
Try to understand what you are living for, what you will have by the end of your life. A person comes into this world with nothing and leaves also without anything. The only thing that really matters is the spiritual experience gained. You may not believe in the existence of life, but a lot of evidence has accumulated confirming this phenomenon.

The presence of life after death changes a lot, and above all, the value system. The accumulation of wealth, the beautiful life in this world turns out to be a spiritual dead end. Having lived life, a person has not advanced on the path of knowing himself, the world, and God. There, beyond the line of life, he will be able to realize this, but it will be too late - the necessary experience must be acquired here.

What is necessary in order not to live this life in vain? Strive for what is really valuable, what is important there, in another world. Assess your character - how often do you get angry? If so, then you have something to work on. Anger, irritation, dislike are very bad qualities. Try a different model of behavior: instead of getting angry in some situation, track this moment and ask yourself - why? What throws me off balance? Is the situation worth it for me to be so nervous?

If you have learned to "catch your hand" at such moments, you can be congratulated on your first victory. Tracking negative emotion, you can defeat it, do not let it take over you. And this is precisely the victory of your spirit. Most negative emotions come to us from the outside, their path of penetration into consciousness is very well traced by monks. At the stage of the accusation, when a negative thought has just touched the mind, it is easy to reject it. But if you sympathized with her, let her into consciousness and nurtured her, she will gain power over you, begin to rule you. Track thoughts that arise in your mind, control them. Try to discern whether the thought that has come to you is good or evil. The ability to distinguish thoughts by their source - they come from light forces or from dark ones - is called spiritual vision.

Never "grind" any unpleasant situations in your mind. Very often people replay some events in their minds over and over again, evaluating their own and other people's behavior, sometimes these memories turn into fantasies about the unfulfilled - a person sees himself in a more role than it really was. Such thoughts are exhausting, take a lot of energy, so avoid them.

One of the most destructive qualities for a person is pride. Never put yourself down, do not allow feigned self-humiliation. Awareness of the insignificance of their capabilities - and they, initially, are really insignificant - should come by itself. To become everything, you have to become nothing. Only those who are not chasing after anything can get everything.

The rule "do not judge, that you will not be judged" should be elevated to an absolute. People are constantly doing things. By judging them as “good” or “bad,” you take on the role of judge. Don't judge people for what they do - just understand them. Having dealt with your own "sores" of consciousness, you will see them in other people - because all these problems are familiar to you. But to see is not to judge. On the contrary, by recognizing the root of the problem, you can help the person.

When a person's consciousness is freed from dirt, he begins to look at the world differently, to notice what he has not seen for a very long time. The long-forgotten ability to wonder and enjoy the world, to see its beauty returns to him. Such a person rejoices in the sun and rain, wind and starry sky. He truly loves this world, and he pays him in return.

Your relationships with people will improve significantly. A modern man is usually internally squeezed, he unconsciously expects a dirty trick from life. You may not be aware of this, but the hidden fear is still felt at the energy level, it cannot be hidden. And fear attracts aggressors. The more a person is afraid, the more often he gets into unpleasant situations. Conversely, inner calmness, openness and benevolence are perceived by the people around them as a manifestation of strength.

It is at this level that a person first understands what real unconditional love is. Love is not for something (this is conditional love), but simply because you love. To love this whole world without dividing it into good and bad, good and evil. Wake up with a joyful understanding that an interesting eventful day awaits you. And fall asleep with a smile, knowing that you have not lived this day in vain ...

Not everyone can call themselves a spiritually rich person. Sometimes such controversial criteria for definition are mixed up or replaced with obviously incorrect ones. What are the most accurate signs and what it means to be a spiritually rich person, the article will tell you.

