Forms of social and pedagogical assistance to the family.

The family institution is the institution of emotional relations. Every child today, as at all times, expects from his relatives and people close to him (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother) unconditional love: he is loved not for good behavior and grades, but just the way he is and the way he is. he is, and for the fact that he just is.

The family for the child is also a source of social experience. Here he finds role models, here his social birth takes place. And if we want to raise a morally healthy generation, then we must solve this problem "with the whole world": school, family, community.

Conventionally, the forms of work of a social pedagogue with the family can be divided into four groups:

  • Individual
  • Group
  • Collective
  • Visual and informational.

1 group - individual : conversations. counseling, social patronage, home visiting.

2 group - group: group consultations, trainings for a group of parents who have similar problems in raising a child, creating self-help groups - this form is more suitable for parents of Jr. schoolchildren

Group 3 - collective: various types of meetings, question and answer evenings, meetings with representatives of medical and social services, holding an open day, organizing leisure activities,

4 group - visual and informational:exhibitions of creative works, visual agitation, leaflets, booklets, memos, etc.

One of the forms of work of a social pedagogue with a family issocial patronage, which is a visit to the family at home for diagnostic and adaptation-rehabilitation purposes, which allows you to establish and maintain long-term ties with the family, timely identifying its problem situations, providing immediate assistance.

Patronage provides an opportunity to observe the family in its natural environment. That allows you to reveal more information than lies on the surface. Conducting patronage requires compliance with a number of ethical principles: the principle of family self-determination, voluntary acceptance of assistance, confidentiality, therefore, as a rule, it is necessary to find opportunities to inform the family about the upcoming visit and its goals.

Patronage can be carried out for the following purposes:

diagnostic:familiarization with living conditions, the study of possible risk factors (medical, social, domestic), the study of existing problem situations;

control : assessment of the state of the family and the child, the dynamics of problems (if contact with the family is repeated); analysis of the course of rehabilitation measures, the implementation of recommendations by parents, etc.;

adaptation and rehabilitation:provision of concrete educational, intermediary, psychological assistance.

Regular patronage is necessary for dysfunctional and, above all, asocial families, constant monitoring of which disciplines them to some extent, and also allows them to timely identify and counteract emerging crisis situations.

Another form of work of a social educator with the family is socio-pedagogical monitoring mi. Monitoring is a scientifically substantiated system of periodic collection, generalization and analysis of socio-pedagogical information about the processes taking place in the family, and the adoption of strategic and tactical decisions on this basis.

Basic principles of monitoring: completeness, reliability, consistency of information; efficiency of obtaining information and their systematic updating; the comparability of the data obtained, which is ensured by the unity of the chosen positions in the collection and analysis of information; a combination of generalizing and differentiated assessments and conclusions.

The essence of socio-pedagogical monitoring of the family is the integrated use of all sources of data on the processes and events of family life, as bearing natural character (information offered by family members on their own initiative; direct and indirect observation, compositions and graphic works of children about the family, etc.), and received during speciallyorganized research(survey, questionnaire, method of expert assessments, biographical method, psychological methods for identifying indicators of intra-family relations, etc.)

A very effective form of monitoring is the Acquaintance questionnaire.

QUESTIONNAIRE "Acquaintance"

1 .Name of the mother (persons replacing them)

2. Place of work, position, contact phone number of the mother

3. Full name of the father (persons replacing them)

4. Place of work, position, contact phone number of the father

5. Education of mother and father (persons replacing them)

6 .Home address, telephone

7. Family members living with the student

8. Material and living conditions (a separate room or a separate corner for a child,

job availability)

9. Family traditions (birthdays, collective cinema or theater visits,

school and other holidays)

10. Hobbies of family members (sports, fishing, needlework, cooking, collecting,

pet care, art, etc.)

11. Hobbies of the child, circles, sections.

12. Responsibilities of the child at home.

13. Who is primarily involved in raising a child.

14 .Methods of education (persuasions, persuasion, explanations, demands, punishments,

encouragement, friendly contact)

15. Child's friends, go to visit

16. Which subjects in the school curriculum do not cause difficulties, which ones do.

17. With what mood most often the child comes from school.

18. How are relations with teachers and school administration developing?

19. How are family relationships

20. How do you organize the child's activities (assistance in completing children's activities,

cultural joint leisure, the child finds his own business)

21. How often do you attend parent meetings?

Social pedagogue: G.V. Zharkova

Parents: ()

Along with patronage, which occupies an important place in the activities of a social pedagogue, one should highlightcounseling conversationsas one of the forms of work with the family. Counseling, by definition, is designed to help parents who are having difficulty coping with life's challenges.

A social educator, working with a family, can use the most common counseling techniques: conversation, emotional infection, suggestion, persuasion, artistic analogies, mini-trainings, active listening, etc.

Telephone consultation.The peculiarity of this technology is that communication takes place through an intermediary - a telephone, the minuses and pluses of this method: there is no visual contact, you can not use non-verbal means of communication.

"Electronic diary, electronic SMS"

Method "letter-appeal".A means of communication through a piece of paper, with or without delayed feedback. The purpose of the letter of appeal: to provide information or request it, a petition; protection of rights. Letter of congratulations, support.

You can also use request sheet - at the personal request of parents - specialists are involved - he conducts consultations.

Preparation and participation in extracurricular and out-of-school work, economic assistance.

Systematic versatile pedagogical education of parents, i.e. familiarizing them both with the basics of theoretical knowledge and with the practice of working with students.

Involving parents in active participation in the educational process, for example - not accepting a child in a team, breaking contacts with classmates - it was proposed to organize a family evening with educational games with the invitation of classmates.

Formation in parents of the need for self-education. For example - a mother talks about the problem of communicating with a child, but she cannot come to school (a small child) - she gave the website address with Parental video consultations.

2. Along with individual counseling conversations,group work with families(families) – consultations and trainings.

Group consultation.This method can be used at a parent-teacher meeting - where the social teacher, in addition to informing on a specific topic, organizes a discussion of specific situations, shows video materials, inviting parents to speak out. Conducts role-playing games. For example, “Morning in your house”, “The child came from school”, “Family Council”, etc.

Socio - psychological training- for parents who have similar problems in raising a child, it is defined as an area of ​​​​practical psychology, focused on the use of active methods of group psychological work in order to develop competence in communication.

Group working methods provide an opportunity for parents to share experiences with each other, ask questions and seek support and approval in the group. In addition, the opportunity to take on a leadership role in the exchange of information develops the activity and confidence of parents.

3 Collective methods of working with families- various types of meetings, evenings of questions and answers, meetings with representatives of medical and social services, holding an open day, organizing leisure activities.

4 Visual informationmethods of working with families- exhibitions of creative works, the release of visual propaganda, booklets, leaflets, memos, etc.

For many parents, a reminder of responsibility is important and effective - in the form of a Memo, which contains excerpts from the Law ... Especially since they get acquainted with this under the signature! They are given a memo...

To ensure favorable conditions for the life and upbringing of the child,

the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality, it is necessary to strengthen and develop close ties and interaction between the school and the family.
The above material from work experience is necessary for the two systems (school and family) to become open to each other and help to reveal the abilities and capabilities of the child.

And if the above work with parents is carried out in the system and not “on paper”, then it will gradually give certain results: parents from “spectators” and “observers” will become active participants in meetings and assistants to the school and administration, as this will create an atmosphere of mutual respect . And the position of parents as educators will become more flexible, as they have become direct participants in the educational process of their children.

Social pedagogue Zharkova G.V.

types of social and educational activities:

· psychosocial work;

medical and social work;

social and legal work;

· cultural and leisure work;

information and educational work.

Theoretically, it can be assumed that preventive activities should be carried out in all institutions and organizations where mass work with children is carried out. From this point of view, the following types of socio-pedagogical activities, which have their own specifics, can be distinguished:

· socio-pedagogical activity in educational institutions;

· socio-pedagogical activity in children's public associations and organizations;

· socio-pedagogical activity in institutions of creativity and leisure of children;

· socio-pedagogical activity in places of summer recreation for children;

· socio-pedagogical activity in confessions.

Work on the social rehabilitation of children with deviations from the norm should be meaningfully focused on various categories of such children, which gives reason to single out several types of social and pedagogical activities, each of which requires the use of special, specific approaches, methods and technologies:

social and educational activities with children with developmental disabilities;

· socio-pedagogical activity with children with pedagogical deviations;

social and educational activities with children left without parental care;

· socio-pedagogical activity with children of deviant (deviant) behavior.

In the intermediary work of a social pedagogue, socio-pedagogical activities with the family are of particular importance. This is due to the most important role played by the family in the process of socialization of the child. It is the family that is the closest society, which ultimately determines what will be the impact on the child of all other social factors. Therefore, the work of a social pedagogue with the family is an obligatory component of his social and pedagogical activity with all categories of children with problems, and sometimes even in preventive work.

Each social pedagogue should have an idea about all types of social and pedagogical activities, although in his practical work he will most likely carry out only a few of them, maybe even one, which depends on the specifics of the institution where he will work.

6. Socio-pedagogical activity in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care.

In a foster family, a social educator performs a patronizing role. The adaptation of the child in the foster family begins, which is associated with emerging problems, both for the child and for the parents. Therefore, at this stage, an in-depth parent training course is conducted, which is a continuation of the introductory course. A social educator with other specialists is developing a new program. The content of parental education in a foster family depends on many circumstances: which family adopted the child (large, childless, one or two parents act as parents, what is the age of the adoptive parents, what are the motives that prompted adults to take the child into the family, etc., as well as from the individuality of the child adopted into the family (age, gender, the presence of a disease, the presence of biological parents, etc.).

