An outstanding scientist and creator of a whole trend in the field of armaments and military equipment, which largely determined the defense capability of our country and its geostrategic position in the world in the second half of the twentieth century, Anatoly Ivanovich Savin on April 6, 2010 turned 90 years old (from the date of birth) and 70 years scientific, research and production, pedagogical and social activities.

A. I. Savin in 1937 entered the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman at the faculty of artillery weapons. With the outbreak of World War II, he volunteered for the people's militia, but in August 1941, like other students of the military faculties, he was recalled from the front and sent to the city of Gorky to the largest plant in the USSR for the production of artillery systems for various purposes.

In 1941-1943, he designed and went into mass production recoil devices for the gun of the T-34 tank and a number of other artillery pieces. In 1944, Anatoly Ivanovich was appointed chief designer of the Design Bureau of the Gorky Artillery Plant, in 1946 he graduated from the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman.

With his direct participation at the beginning of 1946 in the design bureau of the plant on the instructions of academician I.V. Kurchatov in the shortest possible time developed a number of key products for industrial technologies for obtaining enriched uranium.

In 1951 A.I. Savin was transferred to Moscow to the legendary enterprise KB-1 (MKB Strela, Central Design Bureau Almaz), where with his active participation a number of complex air-sea missile systems were developed and successfully put into operation. ”, “air-to-ground”, “air-to-air”, “sea-to-sea”, “land-to-ground”.

The mastery of the technology for the development of systems of reactive guided weapons that were highly intelligent at that time, the knowledge and experience accumulated by Anatoly Ivanovich and the team formed by him (OKB-41 as part of KB-1), prepared the conditions for the transition to the creation of space strike, information-control and reconnaissance systems. The first of these was the IS orbital interception system (satellite fighter), the development of which in 1959 was started at OKB-52.

In 1965, KB-1 (OKB-41) became the lead enterprise for the creation of "IS". It was during this period that the talent of A.I. Savin not only as a designer, but also as an excellent organizer of the well-coordinated activities of a significant number of branch research institutes, industrial enterprises, research institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences and research institutions of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

In a short time, a ground command and control post was created, and control equipment for the spacecraft interceptor was developed. After a number of successful experiments, on November 1, 1968, for the first time in world practice, orbital interception and kinetic destruction of a target spacecraft were carried out. In total, during tests to destroy space objects, 7 full-scale works were performed with positive results, which confirmed the high tactical and technical characteristics of the IS system. In 1973, it was adopted by the USSR Armed Forces.

It should be noted that in the field of anti-space defense, the USSR at that time was ahead of the United States by more than 25 years.

The complexity and specificity of the development and creation of space defense systems predetermined the formation in 1973 of an independent enterprise - the Central Research Institute "Kometa", whose director and general designer was A.I. Savin.

The second space system, work on which was already completed at the Kometa Central Research Institute, was the US marine space reconnaissance and target designation system in two versions - US-A and US-P, after which the USSR strengthened status as a world maritime power.

In the 1960s, the USSR decided to create a missile attack warning system consisting of two echelons: space and ground. The development of the space echelon was entrusted to the Central Research Institute "Kometa", and it began with the "OKO" system. According to the plan, the system was supposed to provide early detection of ICBM launches by radiation from the torches of rocket propulsion systems in the active phase of their flight.

With the support of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR A.I. Savin initiated the decision of the Government of the USSR to parallelize the execution of research work and the implementation of basic design solutions (creation of a command post, ground facilities of the rocket and space complex, etc.). There was a significant amount of risk in this approach, but the risk turned out to be justified - the time for creating the OKO system was reduced. In 1978, state tests were completed, and in 1979 it was adopted by the USSR Armed Forces.

Its development was the space system for early detection of rocket launches from the continents and water areas of the World Ocean - "OKO-1". The leading role in its development belonged to the Central Research Institute "Kometa". By decree of the President of the Russian Federation in December 1996, the OKO-1 system of the first stage, consisting of two spacecraft on the GSO and the Western command post, was adopted by the Russian Armed Forces, and in 2002 the Eastern command post was introduced into its structure.

The secret of creative longevity A.I. Savina, as is often the case, is simple in presentation, but not simple in execution.