  1. The criterion of humanity. What does it mean to be spiritually rich from the point of view of other people? Often these qualities include such qualities as humanity, understanding, empathy, and the ability to listen. Can a person be considered spiritually rich if they do not have these qualities? Most likely the answer is no. But the concept of spiritual wealth is not limited to these signs either.
  2. Education criterion. Its essence is that the more educated a person is, the richer he is. Yes and no, because there are many examples when a person has several formations, he is smart, but his inner world is completely poor and empty. At the same time, stories are known of individuals who had no education, but their inner world was like a blooming garden, from which they shared flowers with others. The nanny of A.S. Pushkin can be such an example. A simple woman from a small village did not have the opportunity to get an education, but Arina Rodionovna was so rich in her knowledge of folklore and history that, perhaps, her spiritual wealth became a spark that ignited the flame of creativity in the poet's soul.
  3. Criterion of the history of the clan and homeland. Its essence is that one cannot be called a spiritually rich person who does not carry the baggage of knowledge about the historical past of his family and homeland.
  4. The criterion of faith. The word “spiritual” comes from the word “spirit”. Christianity defines a spiritually rich person as a believer who lives according to the commandments and laws of God.

Signs of Spiritual Wealth in People

What it means to be a spiritually rich person is difficult to say in one sentence. For each, the main feature is something different. But here is a list of features, without which it is impossible to imagine such a person.

  • humanity;
  • empathy;
  • sensitivity;
  • flexible, lively mind;
  • love for the homeland and knowledge of its historical past;
  • life according to the laws of morality;
  • knowledge in various fields.

Where Spiritual Poverty Leads

In contrast to the spiritual wealth of a person, there is a disease of our society - spiritual poverty.

Understanding what it means to be a spiritually rich whole person cannot be revealed without negative qualities that should not be present in life:

  • ignorance;
  • callousness;
  • a life for one's own pleasure and outside the moral laws of society;
  • ignorance and non-perception of the spiritual and historical heritage of their people.

This is not the entire list, but the presence of several traits can already define a person as spiritually poor.

What does the spiritual impoverishment of the people lead to? Often this phenomenon pushes to a significant decline in society, and sometimes to its death. A person is so arranged that if he does not develop, does not enrich his inner world, then he degrades. The principle "do not go up - slide down" is very fair here.

How to deal with spiritual poverty? One of the scientists said that spiritual wealth is the only kind of wealth that cannot be deprived of a person. If you fill your inner world with light, knowledge, goodness and wisdom, then this will stay with you for life.

There are many ways of spiritual enrichment. The most effective of these is reading worthy books. This is a classic, although many contemporary authors also write good works. Read books, respect your history, be a person with a capital letter - and then poverty of spirit will not touch you.

What it means to be a spiritually rich person

Now we can clearly outline the image of a person with a rich inner world. A spiritually rich person, what is he like? Most likely, he is a good interlocutor, knows how not only to speak to be listened to, but also to listen so that one wants to talk to him. He lives according to the moral laws of society, is honest and sincere with his environment, he knows what empathy is, and will never pass by someone else's trouble. Such a person is smart, and not necessarily because of the education he received. Self-education, constant food for the mind and dynamic development make it so. A spiritually rich person is obliged to know the history of his people, the elements of its folklore, to be versatile educated.

Instead of a conclusion

Nowadays, it may seem that material wealth is valued above spiritual wealth. To some extent this is so, but another question, by whom? Only a spiritually impoverished person will not appreciate the inner world of his interlocutor. Material wealth will never replace the breadth of the soul, wisdom, moral purity. Empathy, love, respect are not bought. Only a spiritually rich person is capable of manifesting such feelings. Material things are perishable, tomorrow they may no longer exist. But spiritual wealth will remain with a person for his entire life, and will illuminate the path not only for him, but also for those who are with him. Ask yourself what it means to be a spiritually rich person, set yourself a goal and go to it. Believe me, your efforts will be justified.


Give examples of what a spiritually rich person does. Not from the internet.


A spiritually rich person is a person who may or may not have material wealth, but with a rich spiritual world. Such a person puts moral values \u200b\u200babove all, for example, he may share the latter with the poor, be open not only to friends, but also to strangers.

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Compare the guys' opinions about the meaning of the expression “strong and rich in spirit”. What is the contradiction?

For Sasha, a strong and spiritually rich one who instills fear in others and who is feared. The girls think that this is the person who should do the opposite, not like Sasha.

