I dedicate this book to You
You can learn the finest lessons in the school of life -
Through your own difficulties, failures or victories.
You can create your own story.
Happiness and peace will fill your being
You will be able to shine with your mind, wherever you are.
Because the world needs people like you.

Augusto Curie

Emotion Training

How to be happy

I dedicate this book to those who know how to wait for the sunrise and know that life is the most grandiose of all the spectacles that the Creator of this world shows us; those who seek to control their emotions and are ready to stand up for the right to be free and happy.


Since ancient times, people have longed for happiness, just as the scorched earth thirsts for water. Was it easy? Not always! Poets and novelists wrote about him, philosophers talked about him, but almost all of them knew about happiness only by hearsay.

Kings tried to rule over him, but happiness did not obey their power. The rich man tried to buy it, but it didn’t sell. Intellectuals have tried to understand him, but in vain. Celebrities have tried to find happiness at the expense of fame, but happiness prefers obscurity. Young people said that happiness belongs to them, but happiness cannot be found in pleasure, and it cannot be found by someone who does not think about the consequences of their actions.

Some people believed that happiness could be cultivated in laboratories. They isolated themselves from the world and the problems of life, but happiness values \u200b\u200bordinary people and grows naturally. Others have tried to find happiness through advances in science and technology, but with the acceleration of technological progress, sorrow and mental vices have spread even more.

In despair, many people tried to seek happiness all over the world. But it was not a matter of choosing a place - happiness did not dwell in skyscrapers and palaces. Tired of searching, some people said: "There is no happiness, happiness is just the dreams of those who never wake up." Happiness was knocking at every door. It gave hope to all people: sad and cheerful, depressed and laughing, energetic and devoid of imagination. It suggested: "Listen, look for me not around you, but inside yourself." We asked again: “What? Speak louder!" It whispered, and its whisper was like a soft breeze: “Do not look for me in space and on different continents of the Earth. Look for me within yourself. I dwell among your emotions, in the center of your spirit ... "

Most people did not understand the language of happiness. They expected happiness to enter their lives with a thunderous crash. But happiness loves silence. It is hidden and manifests itself almost imperceptibly in the curves of life and in the simple details of being.

We do not understand happiness, so we can be likened to a ship without a rudder. We despised happiness, and it was not given to us. We mistreated him, and he appeared for a moment and quickly disappeared. Happiness dwelt in the souls of many people for just a moment, and in other souls - all their lives.

Happiness breeds love, calmness, wisdom, joy, patience, tolerance, solidarity, forgiveness, resilience, self-control, kindness, and self-esteem. You have never met such a close-knit family!

If you mistreat any of your family members, you risk losing your entire family. If your love is hurt, you lose your peace of mind; if calmness leaves you, you lose stamina; loss of stamina will cost you wisdom; if you have lost wisdom, say goodbye to self-esteem.

We must explore the world of emotions in order to cultivate happiness. The world is developing at an amazing speed. With each passing decade, our knowledge is increasing, and the old myths are crumbling. Old scientific "truths" are being replaced by new ones. Everything is happening so fast! Can happiness move at the same pace? Not! Happiness is a friend of time. We must train our emotions to be happy.

Emotional education means developing the most important functions of our intellect, such as managing thoughts, protecting emotions in times of tension, the ability to reflect on our reactions, the ability to put ourselves in the place of another, the ability to fulfill dreams and appreciate life. Why is loneliness, low self-esteem, anxiety, fatigue, and irritability common among young people and adults? Because they never trained their emotions, never tried to radically change their lives. Many self-help books give people an inadequate understanding of the essence of happiness.

We are constantly opening new schools, but this has left no more thinking people. More physiologists and psychiatrists have appeared in the world, but this has not made people live better. There are still very few people who know how to steer the ship of their life in the sea of \u200b\u200bemotions.

For over seventeen years I have been developing a new theory about the workings of the intellect called "Multifocal Thinking." I studied emotions hard and wrote thousands of pages about it. You can't call me all-knowing, but in this case I know what I'm talking about: there are no magical ways to be happy. The path to happiness is through emotional education. We cannot give up our life, we can only change our approach to it.

In the second part of this book, I will talk about the greatest Master of Emotion that has ever lived on this earth and the most important lessons in emotional training that he has left for us. We will continue our interesting journey, which will surely change our understanding of life and the obstacles that lie in wait for us on the path of life.

Anyone who thinks he has learned everything has nothing to hope for. If you think that you are just an ignorant and inexperienced student in the School of Life, you are not hopeless. There are no giants in the emotional realm, since we are all eternal disciples.

You can and must find a path to happiness, a path to calmness, pleasure in dialogue, courage to overcome crises, and a clear mind to maintain a zest for life. I will tell you a few stories to show you that you have incredible power. You won the biggest race, you were the bravest and most amazing on Earth, as you have experienced the most exciting romance in history. You do not believe me? Be patient - and you will see everything for yourself.

Augusto Jorge Curie

You've won the biggest competition in history

The story of the great race for life

Once upon a time you were allowed to participate in the biggest race of all time. There were millions of competitors there. Just imagine how many rivals you had! Almost everyone claimed victory, but only one of them won - and that was you. Analyze what your chances were. Insignificant, isn't it? Very close to zero.

All conspired against you. Luck has never been so far away. But you could not afford to lose this race, otherwise you would have missed out on the biggest prize in history - life. And then another person would be sitting in your chair reading this book; another would take your place at this stage of being. What kind of race was it? It was a race for life. There were millions of sperm, eager to fertilize one egg and win the right to life. And you were among them the most stubborn creature in history, because you believed that you could win. You have never been such a dreamer. And now too. And then you dreamed about something that was almost impossible.

If any other sperm fertilized an egg, another person would be formed, not you. You would be erased from life forever. You would have no eyes to see the sun, no emotion to have friends.

Then you were very tiny - a thousand times smaller than a grain of sand. You were a small and imperfect creature, but your ability to fight for life was amazing. The genetic program has determined that you cannot die, that you need this egg in your mother's womb. Only through her could you become human. And you boldly rushed to your goal.

It was the biggest competition in history, the toughest race ever passed by a living being. It was incomparably more difficult than it is now to overcome cancer, heart attack, family or financial crisis. So do not despair when faced with today's crises.

Winning an Oscar for Best Actor, being awarded a Nobel Prize, or reaching the pinnacle of a career in any company in the world is a very easy task compared to the competition you participated in early in your life. Therefore, if you feel like a lower being because you have never achieved anything significant, then know that you are wrong. You are unfair to yourself because you deservedly won the biggest and most difficult competition in history. Never feel inferior or less capable than any other person. Whether you are rich or penniless, intellectual or illiterate, famous or unknown - none of this matters compared to the life you have conquered. Feel life pulsating in every cell of your body and vibrating in your soul.

Pictograms allow you to secure children's perception of human emotions... Children should look at pictograms and drawings depicting different facial expressions and compare them. It is worth paying attention to the expression of the eyes, the location of the corners of the lips, chin, and the like. An adult should explain that, despite the dissimilarity of people among themselves in age, appearance, and the expression of their faces, they are sometimes similar. This happens under certain circumstances: at the moment when people are happy, sad, scared, angry. Demonstrating pictograms, children should be drawn to the fact that the face is drawn on paper using geometric shapes (square, circle), points, lines. Such a drawing is a conventional image. A more accurate image of a person's face is conveyed by photographs. In addition, you can see yourself in a mirror, in water bodies. When there were no cameras yet, people painted pictures in which they also depicted their own face or the face of their relatives.

Gradually, preschoolers will learn to use pictograms to determine their own mood, the mood of parents, relatives, adults who are not indifferent to them..

Choose Right Exercise

The child (children) examines the cards with images of emotions. An adult conducts a conversation with her (him) and offers to complete the task.