  • tireless and painstaking work to form a team of highly professional dedicated associates;
  • a constant desire not only to teach, but also to master new knowledge yourself;
  • the desire to solve the most difficult, but also the most important tasks for the defense capability of our country;
  • always act by persuasion, not coercion.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Anatoly Ivanovich Savin (in the center) and his students (from left to right):
V.A. Gapon, S.G. Totmakov, V.P. Misnik, V.V. Sinelshchikov, V.I. Drushlyakov,
V.Yu. Bobrov, G.V. Davydov, A.L. Aleshin, V.V. Bodin, A.M. Bychkov, V.B. Frolov

In 2004 A.I. Savin was transferred to the position of General Designer of Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern OJSC, and from 2008 to the present he has been its scientific supervisor.

Active member of the Academy of Sciences since 1984 A.I. Savin pays a lot of attention to pedagogical work, having brought up a whole generation of scientists of the highest qualification - doctors and candidates of sciences. His name is widely known in circles of the world scientific community. Suffice it to say that in 2006 he was recognized as the "Person of the Century" by the International United Biographical Center.

The motherland duly appreciated the merits of the hero of the day. Anatoly Ivanovich Savin - Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize and six-time winner of the State Prize, holder of four Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Patriotic War, three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree. The Academy of Sciences of the USSR awarded A.I. Savin Prize them. academician A.A. Raspletina.

Colleagues and students express their deep gratitude
and warmly congratulate Academician A.I. Happy Anniversary Savina
and wish him good health and fulfillment of his creative ideas.

The staff of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute" Kometa "

The staff of the Publishing House "Military Parade" joins the warm wishes to the hero of the day

MOSCOW, March 28 - RIA Novosti. An outstanding designer of the Russian military-industrial complex, academician Anatoly Savin, died on Sunday at the age of 96, the press service of the Almaz-Antey concern reported on Monday.

"Anatoly Ivanovich Savin was one of the luminaries of the domestic military-industrial complex, the developer of the country's anti-space defense system, the space echelon of the early detection system for missile launches, as well as the system of naval space reconnaissance and target designation of the Navy," the release says.

Academician Savin is the author of more than 500 scientific papers and inventions, with his direct participation, technological equipment was created for the production of weapons-grade uranium and plutonium, the creation of reactive guided weapons, global space information and information and control systems.

In the post-war years, Savin was the chief designer of the Artillery Plant No. 92 named after Stalin in Gorky. When the "Special Design Bureau for the Design of Special Machines" (now the enterprise of the state corporation "Rosatom" "Afrikantov OKBM") was created on the basis of the plant to solve the problems of the Soviet nuclear project, Savin became the chief designer of the Design Bureau, made a huge contribution to the creation of the Soviet enrichment complex uranium.

Savin: Russia has anti-satellite weapons, but not for attackAccording to Anatoly Savin, scientific director of the Almaz-Antey Aerospace Defense Concern, Russia has created an "original space reconnaissance system" that made it possible to detect and track the movement of US aircraft carrier formations in the oceans.

From the beginning of the 1950s, Savin worked in KB-1 (now the Almaz-Antey Concern VKO). Under his leadership, the country's anti-space defense system, the naval space reconnaissance and target designation system, and the space echelon of the missile launch early detection system were developed and put into service. The creation of these systems made it possible to make a significant contribution to the strategic parity between the USSR and the USA.

The experience of production, technological and design activities, accumulated during the creation of these systems, prepared the necessary conditions for the appointment of Savin in 2004 to the post of general designer of the Almaz-Antey concern. In this position, he headed a number of developments and projects aimed at solving the most complex scientific and technical problem of creating a country's aerospace defense system, creating an integrated control system for the aerospace defense, developing the appearance of the main backbone component of the aerospace defense - the global information field.

Anatoly Savin was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor (1976). He was awarded the Lenin Prize (1972), as well as three Stalin and three State Prizes of the USSR and Russia. He was awarded four Orders of Lenin, as well as many other state awards.