Formulate a question that can be asked based on this contradiction. Compare your wording with the author's (p. 201).

What kind of person can be called spiritually strong and rich?


Explain the meanings of the words: personality, character. (Dictionary)

Personality is a person with consciousness, i.e. received as a result of the development in society of the ability:

- to comprehend yourself and the world;

- to feel and experience your attitude to the world;

- by an effort of will to direct and control their activities, relying on a system of personal and social values.

Character is an individual combination of personality traits (traits), which determines the characteristics of behavior, a person's attitude to society, work, oneself, the level of development of volitional qualities.

What is the self-realization of a person? (§ 3-4)

Internal development.


Man is a spiritual being.

Read the text and answer the questions:

On the basis of what is a person formed as a spiritual being?

On the need for knowledge and recognition.

What is the meaning of spiritual life for a person?

In the process of spiritual life, a person's worldview is formed, which becomes the foundation for the development of relationships with loved ones, with society, with the world around them.

What spiritual needs determine human activity?

Learning and being meaningful in society

What are the elements of the human worldview?

Picture of the world, value system, personal goals.

Try to explain the meaning of the name of this scheme.

The spirituality of a person is the knowledge realized in a person about Good and Evil, about our society, his destiny and about everything that concerns the interaction of a person with himself and the world around him.


We carry out educational tasks.

1. Give some examples (situations) from the life of a spiritually rich person.

Leonardo da Vinci is a genius whose inventions were in many ways ahead of his time and are relevant now. The works of art that came out of the hands of the great Italian are still generally recognized masterpieces.

2. Describe how the worldview of an ancient person differs from the worldview of a modern person.

Ancient man's knowledge of the world was imperfect. And he explained the events taking place according to his capabilities. The worldview of a modern person is based on scientific knowledge.

3. Select one of the statements and answer the questions.

What did the thinker want to say with these words? Do you agree with him? Give 2-3 arguments in support of your positions.

A. "Never leave the road of duty and honor - this is the only thing from which we derive happiness." (French naturalist Georges Buffon (1707–1788) To live with a clear conscience, to act according to conscience.

B. "Pity is he who lives without an ideal." (Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818–1883) In the process of individual education and self-education of a person, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe moral ideal can play a decisive role. Young people often take a genuine or literary hero as an example, follow the example of a person who is moral for her authority.

Q. "Human activity is empty and insignificant when it is not animated by a lofty idea." (Russian thinker and writer Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (1828–1889) To achieve certain results in activity, a person needs to set a goal. Otherwise, he will get it: I do something, but I don’t know what will turn out. And lofty ideas, lofty goals leave a person in memory of many generations.When a man left his mark on the earth, it can be said that life was not lived in vain.

G. “The ideal is a guiding star. Without it there is no direction, and no direction - no life. " (Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828-1910) An ideal is a star that shows a person the way to his achievements. An ideal is not only a figure, clothes and other material values. You can try to be as kind and responsible as your parents, as wise like grandparents.

D. "Life without a certain worldview is not life, but a burden, horror." (Russian writer and playwright Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904) When the worldview is formed, then they use it, but do not notice and do not pay special attention to it. It exists as an invisible cognitive context of the practical life of a person. The need to have some kind of integral picture of the world or worldview is inherent in every person.

We solve life tasks.

Baby's difficult question

Situation. The younger sister heard the expression “spiritual food” and asks the adults to give her a taste of this food.

Role. Older brother or sister.

Result. An explanation in words understandable to a child, how spiritual food differs from ordinary food.

Spiritual food is not specific food. These are reflections about a person about what he lives for. What is good and evil. This is visiting museums, reading books. This is what the human soul feeds on.

We carry out projects.

1. Organize an exhibition of drawings and photographs on the theme "Worldview of ancient peoples".

For example. All photos are taken from the Internet.

2. Invite an outstanding person from your city or village to a class hour.

What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person? Definitely, on this issue everyone has their own opinion. Spiritual wealth is something ephemeral, it is impossible to calculate it by formulas, it is unthinkable to decompose it into molecules. It defies structuring and other computational methods. Spiritual wealth is the inner fulfillment of a person, consisting of noble thoughts, humanity and thirst for knowledge.