Task: listen carefully to the adult's message and use it to determine which card is most appropriate for the situation:

What happens to a bear that has been bitten by bees?

How do you feel when others speak to you affectionately, smile, say nice words?

How does a boy feel when he breaks his favorite toy?

What does a girl feel when she sees a sick cat on the street?

What does a grandmother feel when her grandchildren give her a bouquet of flowers?

How do you feel when children call you "bad" words?

What does a bunny feel when a fox is chasing him?

How does a boy feel when other children have soiled his socks?

How does a boy who gets lost feel?

How does a boy feel when he is treated to something tasty?

How will a person who has been attacked by an angry dog \u200b\u200bfeel?

How does a boy feel when he fails to button a button?

How do you feel when other kids don't take you to play?

How does a girl feel when she sees other children destroy her sand house?

How do you feel when you managed to draw a beautiful drawing?

Conversations of a psychologist with children on the topic of emotion

Clarifications and conversations should be conducted systematically by adults. When informing the child, the information should be repeated, reinforced and consistently disseminated. For children of younger preschool age, the duration of the conversation is indefinite. In kindergarten, conversations should be conducted individually or in small groups. Also useful are targeted preventive conversations with those children who constantly violate the rules of interaction with peers who are aggressive and prone to violence.

In educational work, it is advisable to systematically apply conversations about the basic emotions of a person, their characteristics, the events that caused them. A conversation with a child about the feelings of an adult will allow him to realize that there are things in the world that do not leave you indifferent - through them, a person rejoices, sad, surprised. It should be emphasized that joy, surprise, sadness and anger are natural sensations of a person at any age, and emphasize: it is not the emotions themselves that are condemned, but the actions and deeds that accompany them.

During the conversation, the child is not only enriched with knowledge. Conversations become an integral part of relationships and relationships with an adult: the child realizes that he is understood, he is not indifferent to another person, his feelings are significant.

We emphasize the importance of explaining to the younger preschooler the characteristics of a person's emotional response. The child must realize that an adult, just like him, is upset, angry, offended, and happy.

He can be in a good or bad mood. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the mood is transmitted to other people: sadness or anger from one person passes to another. Therefore, it is better to share pleasant impressions, joy, smiles than to "infect" each other with sadness and rage. It is equally important to explain why different people react differently to the same events. For example, if a toy is lost, it will cause despair and sadness in one child, anger and rage in another.

It is worth paying the attention of preschoolers to how people react to various events. Select moments when peers are most likely to express their emotions and provide an opportunity to observe their emotional expression.

When should you have a conversation?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. The reference point should be the situation and needs of the child himself: his desire to expand his own ideas, to receive explanations, advice, help.

The only thing that you should not do is to have conversations with one child every day at a strictly defined time. It is also important to prevent the conversation from turning into instructive notation.

Indicative topics of conversation:

- "Affectionate name",

- "Different people - different faces",

- "Human movements",

- "Pleasant - unpleasant" and others.

Exercise "Affectionate name"

Children are around the adult, forming a circle, and take turns calling their name. Repeating it together with others, the adult draws attention to what the child who named himself has: appearance (color of hair, eyes, lips, etc.), clothes, mood. Other children greet the child, smile sincerely, touch him affectionately, looking into his eyes. The adult asks the pupils how to address the child in a different way without changing his (her) name (Elena - Alena - Lenochka). After listening to his peers, the child tells how close adults turn to him, as his family members call him (Solnyshko, Zayka, Zvezdochka).

An adult asks who in the family is called the same, if there is such a child in the circle, then both children go to the center of the circle: other preschoolers must find similarities between them.

Exercise "Different people, different faces"

An adult offers to carry out an extremely important "research": close your eyes, touch your own nose, forehead, cheeks, hair with your fingertips, turn your head to the side, open it and look at your neighbor first with your right eye, then with your left eye. The adult focuses on the fact that different people have different faces. Looking closely at those around you, you can see that some have big eyes, others have small ones, some have full lips, others have narrow ones. There are similarities and differences in the size and color of the eyes, cheeks, lips, and their location. These features distinguish one person from another and make it possible to remember him.

Also, people have different facial expressions. A person can change their facial expression, like a New Year's mask, at will. Everyone decides for himself what expression he likes, he will have a joyful face or a displeased one. The child should be explained that the sensation affects the appearance of a person: a joyful person is calm, his eyes “shine”, his voice is quiet, movements are balanced, shoulders are straightened, lips are “stretched” into a wide smile. Feeling joy, a person claps his hands, sings, dances. A sad person is restless, lethargic, has half-closed eyes, moist with tears, a quiet voice, and compressed lips. Grieving, he tries to avoid communication with others, remains alone.

A special facial expression arises in a person when discontent, resentment appears. The fact that a person feels anger is evidenced by his frowning eyebrows, narrowed eyes, clenched teeth, lowered corners of his lips. Anger causes tension not only of the muscles of the face, but also of the body: the arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers are gathered into a fist.

By inviting children to look closely at each other's faces, the adult pays attention to the expression on the face of the neighbor (s) on the left, right, opposite. On the count of three, each child exhibits a different facial expression.

Exercise "Pleasant - unpleasant"

During the conversation, it should be explained what each person is capable of experiencing. His sensations are pleasant and unpleasant. It is interesting to find out what is pleasant for you yourself, a person close to you, your parents. People, animals, objects, events can be pleasant and unpleasant.

If you gently touch another, it causes pleasant sensations (an adult gently touches, strokes each child), if you behave rudely, for example, firmly squeezing a person's hand, this is unpleasant and can even cause pain. Under such conditions, the expression on a person's face shows how he feels and whether he likes it. It is imperative to explain to younger preschoolers that, in addition to touching, a person reacts to the words of others, the tone of the conversation and their behavior. Unpleasant words, offensive comparisons also cause discontent, indignation. And yet - each person is sensitive enough to the strength of another person's voice, the twittering and singing of birds, the exclamations of animals, the sound of musical instruments.

Exercise "Human Movement"

An adult pays attention to the need for a person to change the position of the body. Emphasizes that every child loves to play, jump, run, dance. Since it is very difficult to stand or sit in one position for a long time, you have to constantly change the position of body parts (arms, legs, head, torso, neck). Children are encouraged to stand on one leg and freeze (feel how comfortable / inconvenient it is), jump, dance, stomp, spin (spin around a chair, toys), in pairs.

It is appropriate to pose the question: "Do other children see nothing, just like you, at the time when you close your eyes?"

It is imperative to pay attention to the fact that it is possible to move without colliding. Sometimes a person gets into a crowd. Among a large number of strangers, it is extremely important to be observant and attentive. If you do not take into account the direction of movement of people around, you can harm yourself and another person. An adult notes that pushing, touching another, even accidentally, can cause inconvenience, cause pain, which, in turn, causes irritation, indignation, anger. Of course, this can be avoided if you pay more attention to your own movements, develop body flexibility, receptivity.

It should be noted that a person moves not only for his own pleasure. Movements with hands, fingers, tilt of the head, torso help people nearby to understand his state of health.

A person's age also affects their movements. A small child, an adult, and an elderly person move in different ways. So, the gestures of an adult who feels good are clear and expressive. Children should consider why older people are not as skilled as small children.

It should also be noted that the gestures of boys and girls differ between themselves. The latter move with ease, smoothly. The boys' movements are sharper. It is worth comparing the movements of people and animals. The person who feels threatened, scared, not sure closes his eyes, trying to hide his face. This is exactly what a huge bird does - an ostrich hiding its head in the sand, or a monkey that climbs high on a tree and closes its eyes with its paws. If a person is joyful and contented, he claps, jumps, spins. And in this case, his behavior, posture, gestures resemble the actions of representatives of the animal world. For example, a swan is dancing on the water, a dog is jumping up and down.

When conducting conversations, you need to help the child find the answer to the following questions:

When does a person rejoice?