Further patronage of the foster family is associated with the timely identification and resolution of problems that may arise in the foster family in the education and upbringing of the child, preventing the refusal of foster parents from him

Social assistance and protection of the rights of the child

One of the main tasks of social assistance to a child is the organization of his future fate, taking into account the totality of circumstances in each specific case. Main groups of children:

1. Orphans whose parents have died;

2. Children whose parents are deprived of parental rights;

3.Children temporarily deprived of parental care (are in the hospital, under investigation, wanted, in conclusion)

4.Children from families where they have been physically or sexually abused; from families where children are not fed, they are left unattended for the whole day or night, where parents drink or rowdy, i.e. where their further stay becomes life-threatening;

5.Children of internally displaced persons;

6. Children whose dwelling is in a state of disrepair, or it does not exist at all, or does not meet sanitary and hygienic standards.

Before making a decision on a child, determining the scope of assistance activities, it is necessary to determine the scope of assistance activities; or educational institutions. All this work is mainly carried out by the social pedagogue.

The main functions of a social educator when working with children left without parental care:

Collection of information regarding the social status of the child. For this purpose, the teacher visits the child's family, studies the material conditions, draws up an act of examining living conditions, determines the psychological and moral climate in the family, the attitude of parents to the child, contacts other relatives, neighbors, school, police and other institutions.

Collection and maintenance of documentation for each child in a personal file established for him. The folder collects information about the family, acts of visiting the child's family, a birth certificate (or a copy), a social number, an insurance policy, a savings book, an inventory of property, a court decision and copies of the verdict, requests to various authorities, etc. It must be noted what kind of help and support was provided to the child, and the alleged decision of his future fate. For this purpose, the "Social card of the child" is used. Such a map is convenient for assessing the child's life situation, the correctness of accompanying the child, since all activities are recorded in the diary.

Establishing contacts and maintaining communication with other institutions involved in providing assistance to children from disadvantaged families.

Assistance to the director of the institution in preparing documents for initiating criminal cases in the interests of the child for adoption, custody or transfer to another institution.

Social support for the child (placement in school, vocational school, etc.).

Observation of the living conditions of children who lived in an orphanage and returned to their families or taken under guardianship.

It is clear that these tasks require close contact between the social educator and the entire teaching staff.

It follows from the foregoing that an important task of the social pedagogue is to study the living conditions of the family in order to make the right decision about the possibility of returning to the family. It should be noted that the social teacher does not have punitive functions, his task is to assess the situation more fully, and for this it is necessary to establish contact and understanding with the child and relatives. To achieve mutual understanding between the social worker and the client, we use a number of techniques recommended by foreign psychologists. In this case, the word "client" refers both to parents or other family members, and to the child himself.

Start a conversation with a "warm-up" - a conversation on neutral topics. It is especially important to observe this rule when starting a conversation with teenagers, as they are going through a stage of liberation from the influence of adults and are wary of trying to enter their world.

Demonstrate a sympathetic response, express understanding of the complexity of situations. Sensitivity contributes to the establishment of contact, as the interlocutor begins to perceive the social worker as a person interested in his fate.

Treat the client “like a native - be natural, sincere, not suppress your feelings. The manner of communication is open, unconstrained. This way of communication contributes to the neutralization of negative emotions of the client.

Before studying the problem of interest to the social worker, attention should be paid to the current state of the client at the time of the interview.

After such preparation, you can proceed to the study of the problem of interest. During further conversation, use encouraging remarks to provide feedback. It happens that one visit is not enough, you have to make repeated visits. Each time, a detailed informal report of the social pedagogue is compiled in the "Notebook for registering family visits", which sets out the living conditions, the situation at the time of the visit, the behavior of parents and other family members, their reaction to information about the child. These acts or reports are a document that can be used when initiating a case for the deprivation of parental rights or the selection of children in court. When for various reasons it is not possible to get into the family or the parents refuse to talk, then it is necessary to interview neighbors and other relatives.

Families where children were corrupted, forced to steal, deceive, did not care at all about their placement in school. Children from these families did not have a bed and slept in rags on the floor, from which even the linoleum was removed and soaked by their parents.

Thus, a visit by a social pedagogue to the child's family makes it possible to resolve the issue of returning the child to the family. Or getting him out of a situation that is dangerous to his life and health. If the return of the child to the family for one reason or another is impossible. But relatives do not want or cannot take him under guardianship, documents are being prepared to transfer him to a boarding school or orphanage.

Social assistance to children also includes assistance in solving life problems, i.e. securing existing housing for a child, as well as opening accounts with Sberbank for various types of pensions (for the loss of a breadwinner, social, alimony of parents deprived of parental rights.

In Russia, a legislative framework has been created that allows, to one degree or another, to protect the fundamental rights of a child in a difficult life situation. Full state provision of orphans and children left without parental care is the provision of free meals, a free set of medical care or reimbursement of their full cost for the period of their stay in the appropriate state or municipal institution, in the family of a guardian, trustee, foster parents.

7. Social and educational activities in institutions for children with disabilities

Children with disabilities are children whose health condition prevents the development of educational programs or makes it difficult without special conditions for education and upbringing. These are children with disabilities or children aged 0 to 18 years who are not recognized as children with disabilities in the prescribed manner, but who have temporary or permanent deviations in physical and (or) mental development and who need to create special conditions for education and upbringing.

The group of schoolchildren with disabilities is rather heterogeneous. It includes children with various developmental disorders: hearing, vision, speech, musculoskeletal, intellect disorders, with severe disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, including autistic disorders, with mental retardation, with complex developmental disorders. The area of ​​differences in the development of children with disabilities is very large. It ranges from children who develop normally but experience temporary difficulties to children with irreversible damage to the central nervous system. From a child who is able, with special support, to learn together with normally developing peers, to children who need an individual education program adapted to their abilities. At the same time, such boundaries of differences are observed not only in the group of students with disabilities, but also in the group of students with various developmental disabilities.

Under such conditions, a general education institution should be adapted to the needs and abilities of children with disabilities in health.

Children with disabilities, along with the cognitive interests and educational needs characteristic of their peers, have their own special learning needs:

The beginning of the child's education is necessary immediately after the identification of a primary developmental disorder;

The education of a child with disabilities should be individualized to a greater extent than is required for a normally developing child;

Introduction to the content of the child's education special sections that are not present in the education programs of normally developing peers;

The use of methods, techniques and teaching aids that provide the implementation of "workarounds" of learning and facilitate the assimilation of educational material;

Providing a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment;

Maximum extension of the educational space beyond the boundaries of the educational institution.

Taking into account the special needs of various categories of children with disabilities, due to the nature and severity of disabilities, focusing on the maximum satisfaction of these needs, along with the need to implement a general standard of education, is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of teaching students with disabilities. Only by satisfying the special educational needs of such a child can the path to general education be opened to him.

As the study shows, an important role in this moment is played by social and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in health, which is designed to solve the following tasks:

Creation of an adaptive educational environment that ensures the satisfaction of both general and special educational needs of a child with disabilities;

Ensuring an individual pedagogical approach to a child with disabilities, taking into account the specifics and severity of developmental disorders, social experience, individual and family resources;

Building training in a special way - with the allocation of special tasks, sections of the content of training, as well as methods, techniques and means of achieving those educational tasks that, under the conditions of the norm, are achieved by traditional methods;

Integration of the process of mastering knowledge and learning skills and the process of developing social experience, life competencies;

Providing assistance to the child and his family, assistance to teachers;

Development of specialized software and methodological complexes for teaching children with disabilities;

Coordination and interaction of specialists of different profiles and parents involved in the education process;

Increasing the professional competence of teachers in the education and development of children with disabilities of various specifics and severity;

In connection with the identified tasks, the following results are predicted:

The exit of children with disabilities from the state of isolation from society;

Implementation of the constitutional rights of children with disabilities to education in accordance with their capabilities;

Getting them education in accordance with individual capabilities;

Realization of oneself in society;

Improving the quality of life;

Mastering knowledge, social skills;

However, the contradictions inherent in the education of children with disabilities, due to the desire for equal rights with unequal opportunities, come to the fore, namely:

Between the need of children with disabilities to learn, develop together with their peers and their disabilities;

Between the costs, efforts to educate children with disabilities and similar costs and efforts in relation to their peers;

Between general and special in teaching children with disabilities who have disorders of various origins;

Between the humanistic effect and the economic efficiency of inclusion; and etc.

The purpose and meaning of social and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in general education schools is to assist in the full development and self-realization of children with certain disabilities, to help them master the general education program. The acquisition of the most important social skills, taking into account the individual typological characteristics of students in cognitive, physical, emotional development.

The development of the educational program is designed to provide an introduction to the culture of a child who falls out of the educational space due to the peculiarities of his physical or mental development. For this, it is necessary to use integrative forms, organizing the education of children with disabilities in general educational institutions.

Integrative education in the form of home education at a general education school involves the opening of a specialized class or department of home education for children with disabilities studying according to individual programs and plans at home and at school with a significant number of general developmental activities and activities.

The child receives an education that can be compared in terms of the level of the academic component with the education of healthy peers, while being in an environment of peers with similar developmental problems and in a longer calendar period. The educational place is organized in accordance with the peculiarities of the development of schoolchildren and is additionally redesigned for a particular child.

In order for this model to be assimilated, it is necessary to organize special training and education to meet special educational needs. In this case, it is necessary to increase attention to the formation of full-fledged life competence, to the use by students of the acquired knowledge in real life conditions.