For some, it is easy to write an essay “What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person”, while others face difficulties at the first stage. This is mainly due to a lack of understanding of the terminology. Subconsciously, the student knows that a spiritually rich person is one who does the right thing and will never harm anyone. But he cannot explain it.

To unravel the question of what it means to be a spiritually rich person, you first need to understand what spirituality means. In journalism, spirituality means a set of traditions and values \u200b\u200bthat are concentrated in religious teachings and images of art.

Who is he, a spiritually rich person?

Yet the concept of spiritual wealth is complex and multifaceted. He can be associated with different philosophical and religious movements, the level of intelligence or the presence of principles, but this is not enough to answer the question of what it means to be a spiritually rich person. First of all, this is a full-fledged and harmonious personality with a full set of universal human qualities.

So what kind of person can you call spiritually rich? Firstly, this is a person who has deep, comprehensive knowledge, successfully applying it in practice. Like Leonardo da Vinci. The inventions of this genius were far ahead of his era and are relevant even now. But knowledge is not everything. It must be understood that any inventions must be used for the benefit of humanity. Take, for example, the creators of the atomic bomb. Indeed, such work is worthy of respect, but what were the scientists guided by when creating weapons of mass destruction? Obviously not the ideas of humanism. And by the way, a spiritually rich person never forgets about them.

Secondly, a spiritually rich person acts wisely and makes informed decisions. And thirdly, such people are distinguished by high morality, acting according to the laws of conscience.

Is that all?

To be spiritually rich means to have a worthy baggage of knowledge, to act humanely and to be guided by moral norms. But is that really all? Of course, such an answer will be counted and evaluated, but a truly spiritually rich person will remain a feeling of dissatisfaction with his work, caused by innuendo.

Therefore, when starting to write an essay "What it means to be a spiritually rich person", first of all, you should think about yourself. Am I satisfied with my actions? How do I feel looking at people and nature? What do I like and why? It would seem trivial questions, but it is behind them that the necessary answer is hidden.

Knowledge is power, but not humanity

It is said that a spiritually rich person is one who constantly strives for knowledge. And this is true. He fills his inner spiritual vessel with a variety of knowledge from the world of culture, religion, art. Such a person can support any conversation, show off his mind even among intellectuals. But here, too, you can find a controversial point. A person can turn himself into an encyclopedia, know the answers to hundreds of questions, but he never gets close to the sources of spiritual wealth. Of course, knowledge is power, but what is the point in it, if a person thoughtlessly quotes what is written in books.

Once S. Sukhomlinsky said: "A spiritually rich person is the one who has access to the entire spectrum of human feelings and relationships."

Behind the rays of the spectrum

Everyone can become a spiritually rich person if they fill themselves not only with information, but also with emotions. After reading another scientific article, first of all, you need to ask yourself whether I agree with this or not. And it's not scary if some doubts creep in - only in this way a person forms his inner spiritual space. If he is disgusted with some thought that does not correspond to his moral principles and values, he must accept it. To understand why he does not agree, and to form his attitude towards this or that issue. This is how spiritual food is created and assimilated.

In order to expand their spiritual heritage, a person must understand how other people may feel. Not looking for excuses for their actions, but realizing that this or that action had a motive. Every person wants to be happy. In pursuit of their desires, people can act rashly, risky and wrong. But what's wrong with wanting to snatch at least some happy moments from fate? And as soon as a person realizes this simple axiom, his spiritual vessel will be half full. He will understand that behind any actions there is always an ingenuous striving for simple human happiness, and then he will look at the world with different eyes. He will find the truth between the pretentious lines, see the hidden messages in the pictures and lend a helping hand to everyone who needs it.

I am the universe

A spiritually rich person is a person with the whole Universe inside. Seeing such a person in the company, it immediately becomes clear that he is made from a different dough. He is friendly, helpful, attentive and loves to smile. He will always find words of support and consolation, help solve a difficult problem and will certainly be able to tell more than one hundred amusing stories. Such people will never neglect anyone; they will tactfully express their disagreement and every minute, bit by bit, will fill their spiritual vessel.