Anatoly Ivanovich Savin(1920-2016) - Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of global space information and control systems and guided missile weapons. Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of state awards, author of more than 500 scientific papers and inventions. A direct participant in the creation and production of technological equipment for the production of weapons-grade uranium and plutonium, the developer of the country's integrated air defense system, the space echelon of early warning systems, as well as the naval space reconnaissance and target designation system of the Navy. He was called the "godfather" of the Soviet Star Wars program.


Born on April 6, 1920 in the city of Ostashkov, Tver province (now the Tver region). Father - Savin Ivan Nikolaevich (1887-1943), mother - Savina Maria Georgievna (1890-1973). In the mid-1930s, the family moved to Smolensk. In 1937, Savin graduated from high school with honors and went to Moscow, where, without entrance exams, he was admitted to the N.E. Bauman Mechanical Engineering Institute at the faculty of artillery weapons.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he joined the people's militia, but in August 1941, by decree of I.V. Stalin, along with other students who learned to create weapons, he was recalled to the rear. Savin was sent to the city of Gorky, to plant number 92, the largest enterprise in the USSR for the production of field and tank artillery. He took part in the design and launch of mass production of recoil devices for the gun of the T-34 tank and a number of other artillery pieces. He held the positions of shop foreman, senior control foreman of quality control department, design engineer, deputy head of the design department. In 1943, the 23-year-old student Savin was appointed chief designer of the Gorky Artillery Plant.

In 1946 he graduated from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University with a degree in Artillery Systems and Installations. In the same year, Savin received his first Stalin Prize.

In 1947, he was appointed chief designer of the design bureau for the design of special machines, created on the basis of the Gorky Artillery Plant on the instructions of Academician I. V. Kurchatov to solve the problems of the Soviet atomic project. Under the leadership of Savin, a technological chain was created for the diffusion separation of uranium isotopes. His merits in this area were marked by two more Stalin Prizes (1949, 1951).

In 1951, Savin was transferred to Moscow, to KB-1 (later MKB Strela, TsKB Almaz), where the Berkut anti-aircraft missile defense system was created. He worked as a department head, chief designer, head of OKB-41 (as part of KB-1), deputy general designer. He took part in the development of a number of complex systems of guided missile weapons of the classes "air-sea", "air-ground", "air-air", "sea-sea", "land-ground". Candidate of Technical Sciences (1959), Doctor of Technical Sciences (1965). He headed the work on the creation of the satellite destroyer orbital interception system.

In 1973, to coordinate work in the field of anti-satellite weapons, the Central Research Institute "Kometa" was organized on the basis of OKB-41 under the leadership of A. I. Savin. One of the results was the creation of a system of global satellite marine space reconnaissance and target designation "Legend", which made it possible to track the location of all US aircraft carrier groups and NATO strategic nuclear submarines, as well as to direct cruise anti-ship missiles from SSGNs of projects 949 and 949A at them. On March 15, 1979, Savin was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the Department of General Physics and Astronomy (specialty - radiophysics and electronics), on December 26, 1984 - Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the Department of Informatics, Computer Science and Automation (specialty - automated systems). In 1984 he was awarded the title of professor.

In 1999-2004 - scientific director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute" Kometa "". At the same time, he headed the basic department of the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation.



On March 27, 2016, at the age of 96, Academician Anatoly Ivanovich Savin, an outstanding scientist and general designer - the creator of global space systems that largely determined the defense capability of our country and its strategic position in the world, passed away.

The scientific, design and production activities of Academician A.I. Savina. He began his career at plant No. 92 in Gorky, making a huge personal contribution to the creation of the most massive artillery systems, participated in solving the atomic problem, in the 1950-1960s he was engaged in the creation of systems for reactive guided weapons, and starting from 1960 1990s to the present - created global space information systems and the latest air defense (AD) systems that ensure strategic balance and strategic deterrence, preventing world war.

Anatoly Ivanovich Savin was born on April 6, 1920 in Ostashkov. After graduation, he entered the Moscow Higher Technical School. N.E. Bauman (Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman) to the faculty of artillery weapons. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a senior student joined the people's militia, but was soon recalled from the front and sent to work in the city of Gorky at the largest plant for the production of field and tank artillery. Here, for the first time, his outstanding engineering, design and organizational abilities appeared. In 1941-1943. A.I. Savin designed and went into mass production a recoil device for the gun of the T-34 tank and a number of artillery pieces. In 1943 A.I. Savin was appointed Chief Designer of the Design Bureau (KB) of the Gorky Artillery Plant. During the war years, more than 100 thousand different guns and devices developed by Savin were produced, including the most massive artillery system - the 76-mm ZIS-3 gun.