Due to the inevitable simplification of the educational and upbringing environment, it is necessary to adapt this environment as much as possible to the physical limitation of the child and his life experience and interaction with healthy peers, therefore, special work is required to introduce the child to a more complex social environment. The main significance of such work is the gradual and systematic expansion of the life experience and daily social contacts of the child.

The main task of an educational institution in cooperation with specialists is the development and adjustment of individual curricula and programs for each child from a specialized class based on the study of his characteristics, mental and physical resources and limitations; summarizing experience and learning outcomes at earlier stages.

An important condition for improving the educational process in a specialized class or department of home education should be a comprehensive socio-pedagogical support for the psychological state of the child; development of his social intelligence, independence, ability to overcome difficulties. Thus, the role of the social and pedagogical support service in an educational institution is significantly increased.

The introduction of students with disabilities in health into the context of generally accepted cultural values ​​opens up the possibility for them to rethink their own lives; sets new pace for the implementation of personal tasks, awakens the desire, readiness to take an active life position in society.

Thus, receiving education, a child with disabilities acquires useful knowledge, skills and abilities, reaches the maximum level of life competence available to him, masters the necessary forms of social behavior, and is able to implement them in a family and society.

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Among the twenty thousand professions officially registered by the International Labor Organization, there is also the profession of "social teacher". Despite the fact that for more than fifteen years the institution of social pedagogues (as a profession) has been introduced in Russia, designed to provide a system of social assistance and protection of the population, many citizens know little about this. Social assistance to children is fundamentally different from social assistance to any category of the adult population in that it must necessarily have a pedagogical component related to the upbringing and education of the child, his development and successful socialization. Consequently, the activity aimed at providing social assistance to children is socio-pedagogical and is a kind of pedagogical activity.

Professional socio-pedagogical work is one of the main ways of society's response to a new social situation. The difficult modern socio-economic situation, political instability and declining living standards determine the relevance of developing and improving the system of human social protection, its infrastructure and staffing.

The relevance of this topic is indicated by the fact thatSocial work in schools is becoming more and more popular. In light of the social problems inherent in the school and other educational institutions, the participation of social workers, social educators and psychologists is becoming increasingly necessary.

Social workers are increasingly involved in the process of socialization and personality formation. In our country, both social educators and social workers work in the education system to help children and adults overcome certain life difficulties.

Social pedagogy as a practical activity is mainly focused on working with children and families. If for some reason the parents are unable to help the child in solving his problems, the social pedagogue seeks to fulfill this task.

Social work in the school is designed to focus mainly on those shortcomings that teachers themselves, students and their parents point out, applying alternative concepts to eliminate them.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the social service at school is designed to organize active cooperation between the school administration, teachers, students and parents, as well as external social structures with them to provide real, qualified, comprehensive and timely assistance to children and teachers in protection of their personal rights and prevention of their violation.

In this work, the object is the work of a social teacher in educational institutions, and the subject is the forms, methods and principles of work of a school social teacher.


reveal the professional status of a social teacher at school.

Tasks :

identify methods and forms of activity of a social worker in educational institutions.

1. Features of social work in an educational institution

1.1. Responsibilities of a social educator in school in modern conditions

Social(from lat. socialis- public) - means "associated with the life and relationships of people in society." Therefore, the social service should be focused on solving the problems of socialization of a person, his upbringing, protection of his rights, assistance in resolving the problems of self-realization in the environment of life.

A social educator is a key figure in the school, called upon to unite the efforts of the family, school, community, to help the child.

The problem of the development of social pedagogy in Russia is very relevant. Officially, the profession of "social teacher" appeared in our country only about ten years ago.

At present, there is the necessary regulatory framework for the introduction of rates of social teachers in the staffing table. In accordance with Article 55 of the Law “On Education”, the rate of a social pedagogue - organizer, as well as a social pedagogue, is 36 hours of pedagogical work per week. Vacation 36 working days or 42 calendar days (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 1994 No. 1052).

Now consider the main job responsibilities of a social educator. The social pedagogue organizes educational work in the classroom, aimed at the formation of a general culture of the individual, the adaptation of the individual to life in society, and respect for the natural environment. It studies the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the individual and its microenvironment, living conditions, identifies interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in behavior and promptly provides social assistance and support to students and pupils, acts as an intermediary between the individual and the educational institution, family, environment , authorities. It contributes to the realization of the rights and freedoms of students, the creation of a comfortable and safe environment, and the protection of their life and health. Creates conditions for the development of talents, mental and physical abilities of students during extracurricular time. Interacts with teachers, parents (persons replacing them), specialists of social services, family and youth employment services and other services in assisting students, children in need of guardianship and guardianship, children with disabilities, as well as those who find themselves in extreme situations. Participates in the development, approval and implementation of educational programs of the institution, is responsible for the quality of their implementation within its competence.

1.2. The status of a social educator in an educational institution

The content of the work of a social pedagogue in accordance with the qualification characteristic is determined by its pedagogical orientation. This means that all his professional activity, in fact, is a set of measures for the upbringing, education, development and social protection of the individual in institutions and at the place of residence of students.

A social pedagogue organizes and conducts consultations on rights and obligations, available benefits and allowances, offers possible solutions to the problems of participants in the educational process, provides social assistance and support, using the full range of available legal opportunities and means.

The main job responsibilities of a social educator consist of:

Organization of educational work in the classroom;

Directions for the formation of a common culture of the individual;

Adaptation of the individual to life in society;

Respect for the environment;

The study of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the personality and its microenvironment, living conditions;

Identification of the interests and needs of pupils;

Disclosure of problems, conflict situations;

The study of deviations in behavior;

Providing timely social assistance and support to students and pupils

Act as an intermediary between the individual and the educational institution, family, environment, authorities;

To promote the realization of the rights and freedoms of students;

Create a comfortable and safe environment, ensure the protection of life and health of students;

Create conditions for the development of talents, mental and physical abilities of students during extracurricular time;

Interact with teachers, parents (persons replacing them), specialists of social services, family and youth employment services and other services in assisting students, children in need of guardianship and guardianship, children with disabilities, as well as those in extreme situations;

Participate in the development, approval and implementation of educational programs of the institution, be responsible for the quality of their implementation within their competence;

Conduct periodic raids on student families.

Areas of work of a social educator:

Working with children at risk;

Prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking;

Prevention of vagrancy;

Working with orphans;

Working with children in care;

Working with incomplete families;

Working with children whose parents are alcoholics;

Working with child activists;

Working with disabled children, etc.

The social educator deals with the following issues:



Tobacco smoking.

social depression.




Forced migration.

Natural disasters.

Mental upheavals.

Social maladjustment.

The school social teacher - in the organization of his work pays special attention to protecting the child from parental cruelty, selfishness, permissiveness.

The social educator identifies children in need of social assistance. These are underachieving children who, due to their abilities, cannot master the school course. These are children who experience stress or in a group of peers at school or family. These are sick children, with certain shortcomings, schoolchildren who have become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Most often they are registered with the commission on juvenile affairs. Also, they are gifted children.

The social pedagogue becomes the organizer of the student's extracurricular time, uniting in his educational work with his parents. He coordinates the work of the teaching staff with difficult children, families, with the surrounding social microenvironment and the community of the microdistrict. The social pedagogue periodically informs the teaching staff of the school about the psychological climate in the classes, about each difficult child and about helping him. Children expelled from school are helped by a social worker to be placed in another school.

Revealing problems and difficulties in the sphere of family, communication and relations of people, the social pedagogue differentiates the identified problems and “brings” social workers, specialists of various profiles and departmental subordination to their solution.

The social pedagogue performs an intermediary function in establishing connections and contacts between the family and specialists - psychologists, social workers, doctors, lawyers, representatives of authorities and the public. This requires well-established connections of a social pedagogue with various social services of the microdistrict, district, city, institutions and public associations, a good knowledge of the structures and terms of reference of administrative bodies, their location and telephone numbers. A social pedagogue draws up savings deposits, resolves issues related to the use of property and securities of orphans and those left without parental care, acts as a representative of an educational institution and a particular student or employee in judicial and administrative instances, and provides emergency assistance to those in a difficult situation. At the same time, the social pedagogue independently determines the tasks, forms, methods of socio-pedagogical work, methods for solving personal and social problems, measures of social protection and social assistance, the realization of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

The social educator should be an intermediary, involving doctors and lawyers in case of physical and sexual abuse of children. He should be aware of the criminal liability for crimes against children, for incitement to suicide as a result of cruel treatment of a child, for beatings and torture, for leaving without help in a dangerous situation, for marrying before adulthood.

A social educator should be aware of the protection of motherhood and childhood, the labor protection of children and adolescents, and the right of a child to a pension. He should also be able to resolve the issue of adoption, know the rights of adopted children, the characteristics of families with adopted children.

The social educator is faced with the problem of deprivation of parental rights. This is a severe last resort, which is resorted to when parents do not fulfill their duties, abuse them, adversely affect the development of the child, treat them cruelly. In such cases, the child is placed in an orphanage, for guardianship or guardianship.

A social educator should be aware of the criminal liability of adolescents, minors for crimes. He should know how the proceedings are conducted, how the defense is carried out, etc.

A social pedagogue working at a school should be guided by the following documentation in his activities:

1. Texts of administrative documents on socio-pedagogical work. Laws and regulations on the implementation of the rights of the child;

2. Job description;

3. Perspective, calendar work plan for the year, month, week;

4. Cyclogram or work schedule for a week, month, approved by the head of the institution;

5. Schedule of thematic group consultations, schedule of individual consultations for certain population groups;

6. Projects or programs in some of the most relevant areas of socio-pedagogical work;

7. Documentation: on the accounting of offenses, deviations in development, conflicts in the team; on the development of individual educational routes by children who are under intra-school control;

8. Documentation on issues of guardianship and guardianship, registration at the place of residence and employment, protection of the rights of the child in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the judiciary;

9. Accounting for requests from parents, teachers, students and the resolution of their problems;

10. Data on the study of the social composition of families, the social portrait of the student, class, school, social expectations of parents, students, teachers, as subjects of the educational process;

11. Accounting for measures for the social protection of children from socially disadvantaged families;

14. Systematized information on city and district services for parents and children on possible ways to solve their problems.