Spiritually rich people always remain themselves, do not wear masks, do not play a role. They feel and understand others, with them, like no one else, you do not want to part. After all, unknown galaxies are hidden behind their outer shell, their thoughts are pure and noble, and their eyes always sparkle with happiness. They are happy simply that they exist, and there is still so much unknown in the world. They understand and accept their flaws, but want to fix them. They do not strive to become perfect, but simply want to show others that the world in which we live is really beautiful. This is an example of what it means to be a spiritually rich person.

Everybody once thought about how to become rich in soul. Some, of course, at first in life try to become rich financially and, unfortunately, do not have time to enrich themselves mentally. What do you think is more important - to be financially or mentally rich? Sure. Balance is needed in this matter, as in others. After all, if one does not interfere with the other, then this is generally wonderful. However, if something has a preponderance, then the person begins to be brought to the unnecessary side like a one-sided bird.

How much material wealth to have is a matter and opportunities for everyone. Very often material things cease to please and are replaced by other more modern ones. How much a person can accumulate is also a relative question and you should not compare yourself with King Solomon. By the way, if we mention Solomon, he was not only wealthy financially, as can be seen from history. But he is also very wise, which made him even richer and glorified him.
If we talk about spiritual wealth, then there is no limit to its accumulation and it does not require huge storage areas. This is a unique wealth, agree? There are words that even if you live a whole century, you will still have something to learn, so there is no ceiling to development.
How to become rich financially is another topic. The same article discusses how to become rich mentally, spiritually and examines the role of thinking on the path to wealth. Spiritual wealth is closely related to wisdom and discernment.
Aside from money, how would you describe a spiritually rich person?

Signs of spiritual wealth.

He has in himself a combination of wonderful qualities and knows how to correctly display them. For example, he is patient, perceptive, kind, forgiving, compliant, correct, pondering words, a good listener, etc.

High morality.

How to understand this? For example, a person is kind and that's good. Anyone turns to such a person and asks for a cigarette. What will a highly moral person do? Will not give. Smoking harms the health of the smoker himself and those around him, therefore, giving such a person a cigarette with his own hands means not showing love to him, but once again helping him harm himself. The same principle can be applied to other actions that are called bad habits or are contrary to morality.
If a person compromises some moral principles or even more so with his conscience, then this speaks of his spiritual, inner instability and immaturity. It can be fixed.


Yes, a person who has become a rich soul experiences inner satisfaction and this can be seen in his lifestyle and actions. This does not mean that he has become a hermit and does not need anything modern, but he knows how to correctly prioritize. For example, he has a happy family that he was able to preserve and support. He works well and does not set unrealistic goals. Do not forget that such a person can be rich materially, but this did not overshadow his eyes and he did not lose his humanity and understanding of the essence of the world.
Agree that it is very pleasant to communicate with such a person. Everyone can set himself such a goal to strive for spiritual development himself, despite his age and achievements.
Now let's consider how thinking, which seems to be tuned to material poverty, does not allow being rich both in soul and materially.

Being determines consciousness.

Before you agree with this phrase, you must first understand and comprehend it well. It implies the connection between the environment, the external world of a person on his way of thinking and, accordingly, his development.
Of course, there is also feedback when the inside affects the outside. This is also true. But if it is very difficult to change the internal, then it is easier to change the external. Therefore, here you can also see the urge to start at least with this. What does this mean in practice?
For example, if a person once bought a sofa or pasted wallpaper and these things were of course beautiful and new. But what happens to them over the years? Nothing is eternal under the Moon…. and what should be done with them then? To change, yes, it is necessary, if possible, to change those things that already look unworthy for new ones. This does not mean that you need to take out a loan and buy yourself a new kitchen set by all means. This means that you can dig up and look after yourself something worthy if what you have is already completely out of order.
A financially poor person thinks that he cannot afford to buy something new, and therefore he must take care of what he has. Of course, you need to protect what you have, but until that moment. When the thing looks good. However, a person gets so used to the appearance of things around him that he does not even notice their old age and slovenliness. There are more and more such things and a person begins to live in a very dull, dreary stop. And how to develop mentally in such an environment?
Such thinking in relation to the material can also transfer to the state of mind. A person may think that he will not become better, wiser, more polite and therefore ceases to strive for this. The process begins opposite to development, because if a person does not move forward, then he moves back. And a person begins to live with himself, when it was already possible for a long time to change something without undergoing any inconvenience.
As a result, a person remains poor both financially and mentally relative to his potential.