When is it scary?

When does a person cry?

What makes people smile?

When does a smile appear on your face?

With whom is it pleasant to communicate?

Who in the family always makes you happy, and who makes you sad?

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Can an evil person be beautiful?

What was the most pleasant thing in your life?

Which of your friends has a beautiful voice?

How can you please others?

How can you upset a loved one?

Approximate options for a psychologist's conversation with children

Conversation "MOOD"

1. What does “feel good” mean?

2. How do you know what your mood is?

3. When are you in a good mood?

4. Who spoils your mood?

5. How are you feeling now? Why?

6. Can you help improve your mood? How exactly?

Conversation "DESIRE"

1. What do you want most of all?

2. Is this desire feasible? Why?

3. How will you feel if it really comes true? Why?

4. On whom does the fulfillment of this desire depend?

5. What do you don’t want the most? Why?

6. What can you do to prevent unwanted things from happening?

Conversation "Love"

1. What does “love” mean?

2. How to recognize a person who loves?

3. Whom do you love? Why?

4. Who loves you? Why?

5. How do you know that you are loved?

6. Do you love yourself? For what exactly?

7. Why don't you like yourself?

8. Who do you dislike? Why?

9. Who doesn't love you? Why?

10. Can you live without love?

11. What is the difference between feelings of affection, sympathy, camaraderie, falling in love, love?

Conversation "A MAN'S LIFE TIME"

1. How old do you think you will live?

2. What important thing happened to you when you were little?

3. What interesting happened to you today?

4. What pleasant - unpleasant events can happen to you:

a) in the near future?

b) when will you finish school?

c) when will you be an adult?

d) when will you turn into an old man?

Conversation "THE VALUE OF LIFE"

1. Are you satisfied with your life? Why?

2. What is the most precious thing in life for you?

3. Do you have personal plans? What are they?

4. What in life depends on you?

5. What have you achieved on your own?

6. What is needed to win?

7. Are you a good person? Why do you think so?

8. What makes you special?

9. How is it similar to others?

10. What have you done honestly?

Organize one-to-one thematic conversations from time to time to help the child become aware of their experiences and eventually learn to regulate them. This is necessary because it gives an understanding of the inner world of each child (themes: "Mood", "Desire", "Fears", "Joy", "Respect", "Love", "Resentment", "Duty" ...)

To enable the child by drawing (with paints, pencils, crayons ...) to get rid of fear, tension, negative experiences (themes: "Home alone", "I had a dream", "My fear", "My worries" ...)

Expand the understanding of the world of human feelings - joy, interest, grief, sadness, suffering, contempt, fear, shame, guilt, envy, grief, anger, conscience.

Pantomimic sketches at work

Performing pantomimic studies allows you to freely express your own feelings, contributes to the development of expressive movements. You should not focus on the angularity of the child, the lack of expressiveness, the dissimilarity of his movements with the movements of the character she has chosen. An adult should understand that a younger preschooler is just learning to focus on himself, to loosen his muscles, and to be flexible. It is important to notice shifts in the positive direction, to highlight and emphasize the positive moments "yesterday you did not manage to do it, but today you did it, you are a fine fellow", "it was not so similar as it is now", "today is much better than yesterday" , "You tried, and it became more convincing, I'm sure next time it will be even better." The observation, flexibility, perseverance, diligence of the child should be emphasized.

Applying pantomimic sketches, it is advisable to conduct an introductory conversation and use fragments of musical works by children's composers, enhance the expressiveness of movements, and provide an opportunity for liberation. Performing pantomimic studies will help develop the child's emotional sensitivity, fantasy, and body flexibility.

When working with younger preschoolers, you can use pantomimic sketches: "Slender birch", "Music", "Builders", "Balloons", "Butterflies".

Exercise "My favorites"

Before performing a pantomimic sketch, you should find out if the child has a pet and give the opportunity to tell how he looks, in what conditions he lives, what he loves most. Attention is paid to whether the animal always feels and behaves the same under different conditions; how he perceives owners and strangers, how he reacts to water, how he relates to favorite food; how he shows his displeasure. Find out if the child has the language of animals and how he communicates with his pet. After listening to the baby, remember those animals that are the main characters of fairy tales and children's stories ("Three Bears", etc.). Find out which of them is a favorite hero, who is not, what exactly some animals like children, and others - do not like.

Invite the child to portray his pet (when he sleeps, walks around the apartment, plays with the child, asks for food, communicates, bathes, etc.) or to portray any fairy-tale hero that parents, educator, psychologist, other children, and the like ...

An illustrative outline of your emotional training sessions to help prepare your soul as soon as possible to reunite with the image of youth and health.

Emotional training rocks our spirit's skidding truck so that it can roll out of the hole it's stuck in without hindrance.

Many of us have shattered nerves, tears are close, we ourselves often do not understand why we suddenly break down and unjustly offend our loved ones. All these are signs of a violation of emotional (mental) balance. If this condition persists for a long time, it can lead to neurosis, and after some time - to more serious disorders.

We regard tears as a sign of weakness; we are ashamed of them, even when they appear to the place. This is especially true for men. We are often shackled by dubious conventions, our emotions are suppressed by false attitudes, we have become unnatural, we have forgotten how to behave. Remember how natural children are in expressing their feelings. Isn't that why their laughter is so infectious and so intolerable to their crying?

Let us also be a little children - sincere, pure, absolutely free. Let us also let our emotions go free and let our feelings prevail over our minds, at least for a short time.

You ask: "Why do we need this?"

To gain a sense of deep inner serenity, comparable to that of a child, is the answer. Remember how easily the child goes to rest. A second or two, the tears have dried up, the face lights up with a radiant smile, the eyes shine. The kid forgot everything, forgave everything and is ready for a new game. We need to return our spirit to emotional flexibility, so that it, swaying like a tree engulfed in a whirlwind, acquires the ability to withstand the onslaught of life's storms and then always returns to a neutral, pacified state.

Life is theater and people are actors. The maxim is well-known and common, but inviting to the game, which we will gladly enter now.

Emotions strongly influence our inner state and, as a result, our outer appearance. Therefore, in order to look good and constantly be in high spirits, we need to learn how to manage our emotions. How to do it? At this stage - with the help of feedback.

If our emotions influence our appearance, then our appearance should also influence them, and the actors are well aware of this. Quite simple things help them to enter the desired image.

Let's turn into actors. Let's try to play the role of the ruler, enveloped in boundless calmness. We play honestly, without bias, physically relaxing and completely freeing the brain, for which we push all extraneous thoughts - one by one - into an imaginary square or circle, like into a trash can.

Necessary reminder. Your eyes should be closed while working with imagery rows.

So, they closed their eyes, sat up straight, straightened their shoulders, raised their heads, lit up their face with a slight smile ... You are the fairest king (or ideal queen) in the world. You are perfection itself, you are full of nobility, dignity. You are condescending to everything that surrounds you, and to everyone who depends on you. You are proud, internally free and completely liberated: you know - all the vanity of vanities, but you are personally removed from all this, you are absolutely invulnerable ...

Now taste the bitter pie.

Remember something from your past that you can't even think about without tears.

Help yourself enter the role ... open your mouth a little, relax your lower jaw, give fast, shallow breathing, start sobbing a little and remember, remember, remember ... Childhood, youth ... Go through all your grievances, grief, loss, disappointment ... so it seems their cheeks are wet - everyone has something to savor, something to cry over. Do not hold back your tears ... do not be ashamed of them, remember that they are healing for you, they free you from all the stupidity and injustices of your past, from everything that tormented and crushed you, from everything that hung on your soul like a Stone ... (Fix with the edge consciousness, this moment - everything that crushed and tormented you, forever irrevocably leaves.) Try to switch to sobs, do not restrain them, intensify as much as possible ... And good, and enough ... Tell yourself - stop!