At the beginning of 1946, a new stage began in the creative biography of the Chief Designer A.I. Savin, connected with the solution of the atomic problem. In the Design Bureau of the Gorky Plant, under his leadership, on the instructions of Academicians I.V. Kurchatov, I.K. Kikoina, A.P. Aleksandrova and A.I. Alikhanov developed a number of basic designs for key industrial technologies for obtaining enriched uranium and plutonium. A set of equipment for the diffusion separation of uranium isotopes was created, which made it possible to organize the production of weapons-grade uranium in the shortest possible time. Savin designed the most critical and complex system for unloading irradiated uranium blocks from the first commercial nuclear reactor for plutonium production. Beginning in 1948, he participated in the development of industrial uranium-graphite nuclear reactor (project OK-110) and a heavy water reactor (project OK-180).

During the Cold War, the task of creating effective systems of reactive guided weapons became a priority. This required the development of new methods and means of radar, thermal location, automatic control, etc. To solve these problems, by decision of the Government of the country in 1951, A.I. Savin was transferred to the Moscow Design Bureau-1, where under his leadership a number of complex combat systems of the Air-Sea, Air-to-Earth, Air-to-Air, Sea-Sea, Earth-to-Earth classes were developed.

In 1959, after graduating from graduate school, he defended his Ph.D., and in 1965 - his doctoral dissertation.

The experience of creating systems of reactive guided weapons, accumulated by A.I. Savin and the team formed by him, prepared the conditions for the transition to the creation of global space information and information management systems. The design of such systems began under the leadership of A.I. Savin in the 60s of the twentieth century. Under his leadership, complex systems for the early detection of missile launches were created; marine space reconnaissance and target designation; anti-space defense, a space system for lighting surface and underwater situations and a number of other systems, the successful operation of which, together with the country's nuclear missile shield, has become the basis for maintaining a strategic balance and strategic parity in the world to prevent a global nuclear war.

All space systems created under the guidance of A.I. Savin, were unique, they were distinguished by the novelty of the applied solutions and the absence of analogues. The creation of such systems would be impossible without the development of new scientific areas in the fields of physics, computer science, radio engineering, radio electronics and optoelectronics, without fundamental scientific research into the atmosphere, ocean, land and near-Earth space. The cycles of research works carried out under the guidance of Academician A.I. Savin in these areas ensured the formation of the physical foundations for the detection and identification of low-contrast small-sized and spatially extended objects on various background formations. An important place in the works of Academician A.I. Savin was occupied with research in the field of remote sensing of the Earth and the processing of large flows of information, the development of models of background-target conditions. He headed the Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences on the problems of image processing. The works of the scientific school of Academician A.I. Savin in the field of remote sensing of the Earth in order to see underwater scenes, as well as global and regional monitoring of the planet to ensure environmental safety and prevent emergencies. Achievements of the scientific school of Academician A.I. Savin in these areas are in many ways ahead of the foreign level. They are summarized in numerous monographs and scientific publications.

A.I. Savin was the largest organizer of science and production in our country. He is the founder, first general director and general designer of the Central Research Institute "Kometa" (currently - JSC "Corporation" Kometa ").

In 2004, Anatoly Ivanovich became the general designer of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern and worked in this organization until the last days of his life. He headed a number of scientific and technical developments and projects aimed at creating the most complex systems of the Aerospace Defense (aerospace defense) of the country, an integrated control system of the aerospace defense. He developed the appearance of the main system-forming component of the aerospace defense - the global information field.

WITH Avin Anatoly Ivanovich - a scientist in the field of creating information and control automated systems, radio physics and space radio engineering, General Designer and General Director of the Central Research Institute "Kometa" of the USSR Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Born on April 6, 1920 in the city of Ostashkov, now the Tver Region. Russian. From a family of employees (father is an accountant, mother is a teacher).