Change the outside to become rich in soul.

Naturally, you should also begin to correct your inner qualities, character, habits for the better. This is a long process, but very, very necessary. It is certainly more needed than a beautifully furnished apartment.
However, start small as well. Do you have pieces of furniture at home, things that no longer look worthy? This does not apply to some family values \u200b\u200bthat are kept in the box.
If you also "Suffer" from plushkin's syndrome, then of course getting rid of old things and replacing them with new ones is a feat for you. But by doing so you will change your external, your environment, and you will feel how something will change inside you. When the apartment is clean, when there is a beautiful chandelier and a sofa, when the baseboards are well pressed against the wall and the mailbox does not spoil the door, it really cheers up.
“I don't have much money! If I had money, I would have changed everything long ago! ”- you say. You are right, but only partially. You don’t have to do a renovation, but you don’t have to have an untidy external environment. After all, cleanliness and order do not require a lot of money. Look for options and you will find them.
For example, it is not necessary to buy a new sofa, especially if there is no possibility. But you can buy upholstery fabric and cover the sofa yourself. It costs much less and you can find the guide online.
Also with other household items.

Poverty does not justify disorder and slovenliness.

For a rainy day.

It's like a rule of thumb - to leave all good things for a rainy day.
Do you understand the difference between the first thinking described above and this? That person may not have good things and he does not seek to acquire them, but a person with such a mindset may have such good worthy things, but where? Correctly, they are hidden or removed "for a rainy day."
Again, a disclaimer - clarification that this does not mean that you should not be frugal and think about tomorrow. But for some, this develops to an extreme and they are preparing to use good things for some reason on a rainy day, which they are constantly waiting for, and not on a good real one.
This habit is deeply rooted. For example, a person has survived a war or famine, or a natural disaster, and he begins, as it were, to save up for future use, so that he no longer experiences a shortage. Or a person was brought up according to such rules of severe frugality.
But again, the thinking is not development, but the opposite.
A person can never afford to enjoy the benefits that are available to him, but he always waits for such a moment when they will be useful to him. That is, a person eats from a broken plate, while he has a whole set of new ones in a box in a closet. Or a person does not put on a new suit, but wants to inform the old one, which for some reason does not wear out. There are a lot of such examples. There are especially many such stereotypes among the elderly, which of course can be understood because of their past. But for some reason, the children of such elderly people do not encourage their parents to put on a new robe, buy a new jacket or buy a new kettle. Unfortunately, such children, even as adults, can use such dedication of their parents to their advantage, and for parents who cannot refuse their children, they constantly use everything old and drink tea from a beautiful mug only on special holidays.
If you have such a habit, then think about whether it will help you become a rich soul? If you do not allow yourself to enjoy the good that is yours, then will you allow yourself to develop and achieve success?

Cinderella Syndrome.

This is not Plyushkin's cider, as in the first case, and not a syndrome of not coming black day, as in the second case.
Here moments of the psyche are involved, which are responsible for love and the manifestation of this love for oneself. This is also associated with material manifestations, which are simply more noticeable, but then result in internal poverty. It can be described as follows.
For instance. A person has some goal to buy something, but he cannot afford it now, and he is saving and saving and saving. Since every year this item is getting more expensive, you need to save more. Here, too, a reservation - saving is not bad, it will be worse to sit on a loan that you cannot pay off. It's not bad to set a goal, even if it's a big one. And what is bad? It is bad that with the remaining money a person can no longer buy something for himself out of love for himself, he constantly lives as an ascetic. A person puts a material goal above self-love and above love for others.