Go to calmness, set yourself up for calmness ... Raise your head, straighten your shoulders, do not forget: you are an actor (actress) ... What was there? Did we cry a little? Well, nothing - it's all in the past, it's all gone forever. But how nice it is in my soul now, how calm ... (Remember this moment too.)

Now let's swallow a laugh.

Let's remember something from which ... well, just die and not get up! (Let us relax, tune in to a cheerful mood.) Who is the easiest to laugh at? First of all, above yourself. And also over friends, over friends, over loved ones. So much happens to them, there are so many fun things in life! We laugh sincerely, contagiously, from the bottom of our hearts. We do not hold back, we turn to laughter ... and again we say to ourselves - stop!

And again a blessed peace. (It’s already easier, the soul slides into it, like a ball into a familiar hole ... a familiar, desired, basic state of mind.)

Let's turn to sadness.

The body is relaxed, the shoulders are lowered, the head is drooping, the hands are limply thrown to their knees ... Ah, why did it suddenly become so sad, where did such melancholy come from? Everything somehow does not warm, everything goes at random ... and the children do not call, do not write, and the friend is gone, and life goes on ... what did he do on this earth, why did he trample the soil, why did he live? Everything is hopeless, everything is meaningless - and there is nowhere to go, and there is no one to say a word with ... Did the tears come? .. and God be with them ... we don't even wipe it off ... we sit, sad, moping - I don't want anything.

And returned to peace. Everything is good and we want everything, but without fanatical urges to jump up and run somewhere. The soul likes a state of balance, it is comfortable; comfortable, and you would like it to always be that way.

And so (and only so!) Of course it will be, but not now, not in the next couple of minutes. Because in the next couple of minutes you have to try to get scared. And seriously - to eerie, to tremors in every cell of your gray matter.

Enter the role of a terminally ill, desperate person. You have no way out, no choice, you are absolutely helpless, abandoned by everyone, before you there is nothingness. Week, month - how much is left? No matter how much is left, it does not matter, no one can be saved. Try to physically feel this horror, gnawing at the doomed person every second. Inevitability, inevitability are real things. Before you sympathized with people in such a situation, now this abyss has opened up under you, and there is nothing to rely on, nothing to grasp on ... you are powerless, nothing will help you.

The feeling of fear is familiar to everyone. Fear plays a useful role when it warns us of danger by stimulating hormonal releases into the bloodstream that prompt us to react defensively. But if you give him free rein, he will turn into a nightmare paralyzing you, he will crawl into all corners of the creature, nestle in every cell of your skin. Stop when despair becomes unbearable, and in this state, think about what to do? Huddle in a corner? Whine, howl, squeal? Or, having gathered all the courage, is it worthy to say goodbye to those who are dear to you and you love, and at the same time to everyone with whom your path crossed in this life? To say goodbye, forgive, ask for forgiveness for everything that he once did wrong, for all the suffering that he brought to someone ... Maybe it was that he once did not understand something, did not forgive, did not regret, turned his nose up , accumulated grievances, bent, breaking someone else's, his own - maybe this is the main reason for what is happening to you now? Maybe you are now being rewarded for your past deeds? You will see that this thought alone will immediately bring relief and remove fear. On this note, without delay, start from the abyss upward!

You woke up, woke up, you feel incredible joy. You are young, alive, well, the nightmare has dissipated, it turned out to be a bad dream. And - thanks to him. The contrast seemed to renew you. Every cell in your body trembles with the desire to live. All things are seen in a new light, all roads are open, all horizons are clear! Remember this state (and appreciate your past experience, if only for the fact that it is he who initially serves as a trampoline for your high jumps). In this mood, you should always wake up. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to see nightmares in a dream.

Moreover, you should be in this mood all the time. At first (especially when the cats scratch your soul), learn to artificially awaken the joy of life in yourself, until it begins to come to you by itself.

Train your emotions daily, adhering to the above scheme, but try to build your imaginative rows. You need to properly develop your spirit so that it gains flexibility, so that the pendulum of your well-being does not get stuck in extreme positions, but always comes to neutral. In addition, such activities greatly enrich the inner world of a person. It will take some time, and you will be surprised to notice that others are drawn to you. Why? Because a mystery has appeared in you, a riddle, because you have changed. You have become wider and deeper than the character who replaced you while you wandered away from yourself.

Don't be embarrassed if something doesn't work out at first. Believe in success and work tirelessly to boost your creativity. To improve your work efficiency, look for your own details for each workout position, combining them with storylines that are close to you personally. At first it may seem difficult, but then the "ice breaks" and you will begin to find them with ease. Creative searches develop our imagination, helping to quickly form the image of youth and health and prepare us to merge with it.

This fusion is best promoted by meditation - a state of deep concentration or, in other words, a person's special spiritual disposition to receive positive (light) vibrations (waves) of the macro- and microcosm that permeate the world space.

You should learn to easily, almost automatically, enter this state with the help of appropriate figurative constructions, which will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter.

Chapter 4. Meditation as the main factor contributing to the merging of our essence with the image of youth and health

The value of meditation in the practice of self-healing.

Etc imers of figurative rows, mentally sorting through which the student enters an emotional state that contributes to the merging of his essence with the image of youth and health.

Ancient Eastern sages believed that a person has two ways of communicating with the Almighty. The first of them is prayer, when a person speaks, and the Creator listens to his words. The second way of communicating with the Creator is meditation, when a person is silent and absorbs everything that the Lord inspires in him.

Thus, meditation - we emphasize once again - is a special state of deep concentration of a person in his spiritual disposition to perceive the positive (light) vibrations of the universe. A student, starting self-healing training according to this method, must learn to freely enter this state, because it:

a) has a calming effect on the human psyche;

b) greatly enhances the effectiveness of all exercises of the technique;

c) promotes the organic fusion of the inner essence of the healer with his individual image of youth and health.

Meditation puts things in order in our inner world, straightening out spiritual deformations, forcing our bodily and spiritual energy to work harmoniously, either directing it to eliminate certain defects, or directing it to the overall health of the student's body and spirit.

Directional meditations aimed at improving a dysfunctional organ of the body provide high efficiency of all types of non-contact auto-massage, which will be discussed in chapters 3 and 4 of the book. Meditation of the cleansing act of forgiveness plays a special role in the process of self-healing. More about this promotion will be discussed in Chapter 5.

General meditations create a special mood in the soul of the healer, without which the reunification of his essence with the image of youth and health is almost impossible. This attitude is achieved by mentally traveling along a series of visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory and dynamic images arranged in a specific order.

The return on these journeys increases manyfold when the students themselves pick these patterns, but at first you can use the options below. Experience shows that the last of them is the most pleasant and close to many learners.

The first variant of meditation

We relax the whole body, close our eyes, breathe calmly ... feel a slight coolness, relax the muscles of the face ... Imagine that each of our cells becomes light, airy, as if weightless.

With each inhalation and exhalation, our hands go slightly forward ... inhale-exhale ... the body becomes weightless, light ... we look mentally from the side at our hands ... we move our head back a little ... lightness, lightness ... the body becomes light. Perfectly…

Our hands move apart, then reach out to each other ... Mentally we move a little to the side ... How the feeling of our own body dulls, how it becomes easy, calm ... What are we thinking about? We scatter one after another, remove those thoughts that interfere with us, to the side ... to the other ... the third ... the fourth ... Great. We remove it faster, give lightness, airiness, weightlessness ... Lightness, freedom, divine calmness ... We give ourselves those suggestions that we need. We represent our face - fresh, young ... our body - elastic, light ... our muscles - elastic, light, free ... We walk, leaning on the tips of our fingers - so they walk in ballet ... We smile, we are calm ... Each of our organs, each cell is working freely, easily ... We say to ourselves: I will be healthy - and soon. I will! .. Deep sleep, good appetite. The mood is calm ... Clarity in the mind ... Clarity in the head ... Clarity in the actions ... Full control ... Let's put our hands down ... Great.