When working with clients, the duties of a school social teacher include:

Ensuring the pedagogical orientation of the content, forms, methods used in the course of work;

The study of medical, psychological and pedagogical conditions that affect the personality, his interests, needs;

Organization of socio-pedagogical activities in society, various types of cooperation between children and adults;

Assistance to children and adults in solving personal and social problems, preventing delinquency; client rehabilitation;

Representation and protection of the interests of children and their families in relations with various public authorities and structures assists in raising the social status of the family.

If we generalize all the activities of a social pedagogue, then it should contribute to the creation of an environment of psychological comfort and security for the personality of students, ensuring the protection of their life and health, establishing humane, morally healthy relations in the social environment. In order to ensure the versatile development of the personality of each child, the efforts of the whole society, all state and public structures are necessary.

2. The content of the work of a social pedagogue in an educational institution

2.1. Basic principles of the social service

The main principles of the activity of the social service are:

Multifunctionality - the implementation of a complex of various measures to protect and protect the rights of the individual student and teacher;

Objectivity - taking into account as many factors as possible for the existence and development of the school team and the individual; making unbiased recommendations; taking into account the age characteristics and inclinations of each personality, its moral and moral position;

Communication - organization of a system of interconnection with the school administration, teachers, students, parents, doctors, psychologists, lawyers, local and federal authorities, etc. to obtain a variety of information about the life of the school team, its individual parts and personalities with the aim of free orientation in all school affairs and processes, quickly finding means of qualified assistance;

Integration - the information received should be accumulated in a closed system that ensures complete secrecy and anonymity of respondents;

Efficiency - quick resolution or prevention of social problems and contradictions in a given school team, in a given individual;

Autonomy - the social service must be independent from administrative schools, educational authorities and other power structures;

Representativeness - representation in all social groups of schoolchildren and consideration of their interests;

Adaptation - focus on mobility, lack of inertia and rapid adaptation to changes in the external social environment, personality and team properties.

The socio-pedagogical module at the school is being created to help children and adolescents who experience learning difficulties due to existing deficiencies in the development of the intellect, emotional-volitional sphere, improper behavior, inability to establish communication, inability to communicate.

Its tasks are:

Early identification of children experiencing difficulties in training and education, in social and environmental adaptation and determining the conditions for weakening and overcoming their developmental deficiencies;

Providing assistance to teachers of general education schools in working with children with certain developmental disabilities;

Carrying out special work with children aimed at correcting their shortcomings;

Education and upbringing of children in conditions that meet their capabilities.

The main areas of the socio-pedagogical module include:

Social, pedagogical and psychological diagnostics of children studying in schools that are geographically close to each other;

Social and psychological support for a difficult child and his family;

Social control over the conditions for raising children with developmental disabilities at school and in the family;

Social adaptation and psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation in the family and school .

School psychological service. The implementation of an integrative consulting approach presupposes the presence of both psychological and socio-theoretical and pedagogical knowledge.

The activity of a teacher-consultant is focused on the problems of an individual student. The teacher-consultant explores general deviations from the norm, violations in the behavior of the student. His duty is to provide assistance in a particular case, assistance in the educational process, providing advice on individual academic disciplines.

2.2. Forms, functions and methods of school social work.

The types of work of a social educator include:

group work with students outside of class (including assistance with school work and leisure activities);

suggestions for organizing classes (for example, game lessons, social experiential trainings in the course of classes, etc.);

participation and creative representation in the social life of the school (trips and excursions with the participation of the whole class, holidays, holidays in country camps);

work with parents, representing the interests of parents;

vocational training, vocational guidance, assistance in changing professions;

counseling (in the field, integrative forms of counseling for schoolchildren, parents and teachers, counseling of study groups, work with teachers in groups);

work with organizations, work planning, cooperation in matters of school policy);


scientific substantiation, support and evaluation.

The social educator does a lot of work. His clients are both students and their parents, their families. But in general, it performs the following functions:

1. Educational, i.e. ensuring targeted pedagogical influence on the behavior and activities of children and adults; assistance of all social institutions, institutions of physical culture and sports, mass media.

2. Diagnostic, i.e. setting a "social diagnosis", for which the study of personal characteristics and social conditions of life of children, families, social environment is carried out; identification of positive and negative influences and various kinds of problems.

3. Organizational, i.e. organization of socially valuable activities of children and adults, teachers and volunteers in solving the problems of social and pedagogical assistance, support for education and development of the implementation of plans and programs.

4. Prognostic and expert, i.e. participation in programming, forecasting, designing the process of social development of a particular microsociety, in the activities of various institutions for social work.

5. Organizational and communicative, i.e. the inclusion of voluntary assistants, the population of the microdistrict in the socio-pedagogical work. Organization of joint work and recreation, establishing interaction between various institutions in their work with children and families.

6. Security and protective, i.e. the use of the existing arsenal of legal norms to protect the rights and interests of the individual. Assistance in the application of measures of state coercion and the implementation of legal liability in relation to persons who allow direct or indirect unlawful influence on the wards of a social pedagogue.

7. Intermediary, i.e. communication in the interests of the child between the family, educational institution and the immediate environment of the child.

It is necessary to dwell on the methods of work of a school social teacher:

1. The method of persuasion - a teacher can be successful if he has enough legal knowledge to convince the child of the consequences of his antisocial behavior. With the help of this method, a social pedagogue can ensure that the pupil himself begins to look for a way out of the current situation.

2. Method of observation. It is he who gives the teacher the most material for educational work. The teacher observes the child's communication, his behavior in the family, at school, in the classroom, with peers, his work. Not every teacher manages to achieve success in communicating with children. But this ability can be developed. Recording your observations will help a novice teacher, and you need to start communicating closer with two or three guys, try to get to know them.

3. Method of conversation - it is important that the social educator prepares for the conversation. Questioning, a questionnaire drawn up in advance, or the results of a commission that made a conclusion when the child entered this institution can help him in this.

4. The method of sociometry - in which, for mathematical processing, data are collected from conversations, questionnaires, surveys and algorithms, assessing the crisis state of the child.


So, the social educator identifies children in need of social assistance. These are, first of all, underachieving children who, due to their abilities, cannot master the school course. These are children who experience stress either in the peer group, at school, or in the family. These are sick children, with certain shortcomings, schoolchildren who have become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Most often they are registered with the commission on juvenile affairs. Also, they are gifted children.

Sometimes helping these children can only be about sorting out their relationships with others. In another case, teach them to control their actions, to be self-confident. But in both cases sensitivity and cordiality are required from the social pedagogue.

The social pedagogue becomes an organizer outside the school time of the student, uniting in his educational work with his parents. He organizes various sections and clubs, school events.

The social pedagogue coordinates the work of the teaching staff with difficult children, families, the surrounding social microenvironment and the community of the microdistrict. He periodically informs the teaching staff of the school about the psychological climate in the classes, about each difficult student and about helping him. Plays a major role in the preparation and drafting of the social work plan of the school.

Special attention is required from the social educator to children expelled from school.

He helps to arrange them in another school, to help them get used to the new team.

The social pedagogue identifies schoolchildren who are illegally employed at work during school hours, decides on their education, checks whether the legal norms of child labor are complied with.

He monitors schoolchildren: do all those in need attend rehabilitation centers; controls the receipt of all social privileges by large families: free "school" breakfasts, purchase of clothes, transportation costs.

The experience of the social educator in the school is widely spread.

A social pedagogue studies the interests of children, problems of family relations with a different way of life - studies the family, helps her in crisis situations, helps in improving the environment, in improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of the environment, protects the interests of the child, establishes contacts.

But, unfortunately, today there are schools that do not yet have social teachers. But the good news is that his functions are partially performed by the deputy director for educational work or some class teachers. For example, they can visit the families of students, they can keep records of dysfunctional families for themselves, hold meetings and talks with such families, but they do not have the right to provide official social assistance to students. Social educators have such rights. Therefore, their presence in the school is indispensable.

But since this profession is relatively young, there is hope that schools that do not yet have social pedagogues will not have to wait long, I want to believe that this profession will be in great demand. And future school social teachers need to know that they are expected and needed.

Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

Balashov Branch of Saratov State University

them. N.G. Chernyshevsky

Department of Pedagogy

“Methods and forms of work of a social pedagogue in a general education institution”

Course work

Completed by: Mr. 921, faculty

social work

O. E. Kochetkova

Sciences: E.V. Yafarova

Balashov 2005

Introduction. 2

Methods of work of a social pedagogue in a general education institution. Organization of socio-pedagogical work at school. four

1.1 Socio-pedagogical work at school. four

1.2 Professional status of the social teacher at school. eighteen

Chapter II 28

The work of a social pedagogue in educational institutions: at school, a social shelter. 28

2.1 Toolkit of professional activity of a social pedagogue. 28

2.2 Socio-pedagogical technologies of work with children at risk in educational institutions: schools, shelters and boarding schools. 37

Conclusion. 56

Literature. 57

Applications. 59


The current socio-economic situation in the country is characterized by multi-scale transformations in all spheres of life, which is accompanied by active processes of destruction of habitual views, beliefs, attitudes, value orientations and their replacement with new ones. In the professional sphere, this is manifested in the fact that professions that meet the needs of new, emerging forms of the economy are becoming prestigious in our society today. Every year there is a shortage of highly qualified specialists in the most relevant areas for society: health, education, social protection, etc.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (1992) legislated the priority of the individual in the process of educating and educating a person in an educational institution. This approach requires more attention to the personality of the student, his social problems, which in the conditions of an educational institution are multifaceted. Among them are the need to solve the social and pedagogical problems of a person, due to the individual possibilities of his training and education; relationships with the teacher, class, individual groups and individuals of the class, school; the situation and relationships in the family, the environment of direct communication.