For example, a woman in such a situation does not buy herself new sweaters, linen, dresses not quite modern and not even tasteful, because sometimes she does not even allow herself a minimum of a woman's wardrobe. And for example, children grow up who grow up in this environment, believe me, they can be the same adults outwardly, but also with complexes inside. For example, children may not set a goal for themselves and may have an even better financial situation, but they will not allow themselves to buy something new until the old is worn out. And if they buy something new for themselves, they will feel guilty that they spent money on themselves. This is the kind of artificially created poverty, both material and mental. And the person feels poor both materially and in soul.

Show love for yourself.

You shouldn't love material things more than yourself. Of course, there is such that a person can give his life for moral principles, but most likely the purchase of a summer residence, a car, repairs, etc. is not something that should take your love away.
You are already very economical and frugal, purposeful and patient, so be kinder to yourself and to your needs.
Do not blame yourself for excess if you bought something from the necessary. For example, a warm jacket for the winter, shoes, and the size of clothes for children is a need, not pampering.
This does not mean that you will now drain all the money and make up for everything from the past. No, remember, you want to become rich in soul, not just materially. Materially, with your qualities, you already live well, but inside you need to remove complexes.
You can also find a hobby or develop one that you already have. It will help you show love for yourself, although psychologically motivated hobbies are sometimes considered a necessity rather than a whim. Do something interesting for yourself and your family in your free time, of course. That is, make time for your soul, for yourself, your beloved or loved one.
After a while, you will see that buying something for yourself is not a crime, and that you look good despite the fact that you are also saving and acquiring something material. Do you know why this will happen? Because you will become a rich soul - you will be kind to yourself and to those around you, and you will receive joy and satisfaction from life not only after acquiring the thing for which you save up, but even now.
You can also set yourself a more realistic goal in terms of timing. For example, if you want a 2-storey cottage. You can buy a one-story apartment and then think about how to expand it, or then it may turn out that you have enough of it.
These moments at first glance are associated with the material, but they come from the mind, and also affect it back.
If the houses are untidy and old things, then this is the result of thinking, but until you get rid of such an environment, it will also oppress you further.

The external environment, as it were, programs a person for poverty of the soul, for emotional poverty.

If a child grew up in such an environment, then he gets used to it very much and does not even imagine life differently. Of course, poverty in childhood encouraged some, on the contrary, to get out of this and lead a different way of life. But most people break down under the gray weight.
Therefore, one should not think that children will grow up and will strive for a bright and clean after a difficult past. Possibly not a guarantee.
There is an expression that “ wealth is a state of mind "... Therefore, set yourself a goal to be rich in soul and mind. And one of the steps in this direction is to change your external environment, things and goals.
Be rich in soul!

The issue of spirituality is considered very widely at the moment. Everyone understands in their own way what it means to be a spiritually rich person. For some, this concept is inextricably linked with faith in God, someone expands the boundaries of their soul and improves with the help of Eastern practices, and someone simply acts as an altruist and puts the interests of others above their own, for example, as Mother Teresa did.

What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person?

The spiritually rich is rich because he prioritizes the needs of the soul, not the body. For him, it is not material values \u200b\u200bthat matter, but those that contribute to the improvement of the soul. By showing interest in religion, painting, music, and other types of art, a person learns the environment and social phenomena. As a result, his inner world is filled, a person develops from different sides, becomes an interesting interlocutor, thinking, having his point of view on everything.

A spiritually rich person strives for self-improvement. He learns new things, using the works and discoveries of famous artists, writers, poets. The actions and deeds of such a person are responsible and meaningful. Thoughts and motives always have a positive color, because he understands that the real treasure is not material values, but inner peace, strength of mind and spiritual values. But for those who are interested in what a spiritually rich person should be like, it should be said that soul fullness is achieved not only through knowledge. Most often this comes through suffering. Tests change the worldview, they say, turn the world upside down.

For those who ask themselves what it means to be spiritually rich, it is worth answering that a person can collect the luggage of knowledge all his life and never achieve perfection, and suffering does it in a shorter time. It happens that one single event turns the whole mentality upside down, crosses out the past life, dividing it into "before" and "after". After that, people often come to God, considering spiritual well-being as a relationship with a single Creator.