Second Meditation Option

On a gray background, vaguely ... a square, a circle, a triangle ... a brighter square, a circle ... a triangle ... a bright square, edges are clearer, a circle ...

The circle turns into a ball with muddy edges ... brighter, more clearly - the edges ... We give the ball a color ... gray ... lighter, lighter, more ... more ... gray color turns into blue, grayish blue ... Blue brightens, turns into blue, light blue , white - with a touch of marine color, yellowish, yellow, tangerine, tangerine ... - reddish-yellow, orange, scarlet, red, purple, pinkish, pink, hot pink, lilac, greenish-lilac, light green color, yellow-green, bright green, dark green, violet green, violet, light violet ...

Now, as if some kind of flower is floating in front of your eyes ... try to see, feel each petal ... the bug is crawling ... the ladybug is busily searching every fold with its antennae ... On the petals of the villi, inside there is pollen, a smell ... a table is guessed below ... old, old ... with blackened legs ... Tablecloth old, but clean, clean ... there is a pot on the table, cast-iron, old, but polished to a shine ... We put a flower in a pot ... A small window ... a curtain ... we look out the window ...

We mentally look around ourselves ... bare feet are scratched, heels are hard from walking barefoot ... we look at our hands, they are surprisingly small ... we open the window ... it's sunny ... The warm smell of flowers, grass ... blue, clear sky ... clouds in some places ... We walk along the path, there is silence around ... quietly, calmly, nothing interferes ... only the leaves tremble, as if someone touches them and they rustle ... the trampled earth warms the heels ... Silence in the soul ... relaxation ... high, high lark, sings with love, sings ... Singing lark ... in the distance behind the hills there is a forest, a calm, resting forest ... a cool, resting forest ... We look at the clouds, at the water ... crystal clear sand ... We begin to slowly soar up to the clouds ... we can control any desire ... we rise up into the clouds ... we look around, down ... heat ... cool air in the forest ... We hear the mooing of cows wandering home from the field ... we return to the house and we ... Feet are dirty, dusty ... At home, grandmother, grandfather, parents ... do not notice, peacefully talk about something of their own ...

We fall asleep, fall asleep, we have no strength ... Rough hands, calloused, take, iron their hair, put them in a clean cool bed ... voices ... the child grows ... heavy ... did not reach the bed ... and we dissolve ... we no longer feel anything ... sleep.

When we wake up, we lie with our eyes closed ... There is a pot of baked milk on the table ... Raise our hands ... lower ...

Childhood is a starting point, we look from childhood, we look around our life ... Is it worth it to be nervous, offended, angry, tense, strive to surpass someone there? ..

Life passes ... with love ... passes ... with hatred ... passes ... Everything is in our hands ...

Everything is in life - both joy and sorrow ... We are looking for heaven - it comes ... we are looking for hell - it comes ... What is better - life in heaven or in hell? The choice is ours ... We ourselves create difficulties for ourselves ... Any riches of the world will not preserve happiness ... Just that we were children, and now there is silver in our hair ... What is happiness, we do not know ... yesterday we laughed, now we suffer ... what is the future - love or tears? .. the choice is ours ... everything is in our hands ...

The third type of meditation

Twilight ... warm ... the seashore ... the sounds of music are barely audible ... as if tango ... yes, beautiful tango ... the melody seems pleasant, familiar ... very pleasant, very familiar - it wakes up memories ... A small orchestra is playing - on a tiny stage, on the very coast of the sea ... late, everyone has already left ... the musicians play only for you ... You are in a light, light dress, next to the one you have always dreamed of ... you dance, you are almost weightless, you obey the rhythm, music ... you are happy, your soul trembles with divine bliss ... The melody takes you higher and higher ... circles ... circles in a dance of happiness ... You literally dissolve in it ... You are happy.

Kind books, poems, music are also able to tune a person to the desired wave, close to his inner essence. Read more, think, reflect, try to expand your horizons in every possible way.

Chapter 5. Why We Train Emotions

The importance of training emotions in the process of creating an image of youth and health.

The desire to be healed - as it should be.

Tuning Fork Effect.

The cleansing meaning of the act of forgiveness.

Let's talk again about our emotions, feelings, desires, because every moment of our life is colored by them.

We already know something about them, for example, that they have a direct effect on our health, and also that between them and our posture (external appearance) there is not only direct, but also feedback. Now we need to learn the following thing: it depends on how we work with emotions - whether we live on this earth happily ever after or sadly, pull our strap with a creak, waiting for the end.

The goal of a person who decides to train according to our system is to become HEALTHY and YOUNG. "I want to become young and healthy!" - such a person says to himself loudly and thereby expresses his thought, that is, he outlines the idea of \u200b\u200bthe problem. “Well,” the organism responds, “I really want that too. But your thought alone, master, is not enough for me to do a good job. Give me some clearer reference point, tell me more precisely what I should strive for. " “Be it your way,” the person says and connects imaginative thinking to the matter, that is, he begins to form his personal ideal image of health and youth, so that dry thought takes on “flesh”.

An illustration of what the image we create should be is the example of a girl who recovered from diabetes, which we talked about at the end of the first section of the book.

From the point of view of our methodology, there is nothing strange in this case. The girl was just lucky enough to intuitively find her image of health, and she managed to completely merge with it. In other words, her personal image of health became her essence, and nature completed everything else. This happened, firstly, because the girl VERY WANTED to become healthy ("like everyone else"). And secondly, her age, most likely, played into the hands of her (that well-known "difficult" transitional period in the development of the human personality, when a person is no longer a child, but has not yet matured). At this age, adolescents are characterized by very contrasting changes in emotions and very strong movements of feelings. Plus, the girl's body was undergoing a biologically planned restructuring, so that the image of health "arrived in time" at the right moment.

“It still looks like a fairy tale,” you say with a wave of your hand. - Well, okay girl, a young developing organism. But my body is aging, old. Where can I get strong movements of feelings? Of course, I want to get well, but I feel only one thing - that my sores, not today or tomorrow, can swat me! "

It's good that the girl's story seems like a fairy tale. This only proves once again that there is much more reality in fairy tales than we assign to them.

As for the "strong movement of feelings", which you do not have, then, by training emotions, we are just dealing with the solution of this problem. We just develop, warm up our spirit, bringing it "to the right condition" so that our desire to heal and rejuvenate reaches the desired point of heat and helps our image of health to organically merge with the spirit and flesh of our being. “Of course I want to get well” is a sluggish, amorphous phrase. Wanting is not easy. You have to be able to want. After all, the success of our work mainly depends on HOW we want.

Let me offer you a small test to clarify this point as well.

Imagine that you have a board in front of you. Sturdy, strong, able to support your weight. It is slightly raised above the floor. You are offered to go through it. Can you do it? Of course. Would you like to? Unknown. Maybe yes, maybe no. Well, okay, it seems like a good company has gathered, everyone is walking, and the girls (or boys) are watching. I'll go through, so be it. And you go. But in your brain doubt is still swarming - do I need this all?

You walked the plank because you wanted to. But the desire was implicit, weak, provoked by a small target calculator (the girls would like to like it, and the company at the same time). You had a choice: go - not go. And if you hadn't gone, you wouldn't have lost much. Nothing would happen either if you stumbled.

Now another option. In front of you is the same board, but it is already raised high (three or four meters above a pile of stones or asphalt). Can you walk on it now? Probably yes, but first you think hard about whether it is worth the risk? In your thoughts, reasoning, there is already an explicit calculation, and the fear of being hurt in case of failure is put on one side of the scale. If the board is thrown over to the balcony of the beloved, you will undoubtedly walk along this board. The risk remains, but the winner will be rewarded. What drives you? Striving (great desire) to get a prize. But, mind you, even now you may well refuse a dangerous walk. By doing so, you, as they say, will remain with your own people. Health is more expensive, and the beloved will be interrupted or in the end will somehow come down to you herself. The desire is great, but sanity (or laziness) wins.