The key figure is now becoming a social educator.

The subject of this work is the social environment.

The object of our work are children and adolescents.

The purpose of the work is:

Consider the methods of work of a social teacher in a general education institution;

To disclose the professional status of a social pedagogue at school;

Consider socio-pedagogical technologies when working in a general education institution and the tools of professional activity of a social teacher.

Chapter I

Methods of work of a social pedagogue in a general education institution. Organization of social and pedagogical work at school

1.1 Socio-pedagogical work at school.

The domestic school has experience in solving the social problems of students. This is, first of all, the activity of class teachers, who were often assigned the functions of both a social teacher and a social worker. There is a need to create a special service in the school .

What can be such a social service in a general education institution?

Social(from lat. socialis- public) - means "associated with the life and relationships of people in society." Therefore, the social service should be focused on solving the problems of socialization of a person, his upbringing, protection of his rights, assistance in resolving the problems of self-realization in the environment of life.

The main functions of the social service of the school include:

Identification of general and particular social problems that take place in the classroom, school;

Study and diagnosis of the individual characteristics of the student, groups - objects of social service;

Assistance in the work of the teacher with the student, group, parents;

Social protection of the student in connection with the emergence of problems that are or may be of vital importance to him;

Social protection of a group, class from individuals;

Identification of the personal and pedagogical capabilities of the teacher and assisting him in further improving his pedagogical skills, the effectiveness of pedagogical activity in working with students and parents;

Socio-pedagogical assessment of planned and ongoing educational activities in groups, schools;

Direct preparation of social and pedagogical events with various groups of schoolchildren, individual students, teachers, parents;

Establishing cooperation with social protection authorities, departments for work with minors, and other institutions in the interests of solving social problems of students.

To ensure the effectiveness of such work, the social service of the school needs specialists who are able to solve the problems of diagnostics (psychologist and sociologist) and applied work (social worker and social teacher). Each of them is called upon to carry out their activities in the interests of the child and the school.

In general, in all the activities of the social service of the school, two main areas can be conditionally distinguished: social work and social pedagogy.

The main activity of the social service of the school is to identify among students individuals, groups belonging to the categories of maladjusted, having certain social deviations, deviations in behavior, and the organization of socio-pedagogical work with them. The direct supervision of this activity is carried out by the deputy director of the school for teaching and educational work.

The Deputy Director for Educational Work, as an official manager, organizes and manages educational activities:

subject teachers;

class teachers;

classroom teachers;

educators of extended day groups;


social educators.

Each of these specialists performs certain functional tasks in the school, which determine the nature and characteristics of his diagnostic and educational work. The content and direction of the activity of the deputy director for educational work is determined by the most characteristic social and pedagogical problems that the school lives with.

Social teacher. Currently, the position of social pedagogue has been introduced in many schools. Moreover, most often this specialist performs the functions of either an educator who is engaged in cultural and leisure work with schoolchildren during extracurricular time (previously this was done by a pioneer leader), or a social worker.

However, the real practice of schools convincingly shows that this specialist has his own specific scope of professional activity. A social pedagogue is a specialist who, on the basis of the data obtained as a result of diagnostics, can pedagogically competently develop a methodology, methodological recommendations for their implementation in the pedagogical activities of various school specialists. In addition, he himself must be able to build pedagogically correct educational, social and pedagogical work with individual students, various groups of schoolchildren, their parents, and teachers.

He can help:

a) teacher:

develop an individual methodology for working with a student on his training and education;

organize social and pedagogical work with the class;

plan and assist in developing a methodology for implementing relationships with individual parents;

help in resolving the conflict between the teacher and the student; teacher, student and his parents; teacher and class, etc.;

b) to the student with advice (consultation):

in work on self-improvement;

how to overcome (prevent in the future) conflict situations (relationships) in the classroom, with a teacher, with parents;

c) parents with advice, advice, methodological assistance: in establishing relationships with their son (daughter); to adjust the socio-pedagogical work with your child;

in the development (coordination) of relations with the teacher in the interests of improving social and pedagogical work with the child.

As the experience of many schools shows, in modern conditions the socio-pedagogical activity of a specialist can be represented in a wide range. This fact dictates the need to introduce specializations in social pedagogy.

The most characteristic specializations of a social pedagogue can be:

Organizer of extracurricular activities (class teacher);

Leisure organizer;

Educational psychologist;


Social worker;


Any of the specializations assumes that a social pedagogue, in addition to general professional, will also have certain special training to perform specific socio-pedagogical tasks. The training of social teachers of various specializations can be carried out both in higher educational institutions and within the framework of additional professional education.

Social pedagogue - organizer of extracurricular activities (class teacher). This is a specialist in organizing socio-pedagogical work with a class, several parallel classes. The introduction of the post of class teacher was an alternative to class leadership. In some cases, this innovation turned out to be quite justified. Some teachers could not cope with the educational work or did not want to do it. In this case, the class teacher compensated for the lack of qualified educational work in the class. However, the introduction of such a position is not always justified. A teacher who acts as a class teacher has the opportunity to get to know his students better, since he closely interacts with them in the process of teaching one of the subjects of the school curriculum. At the same time, he can use the educational possibilities of the educational process in working with students. The separation of teaching from upbringing contributed to the alienation of teachers from upbringing and turning them into only “tutors”. Some teachers frankly say that they are not paid for educational activities and their duty is only to teach. At the same time, they forget the advice of the great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky, who wrote that the duty of a teacher is first of all to educate, and then to teach. If we educate a student, then we will teach him.

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1. Theoretical foundations of SPD as a type of professional activity

As in any professional activity, SPD assumes its own theoretical foundations: the categorical apparatus, natural social problems in society and the conditions for their solution, the principles of providing socio-pedagogical assistance and support, methods and functions of socio-pedagogical influence, the essence, content and forms of socio-pedagogical assistance .

The concepts of "social pedagogy" and "socio-pedagogical activity" are fundamental.

Social pedagogy is the science of the regularities of the implementation of the pedagogical process (training, education and development) in various social institutions.

2. Patterns of emergence of social problems

Development of social knowledge (stimulating the impact of social activity)

Formation and implementation of the diversity of socio-pedagogical formations and support in the system of scientific relations

Actual needs of various categories of the population of a certain SAP content, the nature of subsequent actions and impacts

Differentiation in foreign aid

Focus on maintaining the social activity of the population

3. The principle of providing socio-pedagogical support


Organizational principles: stimulation, social stability

Integrity (cohesion, interdependence)

Professional: crisis intervention


4. Methods and functions of influence

Method of social interaction

Group and individual work


social management

Indirect educational methods:




social learning

social normative


SPD is a multifaceted and multilevel activity of pedagogical specialists in developing and meeting the various needs and interests of children and adults in social adaptation, supporting personal development of their social protection, preparing for competitive conditions in modern society to use the potential of society itself to resolve current chronic personal problems. or social groups.

Mutual Aid


State. charity



Social help

Social support

2. Methodological prerequisites for the emergence of SPD (foreign experience)

The term "social pedagogy" was introduced into the discussion about education in 1844 by K. Mager and further spread by A. Diesterweg.

From the moment this concept appeared to the present day, two different interpretations of it can be traced in German literature, which determine different approaches in the development of this branch of scientific knowledge.

According to the first interpretation, social pedagogy has something in common with the social side of education (K. Mager, P. Natorp). We are talking about the social aspect of education.

According to the second, it acts as a pedagogical assistance in certain social conditions and situations (A. Diesterweg). The pedagogical aspect of social development is emphasized here.

Representatives of the first direction were K. Mager, P. Natorp (20s), E. Bornemann, F. Schlieper (60s), D. Pegeler (80s), and others.

The most prominent representative of the social aspect of education in social pedagogy is the famous German philosopher P. Natorp, who considered social pedagogy as part of general pedagogy, and considered the school as the most important tool for socialization. He put forward the idea of ​​integrating the educational forces of society in order to spread culture and enlightenment among the people, i.e. actually declared the educational possibilities of society in its modern sense. P. Natorp pointed out three, from his point of view, the main components of social life:

Organization of labor (i.e. the level of development of productive forces), (social activity)

Political and legal organization (basic social and legal norms that determine the functioning of society)

The organization (here - the state) of education, which are closely interconnected.

The second approach is reflected in the works of A. Diesterweg (1840-50s), G. Nol, G. Beumer (1920-30s), K. Mollengauer (1950s) and others.

A. Diesterweg put forward the idea of ​​natural conformity (excitation of the child’s innate inclinations in accordance with their desire for development) and cultural conformity that “in education, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of the place and time in which a person was born or he will live, one in a word, all modern culture in the broadest and most comprehensive sense of the word, and especially the culture of the country which is the homeland of the disciple.

Since then, social pedagogy has become in practice the pedagogy of emergency cases, which eventually turned into SDS and was supposed to fill the problems existing in the family and school in educating young people.

3. Methodological prerequisites for the emergence of SPD (domestic experience)

The basic ideas and principles of what is increasingly being called socio-pedagogical theory and practice have never been alien to Russian society.