Distinctive features of a person with a rich inner spiritual world

Such people radiate some kind of inner light that seeps through a kind smile, a look of wise eyes and a desire to share their wealth with others.

High moral standards are characteristic of such people. They are endowed with honesty and responsibility, they have a sense of dignity, which is expressed in respect for others, benevolence and devotion.

Such people do everything not from the mind, but from the heart. They understand the true meaning of God's commandment "love your neighbor as yourself" and follow it.

Modesty and forgiveness are what distinguishes them. This is not only about forgiving other people, but also about yourself. They realize the depth of their mistakes and, first of all, repent to themselves.

Peace and harmony live in their hearts. There is no place for base passions and emotions. They understand the meaninglessness of feelings of guilt, aggression or anger and bring only good to the world.

Of course, becoming a person with a rich soul is not easy. A combination of all factors - upbringing, education and piety - plays a role here. You can be a devout person, but you still don’t understand what is the meaning of faith, but you can read a lot and develop, raise your intellectual level, but remain callous in your soul and hate everyone and everything. In general, spiritual wealth is inseparable from indulgence, wisdom, patience and willingness to lend a helping hand to your neighbor at any moment. Only by giving, without demanding anything in return, you can get rich.

The issue of spirituality is considered very widely at the moment. Everyone understands in their own way what it means to be a spiritually rich person. For some, this concept is inextricably linked with faith in God, someone expands the boundaries of their souls and improves with the help of Eastern practices, and someone simply acts, like the interests of others put above their own, for example, as Mother Teresa did.

What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person?

The spiritually rich is rich because he prioritizes the needs of the soul, not the body. For him, it is not material values \u200b\u200bthat matter, but those that contribute to the improvement of the soul. By showing interest in religion, painting, music, and other types of art, a person learns the environment and social phenomena. As a result, his inner world is filled, a person develops from different sides, becomes an interesting interlocutor, thinking, having his point of view on everything.

A spiritually rich person strives for self-improvement. He learns new things, using the works and discoveries of famous artists, writers, poets. The actions and deeds of such a person are responsible and meaningful. Thoughts and motives always have a positive color, because he understands that the real treasure is not material values, but inner peace, strength of mind and spiritual values. But for those who are interested in what a spiritually rich person should be like, it should be said that soul fullness is achieved not only through knowledge. Most often this comes through suffering. Tests change the worldview, they say, turn the world upside down.

For those who ask themselves what it means to be spiritually rich, it is worth answering that a person can collect the luggage of knowledge all his life and never achieve perfection, and suffering does it in a shorter time. It happens that one single event turns the whole mentality upside down, crosses out the past life, dividing it into "before" and "after". After that, people often come to God, considering spiritual well-being as a relationship with a single Creator.

Distinctive features of a person with a rich inner spiritual world
  1. Such people radiate some kind of inner light that seeps through a kind smile, a look of wise eyes and a desire to share their wealth with others.
  2. High moral standards are characteristic of such people. They are endowed with honesty and responsibility, they have a sense of dignity, which is expressed in respect for others, benevolence and devotion.
  3. Such people do everything not from the mind, but from the heart. They understand the true meaning of God's commandment "love your neighbor as yourself" and follow it.
  4. Modesty and forgiveness are what distinguishes them. This is not only about forgiving other people, but also about yourself. They realize the depth of their mistakes and, first of all, repent to themselves.
  5. Peace and harmony live in their hearts. There is no place for base passions and emotions. They understand the meaninglessness of feelings of guilt, aggression or anger and bring only good to the world.

Of course, becoming a person with a rich soul is not easy. A combination of all factors plays a role here - education, and piety. You can be a devout person, but you still don’t understand what is the meaning of faith, or you can read a lot and develop, raise your intellectual level, but remain callous in your soul and hate everyone and everything. In general, spiritual wealth is inseparable from indulgence, wisdom, patience and willingness to lend a helping hand to your neighbor at any moment. Only by giving, without demanding anything in return, you can get rich.