The third option. The board is thrown over the abyss. A child is in her arms, behind her is a mortal threat, a fire. How long will you think in this case? Yes, you, without hesitation, run (or, stepping carefully, walk) along this board. You will automatically mobilize all your strength to save the baby. You have something to lose, something to be saved for. The desire to overcome the obstacle, in comparison with the other two options, will triple, multiply tenfold. As a matter of fact, in you, apart from this desire, nothing will remain (no "I can - I can not", "I want - I do not want", no back or side thoughts).

Fix this moment. He clearly shows HOW you should want healing, HOW you should strive for the desired goal.

This is what we train emotions for. That is why we artificially plunge ourselves into the black abyss of despair, or soar like a candle to clear heights permeated with the joy of being. We make our desire to improve your health and rejuvenate INTENSIVE and QUALITATIVE. We know that behind us is a mortal threat, a fire, but it is not enough to know, we need to merge with this knowledge for a while, we need to clearly imagine all this horror. Only in this state will our body mobilize all its resources to “run across the board,” only in this case the process of restructuring will really become an avalanche.

But here, as in any other business, there is a danger of both "underbending" and "overreaching." Your desire to be healed should be neither insufficient nor fanatical. Weak desire provokes uncertainty, too strong - haste. Moving slowly (board theme), you can lose your balance, hurrying - fly to the side. Intuition, which develops in us all the same training of emotions, will help to find the optimum. Here is an image for you, as a rough guideline: your desire is a hand, your health is a bird. The fingers of the hand should be squeezed so as not to strangle the fragile creature and at the same time not allow it to fly away.

When your artificially created ideal image of health and youth comes into conformity with the general mood of your body, the “tuning fork effect” will appear. Both structures will sound in unison and, combined in all positions, will become a single whole. What does it take for such a merger to take place?

Please note that it is not in vain that the method emphasizes that the image of health and youth that we create must be ideal, that is, clean, light, bright, free of impurities. The state of your soul should be just as pure, free, and light. Otherwise, the structures will not match, the ball will not settle into a littered hole.

What clogs the soul? Emotional "slags". Envy, anger, despair, irritation, oppression of old grievances - continue the list yourself. Emotional training revises our emotional state, it pulls apart, rakes up emotional blockages that accumulate in the back streets of our subconscious and oppress our spirit. However, only one meditative action can free us from this rubbish, namely the meditation of the act of forgiveness.

To forgive means once and for all to put an end to something wrong, unjust, bad, and thereby relieve your soul. Just as the human body needs to get rid of harmful toxins, the human soul also needs to be purified. Forgiveness is the act of this purification, which has a beneficial effect on the health of our soul and, therefore, on the physical health of our body. The truth of this statement was brilliantly confirmed by Louise Hay. “Any illness comes from unforgiveness,” she once said to herself and, adhering to this postulate, managed to heal herself from an illness, before which the official medicine had signed the impotence.

Wise people have known about the great significance of this action since ancient times. In Christianity, for example, there is a holiday - Forgiveness Resurrection. On this day, each person can come to another and ask him for forgiveness or, in turn, forgive someone. This is a quiet, joyful, soul-enlightening holiday.

But what if our offenders (or those whom we have offended) are no longer on earth, or they are so far away that we cannot reach them? There is only one way out - to mentally imagine these people, talk to them and sincerely from the bottom of your heart forgive them everything (or ask to grant you forgiveness).

If relief does not come, the meditation should be repeated and repeated until the disturbing echoes in the soul completely subside. You should do the same with unpleasant situations, the memories of which torment you for a long time (maybe even decades).

This refers, in particular, to those moments when you could say something, but did not say (or, conversely, said too much), when you could do something, but did not do (or, conversely, too much), when you could have done well but did not. Mentally replay the flawed situation in all the details, bring it to a critical moment, and then direct it in a positive direction, that is, mentally do what seems right to you. Repeat the meditation until the pain subsides. After all, an observer has been sitting in us since childhood, who understands well when we do something “wrong”. The name of this observer is our conscience.

Forgiveness act meditation

An example of a cleansing meditative action that removes negative layers from the soul.

Close your eyes, enter the image of a sad, unlucky person. You are in an empty cinema. Twilight reigns in the hall. The screen is still blank, but you know that now a movie about you will be shown on it. How it was built, what it will tell you about - nothing is known. In my soul, curiosity, mixed with anxiety, it grows, pain cuts through it. Everything dear that you had is gone irrevocably, but it was as if it did not exist: the past consists of only troubles, disappointments, humiliations, insults ... Memory goes through these insults, goes deeper, to youth, to childhood ... the first griefs ... emptiness in the wrapper instead of candy, the boy next door took away the toy ... and something else, and more, and more ...

The screen lit up, some silhouettes, shadows, faces are moving there ... you peer, but without tension, the sharpness gradually increases, you begin to recognize someone in the line of faces. Look, these are the people you have met in your life. Many of them hurt you, and you hurt someone ... You didn’t call anyone here on purpose, but they came, they are here, which means they too, and you need it. This means that you must talk to everyone who comes.

Enter the screen in your mind, become a participant in the action, tell each of your offenders something like the following: “Yes, you once did something that made me feel very bad. It hurt me a lot, but now this is in the past, this is not, as it was not, - I forgive you! .. "And if in front of you there is someone who is no longer on this earth, tell him the same, sincerely and from everything hearts: "You are in the past, I am here of my own free will to say goodbye, my life is real, I forgive you! .." Do not stay with anyone for a long time, go from person to person, but talk with everyone, even with those who are not familiar to you, and listen to everyone, and forgive, and ask for forgiveness from those whom you yourself may have hurt. Be affectionate with everyone, especially with loved ones, loved ones cause us the greatest suffering, but sometimes they themselves do not know what they are doing ... forgive them all. If tears appear, do not hold them back ... Cry, cry, tears bring relief, everything that tormented and crushed you leaves with them, everything that will never return now.

Tell yourself mentally - enough. I have been in the past, but only because I wanted it myself ... Now I am not what I was before, my life is now. All the bad things that happened have nothing to do with me, there is no place for him in me. Yes, in my life there were many mistakes, resentments, griefs and disappointments, but I LIVE, which means that I had the strength to survive everything, which means that I have enough strength to move on, and I will never return to myself as before, I will never I will become the same, I do everything in my power not to become the same, I want to become renewed, different ... I am already different. I think, I feel, I breathe, and this alone is happiness in itself, but before I did not understand this, did not know, did not appreciate it.

All that I need for happiness is with me and in me, I have a purpose in life and nothing prevents me from moving towards it. I am young, I am confident in my abilities, I will do everything to make my life full, happy - I know that I can do it. (Clearly formulate a specific goal, the movement towards which fills your life with joy, meaning. Children, family, work ... Everyone here can have something of their own.)

If you manage to conduct this training in the right way, if you can sincerely and wholeheartedly forgive all your offenders all your old and recent grievances, you will feel incredible relief, similar, perhaps, even to bliss. Your soul will be freed from heavy oppression, and the "disobedient" image of youth will slip into the vacant place, it will merge with you and become a part of your being.

Ups - downs, ebbs and flows, day - night, warm - cold, light - darkness ... The world order in which we exist is characterized by rhythmic qualitative shifts of things and energies to the polar points of their states. Our sentiments also fall under this general law. We sometimes mope for no reason, then we become cheerful, we sometimes feel that we are ready to move mountains, then we notice that the work is not glued and we scold our "holes with holes". Our condition is subject to changes that, at first glance, do not depend on us in any way.