The combination of the personal with the public is one of the main ideas of ped. theories of A. I. Herzen (1812-1870).

Dobrolyubov N. A. (1836-1861) devoted special works to the issues of education and upbringing: "On the Importance of Authority in Education", "On Public Education".

Chernyshevsky N. G. (1828-1889). He was guided by an anthropological approach to man and education, considering man to be the highest creation of nature, a changeable creature, whose activity and education is primarily due to social. environment.

K.D. Ushinsky (1824-1870) argued that the spiritual education of a person is carried out not only by the school, but also by such great educators as nature, family, society, religion, language.

P.F. Lesgaft (1837-1909) about the formation of a comprehensively developed personality, the physical development of a person, as well as the creation of a theory of the development of a child in a family.

One of the founders of social pedagogy in Russia was V.V. Zenkovsky (1875-1949). His social pedagogy was based on the fact that you cannot understand a person if you do not study the environment. The environment is the main factor in the socialization of the individual.

V.N. Shulgin (1894-1965), having accepted Soviet power, dreamed of educating a new person, in a new society, about a new type of pedagogy - the pedagogy of social education.

To understand the educational functions of social. pedagogy, it is useful to turn to the creative heritage of P.P. Blonsky (1884-1941), who wrote that “it is impossible to successfully educate and educate a child without knowing the norms and values ​​of his social environment. In Blonsky we find a description of the child’s behavior in the system of social relations.

Pedagogy of the environment S.T. Shatsky (1878-1934). He concludes that in order for the school to succeed in its work, it is necessary to study the environment and work with the environment.

Socio-pedagogical views and activities of A.S. Makarenko (1878-1939). From his experience, modern social. teacher can take:

His ability to create a children's team, united by reasonable, creative work, with a clear conscious discipline. A team that really becomes an educational environment, a school for an individual, for a difficult child.

Creation of children's self-government, various forms of which were a school for each pupil.

Creation of special relations between the pupil and educators, where both lived according to the same laws of mutual understanding and goodwill.

A wide range of methods in creating such a team that could influence the individual.

4. Regulatory prerequisites for the emergence of a joint venture

Among the most important are the following:

1. Convention on the Rights of the Child 11/20/89

2. Constitution of the Russian Federation 1993

3. Law of the Russian Federation on education 1992

4. Law of the Russian Federation on the basic guarantees of the child, 1998

5. Law of the Russian Federation on the basics of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency

6.Civil, Family, Labor, Housing Code

7. On the organization of a social service for helping children and youth 04/22/1991

8. On the approval of the tariff-qualification characteristics of the social. teacher 11/11/1992

9. About the practice of social. pedagogical work in Russia and the prospect of its development 10/27/1993

10. Decision of the Collegium of the USSR State Committee for Education "On the introduction of the institute of social teachers" 07/13/1990

5. SPD as a means of implementing the theory of social. pedagogy

SPD, like any professional activity, is guided by a certain theory and uses its principles and methods, content in the implementation of its goals. By implementing socio-pedagogical ideas, views, concepts, SPD simultaneously tests and confirms in practice their vitality and effectiveness in social relations, provides an empirical basis for the further development of the theory of pedagogical science. In this process, SPD, of course, acts as a means of implementing the theory of social. pedagogy in public life.

SPD is a multifaceted and multilevel activity of pedagogical specialists to develop and meet the various needs and interests of children and adults in social adaptation, support for personal development, their social. protection, preparation for the conditions of competition in modern society based on the use of the potential of the society itself to resolve current and chronic problems of the individual or social. groups.

The theoretical basis, the foundation of SPD is social pedagogy, as a branch of pedagogical science.

Based on the fact that social Pedagogy is the science of the regularities of the implementation of the pedagogical process (training, upbringing and development) in various conditions of society, today it is called upon to provide practitioners with forms and methods for realizing the potential of society in the process of socialization not of an abstract personality, but of a specific person, with his specific social pedagogical problems in various types of work and rest, in their life plan. That is why we consider the issues of further development of the SPD theory as an essential part of the social. pedagogy.

6. SPD in the system of species prof. activities

SPD, being one of the varieties of social. activity, of course, realizes its goals in close cooperation with other types of social. activities carried out primarily at a professional level.

There are types of professional activity with which socio-pedagogical activity has a special relationship, which to some extent fill it with content and become its integral part, giving it an integrative character. These include: information and educational work, social and legal work, psycho-social work, cultural and leisure work, medical and social (improving) work.

Information and educational work, which is a complex of multidisciplinary measures of informational, educational, developmental properties, aimed at the formation, maintenance of the viability of children and adolescents by means of society in the process of mastering general, professional and special knowledge at different levels of the education system.

Social and legal work, the main content of which is the implementation, together with other social institutions of the society, of organizational, legal and humanitarian opportunities for the protection of childhood, the protection of national rights, freedoms of children and adolescents, as well as the development and ensuring the effectiveness of the legal field in an educational institution with the active use of opportunities other structures of society.

Psychosocial work, the content of which is diagnostic, informational and analytical, accompanying (consulting and mediating), restorative and rehabilitation and prognostic activities aimed at forming and maintaining psychological resistance among participants in the educational process to the effects of various factors, as well as providing various types of psychological assistance in matters of education, upbringing, development and self-improvement of children and adolescents in a particular society.

Medico-social (improving) work, designed to maintain and further develop the physiological, intellectual and other abilities of students of educational institutions significant for learning, interaction with the surrounding social. environment and professional activities based on the active use of medical and health-improving resources and the possibilities of society.

Social work is a special type of activity, the purpose of which is to satisfy the socially guaranteed and personal interests and needs of various groups of the population, to create conditions conducive to the restoration and improvement of people's abilities for social functioning.

7. SP approach to prof. activities

An approach is the orientation of a leader, a specialist of an educational institution in the implementation of their actions, which encourages the use of a certain set of interrelated concepts, principles, ideas and methods of pedagogical activity. The approach is a complex pedagogical tool and includes: the basic concepts of modern practice, activities, techniques and methods for building social impact.

The socio-pedagogical approach differs significantly from existing approaches, since it reflects the essence of the interaction between the subject of educational activity and society, which manifests itself in relying on the potential of society in the implementation of the pedagogical process (training and education) carried out in the interests of the socialization of the individual.

To understand it, it is important to pay attention to the ongoing changes in public life and the life of educational institutions. It becomes obvious that the society's potential is purposefully implemented in education, which is manifested in the fact that today a system of public institutions for managing education, its individual levels and sectors, educational institutions has been formed and is already actively functioning: parent committees, boards of trustees, educational and methodological associations, scientific and methodological councils, the Russian Union of Rectors, councils of rectors of universities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional boards of directors of secondary specialized educational institutions, the Association of Technical Universities, the Association of Non-State Universities, boards of trustees, etc.

The socio-pedagogical approach involves the implementation of the pedagogical process (training and education) based on the society and its educational potential, through the establishment of interaction with social institutions, the inclusion of pupils in socially significant activities and social relations, the formation of social needs and the development of social abilities of the individual.

The socio-pedagogical approach is to solve the problems of the individual based on the use of the potential of society: by including a person in socially significant activities, in new social relations, forming social needs in them, developing social abilities in the individual and establishing business interaction with the social institutions of the city for the sake of resolving her current and chronic problems.

In the professional sense, the socio-pedagogical approach began to be considered from the moment the social teacher was included in the list of professions as the main subject of socio-pedagogical activity and the organizer of the interaction between the student's personality and the potential of society.

8. Principles of SPD organization

social pedagogy personality society

The main principles of the activity of a social pedagogue include:

The principle of interaction is: purposeful cooperation of a social pedagogue with other employees of the educational institution; creation of a pedagogical environment in educational institutions; establishing links and coordinating activities with all social institutions dealing with the issues of socialization of students.

The principle of a personality-oriented approach: humane attitude to the individual; respect for rights and freedoms; assistance in self-development and socialization of the individual; encouragement of her creative self-realization.

The principle of positive perception and acceptance of personality: acceptance of a child and an adult as they are; search for positive qualities in each person; optimism and faith in the possibilities and abilities of the individual; formation of readiness of children and adolescents to reject the negative manifestations of reality.

The principle of confidentiality: establishment of relations of openness; confidence in the reliability of the information received; maintaining professional secrecy.

9. Methods implemented in SPD

In SPD, the method is a way of interrelated activities of a social teacher and a child, which contribute to the accumulation of positive social experience, contribute to the socialization and socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of the child.

The SPD uses methods:

Methods for diagnosing personality, family and society;

Verbal methods (story, conversation, explanation, discussion, lecture);

Methods of social education (persuasion, accustoming, suggestion, encouragement and punishment, motivation and involvement in action, reproduction method, positive example, method of assistance and co-creation);

Organizational and administrative methods (instructing, regulation, regulation, control and verification of performance, criticism, goal setting).

Consider some of these methods: persuasion and exercise. The peculiarity of using these methods lies in the fact that the social educator deals with children who, for some reason, have not formed generally accepted norms and rules of behavior in society, or who have distorted concepts of these norms and corresponding forms of behavior. Persuasion can be realized through such well-known methods in pedagogy as a story, a lecture, a conversation, a dispute, a positive example. The method of exercise is associated with the formation of certain moral skills and habits in children. Habit building requires repeated actions and repetitions. The complexity of the work of a social educator lies in the fact that the moral habits of most of the children with whom he works are sometimes not formed or they have bad habits.

Among the socio-pedagogical methods, a special group is made up of methods of correction, which include encouragement and punishment. Encouragement and punishment are aimed at one goal - to form certain moral qualities of the behavior and character of the child. Encouragement is aimed at reinforcing positive actions, actions of the child. Punishment has a meaningful effect on the negative behavior of the child.

