian language grade 5