Meanwhile, the quality of the healing process directly depends on the mood of a person. According to the observations of American scientists, 30% of people suffering from severe cancer suffer from this scourge. Psychological studies of the healed showed that they were all optimists by nature, and during their illness, not only did they not mourn their bitter fate, but did not even think about a sad end. They did not fight for life, they lived (daily, hourly, every minute), rejoicing in their small successes and not discouraging in the hours of defeat. They believed that the clouds that covered their horizons would certainly go away. It is no coincidence that despondency in Christian ideology is considered one of the most serious sins.

This is why it is so important for each of us to be able to cope with the tides of melancholy (depressed state of mind). The next chapter explains how to do this using the skills gained from training your emotions.

Chapter 6. Correction of mood

Optimism. (How to become an optimist with a pronounced tendency to pessimism).

Optimism, as we have said more than once, directly contributes to the speedy recovery of our body and spirit. The following chapter will tell you how you can become an optimist even with a pronounced tendency to pessimism. Once you have decided to build a temple of health and youth, drain the swamp in which your good intentions are drowning!

It is best to start reclamation of this kind when you more or less clearly understand your emotions and learn to control them in the slightest degree.

The oppressed state of mind brings destruction, in it is the truth of death.

An optimistic mood promotes creativity, it contains the truth of life.

Throwing both on the scales, it is not difficult to establish whether you are walking along the sunny or shady side of the street, and thus you can get a chance to move to the sunny side in time if it turns out that you are a pessimist.

First, let's build a work schedule. To do this, within a month, we will have to assess our well-being and performance every day. The assessment is carried out on a 10-point system. 10 divisions up the vertical axis from the zero mark - an assessment of positive health (light), 10 divisions down - an assessment of negative health (black, shadow). The horizontal axis of the graph is the timeline.

Day by day, we assess our condition and plot the points corresponding to the estimates on the chart. Having connected them in a month with a smooth line, we get a wavy curve (the line of our mood). Find the middle line between the extreme (upper and lower) points of the chart.

It is she who will show us how we "stand" in this life. It is this that we should try to raise to the proper height, that is, direct it towards creation and health.

In the course of further observations, the schedule will be more and more refined. In the same way, you can draw up a daily schedule. Keep in mind that mood swings are highly individual. These cycles are different for different people - they range from 20 to 34 days, and sometimes longer. Only you can define your cycle.

A person, depending on the "color" of the day, reacts very differently to the same things. See the next page for examples of such polar reactions.

Mood on the rise (bright day) / Mood on the decline (rainy day)

Morning: A vigorous rise, in the air the rustle of invisible wings. / We barely tear our eyes, there is some muck in the air.

Attitude to the universe: I love everything, I embrace everything. / The eyes would not look at anything.

Mirror: And I am still very, very! / What a face!

Wardrobe: Choose your shirt carefully. / We get into anything.

The way to work: We look around with curiosity. / We see nothing. Hurry to get there.

Stranger (stranger): Desire to impress. / Everyones go here! There is no passage from them.

Conversation: Smile, complimentary. / Closure, unwillingness to speak.

Rain: God, what freshness! / Again this stupid drizzle!

The eyes of the oncoming (oncoming): Shine like stars! / Two hooks. Gape, gobble up with giblets!

Coming to work: Hello! Good morning! Glad to see you! Hello old man! / Silently we make our way to our place. In response to greetings, we mutter something indistinctly.

Plans for the day: A couple of witty ideas. / Gloomy contemplation of one's own hands.

Thoughts: Soar like birds! / There is a mess in my head, confusion.

Performance: Ready to move mountains! / Everything falls out of hand.

Discussion of the work problem: Striving for a mutually beneficial solution. / Irritation, readiness to explode and remember all the sins of someone.

Creativity: Search for a non-standard option. / Don't give a damn about everything.

Lunch: Absorbed with appetite. / Not soup, but slop! Pour this pile of water to the chef by the collar!

Dom: Laughter, kisses, funny chat. / Sighs, coughs, petty quibbles.

Before bedtime: Tea, pleasant, even state of health. / A glass, blues, a feeling of vague anxiety.

Tomorrow: In rainbow colors. / Something dull, can't make out.

So, let's start correcting our mood. As a matter of fact, there is nothing daunting in this work. It's just that on "dark" days you need to take special care of yourself and not leave the image of a calm, strong, self-confident person. Your whole appearance should say that everything is going well with you. Force yourself, but without too much pressure.

The mood curves for both optimists and pessimists have a constant spacing between the tops and bottoms. Your task is to decrease from cycle to cycle the distance between the bottom point and the background line of the graph and accordingly increase it between the top point and the background line. Be willing, don't let your mood line slide down. The rise should be carried out not from the lowest point of the graph, but much earlier - from a point artificially created by you. Thus, from cycle to cycle, the bottom point of your chart should go higher and higher.

And a few more words. Maintaining an optimistic mindset is especially important when you don't feel like it the most, and on days of intense training. Remember, blues, laziness is not yours. Your guidelines are health, youth, optimism.

So, dear readers, we hope that you are sufficiently familiar with the principles of self-healing practice sam chon do (a school that teaches a person to resist any negative manifestations of external forces). You also got an understanding of the meaning of the image of youth and health in the process of self-healing of the body and spirit, you understood what it is composed of and how it is formed. Plus, you should have understood well the essence of the exercises aimed at nurturing the spirit. Emotion training, meditative constructions, meditation of the act of forgiveness, mood correction - all these are means that serve a single purpose: to awaken the dormant forces of your soul and mobilize them to a practical solution to the primary and urgent task - to return to a full life your premature fading (and perhaps even already and decrepit) organism. A person can live without aging, up to 120 years or more, there are many examples of this in the history of mankind. (Here it is appropriate to recall our contemporary, the famous American scientist Paul Bragg, familiar to a knowledgeable reader from the book The Miracle of Fasting, who at the age of 95 remained a lively, energetic and active person until a tragic accident ended his life.)

Now you and I must get down to work, each stage of which will be accompanied by a specific return, namely, real changes in your physical condition with subsequent healing and rejuvenation of the whole body, for which you are given a time-tested tool, which is Norbekov's self-healing system, the use of which leads to stunning results if a person actively, diligently and relentlessly follows all her instructions and believes in success.

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello dear readers! Yuri Okunev with you.

Controlling your feelings, protecting your deepest feelings from outsiders and not letting bad moods and inner fears interfere with the implementation of your plans - all this is necessary for any person striving for a productive, eventful and fulfilling life.

At the very beginning, I would like to make one extremely important note. All of the techniques below are designed to teach you how to manage emotions, but not suppress them! This means that in no case should you accumulate in yourself all the negative that, for one reason or another, will appear in your soul. It is also not recommended to kill positive emotions in the bud, because they help us to be happy.

I emphasize once again that our task is to learn how to regulate the external manifestations of our inner emotional state. Do not allow those feelings - whether they are good or bad - that, for one reason or another, prevent you from taking over.

Otherwise, you will drive emotions deeply into the soul, and after a while it will make itself felt in the form of serious psychological and even physiological problems. This is especially true of negative feelings.

Self-regulation techniques

Next, I will offer you several ways to control your emotions. You can use everything or choose whichever you like the most. It is also allowed to supplement and modify techniques, taking into account their own needs, character traits. You can even combine techniques with each other. In general, I give you complete freedom. The main thing is to have a result that meets your expectations.

Diversionary maneuver

The overwhelming majority of people just love to waste their inner experiences. We are ready to spend hours painting in our heads frightening pictures of the future to come or revive the unpleasant moments of the past long gone into oblivion. We love to rewind scraps of recent quarrels over and over again, to nurture resentment from someone's ugly actions. We love to imagine how insulting / sad / scary we will be tomorrow (after all, we, for example, have an appointment with the dentist), etc.

All this distracts our attention from really significant things, from the main life values, problems, tasks and needs. As a result, we spend hours, or even weeks, months on some masochistic thought processes.