The considered SPD methods are not used in isolation and not isolated from each other, but in close interconnection with each other.

10. SPD subjects

The subject of SPD can be either an individual specialist or a group of specialists who solve social and pedagogical problems of an individual or group. It can be any official who uses the possibilities of society to resolve the problems of an individual or a social group. Also, the subject can be the personality itself, which communicates with the potential of society, acting as an intermediary between the problems of the individual and resources. The main subject of SPD is a social pedagogue. It is responsible for organizing the SPD of specialists in various fields within the framework of the goals and objectives of the educational institution.

The SPD subject can be considered integratively, as a set of subjects, officials who regularly perform social and pedagogical work, and then the social teacher becomes the main subject. Or participating in it partially, freelance, i.e. performing part-time only its certain functions performed in the interests and within the framework of its duties. Almost all specialists and their heads of any social institution, including educational, medical, legal, sociocultural ones, are engaged in this work.

In addition to individuals, social institutions, enterprises, organizations, agencies, foundations and others can also act as the subject of SPD. In SPD, a social educator performs various social roles of a mediator, mobilizer, adviser, arbitrator, lawyer, appraiser, broker, activist, diagnostician, animator, catalyst, educator, etc. The success of his actions is determined by his ability to fulfill these roles and the ability to adapt at the right time to each of them. In the functional purpose of any social pedagogue, his “ability to create and develop relations between people, between a person and his environment”, “the ability to mediate and settle relations between conflicting individuals and groups” comes to the fore.

11. Objectives and outcome of the SAP

Objectives SAP-result ideally. The result is social personality activity as an integrative quality. Like any activity, SPD has its own goals and results. In explaining SPD, one should take into account its integrative nature, which consists in striving for a single goal of 2 equal components of this activity, and complementing each other: 1. the leading content component of this activity. 2. its providing organizational. The goal has 2 levels: 1. organizational providing-lower. 2. substantive-final.

1. When considering the goal from the point of view of the formation of socially significant personality traits. SPD acts as education, in particular social, with the ensuing consequences of personality formation, in particular, the goal of social. education is the formation of a person's ability to actively function in a specific social situation, while ensuring the development of the individual as a unique person of individuality.

2. When considering the purpose of SPD from the point of view of providing resources, the ability of society to resolve the problems of the individual, SPD acts as a social. significant professionally providing social activities. upbringing, and to a greater extent, the direction is not so much towards the final result, but ensuring it, as if creating favorable conditions for qualitative changes in the personality.

Integration of the efforts of 2 branches of one activity (providing and leading, intermediate and final), for the sake of obtaining integration as a person, social activity of a person. Social activity of the individual is a new personal quality, meaning the ability of the individual to independently assimilate social. experience, adequately respond to it, actively use it in their practical activities, independently solve their own problems, and as they accumulate and improve their own experience, positively influence the social. experience, change and enrichment with new opportunities of a higher level. A person with a social. activity, capable of helping other people in resolving other problems.

12. SPD in institutions of various departmental affiliation

The activities of the social teacher in institutions of various departmental affiliation takes place in special conditions, and hence its development has its own characteristics.

The main purpose of a social pedagogue in the social sphere working in social service centers for families, children and adolescents, social protection institutions, rehabilitation centers is social and pedagogical work with families, children and adolescents to provide them with social and pedagogical assistance, support, counseling and direct educational care.

In institutions of culture and sports, the activities of a social pedagogue need to update the animation forms of work with young people to develop their social. activity, focus on a healthy lifestyle and the use of the potential of cultural, leisure and sports and recreational activities for the development of the student's personality.

In penitentiary institutions, educational colonies, the activities of social. The teacher concentrates on the social and legal aspects of the life of the pupils, on the development of their skills of moral, tolerant behavior, the ability to build conflict-free relationships among adolescents and adults, and the assimilation of the positive experience of their own life.

13. Essence and content of SPD

Socio-pedagogical activity is a kind of professional activity aimed at helping the child in the process of his socialization, mastering his socio-cultural experience and creating conditions for his self-realization in society.

The main areas of socio-pedagogical activity are:

* activities to prevent the phenomena of maladaptation (social, psychological, pedagogical), to increase the level of social adaptation of children through their personal development;

* Activities for the social rehabilitation of children with certain deviations from the norm.

Since the problem of the child that needs to be resolved, as a rule, has both internal, personal, and external aspects, socio-pedagogical activity usually includes two components:

* direct work with the child;

* intermediary activity in the relationship of the child with the environment, contributing to their socio-cultural formation and development.

Theoretically, it can be assumed that preventive activities should be carried out in all institutions and organizations where mass work with children is carried out. From this point of view, the following types of socio-pedagogical activities, which have their own specifics, can be distinguished:

* socio-pedagogical activity in educational institutions;

* socio-pedagogical activity in children's public associations and organizations;

* socio-pedagogical activity in institutions of creativity and leisure of children;

* socio-pedagogical activities in places of summer recreation for children;

* socio-pedagogical activity in confessions.

Work on the social rehabilitation of children with deviations from the norm should be meaningfully focused on various categories of such children, which gives reason to single out several types of social and pedagogical activities, each of which requires the use of special, specific approaches, methods and technologies:

* socio-pedagogical activities with children with developmental disabilities;

* socio-pedagogical activity with children with pedagogical deviations;

* social and educational activities with children left without parental care;

* socio-pedagogical activity with children of deviant (deviant) behavior.

In the intermediary work of a social pedagogue, socio-pedagogical activities with the family are of particular importance. This is due to the most important role played by the family in the process of socialization of the child. It is the family that is the closest society, which ultimately determines what will be the impact on the child of all other social factors. Therefore, the work of a social pedagogue with the family is an indispensable component of his social and pedagogical activity with all categories of children with problems, and sometimes even in preventive work.

14. SPD to educational institutions

Social and pedagogical activity is aimed at helping a child (teenager) to organize himself, his psychological state, to establish normal relations in the family, at school, in society.

Social pedagogue - operates in a general education or vocational school, out-of-school and preschool institutions, social shelters, orphanages, boarding schools, rehabilitation schools and other educational institutions. In organizing his work, he gives priority to the creation of a healthy microclimate in the team, the humanization of interpersonal relations, contributes to the realization of the abilities of everyone, the protection of the interests of the individual, the organization of leisure, inclusion in socially useful activities, studies the special problems of schoolchildren and teachers, takes measures to solve them. Maintains regular contact with student families. She pays special attention to the problems of protecting the child from parental cruelty, selfishness, and permissiveness.

In educational institutions, the development of the activities of a social teacher needs to specify the directions and forms of SPD, as well as the expansion of forms and methods of using the potential of society to resolve the problems of the student's personality.

15. SPD in institutions of social protection of the population

A.N. Savinov gives such a definition, social protection of the population is a set of socio-economic measures carried out by the state and society and ensuring the provision of optimal living conditions, meeting needs, maintaining life support and the active existence of an individual and a social group, a set of measures that overcome the consequences of risk situations in the lives of citizens . The main purpose of a social pedagogue in the social sphere working in social service centers for families, children and adolescents, social protection institutions, rehabilitation centers is social and pedagogical work with families, children and adolescents to provide them with social and pedagogical assistance, support, counseling and direct educational care.

In institutions of social protection of the population, the activity of a social pedagogue requires focusing on the development of various forms of social and pedagogical assistance to various categories of the population, in particular, helpless infants, the disabled, and the elderly.

16. SPD in healthcare facilities

In health care institutions, there is an urgent need for the socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of drug addicted patients, for the socio-pedagogical prevention of early social orphanhood with refusewomen in maternity hospitals, for socio-pedagogical work with neurotic families and the socialization of recovering patients in health care institutions.

Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation is a form of SPD that reflects a system of restorative and developmental measures aimed at eliminating maladjustment manifestations in a person’s social experience and at restoring the individual’s status (social activity) in the social and cultural environment.

Social and pedagogical prevention is a form of SPD, which is a set of preventive socially significant measures that stimulate the individual's own potential to prevent a difficult life situation for her.

17. SPD in residential institutions

Children brought up in boarding schools suffer from mental and emotional deprivation, experience sensory hunger, they are cut off from real life, united on the principle of socio-psychological disadvantage, and are in social isolation.

In a residential institution, the child constantly communicates with the same group of peers, which creates friendly, closer to family relationships. On the one hand, this is good, but at the same time it hinders the development of communication skills with strangers.

The activities of a social pedagogue in boarding schools are aimed at providing social and pedagogical support for the process of personal and social development of pupils; promote socialization and the formation of a common culture of graduates of boarding schools; to carry out measures to form a common culture of pupils, teachers, parents; to implement developmental and correctional programs of educational activities, taking into account the characteristics of the individual; provide social and pedagogical support to creatively gifted pupils.

This can be work with children and adolescents (gifted, "average", socially neglected, pedagogically neglected, maladjusted, disabled children, orphans, children left without parental care, etc.).

Working with youth, social educators create optimal conditions for meeting the needs of young people in intellectual, cultural, moral and physical development; organization of cultural leisure; vocational guidance and self-determination, employment and employment. They help young people in preparing for family life, in resolving crisis and conflict situations; in solving social and legal problems, developing entrepreneurship.

19. SPD with different social groups

3 groups: 1. in the field of children and adolescents - maladaptive children, children with signs of drug addiction and alcoholism. 2. in the sphere of social relations - persons subjected to moral and physical violence, people with disabilities, etc. 3. in the field of professional self-determination - people who are temporarily unemployed, experiencing difficulties in choosing a profession.