He graduated from elementary school in his hometown. In 1935 the family moved to Smolensk. In 1937 he graduated with honors from high school in Smolensk.

In the same 1937, without entrance exams, he was enrolled in the Moscow Higher Technical School (now Moscow State Technical University) named after N.E. Bauman, in 1940 he became a student at the faculty of artillery weapons.

With the outbreak of World War II in July 1941, he joined the people's militia, but even before being sent to the front he was recalled, evacuated to Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), where he was appointed senior control foreman of the recoil device shop at the artillery plant No. 92 named after I.V. Stalin. He very quickly got used to the technology for the production of artillery pieces and proposed a number of improvements in the design of the F-34 tank gun, and then developed a fundamentally new and more technologically advanced recoil device - one of the most important gun components. Despite the fact that the young specialist was not supported by the chief designer V. G. Grabin, with the support of the plant director A. S. Elyan, at a personal meeting with the People's Commissar of Armaments of the USSR D. F. Ustinov, Savin managed to achieve the introduction of recoil devices into production. This made it possible to increase the daily output of finished guns by several times.

Since 1942 - the head of the design department, and since 1943 - the chief designer of the artillery plant number 92 (while being a student, at the age of 23!). In this post, he made a significant contribution to the creation of the ZIS-S-53 gun and the ZIS-2 anti-tank gun.

In 1946, the chief designer was finally able to get a special education - he graduated from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University on the job.

Since 1945, the design bureau under the leadership of Savin was involved in work on the USSR nuclear project - he was entrusted with the creation of an experimental multi-stage installation for experimental verification of the main physical processes in order to determine the possibility of practical implementation of the enrichment factor (this installation became known under the name of diffusion plant No. 1). The work was supervised by the First Main Directorate of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (headed by B.L. Vannikov). For their implementation, a Special Design Bureau was created at the plant, the chief designer of which was A. I. Savin. The unit was developed on time and built in Nizhny Tagil. In the process of its creation, A.I. Savin designed a complex system for unloading irradiated uranium blocks and a heavy water reactor (project OK-180).

In 1951, he was transferred to Design Bureau No. 1 under the 3rd Main Directorate of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (creation of reactive guided weapons), was appointed deputy head of the design department, then became deputy chief designer S.L. Beria. In 1953, KB-1 was reorganized into SKB-41, in which Savin became deputy chief designer for air defense. Since February 1955 - Deputy Chief Designer of the SKB. At this stage of his activity, he became one of the creators of the Kometa air-to-sea missile system (adopted for service in 1952), air-to-sea defense systems K-10, K-22, "K-22 PSI", air-to-ground class "K-20", air-to-air class "K-5" and its modernization "K-5M", "K-51", "K-9" , land-to-sea class Arrow, land-to-land class Meteor, Dragon, sea-to-sea class P-15. Also, the team under his leadership made a huge contribution to the creation of a unique multi-echelon unified air defense system in Moscow (commissioned in 1953).

In the 1950s, A.I. Savin is a postgraduate student at KB-1, in 1959 he defended his thesis, in 1965 he defended his doctoral dissertation and became a doctor of technical sciences.

Since 1960 A.I. Savin is the head of OKB-41. By a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, it was reoriented to space topics, it was entrusted with the creation of an anti-satellite defense complex to intercept and destroy artificial military satellites of a potential enemy flying over the territory of the USSR. A.I. Savin also became the chief designer of such a complex. To solve the tasks set, OKB-41 carried out unique research work in optoelectronics, computer science, radio physics, radio engineering, radio electronics, in the field of fundamental scientific research of the atmosphere, ocean, land and near-Earth space. The physical foundations for the detection and identification of small-sized space objects against the background of various formations in the atmosphere, ocean, on land and in near-Earth space were formulated and put into practice. A special place was given to research in the field of computer science and image processing. Many of those created under the leadership of A.I. Savin's systems for remote vision of underwater scenes using optical and radar aerospace facilities are far ahead of the existing developments in the United States and other countries.