If you have made the final decision to start living in a new way, then you urgently need to change the record in your head. Almost literally! To do this, as soon as you have another negative thought, divert your attention - turn on an audiobook or music, mentally recite poetry or hum your favorite song. The main thing is to keep your brain occupied with something so that it has no time to think about bad things.

We act by contradiction

We behave in accordance with our feelings, inner experiences, thoughts. But the most interesting thing is that this system works in the opposite direction. That is, by acting in a certain way, we are able to artificially evoke the corresponding emotions, because our brain draws strong parallels between the physical and psychological aspects.

In practice, the exercise looks like this. Let's say you're upset about something. This state is characterized by a sad expression on the face, a lowered head, closed arms, a hunched back. To combat sadness, start acting as if you are completely happy.

First, shake yourself up to relieve unpleasant emotions. Straighten your shoulders and inhale deeply. Go to the mirror and smile. Sincere, even sincere, broader. That's just great! Keep smiling looking into your eyes for 5-7 minutes.

In parallel, include self-belief. Everything in your life is not so bad, much better than many others. Yes, there are failures, but they are not fatal. Everything passes, and this too. You have many goals, a lot of desire to achieve them. There is no time to whine and waste energy on trifles. Forward to new achievements. Hip hip hooray !!! Wow ... do you feel how it is getting easier for you? Not?! Continue for another 5 minutes!

The rule "by contradiction" applies to any unpleasant situations. Did you get nasty on public transport? Say thanks and wish the boor a good day. Are you jealous of a co-worker's success? Try as sincerely as possible to congratulate him on his achievements and wish him new achievements. Is it tempting to say nasty things to your partner? Be silent or even say something nice.

Just do not let unpleasant sensations settle in your soul and start dictating your requirements there.


If no methods and techniques work and negative emotions continue to accumulate inside, then you should not suppress them. We already talked about this with you at the beginning of the article. Give them a way out, not direct, but mediated!

It works very well through active sports activities. Running, boxing, power loads are great help to relieve negativity. But if this is not possible, then you can simply shout (for this it is better to choose some deserted place so as not to scare passers-by), tear a couple of kilograms of paper into small pieces (the cat will go to the tray), tear a pillow to pieces, or vice versa , meditate. You can still shout heartily (men are only allowed to cry a mean tear). In general, all methods are good.

Full control

Often, in negotiations or in the course of communicating with other people outside of working hours, we are faced with situations that prompt us to express those feelings that we would like to hide from strangers. The difficulty here lies in the fact that we do not have time to think it over, concentrate and react correctly. Moreover, a factor (person or situation) usually continues to affect us, which creates additional stress. In this case, you will have no choice but to show the wonders of endurance.

  • Anger, anger.

These emotions are usually characterized by raised voice tones, intense gesticulation and aggressive facial expressions, rude vocabulary.

Take a deep breath, or even drink water, counting each sip, to ease the senses a little. Then try to speak in a calm, friendly tone, using polite cultural words and casual, fluid body movements. Take on the task of surprising yourself and those around you with endurance, upbringing, prudence and all other similar qualities.

  • Tears.

Is there something or someone actively provoking you to “dissolve the dampness”? Again, first distract yourself by engaging your brain with something - count the "elephants" to yourself or multiply the number of pencils on the boss's desk by the number of gray hairs. Drink some water. Breathe more often, making thoughtful but not very deep breaths and diligent exhales, trying to release all internal tension through them. Save your tears for later, promising to give them free rein a little later.

To be at least a little ready for this kind of difficulties, I recommend that you work out the principles of behavior in unpleasant situations at home in front of the mirror in advance. Imagine a stressful situation in your mind (or ask for help from friends, family) and practice keeping your face “bricked”.

Psychology is an incredibly versatile and interesting science. You can spend hours discussing useful "gadgets" designed to help you get on the path of productivity and success. However, you are unlikely to read an article that is tens of thousands of characters long.

Therefore, I invite you to my own, where we, among other things, will consider many extremely useful self-regulation techniques. Along with theoretical information, for which you would have to read more than a dozen books, we will also pay maximum attention to practical exercises.

I will personally help you develop a plan of goals for the short and long term, make a list of emotional barriers that prevent you from achieving what you want. We will think over a strategy of behavior and begin to translate your ideas into reality.

Allow me to take leave today. Yuri Okunev was with you. I look forward to comments and new blog subscribers. All the best!

Good afternoon, my dear readers! We have already repeatedly considered issues related to the fact that it is necessary to be able to transform negative emotions into positive, positive ones. This should be done, because if we communicate with the people around us, having shattered nerves, breaking down, offending, then the path to success is unlikely to be short and prosperous. Moreover, any negative state, even with serious losses, has the right to exist for no more than a week. A longer period is already a diagnosis, since the preservation of a negative state for a long time leads to neuroses, and then more serious disorders. Negative emotions seriously undermine our health, absorb and neutralize the energy that is so necessary for a happy and healthy life.
We settled on two important questions: "What to do?" and "Why do we need this?" However, knowing the answers to these questions very often, we remain in place, since there remains one more important question: "How to do this?"
For those who have taken part in psychological training and are familiar with the techniques of training emotions, there are no secrets here. They know exactly why not only bread was important for the Romans, but also spectacles, why people do not sleep during sports matches, and they respond so vividly to any acting. All of these events allow you to experience strong emotions. They pull us out of the daily monotony of life, make it possible to restore emotional flexibility.
Emotional flexibility is the ability to quickly move from expressive emotion to calmness, which contributes to finding the most effective solutions in any situation. Emotional training opens up new perspectives for us in personal improvement. Not only long-term negative emotions are harmful to a person, but unrestrained fun, prolonged delight are also dangerous. Emotional flexibility allows you to return from any extreme state to a state of calm.
The emotional pendulum method is used to train emotions. To do this, you need to feel like an actor or, even easier, watch children who are natural in their emotions. Remember how infectious the laughter of children is, in a minute unbearable crying. We have not had time to react yet, but they have reconciled again and continue to enjoy the game. To find inner peace, to find a sense of tranquility, we must release all our trapped emotions.
So, they straightened their shoulders, straightened their backs, lifted their chin with pride. Let's not forget about a light smile. You are perfect. You radiate nobility, inner freedom. You are completely liberated.
Now remember something not very pleasant in your life that caused your tears. As an actor, nudge this state: lower your shoulders, relax your lower jaw, add rapid, shallow breathing, and start sobbing. Don't hold back tears, even if they turn into sobs. Let all grievances, sorrows, experiences go away with tears. These are healing tears. We cried like in childhood. Now stop, that's enough.
Straighten your shoulders, raise your head. You are an actor ... Feel that all your experiences are in the past, they will not be repeated. There is a smile on the face, peace in the soul. Again we set ourselves up for calmness.
And now let's laugh heartily, best of all at ourselves. Remember the funniest, ridiculous situations in your life. Let yours be contagious. And again we turn to calmness. You have already memorized this state.
Also try to experience states of hopeless melancholy, sadness. Immerse yourself in these states. Remember how this changes your appearance. Stay in this state for a while and return to a state of calmness.
And now we rejoice, remember the moments of absolute happiness. Breathing, posture, facial expressions have changed. We are ready to give joy to everyone around us. All outbursts of emotions, strong mental movements, as if knocking down scale from the soul. It is noted that people who have experienced a lot in their lives are wise and benevolent. Learn to appreciate your failures, past misfortunes - they made you more resilient and wiser.
Finally, learn to do all of this with your eyes closed, mentally creating images. Emotional training is important in order to learn a state of calm, to restore the elasticity of emotions, emotional flexibility, and the mobility of the nervous system.
If your life suddenly stalls like a truck on the off-road of life, then you now know how to swing the emotional pendulum to return to a state of calm. These exercises not only promote physical and mental health, but also maintain a positive energy balance in your body.