Social and pedagogical support for the elderly and disabled is designed to help cope with loneliness, isolation, age-related ailments, overcome feelings of inferiority and social lack of demand.

Family social educators are focused on helping the family. They help families in matters of family planning, strengthening family relationships, upbringing, development, education and social protection of children, strengthening their health, rational housekeeping, raising the cultural and educational level of parents, overcoming family conflicts, formalizing guardianship, adoption, caring for children. with mental and physical disabilities. They intervene in family affairs in cases of child abuse, physical or psychological abuse, and work with families at social risk.

The family is also the object of attention of the social educator in terms of the formation of harmonious family relations; preparation for conscious parenthood; family farm organization; acquiring knowledge on child care and upbringing; overcoming the difficulties of family formation.

Implementing the age approach in working with children, the social teacher always takes into account that the influence of the family as an institution of education and a special educational microenvironment is most noticeable in childhood.

Since childhood is the most important, independently valuable and fundamental period of personality development, the priorities of the social pedagogue's professional activity in working with children and their parents should change.

20. Characteristics of SPD objects

SPD objects are both individuals and entire groups of people who need the help of society, the use of its potential for self-realization, but do not have access to its resources and opportunities for various reasons.

SPD is aimed at resolving various problems of an individual or a group that have a socio-pedagogical content. These are, first of all: problems of self-realization; problems of formation of social needs and abilities; weakening or establishing deviances, problems of dependencies of various etymologies; problems of social, professional, school maladjustment; problems of different levels of socialization of the individual; problems of formation of a healthy lifestyle and others.

The objects of the SPD are the most diverse categories of the population, representing all kinds of age and ethnic groups, classes, etc.

21. Characteristics of the main forms of SPD

Main forms of SPD:

SP diagnostics

JV consulting

JV help

SP support

JV escort

SP correction

JV rehabilitation

Medico-psycho-ped consultation

JV design


Social and pedagogical assistance is a form of SPD, which includes components of multidisciplinary measures of a pedagogical, psychological, legal and medical-social, cultural and leisure nature, aimed at using the resources and opportunities of society in the interests of the viability of children, in the process of their socialization.

Socio-pedagogical support is a form of SPD that reflects a set of subject-object and subject-subject long-term interactions with the aim of resolving the problems of socialization of a person who finds himself in chronically difficult circumstances by introducing him to certain resources, the possibilities of social institutions, social activities, social relationships that form the basis of society.

22. Socio-pedagogical diagnostics as a form of SPD

Socio-pedagogical diagnostics is a form of SPD, which is a procedure for collecting information about the state of the pedagogical, educational, educational potential of society by all available methods, methods of obtaining, processing and generalizing it.

SP diagnostic methods:

· Methods of collecting pedagogical information, in particular social and psychological.

· Methods of data processing, in particular mathematical methods.

· Methods of generalization and verification of these conclusions, i.e. proper social pedagogy.

SP diagnostics can be considered as a complex for collecting, processing and summarizing information about the social potential that is significant for the individual.

SP diagnostics cannot be carried out for the sake of obtaining information about society in general. It is carried out within the framework of a specific direction or type of SPD, as well as the form of SPD, and initially it is a provided tool for building a program for using the pedagogical potential of society, for resolving personality problems. This is a kind of implementation of an order for obtaining socio-pedagogical information, on the basis of which organizational specific measures of a teaching, educating, developing nature are carried out, i.e. measures of influence on the individual.

The result of the SP diagnostics is a characteristic of the pedagogical potential of the society and all its components, training potential (for the implementation of the goals of social education), educational potential (for the implementation of the goals of social education) and developing potential (for the implementation of the goals of social development), as well as the forms of its existence, significance to solve the SPD and accessibility for the specialist and the individual himself. As a form of SPD SP diagnostics, its entire structure is aimed at the end result of the individual's social activity.

SP diagnostics finds not just information about the potential of society, but information about those of its components that can be involved in the formation, development or improvement of the social activity of the individual. To compile the SP characteristics of the society or its pedagogical potential, it is important to take into account the structure of the society: social activities, social relations, social institutions and individual individual social needs, social abilities and social values.

23. Socio-pedagogical counseling as a form of SPD

Socio-pedagogical counseling is a form of SPD, which is a procedure for bringing to the attention of a person who has turned to a specialist, information that is significant for her about the presence and state of the potential of society, the conditions of accessibility and forms of its implementation in the interests of resolving personal problems.

24. Socio-pedagogical support as a form of SPD

Socio-pedagogical support is a form of SPD, reflecting the provision by the society of its significant opportunities, resources of an individual who finds himself in a difficult life situation in order to resolve problems by realizing the potential opportunities of both the society and the individual himself.

SP support is used in a broad and narrow sense.

SP support in a broad sense is considered as a social phenomenon that reflects the provision (use) by the society of its significant capabilities, the resources of an individual who finds himself in a difficult life situation in order to resolve problems by realizing the potential opportunities of both the society and the individual himself.

SP support in the narrow sense is considered as a specially organized activity of employees of an educational institution, parents and students to realize the potential of society to solve personal problems.

The object of SP support can be a situation that necessarily carries in its content any threat to the life, status, process of activity or communication of the student's personality or his environment, preventing the normal development of the personality or the realization of its needs.

SP support relies on the potential of society, uses its capabilities to solve the problems of a person who finds himself in a difficult situation. SP support is aimed at developing the social activity of the individual with the help of society.

The subject of SP support can be either an individual specialist, a group (team of employees), or the individual himself, who communicates with the potential of society, acting as an intermediary between the individual and resources. Social activities, social relations, social institutions (family, school, institutions of additional education, etc.) can be considered as means of SP support.

The main goal of the SP support is to provide the client (provision of support services) with resources and opportunities, the gradual formation of internal readiness for a conscious and independent search for the best options for getting out of a difficult life situation, planning, adjusting and implementing the prospects for their development.

25. Socio-pedagogical prevention as a form of SPD

Social and pedagogical prevention is a form of SPD, which is a set of preventive socially significant measures that stimulate the individual's own potential to prevent a difficult life situation for her.

26. Socio-pedagogical correction as a form of SPD

Socio-pedagogical correction is a form of SPD for restoring and maintaining lost social ties, relationships and functions in children and adults based on the use of resources and opportunities of society.

27. Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation as a form of SPD

Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation is a form of SPD that reflects a system of restorative and developmental measures aimed at eliminating maladjustment manifestations in a person's social experience and at restoring the individual's status (social activity) in the social and cultural environment.

28. Socio-pedagogical design as a form of SPD

Social pedagogical design is a form of SPD, manifested in the design by an individual, group or organization of actions aimed at realizing the possibilities of society in achieving a socially significant goal.

29. Medical-psychological-pedagogical consultation as a form of SPD

A medical-psychological-pedagogical consultation is a form of SPD that reflects the interaction of specialists in various fields in order to discuss the results of a comprehensive diagnosis of a socially maladjusted child and develop a common position regarding the ways of his social rehabilitation.

The medical-psychological-pedagogical council is called upon to consider the personality of the child, taking into account all its parameters: psychological and mental development, social situation, health status, the nature of the requirements, the optimality of pedagogical influences.

A medical-psychological-pedagogical council is an association of specialists from a particular educational institution, which forms the core of the medical-psychological-pedagogical service of an educational institution, organized, if necessary, comprehensive, comprehensive, dynamic diagnostic and correctional support for children who have difficulties in adapting to the conditions of a given educational institution of various etiology due to developmental disabilities.

The medical-psychological-pedagogical council is an organizational form within which the efforts of teachers, psychologists and other subjects of the educational process are combined to solve the problems of education and the full development of children and adolescents.

The tasks of the MPPC of educational institutions include:

*Identification and early diagnosis of deviations in the development of children;

* Identification of actual and reserve opportunities of the child;

*preparation of necessary documents for children in need of a special correctional institution;

* Identification of children in need of additional assistance from a psychologist and other specialists;

* analysis of the development and learning of those children who, despite the request to the council from teachers or parents, do not need additional specialized assistance;

* the formation of recommendations for parents, teachers and the teachers' council on the organization of assistance to children by methods and methods available to the teaching staff to ensure an individual approach in the process of correctional and developmental support;

*tracking the dynamics of development and effectiveness of individualized correctional and developmental programs;

* the solution of the issue of creating conditions within the framework of this educational institution that are adequate to the individual characteristics of the development of the child. If necessary - transfer to a special (correctional-developing, compensatory, etc.) class, the choice of the appropriate form of education (individual, at home; mixed; external study; home, etc.);

* with positive dynamics and compensation for deviations in development - determination of ways to integrate the child into classes working on basic educational programs;

* prevention of physical, intellectual and emotional overloads and breakdowns, organization of medical and recreational activities and a psychologically adequate educational environment;

* preparation and maintenance of documentation reflecting the current development of the child, the dynamics of his condition, mastering school skills, abilities and knowledge, long-term planning of correctional and developmental work, assessing its effectiveness;

*organization of interaction between the teaching staff of an educational institution and specialists participating in the work of the medical-psychological-pedagogical council, in the event of conflict situations, diagnostic difficulties, and also in the absence of positive dynamics in the process of implementing the recommendations of the MPPC.

30. Mediation in SPD

Mediation is one of the most important forms of socio-pedagogical activity, which is the main mechanism for the realization of its goals and takes place in almost all of its types, directions and forms of transforming the potential of society into solving problems of the individual.

Mediation as an activity. In the professional practice of specialists in socio-pedagogical work, mediation often acts as a part of their activity, this kind of activity is distinguished by the presence of auxiliary goals that give the mediation actions of a specialist a concomitant character. More often, these primary related activities are of little complexity and appear as consulting services.

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