The result was the creation, in cooperation with OKB-52 (chief designer V.N. Chelomey), of a unique automated anti-satellite defense complex, the main components of which were a ground-based command and computing and measuring station (object 224-B), a special launch pad at the Baikonur training ground (object 334-B), launch vehicle and interceptor spacecraft. Testing of the complex began in 1968. The world's first successful defeat of a target in space took place in August 1970: the combat crew of the anti-space defense system (PKO) destroyed an artificial satellite of the Earth (in the USA, a similar defeat took place only in 1985). In 1979, the improved PKO complex was put on alert.

By the time the US Star Wars program began in 1983, the USSR had already destroyed up to a dozen satellites in space. In the same 1983, space tests in the USSR were terminated for political reasons, but the anti-space defense complex itself is still on alert.

Another major area of ​​work of OKB-41 was the creation of ground-based radio-electronic systems and on-board controls for spacecraft as part of the missile attack warning system (SPRN). This system also continues to be in service, ensuring the security of the Russian Federation.

In 1973, on the basis of the OKB-41 team, the Kometa Central Research Institute was established (since 1979 - the Kometa Research and Production Association, since 1985 - the Kometa Central Research and Production Association), General Designer and General Director which in 1973–1999 was A.I. Savin. The Central Research Institute also included the Mospribor plant and SKB-39, branches in Yerevan, Ryazan, Leningrad, Kiev, plants in Alma-Ata and Vyshny Volochek, separate divisions in the Moscow region and in Tbilisi.

In the 1970s, the Research Institute "Kometa" developed a system for the operational detection of launches and tracking the trajectories of the movement of intercontinental ballistic missiles by the radiation of the propulsion torch in the infrared range.

For outstanding services in the creation of the latest developments in weapons and in strengthening the defense power of the USSR, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 15, 1976 Savin Anatoly Ivanovich He was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

In the 1980s, a global system for detecting ICBM launches from aircraft, ground launchers and submarines was created, for which the Kometa Central Research Institute developed a broadband radio measuring control complex (RIUK), ground and onboard controls, algorithmic and software. Despite the collapse of the USSR, the loss of numerous divisions in the former Soviet republics and the rupture of a huge number of economic and technical ties, by 1990, work on the creation of the system was fully completed, and in the 1990s, its components were manufactured and launched (3 spacecraft), the equipment of ground components was debugged and regular programs for the analysis of special information were worked out. After the successful completion of flight design and state tests, by Decree of the President of Russia of December 25, 1996, the system was put into service. In total, under the leadership or with the active participation of A. I. Savin, 27 weapons systems were created.

Since May 1999 - scientific director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Research Institute "Kometa".

Since May 2004 A.I. Savin - General Designer of JSC Concern "PVO Almaz - Antey". Since May 2007, he has been the scientific director of JSC Concern PVO Almaz-Antey. In these positions, he was involved in the development of global information management systems (GIMS). At the same time, he conducted successful work in the creation of information and control systems in other areas, including the creation of global systems for monitoring the Earth, control of emergency situations (natural and man-made). The concern is also engaged in the creation of modern medical equipment for cardiodiagnostics and iridology.

Head of the Department at the Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics and Automation (1999-2004). Member of the Expert Advisory Council for Sustainable Development under the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Head of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problems of image processing. Member of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1984). Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1979). Member of the Department of Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problems of image processing. Doctor of Technical Sciences (1965, Candidate of Technical Sciences since 1946). Professor (1984). Author and co-author of over 500 scientific papers.

Member of the CPSU (b) in 1944-1991.

Lived in the hero city of Moscow. Died March 27, 2016. He was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.

He was awarded the Soviet 4 Orders of Lenin (6/6/1945, 12/8/1951, 04/26/1971, 09/15/1976), 3 Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (01/05/1944, 10/29/1949, 04/20/1956), the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree ( 11/18/1944), Russian orders "For Merit to the Fatherland" 2nd (04/06/2010) and 3rd (06/26/1995) degrees, medals.

Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1972), three Stalin Prizes (1946, 1949, 1951), State Prizes of the USSR (1981) and the Russian Federation (1999), State Prize of the Georgian SSR. Gold medal named after A.S. Popov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2010; for the series of papers “Physical foundations for the detection of low-contrast small-sized objects against the background of various formations in near-Earth outer space”). Gold medal named after A.A. Raspletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970).
